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Cabinet made of lining with your own hands. Cabinet made of lining on the balcony: all things in places

In many apartments, especially in the so-called "small mysteries" and "Khrushchev", the layout of the rooms is very inconvenient, and the dimensions are very limited. In such conditions, the hosts connect all their ingenuity to rationally use each square meter of precious locally. For this purpose, mezzanine, storage rooms, niches and, of course, balconies are actively used. So that all things are not chaotically scattered, the best option will be the built-in wardrobe on the balcony of the lining with their own hands.

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The loggia will become an excellent place to store overall tools, skews, skates and other fit things. In such an extension, it is very convenient to store items and things that are used not so often, and there are many places. To do this, equip the cabinet made of lining.

Lining, especially wooden, sufficiently susceptible to temperature and humidity drops. Therefore, in order to avoid possible deformations of the future design:

  • on the loggia you need to install high-quality double-glazed windows;
  • tightly suck all the cracks and cracks;
  • it is desirable to insulate the outer surface of the extension using mineral wool or foam;
  • the floor of the loggia should also be carefully repaired, and it is better to produce a new high-quality screed, as shown in the photo.

Only after performing these preliminary works, you can proceed to the arrangement of the built-in cabinet on the balcony.

Tools and materials

First of all, you need to prepare tools and materials that will be needed to create such a specific storage. His drawing assumes that the cabinet will be located in a niche, and the three sides will serve as the walls of the balcony. Therefore, reliable anchor bolts will be needed for attaching structural elements.

Selection and calculation

When choosing a lining, you need to consider several important nuances:

  • this class C is not intended for use in residential premises, so it should not be applied to the luggage of the loggia and its elements;

  • wooden carbill sheets is better to choose from wood breeds having a smallest resininess - oak, ash, linden;
  • otherwise, the choice of material depends on the wishes of the owner and finance, which he is ready to spend on it. The higher the quality of the upholstery material, the higher the price, so the choice always remains for the buyer.

The number of required sheat sheets will depend on the design of the cabinet. If only doors are installed in the niche, then, respectively, the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheath will be equal to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe door surface.

Separately, there will be a breakdown of wooden bars of different lengths and cross-section for the formation of a frame. The total length will be calculated based on the parameters of the cabinet - height, width and depth. The same applies to the manufacture of the door frame.

Montage Karcasa

The specific design of the cabinet involves the presence of a frame. Installation begins with the formation of the front and rear frame, as shown in the video:

  1. for this, wooden bars having a length equal to the width and height of the balcony niches are connected to their own hands with each other with metal corners or long screws;
  2. the back wall is attached to the back wooden frame - laminated chipboard sheet, as shown in the photo;
  3. then, the whole design is securely attached to the balcony wall using anchor compounds;
  4. further to the rear frame perpendicularly attach bars having a length equal to the depth of the future storage;
  5. and to the ends of these bars anchor bolts fasten the front frame;
  6. the resulting design is fixed by anchors to walls, floor and ceiling of the loggia, as shown in the photo;
  7. now it remains only with the help of the level and roulette, outline the locations of the shelves, make the guides there and build the shelves themselves.


With the built-in design, it is necessary to beat your hands only the cabinet door. For the beginning, the door frame is mounted. Depending on the two-dimensional or single-handed door, the frame will consist of one or two elements:

  1. A wooden frame is formed from a thin board, equal to the perimeter of the front wall of the structure;
  2. To increase rigidity to the frame, diagonal crossbar is also nailed;
  3. Further, with the help of nails to the resulting frame, it is attached in advance for the desired size of the carbases;
  4. The doors are equipped with handles, platbands and are attached with loops to the main frame.

Let's summarize

Of all the above, we can conclude that the cabinet is not so difficult to create a closet in the niche. But thanks to this design on the balcony will be cozy and spacious, despite the huge number of things stored there. And by making such a miracle with your own hands, you can not only save money, but also make your balcony in interesting and unique.

