The portal about the repair of the bathroom. Useful advice

Why Vasco da Gama chose the sea route. How did the opening of the road in India

There are eras when difficult, it is almost impossible to become the first. If you are a Greek philosopher, you better not bother at one time with Socrates and Plato; If the Netherlands artist of the XVII century, - you do not overshadow Rembrandt, Vermeer and Hals. The same can be said about Spain and Portugal of the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. The name of any pioneer will be in the shadow of Columbus and Magellan, Amerigo Vespucci and Hernando Cortes. Anyone - but not admiral Vasco da Gama (1469-1524). This desperate, decisive, tireless, cruel, greedy and brave portuguese did what I wanted, but did not manage to make Columbus, "he went in the right direction, around Africa - and opened a straight path to India. Three expeditions, one larger than another, made da Gama for the sake of India, dedicated her colonization of half aim (1497-1524), became the vice-king of this country wonders and died in it. Without the book, Vasco da Gama is impossible to imagine a library of geographical bestsellers. Two events on the century determined the course of the World History - and became the brightest pages: the discovery in 1492 by Christofore the Columbus of the Sea Route to America and the opening of five years later by Vasco and the Gama of the Sea Route to India, which is already 500 years old, they attract so close, living , interested attention. In the personality of the Portuguese admiral, as in a drop of dew at the dawn - at the dawn of the era of the great geographical discoveries, the epoch itself reflected: contradictory, indomitable, terrible and grandiose. Read this story - and you will learn more not only about long-standing geographical exoticism, but also better understand what desperate, greedy, reckless, cruel, brave, were our ancestors: they were not only discovered, but also created the world in which we We live. Handing for gold and spices, navigators and conquistadors returned to Europe with new knowledge of the world around. Spices went to the food, Gold was spent, - but the knowledge was accumulated and multiplied. The great globalization project was launched. The book offered to your attention is a story not only about traveling Vasco da Gama. This is a story about a daily feat that people make to achieve their goal. The wind fills the sails, the flows are attracted by Karavella, - but everything in the world moves by the power of human passions. The electronic publication includes all the texts of the paper book and the main illustrative material. But for true connoisseurs of exclusive publications, we offer a gift classic book. The paper edition, exceptionally full of the composition and perfectly illustrated, allows readers to get a comprehensive idea of \u200b\u200bone of the brightest chapters in the chronicles of incredible, but completely real adventures, which are abundant generous history of geographical discoveries. This book, like the whole series of "Great Travels," is printed on excellent offset paper and elegantly decorated. The editions of the series will be an ornament of any, even the most exquisite library, will become an excellent gift for both young readers and demanding biblies.

From the series:Great travel

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Led Book Foreign Fragment Journey to India (V. D. Gama) Granted by our book partner - LITRES.

"Roteiro". Diary of the first trip Vasco da Gama (1497-1499)

Translation from English. I. Letberg, Golovanova


ATon the name of the Lord God. Amen!

In the year 1497 King of Portugal Don Manuel, the first with this name in Portugal, sent four vessels to make discoveries, as well as in search of spices. Vasco da Gama was the Captain Commander of these vessels. Paulo da Gama, his brother, commanded one of the ships, and Nikolau Kuelu to others.

From Lisbon to Green Cape Islands

M.they left the grandmother on July 8, 1497. Let the Lord God allow us to complete this journey to glory it. Amen!

The next Sabbath appeared the Canary Islands. At night, with a leeward side, Lanzarote Island passed. The next night, already in the morning dawn, we reached the terra-alto, where a couple of hours were fishing, then, in the evening, at twilight, Riou-do-yeah passed.

Fog for the night became so dense that Paulo da Gama lost sight of the Captain-Commander ship, and when a new day was engaged, we did not see him or the rest of the ships. Then we went to the islands of the green cape, as was ordered in the case if we split.

On the next Saturday at the dawn, we saw Ilya-do-Sal, and in an hour they found three vessels, they turned out to be a cargo ship and ships under Nikolau Kuelu and Bartolome Diash, who passed in our society to Mine. The cargo ship and the ship Nikolau Kuelu also lost the Captain-Commander out of sight. United, we continued the way, but the wind verse, and we grabbed to the environment. On this day, at 10 o'clock, we saw Captain-Commander about five leagues ahead. Talking with him in the evening, we expressed our joy, was repeatedly filled out of the bombard and the pipe in the mountain.

The next day, on Thursday, we arrived at the island of Santiaaga and satisfied with the anchor in Santa Maria Bay, where they took on board meat, water and forest and performed the necessary repairs of our resivers.

Through the southern Atlantic

AT Thursday, August 3, we moved to the east. On August 18, passing from Santiaigu about two hundred leagues, turned to the south. The Captain-Commander broke the grotto-ray, and we stood two days and night under Fock and with a grudge grotto. The 22 numbers of the same month, changing the southern course on Western, saw a lot of birds, similar to the hernel. With the approach of the night, they quickly flew south and southeast, as if to the ground. On the same day, being in 800 leagues from the Earth [that is, from Santiagu], they saw China.

On Friday, October 27, on the eve of Saints Simon and Judas, saw many whales, as well as kokov and seals.

On Wednesday, November 1, on the day of all saints, we saw many signs pointing to the proximity of the Earth, including the seamn, which usually grows along the shores.

On Saturday, 4 numbers of the same month, a couple of hours before dawn, the depth measurement gave 110 faults [about 210 m], and in nine we saw the land. Then our ships came closer to each other, raised the frontal sails, and we have dragged Captain-Commander shots from Bombard and decorated ships by flags and standards. During the day we were galks, in order to come closer to the shore, but because they could not recognize him, turned back to the sea.

Bay of St. Helena

ATwe turned about Tuesday to the ground, the coast of which was low, there was an extensive bay in it. Captain Commander sent to Peru d'Alterker on the boat to measure the depth and explore the place suitable for the armature formation. The bottom of the bay was very clean, and he himself was covered from all winds, with the exception of the northwestern. He stretched from east to the west. We called him the name of St. Helena.

On Wednesday we left anchor in this bay and there were eight days there, cleaned the ships [Cleansing the bottoms from the growths, which appeared during the way], reopped the sails and stood with a tree.

Santiagua River [Santiagu] fell into the bay in the four leagues southeast of our parking lot. It flows from the inside of the mainland, the width of her mouth is such that the stone can be transferred to the otherside, and the depth in all phases of the tide - from two to three faults.

People in this country are dark-skinned. He is served by meat of seals, whales and gazelles, as well as roots. They dress up in the skins and wear bandages in childbearing organs. They are armed with a spear of the oilseed tree to which the horn burned on fire is attached. They have a lot of dogs, and these dogs are like Portuguese and latter the same. Birds in this country are the same as in Portugal. Among them were cormorants, seagulls, cores, crested larks and many others. The climate is healthy, moderate, gives good yields.

The day after we have thrown anchor, and it was Thursday, we landed along with the Captain Commander and captured one of the natives, a little growth. This man collected honey on sandy empty, because in that country the bees arrange their nests in the bushes at the foot of the hills. He was transported to the ship Captain-Commander, planted at the table, and he eating all the same as we were. The next day, Captain-Commander was well dressed and let go as shore.

The next day, 14 or 15 of the natives came to the place where our ships were located. The Captain Commander went ashore and showed them a variety of goods, in order to find out whether it is possible to find such in their country. These goods included cinnamon, carnation, scanty [small uneven] pearls, gold and much more, but it was obvious that the natives had no idea about anything, they were more attracted by the bubbles and tin rings. It happened on Friday, and the same was on Saturday.

On Sunday, 40 or 50 natives appeared on Sunday, and, having listed, we landed ashore and for several prudent Seteilors received seemingly lacquered shells, which they wear in the ears as jewelry, and still attached to the legs of the foxes with which they are defeated. In addition, I acquired one of those bandages as they wear on their sips. It seems to be copper they appreciate very high, and even carry small beads from this metal in the ears.

On the same day, Fernan Wellozo, who was at Captain-Commander, expressed a strong desire to get permission to follow the natives at their homes to see how they live and what they eat. Captain Commander gave way to perseverance and allowed to join the natives. And when we returned to the ship Captain-Commander dinner, Fernan Wellozo went with the blacks.

Shortly after they left us, they caught the seal and, approaching the wetness at the foot of the mountain, fried it, and gave part of Fernun Wellosu, and also gave the roots that they eat. After eating, they gave him to understand that he would not go with them further, but returned to the ships. Returning to the ships, Fernan Wellozo began to scream; Negros held in the bushes.

We still have dinner. But when the shouts of Wellozo were heard, the captain-commander immediately rose, and we rose the rest too and got into the sailing boat. At this time, Negros rapidly ran to the shore. They found themselves near Fernana Wellozo as quickly as we. And when we tried to raise it into the boat, they reinforced their assesecles and wounded Captain-Commander and still three or four. This happened due to the fact that we considered these people with unimustal, completely incapable of violence, and therefore went ashore without weapons. Then we returned to the ships.

Around Cape

AT Thursday, November 16, at dawn, disrupted the court and immersing the forest, we put sails. At that time, we did not know how far we could be from the Cape of Good Hope. Peru D'ALENER believed that before him about thirty leagues, but he had no confidence, because when traveling back [with Bartolome Diambol], he left the cape of good hope in the morning and passed this bay with a passing wind, and Morushey was held on the way there And, therefore, could not accurately determine the places where we were. Therefore, we went out to the sea to the south-southwest and by the end of Saturday they saw Cape.

On the same day, we turned back to the sea again, and overnight turned back to Earth. Sunday morning, November 19, we turned to the caulation again, but again they could not get it out, because the wind blew from the South-South-West, and Cape lay from us in the south-west. Then we turned back to the sea, returned to the shore on Monday at night. Finally, on Wednesday, in the middle of the day, with passing wind, we managed to hit the cape, and we went further along the coast.

South of the Cape of Good Hope and next to him is a huge bay, with the entrance of the six league width, went about six leagues into the land.

San Brash Bay

N.and the outcome of Saturday, November 25, St. Katerina, we entered the San Brush bay, where 13 days remained, because they destroyed our cargo ship and distributed its cargo on other ships.

On Friday, when we still stood in the Gulf of San Brush, there were about ninety people similar to those that we met in the Bay of St. Helena. Some of them went along the shore, others remained on the hills. Everything, or most of us, were at this time on the vessel of Captain-Commander. Seeing them, we descended on the water and armed the boats and headed to the shore. Already at the very Earth, the Captain-Commander threw them small round bubbers, and they picked them up. They even dared to get closer to us and take several bubber bubbles at the Captain-Commander of the hands.

It was very surprised of us, because when Bartolome Diash was here, the natives ran away, without taking it from the fact that he offered them. Moreover, when Diash was stamped with water near the coast (coastline), they tried to prevent him from, and when they began to throw stones from the hillock in him, he killed one of them from the cross. As it seemed to us, they were not running out in this case, because he was heard from people from the bay of St. Helena (just in 60 leagues of the path of the sea) that we do not harm and even give what belongs to us.

Captain Commander did not land in this place, because there was too much shrub here, but proceeded to the open part of the beach, where he made the native sign to approach. They obeyed. Captain-Commander and other captains went ashore accompanied by armed people, some of which had crossbows with them. Then he gave the chairs to the blacks to understand that they dispersed and approached him only one or two.

Those who are approaching, he gave the bubbles and red hats. In return, the natives were given bracelets from ivory, which they wear on the wrists, because, as it turned out, elephants are found in the abundance of abundance. We even found a few pile of their litter near the aqua, where they came to drink.

On Saturday came about two hundred ebony, young and old. They led a dozen bulls and cows and 4-5 sheep. We, as soon as we saw them, immediately went ashore. They immediately played on four or five flops: some of them issued high notes, others - low, thus producing harmony of sounds, quite pleasant for blacks, from which no one was waiting for musical art. And they danced in the Negro spirit. Captain-Commander then ordered the pipe, and we were all who were in boats, began to dance, and the captain-commandman himself did something similar when they joined us again.

When this festive greeting ended, we landed in the same place, where and last time, and for three bracelets bought a black bull. Bull went for lunch on Sunday. He turned out to be very fat, and his meat - the taste of the same as beef in Portugal.

Many people were on Sunday. They led their women and kids boys. Women stayed at the top of the coastal hill. They had many cows and bulls. Having gathered two groups on the shore, they played and danced as on Saturday. The custom of this people makes young people to stay in Bush and with weapons. Men [older] came to talk to us. In the hands, they kept short rods with attached foxes - they hid the blacks fooled. Talking with them with the help of signs, we noticed in the shrub of young people with a weapon in their hands.

Then Captain-Commander ordered Martin Affonsons, who used to be in the manicongo [Congo], go ahead and buy a bull, and supplied it for this bracelets. The natives, having accepted the bracelets, took him by the hand and, pointing to the place of the waterproof, asked why we taking the water from them and drive their livestock into the bushes. When Captain-Commander saw it, he ordered us to gather and called back Martin Affonsu, suspecting treachery. Having gathered together, we moved [on boats] to the place where originally planted. Negros followed us. Then Captain-Commander ordered us to land, armed with spears, asseseguals, crossbows, and put on breastplates, because he wanted to show that we have the means to apply damage, although we have no desire to use them. Seeing it, they ran away.

Captain-Commander, disturbing so that no one accidentally killed, ordered the boats to hold on together; But, wanting to show that we can, although we do not want to hurt them, ordered to shoot from two bombard from the feed of a long boat. By this time, the blacks were already sitting at the border of the shrub, not far from the coast, but the first shot made them retreat so rapidly that they lost her leather flaps that were covered and threw the weapons. When everyone was already disappeared into the bushes, two of them returned to pick up lost. Then they continued to escape to the top of the hill, chasing the cattle in front of them.

Bulls in these edges are the same large as in alentezh, surprisingly fat and completely manual. They are neutered and without horns. On the most fat blacks put on the pack saddles, woven from the cane, as they do in Castile, and on top of this saddle, something like a palanquin from the branches is put on top, and they are riding. Wanting to sell a bull, they insert him in the nostrils wand and lead for her.

In this bay, three flights of the arrows from the coast, there is an island on which there are many seals. Some of them are great, like bears, frightening and with big testers. These are attacking a person, and no spear can hurt them, with no matter how power it is left. There are other seals, much less, and very small. If the big levers are like lions, then small shouted like goats. Once, for the sake of entertainment, approaching the island, we counted three thousand seals, big and small. We raised from the bombard from the sea. On the same island there are birds with a duck size. Only they can not fly, because there are no feathers on their wings. These birds, which we killed as much as they wanted, are called Futilikayos - they are roar like donkeys.

