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Overdose of vitamin E in the child. What to do with vitamin E poisoning? Symptoms of hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis of tocopherol

The natural balance of vitamins and trace elements in the human body creates favorable conditions for all organs and systems. This is like a complex mechanism where the breakdown of the only detail displays all the device. Overdose of vitamin E, like any other substance, is a danger to human health. If such a problem is detected, it is necessary to immediately adjust its diet and go through a course of drug treatment.

Tocopherol is a synthetic analogue of vitamin E. It is used both with the complex treatment of different diseases and in preventive purposes. Most often, vitamin E is prescribed in cardiovascular diseases, during pregnancy and menopause in women and in problems with potency in men. Smokers must take vitamin E with caution, as it can lead to a stroke in a pair with nicotine. This important element is contained in dairy products, meat, eggs, cereals and greens.

Doctors are often prescribed to the drug Limanovit E. This is an alcohol solution for intake, which is produced in drops and is a means of recovery after transferred diseases. Its daily dose is 20-40 drops dissolved in a quarter of a glass of water.

Symptoms of overdose of vitamin E

The oversupply of vitamin E in humans is easy to suspect, since it is accompanied by the appearance of various reactions, but it is quite simple to confuse this phenomenon with other disease. If this element in the body is too much, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • from the nervous system: lethargy, apathy, constant fatigue, weakness, intolerance to physical exertion, headache, decrease in visual acuity;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, nausea, spasmodic pain in the intestines or in the stomach, flatulence, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • from the urogenital system: the presence in the urine of creatine in an excess number, the lack of androgen and estrogen, the depression of sexual function in both sexes, the failures of the menstrual cycle, the development of renal failure;
  • from the cardiovascular system: heart attacks, hypertensive crises, heart failure;
  • external signs: dry skin, fragility and hair loss.

In addition, the overdose of vitamin E reduces the resistance to infections and thus negatively affects the immune system. At the launched stages, hemorrhage into the eyes, thrombophlebitis and internal bleeding against the background of the lack of vitamin K, as the tocopherol lowers its level in the body.

In severe cases, excess vitamin E is a greater danger, as it can lead to blood infection.

Overdose of vitamin E during pregnancy

It is not surprising that during pregnancy is often prescribed vitamin E, since it not only has a beneficial effect on the development of the embryo, but also helps to eliminate the threat of interrupt. Without the knowledge of the obstetrician-gynecologist, any vitamins are extremely recommended - they are assigned if there are prescriptions for this.

If mainly therapy is aimed at raising the level of hemoglobin, then between the reception of iron and tocopherol preparations, the eight-hour interval is to be withstanding. When there is no urgent need to increase the content of vitamin E, the woman receives this substance from complex vitamins for pregnant women.

In addition, to maintain at the level of this substance, it suffices to use a variety of food of plant and animal origin. Provided that all processes in the body of the pregnant women proceed correctly, all the necessary elements can be obtained from vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products, and it will be enough.

Nature laid down that under the action of progesterone and estrogen during pregnancy, a woman gains weight - in this way favorable conditions for the development of the fetus are created. Since Vitamin E is a fat-soluble substance that is intended to accumulate in the body, excess of the dosage of this drug leads to the splitting of fatty deposits and hormonal imbalance, which can destructively affect the fetus. A woman feels tired and exhausted, it has an emerging toxicosis, weight loss and increased nervous excitability. This element affects the liver and kidneys, reducing their functionality, so the woman may have disorders of digestion, heartburn and swelling of the lower extremities.

Hypervitaminosis of Vitamin E in the perinatal period threatens the development of various pathologies and the deformity in the child is still in the womb. In the last trimester, the drug is usually stopped, as it causes stress in the muscles, and it threatens with seizures and an increased tone of the uterus, which is unacceptable in the last periods.

Alone to take similar preparations for pregnant women are prohibited - the feasibility of receiving the tocopherol during pregnancy is determined by the doctor.

