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What to eat for dinner after a workout. How to eat while exercising for weight loss

Reading time: 5 minutes

When exercising regularly at home or in the gym, the question of nutrition before and after exercise inevitably arises. What, when and how much can you eat after exercise to lose weight and make your body slim?

First of all, you need to know that you will only lose weight if you consume more calories daily than you consume... If you follow this basic principle of losing weight, you will get rid of excess weight, even if you do not follow the rules of what is before and after training. However, eating well after exercise can help you optimize the fat loss and bodybuilding process.

Pre-workout nutrition

So, first, let's take a look at what to eat before training. This will largely depend on when you practice.

1. If you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach

Exercising in the morning on an empty stomach is one of the most popular ways to burn additional fat, although coaches around the world are still arguing about the effectiveness of this method of losing weight. The adepts of the theory of training on an empty stomach claim that at this time the reserves of glycogen in the liver are minimal, which means that your body will draw energy from your fat and, accordingly, "destroy" it. Opponents of this theory say that training time does not affect the reduction of body fat, but you can easily burn muscles with morning exercises, which, accordingly, will distance you from a beautiful toned body.

Of course, the option of training on an empty stomach is only suitable for those who or who have a gym not far from home. Because to keep the body hungry for hours (during and before training) still not very useful. But if you still choose the morning time for sports before breakfast, then you do not need to eat anything before training, although you should definitely drink water.

  • If you are doing strength training for muscle growth
  • If you are doing high-intensity workouts (tabata,)
  • If you find it hard to tolerate training on an empty stomach, feel dizzy and weak

2. If you exercise in the morning after a snack

What pre-workout food should you choose if you can't work out on an empty stomach? For example, in the case of intense training or due to the lack of physical energy for classes without food. In this case, arrange yourself light carbohydrate snack 30-45 minutes before training. This can be coffee with a banana, bread with a slice of cheese, or muesli bars (this should to be a small portion of food, about 100 g)... In this case, you will have energy and strength for classes. You can even drink a glass of kefir or milk, if that's enough for you.

Please note that this does not have to be a hearty full breakfast. The snack should be small, otherwise it will just be difficult for you to do it. In addition, intense exercise on a full stomach can lead to indigestion or even vomiting. If you prefer a full breakfast and only then train, then in this case it is better to give preference to cereals and train at least 1.5 hours after eating.

3. If you exercise in the morning after breakfast, in the afternoon or in the evening

In other cases, the best nutritional option before training is considered complex carbohydrates... 1.5-2 hours before class, eat buckwheat, rice, durum wheat pasta or oatmeal if you work out after breakfast. If you can't eat before training, then you will be saved again by the carbohydrate snack, which was mentioned in the previous paragraph. But it is advisable to plan your day so that you have a full meal with complex carbohydrates before class.

Another pre-workout nutritional tip: Don't eat pure protein meals before exercising. It will not give you energy and you will not be able to exercise at full strength.

What to eat after training? Within half an hour after training, it is necessary to close the protein-carbohydrate window, in which the body has a strong need for nutrients. Replenishing the body with proteins and carbohydrates at this point will help the body to support your muscles.

Close the anabolic window 30 minutes after exercise... It is recommended to do this with a protein-carbohydrate combination at the rate of 60 to 40. On the day of aerobic exercise, give 60% to carbohydrates, 40% to proteins. On the days of strength and aerobic-strength training, on the contrary, 60% - proteins and 40% - carbohydrates. Examples of post-workout nutrition:

  • Low-fat milk protein shake
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with fruit
  • Omelet or eggs with crispbread
  • Lean Chicken Sandwiches

If you want to lose weight, then the calorie content of the dish should be about half the amount you spent in class... For example, exercising, you burned 500 calories. This means that within half an hour after its end, eat a protein-carbohydrate dish with an energy value of 250 kcal. Protein and carbohydrates should be combined 60/40 depending on the type of training you are doing. A full meal should be eaten 1.5-2 hours after this intermediate post-workout meal.

