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Hamedorea or Chrysalidocarpus differences. Is it chamedorea or chrysalidocarpus? Home care

Homeland this wonderful plant is the island of Madagascar. Chrysalidocarpus belongs to the genus Arecaceae, and today scientists have counted 20 species of this plant in the wild.

Despite for such a large number of species of this palm tree, only one of its species grows at home: chrysalidocarpus golden or yellowish. This is the name given to this palm because of the color of its stem. And it has a yellow or golden color.

There is such a palm tree in the wild can grow up to 20 meters. In an apartment or a winter garden, the plant does not grow more than 2 meters.

Chrysalidocarpus feels very good in indoor conditions. If the care for him is correct, then the plant begins to bloom and bear fruit at an early age. Several shoots with a smooth stem and feathery curved leaves grow from the rhizome of chrysalidocarpus.

Such a palm tree looks like very elegant, and looks very original in apartments and offices. Over the years, the palm tree begins to give root suckers, which can later be used for its propagation.

Chrysalidocarpus location indoors

Since chrysalidocarpus is a southern plant, he is not afraid of the sun. But all the same, exposure to excessively active sunlight in the period from 11 to 15 days is not desirable.

It's summer time when the sun is at its maximum. By the way, the plant also feels good in partial shade. But it will take time for him to adapt to such lighting.

In lighting Chrysalidocarpus has one feature to be aware of: once a week, the flower should be rotated 180 degrees. Then the palm leaves will grow symmetrically.

If you don't, then the plant will turn out to be one-sided. That is, the leaves from the sunny side will grow much more actively than from the shady side.

Temperature the content of the palm tree is exactly the same as that of humans: 18-23 degrees. It is at this temperature that the plant (like a person) feels as comfortable as possible. But in summer, ideally, the temperature should be raised to 25 degrees. As, in fact, it happens in the tropics in Madagascar.

To plant fully developed, he needs a constant flow of fresh air. Here are just no drafts: Chrysalidocarpus does not like drafts. The air humidity should be high.

Watering the plant

Watering chrysalidocarpus should be done regularly. The plant in this regard is quite capricious. Regular tap water is not suitable for watering a palm tree. Use filtered or bottled water.

If such water is absent, then ordinary running water should be defended for several days.

This should be done due to the fact that chrysalidocarpus is very sensitive to chlorine and other impurities. Also, the plant reacts very much to water hardness.

Water the palm tree should only be done when the topsoil in the pot is slightly dry. In this state, it should be left for a couple of days, and then watered abundantly.

In autumn and winter, watering should be done not so abundant that root rot does not develop as a result.

Better in winter limit yourself to spraying the plant twice a day with a spray bottle.

If watering turned out plentiful, and water is in the glass pan, then it should be removed to prevent root rot. You should also make sure that no water gets on the main stems. Lack of moisture is also extreme.

If the ground dries up, then the leaves of chrysalidocarpus will begin to die off over time, and it will be almost impossible to save the plant.

Plant soil

Basically, for planting chrysalidocarpus, you can use ready-made soil for palm trees, which is offered by specialized stores. Or you can prepare the substrate yourself. The main thing is to follow certain rules when preparing the substrate. V mixture composition includes:

  • pumice;
  • pebbles or dolomite crushed stone;
  • pine bark;
  • charcoal or perlite.

All these Ingredients are taken in equal shares. Peat is also added to the mixture of these components. In the amount of two parts. A tenth of bone meal should also be added.

Component structure the mixture should not be too soft, otherwise water will linger in the soil, and waterlogging will occur. The soil should ideally be acidic or neutral in acidity. The ideal pH is 6-7.5.

Chrysalidocarpus transplant

Transplant chrysalidocarpus does not like. Therefore, this procedure is carried out only when the roots of the plant do not fit into the old pot.

Mature plants are transplanted once every 3 years. The rest of the time, it is enough to replace the topsoil.

Young plants transplanted every year in the spring. There must be a drainage layer in the pot. The larger the pot and the older the plant, the thicker the drainage layer should have.

Top dressing chrysalidocarpus is required in spring and summer. To do this, it is enough to take a standard complex fertilizer intended for palms and dilute it 10 times. Nothing else is required.

