How to get peace of mind. Forget the problem for a while and trust the Universe to solve it

Do not worry about trifles or things that are ordinary and inevitable.

What is Tranquility

  • Calmness is a state of mind in which there are no internal conflicts and contradictions, and external objects are perceived equally balanced.
  • Calmness is the ability to maintain clarity of mind and sobriety of mind under any external circumstances.
  • Calmness is an expression of sincere trust in life and the world around.
  • Calmness is the self-control and strength of a person's character, they help to survive in a non-standard situation and succeed under ordinary circumstances.
  • Calmness is the ability to act rationally in any situation, taking into account only logical conclusions, and not an emotional outburst.

How to find and maintain calmness, stop being nervous and worried.

Context: Calm down! Only calmness! It must be preserved in any situation. Another issue is that it doesn't work for everyone. But knowing how to stay calm makes it easier to find correct solution, a way out of any situation, reduce the number of errors.

An excited state is one of the most important barriers to a rational decision of affairs. So not for long to lose confidence, strength, develop various fears and complexes. Everyone known fact that calm people attract others. Especially those who calmly, calmly and rationally solve various problem situations, causing admiration and respect of others.

Problem: Be able to restrain yourself under any circumstances. As people say: "Keep yourself in hand ..." Try to be in a state of peace of mind.

Solution: How to get peace of mind after a nervous breakdown. It is even more difficult to avoid a violent manifestation of emotions while internally you are not so calm. In order for a calm state to become your usual, normal state, you need to train. The emotion of calmness itself should automatically turn on in time. This becomes possible if you devote enough time to work on yourself.

How to reach mental balance and calmness

  • Quiet place. To get started, follow the link to QUIET PLACE. This will instantly help you relax. Now just remember it every time you want to calm down.
  • Faith. A believer is always sure that everything in life - both bad and good - makes sense, and any adversity is a good lesson and an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Thus, faith gives a person a deep sense of peace.
  • Psychological trainings. Inner calmness training can help a person overcome self-doubt and get rid of fears; and as a result, cultivate calmness in yourself.
  • Self improvement. The basis of calmness is self-confidence; eliminating complexes and tightness, cultivating self-respect, a person approaches a state of calm.
  • Education. Understanding is necessary for peace of mind - in order to understand the nature of things and their interconnection, a person needs education.

Similar traits: restraint, composure
Golden mean: fussiness, alarmism, emotional lability, hysteria - complete absence inner peace. Indifference, indifference - excessive calmness based on selfishness

I have one small question for you. Can you remember now when last time were in a state of complete peace and tranquility? If yes, congratulations! Firstly, with the fact that in principle this state is familiar to you. And secondly, with the fact that since you were able to remember when it was, it means that it happened not so long ago.

But you know, I'm more than sure that the vast majority of people in modern world no longer remember what it is - inner peace. But this is the NORMAL state in which a person should stay most time if he wants to be healthy, happy and successful in life!

Inner peace - what is it?

The state of inner peace is characterized by several features. Firstly, it is the absence of dissatisfaction with the world, with oneself, with life. If you have any claims, you will not be able to be calm - a feeling of discontent will not give. I read in some success books the advice of the authors not to be satisfied with yourself and life. Like, if you are happy with everything, it means that you have stopped in your development. In my opinion, this is a very superficial approach, without relying on knowledge of the basic Laws of the Universe. It seems to be believed that discontent will spur your desire to become better and you will begin to more actively fight for your place in the sun. Yes, if you want to FIGHT, then similar method will suit you. But if you want to enjoy life, enjoy your stay in this world, doing what brings you joy, then remove discontent from the palette of your emotions. Replace it for everything that happens to you. But what about the incentive to develop? It will help us here. When you clearly see and understand where you are going, why certain events happen to you, why they happen to you, etc., you do not need any additional artificial incentives. You don't need to "whack" yourself with something. You are consciously creating your life. So, first of all, we remove the discontent. And we go further.

Another very insidious thing that deprives us of inner peace is haste! Modern people so accustomed to hurry that it seems as if they are in a hurry to live their lives as quickly as possible! And if earlier, a few decades ago, haste was a short-term state (you are late, you are in a hurry), now it has become a permanent part of the lives of many people. And most importantly, that she penetrated into the worldview of man. And what kind of inner peace can we talk about if you feel like a timer is ticking inside of you?!

Low, dependence on, self-doubt, etc. - all these negative states do not add to your inner peace. A person, crushed by all this, is in a state of permanent stress, constant tension. Naturally, such a state leads to illness, depression, and so on.

How to find inner peace

Well, yes, I have written so many things here about what does not allow us to find inner peace that you probably already think it is something unrealistic and unrealistic. I will not assure you that finding inner peace is easier than ever. No, if you are used to constantly living in a “bare wire” state, then you will have to work on yourself in order to accustom yourself to the fact that you can perceive life and yourself in it differently.