On Wednesday, stocking fresh water in the Gulf of San Brush, we have erected the cross and column. The cross is made from Bizan-mast and very high. On Thursday, already gathering raising sails, we saw 10 or 12 blacks that destroyed the column and the cross before we sailed.

From the Bay of San Brush to the bay of Natal

Phaving reloading on board everything we needed, we tried to sail, but the wind weakened, and we were anchored on the same day, passing only two leagues.

In the morning on Friday, December 8, on the day of immaculate conception, we continued the path again. On Tuesday, on the eve of the Day of Holy Luci, we met with a cruel storm, and advance with the passing wind under [one] foke very slowed down. That day we lost sight of Nikolau Kuelu, but at sunset they saw him from Mars for the feed, at a distance of four or five leagues, and it seemed to see us too. We lit alarm lights and went to the drift. By the end of the first watch, he caught up with us, but not because I saw us in the afternoon, but because the verse is the wind, and he walked to us.

On Friday morning, we saw the land near Ilheos Chãos [Low Islands, Bird Islands, Flat Islands]. She began after five leagues for IlHo Da Crus [Cross Island]. The distance from the Bay of San Brush to the Island of the Cross is 60 leagues, as much as from the Cape of Good Hope to the Gulf of San Brush. From the low islands to the last column, supplied by Bartolome Diash, five leagues, and from this column to the infanta river [Great Fish] 15 leagues.

On Saturday, we passed the last column, and so far traveled along the coast, you saw two men who fled to the side opposite to our movement. The terrain is very beautiful here, richly covered with forests. Seen many livestock. The further we advanced, the more noticeably the nature of the area was improved, the more noticeably the trees were met.

We came to the drift at night. We were already further open Bartolome to Diambolis. The next day, until the most evening twilight, we walked along the shore with a passing wind, after which the wind blew from the east, and we turned into the sea. And so we went to galks until the evening of Tuesday, and when the wind changed the Western again, then at night we went to the drift, deciding the next day to examine the shore to determine where we are.

In the morning we immediately headed for the shore and at ten o'clock they found that we were again on the ILHO Da Crus [Cross Island], in the sixty leagues behind the last point of our distance! All due to the currents that are very strong in those places.

On the very day, we again moved through, which once overcame, and thanks to a favorable strong passing wind, for three or four days, they managed to overcome the current that threatened to destroy our plans. In the future, the Lord, by the grace of his ownness, allowed us to move forward. We were no longer back. By the grace of God, so it will still be!

TO Merry Christmas, December 25, we opened 70 leagues of the shore [for the last frontier, open Diash]. On this day, after lunch, putting the leather, we found that the mast on a couple of yards below the top of the cracked and the crack is revealed, it converges. We have strengthened the mast baborgami, hoping that we will be able to fix it completely as soon as we do to a safe harbor.

On Thursday we anchored by the shore and caught a lot of fish. At sunset, we raised the sails again and continued the way. At this place was cut off the mooring, and we lost anchor.

Now, when we walked so far from the coast, the lack of fresh water began to be felt, and the food had to be prepared on the sea. Daytime portion of water has been reduced and accounted for a quartile. So there was a need to look for the harbor.

Terra da Bon-Women and Rio do Cobre

AT Thursday, January 11, we opened a small river and got up near the shore anchor. The next day, we approached closer to the shore on boats and saw the crowd of blacks, men and women. They were high growth, and among them was a leader ("Senor"). Captain-Commander ordered Martin Affonsu, for a long time in manicondo, and one more person to go ashore. They were welcomed by hospitality. After that, the Captain Commander sent the leader of Camcole, a couple of red pantalon, a Moorish hat and a bracelet. The leader said that all anything in his country was allowed to which we arrived by necessity; At least Martin Affonsu understood it that way. That night Martin Affonsu with his companion went to the village of the leader, and we returned to the ships.

On the way, the leader tried out the clothes he was presented, and those who came out to meet him, he said with an obvious strong joy: "Look, I gave me!" At the same time, people as a sign of respect shook in their hands, and did so three or four times until they entered the village. After seeing through the entire village, the leader returned to his home and ordered guests to accommodate guests on the fenced territory, where they were given porridge from millet, which is in that country in abundance, and chicken, the same as eaten in Portugal. Throughout the night, many men and women came to look at them.

In the morning they visited the leader and asked to return to the ships. He ordered two people to accompany the guests and gave a gift for Captain-Commander Churyatin, saying that he would show the data to him the main leader, which, obviously, should be the king of this country. When our people reached the place of parking, where they were waiting for the boats, they received attention to the attention of not two hundred blacks who came to look at them.

This country appeared to us densely populated. There are many leaders in it, and the number of women seems to exceed the number of men, because among those who came to see us, accounted for 40 women for every 20 men. Houses are made of straw. Armament of these people consists of long bows, arrows and copies with iron blades. Copper here, apparently, abundant, as people [decorate] her legs, hands and curly hair.

In addition, it is found in this country, since it can be seen on the handles of their daggers whose sheaths were made from ivory. Linen clothing is highly appreciated by the natives - they sought to give a significant amount of copper for their proposed shirts. They have big Calebas, in which they carry the seawater deep into the sushi and pour her into pits, getting salt [evaporation].

We stood in this place for five days, stroking the water, which our visitors delivered to boats. Our parking, however, was not long enough to take on board as much water as it was necessary, since the wind favored the continuation of our path. Here we were anchored near the shore, the wind and the wave.

We called this country to the Terra da Bon-Women, and Riou-do Cobre River.

Rio de Bonsh Signesh

AT Monday we opened the lowland coast, densely crouched by a high forest. Holding the previous course, we made sure that they had reached a wide mouth of the river. Since it was necessary to find out where we are, we threw anchor. On Thursday entered the river. "Berry" was already there, he entered the previous night. And it was eight days before the end of January [that is, January 24].

Lands here are low and swampy, covered with high trees, rich in various fruits that local residents are eaten.

People here are black and well folded. They go naked, barely covering a cotton cloth with a flap, which women more than in men. Young women are good by themselves. Their lips are pierced in three places, and they wear pieces of tin tin. Local people received great pleasure from our arrival. They took us to their Almadia, which they have when we headed in their villages to harvest water.

When we stood in this place two or three days, there were two leaders of this country to look at us. They kept very arrogantly and did not appreciate anything from the gifts offered. On the head of one of them was a tuka with an embroidered silk border, another - a hat from the green satin. The young man accompanied by their - as we understood about his gestures - arrived from distant countries, and he was already able to see the big ships, like ours. These signs were pleased with our hearts, since it turned out that we seem to approach the desired goal.

These leaders belonged to some huts built on the bank of the river, next to the ships in which they remained seven days, daily sending people to the ships of people who offered for the exchange of fabrics sealing to okra. When they are tired of being here, they left for their Almadia in the ridge of the river.

As for us, we spent 32 days on this river, stroking the water, the crash ships and repairing the mast on San Rafael. Many of our people got sick: their legs and hands have been swollen, and the gums swept so that they could not eat.

Here we have erected the column, which was called the column of St. Rafael, in honor of the ship, who delivered it here. This we called this Rio de Bonsh Signesh - the river of good signs or signs.

To Mozambique.

AT Saturday we left this place and went out into the open sea. All night we moved to the northeast to completely move away from the ground, which was so gratifying. On Sunday, we continued to move to the northeast and in the evening dawn all together were opened three island, two of which were covered with high trees, the third deserted. The distance from one island to another is 4 leagues.

The next day we continued our journey, and 6 days went, licking the drift only for the night.

On Thursday we saw the islands and coast, but since the late evening was already, we stayed in the sea and went to the drift until the morning. Then we approached the Earth, which I will tell this.


W.throme on Friday, March 2, Nikolau Kuelu, trying to go to the bay, incorrectly chose the Farwater and got stranded. When the ship turned to another galks, to other ships that he had a few sailing boats, approaching the island and his brother approaching this island. As for us, we continued to move to the place of our alleged parking, and these boats constantly accompanied us and made us signals to stop.

When we were anchored on the raid of the island, from which these boats came, seven or eight of them, including Amaldia, approached - people played in the anaphilah. They invited us to proceed to the bay and, if we want to take us into the bay. Those of them who rose to us on the ships, ate and drank what we offered them, then satisfied, returned to themselves.

The captain decided that we should enter the bay in order to better figure out, with what people we are dealing. Nikolau Kuelu on his ship was supposed to go first and measure the depth, and then, if it turns out to be possible, we will follow it. When Cuel was ready to enter the bay, he flew to the edge of the island and broke the steering wheel, but immediately freed himself and went on deep water. At that time I was next to him. In deep water, we removed the sails and threw anchor in two flights of the arrows from the village.

People in this earth are roselite and well folded. They are Mohamnetan, and their tongue is the same that the Maurines have their clothes from thin flax or cotton, with a variety of multi-colored stripes, as well as rich and skillful decorations. They wear tuki with silk border, sewished gold. All of them are merchants and traded with white Moors, the four ships of which at that time were in the harbor, loaded with gold, silver, carnation, pepper, ginger and silver rings, as well as many pearls, gems and rubies - and all these goods found demand in This country.

We understood them so that all these goods, with the exception of gold, brings everywhere these Mauri, what's next, where we intended to go, they are abundant and that all these gems, pearls and spices are so numerous that no need They trade - they can be collected by baskets. All this we learned through one of the sailors of Captain-Commander, who previously visited Mavrov and understood their language.

Moreover, these Maurus told us that on our way there will be many shames that there are many cities and one island, half of the population of which make up Muslims, and half of Christians, and they are fighting among themselves. Island, they said, very rich.

We also told us that the presbyter John was ruled not far from those places that he had many cities on the shore and that the inhabitants of these cities are great merchants who own large ships. The capital of Presbyter John is so far from the sea, which is possible to get to it only on camels. These Mauri brought here two Christian prisoners from India. This information and much more, which we heard, was fully filled with so happiness that we shouted from joy and praying to the Lord to send us health so that we could see what I Eastovo wanted.

On this island and in this country, called Monkumbik [Mozambique], the leader's leader, who wears the title of Sultan, something like the vice king. He often visited our ships accompanied by several of their people. Captain-Commander has repeatedly treated it with various delicious dishes and gave him hats, marlot, corals and much more. He, however, was so proud that he treated the contempt for everything that we were given to him, and asked the scarlet clothes, which we did not have. However, all that we had, we gave him.

One day, the Captain Commander invited him to the meal, where filigs and candied fruits were served in abundance, and asked him to provide us with two Lotsmanov. He immediately promised to fulfill the request, if we agree with them about the conditions. Captain-Commander suggested each of them 30 mitkales of gold and two marlot with the condition that from the date of receipt of the board, one of them should constantly stay aboard if the other wishes to go ashore. Such conditions remained very satisfied.

On Saturday, March 10, we raised the sails and threw anchor in the league from the shore, near the island, where the Mass was served on Sunday, on which those who wanted it were confirmed and were involved.

One of our pilots lived on this island, and, leaving anchor, we equipped two armed boats behind him. At one went captain-Commander, on the other - Nikolau Kuelu. They were met by 5-6 boats ( barcast.) who came from the island and stuffed with people armed with bows with long arrows and backers. They gave signs to understand that the boats returned to the city. Seeing this, Captain-Commander ordered to defend Lotsmana, whom he captured with him, and ordered shooting boats from the Bombard. Paulo da Gama, who remained with the ships, in case you need to go to the rescue, as soon as the shots of the Bombard, ordered "Berry" to go ahead. But the Maurians, who have already appealed to flight, rushed even faster, and reached the land earlier than Berry was able to poison with them. Then we returned to the place of our parking lot.

Ships in this country of good dimensions, decks. They are built without nails, and the shells of the sheat fasten together with the help of a cord, as well as boats (barcases). Sails weave from palm rogers. Seafarers have "Genoese needles", for which they learn the course, as well as quadrants and navigation cards.

Palms in this country are growing fruit with a melon, with an edible core and nut aroma. Also in abundance, melons and cucumbers are growing, which we brought to exchange.

One of those days when Nikolau Kuelu entered the harbor, the lord of this country complained to him on board with a numerous retinue. He was accepted well. Cuela gave him a red hood, in response the Lord extended the black rosary, which he used for prayer, - so that Cuela kept them as a deposit of [friendship]. Then he suggested Nikolau Kuelu to take advantage of one of his boats to take him to the shore. It was allowed.

Looking around, the Lord invited guests to his house where they were supplied. He then let them go, made them, as a gift for Nikolau Cuela, a jug of pounding dates, for the preservation of cooked with cloves and Tmin. Then he sent many more gifts for Captain-Commander. All this happened at a time when this ruler considered us by the Turks or Moors, who arrived from some unfamiliar land, because if we arrived from Turkey, he would seek the noses of our ships and our books of the law. But learning that we are Christians, they decided treacherously grab us and kill. Lotsman, whom we took with you, subsequently discovered everything they were going to do if they could.

Unsuccessful start and return to Mozambique

AT Sunday We served Mass under a high tree on the island [St. George]. Returning to the board, we immediately raised the sail, taking with you a lot of goats, chickens and pigeons that were replaced by a small amount of glass beads.

On Tuesday, we saw, as the other side of the cape get high mountains. The shore near the cape was covered with rare trees, reminding elms. At this time we were already more than twenty leagues from the start place, and there we have passed the entire Tuesday and Wednesday. Over the next night, we removed from the shore under the weak eastern wind, and in the morning they found that we are in four leagues behind Mozambique, but we moved all this day until the evening, when once again became anchored near the island [St. George], on which Mass served in the previous Sunday, and here eight days expected a passing wind.

While we stood, the king of Mozambique sent us the news that I would like to make me to pick up and consider ourselves to our friend. His Messenger was the White Maurus [Arab] and Sharif, that is, the priest, but still a big drunkard.

By fulfilling this service, the Mavr rose to us on board together with his little son and asked for the permission to accompany us, since he was from the surroundings of Mecca, and in Mozambique arrived as a pilot on the vessel of that country.

As the weather did not favor we, it was necessary to go back to the harbor of Mozambique, in order to stock the water in which we needed, because the water source was on the mainland. It was this water that was dweling in the inhabitants of this island, because all the water, which is there is unpleasant to the taste (brass).

On Thursday we entered the harbor and with the onset of darkness lowered boats. At midnight, Captain-Commander and Nikolau Kuelu, accompanied by several of us, went for water. We took with me the Moorish Lotsmana, the purpose of which, as it turned out, was escaped, and not at all indicating the path to the source of drinking water. As a result, he or did not want, or did not manage to find water, although we continued to search until the morning. Then we returned to ships.

