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How to fix a leak in a heating pipe: several typical problems, their causes and solutions. How to fix a leak in a water pipe under pressure Fix a leak in a heating pipe with your own hands

The water supply and sewerage systems of a residential building and apartment consist of pipes interconnected in various ways, including fittings. Over time, a leak can form at the junction of the pipes. If the malfunction is not eliminated in time, then flooding may occur in the apartment, which will lead to the need for repairs. There are several ways to eliminate leaks at pipe joints, which will be discussed in this article.

Reasons for the formation of leaks

A leak at a pipe joint can result from:

  • natural wear and tear of the pipeline system;
  • mechanical impact on the junction. This is especially true for plastic and;
  • corrosion when it comes to metal pipes;

  • poor-quality connection during pipeline installation;
  • incorrectly selected fittings;
  • water hammer;
  • wear of the insulating material and so on.

Whatever the cause of the leak, it is necessary to eliminate the malfunction as soon as possible.

Elimination of leaks at the junction of the cast-iron pipe

If a sewer pipe leaks at the junction made of cast iron, you can fix the problem by:

  • cement mortar;
  • lead cones.

In both cases, the order of work is the same and consists of the following stages:

  1. all worn-out residues (remnants of cement screed or lead) are removed from the joint;
  2. the joint is cleaned of dirt and corrosive deposits, and then dried with rags;
  3. if lead is used to seal the joint, then new cones are placed in the resulting hole and then covered with cement mortar prepared in a ratio of 1:10 (10 parts of cement are needed for one part of water);
  4. the procedure for sealing a joint without lead:
    • a cement mortar and an ordinary medical bandage are prepared;
    • the bandage is dipped in the solution and placed in the hole between the pipes;
    • the final connection is poured.

It takes approximately one day for the cement to dry completely.

Elimination of leaks at the junction of other types of pipes

To eliminate leaks at the joints of a pipe made of metal, plastic or metal-reinforced plastic, you can use one of the following methods:

  • fitting replacement;
  • cold cooking;
  • adhesive bandage.

Replacing fittings

The pipelines can be installed:

  • welded fittings. Mainly used for connecting plastic pipes;

  • compression fittings. They can be used for joining both plastic and. Unlike a welded fitting, the connection is more reliable and durable;

  • threaded fittings. They are used for various types of pipes when it is necessary to arrange a detachable connection.

If the pipe connection leaks and it is necessary to replace the welded fitting, then proceed as follows:

  1. disconnect the pipeline from the water supply;
  2. cut out the connecting element with special scissors;

When cutting the connecting piece, it is important to take into account that the overall length of the piping is reduced.

  1. prepare a pipe cut of the required length and two new fittings;
  2. consistently weld the elements with special equipment.

You can use the finished pipe after the pipes have completely cooled down. This time is required to strengthen the newly created connection.

If it flows at the junction of pipes with compression fittings, then the replacement of the connecting element occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. the unserviceable connecting element is removed;
  2. the pipes that need to be connected are chamfered and calibrated;
  3. clamping rings and nuts are put on the ends of the pipes, which are clamps;
  4. the pipe is inserted all the way into the fitting and the fixing elements are tightened.

The repaired pipeline can be used immediately after replacing the compression fitting.

The process of correct installation of the compression fitting is shown in the video.

If a pipe leaks at a joint equipped with a threaded fitting, then proceed in the following order:

  1. first of all, you can try to simply tighten the thread with a wrench, since in some cases an elementary loosening of the tightening occurs;
  2. if the tightening does not help, then the connecting fitting is removed completely;
  3. the thread is processed with FUM tape or any other insulating material;

The insulating tape is wound along the thread in the direction of the twist.

  1. the new fitting is tightened into place.

If a leak is found in pipe joints that are not equipped with a fitting, then the pipeline can be repaired using the cold welding method. To fix the joint, you must purchase a special compound.

