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Colonel House and the Rockefellers. Usa, colonel house, rockefellers, ochinkloss and Mandel house world politics

Two days ago, the president's chief strategist Steve Bannon spoke at a Conservative conference, where he outlined his concept of "economic nationalism", which brought to mind President Theodore Roosevelt and his attempt to "save capitalism from itself", dubbed the "Square deal". part of which was the development of antitrust laws and the splitting of John D. Rockefeller's empire into four equal parts. Then there was the "New Deal" of his nephew Franklin Delano Roosevelt and "Fair deal" of Harry Truman, which nullified the achievements of the two Roosevelts, laying the foundations of Clintonism.

And Bannon's speech showed that he did not call himself a Leninist for nothing and understands perfectly well that the Roosevelts were fighting the "general crisis of capitalism", and the Wilson and the Clintons were wiping out their gains in the hope that another accounting trick like the one invented by John Maynard Keynes , will make it possible to abolish the objective laws of nature, discovered by many scientists, but compiled into a single system by Karl Marx. In theory, it was the pinnacle of the Western scientific method, showing that capitalism is not an economic system, but a religious system, a direct result of the "Protestant revolution" begun in the first half of the 16th century by Calvin and Luther. Moreover, the first state to declare Protestantism as the state religion was the so-called area of ​​the Catholic Teutonic Order, located on the lands of the Orthodox Slavs - Prussians, which it exterminated.

Actually, it is precisely this paradox of the Catholic order, which exterminated God knows how many millions of people in the name of the world power of the Pope, but after the failure of the anti-Christian crusades, which became the main anti-Catholic force in Europe, is the key to understanding the role of Colonel House, about whom Aleksanrov-G writes and about whom I also wrote many times. The fact is that the source of power of Colonel House is a dark matter, but he acted on the basis of the ideas of 150 American intellectuals gathered by this mysterious force into a group called "The Inquiry".

But 150 intellectuals gathered in one group is something little controllable, a source of frenzied envy and chaos of intrigue, and inside this matryoshka there was another matryoshka, which, after the failure of the mission of Leon Trotsky, sent by them to Russia, but gave way first to Vladimir Lenin, and then to Joseph Stalin, turned into the so-called Council on Foreign Relations, which, under the leadership of David Rockefeller, led the United States to victory in the Cold War and Hillary Clinton to the White House, completing the aforementioned mission of Leon Trotsky and, to some extent, "correcting" the disastrous failure in October 1917, the plan to break up the Old World Empires that this nesting doll had developed even before it became part of "The Inquiry". By the way, the Anglican Church is not Protestant, if only because of its apostolic succession, and it is not surprising that another matryoshka inside "The Inquiry" helped Trump win the elections in 2016, and in 2014 "helped" the heir to the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order, German Emperor Wilhelm II unleash the First World War and destroy the creation of Bismarck, thus avenging the betrayal of the Hospitaller Order by the first Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim, an article about which is still not available in English.

The most interesting thing is that the Council on Foreign Relations is located in the mansion of Harold Pratt, whose grandfather Charles Pratt lent John Rockefeller in 1859 the $ 4,000 from which the Standart Oil Company began. In addition, he founded the Pratt Institute, where I studied in the 90s and where the Council on Foreign Relations met in the late 19th century. In any case, the minutes of the meetings of this nesting doll are probably still on the shelves in the library of this institute, and, judging by the form, before I took them into my own hands out of curiosity in 1994, the last time they were taken to read in 1935 year.

Originally posted by alexandrov_g at Blind in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors - 9

What is "true history"?

How does it differ from the generally accepted version set out in school textbooks? What such secrets does it contain and are there any? "Was there a boy?"

Well, actually, and the boy had secrets, yes, there are, where is humanity without secrets. And moreover, the secret alone with itself is boring and it is for this reason that the secret is not alone. There is a secret and there is a secret that the secret acquires.

There are secrets that are only considered to be mysteries and there are real secrets, but the history textbook, which is unable to distinguish some secrets from others, prefers not to see them at all. It's understandable, it's easier. It is easier not only to teach, but also much easier to live.