But in fact, you can find inner peace if you have one single, but the most useful habit that can be! Habit TRUST the universe! It is TRUST that gives us inner peace. By trusting the Universe, you agree that it takes care of you, that it arranges the events of your life in the way that is best for you. So it turns out that by trusting the Universe, we remove all obstacles on the way to our inner peace. Anxiety, haste, uncertainty, etc. do not make sense if you know for sure that EVERYTHING that happens to you leads only to the best. You accept any event in your life and do not worry whether it will lead to the best or not. For the better, only for the better!

By the way, inner peace does not mean that you should be able to "relaxation", as some suggest, believing that inner peace is when everything "does not care". Not at all! You can be focused, active, striving towards the Goal. But at the same time, you are at peace with yourself! There is no throwing in your soul, and your mind is engaged in solving the task with pleasure and productively. So, let's not confuse the concepts of "Calm" and "Spread out in a puddle." :))

Well, my friends, I hope that this article will help you take one more step towards understanding yourself and the world around you. And to happiness.

For quite a long time, I taught myself to say when I have events that I perceive at that moment as undesirable: “All the same, everything will be the way it is best for me!”. And you know, that's exactly what happens! I give you this phrase! Enjoy and make your life better and better!

Your Catherine :)

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In any incomprehensible situation, calm down, lie down, hug yourself, go and eat delicious treats. Take care of your nerves :)

Leave mistakes in the past.

Appreciate the real.

Smile to the future

As soon as you let go of the situation that torments you, the situation will immediately let you go.

Don't freak out. It is not known what can happen in your absence.

Come to the tree. May it teach you peace.

What is the secret to your peace of mind?

“In full acceptance of the inevitable,” the Master replied.

Put things in order in your thoughts - and you will see the world with different eyes.

Don't forget to clean your heart.

What is rest?

No unnecessary thoughts.

And what thoughts are unnecessary?

(Wei Te-Han)

Your most important treasure is peace in your soul.

Chamomile is soothing.

Manage your mood, for if it does not obey, then it commands.

You can find peace only by becoming an observer, calmly looking at the fleeting course of life. Irvin Yalom

Calmness is stronger than emotions.

Silence is louder than screaming.

And whatever happens to you, don't take anything to heart. Little in the world is important for a long time.

Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe" ---

If you get caught in the rain, you can learn from it useful lesson. If it starts raining unexpectedly, you don't want to get wet, so you run down the street to your house. But when you get home, you notice that you are still wet. If you decide from the very beginning not to quicken your pace, you will get wet, but you will not fuss. The same should be done in other similar circumstances.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo - Hagakure. Samurai book

Tomorrow will be what it should be

and there will be nothing that should not be -

don't fuss.

If there is no peace within us, it is useless to look for it outside.

Unburdened by worries -
enjoys life.
Gaining is not happy
losing does not grieve, because he knows
that fate is not permanent.
When we're not bound by things
serenity is fully known.
If the body does not rest from tension,
it wears out.
If the spirit is always in worries,
he fades.

Chuang Tzu ---

If you throw a stick to a dog, he will look at this stick. And if you throw a stick to a lion, then he will, without looking up, look at the thrower. This is a formal phrase that was said during disputes in ancient China if the interlocutor began to cling to words and ceased to see the main thing.

When I breathe in, I calm my body and mind.
As I exhale, I smile.
Being in the present moment, I know that this moment is amazing!

Allow yourself to breathe deeply and do not drive yourself into a framework.

Strength belongs to those who believe in their strength.

Develop the habit of monitoring your mental-emotional state through self-observation. It is good to regularly ask yourself: "Am I calm at the moment?" is a question that is useful to ask yourself regularly. You can also ask: "What is going on inside me at the moment?"

Eckhart Tolle

Freedom is freedom from worry. Realizing that you cannot influence the results, do not pay attention to your desires and fears. Let them come and go. Do not feed them with interest and attention. In reality, things are done with you, not you.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

The basis of all wisdom is calmness and patience.

Stop your worry and then you can see the magnificent pattern...

When the mind comes to rest, you begin to appreciate the light of the moon and the breath of the wind, and you understand that there is no need for worldly fuss.

Find peace in your soul, and thousands around you will be saved.

What you really want is peace and love. You came out of them, you will return to them and you are them. Papaji

The most beautiful and healthy people are people who are not annoyed by anything.

The highest degree of human wisdom is the ability to remain calm despite external storms.

You are not bound by your experiences, but by clinging to them.

Don't make hasty decisions. Well weigh all the pros and cons. Almost every person has a heavenly guide, a second "I". Think about it and ask him, is it worth doing what you have planned or not?! Learn to observe, to see the invisible, to anticipate situations.

