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Whether the overdose of vitamin E. What can the overdose of vitamin E can occur, and how to treat it

It is known that the tocopherol affects the human body in a certain way. This is a fat-soluble connection that takes part in the establishment of the work of the internal organs and their systems. It not only has an antioxidant impact, but also is rightfully vitamin "Beauty". However, despite the mass of beneficial properties, overdose of vitamin E is fraught with serious consequences for the human body, which often require the appointment of symptomatic treatment.

The amount of tocopherol caused by overdose

It is known that the daily rate of the adult substance will range from 8 to 10 mg. However, there are situations when it increases. These include large sports loads, pregnancy, lactation period, belonging to the age group over 50 years old for women. It is known that this element has the property of accumulating in the body, and therefore it is extremely important not to exceed the dosage established by a specialist. Otherwise, the state of hypervitaminosis will begin to develop.


The main symptoms of the re-equipment of vitamin E are considered:

  • frequent fatigue, fast fatigue;
  • apathetic condition;
  • the occurrence of dizziness;
  • painful sensations having a spastic nature arising in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • lack of sexual desire, its decline;
  • retail hemorrhages, causing violation of the functioning of visual organs.

In the presence of such signs, it is worth seeking advice to a specialist, canceling the reception of drugs enriched with tocopherol. It is known that emergency first aid in such situations is not required. Also interesting is the fact that the substance-antidote of DLLL Vitamin E is not.

Cases requiring medical care

Excess tocopherol always requires interference from medical professionals. This is due to the fact that the presence of a substance in large quantities in the human body can lead to serious violations of its functioning. Most often symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

Thus, with arterial hypertension, they prescribe a pressure reduction. If the state of overdose is accompanied by the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases, drugs that have antibacterial effects are accepted. When the processes of coagulation of genetic material are disturbed, resort to plasmotransfusion or hemotransphus. To protect the hepatic system from the negative effects of tocopherol, hepatoprotective drugs are recommended.

Diagnostics of overdose status

In order to make sure the worsening of well-being due to the re-fulfillment of tocopherol, it is worth consulting a doctor. You can visit not only the therapist, but also an endocrinologist, a nutritionist. The diagnosis of the specified state is carried out in several stages:

  1. External examination of the patient.
  2. Collection of anamnestic data.
  3. Collection of information about the patient's diet.
  4. Appointment of OAK, OAM.

Only on the basis of the results of the analyzes, the specialist may be diagnosed confirming the state of the Avitaminosis.


Excess tocopherol in women and men can lead to different complications. Most often such conditions are observed as:

  • violation of the blood supply to the arteries passing by the kiring;
  • renal failure;
  • swelling;
  • cluster of fluid in the pleural, abdominal cavities pelvis;
  • oppression of the functions of the immune system;
  • frequent infectious inflammatory diseases;
  • septic shock (develops in severe cases);
  • violations in the hemostasis system;
  • internal, external bleeding.

In order to eliminate the state of overdose, avoid the deterioration of the state, just adhere to the dosage installed by the doctor. It is extremely undesirable to engage in independent prescription of drugs. If nevertheless, these complications begin to appear to appear immediately for medical help.

How to prevent the development of the state of hypervitaminosis?

In adults and children, the condition of hypervitaminosis is usually observed with the improper use of drugs containing a vitamin substance, or incorrectly adjusting the diet. To avoid it, it is enough to follow the simple rules:

  • do not drink tocopherol on an empty stomach;
  • do not combine the use of vitamin with antibiotics, preparations containing iron, silver, vitamin K;
  • do not take a big dose than that is indicated by a specialist.

In addition, when taking drugs, it is not necessary to enrich your diet for food with rich tocopherol. However, it is not necessary to fully exclude them, as they contain and other vitamin, mineral elements needed by the human body for its normal functioning.

