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God of war in Rome. Ancient gods of Rome: Paistore Features

In ancient times, the Romans represented gods in the form of some invisible forces that accompany a person throughout life and even after it.

Gods of ancient Rome

To systematize knowledge, create a list and description of the gods of ancient Rome, which are the main.

During the closer relations of Rome with Greece, the Roman gods from an inexplicable substance acquired a human image.

Fig. 1. Roman God Jupiter.

He is the main among all the gods. The patron of heaven and thunderstorms. He guards world order, is the highest deity. It is accompanied by an eagle, and as a weapon uses lightning.

Jupiter's wife and sister. He was a protector of girls, taking care of their marriages and preserving innocence before joining it. She certainly had a scepter in her hands, and the head covered the golden diadem.

Father Romulus and Rem. Mars guarded the fields, but then transformed into the God of war. In his honor, named month of March. Shield and spear - its constant weapon.

God sowing and harvest. He taught people to agriculture, as well as life in peace and harmony. His honor was satisfied with the holiday of Saturnalia.

God of winemaking and entertainment. In honor of him, Romans sang songs and satisfied the ideas.

He was God with two heads looking at the same advance and back. He was God of any beginning or undertaking. Temples in his honor had the form of an urban gate. They were opened in wartime and closed in peaceful.


He was a messenger of gods. People he brought dreams and led dead to the kingdom of the dead. Mercury patronized thieves and merchants. In his hands, he always had a wallet with money and a sail-caduceus.

Goddess of wisdom, patroness of all Roman cities. She is a defender of poets, teachers, actors and writers. Its weapon is shield, helmet and spear. Near her certainly there are a snake or owl.

Apollo was an overseer for the execution of the will of Jupiter. He was hit by archers or diseases, and the other gave various benefits. He is also the God of Predictions and Creativity. I was depicted with onions in my hands and quiver arms behind my back or in the form of a singer holding the LIRA.

This is the God of the Water World. He controls storms and sends a calm. His rage does not know borders. Its weapon is a trident.

He is the God of the underground world and the owner of huge underground wealth.

He was the god of blacksmith and fire. Guarded people from the fire and was a patron of Kuznetsov. He dwell in the depths of the Sicilian volcano ethna.

The beauty queen. Patrone of spouses and an unusually beautiful woman. Was considered a distant ancestor Julius Caesar

Cupid (Amur)

Youth, head of love affairs. With his bow with arrows, he hit the soul of lonely people, inciting their love to each other. Also capable of killing love between a man and a woman.

Responsible for farming and yield of bread. Depicted with sheaf of bread bumps in hand.


The goddess of Victory in the Romans.

The goddess of a homemade hearth and a flame inside it. Vesti had their servants in the temple - Vestniki. They worshiped only her and kept innocence throughout her life.

The patroness of the forest and its inhabitants. She is a hunter and a pregnant woman's assistant during childbirth. Defender of Plebeev and slaves. Her weapons are onions, and accompanies her lan.

According to the beliefs of Romans, Quirin is Romulus, the founder of the city of Rome. After death, he was reborn, having received the Divine beginning.

Fig. 2. Roman God Cupid.

Greek and Roman gods are largely similar to each other and have the same functions. They differ only by names. Everything else, the legends and myths of ancient Greece also spread to Roman religious culture.

In terms of religion, Rome is much diverse and having changed, along with this, changed and transformed, along with the rest and religion. Residents of ancient Rome were pagans and idolaters, worship of Greek and Etruscan gods had worst. Over time, Romans further dipped into paganism.

But with the change in the circumstances and objectives of the state, in the end, christianity was chosen, which, after the collapse of Rome, the Western Empire and the Eastern took the form of current Catholicism. The gods of ancient Rome disappeared. The cult of ancestors and land was the basis of beliefs of pagan Rome.

Beliefs of pagan Rome

All rituals have traditionally been performed by the heads of the family or communities. Developing, the state, developed for himself and its population official religion, and assumed the obligations of the official organization and government of the festivals.

In the first pantheon, the Romans dominated Jupiter, Mars and Quirin, but over time they were replaced with a more successful combination: Jupiter, Junon and Minerva.
These deities were considered defenders and patrons of the country, and their sanctoes became the cities of the state cult of the gods.