In the evening we returned to the mainland, accompanied by the same Lotsmana. Approaching the source, we saw about twenty people on the shore. They had an asseseager with them and forbade us to approach. In response to this Captain-Commander ordered three bombards to shoot in their direction so that we could fall. As soon as we went ashore, these people disappeared in the shrub, and we scored so much water as we needed. When the sun was almost the village, it turned out that the ebony belonged to Juan de Kimbra ran away.

In the morning on Saturday, on March 24, on the eve of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, the Maur and [mockingly] said that, if necessary, we can go to seek, giving us to understand that if we go ashore, we will meet something something that Make us turn back. Captain-Commander did not listen to his [threats], but decided to go to show that we can apply damage if we wish. We immediately armaled the boats, setting them on the stern of the bombard, and headed for the settlement [CITY]. Mauri built a palersades, tied the boards so that they were not visible for them.

At the same time, they looked around the shore, armed with estimates, swords, onions and rams, from which metals in our side of the stones. But our bombards were very soon gave them to the heat, and they hid behind the panelies. It turned out to be harder to harm than good. For three hours, conducted by such a manner [bombarding the city], we saw two killed - one on the shore, and the other for the panelisade. Tired of this work, we returned to ships to dine. Mauri immediately rushed into flight, leaving their belongings on Almadia to the village on the mainland.

After lunch, we again boarded the boat in the hope that will be able to grab a few prisoners, whom we will be able to exchange for prisoners of Indian Christians and the runaway nigger. To this end, we captured Almadia, who belonged to the chairp and loaded by his things, and the other on which four negra was located. This last captured Paulo da Gama, and the one that was loaded with the likeness, the team left, barely reached the earth. We took another Almadia, which was also thrown by the team.

Negro we took on the ship. On Almadia, we found good things from cotton, baskets, woven from palm branches, glazed jug with butter, glass phials with fragrant water, books of the law, a box containing the Easter cotton yarn, a cotton network and a lot of small baskets with millet. All this, with the exception of the books that postponed to show the king, Captain Commander distributed the sailors who were with him with other captains.

On Sunday, we replenished the stocks of water, and on Monday they led our armed boats to the village, where the inhabitants talked to us from their homes: they no longer dared to go ashore. Fixing several times from the Bombard in them, we returned to the ships.

On Tuesday, we left the city and left the anchor near the Islets of San Georges, where three days have stood in the hope that the Lord will send us a passing wind.

From Mozambique to Mombasy

AT Thursday, March 29, we moved away from the islets of St. George, but since the wind was quite weak, by the Saturday morning, 31 numbers [in the text indicated, but Saturday was 31-M] of this month, just 28 leagues were done.

On this day, in the morning, we were again on the traverse of the Earth of the Moors, from which we had previously taken back a powerful flow.

On Sunday, April 1, we came to some coastal islands. The first of them we called Ilya-do Asutad (the island of the vocator), because our Mauritanian Lotsman was sentenced to the flaw, which Saturday night lied the captain, claiming that these islands were continciously. Local vessels pass between the islands and the sea shore, where the depth was only four fats, but we went around them. The islands of these many, and we could not distinguish one of the other; They are uninhabited.

On Wednesday, April 4, we made a transition to the northwest, and by noon we had an extensive country and two islands surrounded by shallow water. We approached these islands close enough so that Lotsmans could recognize them - they said that in the three leagues behind us, the island populated by Christians. All day we maneuvered in the hope of returning to this island, but in vain - the wind turned out to be too strong for us. Then we decided that it was better to get to the city of Mombas, to which, as we were told, there was a day left.

And the aforementioned island would be supposed to investigate, since Lotsmans said that Christians live on it.

When we moved to the north, the late evening was already; The wind blew strong. At dusk, we noticed a big island that remained north of us. Our Lotsman said that there are two cities in this island - one Moorish, and another Christian.

That night we spent in the sea, and in the morning the earth was no longer visible. Then we began to keep northwest, and in the evening they saw the land again. At night we led to the north, and in the morning watch they changed the course to the North-North-West. Holding this course under the passing wind, San Raphael two hours before dawn, got stranded at about two leagues from the ground. As soon as Raphael touched the bottom, the vessels who were followed, were warned by shouts, and nothing else was heard, since they immediately at the distance of a cannon shot from the affected ship quit an anchor and lowered the boats. When the sampling began, "Raphael" was on land. With the help of boats, the anchors started, and during the day when the tide began, the ship, to universal joy, turned out to be afloat.

The shore addressed to these flames was raised by the high line of the mountains of a very beautiful view. We called these Mountains Serrash de San Rafael [Mountains of St. Rafail]. The same name got stranded.

On the way back, in January 1499, San Rafael was burned on this shallow water. It is mentioned that the city of Tamugat (Mantgata) is located nearby. This gives a description some certainty. Now there is a bay called Mantagat. There are no cities with such a name, but Burton describes the ruins of an extensive city near the Tongoni village. The mountains near the coast, which would correspond to the "Mountains of St. Rafail", no, but Mount Ussambara, who are 20-25 miles, have a height of 3,500 feet, and in clear weather they can be seen from a distance of 62 miles. Meli St. Rafail - Undoubtedly, the coral reefs of Mantgata. And the Mountains of Usambara with their valleys, spurs, rugged tops, especially at such a time of year, are perfectly visible from the ships. This place in the text is no doubt, since these are the only mountains close to the shore, which are so well visible from the ships in clear weather. They can be seen even from the city of Zanzibar.

While the ship was lying on land, two Almadia approached. One of them was loaded with excellent oranges, better than Portuguese. Two Moors remained on board and the next day they accompanied us to Mombasa.

In the morning on Saturday, the 7th day, on the eve of Palm Sunday, we walked along the coast and saw several islands at a distance of 15 leagues from the mainland shore, about six leagues. They provide masts of the court of this country. All of them are inhabited by Moors.

AT Saturday we threw anchor in mind Mombasa, but did not go to the harbor. We did not have time to do anything, how we were hurried by a plant managed by the Moors; A set of vessels decorated with flags stood in front of the city. We, not wanting to be worse than others, also decorated our ships and, in truth, surpassed the locals in this, since we really needed sailors, because even those few that we had, were very sick. We gladly threw anchor in the hope that the next day we could go ashore and defend the service with those Christians who, as we were told, live here under the rule of their Alkaid, in their part of the city, separate from Maurus.

Lotsmanns, who have been with us, said that Maurs and Christians live in the city, that the latter live separately, obey their rulers and that when we arrive, they will take us with honor and will be invited to their homes. But they said it for their own purposes, because it was not true. At midnight, Zar was suited for almost a hundred people armed with sabers and beacons. They approached the ship Captain-Commander and tried armed, climb him. They did not allow them, and only 4-5 most respectable of them were allowed on board. They stayed on the ship for about two hours, and it seemed to us that their visit had one goal - to see if it was impossible to capture one of our ships.

In Palm Sunday, Tsar Mombasa sent the Captain-Commander of the sheep, many oranges, lemons and sugar cane, as well as a ring - as a security deposit and the guarantee that if the captain-Commander enters the harbor, it will be provided with everything necessary. The gifts brought two almost white people who were called Christians, which turned out to be true. Captain-Commander sent the coral thread in response and gave him to know what he intended to enter the harbor the next day. On the same day, the Captain Commander ship visited four more noble maurs.

Two people were sent by the Captain Commander to the king so that they confirmed his peaceful intentions. As soon as they stepped on Earth, the crowd surrounded, and accompanied the most palace gates. Before submitting to the king, they passed through four doors, each of which stood the guard with a saber. The king met the envoys hospitably and ordered them to show them the city. On the way, they stayed at the house of two Christian merchants who showed a sheet of paper - the subject of their worship, with the image of the Holy Spirit. When they looked all, the king sent them back, handing samples of cloves, peppers and grains, which he allowed us to download our ships.

On Tuesday, when lifting anchor, to go to the harbor, the ship of Captain-Commander could not walk under the wind and hit the ship, which went next. Because of this, we again threw anchor. Mauri, who were on our ship, seeing that we were not going to go, got into the Zeror, moored from the stern. At this time, the pilots, which we took in Mozambique, jumped into the water, and people were picked up in a plant. At night, the Captain-Commander "asked" two Moors [from Mozambique], who were on board, driving them on the skin with boiling oil, so that they could confess to any conspiracy against us.

They said that the order was given to seize us as soon as we enter the harbor, "thus accomplish the revenge for what we have done in Mozambique. When the torture was re-applied to them, one of the Moors rushed into the sea, although his hands were connected, and the other did the same during the morning watch.

At night, two Almadia came up with a lot of people. Almadia stopped in distance, and people went into the water: some of them headed for Berry, and the other to Raphael. Those that walked to Berry, began to cut an anchor rope. Watching first decided that these are tuna, but when they understood their mistake, began to shout to notify other ships. Other swimmers have already reached the launch of Bizan Mast. I realized that they were discovered, they silently dug down and sailed. These and many other tricks applied these dogs against us, but the Lord did not send them success, as they were incorrect.

Mombasa is a large city located on the elevation, washed by the sea. Every day a lot of vessels comes to his harbor. At the entrance to the city there is a column, and at the bottom, by the sea, the fortress was built. Those who went ashore said that many people saw in the city in Lats, and it seemed to us that this should be Christians, because Christians in this country are fighting with the Moors.

But Christian merchants were only temporary residents in this city; They were in obedience and the step could not stand without the permission of the Moorish king.

Thanks to God, upon arrival in this city, all our patients recovered, because the air here was good.

After the treason was revealed and conspiracy, which these dogs were accustomed, we stayed in the place of more and Thursday.

From Mombasy to Malindi

W.forrt we sailed. The wind was weak, and we were anchored by the shore, in the eight leagues from Mombasa. At the dawn, we saw two boats ( barcast.) In about three leagues from the leeward side, in the open sea, and immediately went into the chase, going to capture them to get Lotsmana, who will lead us where we decide to go. In the evening we overtake and captured one, and the second escaped towards the shore. In the boat captured by us turned out to be 17 people, not counting gold, silver, maize and other provisions in abundance. There was also a young woman there, the wife of the old noble mara, who was driving a passenger. When we stood with a boat, they all rushed into the water, but we picked them up from our boats.

On the same day, at sunset, we were anchored in a place called Millid (Malindi), in the 30 leagues from Mombasa. Between Mombasoy and Malindi are the following places: Benapa, current and Nuguo-Konyet.

N.and Easter Maurians, whom we captured in the boat, told us that in the city of Malindi there are four vessels belonging to Christians from India, and that if we are pleased to take them there, they will offer us in return for Christian Lotsmanov, as well as everything We need parking, including water, forest, and so on. The captain-comer was very desirable to receive pilots from this country, and discussed this issue with Mauritanian prisoners, he left anchor in the middle line from the city. Residents of the city did not dare to appear on board, as they already knew that we captured the boat and captured people from her.

On Monday morning, the Captain-Commander transported the old mara to the sandy shallow near the city, from where he was taken to Almadia. The MAVR handed over to the king greeting Captain-Commander and how much he wishes to preserve peaceful relations. After dinner, the Mavr returned to the plant, accompanied by one of the royal nobles and Sharif. They also brought three sheep. The messengers said Captain-Commander that the king prefers to keep good relations with him and offers the world.

He is ready to provide captain-comer in his country anything, whether it is a pilot or something else. In response, Captan Major said that he would enter the port the next day, and supplied ambassadors with gifts, consisting of Balandra, two coral bead threads, two pelvis for washing, hats, bubber and two pieces of the lambel.

So, on Tuesday we came to the city. The king sent six sheep captain-comer, a little carnation, cumin, ginger, nutmeg and pepper, as well as a letter in which it was said that if the Captain Commander wishes to talk with him, then the king can arrive at his plant, if Captain Commander Wishes to meet on the water.

On Wednesday, after dinner, when the king on the plant approached our ships, the captain-commander sat in one of our boats, well-equipped, and many friendly words were told on both sides. The king invited Captain-Commander to his home to relax, after which the king was ready to visit the ship. The Captain Commander replied that his sovereign did not allow him to go ashore, and if he did this, the sovereign would be a bad report about him. The king asked what the most filed him would tell him then if he would visit the ships, and what explanation would he be able to offer them? Then he asked what the name is our sovereign, he was recorded, and said that when we return, he would send an ambassador or letter with us.

When both expressed everything that you wanted, the Captain Commander sent after the captive Moors and gave them all. It was very pleased with the king, who said that he appreciates such an act higher than if he was giving up the city. The contented king walked around our ships, whose bombards were welcomed by his salute. So it passed about three hours. Leaning, the king left one of his sons on the ship and took two of us with him, whom he wanted to show the palace. Moreover, he said that once the Captain Commander cannot go ashore, then the next day he will arrive ashore and leads riders with him who will show some exercises.

The king was dressed in the Damasta Mantle, decorated with green atlas, wore a rich tuka on his head. He was sitting on two bronze chairs with pillows, under a round carport of scarlet satin, fortified on the pole. The old man who accompanied him as a group had a short sword in silver sheaths with him. There were many musicians with anaphyl and two with Sivami - horns from ivory with rich carvings, in human growth. You needed to blow into the hole, located on the side. The sounds that were obtained were pleasantly harmonized with the sounds of anaphles.

On Thursday, the Captain Commander and Nikolau Kuelu went on the barcasa along the coast, in front of the city. They had bombards on the stern. A lot of people gathered on the shore, among them there were two riders, skillful in an indicative battle. The king in Palalankin brought his palace along the stone stairs and was opposite the Captain-Commander boats. He again asked the captain to go ashore, as he had an old helpless father who would like to see him. The captain, however, apologized and refused.

Here we found 4 vessels belonging to Indian Christians. When they first came to the ship Paulo da Gama, the Captain Commander was there, and they showed a presidential image of the Blessed Virgin at the foot of the Cross, Jesus Christ in her arms and the apostles around her. When the Indians saw this image, they started the NIC, and all the time we were there, they read their prayers in front of him, they presented the image of cloves, peppers and other gifts.

These Indians were dark. The clothes on them were a bit, but the beard and hair are long and braided. They told us that they did not eat beef. Their tongue is different from Arabic, but some of them partly understand him, so I had to talk with their help.

On that day, when the Captain Commander approached his ships to the city, these Indian Christians shot from their ships from many Bombard, and when he approached, they climbed their arms and loudly shouted: "Christ! Christ!"

In the same evening, they asked the Tsar permission to arrange us a night festival. And when the night came, they shot from a variety of Bombard, launched rockets and broke out with loud cries.

These Indians warned the Captain-Commander so that he did not go to the land and did not trust the local king "fanfares", as they are not from the heart and not at a good wax.

On the next Sunday, April 22, the Tsarist Zerra brought one of the proxies, and since it took two days without any news, the Captain Commander detain this person and sent the king of the message that he needed pilots who promised. The king, having received a letter, sent Christian Lotsmana, and Captain-Commander released Welject, who held on the ship.