Reproduction of chrysalidocarpus

Breeds chrysalidocarpus cuttings or seeds. The version with cuttings is more suitable for breeding at home. You can use cuttings propagation at any time, regardless of what time of year it is in the yard. The process is cut off at the very base using a curved knife.

When cutting off the appendix damage to the main stem is unacceptable! Otherwise, the entire plant may die!

After the small shoot is cut off, it must be cleaned of leaves, and the cut area must be lubricated with a fungicide.

And then you can apply a stimulant for early root formation. The cut on the trunk of the mother plant should be dried for 2-3 days.

The best thing plant the shoot in a pre-prepared substrate. The best growing soil is sand. But the sand should be coarse. A young plant needs regular watering and an ambient temperature of 27-29 degrees. It is better not to put it in the light - the palm tree prefers partial shade.

With seeds everything is a little different. Previously, the seeds are soaked in warm water for a couple of days. Then they are sown in the ground. Ideally, the soil should be peaty. The temperature regime at this time should be in the range of 27-30 degrees. Therefore, a small greenhouse is used to propagate chrysalidocarpus by seeds.

In it such conditions much easier to create. Water the seeds in the same way as an adult plant: as the topsoil begins to dry out.

The worse you observe the temperature regime when germinating the seeds, the longer they will germinate.

Average seedlings chrysalidocarpus appear after 1.5 months.

Chrysalidocarpus diseases

If a palm tree suddenly began to wither, then this, first of all, suggests that you should pay attention to the composition of the soil.

Most likely in her nitrogen deficiency... If orange or pale yellow spots began to appear on the leaves, this means that there is not enough potassium and magnesium in the soil.

If the young plants began to appear necrotic spots, and the stems became sluggish, then there is a lack of zinc and manganese in the soil.

Often a palm tree begins to get sick when the acidity of the soil is more than normal. This problem is solved simply: a small amount of lime or ash is mixed into the soil. The acidity of the soil should be monitored regularly!

If acidity rises above PH 7.0, then action should be taken immediately. Another option to combat high acidity is the application of sub-root fertilizers.

There are also pests that can damage chrysalidocarpus. First of all, it is. If the air in the room is dry, then it may well start. If strange spots appear on the leaves of a palm tree, then you can be sure - start the fight against spider mites. And increase the humidity of the air.

And for those who like to know more, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video about chrysalidocarpus

Chamedorea graceful Chamaedorea elegans is a bushy plant that has several stems, each of which has 6-7 feathery leaves. The flowers are light yellow or orange, collected in a loose panicle. Another name for this Neant palm is the beautiful Neanthe bella, Collinsia graceful Collinia elegans.

Blooms at a fairly young age.



Rysalidocarpus - the name of the plant comes from the Greek. Chryseus - golden, golden, chysallidos - golden-colored butterfly pupa and karpos - fruit: according to the color of the fruit. The genus has more than 20 species distributed on the island. Madagascar and Comoros.

Indoor conditions grow yellowish chrysalidocarpus - Chrysalidocarpus lutescens H. Wendl. This beautiful palm tree with profusely branching at the base, bushy elegant stems with graceful feathery leaves. If the plant is properly cared for, then the palm tree will bloom and begin to bear fruit at an early age. Palms are very elegant and look great in apartments, offices, winter gardens. Chrysalidocarpus has several shoots growing from the rhizome. Over the years, it develops root suckers that can be used for reproduction.

Stems are smooth green, up to 12 m high., With graceful feathery leaves up to 2 m long and 1 meter wide. Petioles and leaf sheaths are yellowish, densely covered with small black scales. Homeland - about. Madagascar. Grows on the sea coasts, in river valleys, up to the height. 1000 m above sea level m.

The location in the apartment is bright, but not in direct sunlight. Room temperature throughout the year. In summer, the plant can be taken out into the air. Plants are kept in winter at a temperature of 18-22 degrees (at least 15). They prefer bright light.

In summer, the plant is watered abundantly with water and controlled so that the soil ball is always moist. You can put the palm tree on a tray filled with water. In winter, watering is limited; can be replaced by two daily spraying with water from a spray bottle. During the period of growth and development, the palm tree is fed at least twice a month with flower fertilizers. Transplant the palm tree into a larger pot when roots appear from the bottom hole. Loves high humidity.