If in the apartment, especially this applies to the old houses, not a very convenient layout of the premises, and the apartment itself is small, with the aim of rational use, and without that limited area, you can make a built-in wardrobe onto a balcony from the lining with your own hands. Such a niche will be very convenient for storing the necessary things, and its construction does not take away considerable strength, time and cash.

It will takes the following:

  • high-quality double-glazed windows must be installed;
  • all formed gaps and cracks must be carefully embedded;
  • if there are even the slightest problems with the floor, then it needs to be repaired or re-tied;
  • it is also recommended to insulate the walls of the loggia outside (foam or mineral wool).

Required Tools and Choosing Lining

In order to construct the cabinet to the balcony, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • wooden bars for construction frame;
  • laminated sheet chipboard wall and shelves;
  • frame bolts with which the cabinet will be attached;
  • self-tapping screw or metal corners;
  • anchor bolts;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver.

To choose the right panel, it is necessary to take into account several very important points:

  • the classes of the class with absolutely not recommended in order to use in the rooms where people live, so it is better not to make a cabinet from it;
  • wood from which the lining is made, it is best to choose from the least resinous tree species (oak, ash);
  • the main selection criterion depends on the funds that you can spend on the lining, and from wishes for quality.

From what the design of the cabinet is planned, the number of sheets for the trim will depend on. If the walls of the loggia are as the walls of the cabinet, and only the doors will need to make, then the total area of \u200b\u200bthe sheath will be identical to the door area. The frame for the closet must be done anyway, for this they will be required, of which it will be formed. The total length of the bars will depend on the height, width and depths of the future locker. Also calculated the number of bars for the door frame.

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How to mount the frame

Mounting a frame for making a closet to the balcony, begins with the design of the front and rear parts of the frames, for this:

  • bruks, fitted on the width and height of the niche, should be connected to each other metal corners or self-drawing;
  • to the finished frame of wooden bars, you should attach a sheet of chipboard as a wall;
  • the resulting billet of the frame must be attached to the niche anchor compounds;
  • after that, the bars in the depth of the cabinet must be attached perpendicular to the back of the frame;
  • to the aforementioned bars, you can now attach the front part of the frame using anchor bolts;
  • the resulting frame must carefully attach the same anchor compounds to the walls, sex and ceiling;
  • using the roulette and level, you can determine where the shelves will be, and after it is built.

It is worth noting that the best shelves are mounted on the stand, it will take a few more time and effort, but as a result, the shelves will turn out to be mobile, you can put things in a closet, massive in size, if necessary, removing one or more shelves.

Today, balconies and loggias serve as additional square meters. Therefore, many tenants conduct high-quality balcony insulation, energy-efficient double-glazed windows are installed. With warm, and even cold glazed, the balcony can become an extra room, workshop. It will take a locker, where it would be possible to store all the necessary things and items (with warm equipment) and those tools and objects that are not afraid of dampness and frost (with cold glazing).

Useful locker

Build a wardrobe from the lining on the balcony with their own hands will be able to any man who is at least a little friendly with a hacksaw and hammer. Moreover, such a locker can be with doors and consist of two different halves, as in Fig. 1, 2, and may have the shape of the open shelves (Fig. 3). In any case, he perfectly "unloads" an apartment from infrequently used, but at the same time, the necessary items.

Cabinet made of lining on the balcony with their own hands from the remnants of the material

Usually, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe device on the locker balcony comes, due to the residue of the sawn timber after the procedure of insulation and the objective of the balcony space or the execution of other works. If the problem is observed with finances, you can equip a wardrobe from the lining on the balcony with your own hands without doors literally in one day (Figure 4). The manufacture of doors, their canopy and equipment fittings will take more time and will require additional costs.

Cabinet with door. one
Cabinet door

Making your own hands - reorganization of the internal space of the cabinet.

The easiest way

Consider the phased manufacturing of the cabinet from the lining on the balcony with their own hands of the simplest way. Its simplicity is that such furniture already has a posterior wall and sides due to the balcony. We need to collect the framework (Fig. 5), equip the shelves. Installation of doors - if possible, and at will. Doors are better to perform with swing design.