It is required to use this tool according to the following scheme:

  1. the fragment of the pipeline in which the leak has formed is cleaned of contamination. If the composition must be applied to a metal pipe, then the damaged area is pre-cleaned with sandpaper;
  2. the mixture in the package is mixed until smooth and applied to the damaged area and gently leveled.

Until complete drying, which occurs after about 3 hours, the pipeline must not be used.

Adhesive bandage

If the joints of plastic pipes are flowing, made without the use of special connecting elements, then the leak can be eliminated using an adhesive bandage. To equip the bandage, you will need to purchase:

  • cut of fiberglass;
  • special two-component adhesive.

The bandage can be organized as follows:

  1. the pipe joint is cleaned of dust, dirt and foreign particles;
  2. fiberglass is impregnated with glue;
  3. the place of leakage is wrapped with the impregnated material several times;
  4. expected until the material is completely dry.

There are a lot of ways for self-sealing of pipe joints when a leak occurs. Each master can independently choose the most optimal solution to the problem.

The elimination of leaks in heating pipes, sewerage and other engineering systems can be done by yourself, without calling a plumber. The main thing is to have special tools and take into account all the troubleshooting recommendations that will be presented in this material.

Possible reasons for the need to replace part of the pipes

A leak in a pipe with water and the further replacement of the deforming part of the sewerage, heating or water supply system are associated with several factors. Key reasons that lead to the malfunctioning of pipeline sections (for example, a heating system):

  • Wear of products... Most often, metal structures fail ahead of time. Their unreliability is associated with constant exposure to moisture, which leads to the formation of corrosion and destruction of the metal. During operation, deposits of various types form on the walls of structures, which make it difficult to circulate the coolant and reduce the efficiency of the system.
  • Major overhaul... Malfunctions occur during or after changing the location of the heating devices or replacing them with new installations, which are distinguished by aesthetic properties and a longer service life. Another reason is the installation of batteries that correspond to the general style of housing.

One way or another, the wear and tear of structures and any change regarding them give rise to a problem.

Major leaks

The place of leakage must always be looked for by the presence of puddles. If they are not visible, then the following should be considered. The most common elements of the system that give a crack are such parts of the pipelines as:

  • Threaded connections... Rust is a signal that something is wrong with the sewer / heating system.
  • Smooth areas... Here you should pay attention to the change in the shape of the pipe surface. Swelling, deterioration in strength characteristics indicate leakage.

Leakage at the pipe joints may be due to improper installation, defective fitting, unreliable glue, and incorrect temperature conditions. On a flat surface, the cause is usually associated with mechanical damage, natural wear and tear, water hammer caused by a pressure drop in the system.

The procedure for replacing a part of plastic pipes

If a leak is observed at the joints of the pipeline, then the following must be done:

  1. Shut off the water. If the pipe leaks, which is part of the wiring in the apartment, it will be enough to turn off the tap. It is located next to the water meters. In the event of a leak on the common building riser, you will need to go down to the basement.
  2. Check the condition of the fitting. If it is secured with threaded connections, tighten the thread with an adjustable wrench or wrench. If after these steps the water does not stop flowing, it is necessary to replace the insulating layer with linen thread or FUM tape. If it was not possible to stop the leak after that, then it will be necessary to replace the connecting element.
  3. Unscrew the old one and fit the new fitting. The procedure requires many tools and is not straightforward.

To carry out the last procedure, you must prepare:

  • special scissors for cutting pipes,
  • sealant,
  • wrench,
  • new fitting,
  • tools for threading.

Follow the instructions:

  1. take scissors and remove the worn fitting with them;
  2. cut threads in pipe sections;
  3. seal the joints with insulating material;
  4. install a new part;
  5. at the end it is necessary to check whether it is firmly fixed.

If we are talking about repairing a flat section of a pipe, then the action plan is as follows:

  1. Apply the clamping strap. The element allows you to quickly eliminate the leak, but not for long.
  2. Take adhesive tape. Wrap it around the damaged area several times.
  3. Use cold welding. It is able to qualitatively eliminate the leak in the shortest possible time.