If you train in the morning on an empty stomach or after a small snack, then after training it is quite acceptable to have a full breakfast in 30-45 minutes. But this option is not suitable for those who work to increase muscle mass, in this case it is better to stick to the standard option described above.

What shouldn't be eaten after exercise?

First, avoid fatty foods(including fatty milk and fatty cottage cheese). Fat interferes with the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream, so it is advisable to eat only low-fat foods after exercise. Second, avoid post-workout foods that contain caffeine, which interferes with the use of protein for muscle recovery.

By following these simple pre and post workout nutritional tips, you will improve your performance and take another step towards the body of your dreams. However, remember that the issue of nutrition before and after training is not the main issue for those who want to lose weight and tighten the body. The most important thing is nutrition throughout the day, adherence to a general calorie deficit, and a sufficient intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.... Therefore, you can always adjust the menu to suit your individual capabilities.

> What to eat after training for weight loss and how long can you eat?

What to eat after training for weight loss and how long can you eat?

If you are trying to lose weight, you probably know that a reduced calorie diet is necessary to achieve your goals. And also what you eat after exercise will play a decisive role in losing weight. Appropriate post-workout food will provide the body with the nutrients you need to replenish while maintaining the overall calorie deficit it needs to lose weight. A combination of complex carbohydrates and protein with a minimum amount of fat is important that you get from low-fat animal foods (meat, dairy products).

The importance of post-workout nutrition for weight loss

Intense training, strength and training, leads to muscle breakdown and glycogen depletion. Consuming a combination of protein and carbohydrates within forty minutes after training maximizes the recovery of muscle glycogen and muscle tissue. Adequate glycogen levels play an important role in preparing for future workouts. Since your muscles have a high metabolic rate, maintaining muscle mass will help support your metabolism as well as lose fat.

What to eat after your morning workout for weight loss?

Classical breakfast of eggs and toast- nutritious food after training at any time of the day.

  • Eggs are a fast-digesting protein source and contain many important nutrients such as vitamin A and zinc;
  • and whole grain toast contains complex carbohydrates, including fiber, and B vitamins.

Although egg yolk contains fat and cholesterol, consuming two eggs with yolk per day will not increase blood cholesterol. If you want to reduce calories and reap the nutritional benefits of yolk, consuming one whole egg with two egg whites- a reasonable compromise.

  • Chicken fillet, turkey, beef, whole grain bread and tofu These are all healthy post-workout snacks, and whole grain breads provide a high-fiber carbohydrate source to help you conserve energy for longer.
  • Vegetables provide a variety of vitamins, low in calories, high in solid fiber, and brown rice- a source of complex carbohydrates.

Best Post-Workout Food for Weight Loss

The correct (complex) carbohydrates need to be replenished after exercise because they will be used as the body's primary fuel source. Yet again, choose carbohydrates that are high in fiber (whole grain bread, brown rice, vegetables) paired with protein (eggs, milk, meat, legumes, fish), To help .

Avoid simple carbohydrates after training, and in general, during the day, if you want to lose weight. White breads, baked goods, and sugary sweets are devoid of fiber and provide a quick burst of easily digestible carbs, boosting blood sugar levels that fill you up quickly but leave you hungry after an hour. And it will not help weight loss.

Fat should not be included in your post-workout meal because they slow down the breakdown of proteins, increase the calorie content of food, and instead of restoring, the body spends effort on digesting fats. It is no secret that when losing weight, fats should be reduced in the composition of meals, but not completely excluded. The right unsaturated fats are able to remove free fat from the body thanks to their chain of molecules. The paradox is that fats help you lose weight.

Remember, when losing weight, you need to be afraid and exclude simple carbohydrates, and remove complex ones from food in the late afternoon.

What can you eat after training in the evening for weight loss?