First Stage - Preparatory

At this stage, they are determined with the size and draw a drawing of the future cabinet. Its width will be on the entire width of the balcony - 90 cm. Its height depends on the height of the loggia, and in our case it is 220 cm. The depth of the locker can be different, but not too deep, we chose - 60 cm. At a balcony length of 5.8 -6 meters spent on the closet 60-70 cm will not be so sensible for the total area.

Closed cabinet rice. 2. Cabinet without door Fig. 3.

Second Stage - Mounting Frame

For the manufacture of racks need a bar with dimensions of 40x40 mm 220 cm long - 4 pieces. Alternately fastening to the walls of each bar with anchor bolts in 3 positions. At the top of the width and depth of the cabinet are attached 4 bars, connecting vertical racks. We will have a rectangle on the ceiling. If you do not have the installation of doors, then this rectangle is not required at the bottom.

The wardrobe makes it possible to more rationally organize space in any room. It can be placed in a residential room or on the balcony, or loggia.

In such an object of furniture, many things are placed, and externally, the product has a fairly attractive appearance. The instruction offered in the article will tell you how to properly collect the wardrobe.

Features of the selection of material for the cabinet

Even inside very small rooms there are niches that can be adapted for rational use - to arrange a cabinet in them. In this case, the most common material for cabinets is a tree.

His advantages:

  • High ecological purity.
  • Natural color.
  • Small weight.
  • Comparatively low cost.
  • Accessibility of acquisition.

However, inside the small premises, a wooden product can look cumbersome. The simplest way to create a truly pleasant in appearance design is to use the lining as the initial material for the trim.

The advantages of its use are:

  • Low price.
  • Durability.
  • Simple installation.
  • Natural naturalness.

Most often for the manufacture of cabinets apply:

  • Wood. Such lining is in great demand, it looks aesthetic plastic.
  • Plastic.

A wardrobe made of wooden or plastic lining is quite simple.

Tip: By purchasing material, you should not hurry to take the first panels in the eyes. They must be very careful.

Wooden lining is made of four classes:

  • FROM. The panel of this class before selling the consumer is subject to minimal processing. They can have bitch, very small cracks, pits, which does not allow such lining to use for the interior decoration of the room and the build of the cabinet.
  • "Extra".

Classes A, B and "Extra" have a more attractive appearance, and differ only at the price.

Tip: Choosing a material for the manufacture of a closet, you need to pay attention to these three classes, and acquire it, based on its financial capabilities and preferences to the appearance of the assembled product.

The best for the manufacture of lining is suitable materials from:

  • Oak.
  • Linden.
  • Ash.

They are distinguished by the lowest presence of resin.

The volume of the acquired material should be calculated in advance, based on the cabinet design.

For example:

  • The walls of the room can be the side walls for the cabinet. In this case, it is enough to buy the material only on the covering of the outer part, including the doors.
  • If the product from the lining will be clearly visible from all sides, you will need to acquire a larger amount of material.

What will need work tools

To make reliable and high quality wardrobe, you will need to purchase:

  • Brussia square sections from wood 40x40 millimeters, to create a frame.
  • Profile corners for assembling frame elements.
  • Small thickness boards or bars, for making the base of the cabinet door.
  • Lining panels.
  • Chipboard sheets or ordinary boards for the shelves.
  • Anchor bolts for fastening the frame in the opening room.
  • Accessories: Handles, Door Loops.
  • Self-tapping screws for fixing elements.
  • For mounting lining - klyamimers and nails.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Wooden or electric jigsaw.
  • Plumbing hammer.
  • Roulette, three meters long.
  • Building level.

The material for BRUSIV is better to choose a pine tree - there are no bitch and cracks in it. Bruks should be clean and dry, which will prevent material from premature rotting.

After the acquisition of all components, components can be made for the manufacture of the cabinet.