It is not a secret that the state of the United States is very consistently pursuing a "English" policy that was not invented by it in relation to the surrounding world. The only difference is in scale, in "coverage", but everything is about the same. And the United States does this not because of some kind of "affinity" between the American and British "elites", a common language, history or ridiculous "special relationship", but because of things, because of what is collectively called "geopolitics." The US sees itself as an Island, that's all. And they see the rest of the world from the point of view of the islanders. America is like Robinson Crusoe, and the big world with its threats and problems is somewhere out there - beyond the seas-oceans.

And this sense of self (and it has very weighty grounds) dictates them to do the same thing that the British Empire did at the peak of its power - by all means to prevent domination not in Europe, as the British did, but already in Eurasia by one of the "powers". It is believed that if this happens and a large "piece" of Eurasia (not to mention Eurasia as a whole) is controlled by no matter which one, but one nation, then this will threaten the existence of not only the United States, but the New World in general, the "Americas".

Such a prospect is perceived no more and no less, as a catastrophe ("... if such a catastrophe took place ..."), as something that is even scary to think about. Hence, the efforts made to prevent such a "catastrophe" are understandable. Hence, it is understandable and from time to time a repeated desire in any conflict taking place in Eurasia to support the weaker one. Moreover, this happens completely mechanically, America, "without thinking", but following almost instinct, takes to "take the side" of the USSR in its conflict with Germany during the Second World War, and during the Cold War it already holds the side of Germany and China against THE USSR. In the post-cold period, the United States does not allow Europe to "eat up" the Russian Federation and does its utmost to support India, Vietnam and Japan, in spite of China.

I would like to note that the issues of ideology are simply not taken into account, and in cases where certain steps have to be justified in one way or another, the ideology is replaced by propaganda, calculated sometimes for the internal and sometimes for the external consumer.

If you call things by their real names, and not as they are called in textbooks, then one cannot fail to notice that during the twentieth century it was not “democracy” that fought against “Nazism,” and then “communism,” but the state of the United States fought against the state of Germany, and then with the state of Russia.

I repeat that there is no secret in this, no one is hiding it and it never even occurs to anyone to hide it, but, nevertheless, the "mass consciousness" is firmly convinced that the Second World War and the Cold War are ideological wars, they were waged from ideological considerations and goals were also pursued exclusively ideological.

The mass consciousness is an interesting thing in all senses, well, it knows that there was once the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the world, and then Austria was left of it, but at the same time that exactly the same thing happened with the British Empire, which , having disappeared, left Great Britain alone, is for him a secret sealed with seven seals.

Well, what to take from him, from the mass consciousness, because the poor, it is confident not only in the existence, but also in the omnipotence of "masons" and "transnational corporations" dictating their will to insignificant governments, and nothing can be done with this confidence.

But you can use it.

Well, they use, of course, why not use it, but the situation with mass consciousness is such that it is possible to use only what mass consciousness in one form or another or in one approximation or another is "known", that is, the same "secrets", but not so with real secrets.

Here is a photo of the American delegation at the Versailles Conference:

The photo shows 78 people. 77 of them are civil servants. They hold certain government posts, they are bound by oath, they have detailed job descriptions, and, importantly, they are people on a salary. They all receive salaries from the state. And one more circumstance, one more touch, it is customary to say about civil servants that they are "servants of the people" and with all the conventionality of this comparison, a state person is similar to a servant in one property - he, just like a servant, can be fired. He is, if not a servant, then a servant. And the employee can be fired from the service. Anyone. Starting with some interpreter at the State Department and ending with the President. But this is 77 out of 78. And in the photo there is one more person who does not apply to any of the above points. This man is a free bird, he does not work for hire, he was not even elected anywhere, he is not accountable to anyone, he is not bound by any obligations and any stupid "instructions". There he is, first on the left in the front row, bald, sitting with his legs crossed. His name is Colonel House.

Again and again I return to Versailles and I do it for this reason - Versailles created a new reality, the reality in which we continue to live to this day. A new world was born with the decisions taken at the Versailles Conference. Today, few people realize this, but think about this - before Versailles in Europe (and the then world was actually reduced to Europe) there were only two states that were not monarchies, this is France and this is Switzerland. With these two exceptions, Europe and monarchy were synonymous.

After Versailles, it was not so. The words "Europe" and "republic" have become synonyms. In addition, two more words were legalized - "socialism" and "nationalism". And nationalism somehow imperceptibly brought along "nationalization". In Versailles, the old picture of the world was crumpled and discarded, and in return something like a brand new card table was created, the rules of the new Game were invented, the Players were appointed and the cards were dealt.