Reproduction is possible by seeds or dividing the bush. The seeds germinate well at an air temperature of 24 - 28 ° C. Seedlings appear in 30-40 days. It is best to sow seeds in a indoor greenhouse with underfloor heating. After the emergence of young plants, a temperature of about 18 ° C is sufficient for good growth.

Repotting is done in the spring only if the old pot has become too small. Use slightly acidic soil for palms with a pH of 5 - 5, 5.

The plant is affected by spider mites if the air in the room is very dry. As a result of improper care, various spots may appear on the leaves of chrysalidocarpus.

The tips of the leaves may dry out and turn brown. The most likely cause is dry air or insufficient watering and also cold air.

Yellowing leaves - insufficient watering. In summer, the roots should not dry out.

Brown spots on leaves - A common cause is leaf spot, which appears when the soil is over-wetted or when the temperature suddenly drops. Another reason could be the use of very hard water for irrigation.

The lower leaves darken and die off with age. They should be trimmed, not torn off.

Hamedoria, I was ... withered, very capricious.

Hamedorea - Chamaedorea

Family: Arecaceae, or Palmae.

Homeland: Mexico, Central and South America.

Flowering: under favorable conditions, it happens at different times of the year.

Height: average.

Light: bright diffused, tolerates some shading. It can tolerate a small amount of direct sunlight; in summer, the palm tree is shaded from them.

Temperature: in the spring-summer period 20-26 ° C, in winter 16-18 ° C, the plant is able to withstand temperatures lower than 12 ° C.

Watering: abundant during the active growing season. Overdrying of the substrate and excessive waterlogging should not be allowed. In winter, watering is reduced, watered with moderately warm (30 ° C) water.

Air humidity: at least 50%. In the summer, hamedorea are sprayed daily; every two weeks the leaves are washed or wiped with a damp sponge. In winter, spraying is stopped or sprayed rarely, and the leaves are washed once a month.

Top dressing: from spring to autumn weekly, in winter - once every 3 weeks with mineral fertilizer.

Rest period: poorly expressed, in winter. The plant is kept in a bright room at a temperature of 16-18C, watered moderately.

Transplant: Young plants are transplanted annually. Adult potted plants are transplanted once every 3-4 years, as the pot is filled with roots; tubing - about once every 5 years.

Reproduction: seeds and offspring.


You definitely have hamedorea.

In chrysalidocarpus, the trunks and leaf petioles are yellowish, with small black dots, and the leaf blade is flat.

And the hamedorea is slightly convex, as in the photo.

hamedorea! here

Hamedorea: I have the same.

This is definitely a chamedorea, by the way, she is not very whimsical, tolerates partial shade, even grows well under artificial lighting. (in offices for example)

Popular types

There are 8 plant species classified in the genus Chrysalidocarpus. The two most popular types of chrysalidocarpus that can be found in stores:

Home care

Consider the main points about Areca: home care, diseases and pests.

Features of care after purchase

Do not try to replant the palm tree right away. into a beautiful new pot. Place the plant where you have chosen for it. Do not expose the young plant to bright sunlight - young leaves may turn yellow. Drizzle with warm water. Watch for a couple of days.

If the plant does not show signs of lack of light or moisture, the plant can be transplanted. Choose a pot more than the one in which you bought the chrysalidocarpus. If the roots are crawling out of the pot, this means that the root system does not have enough space for growth.

Choose a massive pot, broad-based... He has a powerful developed root system, the roots need a lot of space.


Chrysalidocarpus - light-loving plant, likes a long day, up to 12 hours. In winter, this tropical plant needs additional lighting.

Although palm trees tolerate direct sunlight well, but a young plant must be protected from the hot sun in summer... If, under the summer sun, the leaves turn yellow (turn brown) and fall off, urgently rearrange it in diffused light (for example, darken the window with a curtain if the palm tree is near the window).

Remember to rotate the palm regularly to the light with different sides. This will keep her symmetrical so she won't look lopsided. In addition, if a tall plant is tilted towards the light and stretched to one side, then one terrible day it can fall and break.