If we conclude all the above, it can be concluded that the state of hypervitaminosis E in humans is developing only due to banal negligence. Either drug funds are not accepted in accordance with the specified recommendations, or people begin to engage in self-medication, which is strictly prohibited. And yet, with the tocopherol poisoning, it is important to consult with the doctor, even if the patient's condition has come to normal for a certain period of time.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is an essential element for human life. It is a strong antioxidant, and also takes part in cholesterol cleavage. Also takes part in building immunity. The importance of tocopherol is difficult to overestimate, and its presence in the body is extremely important. Overdose of vitamin E can carry irreversible consequences.

Signs of overdose

Most often, the hypovitaminosis of the tocopherol occurs when the dose of vitamin administered by injection is intramuscularly.

  • The first symptoms are usually the loss of equilibrium and drowsiness. Weakness, apathy or dizziness may also be observed.
  • Also an important call from the overdose of vitamin E can be swelling of the region where the drug was introduced. Allergic reaction can be manifested by the urticaria.
  • From the head of the gastrointestinal tract there are intestinal disorders, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, stomach spasm.
  • A heavy form of overdose is accompanied by blockage of blood vessels caused by the development of renal failure
  • Also in cases of serious hypervitaminosis there is a defocusing of vision, as well as hemorrhage in the field of retinal eye.

Chronic hypervitaminosis vitamin E its signs:

  • accumulation of excessive fluid. This situation is extremely undesirable for the patient, because it may cause infection.
  • With long-term observation of excess vitamin E in the urine, the number of estrogen and androgens decreases.
  • Research in laboratory conditions can also detect creatine in urine.
  • Overdose observed within a few days is quite dangerous. It leads to decay of immunity, instability of blood pressure, and is also able to cause hypertensive crisis.

Diagnosis and treatment

With long-term observation of the above symptoms, it is necessary to immediately show the patient to the doctor. Do not risk and delay a visit to a specialist, because Excess vitamin E can seriously affect health. For accurate diagnosis of hypovitaminosis, a number of laboratory studies are carried out. Of which: assessment of the level of thyroxine in the blood, as well as the number of genital hormones when analyzing the blood.

On the effect of vitamin E on the human body, and in some products to "mine" on video:

If you confirm the re-fulfillment of vitamin E, the first to do the designated drugs are completely changed. Exclude containing tocopherol, as well as a number of food with elevated content. In addition to drugs overwhelming painful symptoms, the doctor may prescribe solutions that contribute to the removal of excessive tocopherol from the body. In particularly severe cases, hospitalization of the patient may be needed.

Important to remember! What should be seriously related to the reception of vitamin E, an overdose is extremely dangerous.

It is worthwhile to make a menu for those who are at risk to obtain an overdose of tocopherol. In particular, these are women taking this vitamin to facilitate climax symptoms or to reduce unpleasant symptoms of menstruation.

It is extremely important that any treatment is conducted under the control of the doctor, even such innocuous drugs, as vitamins - hypervitaminosis can affect all human organs, and it is often an irreversible process.

Vitamins are substances that are performed in the human body of essential functions. And if there is a shortage of a vitamin component, it provokes the occurrence of various diseases. One capsule, which contains all vitamins, is often used to prevent acute diseases.

The advantages of the use of vitamins are obvious. But far from everyone knows that these substances can be sufficiently dangerous when re-free, especially if we are talking about fat-soluble vitamins, one of which is Vitamin E.

Can vitamin E poisoning occur? What symptoms are manifested with this state? And what needs to be done to prevent it?

Vitamin E refers to a group of fat-soluble vitamin substances. In the human body, its synthesis does not occur, and natural sources are much better absorbed if there are fats in the food that the person consists.

Vitamin E enters the body from the outside, the main way - with food products.

But not in all cases you can get a sufficient amount of this component with food. Therefore, often the doctors recommend using vitamin E in the form of injections or droplets. Sometimes people can independently start receiving this substance, without appointing a doctor.

In the body of the tocopherol (another name) performs many essential functions. Here are the main of them:

  • It supports the optimal cell structure, protects cell shells from damage;
  • Provides normal absorption of vitamin A, increases the activity of this substance.
  • It has strong antioxidant properties.
  • Protects the body from the development of hypoxia, influencing the provision of cells with oxygen.
  • Takes part in the formation of a multitude of proteins, hormones, also participates in the formation of the placenta.