Before proceeding with the beginning of operations, do not forget:

  • shut off the water;
  • clean up the leak and dry;
  • cut off a small piece of a special composition, soften it until smooth;
  • apply the resulting material to the crack and leave for 3.5 hours.

Only then use cold welding.

The procedure for replacing a part of polypropylene pipes

There are several proven ways to stop leaks in such pipes.

The first method, using a bandage and paint:

  1. Shut off the water. Remove drops from the surface.
  2. Take a construction or medical wide bandage. Also prepare oil paint with a brush or epoxy glue or gypsum slurry.
  3. Apply the mixture to the surface. The layer should be thick.
  4. Take a bandage and wrap it around the pipe. A few laps are enough.
  5. Reapply the insulating material. Apply paint to the bandage 3-4 times.

After that, the resulting "bandage" must be left for 2-3 hours... After the elapsed time, open the water and check for leaks.

The second method, using a rubber band:

  1. Cut a piece out of the bundle. It should be such that you can wind the pipe twice. If there is no harness, you must use a bicycle camera.
  2. Wrap it in a very tight place where the water flows. Fix with copper wire or metal clamp.
  3. Wrap the top with a bandage. But for this, it must be impregnated with cement mortar to give additional reliability.

This is one of the most effective ways.

The procedure for replacing part of metal pipes

In case of leaks in threaded connections:

  1. Unscrew the lock nut ¼ turn. This is necessary to form a gap of 0.5 mm.
  2. Fill the space with silicone. After 1 min, tighten the nut.
  3. In the absence of a lock nut, remove from the connection point everything that spoils the appearance of the structure. Remove old paint, rust, scale.
  4. Apply cold welding. To heighten the effect, you can use a silicone sealant.

If there is a crack on the pipe itself, the following will be required:

  1. Take an elastic bandage. Roll up the pipe where the leak has formed. Make about 3-4 layers.
  2. Use clamps. Fasten the bandage with them.
  3. If you have a hemostatic tourniquet, use it. It gives an excellent result, it is fastened with a standard latch.
  4. Use epoxy. Cracks are well sealed with it.

Before applying a special liquid material to the area, the surface must be degreased.

Eliminating leaks in a pressurized water pipe

The first way, with cement:

  1. Shut off the water (if possible).
  2. Dilute the cement with water.
  3. Cut the bandage into 25 cm pieces.
  4. Saturate these pieces with cement.
  5. Apply to the damaged pipe surface.
  6. Leave it overnight.

This option will help to avoid major network repairs.

Second way, with emergency glue:

  1. Purchase this building material.
  2. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Apply the resulting composition to the pipe.

This material is also called "emergency metal polymer".

Elimination of leaks at the junction of plastic pipes

The most commonly used sealant. It is important to remember here that there are three types of composition:

  • Neutral sealant - for all types of pipes.
  • Acid- for "fragile" structures.
  • Silicone- for sewer pipes.

It would be good to use cold welding in all cases, and even better - component welding. To prepare it, you will need to mix all the necessary components in the right proportion and apply to the surface. This is the best way to seal a crack.

Leaks in heating and water supply systems can occur at the most inopportune moment.

This article will help you quickly eliminate them and continue to operate the systems until they are overhauled.

Elimination of leaks in metal pipes of water supply and heating systems

There are many reasons for leaks and direct leaks from metal water supply pipes (hot and cold).

Most often this is caused by corrosion of a pipe that has been in operation for a long time, sudden pressure drops under which water is supplied by supplying organizations, etc.

The appearance of a leak indicates that it is desirable to change the pipe, because after the first leak, the next one will appear very soon.

Currently, there are two approaches to solving this issue. The first is consumer. According to the law, such malfunctions are obliged to eliminate the plumber of the housing department after you write there an official statement about the occurrence of the malfunction. But in this case it is impossible to predict the time of troubleshooting even theoretically.