Likes moderate temperatures, in winter 18-23 degrees, in summer 21-25 degrees. Tolerates a short drop in temperature up to +15 degrees. Do not place the palm tree near radiators and other heating devices- the leaves will dry out and lose their shine.

If possible, take the plant out into the fresh air in summer.

Air humidity

Palm trees love high humidity, in the summer like regular spraying. Do not spray in autumn and winter. From time to time wash the palm leaves with a damp cloth, if plant growth allows - under the shower. You can and should sometimes immerse the pot in water so that the entire earthy clod is saturated with water.


Need to water often and abundantly in summer and spring... As soon as the top layer of the earth dries up, you can safely water it.

Autumn and winter- a dormant period, you need to water less often.

You can alternate watering with spraying. You need to monitor the drainage of the pot. Chrysalidocarpus really does not like stagnation of water in a pot.

If you notice that the water is standing, drain it and loosen the soil, transplant the palm tree into soil with good drainage.


Indoor conditions rarely blooms... When flowering, it releases a brush with small yellowish inflorescences.

Fertilizers (top dressing)

Chrysalidocarpus is fertilized with mineral dressings from spring to early autumn, once or twice a month. In winter they feed less often. You can use an all-purpose mineral fertilizer for indoor plants, or choose a fertilizer for palms.


Do not transplant unless absolutely necessary. Palm trees love when their root system is tightly intertwined, so experienced palm growers advise replanting a palm tree only when the root system breaks the pot.

Instead of transplant, use transshipment... This means - you need to get an earthen clod of a palm tree, shake out the old soil and drainage from the pot, fill in fresh soil and drainage composition and plant a palm tree in the same pot.

If your chrysalidocarpus is very large, then instead of reloading, they simply change the upper depleted layer of soil.

These videos tell you about the transplant rules.

Diseases and pests

Chrysalidocarpus is susceptible to infection spider mite... The appearance of a cobweb on the leaves is the cause of dry air. Spray the palm tree more often, treat with an insecticide, collect the visible cobweb with a cotton swab.

Leaves dry

Dry leaves, tips, edges of leaves Are the most common palm problems. The most common problem is lack of moisture.

Spray often, move it away from the battery, place a container of water next to it.

If the problem persists, then it is worth reconsidering the feeding.

Dying off, browning of the tips of the leaves can be a signal of an excess of fluorine, superphosphate, an excess of feeding.

If it turns yellow

The appearance of yellow (brown) well-defined spots on the leaf in summer- this is a signal that the plant has received a sunburn. Move the chrysalidocarpus from direct sun to partial shade.

The second sign of excess lighting is leaf curling and the appearance of straw spots on it.


Chrysalidocarpus is luxury ornamental plant, which does not require particularly difficult maintenance with sufficient illumination and humidity. It is good to grow it in greenhouses, in large halls, hallways with a natural light source, closed terraces, conservatories.

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Palm trees are ideal as an elegant single ornamental leafy plant, generally undemanding to the conditions of maintenance.

They may need a spacious area, cool winters, humid summers, and protection from direct sunlight.

Varieties of domestic palms, depending on their appearance, leaf structure:

  • The fan leaf resembles a giant fan (washingtonia, lewinston, hamerops, trachycarpus ...)
  • The leaf of a feathery palm tree looks like a feather of an exotic bird (hovea, hamedorea., Chrysalidocarpus, fox tail palm, coconut, date ...)
  • The name of reed palms (chamedorea, chrysalidocarpus) is due to their appearance - an adult plant resembles a reed, forming tall stems. Leaves (frond) are most often pinnate.
  • There are variegated, variegated forms ...

Here are the names of the most popular indoor types of palm trees - they have always been and remain favorite types for interior decoration.


Graceful palm from subtropical forests. In nature, it can reach a height of 30 meters and a leaf diameter of up to 1.5 meters. In a potted version, under favorable conditions, it can grow up to 3 meters high and about 2 meters wide.

To grow successfully, she needs to provide access to sufficiently bright light. It perfectly tolerates dry air, but in indoor conditions at temperatures above 20 ° C, it must be sprayed, increase the number of irrigations. If all conditions are met, then Washingtonia can bloom.

Huge, racemose inflorescences rarely appear, but their unusual appearance undoubtedly gives the palm an even more exotic look.