We really liked the Christian Lotsman, who sent the king. From him we learned about the island, which we were told in Mozambique, as if he was inhabited by Christians, in fact he belongs to the same King Mozambique. That half of it is inhabited by Moors, and the other half is Christians. What a lot of pearls are produced there, and this island of Kilui is called. It was on this island that Moorish Lotsmans wanted us to bring us, and we ourselves wanted to get on it, because they believed that everything was said about him - the truth.

The city of Malindi lies at the bay and stretch along the coast. He resembles an alcohol. Houses in it are high and well whitewashed, with many windows. It is surrounded by palm groves, maize and vegetables are grown everywhere.

We stood in front of the city of 9 days. All this time continued festivals, indicative battles and musical representations ("fanfares").

Through the bay in the Arabian Sea

ATabout Tuesday, 24 numbers [April], we left Malindi and headed for the city called Calicut. We were led by Lotsman, who gave us the king. The line of the coast passed from the south to the north, and from the Earth we were separated a huge bay with a strait. We were told that there were many Christian and Moorish cities on the shores of this bay, one of which is called Cambay, there are 600 islands in him, in him the Red Sea, and on the shore of Mecca "House" is located on the shore.

Next Sunday, we saw the polar star, which was not seen for a long time.

On Friday, May 18 [the author indicated "17", but Friday was the 18th], 23 days without meeting the earth, we saw high mountains. All this time we sailed with the passing wind and did not less than 600 leagues. The land that we saw the first was at a distance of eight leagues, and our lot took out to the bottom at a depth of 45 faults. On the same night we took the South-South-West course to move away from the coast. The next day, we approached the Earth again, but because of the heavy rain and thunderstorms that continued all the time until we went along the coast, Lotsman could not determine where we are. On Sunday, we found themselves near the mountains, and when it came to them so closely that Lotsman could determine them, he said that we were near Calica, in the country where we all wanted to get.

T.we are in the evening we threw anchor in two leagues from the city of Calicat because our pilot took Capua - the city, which is located there - for the calikute. Even below [by latitude] stood another city called Pandarans. We have thrown anchor about one and a half leagues from the shore. After the anchor was thrown, four rafts came to us from the shore, and from there we were asked from what countries we are. We answered, and they pointed to us at Calicut.

The next day, the same boats went past us, and the Captain Commander sent one of the convicts to Calicut, and two Maur of Tunisia went with him, which could speak Castile and Genoese. The first greeting that he heard, sounded like this: "The devil will be clever! What brought you here? " He was asked what he needs so far from home. He replied that she was looking for Christians and spices. Then he was told: "Why didn't the King of Castilsk, King France or Venetian Sign, were not sent here?" He replied that the Portuguese king did not agree to this, and he was answered that he did right.

After this conversation, he was called in the dwelling and gave wheat bread and honey. When he was singing, he returned to the ships accompanied by one mara, who, before climbing on board, said such words: "Successful business, a good deal! Mountains Rubins, Mount Emeralds! Thank God for led you to the country of such wealth! " We were very surprised, because I did not expect to hear my native speech so far from Portugal.

Description Calicuta

G.calicate orode is inhabited by Christians. All of them are dark. Some of them wear long beards and long hair, others, on the contrary, briefly cut the beard or shave their heads, leaving only a bundle on the painter, as a sign that they are Christians. They also wear a mustache. They pierce your ears and wear a lot of gold in them. They go naked to the belt, covering the lower part with a very thin piece of cotton fabric, and then this is done only the most respected of all, the rest are interrupted as they can.

Women in this country are usually ugly and small addition. They wear a lot of stones and gold on the neck, numerous bracelets on their hands and rings with precious stones on the fingers of the legs. All these people are complacent and are soft temper. At first glance, they seem essential and indifferent.

Bulletin to King.

TOwhen we arrived in Calicut, the king was at a distance of 15 leagues. Captain-Commander sent two people with the news to him, saying that the Messenger of the Portuguese king with letters arrived, and that if the king wishes, letters will be delivered to where he is.

The king gave both messengers with many luxurious clothes. He conveyed that he invites the captain, saying that he was already ready to return to Calicut. He was going to go along with his big retinue.

D.our people returned with Lotsmann, who was ordered to deliver us to Pandarans, near Kapua, where we stopped at the beginning. Now we really found yourself in front of the city of Calicut. We were told that this is a good parking place, and where we were before, bad, with a stony bottom. And it was true. Moreover, it was customary here to take care of the safety of ships that came from other edges. We ourselves did not feel calm until the captain-commandman received a letter from the king with the order to swim there, and we left. However, they did not anchor so close to the shore, as I wanted the Tsarist Lotsman.

When we were anchored, I got the news that the king was already in the city. At the same time, the king sent "Vali" along with another noble person in Pandano, so that they spent the captain-Commander there, where the king was waiting for him. This Vali was like Kadi, with it there were always two hundred people armed with swords and backers. As when the news came, the late evening was standing, Captain-Commander postponed his visit to the city.

Gama goes to Calicut

N.and the next morning - and it was Monday, May 28, - Captain Commander went to talk to the king and took with him 13 people, among whom I were. We put on the best dress, placed bombards placed on boats, took the mountains and many flags with you. When they went to land, Captain-Commander met the Cadi with many people, armed and unarmed.

The reception was friendly as if these people were happy with our appearance, although at first they looked threateningly because they kept naked swords in their hands. Captain-Commander filed Palalanquin, as any knowledgeable person in this country and even merchants who served the king for privileges. Captain-Commander entered Palaankin, who carried the change in six people.

In escorting all these people, we headed to Calicut and first entered the gate of another city called Capua. There, the Captain-Commander was located in the house of a noble person, and others gave me food consisting of rice with a large amount of oil, and beautiful boiled fish. The Captain Commander did not want, and we filed, after which we were loaded into the boats, which stood on the river, which proceeded between the sea and land, not far from the coast.

Both boats in which we were placed, tied up with us so that we are not divided. Around the many other boats stuffed with people. About the same thing that stood on the shore, I can not say anything. They were without an account, and everyone came to look at us. On this river, we passed near the league and saw a lot of large ships pulled ashore, because the pier was not here.

When we went ashore, Captan Major sat down in his palanquin again. The road was damaged in countless many of those who wanted to see us. Even women with children on their hands came out of the houses and followed us.

Christian church

TOwhen we arrived in Calicut, we were led to a big church, and that's what we saw there.

The church building is large - the size of the monastery, is built out of the dashest stone and covered with tiles. The main entrance has a bronze pillar, high as mast. At the top of his bird sits, obviously, the rooster. In addition, there is another post, height per person and very powerful. In the center of the church, the chapel of a dazon stone with a bronze door is towers, wide enough to pass to a person. Stone steps lead to it. In this sanctuary there is a small image of Our Lady, how they imagine them. The main entrance, on the walls, hung seven bells. In the church, the Captain Commander prayed, and we with him.

We did not enter the chapel, because only certain servants of the church can enter the custom, which are called "Quafa". These Caifices wear some thread on the left shoulder, traveled to the right, just like our deacons wear Epitrohil. They watered us with holy water and gave us some kind of white land, which Christians in this land are used to sprinkle her head, neck and shoulders. Captain-Commander was poured by holy water and gave him this land, which he, in turn, conveyed to someone, giving it to understand that he would smear this later.

Many other saints in the crowns were depicted on the walls of the church. They were drawn very differently: some teeth stuck out of the mouth, others had 4-5 hands.

Under this church there was a large storage storage for water. We also seen some of the same on the road.

Procession through the city

Z.atham we left this place and went around the city. We showed another church, in it we saw the same picture as in the first. The crowd here became so tight that it was not to go through the street, so Captain-Commander and we were brought to the house with him.

The king sent Brother Vali, who was the master of this edge so that he would accompany the captain. People who were taking into the drums, which fill in anaphyls and fueling from the wick rifles were walked with him. Accompanying the captain, they provided us with great respect, more than in Spain have a king. We walked accompanied by two thousand armed men through the countless number of people crowded near the houses and on the roofs.

Tsarsh Palace

C.we went further in the direction of the royal palace, the more people became. And when we arrived at the place, meeting the Captain-Commander came out the most noble people and the great gentlemen. They joined those who accompanied us. This happened an hour before the sunset. Reaching the palace, we went to the gate to the big courtyard and, before reaching the place where the king was sitting, four doors passed through which the path had to lay, distributing numerous blows. When, finally, we reached the doors of the room in which there was a king, of which the little old old man was released, which occupied the situation, such as the provision of the bishop - his council listened to the king in cases relating to the Church. The old man hugged the captain, and we entered the door. We managed to go into them only by force, several people were even injured.

C.arj was in a small hall. He leaned back on the couch covered with green velvet. On top of the velvet lay a rich bedspread, and on top of it - cotton fabric, white and thin, much thinner than any linen. In the same way, rollers looked at the couch. In his left hand, the king kept the very large golden bowl of [Pleavor] with a capacity of half almud and two palms wide, obviously very heavy. In the bowl, the king threw cake from grass, which people in this country chew because of her soothing action and called "Atamb". To the right of the king stood the golden pelvis, such a big one that could hardly be covered with his hands. It was in him. There were still many silver jugs. Baldahin snatched over the couch, the whole is sprinkled.

The captain, by entering, welcomed the king to the local manner - folding his palm together and handing them out to the sky, how Christians do, turning to God, and immediately opening them and quickly squeezing their fists. The king climbed the captain with his right hand, but he did not approach, because the customs of this country do not allow to approach the king to anyone, except for the servant who brings her grass. And when someone appeals to the king, he covers his mouth with his hand and keeps at a distance. Aligning the captain, the king looked at us, the rest, and commanded that we were planted on a stone bench, standing next to him so that he could see us.

He ordered the water to wash their hands, as well as the fruits, one of which reminded Melon, with the difference that he was rough, and inside the sweet. Another fruit resembled a fig and was very pleasant to taste. The servants filed the fruits, the king watched, as we eat, smiled and talked with a servant, who brought her grass.

Then, having looked at the captain, who was sitting on the contrary, he allowed him to turn to court, saying that these are people of a very high position and that the captain can tell them what wishes, and they will give him (king). Captain Commander said he was the ambassador of the Portuguese king and had news from him, which he wants to convey the king personally. The king said that it was good, and immediately asked him to take him into the room. When the Captain Commander went to the room, the king went there the same and joined him, and we stayed to sit where they were. All this happened at about the sunset. The old man, who was in the hall, removed the couch as soon as the king got up with her, but left the dish. The king, leaving chatting with the captain, is located on another couch covered with various grained gold fabrics. Then he asked the captain, which he wants.

The captain said that he was the ambassador of the King of Portugal, the sovereign of many countries and the owner of the state, much more than, judging by the descriptions, any local kingdom. That his predecessors within 60 years annually sent ships, trying to find a journey to India, where, as he learned, the same Christian kings right right as he himself. Here is the reason that led us to this country, and not the search for gold and silver. We have enough of these values, for the sake of this, it was not worth looking here. Further, he said that the captains, losing a year or two, pulled all reserves and returned to Portugal, and not finding the road.

Now we have the rules of the king named Don Manuel, who ordered to build three ships, which he put his captain-commandman and under the fear of imprisonment of the head ordered not to return to Portugal until we find the Christian king. Here are two letters that were entrusted to him so that he handed them into the hands of the king, when he finds out that he is going to do at the moment. Finally, he was told to verbally convey that the king of Portugal wishes to see in the center of the ruler of a friend and brother.

In response to this, the king said that he was ready to welcome in the king of a friend and brother and, when sailors gather in the opposite way, he would send his ambassador to the Portugal. The captain replied that he asked about this as a mercy, for he would not dare to appear in front of his king, without presented by his gaze of people from this country.

About this and many other things spoke in the room these two. When night almost arrived, the king asked the captain, who would he prefer to spend the night, from Christians or Mavrov? The captain replied that neither Christians nor Mavrov, but I would like to spend the night separately. The king gave orders, and the captain went there, where we were, and it was a veranda lit by great Shandhal. He left the king to four o'clock in the morning.

Z.atem, together with the captain, they went in search of the night, and a huge crowd followed. It rained, so strong that water flowed through the streets. The captain returned to the backs of six [in Palankin]. Walking around the city took so much time that the captain is tired and complained to the royal manager, a well-known Maur, who accompanied him to the place of overnight. The Mavr took him into his own home, and we were invited to the courtyard, where there was a veranda with a tiled roof. Many carpets were spread everywhere, there were two chantal, the same as in the royal palace. Each of them stood on a large iron lamp, fastened with oil, in each lamp was four wicks, which gave light. Such lamps here were used for lighting.

The same MAVR ordered to get captain a horse so that he could get to the place of overnight, but the horse was without a saddle, and the captain did not sit on her. We moved to the place of overnight chairs, and when the profits, found our people there, who came from the ships and brought the Captain bed and many things prepared by the captain as a gift to the king.

Gifts for the king

ATabout Tuesday Captain prepared gifts for the king, namely: 12 pieces of lambel, 4 scarlet chapers, 6 hats, 4 threads of coral becons, a chest containing 6 clothesons, a cheek sugar, 2 butter barrels and 2 barrels of honey. In this country, it is not customary to send the king something without the knowledge of the Maurus, his manager, and Vali, so the captain notified them about his intentions. They came and, seeing gifts, began to laugh at them, saying that such things to give the king does not fit that the poorest merchant from Mecca or another part of India and then gives more that if we want to make a gift, then it should be gold, but Such things the king will not accept.

Hearing this, the captain dimmed and said that he did not bring gold, in addition, he is not a merchant, but an ambassador. What he gives part of his own, and not royal. That if the king of Portugal send him again, he will send gifts much richer with him. And that if the king Samulim does not accept the gifts, he makes sense to send it all back to ships. Tom decided that the dignitaries would not transfer gifts and do not advise the captain to do it himself. When they left, Moorish merchants appeared, and all of them quite lowly appreciated the gifts that the captain was going to convey to the king.

The captain, seeing such an attitude, decided not to transmit gifts, he said that since he was not allowed to send gifts to the king, he would talk to him again, and then returns to the ships. It was accepted, he was told that if he fell a little, he was held to the palace. The captain waited all day, but no one came. The captain was very angry with these lazy and unreliable people and at first wanted to go to the palace without aimed. However, reflection, he decided to wait for the next day. As for us, the rest, we have entertained the songs of songs and dances under the sounds of the city and having fun.

