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Learning a foreign language: necessity or benefit? Why learn foreign languages.

When you ask a person why he studies a foreign language, you subconsciously prepare for the obvious answers: for work, study, travel abroad, pleasure, everyone learns, that’s what I want.

And then suddenly a completely unfamiliar young man said: “I’m learning French because my creativity is off the charts, my brain thinks faster, and, by the way, I heard somewhere that it prevents the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.” At first glance, the answer seems ridiculous, although this is far from true. By learning a foreign language, you really become smarter and begin to think from a different angle.

Let's break it down and see why people who learn a foreign language have much more advantages.

Reason #1: You develop your communication skills.

When communicating in our native language, we almost never think about the grammatical structure of a sentence or the correctness of stress. Everything happens “automatically”, because our main idea is to convey the idea to the interlocutor. When you try to write or speak a foreign language, you focus on word order, tenses, or parts of speech. Understanding how sentences are structured, for example, in English, you suddenly realize that your native language also has structures and rules: your speech becomes clearer and more understandable.

Reason #2: You Improve Your Listening Skills

A study from Northwestern University in the United States found that bilinguals can more easily pick up a person's voice among extraneous sounds. This increased attentiveness, according to scientists, helps you better concentrate on what your client, boss or employee is saying. That is, the ability to listen and hear is an invaluable skill with a real monetary value.

Reason #3: You become more creative.

The young man who “learns French because his creativity is off the charts” is absolutely right. When speaking a foreign language, you are in constant search. Words in your native language are naturally combined into sentences without much effort on your part. Constructing an utterance in a foreign language requires greater awareness. A study published last year found that studying improves three dimensions of creativity: verbal fluency, flexibility and originality of thinking.

Reason #4: Anti-Aging Medicine

According to medical research, the first signs of mental aging appear in monolinguals at least 5 years earlier than in bilinguals. And this is not surprising. Very often the brain is compared to a muscle that needs to be constantly developed. Studying foreign language involves memorization huge amount information, which means our “mental muscle” receives necessary exercise. People with knowledge of two or more foreign languages ​​can boast of better memory. The results of numerous studies for many years have shown one thing: bilinguals are better at remembering lists and sequences of actions, such as shopping lists, names and directions.

Reason No. 5. On the path to the right decisions

Want to make more informed decisions? foreign languages. According to research, people who think in English, for example, are more likely to weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision. It turns out that “thinking” in your native language is associated with quick and emotional decision making. When a person thinks about the same problem in a foreign language, the decision is based more on logic than emotion. That's why next time, when you have to make an important decision, think about it in English.

Conclusion: To learn to think from a different angle, actively communicate with clients, partners and employees; To slow down the aging process and start making wise decisions, just start learning a foreign language.

Natalya Kalyuzina,
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Try going outside and asking this question to those passing by. What will you hear? “Of course we need it!” Then ask: “Why?” The majority will either find it difficult to answer, or will say generalities, little meaningful words, for example: “International language: Everyone speaks it:”

But what does “everyone speaks it” mean? What language do we speak at work, at the University, at home? In English? No, of course, in Russian. An American farmer speaks English, a German engineer speaks German, a French doctor speaks French. It turns out that most of us get along just fine without knowing foreign languages, without feeling any need for them.

But most foreigners speak several languages, and in our country few people know at least one foreign language. It’s interesting that some fifteen years ago we also got along just fine without mobile phones, and twenty-five years ago they felt great without computers. Can we now imagine our life without these things? I doubt it very much. So why do we buy a telephone, a TV, learn to work on a computer, but do not know foreign languages? The answer is simple. We understand perfectly well why we need a telephone or a computer, but we have absolutely no idea what specific advantages and opportunities knowledge of foreign languages ​​gives us.

What are these possibilities, and are there any real advantages, for which it is worth spending a lot of money and so precious time for us?