A low-growing shrub or single-stemmed bamboo palm native to South and Central America, formerly known as Neanthe.

The peculiarity of hamedorea is that the view is a great natural air filter. In confined spaces, it absorbs many substances harmful to humans. For growing, choose places where direct sunlight will not fall on the palm tree. Requires abundant watering in summer. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the delicate leaves will dry at the tips, and then they will completely fall off. These plants attract with their grace, perfection of forms, and are distinguished by the soft texture of the leaf. In indoor conditions, the chamedorea palm is capable of reaching a height of 2 meters, a crown diameter of up to 60 cm. An unpretentious palm tree will grow in any soil, even sparsely fertilized. Despite this, it blooms quite often, emitting a pleasant aroma.

Hovea(Howea) is one of the traditional indoor palms with gracefully curved fronds. Reaches a height of up to 3 meters.

Leaves grow from the base of a short trunk, which most often begins to form only at 3-4 years of age. Up to this point, leaves on long stalks grow directly from the rhizome, creating a fairly rich bush.

This feathery bush palm is easy to care for and tolerates dry air well. It is for this reason that it is often used in the design of office premises and other public places. Bright sunshine, moist, fertile soil and a spacious pot will ensure the successful cultivation of this elegant palm tree. In a greenhouse, it blooms and bears fruit.

Chrysalidocarpus(Chrysalidocarpus) is a single or multi-stemmed palm with profusely branching stems. Leaves that grow fairly quickly have a characteristic feathery appearance. At home, it blooms often, pleasing the eye of the grower, begins to bear fruit at an early age.

For its incredibly beautiful inflorescences of a pale yellow color, chrysalidocarpus received a second name - yellowish. Translated from the ancient Greek chryseus - "golden", karpos "fruit". Sometimes the palms of this group are called the outdated name of Areca.

A popular and unpretentious plant will feel great in bright, but not sunlight. The palm tree is extremely demanding on moisture. Periodic showers and daily spraying have the best effect on the condition and decorative appearance of the plant. It can be propagated by seeds that ripen 6-8 months after flowering. Over the years, root suckers appear, which are used for reproduction.

Date palm(Phoenix) The oldest cultivated plant, called the "queen of oases", is common in the tropics of Africa and Asia.

The Robelen date (Phoenix roebelenii), unlike the Canary date (Phoenix canariensis), in nature reaches only 3 meters in height. Under indoor conditions, the date palm will grow by 1 meter, and the crown will reach 50-70 cm in diameter. The beautiful curved leaves are less dense and less prickly than Canarian date leaves.

Finger dates - is a classic palm tree with a less decorative appearance, 2 to 3 meters long, but growing rapidly. But its fruits are unique - sweet, tasty and nutritious dates familiar to everyone.

The date palm can be grown from seed. Only now you can find out what kind of date you are growing only after 2-3 years.

There are no less interesting highly decorative forms of palm trees ...

Livistona(Livistona) is a beautiful evergreen palm tree with large glossy green fan leaves, dissected into several segments, located on petioles, on which there are sharp thorns bent downward. The plant practically does not form a trunk, it grows easily due to the many leaves. Due to its high decorative effect, it is quite popular in our homes. (see the topmost photo 1).

Fox's tail(Wodyetia bifurcata) is a monotypic species of tropical palm with fluffy feathery leaves located at the top of a straight trunk, reaching a height of 10 meters. English. Foxtail palm. It looks like a royal palm tree, which is smaller and has a thicker dark green crown, which makes the branches look like a "fox's tail". The specific name is "double-branched", emphasizing the peculiarity of the structure of the leaf. In an adult state, the plant forms 8-10 leaves-tails.

After pollination, large oval fruits grow, when ripe they are orange-red, which gives the palm a great decorative effect.

In the photo: fox tail - seeds from the fruit can be germinated during reproduction.

When growing palms at home and their original species, it is worth considering that adult plants in most cases reach large sizes and require a voluminous pot. Tubs or flowerpots, up to a meter in diameter, will be an excellent option for palms that are more than 5 years old.

Chrysalidocarpus or Areca - a very beautiful indoor palm with a lush crown of graceful feathery leaves. This domestic palm tree grows like a bush, with many small, slender shoots at the base producing several long, curved leaves at the top, creating a graceful shape.