With the development of the state, science developed, namely, the story. Learning the history of its predecessors of the Greeks, the Romans have increasingly identified their gods with Greek.

So Jupiter began to call Zeus, Junoon - hero, Mars - Ares. Re-read, rethought and reworked under the state and myths. The Myth "12 Persons of Hercules" was a favorite myth, where Herakla became called Hercules. In addition to the Association of His Gods with Greek, the Romans added to their pantheon those who did not have from Greek and Egyptian cultures.

Very early and quite quickly begins borrowing of other deities, not only from Greek culture. Very very much worshiped the goddess Kaan - the patronage of the female start, the new cycle and the new life. Much later, they began to read another Latin goddess - Venus. Her patronage, according to legend, was distributed to nature.

The Triple Pantheon Romans was not the only one. Romans with great success adopted the deities and rites from neighboring civilizations. So it happened with Saturn. Initially, the Saturn worshiped people from the genus Satriev, but over time, this cult acquired the outlines of national ones. Saturn was a patron of new crops. Considered the primitude of the world because By legend gave people food. His holiday existed in his honor.

During this holiday, people forgot about their social status and became equal. Interesting is the fact that the Romans did not close their pantheon of the deities, and all the time tried to comprehend the meaning of other deities and lie down to their side. Especially brightly, this process was expressed during a warrior when the Romans adopted the gods of their opponents.

Look at the video: the gods of an ancient Rome

In ancient Rome, as in ancient Greece, religion consisted of cults of different gods. At the same time, the Roman Pantheon had a lot of deities similar to Greek. That is, here you can talk about borrowing. It happened because Greek mythology was more ancient than Roman. The Greeks created colonies in Italy, when Rome also did not think about the greatness. Residents of these colonies have spread Greek culture and religion for nearby land, and therefore the Romans became successors of Greek traditions, but interpreted them with local conditions.

The so-called tip of the Gods, corresponding to the Olympic gods of ancient Greece, was the most significant and revered in ancient Rome. Father of Roman poetry Quint Annie (239 - 169 BC. Er) systematized the deities of ancient Rome and introduced six men and six women to this council. He gave them Greek equivalents. This list subsequently confirmed the Roman historian Tit Libya (59 BC. E. - 17 g. E.). Below is a list of this Council of Consciousness, Greek Analogues are given in brackets.

Jupiter (Zeus) - the king of the gods, the god of the sky and the thunder, the son of Saturn and the experience. The main deity of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. Rome rulers brought an oath to Jupiter and worshiped it annually in September on the Capitol Hill. He was personally identified with law, order and justice. Rome had 2 temples dedicated to Jupiter. One built in 294 BC. er, and the second was erected in 146 to n. e. This god personified an eagle and oak. His wife and his native sister was Juno.

Juno (Gera) - the daughter of Saturn and the experience, wife and native sister of Jupiter, Queen of the gods. She accounted for Mars and Volcano's mother. He was a protector of marriage, motherhood, family traditions. It is in her honor that the month of June is named. She was part of the Capitol Triad, along with Jupiter and Minerva. In the Vatican there is a statue of this goddess. It is depicted in the helmet and shell. Not only ordinary mortals, but all the gods of ancient Rome read and respected Junon.

Neptune (Poseidon) - the god of the sea and fresh water. Brother of Jupiter and Pluto. The Romans also worshiped Neptune as the god of horses. He was a patron saint of horse racing. In Rome, this god was erected by one temple. He was located near the phlamination circus in the southern part of the Marsh Field. The circus had a small hippodrome. All these structures were built in 221 BC. e. Neptune is an extremely ancient deity. He was a domestic god of Etruscov, and then moved to the Romans.

Ceres (Demeter) - goddess of harvest, fertility, agriculture. We accounted for daughter Saturn and Ope and sister Jupiter. She had the only daughter of Proserpina (the goddess of the underworld Kingdom) from communication with Jupiter. It was believed that Cereter could not see hungry children. This led it to the state of grief. Therefore, she always cared for orphans, surrounded by their care and attention. Every year, the festival dedicated to this goddess was held in April. He lasted 7 days. She was also mentioned during marriages and ritual rites associated with the harvest.