It is not for nothing that the First World War is called the Great War. She irrevocably changed the life of mankind.

Unlike the First World War II, in its "socio-political" significance, it was a less large-scale event, in Yalta and Potsdam, a couple of losers who had lost their lives got up from the table, and others took their place, and the new composition of the Players decided that they would play not to bridge, but to poker, and they dealt the cards over again, but the card table at the same time remained the table made in Versailles, and the deck of cards that had been greasy by that time also remained the same.

Here is the famous painting by Sir William Orpen under the boring title "The Signing of the Peace in the Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, June 28, 1919":

But the bigger one:

With his backs to us, there are two, this is Hermann Müller, bent over (it seems that he is ready to kneel) over Dr. Johannes Böll, who signs the act of surrender of the German Empire. The moment of signing is the moment of the birth of a new world.

And the midwives taking birth are sitting facing us.

The winners are sitting. In the center is the wedding general Georges Clemenceau, and on either side of him are two delegations. Left - American, right - British. I can list the seated ones. From left to right: General Tasker, Colonel House, Henry White, Robert Lansing, Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Bonar Lowe, Arthur Balfour, Milner, Barnes and the Japanese Marquis Siondzi as "a person close to the delegation."

Looking at the picture, you can get some idea of ​​what Power is, what is etiquette, what is "decency", what is "overlord", what is "vassalage" and much more.

The little people in the picture show us that everything has remained as it was, like "old", for this it is enough to look at how the heads of delegations are grouped behind those sitting at the "table", on which side they are, under whose "hand" they have run.

Behind the American delegation are Greece, Portugal, Canada, Serbia. Italy, Belgium, South Africa and Australia are crowding behind the British.

(If this seems interesting to someone, then the bald military man with a mustache, bending over, as if hiding behind Clemenceau and Lloyd George, is Maurice Hankey, here in Verasala the career of this inconspicuous man began, a few years later turned into one of the most powerful shadow politicians British Empire, everyone knows the fanfare of Churchill, but almost no one has heard of old Hankey, that's what a misfortune.)

To make the content of the scene clearer, how clearer it is and what is hidden under the word "mystery" (without quotation marks, of course, without quotation marks), let's run back three years, in 1916, when the then prize-winning troika, which was fighting for the championship, was deciding who to omit, and whom - to raise. The British Empire, the French Republic and the German Empire were playing a difficult game with the SaUS, assuming they could use them to their advantage. In addition, the entry of the USA into the war on the side of the Entente automatically meant the actual betrayal by London and Paris of their then ally - the Russian Empire, since there was no need for it.

So, the "issues were resolved" (highly sensitive issues) as follows - the ambassadors of all three "powers", that is, England, France and Germany, received appropriate instructions and powers to negotiate and after that they were not sent to the White House and not to the State Department, but home (!) to Colonel House. Woodrow Wilson was President, and Robert Lansing was Secretary of State, which did not interfere with not only the plenipotentiary ambassadors, but also the Washington witches who immediately launched a joke:

"Do you know the new spelling of Lansing?"
"No. What is it?"

I was always amazed at the train of thought of people who do not hesitate to think that the answers to all questions can be found in the state archive. Just send them there and they will immediately reveal all the secrets in the world.

Dear ones, what are these "archives"? What kind of "truth" are you going to dig out there?

Here is an epoch-making moment, a "turning point" in history, not only the outcome of the First World War is being decided, but the fate and future of a state like the United States is at stake, and this fate is decided behind closed doors, without witnesses, without secretaries, without translators, without written contracts, without signatures in ink or blood. Everything is spoken in words. And these words never look like sparrows.

France tried already during Versailles to replay everything in a new way, Clemenceau thought that France is the mistress of the French word, wants - gives, wants - takes back, as an attempt was made on him right there and he miraculously survived, and carried in himself to the end his days, the bullet that doctors were afraid to extract from him, there he is in the picture, sad, sitting, haggard, hanging the poor fellow's mustache, hang it here when you are shown your true place. And how do you order to do with such? After all, our world is not built by treaties that are not worth even the scrap of paper on which they are written.

The world is spoken out by people. The world is built with words. Word versus word.

And the world comes out of the one whose word is stronger.

What is the House Plan?

