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Why it is impossible to drink vitamins in the summer. Seasonal vitamins

Do you need to drink vitamins in the summer? Most believes that this is not necessary. Sunny summer, a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, a lot of outdoor movement, as well as the sea, warmth and other joys for the soul and body, which gives us summer. Well, why with such an abundance of bodily dealers in the summer, even the vitamins take?

So most people think - and mistaken. In the summer, our body in the same way needs vitamin support, as in other seasons. Just in the summer, the body needs other vitamins than in winter, since it is in them a deficit associated with a seasonal change in lifestyle: nutrition, travel and related changes in the usual diet, elevated air temperatures. We are in captivity of many misconceptions, including this concerns our nutrition and reception of vitamins.

One of these common delusions is that all the necessary vitamins and microelements can be obtained correctly fed. And in the summer, when fresh vegetables and fruits are abundant, getting all the substances needed even easier. This is not true! To replenish the minimum number of only one vitamin C, you must eat 12 lemons or 15 middle oranges per day.

And we all need every day 42 vitamin and trace element, and only three of them are produced by the body, and even if a person is absolutely healthy and he has no problems with the digestion and intestinal microflora. But there are many people in our way of food with synthetic additives, which completely destroy the natural microflora. It is physically impossible to eat such a huge amount of products, and with fewer the organism begins to test the deficit of vitamins. A modern man does not receive up to half the vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

There is another opinion: in the summer you need to intensively lean on vegetables and fruits to "stock" by the winter by vitamins and trace elements. This is a very common delusion. "Stock" Vitamins of the Trick for Winter, like a bear sets fat, impossible! Vitamins are very active compounds that practically immediately after entering the body begin to participate in the metabolism, and cannot be preserved in the body at least for some long time. Therefore, even by going kilograms fresh vegetables and fruits in the summer season, it will be zero in terms of "stocks for the winter".

It turns out, in summer, we test the same shortage of natural vitamins, as at another time of the year? Not certainly in that way. Our body receives in summer some vitamins are more than in winter, and in the summer there are fewer shortages. For example, vitamin D, which is produced under the influence of sunlight. In the summer, a longer daylight day, which means that we are subjected to solar irradiation more than in winter. In addition, we are exposed in the summer in the sun, and even those of us who for some reason do not go to the beach, in the summer they open parts of the body to meet the sunshine, thereby makes our body synthesize vitamin D. and what is fraught with vitamin D deficiency, They know everything - the brittleness of the bones, the fragility of teeth and nails.

In the summer, we obtain vitamin C - ascorbic acid in greater quantities. The longer the vegetables and fruits are stored, the stronger the vitamin C is destroyed in those summer gifts that fall to us on the table directly from the bed, the maximum number of ascorbins. Also in the summer we get from fresh greenery, spinach, asparagus, strawberries, melons folic acid, which plays an important role in the work of the central nervous system. Folic acid is necessary to prevent anemia: by going fresh greens, you insure yourself from trouble with blood.

Meanwhile, many other vitamins and trace elements in the summer come in insufficient quantities. This is due, first of all, with a seasonal change in nutrition: In the summer, we traditionally give preference to light vegetable food, limiting yourself in meat and fatty products. We are trying to lose weight in summer - in summer it is easier to give up many products, without which you do not think of life in winter. Therefore, in the summer we have a lack of those vitamins, which are contained in meat and fatty food.

So what vitamins are taken in the summer? The most important vitamins for the female body are three whales, on which women's health is based: ascorbic acid, beta-carotene - Vitamin A and Tokopherol - Vitamin E. These three vitamins have an antioxidant effect, play an important role in the protection of cellular organism systems. Antioxidants bind free radicals, as well as stimulate the immune system, especially when the body is in a state of stress.

With ascorbic acid, we have already figured out - its shortage in the summer is easy to fill, eating fresh fruits, vegetables and greens in food. But Vitamin A, for example, is included in the creamy oil, cod liver, sour creams of medium fat, grainy caviar. And we usually try to limit these products in the summer, thereby depriving your body of the natural source of vitamin A. It is possible to replenish it by taking vitamin preparations.

The same applies to Vitamin E. This vitamin retains the elasticity of each cell, creates reliable protection against dryness, and actually gives her the second youth. It is not for nothing that Many Anti-aging creams add precisely Vitamin E. And it is contained in those products that, in our opinion, do not contribute to weight loss: in a variety of porridge, vegetable oils (most of all - in olive), sunflower seeds, almond nuts, eggs , liver. Keeping his waist of slim, we have sein our skin.