The second approach is to fix the problem yourself. Let's consider it in more detail.

Repairing leaks using cement and medical bandage

If a malfunction is detected, the first thing to do is to shut off the water supply to the apartment. Then, in a small container, ordinary cement is diluted and the required amount of bandage is cut in lengths of about 200 mm (the bandage should allow the pipe to be wrapped at least 2 times).

After that, the bandage is soaked in cement mortar for the time necessary for its complete impregnation, after which the place where the leak occurs is wrapped with this bandage. Thus, a kind of cocoon is created above it, which is again coated with a solution on top. Then the bandage should dry (at least 24 hours).

You can finish the work by painting the patch in the color of the pipe. Instead of cement, you can use heat and moisture resistant glue (option - epoxy glue).

This pipe repair option is effective only in that case. if it is possible to shut off the water beforehand. Otherwise, the water will quickly wash out the solution, and it will not be possible to repair the leak.

Using rubber to seal leaks

A strip of rubber with a width of 20-50mm is cut from a car or bicycle camera. The length of the piece is determined by the diameter of the pipe (it must be wrapped around the pipe at least two or three times). Further, the problem area is wrapped in rubber "vnatyag", and the rubber itself is fixed in place with a clamp or copper wire on both sides.

For this purpose, a factory band can be used, which includes the same clamp and a sealing rubber.

Use of factory-made repair compounds

A very convenient and effective way to eliminate the resulting leakage using the so-called self-hardening rubber. In retail chains, it is sold in a metal tube and is a two-color paste.

The mixture is squeezed onto a palette, mixed thoroughly, then applied to the leak, which should be thoroughly cleaned beforehand. The mastic hardens for 24 hours.

Another option for troubleshooting is the use of cold welding. The solution is also a two-component solution and must be applied in place within 1.5-2 minutes from the moment it is mixed.

Cold welding can be applied to a clean, degreased pipe surface, without even letting water out of the line.

Use to eliminate the leakage of a bandage of medical and table salt

This option is suitable for eliminating small leaks in the joints (couplings, elbows, etc.). To do this, simply wrap the leak with a bandage, sprinkling its layers with salt. The latter dissolves and the place of the leak is coked.

The method does not guarantee 100% elimination of the malfunction, but sometimes it allows the elimination of the malfunction with minimal efforts.

The “official” way to fix this kind of leakage is to use a factory bandage, in which the standard rubber is exchanged for a piece of rubber that has an elongated shape. It is needed in order to compensate for the difference in diameters of abutting pipeline sections.

Having wrapped the place of leakage, the rubber is tightened with a clamp, which becomes "skewed", but the section is compressed sufficiently efficiently and the malfunction is eliminated.

All of the above options are temporary and are designed to ensure the use of the water supply (heating) system until the time when the pipe is replaced with a new one.

It is best, taking advantage of this opportunity, to change the pipes to plastic (for cold water supply) or metal-plastic (for heating and hot water supply).

Elimination of leaks in plastic pipes

Eliminating a leak in a plastic pipeline is easy enough, even by people who do not have relevant work experience. This is explained by the physicochemical properties of the pipes themselves.

To do this, it may be necessary to cut out a section with a leak and solder a new piece of pipe using a special soldering iron (polyfuse).

Often you don't need to cut anything. It is enough just to glue the section from the outside of the pipe, or wrap it tightly in several layers with electrical tape.
It is possible to use “artisanal” welding, when the damaged area is sealed with molten plastic.