How to make a frame

Procedure for conducting work:

  • The front and rear frame frames are assembled. For this:
  1. fixed bars in room size;
  2. metal furniture parts are connected with self-tapping screws.
  • The DSP leaf is attached as a wall.
  • The collected design is inserted into the opening and fixed by anchor bolts.
  • On the side surfaces perpendicular to the back wall fastened the selected amount of shelves inside the product.
  • Updated design The same bolts attached to the walls of the room.
  • Controlled the horizontal of the installed bars for the shelves.

How the frame is trigged with frame, surfaces are processed

With the invisible rear and side walls of the cabinet, the casing is in the manufacture of doors. Depending on the preferences of the room owner, their size and quantity are selected.

The order of assembling the door is as follows:

  • Slipped on a piece of slim board.
  • Details are collected in the frame.
  • An intermediate layout is added diagonally, which increases the strength of the structure.
  • The frame is placed on the floor, it is mounted on it with whimimers or nails lining.

Tip: For the door you should use the lining as thin as possible to ensure its ease.

  • Inside the door fastened a platband, and on the outside - handle.
  • The door is hung on the previously installed loops.

If necessary, we need to cover the sidewall panels and the rear wall:

  • Cut using hacksaw or jigsaw material for the required dimensions.
  • Fix the lining with nails or kleimers.
  • In the groove of the first panel, small carnations at an angle are driven.
  • The subsequent sheets of lining are also attached.
  • For a more aesthetic appearance on the frame to fix the panels behind Kleimers. They provide a reliable connection, and for the eyes will be invisible.
  • With proper operations performed, the final product acquires a beautiful appearance, as shown in the photo.

  • To increase the service life, additional decoration cabinet is treated with special means. It can be a protective varnish for a tree (see).

Video In this article, all operations feature in more detail.

Features of the cabinet frame cover with plastic panels

The plastic lining used for the manufacture of the cabinet is attached similarly wooden. But there is one feature of the material: the connection of the panels can be performed only with kleimers. The use of nails or self-tapping screws can disrupt the integrity of the material with an awkward movement or a sufficiently high effort. In addition, plastic lining wardrobe is recommended only to people who have experience performing such works.

Create your own hands the wardrobe from the lining is not difficult, just adhere to only certain rules and control the quality of work. Quite simple operations allow you to get such a subject of the interior, which is able to accommodate many things used occasionally.

Small financial investments make it possible to create a real work of art, for a long time such a closet will cause admiration.

According to the old tradition on the balcony and loggia, things are stored who did not find a place in the apartment. And so that these small size rooms do not become a landfill, a good storage system is needed. The most practical option is a built-in cabinet on a balcony or loggia. Often everything is required - to make construction sites on which shelves will be held and put the doors. With such a task, it will easily cope with your own hands even at a minimum of skills.

Materials and designs

The design of the built-in closet can be divided into two parts: it is a frame and door. Sometimes, if the side rack is needed, there is also a trim.

What makes a frame

Racks for the cabinet most often make from the bar. The cross section is about 40 * 40 mm or 50 * 50 mm. The option is not bad, but on the unheated balcony there may be high humidity. And the tree is such a material that changes the dimensions depending on the humidity. There is one more point: not in all regions the timber is cheap.

There is also an option - collect the frame on the profile for plasterboard. It is perfectly attached to any sheet material type, etc. If you take galvanized, then no humidity problems are scary.

What makes the shelves

The easiest all the shelves cut in size from the sheet material. This is all the same chipboard - the usual or laminated, thick plywood, sometimes you can use, but the shelves for weights should be desired on a wooden frame.

It is possible to mount them on the place prepared on the frame - installed bars or on the self-tapping screw. There is an option - corners straight to the wall. But it is good if the walls can be drilled by self-drawing at once, otherwise it is for too long to plant each shelf on a dowel. Then it's easier to assemble the frame and put on it.

There is an even easier way to make shelves on a balcony or loggia: use metal guides and brackets to them. These systems are used in stores, but for this case, they are more than convenient: height changes easily with a sufficiently small step. Just the brackets outweigh the other holes.

With such an organization, it is necessary that you need to put the doors. So the cabinet is ready for the loggia or balcony.

By the way, it is possible to make something similar and wooden bars: recesses under the shelves with a certain step. You can make cuts saw, and then remove the chisel.