Language is a miracle given to man

What is language? The first answer that comes to mind: Language is a means of communication. It is necessary to transmit information. But that's not all. The fact is that our language is inextricably linked with our thinking, as well as with imagination, memory and perception. Try to think something without language. It turns out? No. We think in language, or rather, we think in language. Russian - Russian, Japanese - Japanese, Spanish - Spanish, etc. We think about what surrounds us, i.e. about reality. Therefore, we perceive and understand reality only through language. Languages ​​are like mirrors in which reality is reflected, but there are many languages ​​and they are all different, so each language reflects the same reality in its own way. So for a Russian “order” will be filled with one meaning, and for a German with another, an Indian will associate one thing with the word “snow”, and a Russian with another, etc. Even more interesting is the fact that language, which must be precise so that we can understand each other, actually turns out to be paradoxically imprecise and confusing. Why? Yes, for the same reason that in addition to transmitting information, he must also participate in thinking. And since both reality and our ideas about it are constantly changing, language must also be flexible, which means allowing words to acquire new shades of meaning. Otherwise, a person will simply not be able to think and perceive something new for himself.

So what of this, you ask? It follows that language is a gift that expands human abilities: thinking, perception, imagination and memory. But this same gift very often turns into our enemy, leading from misunderstanding to quarrels, conflicts and wars. Why? Because we do not use this gift, we do not pay attention to the language. We think without seeing it, forgetting that our thought is woven from language itself. And only when faced with a foreign language do we suddenly begin to realize this, and again discover both our own language and our thoughts.

Language is a magician that makes a person happy

And as soon as we stop neglecting this gift, the language immediately turns into a magician capable of making us happier. This is what we dream about. But what is happiness? In one very famous old Soviet film, one hero, answering this question, writes: “Happiness is when you are understood.” Of course, the word happiness is for different people suggests different meanings, but you will probably agree that we all feel joy from understanding ourselves and others. We all feel the tide positive emotions when we develop and do not stand still. The discovery of something new gives us delight and admiration. And none of us experiences happiness from quarrels and conflicts. All this happiness can be given to us by language. Nonsense? How is this possible? What does language have to do with it?

Firstly, by learning a foreign language, we begin to better understand both ourselves and those around us. Imagine a young couple in love. He tells her: “I love you!” She echoes him: “I love you!” But after some time, we can hear the disappointed speeches of both: “He doesn’t love me! She never loved me!” Don't tell me this doesn't happen, it happens all the time.

What's going on? It’s just that before we come into contact with a foreign language, we naively believe that all words have only one meaning, which, by the way, is quite logical. Why does the object at which we eat need another word besides “table” and, accordingly, why does the word “table” need to mean something else. But in all languages, and Russian is no exception, most words have several meanings. The word “love” has something for everyone general meaning, but besides this general there are many additional ones, different for different people. And when lovers say to each other: “I love you!”, very often they do not mean that they put different meanings into this word.

Language is a magician that turns a person into a Human

Secondly, by studying and improving languages, we develop all our intellectual abilities. Only with learning another language do we begin to pay attention to our native one. After all, until we come into contact with the foreign, there is no need for us to analyze our own, which means to delve into what we put into the words and phrases that we pronounce. We don't take the time to understand how we form our thoughts, how we put them into words, and whether we are expressing the thought we actually meant. When studying a foreign language, we somehow have to separate words and thoughts, pay attention to our native language, and re-learn to express your thoughts in both your native and foreign languages. It’s as if our inner vision opens, we begin to see shades of meaning, ambiguity and difference in words. A foreign language that is foreign to us awakens our native one and makes our thoughts work, be more clear, accurate and complete.

Language is a magician that reveals to us new riches and colors of the world

In addition, another language, reflecting reality in its own way, shows us it from a different side or in a different light than our native one. There will be a feeling that our vision is becoming stereoscopic. We begin to see what people who know only one language do not see. Imagine that you are standing in front of your house and you can see it from all sides at once: on the right, on the left, behind, on top, and even like an X-ray you can look inside and find out what is happening there. Fantastic? Not at all! These are not even all the possibilities that knowing other languages ​​can give you! And the more languages ​​we learn, the richer our understanding of the world around us becomes.

We have said enough about miracles. It's time to talk about more mundane things and look at the practical advantages and opportunities that we gain from knowing a foreign language. After all, many of us are still more interested in what we can touch with our hands, which can bring real material benefits.