How to prevent overdose

In order for a person, any major changes in the state caused by the overdose of vitamin E, its daily dose should exceed 1 g. And to take the drug in such quantities you need a few weeks - only then an overdose will manifest itself. How many tocopherol must be taken, is determined individually in each case - it takes into account the presence of severe chronic diseases. Excess vitamin E can be prevented, knowing the maximum dose of vitamin E per day:

  • with various reactions from the nervous and cardiovascular systems due to the onset of menopause and at elevated fatigue - 100 mg;
  • to improve hair and skin, conservation of youth, with an incorrect diet, cycle failures - 200 mg;
  • with hormonal imbalance in the people of elderly, strong stress, increased physical exertion - 400 mg;
  • with hemorrhages, gangrene, thrombophlebitis - up to 600 mg;
  • the highest dose of 800 mg is prescribed to smokers and drinking people, since nicotine and alcohol completely derive this useful element.

The increase in the dose leads only to undesirable consequences, but far from improving the condition of the patient. On the contrary, the disease can progress. In addition, the reception of the tocopherol cannot be combined with the intake of antibiotics, iron preparations and some vitamins, for example, vitamin K. Drink tocopherol on an empty stomach cannot be harmful - it harms the digestion system and can cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

The presence of vitamin E in the human body is necessary. It is often appointed by specialists in preventive purposes, if there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, there are frequent nervous disorders and problems with hormones. However, the overdose of vitamin E leads to the opposite effect and exacerbates the disease, so the dose that is prescribed by the doctor, or assign this drug independently dangerous.

Although vitamins are not drugs, but to participate in the fight against diseases and contribute to the improvement of the body they can no worse than many famous drugs. However, everything is good in moderation.

For example, the overdose of vitamin E is accompanied by very unpleasant consequences. The most common symptom is allergic reactions in the form of redness. From this may suffer both an adult and a child, a man and a woman.

How to define an overdose, and what measures should be taken when the corresponding symptoms occur?

His medical name is tocopherol. There is a trace element to the group of fat-soluble compounds. His feature is that independently, the body cannot produce vitamin E. To replenish the reserve of the useful substance, there is a "right" food, as well as to take special vitamin complexes.

The functions of vitamin E in the human body can not perform most of the other substances:

  • increases the activity of vitamin A, contributing to its full assimilation;
  • "Works" as an antioxidant, reducing the risk to get cancer;
  • takes part in the development of many proteins, as well as hormones;
  • contributes to the formation of the placenta;
  • keeps a healthy cell structure.

The lack of vitamin leads to unpleasant consequences, although the overdose of the microntelet will bring little pleasure.

Indications for use

It is difficult to find the area of \u200b\u200bmedicine in which the tocopherols would not be applied. They are appointed in the form of tablets, capsules and injections With:

  • power impairment and muscles;
  • fragility and permeability of vessels;
  • liver diseases;
  • impotence (both partial and complete);
  • psoriasis and dermatosis;
  • pregnancy, especially if there is a risk of miscarriage.

Also, the tocopherol is prescribed during problems with a gait caused by the degradation of tissue of the musculoskeletal system.

Important! Basic sources of vitamin E - dairy products, meat and eggs. However, with a lack of tocopherol, it is recommended to eat more legumes and cereals, as well as fats of plant origin.

When does an overdose arise?

The value of vitamin E consumption directly depends on the lifestyle. For an adult and a healthy person, it is approximately 14-16 mg per day. Moreover the need for tocopherole in men is higher than that of representatives of the weak gender. This is due to the large volume of muscles, superioring mass and more active motor activities during the day.

For example, a woman working at a computer, at 15 mg, can feel some kind of overdose symptom and get an excess of vitamin E, but a miner's man at the same dose risks risks with hypovitaminosis. Please note that signs of overdose appear not immediately, because vitamin E is not a potent poison. For a long time, its surplus is accumulated in the body, and when the critical mark is reached, the reaction begins.

Symptoms of the hypervitaminosis of tocopherol

Do you take complexes containing tocopherol? Carefully read the instructions for the drug and rate your health. If you find at least one symptom of those listed below, it is possible that you have hypervitaminosis vitamin E.