But even if you don't limit yourself in the summer in the summer, you still risk staying without an "antioxidant cocktail" of three vitamins for the reason that zinc and selenium are needed for their absorption. These microelements are rich in seafood, oysters, eggs and tomatoes. Can you afford to eat oysters every day? Then it is necessary to use vitamin and mineral complexes.

In addition, it must be remembered that in hot weather the need of the body in antioxidant vitamins increases: the body is experiencing additional loads due to heat, the water-salt exchange is accelerated.

The female body is experiencing a special need for vitamins of the group B: in particular, Vitamins B6 and B12 and folic acid are particularly important. These vitamins are necessary for the functioning of the brain, the formation of red blood cells and the creation of DNA.

Poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking and use of oral contraceptives reduce the content of folic acid in the blood. The acute deficiency of group B vitamins, by and large, is rare phenomenon, it is found only in chronic alcoholics leading the asocial lifestyle. However, some insufficiency can also have socially prosperous people to cause irritability, depression, in difficult cases - acknowledging consciousness, as the vitamins of the group are responsible for the activity of the nervous system.

Vitamin B6 softens the negative manifestations of PMS, prevents the occurrence of pathologies during pregnancy, is able to stimulate the growth of the embryo of the future mother. A vitamin B12, like other vitamins of group B, is important for normal metabolism, healthy cell division and protein synthesis. Vegetarians of all ages of both sexes are at risk of insufficiency of this vitamin.

Food sources of vitamin B6 are avocado, bananas, legumes, cereals, meat, oatmeal, bird, seeds, and vitamin B12 - cheese, eggs, fish, meat, milk and yogurt. Most of the listed products are in the list of forbidden from many women, especially in summer, so the body is experiencing an additional need for them.

There is a certain risk of overdose of vitamins. Of course, we are not talking about having eaten two kilograms of fresh strawberries, you will cause an excess of vitamin C. "poisoning" by food vitamins is impossible: a person is not able to eat such a number of food to exceed the physiological norm of vitamins and trace elements. But by using vitamin and mineral complexes uncontrollably, you can harm health. Therefore, before you start taking vitamins, consult your doctor. Or at least with a pharmacist.

There is a lot of scientific work, raising a very important question - what vitamin drinking in the summer?

There are a huge amount of drugs containing synthetic vitamins.

Their dosage is specifically designed to cover the need of adult men and women, future mothers, women during lactation, children.

On the other hand, the maximum benefits bring vitamins that are in plant food. They are much better absorbed by the body.

In summer, there is a huge selection of fruits and vegetables, which allow you to saturate the body with vitamins. It is worth understanding that vitamins are very important substances that participate in many processes of vital activity.

The state of human health depends on their admission to the body. Today we will look at what substances should be hot in summer to protect the body from hypovitaminosis.

Vitamins are substances that enter the human body along with food. They perform a lot of functions in the body.

For example, ascorbic acid is important for the proper work of immunity.

Folic acid is responsible for growth processes. This substance provides the right work of immunity and the development of the circulatory system.

The deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 causes such a disease as pernicious anemia.

Panthenolic acids, that is, vitamins B5, participate in the regeneration processes of the skin. This substance enhances glucocorticoid synthesis.

These hormones are produced by the adrenal cortex and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body's fabrics.

It is glucocorticoids that help the body to deal with allergic reactions, diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system.

Vitamins A, that is, retinol, are necessary for normal metabolism. The substance takes part in the oxidative reaction reactions occurring in the process of the body's vital activity.

Scientists have discovered many years ago that Retinol is necessary for the normal operation of the visual system. The use of vitamin A products is excellent prophylaxis against reducing visual acuity.

Vitamins D are necessary for bone strength. The synthesis of such substances in the summer is especially actively actively, when a large number of ultraviolet rays acts on the skin.

If a shortage of vitamin D is observed in the body of small children, it can provoke a serious disease - Rahit.

There are studies that prove that the deficit of this substance increases the risks of the incidence of cancer.

The lack of vitamin D leads to a violation of the work of the cardiovascular system. It can also provoke such a disease in old age as osteoporosis.

Less often in the summer and winter there is a shortage of vitamin E. This component is necessary to maintain a normal hormonal background and the correct operation of the endocrine system.