Late workouts your food preference should be animal proteins- meat, dairy products and vegetables. Vegetables go well with meat, do not burden the digestive system, are easily digested without provoking fat deposition. In addition, vegetables are low in calories, large portions have a low energy value. In the evening after a workout, there should not even be fruit - it's sugar. Even if your workout is over very late, don't starve before bed, do not go to bed hungry, you will not lose fat, and the muscles will suffer. You still need protein, if you have little time to eat, take with you low-fat yogurt, kefir or milk, and low-fat cottage cheese (but not fat-free).


  • Eating more calories than normal will stunt your weight loss efforts, so focus on nutrients that promote simultaneous muscle recovery and fat loss.
  • When losing weight, consume for each kilogram of own weight 21 calories.
  • Eat often, every three hours, keep your metabolism high.

The main mistake when losing weight is fasting which slows down the breakdown of adipose tissue to provide you with energy.

Helpful video about post-workout nutrition for weight loss

To gain a beautiful body for girls, it is important not only to regularly exercise in the gym, but also to plan the correct diet for gaining muscle mass. Knowing what to eat before and after training to lose weight, or to grow muscle tissue, will help you reach the desired goal much faster.

Dieting guarantees half the success of a specific task. At the very beginning, you need to decide on the purpose of the classes and the loads associated with it. For some girls, this will be weight loss, for others - a set of muscle mass.

Nutrition before and after exercise

This decision is fundamental, since based on it, the diet will be planned and the calorie content of the dishes will be calculated.

The nutritional rules for playing sports provide for the following points:

  1. Organize meals 5-6 times a day.
  2. Food should be consumed in small portions. So it will be better absorbed, and the stomach will not stretch.
  3. You need to consume the amount of clean water the body needs: 2-3 liters per day. Situations should not be allowed when fluid does not enter the body for a long period of time.
  4. 2-3 hours before going to the gym, you need to include foods consisting of slow carbohydrates in the menu. This will ensure blood flow to the muscles and not to the stomach, as the food has time to be digested.
  5. You can eat a full meal 1-2 hours after exercising in the gym.
  6. Fats consumed in food should not exceed 10% of the daily diet.
  7. The amount of protein should be calculated as follows: 1.5-2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.
  8. To calculate carbohydrates in the diet, the following proportion is correct: 3.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. If you are planning a diet for building muscle mass, then if necessary, the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet increases.

Slimming food

When exercising for the purpose of losing weight, you need to remember that food ensures the normal functioning of the body. A sharp decrease in calorie content leads to a slowdown in metabolism. Soon the body will adapt to new conditions, and fat reserves will cease to leave.

Slimming food

The daily menu of a girl involved in sports for weight loss should be 1200-1500 calories, while it is important to understand what exactly is healthier to use after exercise for weight loss.

The following rules will help in planning your diet:

  1. The calorie content of the basic meal should be 350 kcal.
  2. After exertion, you need to try not to eat anything, but only drink water.

Compliance with this point is very important, since at the end of the workout, the fat burning mechanism starts in the body. This process lasts during the first hours after the end of the load: the body takes energy from its own reserves.

  1. After 1 hour, you need to eat an amount of food equal to half of the calories in calories. If during the workout 500 kcal was burned, then the menu should be equal to 250 kcal.
  2. The menu of every day should include a sufficient amount of protein foods: cottage cheese, egg whites, chicken, legumes.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass

For gaining muscle mass, planned nutrition is also the main helper. The body must consume calories in excess (more than it consumes). There are a few basic rules to keep in mind:

Post-workout nutritional guidelines

For the fastest achievement of the result, you need to adhere to the rules of a balanced diet after training. It is important with your eating habits not to negate all the work done on the body.

In fitness, there is the concept of a "carbohydrate window". This is post-workout time: the first 15-30 minutes. During this period, you need to organize the correct meal. In terms of composition, it should be 60% from proteins and 40% from carbohydrates.

If the goal of the lesson is to lose weight, then during this period of time it is undesirable to eat food at all.