Not all of these symptoms talk about the overdose of "vitaminka", however, if you observe a number of such signs, then consult with a specialist.

Important! In women of childbearing age, a special symptom is a protracted monthly. In addition to the campaign to the gynecologist, in such a situation it is worth checking on hypervitaminosis.

Excessive correction

In fact, the overabundance of vitamin E is rare enough. Most often, it is necessary to treat as hypovitaminosis, but not vice versa. But if you encountered such a problem, and some kind of symptom confirmed hypervitaminosis, should take measures.

  1. First of all, we cancel the reception of the drug. Immediately and at all. Also restrictions should touch some products: carrots, vegetable oils, peas.
  2. There is no "antidote" from such poisoning, so the doctor appoints hikes to the hospital for different procedures. They include injections of plasma-changing solutions, receiving hepatoprotectors to protect the liver from damage. Also required reduction in blood pressure.
  3. If the patient feels quite bad, it is hospitalized. In the hospital, he will spend from 3 to 14 days (maybe more, less hardly), it will clean blood and "put" on a special diet.

Heavy consequences from the overdose of tocopherol are rare, but in special cases death or disabilities may occur. Details below.

Is it possible to harm from vitamin E?

Until the end of the 20th century, the tocopherol was considered almost a panaca from many diseases. Such a reputation has developed thanks to its powerful antioxidant abilities. Many people began to massively use the vitamin complexes with an increased content of the E. Consequences and scientific discoveries did not make it wait:

  • the risk of internal bleeding increases;
  • osteoporosis may occur;
  • the risk of stroke increases;
  • heart problems begin;
  • tocopherol increases the level of fats in the blood, which contributes to the destruction of the walls of the vessels.

It should be noted that such severe consequences are possible only with serious exceeding the daily rate - at least 20 mg at a rate of 15 mg. Moreover harm does not immediately, but in the course of accumulation of excess vitamin E in the body.

Refers to a group of fat soluble, not synthesized in the human body. Therefore, it is a necessary nutritional element. It is contained in such products: vegetable oils, cereal sprouts, legumes, meat, liver, peas, milk, eggs. May be appointed as a medicine in such cases:

  1. Liver diseases.
  2. Heart diseases (with a decrease in myocardial nutrition with the necessary substances).
  3. Excess vessel fragility.
  4. During pregnancy (to reduce the risk of miscarriage and normal development of organs and tissues of the fetus).
  5. Impotence.
  6. Skin diseases - psoriasis, dermatosis.
  7. Violation of gait.

The daily rate for a healthy person is about sixteen grams (14-16). Women have a little higher than men. With overpressure of the synthetic substance, poisoning or overdose of vitamin E.

Among the clinical manifestations of poisoning, such - clinic of hypervitaminosis of vitamin E and the actual overdose of tocopherol is distinguished. That is, it can be said that hypervitaminosis is the initial stage of poisoning.

Describe such signs of poisoning in adults:

  • The appearance of allergic reactions to the skin on the type of urticaria or atopic dermatitis, if the drug was accepted inside. If there was an injection introduction of the drug, then swelling develops directly at the injection site.
  • General symptoms of intoxication of the body - headache, dizziness, accompanied by weakness, nausea, sometimes vomiting.
  • A significant sharp increase in blood pressure digits - up to critical (it is possible to develop hypertensive crises, especially in the elderly).
  • Excessive fatigue, lethargy, apathy, reducing activity and mood.
  • Pain in the abdomen of spastic type, accompanied by urges on vomiting, defecation, frequent diarrhea, as a result, dehydration can develop.
  • Pains for sternum and heart pain, acute heart failure, attacks of angina.
  • Muscle spasms and / or convulsions are possible.
  • There is an increase in breathing and reduce its depth, and, accordingly, efficiency.
  • Reducing the levels of thyroid hormones, as well as sex hormones (thyroxine, androgens, estrogens) - is determined by clinically and laboratory analyzes.
  • Problems with vision - a decrease in visual acuity, fuzziness, with large input numbers - hemorrhage can occur in the retina.
  • When taking the drug, which includes alcohol - alcohol intoxication develops.
  • The change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes on the yellow (accumulated bilirubin).
  • Increased cholesterol in blood - is determined by laboratory methods.