The daily rate of vitamin A depends on the testimony.

Indications for use

The means, which contains vitamin E, can be appointed for the treatment of various diseases and temporary violations. Tocopherol recommended to drink:

  • To eliminate degenerative changes of the heart muscle, skeletal muscles, in the treatment of hypotrophy.
  • To eliminate such a neurological problem as a breach of gait.
  • Also, the tocopherol found its use in gynecology - it is prescribed during the risk of miscarriage.
  • With a high permeability of capillaries, as well as with their fragility.
  • In dermatology, vitamin E is used as an effective agent for the treatment of psoriasis and dermatosis.
  • Vitamin E is effective to eliminate potency problems, it is also prescribed for the treatment of liver disorders.

In the child's body, this component should flow in an amount of 3 mg to 15. The dose depends on the age of the child. Adult man per day should not consume more than 15 mg vitamin E.

When pregnancy in the body increases the need for vitamin E, therefore the highest dose should be received - 20 mg.

To eliminate the diseases of the muscular system, as well as the Doctor's NA, it is recommended to consume 100-300 mg of vitamin E. so that the required amount of tocopherol has been received in the body, it is necessary to eat products with high content.

A large amount of vitamin E is present in the sea buckthorn, peanuts, sunflower oil, in legumes (in peas and beans), in a sprouted wheat, with dairy products, eggs, meat. Overdose when eating food is impossible, this may occur only when using synthetic agents.

Symptoms overdose

Even if you increase the permissible dose 2 times, it will not cause any side effects from the body. Usually intoxication is manifested if the organism includes overestimated doses in the form of injections.

With simultaneous getting inside 1 g of tocopherol, such symptoms arise:

  • Allergy is most often developing. The reaction can be expressed by local swelling or urticaria.
  • Children are often prescribed this element with hypervitaminosis of vitamin D. Introduction of funds in high doses for complex therapy can provoke the removal of calcium from the body.
  • In excess amounts, the tocopherol has a negative effect on blood cells, reduces the level of leukocytes and platelets. Another sufficiently dangerous complication in the overdose of tocopherol is to infect blood if the tool is used in premature babies.
  • With an excess of tocopherol, hepatic, as well as renal cells, which can not always be noticed immediately. A person becomes weak, its performance decreases. So, with prolonged use of vitamin E with the therapeutic target, it follows from time to time to donate blood.
  • The use of tocopherol in the form of injections can provoke such complications - calcinate or redness may appear at the injection site.
  • There may also develop diseases of the digestive tract - ascites, enterocolitis.
  • Vitamin E helps increase blood pressure.
  • In excess, the means affects the integrity of the walls of the vessels, therefore hemorrhage can be present in the eye retina, and sometimes in the brain (which is very dangerous).

Hypervitaminosis of tocopherol is not as often as its deficit. But still, such a condition can develop if the tool was introduced in the form of injections or if a very large amount of the drug was used randomly.

How to eliminate such a violation?

  • First of all, you need to cancel the use of funds.
  • There is no specific antidote to improve the condition, symptomatic treatment is carried out - solutions are introduced into vein, which replace plasma, stabilize blood pressure, introduce hepatoprotective agents that protect the hepatic cells from destruction.
  • If the poisoning is severe, then the victim is necessarily hospitalized and in the conditions of the hospital conduct intensive therapy.


The overdose of the tocopherol when having toed, in patients, and also in children it usually happens by negligence. In order not to arise negative consequences, it is necessary to treat with great caution to the reception of this fund.

Any vitamins need to drink only after consulting a doctor and after passing a full survey.

When the first symptoms of intoxication intoxication, Vitamin E must immediately contact the doctor.

The natural balance of vitamins and trace elements in the human body creates favorable conditions for all organs and systems. This is like a complex mechanism where the breakdown of the only detail displays all the device. Overdose of vitamin E, like any other substance, is a danger to human health. If such a problem is detected, it is necessary to immediately adjust its diet and go through a course of drug treatment.