Starting the fat burning process will help you lose weight for the next 2 hours. An exception is the situation when a person after training feels unwell (feeling unwell, dizzy, nauseous).

To improve the condition, you need to eat. And in the process of losing weight, only those calories that are burned during the workout will play a role.

If a girl is engaged in muscle growth, then after 10-20 minutes. after physical activity you need to eat. During this period, due to the consumed nutrients, the carbohydrate glycogen accumulates in the muscles. It is spent during the period of physical labor and provides the body with energy.

Fitness trainers believe that you need to eat often during the day after exercising in the gym. It is during this period of time that glycogen continues to accumulate in muscle tissue.

Post-workout nutrition

The list of what you need to eat after training for weight loss (for the growth of muscle tissue) is determined by the form of training and the time of day. If you follow the rules, you can eat wholesome food and not weaken the body with harsh diets.

Post-workout morning meal

The most effective exercise for weight loss is training right after sleep. But if you feel unwell due to hunger, then half an hour before the load you need to provide the body with fast energy. For such purposes, sweet fruits (bananas, grapes), coffee or tea are suitable.

Breakfast is the time to eat slow carbs.

It is found in sweet fruit and some vegetable juices. In this meal, you need to include egg protein - a source of proteins, or other protein foods (cheese, cottage cheese).

If the workout takes place in the early morning, then you can have breakfast 1 hour after it. You don't need to fast for 2-3 hours before eating. The night was a long interval without food, and during this time the body consumed all the energy obtained from carbohydrates.

What to eat for breakfast when exercising

Muscles are energy-intensive, and a huge amount of resources is spent on their maintenance even during the rest period.

What to eat in the afternoon after training

Carbohydrates should be a big part of your meal, especially if you work out in the afternoon. The menu should include slow carbohydrates: rice, pasta, buckwheat. They provide the body with energy for a long time. It is best to eat 1.5 hours before class.

In a situation where it was not possible to organize a decent lunch before the day's workout, you cannot go without food. You need to eat foods that include fast carbohydrates (tea and bread, dried fruits, banana). They will serve as a source of energy during the training period.

What to eat in the evening after training

The composition of the dinner should be dominated by proteins. The amino acids that make up proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue. The menu can include boiled or steamed chicken. Alternatively, fish is suitable, or an omelet made from egg whites.

If the workout is carried out in the late evening, then a large cup of kefir would be an ideal meal after it. This dairy product contains protein to help muscles recover from exercise.

Allowed Products

It's important to learn what you want to eat before and after your workout. For weight loss, as well as for muscle growth, the diet should consist of foods enriched with all trace elements, minerals and vitamins.

Allowed Products

When planning your meals, you need to take into account that the food should not be fat-free. Protein and carbohydrates are powerful resources for building tissue, but fats contain essential fatty acids - unique ingredients for a beautiful body.


Protein foods are important components of the diet on rest days after exercise. You need to consume food with a complete set of amino acids. The meat should be low-fat, chicken, beef, turkey are suitable. Fish in the diet can be of any fat content. It is important to include seafood on the menu.

Eggs also contain protein. Of dairy products, you should often use cottage cheese, cheese, kefir. It is important to include in the menu the vegetable protein found in nuts and legumes.


Carbohydrates are a source of energy for body functions and exercise. Eating both fast and slow carbohydrates is important.

The first type of these nutrients must be obtained from fruits, dried fruits, vegetables. Preference should be given to fruits that contain little starch and sugar: apples, grapefruit, apricots. Breads, crackers, and energy bars can also quickly satisfy hunger and energize.

Slow carbohydrates are an essential part of your daily diet.

In the morning you can have breakfast with oatmeal or pasta. Cereals (rice, buckwheat) and vegetables can become an integral part of lunch or dinner.


It is very important to include fats in the diet, as they help maintain optimal testosterone levels in the body. This hormone is involved in the processes responsible for muscle growth and also makes bones strong. It plays an important role in the regulation of blood composition.