The consequences of overdose or excess vitamin E can be partial or complete loss of vision, injury as a result of muscle seizures, deterioration of the condition of the heart muscle.

What happens to the body with a long overdose of vitamin E

Long-term excessive consumption of tocopherol can have a number of negative consequences that can transform into various diseases. So, long-term poisoning with vitamin E can lead to:

  • The level of calcium in the blood is reduced, which as a result may threaten frequent fractures, impairment of the heart, muscles, and so on.
  • The redistribution of blood sprouts occurs, towards the oppression of platelet and leukocyte, which is expressed in reducing the number of these cells in the blood, which increases the risk of bleeding and various septic complications.
  • Reduced sexual function.
  • Dry skin, increased hair and nail fragility, hair loss.
  • In chronic poisoning, the lack of liver and / or kidney is developing, as a result of increased cell destruction, it affects all types of digestion exchanges, the development of edema on the limbs and in cavities (ascites, for example);
  • Increases the risk of bleeding and hemorrhages in the brain, eyes.
  • Reducing the immune protection of the body.
  • It has a negative effect on the state of the central nervous system (frequent or constant fatigue, a decrease in activity and tolerance of physical exertion, there may be a worsening memory).
  • Provokes the deficit of others (A, D, K).
  • Potenties (reinforces) the actions of nicotine, so smoking people increase the risk of cardiovascular complications (stroke, heart attack).
  • It affects the exchange of iron, can cause anemia. Reception of iron-containing drugs or products is suitable at least 8 hours after vitamin. Since the latter destroys the iron.
Pregnant women increase the risk of premature genera or spontaneous miscarriage due to increased tone of muscles, including muscles of the uterus.
The minimum consequences are poor female health, toxicosis. The tocopherol accumulates in adipose tissue and penetrates through the placental barrier, that is, it hits the fruit. What can lead to the overdose of vitamin E in the child. This can manifest itself with various deviations in development, up to deformities, problems of incompatible with life.

What leads to overdose

The use of large doses of synthetic vitamin can lead to overdose or to the development of hypervitaminosis. The substance coming down with food products is absorbed to the required level and is not able to accumulate.

There are different or acute overdose and chronic or long-term poisoning. The first one occurs at one time reception of a large dose (for example, a frequent case when a child can eat a lot of "vitamins"). The second manifests itself with the systemic use of high doses of the medicine or accumulation of its effects.

How to help with vitamin E overdose

If an adult notices the manifestation of overdose from a child or other adult, you need to immediately stop the receipt of the medicine into the body, to evaluate the severity of the victim's condition. Depending on this, it is necessary to call either therapist or anesthesiologist using ambulance. Also limit the admission of a substance with food (bean, cereals, meat, liver, and so on), for this person is translated on a diet.

In the heavy and medigative state of the person, the person is hospitalized in the hospital, the corresponding department. Events are held with the help of which they try to bring tocopherol from the body. Symptomatic treatment: decrease in blood pressure, blood purification by hemodilyutia by physiological solutions or plasma, means for protecting the liver, kidney, reducing the effect on other systems.

After poisoning with vitamin E, you need to refer to the doctor and pass the tests - urine and blood for determining substances (thyroxine, for example, decreases), which will confirm the redundant receipt of the medicine.

Prevention of overdose of vitamin E

In order to avoid the development of such a situation (overdose), you need to consult a doctor so that it determines the need for a medication and its reception mode. It is also necessary to clearly comply with the propirated tocopherol consumption scheme. So the maximum daily dose for diseases may be a figure of 800 mg, and the amendment is made that the patient smokes or drinks alcohol.

And with a long admission, 1g per day for at least a week, can cause clinical manifestations of overdose.

It is also necessary to monitor where the drug remains. So that there is no access to it in small children, patients. It is important to remember that if the treatment with vitamin E is assigned to a child, then each reception of the drug is controlled by adults (it is also given the required amount of medication).