AT Maurians returned Wednesday morning, captain took the captain to the palace, and we all at the same time. Palace flooded armed people. For a long four hour of the captain and the accomplices forced to wait at the doors, which opened only when the king ordered the captain and two people by his choice. The captain wished the Fernun Martinsh, who could serve as a translator, and his secretary. He, as well as we, it seemed that such a division would not succeed.

When he entered, the king said he expected him on Tuesday. The captain replied that he was tired after a long journey and for this reason could not come. The king asked why the captain says that he arrived from a rich kingdom, and nothing brought anything. And he said that he brought a letter, and he himself had not conveyed him. At this captain answered that nothing was brought, since the goal of swimming was discoveries, but when other ships come, the king will see what they will bring. As for the letter, he really brought him and ready to give immediately.

Then the king asked him what he opened - stones or people? If he opened people as he says, why did not bring anything? And he reported that he had a golden image of the Virgin Mary. The captain replied that Virgin Mary was not golden, but even if she were golden, he could not part with her, as she led him across the ocean and will lead back to his homeland. The king asked again about the letter. The captain asked to call a Christian, who speaks Arabic, as Mauri may wish him evil and translate wrong. The king agreed. And the young man, a small addition, named Quara, appeared on his belly.

The captain said he had two letters. One thing is written in his native language, Other in Moorish. That he can read the first letter and knows that only proper is written in it. As for the second, he is not able to read it and does not know whether it does not contain anything wrong. Since the Christian translator read in Mauritanisky did not know how to take a letter four and began to read it among themselves, after which they were transferred to the king, which was satisfied with its content.

Then the king asked what goods traded in our country. The captain called grain, fabric, iron, bronze and much more. The king asked if we had these goods with me. The captain replied that there is a little bit, as samples, and if he is allowed to return to the ships, all this will be unloaded as shore, and at this time four or five people will remain in place overnight stay. The king replied: "No!" The captain can pick up all his people, to get safe to the ships, unload them and deliver the goods to the palace most convenient way. Leaving the king, the captain returned to the place of overnight stay, and we with him. It was already quite late, and this evening we did not go anywhere.

AT Thursday morning, the captain sent a unused horse, and he refused to go on her, asking the horse of this country, that is, Palalanquin, as he can't go to the horse without a saddle. He was taken to the house of a rich merchant named Roger, who commanded to prepare Palaankin. When it was filed, the captain immediately went to Pandanho, where the ships were stood, and many people followed him. We could not sleep behind the stretchers and lagging behind. While we dragged, we were overtaken by Vali, who was in a hurry to join the captain. We got off the way and wandered away from the sea, but Vali sent a person for us, who pointed us the way. When we got to Pandarans, I discovered the captain in a holiday house, which in many stand here along the roads so that the travelers can hide from the rain.

ATozl Captain were Vali and many others. When we came, the captain asked the raft from Vali so that we could cross the ships. But Vali and others responded that it was already too late - and the truth, the sun was already sitting. The captain said that if he was not given raft, he would return to the king, who ordered him to deliver him to the ships. And if they decided to detain it, then this is a bad idea, because he is the same Christian as they are.

When they saw how the captain was poured, they said he was free to sail at least now, and that they are willing to provide him with thirty rafts if necessary. We were taken ashore, and the captain it seemed that something was disassembled against us, so he sent forward three to those, having met his brother on boats, warned him to be ready to cover the captain. They went, but not finding anyone, returned. But since we went to the other side, they buried them with them.

Already stood late night, and the Maur took us to his house. There it turned out that those three who went to search, have not yet returned. The captain sent to their search still three and ordered to buy rice and birds, and we began to go despite fatigue, because all day we spent on your feet.

Three, sent in search, returned only in the morning, and the captain said that he still belongs to us well and acted from the best motives, not allowing to sail yesterday. On the other hand, we suspected that in Calicut, we did not come from the best motives.

When the king people returned to us, the captain asked the boats so that we could cross the ships. They began to whisper, then they said that they would give them if we would order to fit the trial closer to the shore. The captain said that if he gives such an order, his brother would decide that he was captured, and give an order to return to Portugal. He was told that if the ships are not going closer to the shore, we will not be allowed to sit in the boat.

The captain said that King Zamorin ordered him to return to the ships, and that if he did not fulfill the order, he would have to return to the king, who is the same Christian as he. If the king does not allow him to leave and wish to leave in his own country, he will do it with great pleasure. They agreed that he would have to let him go, but did not fulfill this, because there was also locked all the doors. There were many armed guards, and from that minute none of us could have come anywhere without accompanied by a few guards.

Then we were asked to give our sails and rolls. The captain stated that he would not give anything like this - King Zamorin clearly ordered him to return to the ships. They can do anything with us, but it will not give anything.

The captain and we were very upset, although they didn't notice anything. The captain said that since he was refused to let go, then, at least, they must let him go, otherwise they will die here from hunger. He was answered that people would stay here, and if someone would die of hunger, it would have to come to terms with this, they don't have it before. Meanwhile, one of those people who disappeared the day before. He said that Nikolau Kuelu from last night awaits him by boats.

When the captain heard it, he managed to secretly send a person to Nikolau Kuelu with the order, so that he returned to the ships and took them to a safe place. Nikolau, having received the order, sailed, but our fears when they saw what was happening, rushed on the rafts and short-time tried to pursue the ships. Seeing that they could not catch up with the ships, they returned to the captain and began to demand that he wrote a letter to his brother and asked for ships closer to the shore. The captain replied that he would be willing to do it, only the brother still does not obey. They asked to write a letter in any case, since the given order should be executed.

The captain did not want the ships to enter the port, since it believed (like all of us), that they are easily seized there, after which we all turn away, since we are in their authorities.

All this day we spent in great concern. At night, we surrounded even more people than before. Now we were not allowed to even walk around the house, where we were, and we all were placed in a small tiled hall, surrounded by many people. We expected that the next day we will be separated, or some trouble will fall apart, because we noticed that our jailers are very evil on us. However, this did not prevent them from cooking good dinner for us from what was found in the village. At night, we were guarded more than a hundred people, and they were all armed with swords, battle axes with two blades and bows. While some slept, other guard us, and so they replaced all night.

The next day, on Saturday, June 2, in the morning, these gentlemen, that is, Vali and others, returned and this time "made good faces." They told the captain that once the king ordered him to unload the goods, he should do it, and in this country it was accepted that each ship's released the ship would unload the goods and the team to the shore, and sellers are not returned to the board until everything is sold out. The captain agreed and said that he would write his brother - let he follow to be done. Captain promised to let go on the ship as soon as the cargo arrives. The captain immediately wrote a letter to his brother, in which he ordered all the above to do. Upon receipt of the cargo Captain was released on board, two people he left looking at the cargo.

Then we refused and raised praise to the Lord for the fact that they broke out of the hands of people in which no more considerations than in wild beasts. We knew that while the captain was on board, there was nothing to be afraid to fear. When the captain climbed onto the board, he ordered more products to be discharged.

C.yerez 5 days Captain sent the tsar news that, although he sent him straight to the ships, such people detained him on the way for a day. That he was ordered, unloaded the goods, but the Maurians came only to bring down the price. What for these reasons he foresees that the king will not appreciate its goods. But the services of the king he himself and his ships. The king immediately answered that those who did - bad Christians, and he punishes them. At the same time, the king sent seven or eight merchants to appreciate the goods and, if they want, they would acquire them. He also sent a man who was supposed to fulfill the position of the manager and had the authority to kill any malus, which would come here.

Tsarist merchants stayed 8 days, but did not buy anything, but only shot down prices. Maurus no longer came to the house where the goods were kept, but they no longer showed the location to us, and when someone out of us landed, they spitted and said: "Portuguese! Portuguese!" In fact, they just started the case from the very beginning to grab and kill us.

When the captain realized that the goods would not buy here, he asked the king permission to take them to Calicut. The king immediately ordered Vali to detach many people so that they carry everything into Calicut at his expense, since nothing belonging to the king of Portugal should not be filed with delivery in his country. All this was done, but led to the sad consequences for us, because the king was reported, as if we were thieves and theft. Nevertheless, the royal order was executed.

AT Sunday, June 24, on the day of John the Baptist, the goods were sent to Calicut. The captain ordered all our people in turn in turns in the city. From each ship sent to the shore of man, then others replaced them. So everyone was able to visit the city and buy there what they would like. These people were welcomed by Christians on the way, they were happy to be invited to their homes, gave food and overnight and shared for free what they themselves had. At the same time, many were on board to sell us fish in exchange for bread. We also met them friendly.

Many were with sons, with young children, and the captain ordered them to be fed. All this was done for the establishment of peace and friendship, so that only good and nothing bad about us. The number of these visitors was sometimes so great that they had to take their night long. The population in this country is very tight, and food is not enough. It happened that someone from ours went to repair sails and took a few sugar with you, these old and small rushed to him, snatched crops from the hands and left it without food.

Thus, everything from our ships for two-three visited the shore, bought bracelets, fabrics, new shirts and all that wanted. However, we did not sell products for the prices that were calculated in Munsumbiquet [Mozambique], since a very thin shirt, which costs 300 Reis in Portugal, and here, at best, it is estimated at 2 fan, which is 30 Reish, for 30 Reis For this country - big money.

And since we bought shirts cheap, as cheaply we sold our products to bring something from this country, at least even as a sample. Those who went to the city, bought carnation, cinnamon, precious stones there. Having bought what you needed, they returned to the ships, and no one spoke to them.

When the captain found out how well the residents of this country belong to us, he sent another items along with the manager, assistant and several more people.

Pthe time for the road road rose, and the Captain Commander sent the king gifts - amber, corals and much more. At the same time, he orders to notify the king that he was going to swim in Portugal, and if the king would send people with him to the Portuguese king, he will leave his manager here, an assistant, several people and goods. In response to a gift, he asked on behalf of his Mr. [King Portugal] Bahar Cinnamon, Bahar Carnations and samples of other spices, which he deems necessary and, if necessary, the manager will pay for them.

Four days passed before the messenger received permission to transfer the message to the king. When he entered the room where the king was located, he looked at him "with a bad face" and asked what he needed. The messenger outlined the king, which was ordered, and transferred gifts. The king said the gifts to the manager, and did not want to even look at them. Then he ordered to convey the captain that if he wishes to float, then 600 Sheraphins should pay him, and can be sent - such is the custom of this country in relation to those who come to her. Diogu Diash, who delivered this news, said that he would give the captain an answer.

But when he left the palace, there were purposeless people with him, and when he came to the house in Calicut, where the goods were kept, some of these people entered inside - to look after nothing worn. At the same time throughout the city, the order was announced to detain all the boats, which are sent to our ships.

When the Portuguese saw that they turned into prisoners, they sent a young negra from their people along the shore to search, would anyone take him to the ships so that he could notify the rest of what they were captured by the orders of the king. Negro went on the outskirts of the city, where fishermen lived, one of which for three fans took him on board. The fisherman ventured at it because they did not see them in the dark from the city. Having delivered a passenger to the ship, he immediately sailed. It happened on Monday, August 13, 1498.

Such news has seal us. And not only because our people ended up in the hands of enemies, but also because the enemies intervened in our sail. It was very sorry that the Christian king, to whom we presented themselves, walked around so badly with us. At the same time, we did not think that he was so to blame, as it seemed because all these are the misties of local maurs, merchants from Mecca or from somewhere who knew about us and wished us evil. They told the king that we are thieves that if our ships go here to walk, neither from Mecca, nor from Camba, nor from the grush, no other places to him come to him.

They added that it would not be [from the trade in Portugal] from us from us, that we have nothing to offer him, unless you pick up that we will only ruin his country. They offered the king of big money for permission to grab and kill us so that we would not return to Portugal.

All this captain learned from the local mara, who discovered everything that the captains were distant against us and warned the captains and especially Captain-Commander so that they did not go ashore. In addition, from two Christians, we learned that if the captains come ashore, they will cut their heads - as the king of this country came with visitors who did not give him gold.

That was our position. The next day, no boat approached the ships. A day later, the raft came up with four young people who were brought to the sale of precious stones, but we found out that they arrived on the orders of the Moors to see what we would do. However, the captain invited them and handed over with them a letter for our people who were held on the shore. When people saw that we did not harm anyone, merchants and other people began to sailing daily - just out of curiosity. All of them were invited and fed.

Twenty-five people arrived next Sunday. Among them were six noble persons, and the captain decided that with their help we could free our people that were held on the shore. He grabbed them and still a dozen man, only 18 [the author indicated 19]. The rest ordered to sail on one of our boats and handed over with them a letter for the Moover, the Royal Manager. In the letter, he stated that if we were returned to the prisoners, then we let go of those who grabbed. When it became known that we captured people to the house, where the captured Portuguese contained, a crowd was gathered and, not causing the harm, took them to the House of Manager.

On Thursday, the 23 numbers, we raised the sail, saying that we were going to Portugal, but we hope that we will return soon, and then they will find out if we are a thieve. Because of the oncoming wind, we threw anchor in the four leagues from Calicut.

The next day we returned to the shore, but did not come close because of the chalks, and threw anchor in mind Calicut.

On Saturday, we again moved away in the sea and got up so that we were barely seen from the ground. On Sunday, while they were anchored, waiting for the breeze, the boat came up, and we were told that Diogu Diash is in the Tsarist Palace and that if we are released those who detained, he will be released on the ship. But the captain decided that Diash was already killed, and these negotiations are needed only to detain us while they prepare weapons, or until the ships are suitable from Mecca to capture us. Therefore, he told them to be removed, threatening, otherwise, bombards, and not to return without Distas and his people or at least letters from them. He added that if they turn quickly, they will save the heads of the prisoners. The breeze rose, and we swam along the coast, then I knew anchor.

The king sends a Dios to Diash

TOwhen the king heard that we sail into Portugal and that he could not keep us, he began to think about how to silence the evil, which he had caused us. He sent for Diogu Diash, who accepted with excellent welcome, and not as when he arrived with gifts from Vasco da Gama. He asked why the captain throws his people. Diogu replied: "Due to the fact that the king does not allow them to the ship and keeps like prisoners." Then the king asked if his manager did not require anything [hint of 600 Sheraphins], giving it to understand that he had nothing to do with everything, and the manager was to blame. Turning to the manager, he asked if he would not remember how his predecessor was executed, charged the tribute from merchants who came to this country?

Then the king said: "Go back to the ships, you and your people. Tell the captain, let the people who delayed the people he delayed. The column I promised to put on the shore, let him give to those who will accompany you - they will put it. And you yourself should remain here with your products. " At the same time, he dictated a letter for captain, which Diogu wrote by an iron stylus on a palm sheet, as was customary in this country. The letter was addressed to the king of Portugal. The general meaning of the letter is:

"Vasco da Gama, a noble man from among your subjects, arrived in my country, where I was adopted. My country is rich in cinnamon, carnation, pepper, ginger and precious stones. In exchange for these goods, I would like gold, silver, corals and scarlet fabrics from you.