Minerva (Athena) is the goddess of wisdom, patroness of art, medicine, trade, military strategy. Often, the battles of gladiators were held in her honor. Considered a virgin. She was often portrayed with Owl (Owl Minerva), which symbolized wisdom and knowledge. Long before the Romans of this goddess worshiped the Etruscans. The celebrations were held in her honor from March 19 to March 23. This goddess was worshiped at Esquilin Hill (one of the seven rome hills). The temple of Minerva was erected there.

Apollo (Apollo) is one of the main gods of Greek and Roman mythologies. This is the God of Sun, Light, Music, Prophecies, Healing, Art, Poetry. It should be said that the Romans regarding this God took the basis of the tradition of the ancient Greeks and, practically, they were not changed. Apparently they seemed to them extremely successful, and therefore they did not change something in order not to spoil the beautiful legends about this God.

Diana (Artemis) is the goddess of hunting, nature, fertility. She, like Minerva, was a virgin. In total, the gods of ancient Rome had 3 goddesses who took over the vows of celibacy - it is Diana, Minerva and Vesta. They were called maidial goddesses. Diana accounted for daughter of Jupiter and Laton, and was born with the twin brother Apollo. Since she patronized the hunt, it wore a short tunic and hunting boots. With her, it was always onion, quiver and a diadem in the form of a crescent. Accompanied the goddess of deer or hunting dogs. Diana Temple in Rome was erected on Auntine Hill.

Mars (Ares) - God of war, as well as defender of agricultural fields during the early Rome period. It was considered the second most important to God (after Jupiter) in the Roman army. In contrast to Ares, to which he treated with disgust, Mars enjoyed respect and love. With the first Roman emperor, Augustus in Rome was built by the temple of Mars. In the times of the Roman Empire, this deity was considered the guarantor of military power and the world and never mentioned as a conqueror.

Venus (Aphrodite) - the goddess of beauty, love, prosperity, victory, fertility and desires. The Roman people considered her mother through the son of Eney. He survived the drop in Troy and fled to Italy. Julius Caesar claimed that he was the ancestor of this goddess. Subsequently, Venus has become the most popular deity of Roman mythology. She was personified with sexuality and love. The symbols of Venus were pigeon and hare, and from plants Rose and Mac. In honor of this goddess named Planet Venus.

Volcano (Hephaest) - God of fire and the patron of Kuznetsov. It was often depicted with a blacksmith hammer. This is one of the most ancient Roman deities. In Rome, there was a church of a volcano or volcanal, built in the VIII century BC. e. At the place of the future Roman forum at the foot of the Capitol Hill. The festival dedicated to the volcano was celebrated every year in the second half of August. It was this god who said Jupiter with zipper. He also made armor and weapons for other celestials. He equipped his blacksmith in Zherel Etna Volcano on Sicily. And the golden women whom God created himself and created him in their work.

Mercury (Hermes) is a patron of commerce, finance, eloquence, travel, good luck. He also performed the duties of the souls in the underworld. Son of Jupiter and Maya. In Rome, the temple of this God was in a circus located between the Avethansky and the Palatine hills. Built it in 495 BC. e. The festival dedicated to this God was held in mid-May. But he was not so magnificent as for other gods, since Mercury was not considered one of the main deities of Rome. In his honor, they called the planet Mercury.

Vesta (Gestius) - Extremely revered by the ancient Romans goddess. She accounted for sister Jupiter and identified from the goddess of the house and a family hearth. The sacred fire was always buried in her temples, and the priestesses of the goddess were supported by his priestess. It was a whole state of Women-Priests in ancient Rome, which enjoyed continued authority. They were taken from rich families, and they had to abide by chastity for 30 years. If someone from Vestnok violated this oath, then such a woman was buried alive in the ground. The celebrations dedicated to this goddess were held annually from 7 to 15 June.

Roman Pantheon has many analogues of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses, but there are also their own deities and lower spirits.

The most famous were the following gods.

Aurora - Goddess Morning Dawn.

Bakhus is the God of vegetation, wines and fun, patron of viticulture and winemaking.

Venus - the goddess of love and beauty, identical to the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Vesta - the goddess of a homemade hearth and a fire.

Diana is the goddess of hunting, moon, fertility and childbearing, the patroness of wild animals. Diana was identified with the ancient Greek goddess Artemida.

Cupid - God of Love, Son Venus.

Mars - the ancient citine God of war and fertility. Mars was identified with the ancient Greek God Ares.