Practical benefits

Modern world

Modern Russia and the world as a whole are rapidly changing before our eyes. Thanks to the development of science and technology, the concepts of time and space are disappearing. Now we can communicate with people living on the other side of the planet and can reach anywhere in the world in a matter of hours.

All borders are erased, the world from the closed little worlds of individual states turns into a single interconnected organism. We are entering the era of globalization. Therefore, the present, not to mention the future society, requires us to know foreign languages.

Globalization changes everything, including the economy, education and culture. Instead of the industrial economy comes the post-industrial economy of knowledge and lifelong education. Modern world and society more and more needs people who can think creatively, analyze and understand others. And a foreign language, as we said, is one of the best means that allow you to develop these skills.


Whoever owns the information owns everything. You've probably heard this phrase more than once. It becomes especially relevant in our time. And those who speak foreign languages, of course, also have more information. After all, it is not possible to translate all articles, books, films and Internet pages into Russian.

For example, the volume of the English-language Internet is tens of times larger than the volume of its Russian-language part. And if we remember that we live in the information age, that business on the Internet is no longer tomorrow, but today, then the conclusion becomes obvious. Knowledge of one English language can already open doors to many previously inaccessible worlds.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will give you the opportunity to freely travel through the ocean of information, discovering new continents and islands, meeting and getting to know new people and their views on the world, keeping abreast of all events and making timely and correct decisions.

Education in Russia

Knowledge of a foreign language will help young people enter a good university and get a prestigious profession, since most leading universities introduce a foreign language as an entrance language in many specialties. Knowledge of a foreign language will also contribute to obtaining a better quality education at the universities themselves, since most of them include in the program some courses taught in a foreign language, invite foreign teachers and send them for professional internships abroad. In 2003, Russia joined the pan-European system of higher education. The integration of higher education systems of all European countries, including Russia, and students receive additional features for study and further work abroad.

Student cultural exchange programs

In addition, while studying at a university, students can participate in numerous cultural exchange programs that allow them to live and work in the country of the language they are studying.

International student exchange programs, such as Work&Travel, Au Pair, Internship, appeared in the late 1940s. The purpose of creating these programs was to provide opportunities for young people from different countries get to know each other better, get acquainted with the culture of other countries, see with your own eyes how and how people live abroad.

And now thousands of Russian students, knowing a foreign language, take advantage of this great opportunity.

Education abroad

After Russia stopped living for “ iron curtain”, young people in our country have a real chance to study abroad, enter foreign schools, colleges and universities.

Studying in the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and other European countries, as well as studying in Canada and the USA, is a good springboard for a successful career. After all, diplomas educational institutions These countries are recognized all over the world, and their Universities occupy leading places in international rankings.

It may seem that the ordinary Russian young man I can't afford such an education. But, firstly, not all universities pay for education. Secondly, in many countries, such as Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and some others higher education is generally free. In other European countries, the cost of studying at universities is several times less than in the USA and Great Britain (from 500 to 2000 Euros). All you need for admission is to pass the exams well on a general basis and, of course, to be fluent in the language of the country where you are going to study, because both the exams and the training itself are conducted in their native language. Regarding housing costs, most Universities have campuses abroad. In Russia, now only a part of universities provide dormitories, and even then there is not enough for everyone. If you decide to rent housing, then since, unlike Russia, most of the leading Universities in the West are not located in capitals or big cities, then housing costs will not be as high as in Moscow.

Scholarships and grants

In addition, most universities abroad provide scholarships and grants for training in search of talented students. Various foundations, organizations or Universities themselves announce a competition, and the winners receive grants or scholarships. Of course, not everything is as simple as it seems. Moreover, this is a fairly new phenomenon for Russia. But nothing is impossible. After all, thousands of foreign students receive these grants and scholarships every year. All you need is excellent knowledge of your specialty and, of course, a foreign language.