To consume healthy fats for the body, you need to eat nuts, fatty fish. Vegetable oils should be added to dishes. Animal fats should not be excluded from the diet. It is advisable to include butter in the breakfast.

Product selection rules

The choice of foods that make up the diet of the day depends on the time of day and the nature of the load. High-calorie foods are a must after exercise.

In the morning, it is best to consume slow carbohydrates (oatmeal, pasta). They are able to charge the body with energy for a long period of time. Juices, sources of vitamins and glucose, it is advisable to drink in the morning.

Fast carbohydrates are consumed when there is a need for a quick burst of energy.

This can be up to 30 minutes. before training. Fast carbs are also a great snack throughout the day.

Product selection rules

A vegetable or fruit salad would be a good solution. An alternative is muesli and crispbreads, as well as drinks.

Protein foods to eat after training and for dinner. If the work in the gym is power loads, then the food consumed after them should consist of 6/10 proteins. If we are talking about aerobics, then carbohydrates should prevail in the menu.

Cottage cheese and kefir are foods that should be included in the meal at the end of the day.

Sample menu

You need to plan your meals daily. When compiling a diet, the calorie limit and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food are taken into account.

Sample menu

This menu option serves as a good example of how to distribute food throughout the day:

7:45 - breakfast

  • oatmeal in water 200g;
  • butter 15 g;
  • tea without sugar.

10:30 - snack

  • coffee 200 g;
  • 1 banana.

14:00 - lunch

  • vegetable soup with rice 200g;
  • poached fish 100 g;
  • buckwheat porridge 40 g;
  • fruit drink 200 g.

16:30 - snack

  • cocoa 200 g;
  • bread 30 g

19:00 - dinner

  • chicken fillet 110 g;
  • zucchini stew with carrots 100 g;
  • herbal tea 200 g.

21:00 - snack

  • cottage cheese 5% 100 g.

This menu is especially suitable for girls working out in the gym in the afternoon. There are a lot of proteins on the afternoon menu. For the body and muscles, they serve as a source of recovery after exertion.

For girls who train in the morning hours, the following menu is suitable:

7:30 - 1st meal

  • orange juice - 200 g;
  • bread - 30 g.

9:45 - breakfast

  • protein omelet from 2 eggs;
  • milk - 200 g.

13:00 - lunch

  • brown rice - 40g;
  • boiled meat - 100 g;
  • vegetable salad - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 2.5 ml;
  • compote - 200 g.

16:00 - snack

  • cocoa - 200 g;
  • muesli - 30 g.

19:00 - dinner

  • boiled chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • steamed vegetables - 80 g.

21:00 - snack

  • kefir 2.5% fat - 180 g.

The diet can be compiled on your own, but if necessary, you can seek professional help from a trainer or a nutritionist.

Prohibited foods

For building muscle, as well as for losing weight, it is important to know what not to eat after exercise.

The following substances should be avoided in food:

  1. Fats

Fat consumed in large quantities prevents nutrients from proteins and carbohydrates from entering the blood normally. The post-exercise food intake in the gym should contain a minimum amount of fat.

  1. Caffeine

This substance inhibits the processes of muscle recovery, and also prevents the preservation of glycogen in them. After training, it is unacceptable to drink coffee, tea, or cocoa. Do not eat chocolate and products with its flavor. A product containing caffeine can only be eaten 2 hours after exercise.

There are a number of foods you shouldn't eat at all:

  1. Pastries and other flour products made from refined flour.
  2. Pork and any fatty meat.
  3. Sausages and semi-finished products.
  4. Fried foods.
  5. Sweets made from refined sugar.
  6. Margarine, spreads and other transgenic fats.
  7. Carbonated drinks.
  8. Fast food.

Nutritionists are convinced that a person involved in sports does not need to adhere to a rigid mono-diet. In nutrition, the balance of substances is important, regardless of what the purpose of coming to the gym is. Food quality and calorie calculations play a key role in diet planning on training days.

