Bathroom renovation portal. Useful Tips

How to make a ceiling in the bathroom: a comparison of popular varieties

When deciding what kind of ceiling to make in the bathroom, you need to pay attention only to materials that can withstand the high humidity of the room. There are now an abundance of various finishing materials in stores that are suitable for the humid environment of bathrooms. These are suspended, tension, plastic panels, rack ceiling systems, etc.

Stretch ceiling: an excellent choice, but it will be difficult to do without calling specialists

The most ideal, but rather expensive option for ceiling decoration in the bathroom is a stretch ceiling. Here you can say a lot about the advantages of this system and almost nothing to say about its disadvantages. Except that the price is high. But even here, given that the canvases last 15 years or more after installation, you can agree with the price. A stretch ceiling is not only not afraid of moisture, but itself can hold up to one hundred liters of water. This excellent quality of such a solution will be very useful for finishing a bathroom. It is this room that neighbors from above most often fill with water. Therefore, if you install a stretch ceiling in the bathroom, you will save not only money on frequent repairs, but also your nerves.

Stretch ceilings are safe for health, do not emit toxins, and have a wide choice of colors. In short, it is an excellent finishing material not only for the bathroom, but for the entire apartment.

Information about the types and selection of stretch ceilings. And if you have a desire to install them yourself,.

False ceiling - room for creativity

False ceilings are also suitable for bathroom ceilings. This type of finish costs less than stretch ceilings. There are tile systems made from mineral wool. This material is not afraid of water, and in case of flooding, it is easy to change the slabs on which stains remain, while not disturbing the structure of the entire ceiling. But when buying such a ceiling system, you need to check with the seller how moisture resistant they are and whether they are suitable for your tasks. Boards, in which a large percentage of paper and clay is added to mineral fibers, are used only for dry rooms. You can choose a suspended ceiling with metal plates - steel or aluminum, there are plexiglass plates.

Still, the most popular material for false ceilings (and not only for them) today is drywall. If you choose a moisture-resistant option, then both can be built from it. When buying drywall sheets, it is important to pay attention to their color - those that are not afraid of water are usually painted green. You also need to be careful at the time of installation: despite all the degrees of protection, gypsum edges can still easily suffer from excessive moisture.

A suspended ceiling is a reliable, outwardly attractive design, but the main disadvantage of such a finish is that 10-15 cm of the room will have to be sacrificed. If your bathroom has high ceilings, this is irrelevant, but for a room with low ceilings, the suspended option may not be acceptable.

Plastic panels - ideal for economical

Plastic ceiling panels in the bathroom are also suitable. They don't reduce the height of your ceiling much, but their appearance is not particularly attractive by some estimates. Although, given their low cost and practicality, for many this can be a very good solution to the ceiling issue.

Aluminum rack structures - cute and practical

It is worth paying attention to the aluminum slatted ceiling systems. They are produced in various colors, shapes and textures. Such solutions are durable, moisture resistant and environmentally friendly. They look pretty good in the bathroom.

Or maybe just paint?

The most economical, simple and proven way to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom is painting. Of course, this is not the most advanced finishing method, but if the surface of concrete floors is perfectly flat, then why not?

What kind of ceiling to choose for a bathroom is up to everyone individually, relying on their financial capabilities, and now there is plenty to choose from in the store.