It is responsible for the health of the vascular fabric and prevents the formation of trombus life-threatening and health. There are studies that study the effect of tocopherol on the work of immunity.

In general, it can be noted that each person must carry out the prevention of hypovitaminosis. This condition can develop even in the summer if the diet will not contain a sufficiently large amount of vegetables, fruits, berries. To do this, you can drink synthetic vitamins.

Summer ration

Before considering which vitamins can be taken, you should consider the correct diet for the summer months.

It should include a large number of vegetables - cabbage, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, Bulgarian peppers.

Cabbage and pepper contain a large amount of ascorbic acid.

Each vegetable is rich in those or other minerals. In summer, such food is accessible to everyone.

The abundance of fruits and berries allows you to saturate the body with vitamins every day. Especially useful such products like strawberry, blueberries, cherry, raspberries, apricots, peaches, grapes, melons, watermelons.

Take yourself by the rule every day eat 500 grams of certain fruits or berries. In obligatory in the second half of the summer, apples should be used, plums.

Especially a lot of vitamins are contained in all kinds of currant - red, black, white. These berries are the record holders in the content of ascorbic acid.

To better absorbed vitamin D, tomatoes, cottage cheese, cheeses and fish should be used. If during this period to visit the beach, then the benefits of this food will increase. A sufficient amount of vitamin D will be synthesized in the body.

Vegetable food, which should be mandatory to be used in large quantities in the summer, contains a lot of fiber.

It helps to purify the intestines from slags, toxins and other harmful substances. The fiber helps normalize digestion.

Due to this, the metabolism is improved, various vitamins are better absorbed, which fall into the gastrointestinal tract together with food.

If there are vegetables and fruits in the human diet in summer, you can not use synthetic vitamins.

For this, each meal must contain vegetable products. Sweet dessert can be replaced with delicious and fragrant fruits or seasonal berries.

But it is important to understand which vitamins should be taken if there are few vegetables and fruits in the diet.

A sign of lack of useful substances in the body is hypovitaminosis. Its symptoms include:

  • Weakness;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Dizziness;
  • Feeling of nausea and loss of appetite;
  • Deterioration of skin, hair and nails;
  • Problems with teeth.

It is very important to choose the freshest fruits, vegetables and berries. The longer they are stored, the less vitamins they contain.

It is not so important which fruit or berries you will eat. The main thing is that they are fresh. It is not necessary to give preference to caused food products, such as oranges.

No one will guarantee that they have a sufficient amount of useful substances during transportation.

Vitamin complexes

Each specialist has its own opinion as to which vitamin complexes are the most useful for the body.

Many people believe that there is no need to take expensive drugs while on sale you can find a huge amount of fruit, vegetables, berries.

If you decide to take vitamin complexes, it is very important that such drugs will not provoke allergic reactions. Hypervitaminosis is also very dangerous for the human body.

There are vitamin complexes that contain 50% of the beneficial substances from the daily rate necessary to an adult person or a child.

We advise them to choose among a huge range of medicines. If you choose a vitamin complex that fully covers the body's need for beneficial substances, there is a high probability of developing hypervitaminosis.

It is important to correctly select drugs taking into account age characteristics, the presence or absence of chronic diseases, an individual diet. This will help a qualified specialist.

The deficit of these substances is observed in the body of each person. Such components, first of all, normalize the work of the nervous, visual, immune system.

Also, they improve the appearance of a person. Thanks to the above-mentioned nutrients, the condition of the skin, hair and nails is improved.

There is a large number of vitamins. These substances affect all processes occurring in the body. It is very important to prevent hypovitaminosis.

Such a state can develop even in the summer, if a person does not use a large number of vegetables, fruits and berries.

Summer comes - the time of a large number of fruits and vegetables, which is rich in necessary vitamins and minerals for our health. Is it worth it all in a row and what vitamins are needed in the summer? We will talk about it today and talk.

How to choose vitamins: the need for an organism

According to scientists, we must consume about 43 vitamins and minerals daily. At the same time, only 3 species are produced in our body on their own. The rest - we need to be used from food and various complexes. Please note that not all minerals are well absorbed, as some diseases are hampered.

Unfortunately, it is physically impossible to get the whole complex of vitamins and minerals every day. Statistics shows that about 40% of the necessary minerals pass by us. By the way, everyone knows the expression that in the summer it should be stockpiled by vitamins for the winter. I rush to disappoint you - it is wrong. The fact is that such complexes are active compounds that immediately take part in metabolic processes, so they are not delayed for a long time within us.