Mercury is the god of cattle breeding and trade, the patron saint of travelers, the messenger of the gods. Mercury was portrayed with wings on the legs, with a rod and a cash bag on the side.

Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, patroness of science, art, crafts. Under the care of Minerva, teachers, doctors, actors, artisans were located. Minevera identified with the ancient Greek goddess Athena.

Neptune is the God of the Seas, identified with the ancient Greek God Poseidon. Neptune was considered the patron saint of horse breeding and horse contests.

The term is the god of the air and border landmarks: pillars, stones, etc.

Flora - Italian goddess of flowers, youth. In antique art, flora portrayed a young woman with flowers in her hands.

Fortune is the goddess of happiness, the case and good luck. Fortuna depicted a woman with a bandage in his eyes, with a horn of abundance in his hands, a rash coin with a bandage in his eyes.

Juno is the queen of the gods, the spouse of Jupiter, the patroner of marriage and birth. Junon was identified with the ancient Greek goddess hero. Juno was depicted a magnificent woman in the crown.

Jupiter is the Supreme God, the Lord of Gods and People identified with the Greek Zeus. Sometimes the statues of Jupiter in Rome gave the appearance of the ruling emperor.

Janus - an ancient Italian deity; God:

  • - inputs and outputs;
  • - all began;
  • - the creator of all living on earth;
  • - Patron of roads and travelers, etc.

Janus depicted a man with two persons looking in opposite sides. Attributes of Janus were keys and staff.

Like any other polytetic faith, Roman paganism did not have a clear organization. In essence, this is a collection of a large number of ancient cults. But despite this, the triad of the Gods of ancient Rome is clearly distinguished: Jupiter, Mars and Quirin.

Jupimuter (Lat. IUPPITER) - In the ancient Roman mythology, the god of the sky, daylight lights, thunderstorms, the father of the gods, the Supreme Deity of the Romans. Spouse goddess Junon. Corresponds to the Greek Zeus. God Jupiter worshiped on the hills, the tops of the mountains in the form of a stone. He is dedicated to the days of the full moon - Ida.

As the Supreme God, Jupiter had a council from the gods and solved all the earthly cases through the August, sending them the signs of their will. Jupiter was God of all Roman state, his power and power. The subordinate Rome of the city brought him victims on the Capitol and erected in her temples. Jupiter was the patron of emperors. The most important acts of state life (sacrifice, oath of new consuls, the first in the year meeting of the Senate) were held in the Capitolian temple of Jupiter.

The cult of Jupiter was distributed in all Roman provinces and in the troops. A lot of local supreme gods was identified with him in Syria, Malaya Asia.

After sunset the Roman Empire, the names of Jupiter and Zeus began to be used almost without distinction. Jupiter, like Zeus, was depicted in complete dignity, with a beard, often on the throne, with an eagle, lightning and a scepter.

Mars is one of the oldest Roman gods. Originally was considered the ancestor and the keeper of Rome. In the ancient Italy, Mars was the god of fertility; It was believed that he could either send the death of the crop or case of livestock, or dismiss them. In his honor, the first month of the Roman year, which was carried out by the rite of expulsion of winter, was named March. Later, Mars was identified with Greek arrest and became the God of War. The temple of Mars is already as a god of war was built on a Mars field outside the city walls, since the armed army should not be included in the city.

From Marsa Vestka Roma Silvia gave birth to twins Romulus and Rem. As the father of Romulus, Mars was a pillar and the keeper of Rome.

Quirin (Sabinsk. Quirinus - speynoye) - one of the oldest Italian and Roman gods.

Quirin is ancient Roman deity, a patronage of the life forces of nature, and in the future - military actions. Quirin was especially read in the early days of Roman history, even when fragmented tribes lived on the Apenninsky Peninsula: Sabina, Latins, Oski, Umbra, etc.