Often shelves make sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of boards. Since the width of the balcony is usually small, all sorts of trimming are in the case. Only so that they do not lose their kind for a long time and easily wiped out, they need to cover something. And at least the glazed balcony and loggia are more related to indoor premises, paint products take for exterior work, like protective impregnations. They contain substances protecting from the effects of ultraviolet. Without them, after a couple of years, wood will have a pitiful look.

So that when working in the apartment is not too "smelled", you can take a water-based lacquer. It does not create films, but the dirt into the surface is not absorbed.

What are the doors

In the closet on the loggia or balcony doors make three types:

  • ordinary swing;
  • sliding - by the type of cabinet compartment;
  • roller shutter.

All these doors can be on the entire height of the cabinet, but it is more convenient to divide it into two or three parts, and to hang your doors for each.

The most inexpensive - swing doors. We need the doors and loops themselves, and "put" them easily easily. Sliding systems are expensive. We need guides - upper, lower and side, as well as a roller system that is installed on the door leaf. But this option is attractive in that it saves a place.

The most expensive - rolling shutters. But they are attractive in that they go ready-made set, and the installation is basically "attached" to the purchase.

About how to collect sliding doors for a balcony cabinet watch video. Much will become clearer.

How to make a balcony wardrobe on a wooden frame

First cut off the 4 racks on the required height of the cabinet. If you plan to do it until the ceiling, you measure each other, and do not cut the same. The height is often different. Sliced \u200b\u200bracks are fixed. The distance between them defines the depth of the cabinet, but most often depends on the existing location. How much is there, so much and use.

If there are three deaf walls there are no problems. Bruks are fixed on a dowel. Plus the wall to the wall, impose his verticality, bring through the drill holes under fasteners in the right places. The bar is cleaned, insert plastic plugs from dowels in the hole in the wall. By installing the bar in place, screw the screws to the wall.

If you make a closet on the balcony, one side is attached to the wall, and the second to the frame elements or only at the top and bottom to the ceiling and the floor (using reinforced metal corners).

Another option for a similar case - if you need to close something with something window glass - set the wall near the window (for example, from LDSP), fix it at the bottom and above the corners to the floor and the ceiling, and then attach to the wall (and to the stream and the floor) Brous frames.

Then the transverse bars are nourished. They give the whole system a high degree of rigidity and the shelves will rely on them.

In order not to "walked" the place near the glass, this part is also occupied by shelves. Since the width of furniture is different, often make two separate small cabinets: on the bottom and on the upper half. They often differ in depth: the bottom can be done wider and hiding there heavier and overall things. The top closet in this case can be done less deep. In this case, the top of the bottom cabinet can be used as a tabletop.

Corner cabinet on loggia: photo report

First, the loggia was covered with clapboard. Immediately after that, the cabinet began to make the same lining. It was decided to wish the corner to not close so much the window. On the opposite side, the cabinet takes almost the entire width, slightly reaching the balcony door.

Racks did not miserably. I knocked bars on the ceiling and to the floor, to them walls. They turned short - in three places. The planks were knocked out to the walls of the walls, which was put on the same lining, carved by the resulting form of a closet.

At the top and bottom of the doorway, blew the loop across the opening. The remaining distance was measured, 1.5 centimeters were detected on inaccuracies and such a length was cut by lining on the door. They needed six pieces. They shot down with four transverse slats shot down in the door. Covered using conventional loops.

In the free space between the wall of the cabinet and the casing of the balcony, two shelves are nailed. A little later added slightly higher with rounded edges. The last stage was knocked off under the ceiling and on the floor of the plinth (close the slots), then grinding the lining with the skin and painted with a mourn.

Drawings and schemes

It is impossible to talk about any standards regarding cabinets for balconies. And the size and configuration, and the glazing is all different. Therefore, even with the size of the shelves, it is necessary to determine "at the place." But several examples that you can change as you need to give.

Stock Foto Ready cabinets on loggia and balcony

Not exactly a wardrobe - a seat with a box at the bottom