Eliminating leaks in sewer pipes

A leak in a cast iron sewage system can occur at the joints of cast iron pipes. Its elimination is carried out depending on how the specified pipes were initially connected:

  • in the case when the embossing was performed with lead, the place where the leak occurs is cleaned. Then the resulting gap is re-coined. This will require lead cones, a hammer, and a chisel. Lead - the material is soft and easily fills the crack;
  • in those cases. when the cement mortar was used, first remove its remnants (hammer, chisel). The work should be done carefully enough, because there is a possibility that the old cast iron pipe may crack. After removing the cement, the gap is cleaned, then filled with linen strands and clogged with cement mortar. Complete drying time - 24 hours,
  • if a leak is found on the pipe itself, you can use a bandage (see above) or stamp the hole with a wooden chop (peg), which is selected in diameter and hammered in with a hammer,
  • Another old way to eliminate leaks in cast iron sewer pipes is to use industrial sulfur. The material is preliminarily crushed to a powdery state, poured into a bell and heated to the melting point. A significant disadvantage of the method is the serious health hazard posed by inhaled sulfur vapors.
  • jute and hemp ropes impregnated with resins. It is used in the assembly of bell-shaped pipelines from asbestos cement or cast iron.
  • bitumen-based asphalt mastic. It is used for ceramic pipes.

When it comes to eliminating leaks in polypropylene sewer pipes, then for this most often they use the recently appeared sealing tape for pipes (to eliminate leaks on the pipe itself) or silicone-based sealants, when it comes to leaks at the joints of pipes and fittings.

It is best to use neutral sealants and apply them using a special gun.

Constant monitoring of the condition of pipelines in your home, prompt troubleshooting will help protect your home and neighbors' homes from the troubles associated with water leaks.

Heating your home can fail at the most inopportune time. This problem is a lot of hassle, but it needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. Depending on the type of malfunction, there are different ways to fix a leak in the home heating system.

What are the types of leaks

  1. Violation of tightness at the joints.
  2. The slot in the radiator.
  3. Pull-through corrosion or cracks in pipelines.
  4. Deformation in cavities from freezing or overheating.
  5. Hardware cracks.

There are general rules on how to fix a leak in a home heating system:

  • turn off the area with a malfunction and drain the water;
  • clean, dry and degrease the defective area.

Leak at joints

Repair at the junction is simple: it is untwisted, the thread is cleaned and a sealant impregnated with paint, linseed oil or sealant is applied to it, and then wrapped again.

How to fix the leak in the Cause. What to do?

Cracks in pipes appear as a result of mechanical damage or corrosion.

A rusted metal wall is difficult to weld as it becomes thinner from corrosion.

There are different ways to fix a leak in heating pipes. The leakage of the heating pipe during temporary repairs is eliminated with the help of a "doll" - wrapping with sackcloth or a bandage impregnated with silicone sealant or waterproof glue.

When it is not possible to dry the pipe, the "doll" is made on a damp surface using a special sealant. The method is used only for weak leaks.

Also used "cold welding", which is applied to a dry surface. The place of repair can be dried with a hairdryer. It takes time for the composition to harden, since epoxy glue is used as a base.

Electric welding can be corrected by a crack arising from mechanical deformation or as a result of freezing of the coolant. If damaged by corrosion, the section is cut out and a piece of a new pipe is welded. You can cut a new thread and screw in the union. The old pipe is replaced entirely.

A long-proven method is a rubber pad with a clamp. Although this is considered a temporary measure, significant leaks can be eliminated in this way for years. There are even special pipe clamps available at many plumbing stores.

Elimination of leaks in heating radiators

How to eliminate heating with your own hands? In modern heating systems, valves are installed on each battery, which are closed before it is replaced.

It is advisable to replace old heating devices with new ones. Modern products have higher thermal conductivity and their cost will pay off by saving energy costs.

How to fix a radiator leak? What to do? First you need to determine the location of the leak. Most often, these are the joints with the pipeline or at the joints of the sections.

If the leak is not visually detected, the radiator is immersed in a container of water. Air will start to come out through the hole. A small leak can be repaired as follows.