The gods of ancient Rome, the list of which includes more than 50 different creatures, were objects of worship many centuries - only the degree of influence of each of them was changed to the consciousness of the people.

in the discipline "Culturology"

on the topic: "Roman gods"


1.Religia ancient Rome

2. Roman myth


List of used literature

Until now, the idea that the ancient Roman culture is not distinctive, for the Romans tried to imitate the inaccessible samples of the classical Greek culture, all adopting and practically without creating nothing. However, the latest studies show the original nature of the culture of ancient Rome, because it represents a certain unity resulting from the combination of original with borrowed cultural innovations. One should not forget that the essential moment that the ancient Roman and ancient Greek cultures were formed and developed on the basis of an ancient civil community. All of its maintenance predetermined the scale of the main values, which all fellow citizens were guided in one way or another. Such values \u200b\u200bbelonged: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe significance and initial unity of the civil community with the inseparable relationship of the benefit of the Individual with the blessing of the whole team; the idea of \u200b\u200bthe supreme power of the people; The idea of \u200b\u200bthe prosestation of the civil community with the gods and heroes who care about her good.

At an early stage of development, a religion played an exceptional role in the private and public life of Romans in the private and public life of the Romans in the transition from the primitive community. Roman religion never had a finished system. The remains of ancient beliefs got along with religious ideas borrowed from the peoples standing at a higher level of cultural development.

In Roman religion, as in other Italian cults, the remnants of Totemism are preserved. The legends of the Wolf, who fed the founders of Rome speak about it. With a wolf (Latin Wolf - Lupus) were associated, invisible, festivities of Luprekali and the special sanctuary of Luprekal, dedicated to Faughn, the Priestly College of Loopers, etc. Other Divities also had animals dedicated to them. Wolf, the wolf and bull were animals dedicated to Mars, Geese - Juno, etc. It is necessary, however, it is necessary to note that the features of the tometical cults involving the identification of an animal with the progenitor of the kind, there was no observed in the historical era in Rome. This stage of spiritual development was already passed by the Italian tribes.

Significant role was played in the Roman religion of generic cults. Separate deities, patrons of childbirth, acquired the general importance and became the personification of the various forces of nature.

In the process of historical development, the family became primary social education in Rome. This process found its display in religion. Each family had their shrines, their own patron gowns, their cult. The focus of this cult was the focus, in front of which Pater Familias performed all the rites, accompanying any important thing, for example, before the Father's Father's Father declared a newborn with his child. The keepers of the house were revered by the Penates, caring for the well-being and welfare of the family. These good spirits are inhabitants of the house. Lars were baked outside the family and her property, whose altars were located at the borders of the plots. Each family member had his own "genius", which was considered an expression of the strength of this person, its energy, abilities, expression of all his being and at the same time his keeper.

The genius of the family of the family was worshiped by all their homework. It was Genius Familiae or Genius Domus. The mother's mother also had his genius, which was called Juno. Juno introduced a young spouse to the house, she eased the mother of childbirth. Every house had many other guarding of his deities. The God of Doors Janus, who guarded the entrance to the house was of particular importance.

The family cared for dead ancestors. The ideas about the afterlife were not developed in the Romans. After death, the human spirit, according to the beliefs of the Romans, continued to live in the grave, where the dust of the deceased his relatives and which they brought food. Provides these at the first time were very modest: violets, pies, lowered in wine, handful of beans. The dead ancestors that their descendants cared were good deities - Mashai. If the dead did not care about the dead, they became evil and imaginary forces - lemuras. The ancestors of the ancestors found an embodiment in the father's father, the power (Potestas) of which was thus obtained a religious excuse.

The circle of beliefs belonging to family life and generic religion, as well as the ideas about the afterlife characterize Roman religion as a religion at the heart of its animistic. A feature of Roman animism was its abstract and imperfaction. The genius of the house, the Penates and Lara, Mana and Lemur are impersonal forces, spirits, from which the well-being of families depends on and on which you can influence prayers and sacrifices.

The agricultural life of Romans found his reflection in the worship of the forces of nature, but the original Roman religion was far from the anthropomorphism, it was not characteristic of the personification of nature in the form of the deities endowed with human qualities, and in this respect she was the opposite of the Greek religion. Particularly characteristic of Roman animism were the ideas about the special mystical forces inherent in nature phenomena; These forces are the Divine (Numina), which can benefit and harm human. The processes occurring in nature, such as the growing seed or ripening of the fetus, were represented by the Romans in the form of special deities. With the development of public and political life, it was used to condemn such distracted concepts as hope, honor, agreement, etc. Roman deities, thus distracted and impersonal.

Of the many gods, those who have acquired importance for the entire community have been released. The Romans were in constant interaction with other peoples. They borrowed some religious performances from them, but also themselves influenced the religion of their neighbors.