In addition to exercising, nutrition and proper rest are also important for building muscle. Nutritionists recommend eating every 4 hours. Drinking regimen also plays a big role.

It will not be superfluous to drink 3 cups of green tea daily. It tones up and removes toxins from the body.

Experts emphasize the importance of including fruits and vegetables in the menu. Fiber helps the body absorb nutrients from food. Thanks to her, the intestines are working in the correct mode.

The toxins that are present in the body are also eliminated through fiber. To normalize the digestive system, it is enough to eat 350-400 g of vegetables daily.

The knowledge of what to eat after training to lose weight or to grow muscles is reflected in the basic rules of sports nutrition and in the advice of nutritionists.

To work out in the gym or at home as quickly as possible bring the desired result, you need to follow the norms of a healthy diet. Loads together with a balanced diet will not only make the body beautiful, but also help get rid of wrong eating habits, temper your character and create a new lifestyle.

Useful video about nutrition before and after training for girls:

Video about what should be food before and after training !:

Each athlete has a specific training program that is inextricably linked to the established daily schedule. Very often, the class schedule falls into the evening, just before bedtime. After intense exercise, the body requires natural nutrition in the form of food. This is due to several factors:

Losing a lot of calories.
The fall in the energy balance.
The need to restore muscle tissue in the post-workout period and supply them with an aminoprofile.

However, the paradox, the so-called supporters of a healthy diet and very many doctors, argue that eating at night is harmful, since the stomach slows down the digestion process, food is absorbed worse, which leads to metabolic disorders and fat deposits. This rule is really true, but not for people leading an active lifestyle, because they need to replenish the protein-carbohydrate window, avoiding the catabolic syndrome.

Why Eat After Your Evening Workout

During the day, any person, for the body to function properly, must satisfy the daily requirement for various nutrients. As you know, the most consumed of them are proteins (necessary for muscle growth, energy recovery and improvement of cognitive functions) and carbohydrates (the main, most important source of energy).

Many novice athletes, after the first exercise, notice that their muscles have increased significantly in volume. And most of them mistakenly assume that this is muscle growth. However, such an increase is associated with an improvement in blood circulation and tissue swelling due to micro-fractures, which must be urgently regenerated and filled with a building compound for development and growth.

Forces for post-workout recovery, the body draws from energy reserves, and the building material is protein, of which 80% consists of dry muscle mass. If the body lacks nutrients, it begins to deplete its natural reserves. At the same time, the muscles do not increase in volume, negating the efficiency of the evening exercise, the energy balance decreases, all forces are thrown into recovery, but they are sorely lacking, because almost all of them are expended during classes. A catabolic attack begins, and, consequently, the destruction of muscle tissue, a decrease in cognitive activity, lethargy, fatigue. As a result, the next morning a person feels overwhelmed and sick.

That is why, for all athletes, an evening post-workout meal is so important.

If the gym is located at a considerable distance from the place of residence, you can quickly support the body after playing sports with the help of sports nutrition.
The ideal product, in this case, is whey protein. It is easily absorbed and provides the body with an instant supply of energy and essential amino acids. But, if there is an opportunity to have a full dinner, do not miss it.

What food can an athlete eat at night, and what not

An evening meal should be rich in protein, slow carbohydrates, maintain a balance of blood glucose levels, be low in calories, and at the same time, ensure a feeling of fullness all night long.
Foods that can and should be eaten before bed, after training:
- rice;
- boiled chicken;
- cottage cheese and yogurt;
- seafood;
- cheese;
- herbal teas.

You should eat until full saturation, without overeating, but also without leaving a feeling of hunger.

Along with the recommended products, there are also unwanted ones. Eating them in the morning or afternoon is possible, but before going to bed, it is not advisable and can adversely affect metabolic processes, sleep quality, as well as the relief of the figure.
It is completely undesirable to eat before bedtime:

- coffee and cocoa products.
- foods high in saturated fat;
- mushrooms;
- high-calorie meat products;
- sweets.