As a houseplant, the Areca palm is often compared to another pinnate, but this species is chosen for the best seed germination, growth rate and high decorative qualities.

Genus Chrysalidocarpus ( Chrysalidocarpus) includes about 20 species of palm trees growing in the tropics on the islands, Madagascar, Tanzania, the Philippines, Malaysia. Palm trees prefer to settle in the coastal zone, along the banks of rivers and streams, without going deep into the islands or the mainland.

At home, mainly one species is grown - chrysalidocarpus yellowish ( Ch.lutescens).

The name of the palm from the Greek means "golden fruits", and the palm itself is often called the "golden butterfly". On a long, smooth trunk with annular markings, golden fruits appear to hover. Under natural conditions, the palm tree grows up to 10 meters in height, the trunk is 10-12 cm in diameter.When grown at home, many offspring are formed at the base of the palm tree, which make up a lush bush with feathery leaves, such a bush does not exceed 2 meters in height. Cirrus leaves with a yellowish tinge in length reach 1 meter. One shoot can produce up to 8 leaves at a time. With age, the number of offspring at the base of the domestic palm increases, it becomes more luxuriant.

Growing chrysalidocarpus palm at home:

Lighting. Chrysalidocarpus or Areca palm is photophilous, prefers bright lighting at the southern window, and is able to tolerate direct sunlight. However, it is impossible to change dramatically the lighting conditions for the palm tree, for example, by moving it to fresh air in the garden, on the loggia or from the store, in order to prevent sunburn on the leaves, accustom the palm tree to the sun gradually. Under intense light, the color of the leaves of the palm tree becomes yellowish, with diffused light, the leaves of the palm tree are dark green.

The indoor areca palm is able to tolerate partial shade, even if you place it by the northern window with additional lighting from a fluorescent lamp, it will have enough light to grow.

The Madagascar palm tree does not have a dormant period and is constantly growing and renewing; in a year, the lower leaves can dry out from 1 to 3 pieces, and instead of the tops of the shoots, new 3-4 leaves will appear.

Temperature. This palm tree, when kept in an apartment, loves constant heat in summer and winter within + 18 ... + 25 degrees. Cooling below +16 degrees leads to drying of the tips of the leaves. When the temperature rises above +28 degrees, it is necessary to maintain a high air humidity of at least 70-80%.

The palm tree in the house does not tolerate drafts, protect the plant when airing the rooms. Fresh air is necessary for the well-being of a room palm, it does not tolerate tobacco smoke or other harmful substances in the air.

Watering and humidity. Water the areca palm regularly, constantly keeping the soil in the pot slightly damp. This palm tree for irrigation requires high-quality soft water, the plant does not tolerate chlorinated water with a high salt content. With insufficient watering, palm leaves turn yellow prematurely, and excess moisture in the ground is dangerous in the autumn and winter, when the risk of decay of the root system increases with a cold snap.

In spring and summer, the palm tree is additionally fertilized, alternating complex mineral fertilizer and organic fertilizer every 2-3 weeks. In the fall, feeding is stopped.

The beauty of the palm tree largely depends on the humidity of the air. To keep the leaves of the palm tree healthy and lush, they need to be sprayed often, and a moisturizer should be placed next to the plant. If the air in the apartment is dry (this problem often occurs in autumn or winter, when the heating devices are turned on), the tips of the feathery leaves dry out.

Transfer. Areca palm does not like transplanting, after damage to the roots it is sick for a long time. It is recommended to transfer the indoor palm into a new pot one size larger than the previous one and fill the voids with earth. Chrysalidocarpus has a vertical structure of the root system, so the pots must be increased by size not in width, but in height. If there is no need to increase the size of the pot, then the top layer of the earth is changed.

Land for a palm tree is bought, it must be sufficiently loose and breathable, or it must be composed of turf, leafy land, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1.

Propagate the palm by separating the shoots from the base or grown from seeds. Before sowing, palm seeds must be soaked in hot water in a thermos for 2-3 days. Sowing is carried out in a greenhouse with loose peat soil, so that the seeds germinate, it is necessary to keep the crops in a warm place and maintain high humidity. Palm seeds can sprout in 3-4 months.

About other types of indoor palms.