Go to any job vacancy site. Look at the requirements. You will see what more prestigious job, the more important the foreign one turns out to be for the employer. And this is not a whim. This condition efficient work business in modern society. And if you find Good work Without knowledge of languages ​​it is still possible, although very difficult, then you can forget about moving up the career ladder without this knowledge forever. An employer will always prefer a specialist who can speak English, or better yet, several foreign languages ​​at once.


But life is not limited only to education and work. A person spends his time on other things: rest, travel, communication. The foreigner does not bypass these areas of human activity.

Even minimal knowledge of a foreign language will help you “feel good” in a foreign country: order food in a cafe or restaurant, get to the right place, book tickets, etc. If you are fluent in a foreign language, then you will be able to meet and communicate with new people from different countries of the world, getting great pleasure from it. And this will turn your vacation into true pleasure.


After all, not all the wealth of literature is translated into Russian. The choice of book depends on the tastes of the translator, and you may never get the chance to read some of the works of your favorite author. And translation from one language to another is always the author’s translation. After all, as we have seen, all languages ​​are different, and it is impossible to fully convey in translation all the richness of meaning that the writer put into his work. Just for fun, take two translations of the same book and compare them. You will be surprised how different they are from each other, and you will no longer have any doubts whether or not to read the works in the original.

Knowing the language, you can watch films in the original. You will enjoy the natural voices of your favorite actors, and not the voice of a translator, who often voices both female and male roles. And the wonderful play on words of a foreign language and their humor will no longer escape your ear. After all, quite often in translations of foreign films such lapses occur that simply change the meaning of what the actor had in mind when he uttered his phrase. In films, sometimes Russian obscenities appear where there was none in the English version, or vice versa, everything is so softened by the censors that the film loses its flavor.

The proverb says: the number of languages ​​you know is equal to the number of times you are human. What are the benefits of learning foreign languages?

A good friend of mine speaks seven foreign languages ​​fluently and is currently learning the eighth. When I asked him the question: “Why do you need this?”, he answered something like: “It’s so interesting and exciting!” And he burst into a smile, apparently remembering his recent trip to Europe.

He probably knows something about foreign languages ​​that not everyone can immediately understand? Let's try to figure it out.

How does it happen...

IN school curriculum Each of us necessarily learns a foreign language. In regular schools it is most often English; in specialized schools with in-depth study of languages, one or more are added to it. We learn to speak, write, and perform some exercises in a language foreign to us. Some schoolchildren like it, some not so much. But, since everyone needs to get a certificate, we leave school with some, at least minimal, knowledge of a foreign language.

And then it begins adulthood. Some of us, imbued with a love for linguistics, immediately enroll in foreign languages. The rest find their way into something else, becoming doctors, lawyers, economists, engineers. And then it often seems that knowledge of a foreign language is completely unnecessary for further work. That is, it is quite possible to do without it.

Indeed, you can find your place in the sun without knowing a foreign language. Huge number specialists use only Russian in their work every day, and that is enough for them.

Why then are there so many different language courses now? Why more and more people different ages starting to learn a foreign language?

Of course, each student has his own motivation, but in general, its main directions can be identified:

1. Work. For many specialties, knowledge of a foreign language is required. In addition, more and more domestic companies are entering international level, begin cooperation with foreign companies. Naturally, if you speak a foreign language, your chances of getting a job in such an organization increase significantly, as does the potential salary level. For example, if the average salary of a secretary “without a tongue” is approximately $400, then the same secretary, but “with a tongue,” is paid about $700-800. And this is far from the limit.

To get a job in foreign banks or branches of foreign companies, fluency in a foreign language is required.

2. Travel. Knowledge of a foreign language at least basic level will make you feel much more comfortable abroad. And if language proficiency is not limited to phrases like: “How to get to the airport?” and “Please book me a hotel room,” then you can also make new acquaintances and communicate with foreigners.

3. Emigration. If you plan to travel to another country for permanent residence in the near future, it is advisable to know the language of that country at a fairly good level. This will help you quickly adapt to a new environment, find friends and, of course, get a job.