Foods prohibited for use by athletes at any time of the day, especially at night:
- pasta;
- prefabricated semi-finished products;
- "quick soups";
- sausages;
- all GMO products.

Speaking of cottage cheese. It is composed of complete casein protein - ideal for a night's sleep. Casein nourishes muscles with amino acids for 8 hours, promoting muscle growth and effectively inhibiting catabolism. However, if there is no cottage cheese, you can also prepare a pre-purchased casein mixture, which is part of the sports nutrition.

How to calculate your calorie count

How many calories to consume per day and what is the calorie intake for a late dinner.

(Height x 1.8) + (weight x 9.6) + (age x 4.7) + 655

The resulting figure is multiplied by:

1.55 - when practicing 3-5 times every 7 days.

1.73 - with daily, intense exercise.

Height 189 cm
Weight 89 kg
Age 32
1.73 - active workouts

We get(189 x 1.8) + (89 x 9.6) + (32 x 4.7) = 1,345 + 655 = 2,000 x 1.73 = 3,460 kcal

If you are a strength athlete or your day is active, add another 500 kcal, and if you also need to gain mass + 500 kcal.
When exercising for weight loss, the daily calorie intake is reduced by 20%.
Now let's calculate the calorie content of the late dinner diet. So, let's say you eat 5,000 calories in 4 meals.
Then 5,000 / 4 = 1,250 * 20% = 250 kcal, you should consume with an evening meal, after a late workout ..

In addition, you should take into account the daily dosage of the body's need for certain substances and its balance for the evening. In just an hour, you can compose a seven-day, perfectly delicious menu that will significantly raise the level of your physical abilities.

If all this is difficult for you to consider yourself, then it is recommended to contact a nutritionist to determine the individual needs of your body and the presence of certain contraindications. Be healthy.

Video about athlete nutrition. What to eat and drinking regimen.

We are what we eat. Moreover, this rule is invariable in any conditions. Even regular physical activity will not help you find a dream figure if you eat high-calorie, fatty and junk food before and after training.

So that the energy that you spend on sports is not wasted, it is important to improve your nutrition. First of all, those meals that occur immediately before and after classes are important.

Let's make a reservation right away: in no case should you go hungry. Even if it seems to you that this way you can lose more excess. During physical exertion, the body's energy reserves are consumed very intensively, so they must be replenished before exercise. Both women and men can and should eat before training for weight loss, the main thing is the right food and at the right time.

What to eat before exercise for weight loss

The most ideal option is to eat carbohydrate foods before class. It will give a maximum of glycogen "fuel", which means that the body will have enough strength for classes. At the same time, he will take the rest of the energy from fats, which during exercise will begin to be actively split.

But from words - to deeds, more precisely, to specifics. So, what is the best to eat before exercise to lose weight:

  • Light porridge - for example, buckwheat or oatmeal.
  • Vegetable and fruit salads (exclude grapes and bananas).
  • Diet biscuits, whole grain crisps.

Such carbohydrates will not be deposited on your sides - on the contrary, they will make your body more resilient and prevent possible bouts of hunger during sports.

Now let's talk about proteins... Protein food, unlike carbohydrate food, is not a source of energy for our body. But the construction of new cells is impossible without it. After all, our main goal is not just to lose weight, but to gain a beautiful figure, tighten muscles. It is to feed muscle mass that proteins are needed.

In no case should you replace carbohydrates with proteins in an effort to lose weight faster - energy for exercise is drawn exclusively from carbohydrate foods. Because of this, it can. But it is possible and even necessary to include a small portion of protein in a meal. It can be:

  • Dairy products.
  • Omelet or boiled eggs.
  • A serving of lean, cooked or stewed meat.
  • A little boiled or steamed fish.

An approximate “menu” before intensive training looks something like this: a portion of protein food with a vegetable side dish, or a whole grain loaf with a piece of boiled meat and a leaf of lettuce, or a glass of kefir and fruit salad.