Tocopherol is a synthetic analogue of vitamin E. It is used both with the complex treatment of different diseases and in preventive purposes. Most often, vitamin E is prescribed in cardiovascular diseases, during pregnancy and menopause in women and in problems with potency in men. Smokers must take vitamin E with caution, as it can lead to a stroke in a pair with nicotine. This important element is contained in dairy products, meat, eggs, cereals and greens.

Doctors are often prescribed to the drug Limanovit E. This is an alcohol solution for intake, which is produced in drops and is a means of recovery after transferred diseases. Its daily dose is 20-40 drops dissolved in a quarter of a glass of water.

Symptoms of overdose of vitamin E

The oversupply of vitamin E in humans is easy to suspect, since it is accompanied by the appearance of various reactions, but it is quite simple to confuse this phenomenon with other disease. If this element in the body is too much, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • from the nervous system: lethargy, apathy, constant fatigue, weakness, intolerance to physical exertion, headache, decrease in visual acuity;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, nausea, spasmodic pain in the intestines or in the stomach, flatulence, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • from the urogenital system: the presence in the urine of creatine in an excess number, the lack of androgen and estrogen, the depression of sexual function in both sexes, the failures of the menstrual cycle, the development of renal failure;
  • from the cardiovascular system: heart attacks, hypertensive crises, heart failure;
  • external signs: dry skin, fragility and hair loss.

In addition, the overdose of vitamin E reduces the resistance to infections and thus negatively affects the immune system. At the launched stages, hemorrhage into the eyes, thrombophlebitis and internal bleeding against the background of the lack of vitamin K, as the tocopherol lowers its level in the body.

In severe cases, excess vitamin E is a greater danger, as it can lead to blood infection.

Overdose of vitamin E during pregnancy

It is not surprising that during pregnancy is often prescribed vitamin E, since it not only has a beneficial effect on the development of the embryo, but also helps to eliminate the threat of interrupt. Without the knowledge of the obstetrician-gynecologist, any vitamins are extremely recommended - they are assigned if there are prescriptions for this.

If mainly therapy is aimed at raising the level of hemoglobin, then between the reception of iron and tocopherol preparations, the eight-hour interval is to be withstanding. When there is no urgent need to increase the content of vitamin E, the woman receives this substance from complex vitamins for pregnant women.

In addition, to maintain at the level of this substance, it suffices to use a variety of food of plant and animal origin. Provided that all processes in the body of the pregnant women proceed correctly, all the necessary elements can be obtained from vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products, and it will be enough.

Nature laid down that under the action of progesterone and estrogen during pregnancy, a woman gains weight - in this way favorable conditions for the development of the fetus are created. Since Vitamin E is a fat-soluble substance that is intended to accumulate in the body, excess of the dosage of this drug leads to the splitting of fatty deposits and hormonal imbalance, which can destructively affect the fetus. A woman feels tired and exhausted, it has an emerging toxicosis, weight loss and increased nervous excitability. This element affects the liver and kidneys, reducing their functionality, so the woman may have disorders of digestion, heartburn and swelling of the lower extremities.

Hypervitaminosis of Vitamin E in the perinatal period threatens the development of various pathologies and the deformity in the child is still in the womb. In the last trimester, the drug is usually stopped, as it causes stress in the muscles, and it threatens with seizures and an increased tone of the uterus, which is unacceptable in the last periods.

Alone to take similar preparations for pregnant women are prohibited - the feasibility of receiving the tocopherol during pregnancy is determined by the doctor.

How to prevent overdose

In order for a person, any major changes in the state caused by the overdose of vitamin E, its daily dose should exceed 1 g. And to take the drug in such quantities you need a few weeks - only then an overdose will manifest itself. How many tocopherol must be taken, is determined individually in each case - it takes into account the presence of severe chronic diseases. Excess vitamin E can be prevented, knowing the maximum dose of vitamin E per day:

  • with various reactions from the nervous and cardiovascular systems due to the onset of menopause and at elevated fatigue - 100 mg;
  • to improve hair and skin, conservation of youth, with an incorrect diet, cycle failures - 200 mg;
  • with hormonal imbalance in the people of elderly, strong stress, increased physical exertion - 400 mg;
  • with hemorrhages, gangrene, thrombophlebitis - up to 600 mg;
  • the highest dose of 800 mg is prescribed to smokers and drinking people, since nicotine and alcohol completely derive this useful element.