  1. Remove old gasket and paint. Strip the joint to metal with a string. Degrease the area with gasoline or thinner.
  2. Take a putty, which can be a mixture of epoxy resin with metal powder, polymer sealant, cold welding. Apply the composition to a ribbon made of fabric, then make a tight winding in 2-3 layers per joint.
  3. Put a clamp on the putty and tighten it with bolts and nuts.
  4. After the adhesive has hardened, reinstall the radiator and fill the system with water. At the top of each heater there is an air outlet valve, which is removed when the system is running.

After the heating season is over, the radiator or its damaged sections are replaced with new ones. Sometimes it is enough to replace the gaskets between the sections.

Leaks are also eliminated by dissolving the sealant in the coolant, which solidifies at the site of the leak, creating a seal. Cracks in steel radiators are repaired by electric welding.

Many of these methods are temporary. At the first opportunity, replace the faulty heater.

Features of polymer pipes

An inexperienced user can buy pipes designed for cold water pipes. Leakage can result from thermal deformation. Therefore, you should buy pipes in specialized stores, where you can get advice from a qualified manager.

Features of underfloor heating repair

How to eliminate a leak in the heating system of a house if a “warm floor” is installed there? Plastic pipe connections can start to leak over time. When installing a warm floor, you should always make connections in accessible places. If the place will be hidden in the future, for example, in a wall, then the pipes must be connected by heat welding.

Radiators can be additionally installed together with the "warm floor". How to fix a leak in a heating battery with your own hands in this case? Its repair is carried out in the most usual way. For this, the source of the leak is located, which is then eliminated by applying a patch impregnated with a sealant or special glue. Before this, the metal surface must be properly prepared.

The coolant passes through the entire system, therefore, for small leaks, a special water-soluble sealant can be used. In a complex floor and room heating system, it will fall into all cracks and reliably seal leaking joints. The method is effective when the loss of the coolant is not more than 5-7 liters per day. But first we must try to find the malfunction and fix it directly on the spot.

Modern sealants can have new properties. Lubricants and anticorrosive substances are added to them, which makes it possible to increase the durability of heating equipment.

The disadvantage of the sealant in the underfloor heating system is the possibility of blocking the passage gaps in the thermostats. If they are constantly regulated, then there will be no blockages. In extreme cases, the coolant containing the sealant is drained after a short period of time after the leaks have been eliminated and replaced with a new one.


A mandatory measure to prevent and check leaks is to flush the system once a year and conduct its hydraulic pressure tests. This allows you to identify and repair weak points where cracks or gaps begin to appear.

To protect against corrosion, radiators and metal pipes are painted on the outside. Do not drain the water from the system. You just need to reset it for the summer period.


Timely detection and elimination of leaks in the communications of the house allows you to save property from damage and save equipment. The availability of the necessary materials, knowledge and skill of how to eliminate a leak in the heating system of a house are necessary for prompt intervention when a problem arises.

Replacement and repair of heating devices is done in more favorable conditions when they do not work. Simple remedies for leaks are effective but temporary. It is advisable to carry out major repairs after the end.

Quite often, when organizing heating in any living room, preference is given to steel pipes. They have their own number of advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that steel corrodes rather quickly, which over time leads to leaks in heating pipes. In this article, we will describe in detail what to do if a heating pipe is leaking, and we will give a number of tips.

Anyone who has encountered such a problem at least once, first of all tries to decide how to seal the gap in the heating pipe. And it is worth solving this problem as quickly as possible, until it becomes large-scale, otherwise the situation promises serious problems, primarily of a financial nature.

The main causes of leaks and their location

The most common cause of damage to any steel heating pipe is the oxidation of the material when a fistula appears in the pipe. From the inside, water is almost constantly in motion, but from the outside, the metal is often exposed to moisture, air and temperature fluctuations, which contributes to the rusting of the pipe. This is the reason for the appearance of a leak in the most vulnerable point of the heating system.

Many of you may be wondering if polyethylene pipes are leaking because they don't oxidize like steel pipes. Naturally, in this case, the chance of leaks is much less - the reasons for their occurrence will be of a slightly different nature. For example, heating pipes made of polypropylene and polyethylene may leak if they are incorrectly selected, that is, they are used for other purposes.