4. Friends. Our age is the age of opportunity. If previously a person’s social circle was limited mainly to relatives, classmates, classmates, colleagues, neighbors, with whom one can always speak in their native language, now the era of globalization has arrived. The whole world literally opens up for us. No one can stop us from finding foreign friends. You can get acquainted with them by participating in various international programs for young people, traveling, and also simply on the vastness of the World Wide Web. But, of course, you will have to communicate with them in a language that they understand, and this is at least English.

5. Training. Many leading universities introduce a foreign language as an entrance exam for various specialties. This means that knowing a foreign language will greatly help you get into a prestigious university. In addition, some courses in a foreign language are often included in the curriculum, and in the future students are sent for internships abroad.

An additional important bonus could be participation in international youth exchange programs such as Work&Travel. Such exchanges allow you to work and live in different countries, get acquainted with their culture, and communicate with local youth.

And, of course, studying at foreign colleges and universities can be the key to a future successful career. Diplomas from universities in the UK, Germany, France, Spain, other European countries, as well as the USA and Canada, are recognized throughout the world.

The generally accepted opinion, based on Soviet thinking, is that ordinary Russian youth cannot afford this. But often this is not the case. Firstly, you can get a grant or scholarship to study at a university - to do this you need to win competitions organized by these universities or various foundations. Yes, it is not easy, but it is possible, and thousands of people take advantage of this opportunity!

Secondly, in some countries, for example, Sweden, France, Germany, education is free. To enter, you need to have a good command of the language of this country and pass the entrance exams well.

6. Other interests. These include understanding the culture of another country. For example, I really love Italy, so I’m learning Italian. This helps to better understand its culture, history, and traditions. Language, in essence, is a tool that helps to lift the curtain on cultural heritage the country, the way and lifestyle of its inhabitants, the uniqueness of its environment.

Another reason why some people start learning languages ​​is to satisfy their own ambitions. Do you want to become successful person, and for this you study languages ​​diligently? Well, what did you do? right choice– they will definitely be useful to you in the future.

In addition to those indisputable main advantages that knowledge of foreign languages ​​gives you and for which you, in fact, learn them, additional bonuses become available to you:

1. Expanding information capabilities. It’s no secret that the volume of the English-language Internet is many times greater than the volume of the Russian-language Internet. A lot of applied literature you need in professional activity, may not have a translation into Russian. And, knowing foreign languages, you can easily get the information you need.

2. Live acquaintance with music, films, literature in the original language. By studying languages, you will be able to understand what your favorite singer is singing about, and better feel the music and the personality of the performer.

The ability to watch foreign films in the original will allow you to listen to the voices of the actors, not the translator. You will be able to correctly understand their humor or wordplay that often gets lost or twisted in translation. That is, you will understand exactly what the actor wanted to say, and not what the translator heard.

Knowing the language, you can easily read new items fiction. After all, not all literary wealth is translated into Russian. And any, even the most talented, translator cannot convey the entire meaning invested by the writer in the work. It is very easy to verify this - just compare two translations of the same book. Their dissimilarity can be amazing! It's a different matter to read the same work in the original.

3. Career growth. If it is still possible to find a job in a specialty without a language, then the possibility of building a successful career is very doubtful. If you speak foreign languages, you can be sure that the employer will prefer you to a candidate “without a language.”

4. “Personal” bonuses– development of analytical thinking, improvement of memory, mathematical abilities, increase in creative potential.

According to research, by learning a foreign language, we begin to better understand our own. The mechanism is very simple: by developing basic language skills, we thereby learn to better understand our own culture and native language.

By learning languages, we increase our level of intelligence. Until we learn other languages, we do not need to analyze our native one, that is, to delve into the meaning of the words and phrases we pronounce. We do not pay attention to how our thoughts are formed, how they turn into words, whether we express our true ideas correctly. When learning a foreign language, we begin to separate thoughts and words. This forces us to pay attention to our native language, and encourages us to learn to express our thoughts in a new way. Shades of meaning and meaning of words are revealed to us.

While learning a foreign language, a person constantly encounters unknown terms and concepts, as well as a completely new worldview. This helps to increase adaptive abilities - the ability to adapt to changing living conditions.

So, should I teach or not?