On March 2, 1917, the Emperor of the Russian Empire Nicholas II signed the Act of Abdication, he transferred the burden of imperial power to his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. Nicholas thought that this would be a better way out than an attempt to suppress the revolt in Petrograd by force. He was tired, Mikhail was popular, power was handed over legally, the State Duma supports him, it seemed that everything would be for the better.

A. Guchkov and P. Milyukov were glad that it was so easy to deceive the emperor, who legitimized with his signature a government that was not discussed or proposed by the State Duma, but created by a narrow group of conspirators. Their dreams came true, they received full power and the ability to rebuild the empire on the model of England so beloved by them, creating a constitutional monarchy. They did not yet know that they were only pawns in the Great Game, that they were also deceived and that the empire was not waiting for a respectable future of a European power, but blood, death and chaos.

The threads of the conspiracy against the Russian Empire stretched from St. Petersburg to the capitals of the largest European powers - Berlin, Paris, London and further, across the ocean, to the United States. The overthrow of the autocracy was just one of the links in the chain, a global conspiracy against the empire and its peoples.

What is the House Plan?

House Plan

Evidence that there was a global conspiracy against the Russian Empire, and that the revolution was the result of an operation not only by the internal opposition (rather, it was just an instrument in capable hands) began to surface even during the civil war.

The revolution in the Russian Empire was planned back in February 1916, bankers and financiers participated in the conspiracy - Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Mortimer Schiff, Otto Kahn, Guggenheim, Jerome Hanauer and others. This plan was called the "House plan", there is not a word about Colonel House in school textbooks, but in vain.

Reference: "Colonel" House, Edward Mandel House (sometimes called House) is an adviser to American President Woodrow Wilson, is associated with US financial circles. He gained fame because of his great influence on W. Wilson, and the participation of the States in the First World War is associated with his name. He was one of the most ardent enemies of Russia: “... the rest of the world will live more calmly if, instead of a huge Russia, there are four Russia in the world. One is Siberia, and the rest is the divided European part of the country ”(1918). He took part in the creation of the League of Nations and the Paris Conference, which solved the issues of the post-war structure of Europe.

It all began with the fact that in 1912 the financial circles of the United States put in the place of President W. Wilson (the main sponsor of the presidential campaign was B. Baruch) - he was a professor-historian, an ardent Protestant, actually convinced of his mission to save the United States and the whole world. Another assistant who played a big role in Wilson's victory was the Texas financier Mandel House. House not only helped to win the presidential election, but also became the president's closest friend, becoming a real "gray cardinal" of the United States, crushing the State Department and the White House apparatus. He himself said: "I am the power behind the throne." And he, in turn, was the conductors of the US financial magnates, Wilson was called "the Rothschild puppet."

House was formally an adviser, calling himself a "colonel", although he had nothing to do with the army - in the southern states, the title that belonged to ancestors was inherited, he was a "Texas farmer." He quietly moved around in the ruling circles of Great Britain, France, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Germany. House considered Russia the main rival of the United States in the struggle for world domination and therefore hated it.

When the First World War broke out, House was preoccupied with the disintegration of the European powers into two camps. He believed that the victory of the Russian Empire as part of the Entente would give it dominance over Europe - the receipt of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, Galicia, Polish lands from the German Empire, for the United States this was unacceptable. The victory of the German bloc was also undesirable for the United States, so he believed that the Entente should win, but without Russia.

The First World War was extremely beneficial for the United States, its main competitors in the race for world domination weakened each other, the States from a world debtor (3 billion in debt before the war) became a world creditor (they owed 2 billion dollars). The US industry strengthened on military orders, the population increased, people fled from Europe, from the horrors of war, trying to start a new life.

"The House Plan" is a very conventional name, he was not the only author of the plan for rebuilding the world, and there is no document with that name, but there are diaries, letters from House, which set out his vision. Americanist A. Utkin calls this plan "House's strategy." Its goal was to establish world domination by the United States, but not by military methods, but by political, financial, economic, informational methods.

Basics of the plan

Taking advantage of the fruits of neutrality, it was necessary to enter the war ourselves in order to take advantage of the fruits of victory. The signal for the entry of the United States into the war was the revolution in the Russian Empire and the overthrow of the tsar.

After the collapse of the monarchy, Russia had to suffer defeat and war, withdraw from it. After that, Germany received the opportunity to focus its main attention on the Western Front, the British, French, Italian troops could only hope for US help. Washington received great leverage over them.