On Monday, the 27th, in the morning, when we were anchored, seven boats came to us, on which there were many people. They brought Diogi Diash and everyone who was with him. Fearing to take the Portuguese to themselves on board, they placed them on our boat, which was carried in tow. The goods they were not brought in the hope that Diogu would return to them. But when he rose on board, the captain did not allow him to return to the shore. He gave the column to people in the boat, which the king ordered them to establish. He also let go of the most significant of the prisoners, and left six, but he promised to let go if the goods return to him until the morning.

On Tuesday, Mavr from Tunisia, who spoke in our language, asked him to be left on the ship, saying that he had lost everything he had, and was his fate. He said that his compatriots accused him of going to Calicut with Christians by order of King Portugal. For these reasons, he would like to float with us, and not to remain in the country where he could kill at any time.

At 10 o'clock, seven boats came up with a lot of people in them. Three of them on the most banks were loaded with a striped cloth, which we left in stock. We were given to understand that this is the whole product that belongs to us. These three boats approached ships, and the remaining four kept at a distance. We were told that we were put in our boat of prisoners, they will be exchanged for goods. But we solved their trick, and Captain-Commander told them to get out, saying that his goods cares little, and he would take into Portugal. At the same time, he told them to care, because soon he would return to Calicut, and then they would recognize, whether we were thieves, as Maur said about us.

On Wednesday, August 29, the Captain Commander and other captains decided that we found the country they were looking for, found and spices, and precious stones. To establish good relations with these people turned out to be impossible, it means it's time to float back. The people we detained was decided to pick up with them. When we return to Calicut, they can be used to establish good relationships. On this we raised sails and left for Portugal, pleased with our luck and the great discovery that we managed to commit.

On Thursday, in the afternoon, about the league north of Calicut, we approached about seventy boats. People crowded on them in a kind of armor of quilted red cloth. The body, hands and heads were protected ... When these boats approached the distance shot from Bombard, Captain-Commander ordered to shoot on them. They pursued us a half hour, then a thunderstorm began, which took us to the sea. Seeing that they could not harm us, they turned back, and we moved our own way.

Calicut and its trade

ANDwith this country of Calicut, or Upper India, spices come to the West and East, in Portugal and other countries of the world. As well as any kind of precious stones. In Calicut, we found the following spices mined in this country: many ginger, pepper and cinnamon, although the last not so high quality is driven from Sillan's Islands [Ceylon] that in eight days of the path from Calicut. All cinnamon gets mainly in Calicut. The carnation is taken to the city from the island of Melaka [Malacca].

The ships from Mecca bring these spices to the city of Mecca [from Arabia] called Juda (Jedda). From this island to the goy, the path takes fifty days with passing wind, and the ships of this country can not. In the goy of the spices to shore and pay a duty to the Great Sultan. The goods are then overloaded to smaller ships and transported through the Red Sea, to the place called Tuise, which is near the monastery of St. Catherine, Sinai Mountains. There from the goods recalculate the tax. From there, the goods are visible on camels, at a price of 4 circulas for each camel, in Cairo. This path takes 10 days. In Cairo, the tax is paying again. On the way to Cairo for caravans, the robbers live in that country are often attacked - Bedouins and others.

In Cairo, spices are taken up along the Nile River, which flows from the lower India, the countries of Presbyter John, and in two days they are delivered to the place called Glavs (Rosetta), where the tax is collected for them. There they are shifted again on the camels, and in the day they reach the city of Alexandria, where the seaport is located. Venice and Genoese galleys come to this port and take spices, which brings the Great Sultan to the income of 600,000 circulation in the form of taxes, of which he annually pays the king by the name of Cydadim 100,000 circulation to war with the presbyter John. The title of the Great Sultan is bought for money and is not inherited.

Way back home

T.he will return to the story about our way home.

Moving along the coast, we lavished in the morning and evening breezes, as the wind was weak. In the afternoon, when the wind calmed down, we stood.

On Monday, September 10, the Captain-Commander landed one of the people captured by us, who lost his eyes, with a letter for a womb, written in Arabic, one of the Moors who accompanied us. The country where we landed it was called a compete, and her king fought with the king of Calicut.

The next day, until the wind rises, boats approached the ships. Fishermen, sitting in them, offered us to buy fish and boldly climbed to us on board.

Islands of St. Mary

AT Saturday, 15 numbers, we found that we are located near the islets group about two leagues from the shore. We equipped the boat and installed the column on one of these islands, which were named after St. Mary. The king ordered the three columns [Padadran] in honor of the Saints Rafail, Gabriel and Mary. We performed a fence: the column named after St. Rafail stands on the River of Good Signs, the second, in honor of St. Gabriel - in Calicut, and now, the third, in honor of St. Mary.

Here, a lot of boats with fish were sailed to us, and the captain made the fishermen, giving them a shirt. He asked them if they would be glad if he would install a column on the island. They said that this would be very pleased as a sign that we were the same Christians as they themselves. Thus, the column was established with the consent of the natives.

AT The same night we substituted sails under the Breeze and went on the road. Next Thursday, 20 numbers, we reached a hilly country, beautiful and favorable for health. Here are 6 islands near the shore. Here we aroused anchor to stock with water and firewood to go through the bay, to which we hoped to start, as soon as a favorable wind enters. On the shore, we met a young man who showed us an excellent source of water, having broken between two hills on the river bank. Captain-Commander gave a young man with a hat and asked him, Mavr he or a Christian. The man said he was a Christian and was pleased by learning that we were also Christians.

The next day the raft came up. Four people brought pumpkins on it and cucumbers. Captain Commander asked if they had cinnamon, ginger or other spices of this country. They said they had a lot of cinnamon, but there are no other spices. Then the captain sent two people with them to bring him samples. They are taken into the forest and showed trees on which cinnamon grew.

They cut two large branches along with the leaves. When we got into the boats to gain water, we met these two with branches, and with them a man twenty, who carried the captain of the bird, cow's milk and pumpkins. They asked to send these two with them, because they had a lot of pressing cinnamon near here, they would show her and give samples.

Having gaining water, we returned to the ships, and these people promised to return the next day and bring cows, pigs and bird as a gift.

The next morning, a splash, we noticed near the shore, about two leagues from us, two vessels, but they did not give any signs. We cut the firewood, waiting for the tide to allow us to enter the river to stockpenter. Our lesson interrupted the order of the captain, who was surprised to find that the size of these vessels more than seemed first. He ordered us as soon as we eat, sit down in the boat, get to these ships and find out who they belong to - Masters or Christians. Then he ordered the sailor to climb on mast and watch the ships.

This person reported that in the open sea, at a distance of about six ligra there are six more ships. Hearing this, the captain immediately ordered these ships to sink. Hardly felt the breeze, they took the steering wheel cool under the wind, and now they were in front of us, at a distance of the league pair. We decided that they revealed us as we were. Seeing how we go to them, they rushed to the shore. One, without coping, broke the steering wheel, and people trampled from there in the boats, who dragged behind the roast of the ship, and rushed to escape to the shore.

We were closer to all the ship and immediately approached it, but did not find anything but food, coconuts, four vessels with palm sugar and weapons on it. The rest of the rest was sand, which is used here as ballast. The rest of the seven ships moored, and we shot them from the boats.

The next morning we were still anchored when seven people sailed to us. They said that ships arrived from Calicut for us, and that if we manage to catch, then we must be killed.

The next morning, leaving this place, we threw anchor in two shots from the place where they were standing near the island, where, as we were told, you can gain water. Captain-Commander immediately sent Nikolau Kuelu in a well-armed boat to look for water. Cuela found on the island of the ruins of a large stone church destroyed by the Moors. Only one chapel, covered earth, has been preserved. We were told that the natives go there and pray three black stones, which are in the middle of the chapel. In addition to the church, a reservoir was discovered from the same Taucan Stone as the Church. From there we scored so much water as we needed.

Another reservoir is much larger, located on the highest part of the island. On the shore, in front of the church, we were leaning "Berry" and the ship of Captain-Commander. "Raphael" caught ashore did not become due to the difficulties that will be told later.

One day, when Berryu was pulled ashore, two big boats (Fushhsha) came up with a lot of people. They rowed under the sounds of drums and cheeses, flags fluttered on the mast. Four four boats for the sake of security remained at the shore. When the galleys approached closer, we asked the natives who were such. We were answered so that we would not allow them to rise to us on board, because these are robbers, they will capture everything, what they get. They say that in this country they can often be equipped, sit down on ships, swim under the guise of friends, and at a convenient moment, rob.

Therefore, we started shooting from Raphael and the Captain-Commander ship, as soon as the robbers came to the shot of our bombard. They began to shout: "Tambaras", and it meant that they are also Christians, because Indian Christians call Godbram's God. When they realized that we would not pay attention to it, they hurried to the shore. Nikolau Kuelu was pursued for some time, then the Captain Commander recalled him with the help of a signal flag.

The next day, while the Captain Commander and many others were on the shore and kept "Berry", two small boats arrived, in which a dozen was well dressed people. They brought the Captain-Communist as a gift of sugar cane. Having taken ashore, they asked permission to inspect the ships. The captain decided that these were the cords, and was angry. Then two more boats filled with people appeared, but those that came first, seeing that the captain was not located to them, they were told not to go ashore, but sailing back. They themselves also sat in the boats and sailed.

When the ship's Captain-Commander shifted, a man of forty years arrived, who spoke well in Venetian adveria. He was in flaxwear, on his head wore a beautiful tuka, and on the belt sword. He did not go ashore until he hugged the Captain Commander and captains, saying that he was a Christian from the West, who came here in young years. Now he is in the service of the Mauritanian Mr., under the beginning of which 40,000 riders, and also became a Maurus, although he was a Christian in his heart. He said that the news of his master was penetrated by the news about the arrival in the calikute of alien in armor, whose speech could not understand.

They said that this should be francs (so called in these places of Europeans). Then he asked his Mr. Permission to visit us, saying that he would die of grief, if he would not allow him. Mr. ordered to go and learn from us that we need in this country - ships, food. And also ordered to convey that if we wish to stay here forever, then he will be very happy.

The captain was cordially thanked for such an offer, made, as it seemed to him, from a pure heart. The alien asked him to give him cheese to give him his companion left on the shore, and returned soon. The captain ordered to bring cheese and two breads. The alien stayed on the island, saying a lot and much, so sometimes he contradicted himself.

Meanwhile, Paulo da Gama asked Christians who arrived with him what kind of man. He was told that this is a pirate ( armador) who came to attack us that his ships and many of his people are covered on the shore. Knowing it and guessing the rest, we grabbed him, took it on the ship, standing on the shore.

There he was beaten to vote, if he was a pirate, and for what purpose he came to us. Then he told us so that we would come together - a lot of armed people hid around in the thickets, but they do not attack us, because they are waiting for forty courts, equipped with us in pursuit. He added that he did not know when it would be ordered to attack us. As for himself, he has nothing to add to the fact that he has already told. After that, he was "asked" three more or four times, but he did not say anything defined. From his gestures, we realized that he was sent to inspect the ships, find out what is for people and how they are armed.

On this island we remained 12 days. A lot of fish, which was bought from the natives, as well as pumpkin and cucumbers. We also brought us whole boats loaded with cinnut branches, green, still with foliage. When the ships were leaning, and we plunged so much water on them as we wanted, we broke the captured ship and left. It happened on Friday, October 5th.

Before the ship was broken, his captain offered 1000 fans for him. But the captain-commandman said that he would not sell it, as the ship belonged to the enemy, and he prefers to burn him.

When we went to the sea for two hundred leagues, the Mavr, whom we took with you, said that the presence of the presence was passed. It is true that in the house of Mr. he heard about the lost travelers who did not find the road home. Therefore, many ships were sent to capture them. And his Mr. sent him to find out what we could be lured into his country, because if the robbers will capture us here, he will not receive his part of the production. And if we land on His land, then we will be fully in his power. Being a good man, he could use us in wars with neighboring kingdoms. However, his calculations were not justified.

Through the Arabian Sea

ANDsince frequent calm and counter winds swimming through the bay took three months for three months, and all of our people again the gums were swollen so that it was impossible to eat. Loaded legs and other parts of the body. Tumors grew until the sufferers died, not finding signs of any other disease. Thus, 30 people died - as much as she died before - and on each ship only 7-8 people who could manage the ship remained, but even they could not do it as follows.

I assure you that if the swimming was dragged for another two weeks, there would be no one at all, who could help the ship. We reached such a fortune that I was completely forgotten about discipline. When the disease fell, we complained and prayed to the holy patrons of our ships. The captains kept the Council and decided that if a suitable wind was established, we would return to India, where they went.

But the Lord, in his grace, sent us the wind, which in six days brought us to the ground, seeing which we rejoiced as if it was Portugal. We returned to hope that, with God's help, now the health will be back to us, as already once.

It happened on January 2, 1499. When we approached the Earth, there was a night, so we went to the drift. In the morning, we examined the shore, trying to understand where the Lord wounded us, but did not find a single person who could show on the map where we are. Someone said that we probably are located at one of the islands near Mozambique, 300 leagues from the coast. So they said because the Mavr, whom we took in Mozambique, assured that these are unhealthy islands, and people suffer there are illness, similar to our illness.


ABOUTit seemed that we were not far from a major city with houses in several floors, large palaces in the center and four towers on different sides. This city, facing the sea, belonged to Masv and was called Magadosh. When we approached it quite close, we blurted out of many bombard, and then went with a passing wind along the coast. So we walked all day, but for the night they went to the drift, because they did not know if we were still to get to Millingwe [Malindi].

On Saturday, the 5th day, the wind was dated, then a storm broke out with a thunderstorm, and the "Raphael" took a tackle. While they were rejected, a caper with eight boats and many people came out of the city, but when they approached the distance of the shot, we fell out from the Bombard, and they fled. To catch up with them did not allow the wind.

AT Monday, January 7 [The author indicated the ninth, but Monday was the seventh of January; The five-day parking lasted from the 7th to the 11th], we again threw anchor near Millidi, where the king immediately sent a long boat to us with many people, sheep as a gift and an invitation for Captain-Commander. This king said that many days expected our return. He manifested his friendly feelings and peaceful intentions. Captain-Commander sent with these messengers to the coast of his man, punishing him to stock oranges, in which we really needed because of our illness.

The next day he brought them, as well as other fruits. But it didn't help against the fight against the disease, because the local climate has affected us in such a way that many patients have died here. On board were also Mauri. By order of the king, they delivered birds and eggs.