This problem often arises among people who, for a number of reasons, decided to save money when constructing a heating system. Quite often, people purchase PP pipes for cold water, which is a gross violation. The fact is that under the influence of high temperature, pipes are deformed, swollen or burst. This in turn can severely damage your home and your neighbors. As a result, there is no need to talk about any savings, on the contrary, at the end of the heating period, a significant part of the system will need to be replaced.

However, such a problem may arise even for those craftsmen who decided to use metal-plastic pipes for heating systems. In fact, even such heating pipes are leaking, and again the problems will need to be quickly resolved so as not to harm anyone.

As a rule, the heating pipe leaks in such places:

  • on a flat section of the pipeline;
  • at the joints of pipes (on fittings or threads);
  • at the junction of the pipe sections.

Based on where the heating pipe has flowed, the termination method will be determined.

Leak elimination methods

After getting acquainted with the causes of leaks, it is worth moving on to considering ways to eliminate them. Until now, several methods have been invented for sealing damaged pipes.

If a leak has formed on a flat section of the pipeline, then you can use a fairly well-known method for a long time: rewind the damaged area with a piece of soft rubber and tighten it tightly with a piece of wire or a clamp (in more detail: ""). Take into account only that the piece of rubber is a few centimeters wider than the damaged piece.

It is worth noting that in order to obtain a secure screed, it is best to use a plumbing pipe clamp, which can be found at any plumbing store.

This approach will make it possible to get rid of the leakage, so that the system can normally be completed before the end of the heating period, after which it will be possible to safely carry out all the work on replacing damaged pipes.

Alternatively, you can purchase a ready-made bandage with a sealing elastic band and clamps at the store. The process of neutralizing the leak in this case will be the same as in the previous version.

Sometimes a situation arises when a heating pipe drips at the junction (on a fitting or on a thread) - what to do in this case, you ask? In this case, it will be a little more difficult to solve the problem.

For example, you can use the same factory bandage, only you need to replace the sealing gum with a longer piece of rubber. They wrap the end of the pipes together with the fitting in such a way as to equalize the difference in size, and gently clamp it with clamps. And even in spite of the fact that the bandage will come out slightly skewed, the damaged section of the pipe will become sufficiently tight.

If a leak appears at the junction of the sections, and its dimensions are small, then to temporarily eliminate the problem, you need to take a fabric soaked in some kind of thermo- and moisture-repellent glue and rewind the problem area thoroughly with it. Once the glue has set, the fabric will stop the leak.

Among the ways how to eliminate a leak in a heating or hot water supply pipe can also be called the use of special compounds for sealing, "cold welding", as well as other synthetic materials.

It is worth noting that if you find that a heating pipe or water supply is leaking, eliminating the leak with one of the methods given is only a temporary solution. At the end of the heating season, all faulty sections need to be partially or completely replaced in order for the system to function fully and without interruptions.

When to start repairing heating pipes

If you find a leak in the heating pipes, you need to start solving the problem immediately, until it becomes more extensive, regardless of the season. It is much better if a breakdown is detected in the summer - then you can immediately make a full repair of the leak by replacing a section of the pipe or the entire system. It is not bad if the obsolete and outdated heating pipes are replaced with new ones made of reinforced polypropylene. Although, of course, it all depends on the available budget.

Rehau pipes can be a good choice for laying a heating system. These products are optimally suited for use in domestic apartments and, with skillful installation and use, practically do not cause problems.

It is worth noting that although it is more convenient to repair the heating system in the summer, if a leak is detected during the heating season, it is necessary to urgently begin to eliminate it, without waiting for warming. Any repair work, even temporary, must be carried out in a short time.

Please note that in order to avoid troubles with leaking pipes in the winter and not be left without heat, as well as to protect your property and family budget, it is necessary to regularly diagnose all heating communications in order to eliminate any problems in time.