They were going to ensure the victory over Germany and its allies not so much by military methods, but more by information methods. To do this, it was necessary to separate the peoples of the belligerent countries from the ruling regimes, find support in the internal opposition, encourage them, promise them power, and initiate revolutionary processes within the countries.

After the war, revise the system of international relations, cancel the agreements of the times of "secret diplomacy".

The British were to become the main strategic partner of the United States; together with Britain, the United States could dictate peace terms to all other countries. Together with England, they were going to dismember Russia, weaken the positions of France, Italy, Japan. Moreover, as a result, England became a junior, subordinate partner.

The result of all the reshuffles was the "New World Order", the formation of a "world government", where the United States will dominate. With the help of propaganda of "democratic values" they were going to make them a priority in all world politics. The First World War created favorable conditions for such a transition, it was explained by the aggressiveness of "absolutism", the lack of "democracy" in Europe. The affirmation of the same "true democracy" supposedly will save the world from future wars. The United States received the role of a magistrate who could get into any conflict, the role of a world teacher of democracy.

Russia fell into the camp of the defeated in the war, it was planned to dismember it into four territories. They fell under the political, financial and economic influence of the United States, becoming in fact its raw material appendage and market for goods, having lost all influence in the world. House also did not like Orthodox Christianity, he believed that it should be destroyed and replaced with a religion like Protestantism.

This plan was eventually implemented, not completely, but to a large extent, it was carried out by the secret services of the United States and England, the financiers of the United States and Europe, European and American politicians, the "fifth column" inside Russia and Germany. Of course, few of them knew the full depth of the plan and its significance.

Colonel House's Archives. Favorites. In 2 volumes. M., 2004.
Zhevakhov N. D. Jewish revolution. M., 2006.
Platonov O. A. Crown of Thorns of Russia. M., 2001.
Sutton E. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. M., 1998.
Trotsky L. D. My life. An autobiography experience. M., 1991.
Utkin A.I. The First World War. M., 2001.
Shambarov V.E. State and revolution. M., 2002.
Shambarov V.E. Invasion of strangers. Conspiracy against the empire. M., 2007.

Colonel House

In 1912, US financial circles replaced President W. Wilson (B. Baruch was the main sponsor of the presidential campaign). Another assistant who played a big role in Wilson's victory was the Texas financier Mandel House. House not only helped to win the presidential election, but also became the president's closest friend, becoming a real "gray cardinal" of the United States, crushing the State Department and the White House apparatus. He himself said: "I am the power behind the throne." House is called the true ruler of America in 1912-1920, and President Woodrow Wilson himself recommended him as follows: “House is my second self, my independent self. Our thoughts are exactly the same. "

House once told biographer Charles Seymour that under Wilson he was an extraordinarily important figure: “For the past fifteen years I have been in the thick of things, although few suspected it. Not a single important foreign visitor came to America without talking to me. I was closely associated with the movement that nominated Roosevelt as a presidential candidate. "

Thus, House created not only Woodrow Wilson, but also took part in making Franklin Roosevelt President of the United States.

When the First World War broke out, House was preoccupied with the disintegration of the European powers into two camps. He believed that the victory of the Russian Empire as part of the Entente would give it dominance over Europe - the receipt of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, Galicia, Polish lands from the German Empire, for the United States this was unacceptable. The victory of the German bloc was also undesirable for the United States, so he believed that the Entente should win, but without Russia.

The First World War was extremely beneficial for the United States, its main competitors in the race for world domination weakened each other, the States from a world debtor (3 billion in debt before the war) became a world creditor (they owed 2 billion dollars). The US industry strengthened on military orders, the population increased, people fled from Europe, from the horrors of war, trying to start a new life.

"The House Plan" is a very conventional name, he was not the only author of the plan for rebuilding the world, and there is no document with that name, but there are diaries, letters from House, which set out his vision. Americanist A. Utkin calls this plan "House's strategy." Its goal was to establish world domination by the United States, but not by military methods, but by political, financial, economic, informational methods.

Basics of the plan

- Taking advantage of the fruits of neutrality, it was necessary to enter the war ourselves in order to take advantage of the fruits of victory. The signal for the entry of the United States into the war was the revolution in the Russian Empire and the overthrow of the tsar.