The choice, as always, is yours. It depends on your life goals, ambitions, needs. It depends on what you want your life to be and what you are willing to do for it.

Does everyone need foreign languages? Probably not everyone. And, of course, you can live without them. The only question is the results you get. And in accordance with your personal goals.

My answer is to teach. And I know exactly why and why. And you?

Topic (essay) on English language on the topic “English in life”

Why is it so important to learn foreign languages?

I think, nowadays it is very important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages, because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third it`s just a hobby. People want to know languages, to write to their pen-friends or to communicate with people from different countries, to meet more people and make new friends. Also, they want to read books of famous writers in original, to read newspapers and magazines. It helps them to know more about different events, people`s life, customs and traditions.

Nowadays, English has become an international language. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. As for me, I learn English from 7 years age. This language helps me very much, to speak free with people from all over the world, make new friends and participate in international contests.

I like one proverb of Johann Goethe: "He who does not know foreign languages ​​does not know anything about his own." I speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, a little Italian and Spanish. And I`m very proud of it, because languages-it`s my second life. Also, I would like to learn Germany, French and Serbian, but this year I dedicate myself to learning Italian. You know, dream from my childhood - to be an an interpreter and I`m sure, I get it.

Personally, I think that to know foreign languages ​​today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist. So let`s to learn foreign languages ​​and discover with them many interesting things in our life!


I think in our time, it is very important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages ​​because they need them for work, others to travel abroad, and for others it is just a hobby. People want to know languages, write pen pals or communicate with people from different countries, meet more new people and make friends. In addition, they want to read books by famous writers in the original, read newspapers and magazines. This helps them learn more about different events, people's lives, customs and traditions.

Learning foreign languages ​​broadens our horizons, people become more educated. In my opinion, languages ​​are especially important for those who work in different areas science and technology, politics. A foreign language helps you learn your native language better. People who know many languages ​​are polyglots. We know some names of polyglots: German professor Schlimmann, famous writer Shakespeare, philosopher Socrates and many others.

Nowadays, English has become international language. About 300 million people speak it as their mother tongue. As for me, I have been learning English since I was 7 years old. This language helps me a lot, speak fluently with people from all over the world, make new friends and take part in international competitions.

I like one proverb by Johann Goethe: “He who does not know foreign languages ​​knows nothing about his native language.” I speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, a little Italian and Spanish. And I am very proud of this, because languages ​​are my second life. Also, I would like to learn German, French and Serbian, but this year I am devoting myself to learning Italian. You know, my childhood dream was to be a translator and I’m sure I will.

Personally, I think that knowing foreign languages ​​today is absolutely necessary for everyone educated person, for every good specialist. Therefore, let's learn foreign languages ​​and discover many interesting things in our lives with them!

Kuznetsova Milena

Language preserves the traditions and history of the people. It reflects political, economic and social changes in the life of society. Language is unique: it reflects the worldview of its speakers. How more people knows foreign languages, the wider his horizons, the more confident he feels in modern society.
The speed of mastering a foreign language depends on the level of motivation. The more you want to know a language, the faster you will master it.

What are the benefits of learning a foreign language?

1. Broadening your horizons. The language introduces the culture, history, and traditions of the people.
2. Memory training. Memorizing foreign words, you load your brain with mental activity. This promotes thinking, imagination, and prevents premature aging of the brain.
3. Development of imagination. When learning a language, you need a rich imagination. Often, to remember new words, we use associations. After a few months of studying a foreign language, you will select associations for all subjects.
4. Self-affirmation. You will feel confident in other countries of the world, you will be able to communicate with hotel staff, local residents, business meeting. You can find a job faster. Many companies cooperate with foreign enterprises and prefer to hire people who speak a foreign language.
5. Introduction to world literature. You will be able to read many classic and modern books in original. Translation is always artistic and does not always fully reflect the essence of the original text.
6. Communication skills. It is difficult to imagine learning a foreign language without contact with native speakers. It doesn't matter where you communicate: in person or over the Internet. The main thing is that you will develop communication skills, which will help you when communicating in your native language.
7. Increased self-esteem. How big amount knowledge and skills a person has, the higher his