What vitamins to drink in summer: the required list

Is there any benefits from vitamins? Of course there is, especially if we take them in sufficient quantities. Let's look at what you need in summer:

  1. Ascorbic acid, that is, Vitamin C.
  2. Bat carotene - Vitamin A.
  3. Vitamin E.

There are no special needs in vitamin D. The fact is that it is produced independently when entering the skin of sun rays.

Another important question is: "How to choose vitamins?". Here are some important criteria:

  • A large number of different antioxidants are needed - these are vitamins C, A, E, as well as R.
  • Calcium, magnesium iron and phosphorus.
  • Minerals of the group B6 and B12. Their quantity should be from 1.5 mg to 3 μg.

Vitamins: We replenish the flaw

  • Vitamin C is contained in such fruits and vegetables as sweet pepper, kiwi, strawberry, broccoli, melon.
  • Vitamin E in large quantities is in nuts, sunflower seeds, cedar, olive, sesame oil.
  • Calcium is contained in leaf vegetables, green cabbage, green onions and carrots.
  • Magnesium can be obtained from pumpkin seeds, as well as from almond.
  • Products such as spinach, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli are rich in carotene.

Swamping vitamins: the whole complex in one tablet

Swiming vitamins are tablets that are very easy to dissolve in water. If we talk about vitamin complexes, the water becomes a delicious, similar to juice. For dissolution, only half a glass of water will be needed.

What advantages have soluble vitamins of Swamps:

  1. It is very quickly absorbed, as they have greater absorption.
  2. Fully harmless to the stomach and the body. At the same time, it is very important to observe the appointed dosage.
  3. Components have high performance.
  4. Always a pleasant taste that is ideal for children.
  5. No side effects.
  6. Evils are in demand effervescent vitamins for athletes. They absorb much faster, so good health always accompanies athlete.

If you don't think that you think, what vitamins are drinking in summer, buy the effervescent vitamins SWISS ENERGY. They are already available in the online store ONE-LIFE. Various tastes, complexes and destination. You will no longer have to think about the necessary minerals, as they are in one tablet.

Orders are processed as fast as possible, so you have no need to wait your vitamins for a long time. Delivery is carried out literally throughout Ukraine.

Choosing vitamins of hints, pills for hair, teeth, nails and bones will not need. Come and make purchases right now!


Summer is a special time of the year when the human body absorbs the maximum amount of vitamins and beneficial substances. Many sunlight, abundance of fruits and vegetables saturate the body and allow it to accumulate vitality and energy. However, doctors adhere to the opinion that even in the summer time of year it is impossible to saturate the body with absolutely all the necessary and useful substances.

In order to maintain health and vital tone at the right level, it is necessary to understand which trace elements need a person daily, and in what quantities. Although most people believe that you can simply have everything in a row fruits and vegetables, and the necessary vitamins will remain in the body. Such a point of view is not to the end of the right. Even in the summer it is worth adding vitamin complexes to the diet, especially a children's growing organism.

What vitamins enter the body in excess

In order to determine the preparations and biological supplements that it costs to drink in the summer, it is important to start to deal with what microelements and the useful substances are enough to organize.

Due to the constant effects of sunlight on the skin surface, the human body in large quantities produces vitamin D. It is useful not only with its individual properties, but also helps to assimilate calcium. Thanks to this, the bones of a person become stronger, and their teeth, hair and nails are healthier.

Folic acid

This substance is contained in any fresh greenery, as well as in strawberries and melons. Therefore, in the summer, the saturation of the body with foliage acid occurs constantly, the blood is saturated with hemoglobin. People who use folic acid in sufficient quantities will never know the problems with anemia.

Almost all fresh fruits contain this invaluable trace element, a sufficient number of which allows you to maintain strong immunity.

What vitamins the body is missing

In summer, it is often limited to the amount of meat, liver, milk, eggs and butter in the diet, and this entails a lack of vitamin A in the body. Many believe that in the summer it is worth unloading the stomach, sit on the diet and remove products from daily consumption, which before that was the source of energy and vitality.

Hot weather and abundance of vegetables and fruits leads to a smaller use of cereals, fats and animal food. And this can provoke a shortage of vitamin E, many vitamins of group B, as well as magnesium and iron. The body is experiencing stress, the result of which the skin is becoming dry, hair loss, the constant sensation of weakness and fatigue, there is a violation of metabolism.