- After the collapse of the monarchy, Russia had to suffer defeat and war, get out of it. After that, Germany received the opportunity to focus its main attention on the Western Front, the British, French, Italian troops could only hope for US help. Washington received great leverage over them.

- They were going to ensure the victory over Germany and its allies not so much by military methods, but by more information. To do this, it was necessary to separate the peoples of the belligerent countries from the ruling regimes, find support in the internal opposition, encourage them, promise them power, and initiate revolutionary processes within the countries.

- After the war, revise the system of international relations, cancel the agreements of the times of "secret diplomacy".

- The main strategic partner of the United States was to become the British, together with Britain, the United States could dictate peace terms to all other countries. Together with England, they were going to dismember Russia, weaken the positions of France, Italy, Japan. Moreover, as a result, England became a junior, subordinate partner.

- The result of all the rearrangements was the "New World Order", the formation of a "world government", where the United States will dominate. With the help of propaganda of "democratic values" they were going to make them a priority in all world politics. The First World War created favorable conditions for such a transition, it was explained by the aggressiveness of "absolutism", the lack of "democracy" in Europe. The affirmation of the same "true democracy" supposedly will save the world from future wars. The United States received the role of a magistrate who could get into any conflict, the role of a world teacher of democracy.

- Russia fell into the camp of the defeated in the war, it was planned to dismember it into four territories. They fell under the political, financial and economic influence of the United States, becoming in fact its raw material appendage and market for goods, having lost all influence in the world. House also did not like Orthodox Christianity, he believed that it should be destroyed and replaced with a religion like Protestantism.

In October 1918, the Wilson government developed secret "commentaries on 14 points", which proposed to finally resolve the "Russian question" by dismembering Russia into separate "independent regions" controlled by the United States.

House wrote these days:

"She (Russia) is too large and too homogeneous for our security. I would like to see Siberia as a separate state, and European Russia divided into three parts."

"... the rest of the world will live more calmly if instead of huge Russia there are four Russia in the world. One is Siberia, and the rest is the divided European part of the country."

A clear example of the US plans to destroy Russia is the official map drawn up by the US State Department for the Paris Peace Conference and entitled “Proposed Borders in Russia”.

On this map, nothing was left of Russia except the Central Russian Upland. The appendix to this map said: “All of Russia should be divided into large natural regions, each with its own economic life. At the same time, no region should be so independent as to form a strong state ”.

On November 19, 1917, the American ambassador to Russia made an impudent appeal to the Russian people to maintain "prudence" and hand over the Trans-Siberian Railway to the United States.

Senator Poindexter, from an article he published in The New York Times on June 8, 1918: "Russia is just a geographic concept and will never be anything else. Its power of cohesion, organization and reconstruction is gone forever. The nation does not exist."

Meanwhile, President Wilson, in his address to the US Congress, said:

“Doesn't every American feel that the wonderful, heart-pleasing events of the past few weeks in Russia have strengthened our hopes for future world peace? For those who knew her better than others, Russia has always been fundamentally a democratic everything that concerned the vital traditions of her ideology, in all the kinship relationships of her people, which reflected his natural instincts, his habitual attitude to life. possessed terrifying power, but the autocracy was not Russian in origin neither in character nor in goals.And today it has been overthrown, and the great, generous Russian people in all their greatness and power have become an integral part of the forces that are fighting for freedom in the world, for justice and peace. This is a worthy partner in the league of honor. "

Colonel House, left us an interesting book. It is called "Philip Drew - Administrator" and contains the author's personal judgments, clothed in the form of a novel. And although the book was written in 1912, it contained predictions of future events, which, as the author hoped, should come true.

In its plot, in 1925, a meeting took place between John Thor (portrayed as the high priest of finance) and Senator Selvin (a very influential politician).

Selvin discovered “that the government was run by a handful of people, that outside of this small circle, no one meant much. Selvin's goal was to break into him, if possible, and his claims extended so far as not only to want to be in him, but, later, to become IM. "

Senator Selvin was not content with just electing the President of the United States; he also "conspired to bring both the Senate and the Supreme Court under his control." “For Selvin, it was a mesmerizing game. He wanted to rule the Country with an autocratic hand, and at the same time not be known as a governing power. "

The country learned of this criminal conspiracy between these two important persons by a fluke when Mr. Thor's secretary was rewinding a recording on a dictograph, which was accidentally turned on during the meeting. The secretary handed the tape to the Associated Press, which spread the conspiracy report throughout the country. America read the press release and learned that "the revolution was inevitable."