When the captain saw what attention to us was during our forced parking, he sent the king a gift and an oral message with one of our people who melt in Arabic. The captain asked the king of the elephant tusk, so that he could take him to his king, and also requested permission to establish a column here in a sign of friendship. The king replied that he would fulfill the request from love for the king Portuguese, to which he would wish to serve. He actually ordered to bring to us on board an elephant talent, and also ordered to establish a column.

In addition, he sent a young mara who wanted to go with us to Portugal. The king very recommended his captain-Commander, explaining that he sends him that the Portuguese king could make sure of his friendly intentions.

We stood in this place for five days, rejoicing and resting from the difficulty of the transition, during which each of us looked into the face of death.

From Malindi to San Brush

M.they were departed in the morning, on Friday, and on Saturday, the 12th numbers passed by Mombasi. On Sunday, anchor was thrown in the Gulf of San Rafael, where the ship was burned with this name, because with three ships we could not cope - too few of us remained. The contents of the ship moved to two remaining. 15 days we stood in this place, and purchased many birds in exchange for shirts and bracelets in a nearby city called Tamugat.

On Sunday, the 27th, with passing wind, we sailed out of this place. The next night we lay in a drift, and in the morning approached the large island of Zhanzhiber [Zanzibar], inhabited Moors and lying in ten leagues from a large land. At the end of the day, February 1, we threw anchor at the Island of San Georges, near Mozambique. The next day, in the morning, we put a column on this island, under which worship was held. It went such a heavy rain that I could not even dilute the fire to melt the tin, which is attached to the cross of the columns. I had to put it without a cross. Then we returned to the ships.

On March 3, we got to the Bay of San Brush, where many Anchovy, seals and penguins were caught, who were litria to the road. The 12th members were departed, but the 10-12 leagues were barely passed, as such a strong wind rose, which we had to return.

From San Brush to Rio Grande

TOwhen the wind was bold, we sailed again, and the Lord sent us such a favorable wind that we were able to overtake the Cape of Good Hope on the 20th. Those of us who lived before that day were in good health, although sometimes we could hardly frozen to death under the cold winds, which fell on us. However, we attributed our feelings not so much cold as the habit of the heat of those countries in which we visited.

Our way we continued in the desire to quickly get home. 27 days the wind was passing, he delivered us in the surroundings of the island of Santiagu. Judging by our cards, we were in a hundred leagues from him, but some believed that much closer. But the wind is dot, and we drifted. There was a weak counter wind. Thunderstorms stood over the shore, not allowing us to determine where we are, and we could try to catch the wind.

On Thursday, April 25, the depth measure showed 35 facies. The next day, the minimum depth was 20 facies. Nevertheless, the land was not shown, but Lotsmans said that Riu-Grande was near.

Kingdom of South Calicuta

Z.the day lists the names of some kings of the southern coast of Calicut, the goods produced in them, as well as what they are rich. All this, I learned in a detaent in a detaental way, who spoke in our language and who arrived in those edges 30 years before that of Alexandria.

Calicut is a place where we were. The trade objects mentioned here are brought here, in this city they take on board the cargo ships from Mecca. The king named Samolim can raise, including reserves, 100,000 soldiers, since the number of its own subjects is very small.

Here we list the goods brought here by ships from Mecca, as well as prices in this part of India.

Copper. One of her phrasil is equal to about 30 pounds, costs 50 fans, or 3 circular.

Stone Bakua Appreciates the weight of silver.

Knives - According to the fanana everyone.

Pink water - 50 fanans for Frasil.

Alum - 50 fanans for Frasil.

Camlet - 7 circulating apiece.

Red fabric - 2 circles for peak [about 27 inches, (three palms)].

Mercury - 10 Circus for Frasil.

Kvurungolis[Korongolor - Modern Kodangalor in Kochin] - Christian country, and the king of her Christian. From Calicut to this country by sea, with a favorable wind, 3 days of the road. The king can raise 40 00 soldiers. There are a lot of peppers, which costs 9 fans, whereas in Calicut - 14.

Kolau [Call, Kulan] - Christian kingdom. From Calicuta Sea, with good wind, you can get in 10 days. The king under the start of 10,000 people. In this country a lot of cotton fabric, but little pepper.

Calell - His king of Mavr, and the population of Christian. Sea there from calika 10 days. The king has 4,000 soldiers and 100 combat elephants. There are a lot of pearls.

Chomandarla[Choramandel - between Cape Calimer and Godavari] - inhabited by Christians and King Christian. Under his beginning 100,000 people. In this country, there is a lot of shellaca, half a grazil, and a variety of cotton fabric is released.

Seylala[Ceylon] is a very large island, inhabited by Christians, which Christian king rules. From calikuta 8 days with good wind. At the king, under the post of 4,000 people and many elephants for war and for sale. The entire best cinnamon is mined in India. There is still a lot of sapphires, better quality than in other countries [for example, in Peg], and still rubies, but not many good.

Tenakar - Christian kingdom with the Christian king. It is located

Kamatarra[Sumatra] - Christian kingdom. In 30 days from Calicut, with good wind. At the king, under the beginning of 4,000 warriors, as well as 1,000 riders and 300 combat elephants. In this country, a lot of silk yarn is extracted, 8 circles for Frasil. There is still a lot of shellac, 10 circulas for Bahar or 20 phrasilov.

Sharnauz [S.korea Total, Siam, the old capital of which, Iodhya, was called Sornau, or Charneau ] - Christian kingdom with the Christian king. From Calicuta is in 50 days of the road with good wind. The king has 20,000 warriors and 4,000 horses, and another 400 combat elephants. In this country, a lot of benzoic resin, 3 circles for phrasil, as well as Aloe, 25 circles for Frasil.

Tenakar - Christian kingdom with the Christian king. It is in 40 days of swimming from Calicut if the wind is favorable. The king commands 10,000 warriors and owns 500 combat elephants. In this country, a lot of Brazilian wood is mined, from which the red paint is made, refined, like carmine, 3 circles for Bahar, whereas in Cairo it costs 60. There is also a little aloe here.

BEMGAL[Bengal]. In this kingdom there are many Mauris and little Christians, and the king in it is Christian. Under its beginning 20,000 hiking warriors and 10,000 equestrian. In his country there are a lot of cotton fabrics and silk, as well as a lot of silver. From the calikute to sail 40 days, with good wind.

Melakua [Malacca] - Christian kingdom with the Christian king. From Calicut in 40 days of the road with good wind. The king has 10,000 warriors, including 1200 contesions. All the cloves are brought from there at the price of 9 circulas for baghar and nutmeg at the same price. There is still a lot of porcelain, silk and tin, from which they pour a coin. But this coin is hard and low value - 3 Frasila cost only 1 circular. There are many large parrots in this country with red as a fire of plumage.

Peg[Burma] - Christian kingdom with the Christian king. The inhabitants of his Bella is just like us. Under the rule of king 20,000 soldiers, of which 10,000 equestrians, and the rest of hiking, not counting 400 combat elephants. In this country, the whole musk of the world is mined. The king owns the island, in four days of the way from the mainland, with good wind. On this island, the beasts like a deer, who are carrying near the nap sputum with musk. It is there that the people of that country are mined.

There it is so much so much that in one circular you will give four large outs or 10-12 small, with a large walnut. Many rubies are found on the mainland and a lot of gold. For 10 circles here you can buy as much gold as 25 in Calicut. There is still a lot of shellac and a benzoic resin of two species - white and black. Prazyl white resin costs 3 circular, and black - only 1.5. Silver, which can be bought here for 10 circulation, will cost 15 in the calika.

From the calika there 30 days of the road with good wind.

BEMGALA[Bengal] - the Moorish king sits there, and Christians and Maur live. From the calika, it is in 35 days of the road with good wind. In it, possibly 25,000 soldiers, of which 1000 equestrian, and the rest of the hiking, not counting 400 combat elephants. There are the following products in this country: a variety of grains and many valuable fabrics. Fabrics there on 10 circles can be bought as much as in calikuta by 40. There is still a lot of silver there.

Konyatat - Christian king and Christian residents. From the calikute there with good wind sail 50 days. Her king can collect five or six thousand people, he has a thousand combat elephants. There is a lot of sapphires and the Brazilian tree in this country.

Feather - Christian king and the Christian population, not a single mapr. The king can collect four thousand warriors and has hundreds of combat elephants. In this country, there are many rhubarb, his phrasil is worth 9 circulaes. From the calika 50 days with passing wind.

ABOUT How in this country is fighting on elephants.

From the wood mask the house, which holds four people, this house is put on the back of Elephant, four are closed in it. Five naked blades are attached to each elephant's beavna, ten blades are mounted on two bivnes. This makes an elephant with such an uncompressed opponent that if only the flight is possible, no one will rise on his way. Whatever orders those who sit at the top, the elephant performs everything, as if he were reasonable creature. They will say: "Kill this, do it,", "he fulfills it.

How to catch elephants in wild forests

TOif you want to catch a wild elephant, take a manual sloth, dig a big pit on the road, according to which the elephants usually go, and cover it with branches. Then they say Sloniche: "Go! If you meet an elephant, put it in this pit so that he fell into it, just be careful, do not fall there. " She leaves and does everything as she said. Having encountered an elephant, she leads him to this expensive so that he fell into a pit, and the pit is so deep that without any assistance he does not get out.

How to pull out an elephant from the pit and tame

Pthe donkey, as the elephant fell into a pit, passes five or six days before he is brought. At first, a person brings very little food, but gradually food gives more and more. So goes on about a month. During this time, a person who brings food, gradually tames an elephant until he dares to go down to his pit. A few days later, the elephant allows a person to take him for the beer. Then the man goes down to the elephant and puts him heavy chains on his feet. In such a state of the elephant, they learn everything except speech.

Such elephants are kept in stalls as horses. Good elephant costs 2000 circling.

VASCO DA GAMA (1469 - 24 December 1524) - Portuguese navigator who has opened the sea path to India. Since 1415 (after the capture of the Arab Fortress of Seuts), the Portuguese have taken expeditions along the coast of Africa to open this path. African gold and black-slab, trade in the portuguese begun from 1442, served in these expeditions no less incentive than the search for the path to India. In 1486 Bartolome Diash reached the southern tip of Africa and discovered Cape of Good Hope (Cape Storm). Thus, the task was already half allowed only to find the road through the Indian Ocean.

This task was performed by Vasco da Gama. July 8, 1497 Squads of 4 ships under the Vasco da Gama team came out of Lisabon. In November 1497, Vasco da Gama got a cape of good hope and joined the Indian Ocean. Moving to the north along the east coast of Africa, the expedition found here the trading harbor of Arabs; In one of them, Malindi - Vasco da Gama took an experienced Lotsmana, Arab A. Ibn Majid, under the leadership of which the Indian Ocean was safely crossed. On May 20, 1498, the squadron arrived at the Malabarian coast, near the city of Calicut, which was at the time the Center for Indo-Arabic. Despite the obviously hostile attitude of the Arab merchants-navigas, who felt the whole danger of the appearance of Europeans here, Vasco da Gama managed to establish diplomatic and trade relations with them. December 10, 1498, loading his ships with spices, Vasco da Gama sailed back to return and in September 1499, after two-year swimming, returned to Lisabon. Of the 168 people who went with him to India returned only 55, the rest died. The opening of the sea route from Europe to India and the establishment of direct trade relations with it is, after opening X. American Columbus, the most important geographical discovery that radically influenced the movement of trade routes and centers. Immediately after the return of Vasco, Gama in Portugal, the government has equipped a new expedition to India, under the supervision of Pedro Alvarish Kabral. In 1502 Vasco da Gama, having received the rank of Admiral to go to India, headed by a whole fleet of 20 ships with infantry detachment and guns. This time, Vasco da Gama turned the ruins blooming and crowded calika into his pile and built a fortress in Cochin, and also founded several factories on the eastern coast of Africa and the Malabarian coast of India. Returning to 1503 in Portugal, Vasco da Gama engaged in the development of a plan for further capture of India. In 1524, the king appointed his vice-king of India. In the same year, Vasco da Gama went to his third and last journey to India, where he soon died in Kochin. One of the participants of the first expedition of Vasco da Gama left notes about this journey, which were translated into French and published in the series "Former and modern travelers" (1855).

Gama Vasco Yes, the Portuguese navigator, was born in the blue in 1469, died in Kochin (East India) on December 24, 1524 opened the sea route to India. After it became known about the successes achieved by the Spanish Expedition of Columbus, and Gama was sent by the Portuguese king Manuel in order to find the sea route to India, which was searched with the times of Heinrich Maritavaster. He could use for this purpose mainly kana and Diaz swimming experience. On two three-volume ships with displacement of 120 and 100 tons and one transport ship of Vasco da Gama, July 8, 1497 left the port of Rishtella near Lisbon, sailed through the islands of Canary and Green Cape and took the course to the West to the Atlantic Ocean. Thus, he first moved away from the coast to use favorable winds. All the ships did not remove the distance most favorable for sailing vessels. Therefore, sailing from the islands of Green Cape to South Africa took a few more months. On November 22, he hung Cape of Good Hope and on December 25 arrived to the coast of the Earth, named by the Terra Natalis (Natal, Christmas Earth). From the Bay of Delaware, which he reached January 10, 1498, a small flotilla had to enter into a brutal struggle with the northern sea current. In the mouth of Zambezi Vasco da Gama met the first Araba and near Mozambique - the first ship of East Indian origin. So he joined the world of Arab commercial shipping and felt his first opposition soon. Through Mombasu, he entered the north to Malindi in the current Kenya and spoke from there on April 24, with swimming through the Indian Ocean. With the help of the south-western monsoon, it has reached the Indian shore for May 20 at the Calicut (Kozhikode). The long-awaited sea route to India was found. Due to the opposition of Arabs, who feared to lose their merchant domination, Vasco da Gama could not obtain the permission of the Indian ruler of the Calicut on the basis of the Portuguese facility, only with difficulty he was able to exchange his goods on spices. On October 5, he was forced, without waiting until the northeast monsoon starts blowing, leave Indian waters; January 7, 1499 he again reached Malindi on the African coast. On February 20, Vasco da Gama again hung Cape of Good Hope and arrived in his native port in September. Although he lost the ship and out of 160 people, the team was returned back only 55 people, the journey was significant not only as a discovere room, but had a complete success in a purely commercial terms.