The lack of vitamins B6 and B12 can negatively affect brain activity, the formation of DNA cells and red blood bodies in the blood. In addition, it is these useful trace elements that are responsible for the harmonious functioning of the nervous system and ensure the correct protein synthesis.

Summer Nutrition Rules

One of the right ways to solve the issue of lack of vitamins in the summer is a balanced nutrition so that all products remain in the diet, but perhaps in smaller quantities. Meat can not just fry, but bake with vegetables, baking is better replaced by summer desserts based on natural yogurts with the addition of fresh fruits, and from eggs to do omelets with vegetables.

Even if the necessary vitamins continue to enter the body, for the best of their digestibility, the person needs a zinc, which is contained in seafood and eggs. If this trace element is an insufficient amount, all other vitamins have not achieved their maximum efficiency in the body. Therefore, in parallel with the right nutrition, doctors and nutritionists recommend drinking vitamin complexes, which guaranteed to provide the body with the norm of useful substances and trace elements. At the same time, it is important to choose the drug correctly.

In a good vitamin complex for summer, there must be a minimum of those elements and substances that are present in the available and fresh products. On the contrary, those vitamins that in summer it is more difficult to consume, there must be more in tablets. These include vitamins A, E, B6, as well as magnesium, phosphorus and iron. In addition, vitamins for the summer period must contain a large number of antioxidants.

What a strange question is probably you ask? Of course, no, because in the summer we get so many different vitamins with meals. But, in fact, it is necessary to take vitamins not only in winter, but also in the summer! Even, despite the large number of freshly consuming fresh vegetables and fruits, avitaminosis, as you figured out doctors, in the summer as real as in the summer.

What useful trace elements need us most and what you need to pay close attention, let's figure it out together. It turns out that in order for the human body to work normally and without any failures, it daily (!!!) requires whole forty two vitamins and trace elements. And the person's alone, the human body can produce only three of these forty two! All the rest of the specialists are recommended to receive from food and selected individually with the help of specialists of vitamin complexes.

Even with the current level of technology development, doctors are confident that to achieve the natural balance of trace elements and vitamins, even in the conditions of the most favorable summer abundance of vegetables and fruits, it is still simply impossible. In the usual, the most normal healthy person from 30 to 45 years old, the deficit of the necessary beneficial substances is up to forty percent (!), Which, of course, is reflected on everything in the appearance of a person, can lead to a slowdown in metabolism in our body and even The emergence of predisposition to various diseases and pathologies.

It is necessary to take into account that the vitamins contained in the summer products, almost immediately after entering our body, begin to participate in the exchange processes - and are usually not delayed in the human body for a long time.

One of the most basic vitamins, the vital person, are vitamin C (or ascorbic acid), as well as vitamins, like A and E. Vitamin C, to the biggest regret, is very quickly destroyed during storage, so the only option is to replenish it The freshest products, directly "from the bed".

Very needed in summer and vitamins A and E. The first of these vitamins is found in the liver, calamity and butter, so be sure to use these products, at least once a week. The second of these vitamins - you can always find in porridge and vegetable oils, various nuts, eggs and liver. The deficit of these vitamins can have a very negative impact on the human skin.

Summer is the perfect period to replenish our body vitamin D. It is produced in the human body under the influence of ordinary sunlight and serves to strengthen bones, teeth and man's nails. But, of course, everything is good in moderation. Taking sunbathing, still do not overdo it. It is best to use special creams and ointments to protect against ultraviolet irradiation, with a specific protection coefficient, depending on how well you perceive the sun's rays.

Remember that Vitamin D has a good ability to accumulate in the human body. But for this you need to observe only two simple rules:

- do not swim immediately after the tan, because you need to give a certain time (just some 5-10 minutes) in order for vitamin D "manifested itself";

- Do not extend yourself with various diets in the summer, because vitamin D is produced precisely under the influence of sunlight on subcutaneous fat.

Of course, you should not forget about other vitamins and microelements for other human organism. In the summer, eat more than greenery, various berries and fruits - there are a lot of folic acid, iron, magnesium and calcium, as well as vitamins B6 and B12. But do not forget about the reception of vitamin complexes, correctly selected on the advice of the doctor, they will get rid of you from many troubles and trouble. Be sure to take vitamin complexes in the summer and you will always be in perfect order!

We will be able !!!