The hero of the novel, Philip Drew, not directly involved in the conspiracy, gathers an army of 500,000 people and leads it on a campaign against Washington. On his way to the capital, he encounters government forces and wins a landslide victory over them. The president named in the novel Rockland flees the country, and in his absence Selvin is appointed acting president. After becoming President, he immediately puts himself in the hands of Philip Drew.

Drew joins Washington, leaves Selvin as President, but arrogates "dictatorial power," allowing Selvin to serve as President, although Drew will decide everything personally. He is now in a position to give the United States a new form of government. Drew begins to legislate for the country, because "... the legislature did not work and the legislative function was reduced to one person - the administrator Philip Drew himself."

Drew also interfered in the internal affairs of other countries and worried about the people of Russia, because he: “... wanted to know when her release comes... He understood that in this despotic country a huge job awaited someone. "

As it became known after the publication of the book, Colonel House admitted that the book expresses "his moral and political convictions." House saw himself “in his hero. Philip Drew was the man he wanted to be himself. Every act in his career, every letter, every word of counsel addressed to President Woodrow Wilson was in line with the ideas formulated by Philip Drew. ”

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Cannot be combined with non-morphology search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases, you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression Relevance

Use the " ^ "at the end of the expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Allowed values ​​are a positive real number.

Interval search

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be, specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to exclude a value.

Edward Mundell House, son of Mayor Thomas William House, Sr., was born on July 26, 1858 in Houston, Texas (Houston, Texas). Their surname was originally spelled "Huis" but later evolved into "House". Edward attended schools in New England and in 1877 continued his education at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York (Ithaca, New York), but was forced to drop out when his father died.

In August 1881, he married Loulie Hunter. Returning to Texas, House took over the management of the family business, but eventually sold the cotton plantations and invested in banking, moving to New York City around 1902.

In 1912, House anonymously published a novel called Philip Dru: Administrator, in which the protagonist, Drew, leads the Democratic Western United States (USA) in a civil war against the plutocratic East, eventually becoming America's dictator; Drew then launches a series of reforms reminiscent of the 1912 Progressive Party platform and disappears at the end.

Back in Texas, House was actively involved in politics and became an adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, especially when it came to foreign policy. During the 1917-1919 armistice negotiations in Europe (Europe), House was the main negotiator on the American side, and at the Paris Peace Conference, he served as Wilson's first deputy.

From 1892 to 1902, House helped four people become governors of Texas, and after the election served as informal adviser to each governor. The first of these, Jim Hogg, promoted House to the rank of colonel to increase House's profile among his employees.

House became a close friend and supporter of New Jersey Governor Woodrow Wilson in 1911 and helped him win the presidential election in 1912, then helped select the administration. Wilson offered House any position he chose, with the exception of that of Secretary of State, which had already been promised to William Jennings Bryan, but House declined, remaining his advisor and pledging to serve "wherever possible." He even had his own apartments in the White House. After the death of Wilson's first wife in 1914, their friendship grew even closer. But the president's second wife, Edith (Edith Wilson), did not like House, and his position was weakened. House, meanwhile, threw himself into foreign policy, trying, according to Wilson's plan, to end the First World War. He spent most of 1915 and 1916 in Europe, trying to negotiate peace through diplomacy, was a great enthusiast of his work, but House lacked in-depth knowledge of the specifics of European politics, and he was continually misled by British diplomats.

After the sinking of the Lusitania on May 7, 1915, tensions between Germany and the United States increased so much that neutrality became unstable. And although House insisted on the need to help Britain and France, the president remained neutral.

House played a key role in shaping wartime diplomacy. Together with the president, he assembled a team of experts who proposed effective solutions to post-war world problems, and in September 1918, House was appointed responsible for drafting the constitution of the League of Nations (League of Nations). In October, when the Germans asked for peace, House began working on the details of a peace agreement with the Allies and continued to take an active part in the work of the future League of Nations. Alas, the Paris Conference brought to light serious disagreements between Wilson and House, to which personal conflicts were mingled. During this period, Wilson broke off relations with almost all of his closest advisers, and House did not escape this fate - in mid-March 1919, the president lost confidence in him and removed him from business.

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