If there is a slowdown in metabolism or, you need to report this to the doctor before the preparation starts. The doctor will appreciate the use of the means and correction of its dosing.

Also cautious should be pregnant women or planning the onset of this event. The overdose of vitamin E can adversely affect the fruit, prevent the onset of pregnancy and to wear.

Often there is a lack of vitamins in the body, however, you need to try balanced to eat so that all the necessary substances can come from food.

Biologically active additives are necessary for the full functioning of the human body. Modern food does not provide full-fledged vitamins and minerals. The diet is limited, the main segment is occupied by potatoes and bakery products. Bades are becoming salvation from hypovitaminosis. But the unlimited consumption of drugs carries another threat. Consider how dangerous an overdose of vitamin E.

Acute poisoning with synthetic preparations occur, most often due to negligence and inattention. A single reception of a double dose of Bada is not able to cause harm, but if a small child gets to the tool, he can have a lot of additives once. Therefore, the packaging must be stored in places to which it is difficult to get to the baby. This precaution concerns all medicines.

The overdose of tocopherol is a rare phenomenon, more often is the hypovitaminosis, with whom you have to fight. The substance is rapidly excreted from the body, the cumulative effect occurs only with regular use of high doses.

The reception of the bars is necessary for a modern person due to the poor quality of food. The content of vitamins and microelements in food is not enough for the active activities of the body. Toxic substances, pesticides, herbicides, radionucleides, GMOs, carcinogens are increasingly found in water and products. To cope with them, you have to use biologically active additives. In order for a useful action to not turn into its opposite, caution and following are needed by medical recommendations.

Note the first signs of fading the skin, women are ready to go to all for the extension of youth. Taking polyvitamins, not always they pay attention to the instructions for the drug, where the permissible dose is indicated. It is believed that there is no good much. But in this case it is not. Excess vitamin E is harmful to health, it leads to poisoning of the body. It is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is the symptoms of an overdose, how to avoid it. And if an excess of tocopherol already needs to be felt, you need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations for health restoration.

In the body, its functions are:

  • protection of cells from the effects of aggressive free radicals (it is an antioxidant);
  • promoting the absorption of vitamin A;
  • acceleration of cholesterol cleavage process, prevention of education in vessels of cholesterol plaques;
  • participation in the synthesis reactions of some proteins, hormones, as well as hemoglobin, without which no oxygen cells are not possible;
  • countering the formation of thromboms in vessels, reduced blood coagulation.

Little children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as elderly, a synthetic tocopherol is often assigned to the elderly. Children and teenagers vitamin E is needed for the normal development of organs. At the first weeks of pregnancy, it is taken to improve the blood supply to the fetus and the formation of the placenta.

During the period of Klimaks, it is used as a means that slows the fading of the skin, the loss of muscle elasticity, the emergence of other signs of aging of the body. This substance prevents the growth of cancer tumors.

Indications for reception of vitamin E drugs

Additional reception of drugs is prescribed with heart disease to strengthen the heart muscle, in the treatment of neurological disorders associated with a decrease in muscle tone, a breakdown of gait. This vitamin strengthens the vessels, dilutes blood. It is used to treat dermatosis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Preparations of this vitamin are used as a means for protecting the liver from the effects of toxins. It is prescribed to women with disorders of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, during lactation and when climax. Little children - with hypotrophy (insufficient increase in weight), as well as in autoimmune diseases.

Video: What is the body of Vitamin E. In which products it contains

The daily need of the body in vitamin E

In order to avoid overdose of vitamin E, it is necessary to take into account the physiological need of the body in this substance. It depends on the age and gender of a person, the state of health, physical exertion.

Breast children get vitamin E with mother's milk. Its shortage leads to muscle dystrophy in a newborn baby, the absence of adding body weight, violation of the development of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, women after childbirth, if they feed the baby breasts, the need for vitamin E is especially increasing.

With the development and growth, the need to obtain a sufficient number of this substance in children is constantly increasing. It reaches a maximum by the time of puberty. At this time, the reproductive system organs begin to function, there is a need for enhanced blood supply, an increase in the production of hormones.