One of the ancient Roman gods was Janus. From the deities of doors, a vigilant gatekeeper, he turned into a deity of all the starts, the predecessor of Jupiter. He was depicted twin and subsequently connected the beginning of the world.

Trinity appeared relatively early: Jupiter, Mars, Quirin. Jupiter worshiped as the deity of the sky with almost all the ITALIKS. With Jupiter, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe highest divine, father of the gods, was associated. The epithet of the Pater (Father) is subsequently joined by his name, and under the influence of Etruscog. It turns into a higher deity. His name is accompanied by the "best" and "greatest" epithets (Optimus Maximus). In the classical era, Mars was the war deity, a patron and source of Roman power, but in remote times and he was an agrarian deity - the genius of spring vegetation. Quirin was his double.

The cult of Vesta, the guardian and defenders of the home of the hearth was one of the most revered in Rome.

Borrowing from the cycle of religious representations of neighboring tribes begins pretty early. One of the first to be honored by the Latin goddess Kaan - the patron of women, the goddess of the moon, as well as annually born vegetation. The Temple of Diana on Akventina was built, according to legend, when serving Tullia. Other Latin goddess - Venus - the patroness of the gardens and gardens began to be reserved relatively late - Venus and at the same time, the deity of the abundance and prosperity of nature.

A big event in the history of Roman religion was a construction on the Capitol of the Temple dedicated to the Trinity: Jupiter, Junon and Minerve. The tradition attributes the construction of the temple created on the Etruscan pattern, Tarquinia, and its consecration refers to the first year of the republic. From this time, the Romans appear images of the gods.

Juno first was also an original Italian goddess, she was considered a woman's guardian woman, was adopted in Etria under the name of Uni, and returned to Rome, became one of the revered goddesses. Minerva was also an Italy goddess borrowed by Etrusca; In Rome, she turned into a patronage of the craft.

Along with the Capitol Trinity, the Romans switched from the Etruscans to the reverence of other deities. Some of them were originally patrons of individual Etruscan childbirth, then acquired a nationwide value. So, for example, Saturn was originally revered in the Etruscane Satriev, then received a general recognition. At the Romans, he was revered as the deity of sowing, his name was connected with the Latin word Sator - the sower. He first gave people food and originally ruled the world; His time was a golden age for people. At the feast of Saturnali, everyone became equal: there were no gentlemen nor servants, nor slaves. The legend who created subsequently was, invisible, understanding the feast of Saturnalia.

The volcano was revered first in the Etruscan genus Velcha-Volca. In Rome, he was the deity of fire, and then the patron saint of blacksmithing craft.

From Etruscans, the Romans borrowed a ritual and the typical system of superstitions and fortunes, which was known called Disciplina Etrusca. But already in the early era influenced the Romans and Greek religious performances. They were borrowed from the Greek Campaign Cities. Greek ideas about certain deities connected with Latin names. Ceres (Ceres - Food, Fruits) was associated with Greek Dememetro and turned into the goddess of the plant kingdom, and in addition to the goddess of the dead. The Greek god of winemaking, wine and fun Dionysis became known as the Liber, and the Greek Cora, the daughter of Demeter, turned into a libera. Trinity: Ceres, Lieber and Lieber worshiped the Greek sample and were plebeian deities, while the temples of the Capitol Trinity and Vesti were Patrician religious centers. From the Greeks goes to Rome to the reverence of the apollo, Hermes (in Rome - Mercury) and other deities.

Roman Pantheon did not remain closed. The Romans did not refuse to take into him and other gods. So, repeatedly during the wars, they tried to find out what deities their opponents pray to attract these gods to their side.

A number of holidays were in connection with family and social life, with the commemoration of the dead, with an agricultural calendar. Then there are special military holidays and, finally, holidays of artisans, merchants, navigators.

Simultaneously with the structure of the Capitol Temple or soon after that, the Games (Ludi) began to cope with the Etruscan sample, which were originally in rhystrans on chariots, as well as in athletes.

In Roman religious rites and customs, they found their reflection of the most ancient stages of religious development. A number of religious prohibitions dates back to the oldest taboos. So, during the divine service, Silvanu could not attend women, at the festivities of a good goddess (Bona DEA) were not allowed, on the contrary, men. Some priests were associated with the most diverse prohibitions: the flam of Jupiter could not look at the armed army, wearing a ring and a belt; Violation of some prohibitions, such as the vicinity of celibacy virgin virgin, causing death.