There is also a list of drinks and supplements that you can safely consume before class. These products include coffee, which increases the overall tone of the body. It is also recommended to take sports supplements containing L-carnitine or other fat-burning components before exercising. Such miracle elixirs enhance the effect of exercise and help you lose excess pounds faster.

When and how much

The portion of food should be standard - the same as you usually eat at this time of day. You need to eat no later than two hours before class.

Very light food (for example, if you chose kefir with fruit as a snack) you can eat a little later - an hour and a half before class.

If you study in the morning, you are allowed to eat an apple, some low-fat cottage cheese or a mug of green tea about 40 minutes before the start of class.

What NOT to eat before exercise to lose weight

First of all, these are fatty foods. Such food is very slow to digest and is reluctant to leave the stomach. And with a full stomach, exercise, of course, is unlikely to be easy. It is also worth giving up fast carbohydrates - cakes, pastries, cookies and other unhealthy snacks.

What to eat after strength training to lose weight

We told you what you can do "before." But this is only half the battle. It is equally important for losing weight what food will enter your body after exercise. After all, no matter how intense the load, if you go to McDonald's right after graduation and celebrate your sports achievements with a couple of big macs, you most likely will not see the effect of exercise. Let's see what there is after a workout for weight loss for girls and guys who want to get in shape as quickly as possible.

Nutrition after exercise has its own distinctive features. The fact is that due to muscle contractions, cells are deformed - and this, in turn, makes it difficult for the muscles to function and causes fatigue. In addition, glycogen is actively consumed during sports.

In order for physical activity to bring maximum benefit, so that muscle cells and glycogen stores in the body recover as quickly as possible, you need to have a snack within the next 45 minutes after exercise. Of course, these are carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index, as well as foods containing protein. A portion of food should contain 80% carbohydrates and 20% protein.

Why exactly 45 minutes? The fact is that it is during this time period, which is called the protein-carbohydrate window, that our muscles become more susceptible to insulin (it is under its action that glucose and amino acids appear in the muscles, which are obtained as a result of the breakdown of proteins). If you eat later than 45 minutes later, the “window” will close, and the muscles will no longer perceive insulin, which means that the processes of its recovery will significantly slow down, as will the weight loss itself. Therefore, in order to lose weight, it is imperative to eat after training. Otherwise, classes will lose all meaning.

We offer several options for snacking during the first 45 minutes after class:

  • Whole grain bread with a slice of cheese.
  • A handful of dried fruits and nuts.
  • Low-fat yogurt with fruit pieces.
  • Fruit juice and a piece of cheese.
  • Omelet with vegetables and a slice of thin pita bread.
  • Flakes drenched in milk.
  • Bread and boiled egg.
  • Whole grain bread sandwich with a slice of meat (such as turkey or chicken).
  • Crackers and low-fat cheese.
  • Bar - energy or protein.

But rushing to extremes and overeating right after class is not worth it. The snack should be light. You can have a hearty meal in about an hour and a half, not earlier.

Features of morning and evening workouts

Does the set of products depend on the time of the class? No - the list of allowed treats is always the same. Another question is that in the case of evening classes, it is quite problematic to eat a hearty one and a half to two hours after class. Therefore, in this case, you just need to eat non-coarse protein foods as quickly as possible (you should not get carried away with carbohydrates). On the list of addition, after workout, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, vegetable salad with olive oil.

By the way, protein in the evening is "shown" in any case. This is what you can and should eat for weight loss after training, even if it took place during the day. A little protein, eaten in the evening, will increase the rate of muscle growth in the first couple of hours of sleep (it is during this time that growth hormones are most active). Drink a glass of kefir an hour or two before bedtime, eat some cottage cheese - the figure will certainly thank you.

From this article, you learned what to eat before and after classes for weight loss for girls and guys who want to achieve results as soon as possible without wasting time in the gym. Good luck and new sports achievements!