The increase in the dose leads only to undesirable consequences, but far from improving the condition of the patient. On the contrary, the disease can progress. In addition, the reception of the tocopherol cannot be combined with the intake of antibiotics, iron preparations and some vitamins, for example, vitamin K. Drink tocopherol on an empty stomach cannot be harmful - it harms the digestion system and can cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

The presence of vitamin E in the human body is necessary. It is often appointed by specialists in preventive purposes, if there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, there are frequent nervous disorders and problems with hormones. However, the overdose of vitamin E leads to the opposite effect and exacerbates the disease, so the dose that is prescribed by the doctor, or assign this drug independently dangerous.

Vitamin E, which is also called tocopherol, was previously considered a substance completely safe. First, it falls into the body only with food, and secondly, the amount of it in food is clearly not enough for hypervitaminosis due to overeating - except to consume vegetable oil or wheat sprouts by verts.

In addition, the body itself does not produce it, and in the tissues, it is not long delayed in the tissues, it turns out relatively easily (despite the fact that it is fat soluble, and not water soluble). That is why until recently, the overdose of vitamin E has almost met.

However, pharmacology does not stand still, and at present, in any pharmacy, it is possible to purchase synthetic vitamin E (as a rule, in capsules or in the form of injections for injections), or drugs based on it - as, for example, a tonic of the Limanovit (vitamin E With laminarium extract), or combined vitamin Aevit.

What is the tocopherol needed in the body?

How Vitamin E works

Vitamin E is a useful fat soluble substance, which is customary to be appointed to support and restore the vitality of the body. It is most often prescribed by pregnant women, kids and patients with viral infections to maintain resistance (stability and resistance) of the body.

  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, so it is advertised as a means to help remove toxins and slags from cells. For this reason, it is considered an anticarcinogenic substance, perfectly copes with viruses.
  • Due to its ability to protect cell membranes and maintain their integrity, as well as normalize cellular respiration, vitamin E is considered a good anti-aging agent, helping to extend the youth at the cellular level warning cell hypoxia and early aging. This effect of vitamin E explains the fact that it is often prescribed in vascular problems (capillar strokes), as well as with skin diseases like dermatosis, psoriasis, etc.
  • Vitamin E helps split cholesterol, therefore it is especially recommended for cardiovascular disorders.
  • It is also shown to future mothers, as it is an active participant of the "construction" of the placenta and helps the egg tools to fully develop.
  • Often, vitamin E is produced together with vitamin A (the drug Aevit), and this is not by chance: thanks to Vitamin E, Vitamin A. is well absorbed
  • It is believed that vitamin E drugs have a beneficial effect on potency, improves the work of genital glasses, therefore apply under its violations.
  • The common effect of vitamin E and its ability to influence the work of the muscles leads to the fact that it is prescribed athletes to increase stability to the loads.
  • Another useful effect is the toning of the mucous membranes of the tract with an improvement in the operation of the digestive system. Due to this, vitamin E is prescribed for the epithelization of the mucous membranes for peptic diseases of the digestive organs.

Symptoms of overdose of vitamin E

Despite the many positive factors of the influence of vitamin E on the human body, like any substance, it is a stick about two ends, so with careless reception there are very unpleasant symptoms of vitamin E hypervitaminosis:

  • allergic rash by type of urticaria, or edema at the injection site, if it was used injecting;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • increased pressure - up to a hypertensive crisis;
  • weakness, increased fatigue, apathetic;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen, nausea and diarrhea;
  • increasing respiration;
  • muscle pain and cramps, as well as pain in the heart of the heart;
  • with a great overdose - impairment, loss of clarity, retina hemorrhage;
  • the growth of cholesterol in the blood is determined in the analyzes;
  • loss by the body through the removal from the urine creatine - an important component of the component contained in muscle tissue - is determined in the analyzes;
  • lowering the level of thyroxine (thyroid hormone), as well as male and female sex hormones (androgens and estrogen) - is also determined in the analyzes;
  • alcohol intoxication: Alcohol-containing tincture can bring to this result - the drug Limanovit E, the overdose of which is similar to the reception of any "pharmacy cognacs".