The basis of the ethical canon of the Roman, and the dominant feature determining the heroism of the historical person becomes his willingness to act for the benefit of the state. The Patuity of Roman Culture is Paphos, above all, a Roman citizen.

An important term of the Roman myth was the idealization of poverty and condemnation of wealth. In the state, which has been continuous wars, which has accumulated unheard of treasures and put a person's public promotion into direct dependence on its cencing, i.e. From his ability to enrich, condemnation of the comprehension should look an unnatural nonsense. It should have, but apparently did not look like. The high values \u200b\u200bwas not only an advantage, but also the responsibility of a person's recovered by the fate of a person more - deprivation of a state horse, for example, demanding large expenses, nevertheless, was not perceived as relief, but as a shame.

From the moment of the wealth of Rome became an obvious factor in public life and until the very end of the republic, laws made periodically, which made obligatory restriction of personal expenses. Their repeatability shows that they were not executed, but something forced them to systematically accept them. Moralists and historians glorified the ancient heroes of Rome for their poverty; It was accepted to speak, in particular, that their land put on seven ugers. Against the background of the estimates of the area of \u200b\u200bthousands of Ugners, it looked no more than an outdoor fable; But when the colonies are derived, as it turns out, the size of the plots provided was really focused on about the same seven ugers, i.e. This figure was not fictional, but reflected some norm - psychological and at the same time real.

Apparently, repeatedly witnessed demonstrative failures of the commander to use military prey for personal enrichment - a certain ideal could play a role, but in certain cases also the regulator of practical behavior - one was inseparable from the other.

It is clear that, although Rome turned from a small city-state to a giant empire, his people retained old ceremonies and customs almost unchanged. In the light of this, it is not surprising, then mass irritation, which caused an empty demonstration of wealth, concluded in the use of lecturers (stretcher) with some Romans. It is rooting not so much in politics or ideology as in those intimate, but continued living layers of public consciousness, where the age-old and on the surface of the outside the historical experience of the people was cast in the forms of daily behavior, in the varying tastes and antipathy, in the tradition of life.

At the end of the republic and in 1 c. AD Rome addressed the fantastic amounts of money. Emperor Vytelly for the year "Problem" 900 million sisters, the tender of Nero and Claudiyev, Vibi Krisp, was richer Emperor August. Money was the main life value. But the general idea of \u200b\u200bmoral and proper was still rooted in natural community forms of life, and money wealth was desired, but at the same time, and some unclean, shameful. The wife of Augustus Libya herself lived wool in the Atrius of the Imperial Palace, the princesses carried out laws against luxury, Vespasian saved on a penny, Plinya silent ancient thrift, and eight Syrians-lectali, of which everyone had to cost no less than half a million sevengesis, insults laid down in time immemorial times, But to each idea of \u200b\u200bdecent and admissible.

It's not just in wealth. A free-born Roman citizen conducted most of his time in a crowd, filling the forum, basilica, the terms gathered in the amphitheater or a circus, which escaped to the religious ceremony, located behind the tables during collective meals. Such a stay in the crowd was not an external and forced inconvenience, on the contrary, it was felt as a value as a source of acute collective positive emotion, because the sense of community solidarity and equality was galvanized, almost already disappeared from real public relations, offended daily and hourly, but nesting in the very The root of Roman life, who stubbornly uninstalled and the more powerful demanding compensatory satisfaction.

Dry and evil Caton Senior melted with a soul during a collective trapez of the religious board; Augustus, in order to increase its popularity, revived meetings, ceremonies and joint meals of residents of urban quarters; The rural cult of "Good Mezhi", which united for several days of January, in a break between field works, neighbors, slaves and owners, survived and preserved throughout the early Empire; Circus games and mass spectacles were considered as part of the folk case and were regulated by officials. Attempts to stand out from the crowd and stood over it offended this archaic and incredit feeling of Roman, polis, civil equality, was associated with the nrules of the Eastern Despoty. The hatred of Jumental, Marziala, their compatriots and contemporaries to the upstreams, the rich men, the citizens flooded in open lectures on their heads, looking at them "from the height of their soft pillows", grew from here.