In 1502-1503 Vasco da Gama repeated the journey, made by that time as well. But this time Vasco da Gama appeared in the waters of the Indian Ocean, not as a discoverer and trading traveler, but with military flotilla, consisting of 13 ships. He wanted to take the power of the goods that could not be purchased peacefully. In Portugal, they could not offer anything equal for the cinnamon, carnation, inbirt, pepper, as well as precious stones, and paying these goods mostly gold or silver neither Portugal nor any other European country. So the policy of charging Dani, enslavement and maritime robbery began. Already in the area of \u200b\u200bthe African coast, the rulers of Mozambique and Kilva were forced to pay Dani, and merchant Arab ships were burned or looted. The Arab fleet, which resisted, was destroyed. The Indian cities of the Western coast had to recognize the Portuguese Supreme Power and pay tribute. In 1502, with an unusually rich cargo, Vasco da Gama returned back to his homeland. The colossal profits were given the opportunity to the Portuguese crown in 1506 to send even more powerful flotilla under the command. So began for the peoples of South Asia, the time of Portuguese colonial expansion.

In 1503, Vasco da Gama was erected for its actions in the graph (Vidgieir's Graph). In 1524, he was appointed Vice-King of India and sent there for the third time. By that time, Francischka d'Almeida and Affonsus D'Al Butkerki undermined the trade domination of Arabs; Numerous points down to Ceylon and Malacca moved into the hands of Portuguese and had a regular connection with the metropolis. Vasco da Gama died after short administrative activities. His body was delivered in 1539 in Portugal and buried in Vidgiere. The acts of Vasco da Gama glorified the Portuguese poet Kamense in the "Luziadakh". Thanks to the first journey, Vasco da Gama has become finally known to the outlines of Africa; The Indian Ocean, who has long been considered the inner sea, was determined from now on as the ocean; Valuable East goods have now walked without a trading mediator to Europe. For centuries, the dominance of Arabs in trade in the Middle East was undermined and the transformation of Portugal to one of the main colonial powers of the XVI century began.

List of references

  1. Biographical dictionary of figures of natural science and technology. T. 1. - Moscow: State. Scientific publishing house "Big Soviet Encyclopedia", 1958. - 548 p.
  2. 300 travelers and researchers. Biographical dictionary. - Moscow: Thought, 1966. - 271 p.

The search for the sea route to India was for Portugal a very important task. The country located aside from the main trading routes of that time could not fully participate in world trade. Export was small, and the valuable goods of the East of the Portuguese had to buy at very high prices. At the same time, the geographical position of Portugal very conducibated the discovers in the West Bank of Africa and attempts to find the sea route to the "country of spices".

In 1488, Bartolome Diash opened a kind of good hope, heated Africa and reached the Indian Ocean. After that, he had to turn back, as the sailors demanded a return to Portugal. Based on the discovery of Distas, King Juan II was going to send a new expedition. However, preparation for it was delayed and moved from a dead point only after joining the throne of Manuela I in 1495.

The head of the new expedition was not Bartolome Diash, but Vasco da Gama, who was 28 years old at that time. He was born in the Primorsky Portuguese town of Sinish and belonged to the ancient aristocratic genus. At his disposal there were two heavy ship "San Gabriel" and "San Rafael", a lightweight high-speed ship "Berry", as well as a transport vessel with suggestions. The crew of all vessels reached 140-170 people.

2 swimming

Courts passed past the Canary Islands, divided in the fog and gathered at the islands of the Green Cape. Further path made it difficult to counter winds. Vasco da Gama turned to the southwest and, without reaching Brazil, a little, thanks to the passing wind, he managed the most convenient way to reach the Cape of Good Hope. On November 22, the flotilla warned Cape and reached unfamiliar waters.

At Christmas, ships entered the bay, which was called Christmas Harbor (Port Natal). At the end of January 1498, the expedition reached the mouth of the River Zambezi, where he stayed for about a month, repairing ships.

Moving further along the eastern coast of Africa, on March 2, the Portuguese reached Mozambique. The territories that Arabs controlled were beginning here. Translators from Vasco da Gama enough, so that further swimming was already on the route quite understandable for the Portuguese: they were known distances, the main ports in which it was necessary to stop.

3 India

In the rich Somali city, Melinda Gama managed to negotiate with Sheikh, and he provided him with Lotsman. With his help, the expedition in May 1498 reached India. Ships stopped at the city of Calicut (Kozhikode). The local ruler - Zamorin - the ambassador of Portuguese captain welcomed the ambassador. However, Gama sent gifts to the ruler, which had no value, the relationship between him and the ruler cooled, and the situation in the city, on the contrary, hesitated to the limit. Muslim merchants set the citizens against the Portuguese. The ruler did not give Vasco da Gama permission to the founding of the factor.

On August 9, before leaving, Da Gama turned to Zamorin with a letter in which he reminded the promise to send the embassy to Portugal and asked to send a few bags of spices to the king. However, the ruler of the Calicut in response demanded the payment of customs duties. He ordered to detain several Portuguese, accusing them in espionage. In turn, Vasco da Gama took hostages of several visiting vessels of noble Kalicuttsev. When Zamorin returned the Portuguese and part of the goods, Vasco da Gama sent half of the hostages ashore, and took the rest with him. August 30, the squadron went on the way back.

The road was not easy. January 2, 1499, sailors da Gama saw the Somali Port of Mogadishu. In September 1499, Vasco da Gama returned to his homeland hero, although he lost two ship and two thirds of the crew, including his beloved brother Paulo.

4 Second swimming in India. Sail

Immediately after the opening of the sea route in India, the Portuguese kingdom began to organize annual expeditions there. The expedition of 1500, headed by Pedro, Alvaris Cabral, concluded a trade agreement with a wallowdress of Calicut and founded there a trading factor. But the Portuguese entered the conflict with the Arab merchants of the Calicut, the factory was burned, and the Cabral sailed from the city, having fired him from the guns.

The head of the new large expedition, expedited after the return of the Carable, was again appointed Vasco da Gama. Part of the flotilla (15 ships from 20) left Portugal in February 1502.

5 Swimming

For the equator Gama, probably for the purpose of intelligence went, without removing far from sushi, along the shores of Arabia and North-West India to Camboi Gulf, and from there turned to the south.

In Cannanur, the Gama ships attacked the Arabic vessel coming from Jeddah (Harbor Mecca) to Calicut with a valuable cargo and 400 passengers, mainly pilgrims. By offering the ship, Gama ordered the sailors to locate the team and passengers in the hold, among which there were many old people, women and children, and the bombarders are set fire to the ship.

6 India

By enclosing the Union with the ruler of Cannanur, Gama in late October moved flotilla against Calicut. He began with the fact that he hung at the eve of 38 fishermen, offering the Portuguese fish, and bombarded the city. At night, he ordered to remove the corpses, cut off his heads, arms and legs, dump the body into the boat. The boat Gama attached a letter in which it was said that such would be the fate of all citizens if they resist. The tide made the boat and chopping corpses ashore. The next day, Gama again bombarded the city, plundered and burned a cargo ship approaching him. Leaving seven ships, for the blockade of Calicut, he sent two other ships to Cannanur, and with the rest he went for the same cargo in Kochin.

After two "victorious" clashes at the Calicut with Arabic courts, Vasco da Gama in February 1503 led ships back to Portugal, where and arrived in October with a burden of spices of tremendous value. After that success, the pension and other income of the gamas were significantly increased, he later received the county title.

7 Third Swimming

In 1505, King Manuel I, on the advice of Vasco da Gama, established the position of Vice-King India. Replacing each other Francischka D'Almeida and Affonsus D'Albuquerque with brutal measures strengthened the power of Portugal in the Indian Earth and in the Indian Ocean. However, after the death of Albuquerque in 1515, his successors became much worse to cope with their tasks, more thinking about personal enrichment.

The King of Portugal Zhuan III decided to appoint a second vice-king of a 54-year-old harsh and incorruptible Vasco da Gama. In April 1524, Admiral sailed from Portugal. Vasco da Gama was accompanied by two sons - Estevan da Gama and Paulo da Gama.

8 India. Death

Immediately upon arrival in India, yes Gama accepted solid measures against the abuse of the colonial administration. But on December 24, 1524, Vasco da Gama died of malaria in Cochin.

Date of birth: Presumably 1469
Date of death: December 24, 1524
Place of birth: Portugal, Siniche

Vasco da Gama - Famous navigator.

When Vasco da Gama was exactly born, the story suggests that it happened in 1469. This significant event occurred in Portugal, Sinesh. His biography of the first years of life is based on assumptions, guesses and speculation.

Accurate biography has not been preserved. It is believed that the first expedition to India, in which the Portuguese traveler took part, initially entrusted his father.

The journey happened in 1497, and it was assumed to achieve India having encouraged Africa. India for Portugal was a very relevant trading partner, since initially trading went not with such a profit as it could be.

Exports were negligible, and the spices of the Portuguese bought at the most appropriately high prices. Goods arrived through Venice. King Emanuel the Great, having ordered the expedition of Vasco da Gamo, entrusted him to enter into contracts, as well as buy any goods.

People were captured thoroughly, they were trained by many crafts. In total, the crew and the number of soldiers were about 170 people.

Three ship went to the road. For exchange trading with savages, a sufficient amount of beads were taken, mirrors; For foreman, more valuable gifts were assumed.

On July 7, 1497, Flotilla left Lisbon. For a while everything went according to the plan, the ships reached the green cape, but the winds then intervened, the ships opened the flow and the crew began to demand return to Portugal. But under the insistence of Vasco, the Hama expedition did not turn back, but continued his journey.

Already in November, the ships warked the cape of good hope and took the way to the north. Again there was a strong storm, people suffered from diseases and hunger. Without seeing another way out, as a return home, they decided to make the chains of Vasco da Gama, and swim to the king with the obey. The navigator learned about the preparing coup and ahead of the instigators.

They were chained in the chain and disastened to the sea. The rest of the team has come tortured without risking to repeat the fate of their colleagues. After the storm went, they decided to stop to do the repair of ships.

But one of them was no longer repaired, he was forced to burn, after which the passing wind drove the ships to the north.

The eastern coast of modern South Africa, Vasco da Gama called Natal, there for the first time his team met the natives, exchanged with them with gifts and in the face of Maur who entered the service for the navigator, found someone who knows the road to India.

Maurov tips were very useful to the team. The Portuguese was still sailed to the calikute, it happened in May 1498. The local king considered advantageous trade agreements with the Europeans, at first it was smooth, but as in any case, there were ill-wishers.

They completely interfered with the Portuguese, the intrigue cliff and told the king on them. Vasco da Gama did not succumb to provocations and left the calikute.

And the Canary rulers concluded a contract with the Portuguese, as he believed in the prediction that India's conquerors would arrive from the West. In 1499, the Vaska da Gama team arrived in Lisbon, they brought with them as many goods that he paid off the entire expedition. After that, the king sent an already greater expedition to India for the founding of the colonies.

Vaska da Gama died during the third journey to India from malaria. It happened in December 1524. His body was transported to Portugal, there and buried.

Achievements of Vasco da Gama:

Under his command, the expedition first sailed from Europe to India.
Vice-King of India.
Great navigator

Dates from the biography of Vasco da Gama:

1469 - appeared on the light
1497 - the beginning of the first expedition to India
1502 - Second Journey to India
1524 - Third Journey to India
1524 - died

Interesting facts of Vasco da Gama:

Vaska da Gama and his wife had six children.
In Goa in honor of the navigator, the city was named, and on the moon there is a crater, named as in his honor.

The future great traveler Vasco da Gama was born in the Portuguese city of Sinesh. This happened approximately in 1460, but the exact year of his birth is unknown.

His father was Estevan da Gama, Commander of the Fortress Sinesh in the south-west of the country, and Vasco was the Third Son in a large family. The biography of Vasco da Gama silent about his childhood, it is only known that in young years he went to the fleet and learned to manage the vessel. He became famous as fearless and confident navigator.

In 1492, King John sent him to Lisbon and from there to the province of Algarve with the order to seize all French courts. It was a retribution for the seizure by the French of the Portuguese Ship.

In 1495, Manuel became new king of Portugal, very interested in promoting trade in India. For this it was necessary to find the sea route there. At that time, Portugal was one of the most powerful marine powers in Europe, competing with Spain and France for new lands.

These merits of Portugal was obliged to Prince Henry to the Maritreator, who gathered the team of the best seating, cartographers and geographers, and sent many ships to explore the West Bank of Africa to increase the country's trade influence. His merits in the field of study of the African coast are indisputable, but East Coast still remained Terra Nova for European courts.

The breakthrough was carried out in 1487 by another audacious Portuguese navigate, Bartolome Diash. He was the first of the Europeans from Africa at Cape of Good Hope and went out into the Indian Ocean. Thus, it was proved that the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are connected to each other. This discovery sevenches the desire of the Portuguese monarch to lay a seaworthy route to India. However, he had not only commercial ideas: Manuel was eager to conquer Islamic countries and proclaim themselves by the King of Jerusalem.

Historians still guess why the king sent to such an important journey of Vasco da Gama, because at that time there were more experienced navigators in the country. However, in 1497, four ships under the command of da Gama moved away from their own shores to fulfill a responsible mission. He sent ships strictly to the south, unlike Columbus, then the case attempted to turn to the east. After a few months, the ships safely reincut the cape of good hope and moved along the eastern coast of Africa.

In January, when the flotilla reached the shores of the current Mozambique, half the teams sick in Qing. Yes, Gama was forced to quit an anchor in these waters for a month to fix the ships and give a rest to his people. Here the navigator tried to establish contact with the local Sultan, but his gifts were rejected as too modest. In April, they reached Kenya and from there were summarized in the Indian Ocean. Twenty-three days later, Calcutta appeared on the horizon.

Due to the fact that yes, Gama knew this terrain badly, at first he thought that Christians live in India. Nevertheless, they spent three months in the country, settling trade relations. Muslim merchants, who in India had a lot, did not want to share with Christians at all, so so as not to provoke the conflict, the Portuguese were forced to trade only in the coastal part of the city.

In August 1498, the ships went on the way back. The time was chosen unsuccessful, as it coincided with the rainy season. By the end of the year, several team members died from Qingi. To somehow cut the costs, yes Gama ordered to burn one of the ships, distributing the remaining people to other ships. Almost a year later, they managed to return to Portugal. Of the 170 team members survived 54 people. The opening of the Vasco da Gama is a sea route to India, made it a national hero.

The biography of Vasco da Gama includes another journey to India, in 1502, not so peaceful. King Manuel gave him to the leadership of 20 ships with order to intimidate the Muslim population of Africa and strengthen Portuguese dominance there. To fulfill the order, da Gama spent the Bloody Reid of the Opening Epoch, Blowing up and down along the Eastern Coast of Africa, attacking the ports and Muslim ships. He also distinguished himself that he burned the ship with several hundred pilgrims, returned from Mecca, not sporming no women or children. Reaching Calcutta, the army da Gama defeated the port and killed 38 hostages.

Travel Vasco da Gama was not peaceful, and until the end of life, the reputation of a harsh and incorruptible person was entrenched.