What happens to the body with a long overdose of vitamin E?

What is dangerous vitamin E with a long-term uncontrolled admission of vitamins and self-medication? If the process occurred long enough, that is, the impact was chronic, negative changes occur in the body, leading to a number of diseases:

  • the calcium level in the body is reduced;
  • the blood formula changes, the level of platelets and leukocytes is reduced and the risk of sepsis is growing sharply;
  • over time, the functions of kidney and liver cells are oppressed, the liver can increase in size, renal failure is possible, and a liquid appears in the peritoneal cavity (ascites occurs);
  • due to vascular changes, hemorrhages are possible in the retina and in the brain;
  • sexual function decreases from both sexes;
  • immunity is also violated;
  • it turns out a negative impact on the work of the CNS;
  • for smokers, the danger of stroke is sharply increasing due to the harmful combination of tocopherol with nicotine;
  • vitamin E almost completely destroys iron in the body, so the reception of iron-containing products or drugs must be produced with a difference of at least 8 hours;
  • the tocopherol also provokes vitamideficiency a, d and k;

In pregnant women, the tocopherol first accumulates in fatty tissues, and then sharply released due to the action of hormones, provoked by excess vitamin E - is the cause of poor well-being. In the late pregnancy, the drug can provoke an early start of childbirth or even the loss of a baby, as the tocopherol affects the work of muscle tissues, leading them into the tone. Under the overdose of the drug during pregnancy, the fetus may develop congenital human development pathologies and the emergence of deformities.

Sources of vitamin E.

How does Vitamin E gets into the body (it is necessary to know when using synthetic vitamin, so as not to "overdo it" with the vitaminization)? The main sources:

  • oils of plant origin (especially from sunflower, peanuts, sea buckthorn);
  • spectacles of cereal plants (germinated wheat);
  • beans: beans and peas;
  • protein products: eggs, milk, meat.

What leads to overdose?

The overdose of vitamin E can be as one-time (for example, a small child, increasing vitamins), or long (with chronic receiving high concentrations of tocopherol).

Since the amount of vitamin E in food can not lead to an overdose, in contrast to synthetic vitamin, hypervitaminosis is possible only with random reception of an excess capsule or with the accumulated effect of chronic overdose.

Who is in the risk group?

  • those who wish to extend the youth and guided by the principle of "good should be a lot";
  • women in the menopacteric period, taking drugs of vitamin E and vitamin himself to improve the condition;
  • girls with painful menstruals, on the advice of girlfriends receiving vitamin E to reduce the pain of these states;
  • fans of a healthy lifestyle, excessively consuming food with vitamin E plus synthetic vitamins;
  • people who adopted vitamin E simultaneously with drugs to reduce bleeding (anticoagulants);
  • individual reaction of intolerance to the tocopherol.

It is also important to note that the tocopherol is needed carefully and (only after consulting with the doctor) to use:

  • diabetics (constant use of vitamin E leads to a decrease in insulin need);
  • hypertensive;
  • patients with disorders of the thyroid
  • cores and people with potassium deficiency (overdose of vitamin E can provoke bleeding and an additional loss of this element, which inevitably negatively affects the work of the heart).

How to help with overdose of vitamin E?

If you have found or your child, hypervitaminosis symptoms, it is necessary:

  • immediately stop receiving synthetic vitamins in any form and in any doses,
  • to inform your doctor and consult with him about help;
  • in severe cases, hospitalization is shown to eliminate excess tocopherol from the body and symptomatic treatment: pressure normalization, the introduction of plasma preparations for blood purification, as well as hepaprotectors to protect the liver.

Prevention of overdose of vitamin E

As preventive measures from the occurrence of hypervitaminosis, it is important to know that:

  • only adults can give vitamin children, and allowing to play with vitamins is categorically impossible;
  • never assign yourself vitamins yourself, especially for pregnant women and young children;
  • strictly follow the dosage and carefully read the instructions for use.

Take care of yourself and be prudent!