The same is the case with another side of the Roman myth. The war here was always conducted and carried a robber character, contracts and the right of those who surrendered to voluntarily, on the preservation of life, they were not fully respected, such facts were inspected repeatedly and doubts do not cause. But Szpipion senior executed the tribunes who gave the plunder of the surrendered city, and deprived the production of the whole army; Roman commander, who achieved victory by poisoned the wells in the lands of the enemy, was surrounded by common contempt to the end of his life; No one began to buy slaves captured when taking the Italian city. A lucky commander considered it for itself to build a water pipeline for his home city, a temple, a theater or library, cases of evasion from very burdensive duties in urban self-government are noted only from II century. AD, and even then mainly on the Greek-speaking East. The glorified republic was crushed, but those left for a century the life of the Roman was Cursus, i.e. The list of what he achieved in the service of the same republic, etc.

The work of Tita Libya "The History of Rome from the foundation of the city" is the richest source of legends and reliable information about Roman history. This work can be considered almost an epic work, as it contains information about most historical personalities known to this day. The book is replete with those pages that are forever entered the culture of Europe and who are taken for the soul today: large, sharply outlined figures - the first consul Brut, Camill, Senior Scmpion, Fabi Maxim; The scene performed deep drama scene - the suicide of the lucration, defeat and shame of the Romans in the Kavdinsky gorge, the execution of the Consul Manley of his violating the Military Discipline of the Son; For a long time, memorable speeches - the tribune of the rush to the people, the consular (so called in Rome of a person, once an already former consul) Flaminin to Hellenes, the commander of Scipion to the legions.

As an example, it is possible to bring the description by Tit Libying hostility between the Romans and Sabinians caused by the abduction of women. One of the common epic stories, describing the heroism of women who prevented the fight between the two tribes: "There is a Sabinsk woman, because of which the war began, dismissed the hair and breaking the clothes, forgotten in trouble female fear, bravely rushed right under the spears and arrows in the fighters. To break the two building, to revive the wrath of the warring, turning to the Moloto to the fathers, then to the husbands: let them not be stained - the tester and son-in-law - themselves are wicked with blood, do not defile themselves the offspring of their daughters and wives. "If you are ashamed of the property with each other, if the marriage union is following you, pay your anger to us: We are the cause of war, the reason of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the death of our husbands and fathers; It is better to die than to live without some others, widows or orphans. " Rastroins were not only warriors, but also leaders; Everyone suddenly smalcotted and froze. Then the leaders came out to conclude a contract, and not just reconciled, but from two states amounted to one. They decided to reign together, the mid-day of all power was made Rome. So the city doubled, and so that it was not hurt and Sabinians, in their city, citizens receive the name of "Quirit". In memory of this battle, the place where Kursiyev horse, choosing from the swamp, stepped onto a solid bottom, called the Kurcia Lake. The war, such a sore, ended in a joyful world, and because the sabineanis became even more expensive to husbands and parents, and before all - Romulu himself, and when he began to divide the people by thirty hours, then Kuria gave the names of Sabinsk women. "

Thus, it is obvious that the Roman heroic epic was under the influence of the ideology of strengthening the state, the steady increase in the relics of Rome.

At the end of V c. Ancient Rome as the global empire ceased to exist, but his cultural heritage did not die. Today it is an essential ingredient of Western culture. The Roman cultural heritage gave the form and was embodied in thinking, languages \u200b\u200band institutions of the Western world.

The Romans were initially pagans, worshiped Greek and to a lesser extent to Etruscan gods. Later, mythological period was replaced by the passion of pagan cults. Finally, in the completion of evolution, the victory was won by Christianity, which in the IV century, after the separation of the Roman Empire on Western and Eastern, took concrete outlines of Catholicism. The oldest religious representations of the Romans were associated with agricultural cults of the deification of nature, the cult of ancestors and other magical rituals executed by the head of the family. Then the state, taking the organization and conducting rituals, created an official religion that changed the former ideas about the gods. Ethics of citizenship became the center of the Roman epic.

The definite influence of ancient Roman culture is viewed both in the classical architecture of public buildings and in the scientific nomenclature, designed from the roots of the Latin language; Many of its elements are difficult to strip, so firmly they entered the flesh and blood of everyday culture, art and literature. We are no longer talking about the principles of classical Roman law, which lies on the basis of legal systems of many Western states and the Catholic Church, built on the basis of the Roman administrative system.

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