When climax, vitamin E is needed to maintain the work of the cardiovascular, nervous system, strengthening muscles and ligaments, weakening the negative manifestations of the aging of the body.

Vitamin E products

This substance is rich in milk, eggs, beef meat, liver. Its quite a lot in various vegetable oils (olive, corn, sunflower), as well as sunflower seeds, peas, beans, grains of cereals (especially in gerbal wheat), spinach. It is contained in a green bow, carrot, asparagus, soy, as well as in the fruits of rosehip, linen seed, nettle and some other plants.

Symptoms and consequences of excess vitamin E in the body

Signs of overdose of vitamin E are:

  • muscle pain and cramps;
  • frequent headaches accompanied by dizziness, breathing (these symptoms talk about falling blood sugar levels, hypoglycemia);
  • painful sensations in the heart, as well as the stomach;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • violation of vision, "chicken blindness", when a person sees poorly and does not distinguish colors at dusk;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • yellow coloring of the skin and eye shells due to an increase in the concentration of bilirubin, an increase in liver in sizes;
  • allergic rash on the skin.

Laboratory blood tests show a decrease in the concentration of genital hormones and thyroxine (thyroid hormone).

A warning: With long-term treatment with vitamin E preparations, it is necessary to regularly hand over the blood to biochemical analysis to test the content of glucose, urea, cholesterol, bilirubin and other substances. This allows you to control the condition of the liver, kidneys, vessels and other organs.

The consequence of excessive accumulation of tocopherol can be a reproductive function disorder, kidney damage, the appearance of intestinal and uterine bleeding. The dangerous consequences of the overdose of tocopherol is the myocardial infarction, the blockage of the vessels with a tomb clock (thromboembolism), as well as a violation of the work of the central nervous system.

Vitamin E reduces the ability of the body to absorb vitamins D and A, so an overdose leads to an increase in bone fragility due to calcium shortage. An excess of tocopherol in young children provokes the development of Rakhita. In the newborn, against the background of the lack of vitamin K and the accumulation of vitamin E may be infected with blood.

An excess of this vitamin in the body of the future mother is harmful to a developing fetus, can lead to the emergence of congenital deformities, improper formation of internal organs.

Video: What is dangerous overdose of tocopherol

Causes of excess tocopherol

The overdose of vitamin E can occur if, with normal nutrition and consumption of sufficient product containing its products, the person additionally takes the tocopherol in the form of drugs. Moreover, this happens during a long time, and the dose significantly exceeds the daily need.

The risk is raised in patients with which Vitamin E is prescribed most often:

  • patients with hypertension (to improve vessels);
  • diabetes mellitus (to eliminate avitaminosis);
  • with heart disease (in order to strengthen the vessels and heart muscles);
  • disorders in the work of the thyroid gland.

The excess of excess tocopherol contributes to the lack of vitamin K.

People who have similar health problems, take vitamins are necessary with great care, starting with minimal doses. When prescribing drugs, the possibility of an allergic reaction to this substance is taken into account.

Topferol tablets cannot be used to people accepting anticoagulants (for example, iron or aspirin preparations), antibiotics, as well as medicines that regulate blood pressure. With great care, the tocopherol smokers should take, since the simultaneous accumulation of nicotine and vitamin E in the body leads to a stroke.

Diagnostics and overdose treatment

In the event of symptoms of overdose of vitamin E, it is important to consult a doctor and pass the blood and urine to analyze. Increasing the level of cholesterol, lowering the content of thyroxine and the characteristic changes of other indicators will make a conclusion that the content of the tocopherol in the body needs to be corrected. There is also a decrease in the level of genital hormones in the blood.

In case of overdose of the tocopherol in the body, it first stops the reception of its synthetic drugs, a special diet is prescribed with a restriction of the use of certain foods. In the case of significant exceeding the norm, intravenous administration of plasma-substituting (physiological) solutions for removing intoxication, replenishing the salt balance in the body.

The means to reduce blood pressure and improve the liver work are also used.