When you contemplate mountain forests and streams running over stones, the heart clouded with worldly dirt is gradually cleared. When you read the ancient canons and look at the paintings of ancient masters, the spirit of worldly vulgarity dissipates little by little. Hong Zicheng, The Taste of Roots.

Wisdom comes with the ability to be calm. Just watch and listen. Nothing else is needed. When you are at peace, when you just look and listen, it activates your concept-free intelligence within you. Let peace guide your words and deeds.

Eckhart Tolle

We can never achieve peace in the outer world until we achieve it in the inner.

The essence of balance is not to cling.

The essence of relaxation is not to hold back.

The essence of naturalness is not to make an effort.

He who is not envious and does not wish harm to anyone has achieved balance. For him, the whole world is filled with happiness.

In order for life to bloom again, to seethe and be filled with exciting joy and happiness, you just need to stop ... Stop and allow yourself to dissolve in pleasure ...

Don't worry about your future, be at peace now and everything will fall into place.

If the water is not stirred up, it will settle on its own. If the mirror is not dirty, it will reflect light by itself. The human heart cannot be made pure by will. Eliminate that which pollutes it, and its purity will manifest itself. Joy is not to be found outside of yourself. Eliminate what gives you anxiety, and joy will reign in your soul by itself.

Sometimes just leave things alone...

It's always quiet at the center of a hurricane. Be that quiet place in the center, even if the whirlwinds are raging around.

You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.

Only in calm waters are things reflected undistorted.

Only a calm consciousness is suitable for perceiving the world.

When you don't know what to do, wait a while. Keep quiet. Live the way you live. The sign will appear sooner or later. The main thing is to know that you are waiting and be ready to meet what you are waiting for. Luis Rivera

Don't worry about your future, be at peace now and everything will fall into place.

Calmness robs your enemies of strength. In calmness there is neither fear nor excessive anger - only reality, cleared of distortions and interference from emotional outbursts. When you are calm, you are truly strong.

Therefore, your opponents will always try with all their might to get you out of this state - to inspire fear, sow doubts, cause anger. The internal state is directly related to breathing. Whatever situation you find yourself in, immediately calm your breath - the spirit will calm down next.

The most important thing in the spiritual life is to keep the heart at peace.

You have to trust life.
It is necessary without fear to entrust oneself to its current, because life is infinitely wiser than us.
She still treats you in her own way, sometimes quite harshly,
but in the end you will realize that she was right.

Be at peace now and everything will fall into place.

Your spirit must not be agitated, an evil word must not come out of your lips; you must remain benevolent, with a heart full of love, containing no secret malice; and even ill-wishers you must envelop with loving thoughts, generous thoughts, deep and boundless, cleansed of all anger and hatred. That is how, my disciples, you must act.

Only calm water correctly reflects the heavens.

The best indicator of the level of consciousness is the ability to calmly relate to life's difficulties.

They pull the unconscious person down, while the conscious person rises more and more upward.

Eckhart Tolle.

Sit quietly and you will understand how vain everyday worries are. Shut up a little and you will understand how empty everyday speeches. Give up everyday troubles, and you will understand how much energy people waste in vain. Chen Jizhu.

Calmness helps us find a way out of the most difficult situations.

Have you run out of patience? ... Inflate again!)


It is enough to calmly think for three seconds to understand everything.

That's just where to get them, these really three quiet seconds? We are too excited by our own fantasies to stop even for a moment.

Have you ever seen an oak tree in a state of stress, or a dolphin in a gloomy mood, a frog suffering from low self-esteem, a cat who cannot relax, or a bird burdened with resentment? Learn from them the ability to put up with the present.
Eckhart Tolle

Do not hurry. Each bud opens at its own time. Don't force the bud to become a flower. Don't bend the petals. They are gentle; you hurt them. Wait and they will open themselves. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Don't worship a bearded man in the sky or an idol in a book. Worship the inhalation and exhalation, the winter breeze caressing your face, the morning crowd on the subway, just the feeling of being alive, never knowing what is coming.See God in the eyes of a stranger, Providence in the ruined and ordinary. Worship the ground on which you stand. Make every day a dance, with tears in your eyes, contemplating the divine in every moment, notice the absolute in everything relative, and let people call you crazy. Let them laugh and joke.

Jeff Foster

The higher power is not the ability to defeat others, but the ability to become one with others.

Sri Chinmoy

Try, at least in a small way, not to bring your mind.
Look at the world - just look.
Don't say "like" or "dislike". Don't say anything.
Don't say the words, just look.
The mind will feel uncomfortable.
My mind would like to say something.
You just say to the mind:
"Be quiet, let me see, I'll just watch"...

6 wise advice from Chen Jiru

1. Sit quietly and you will understand how vain everyday worries are.
2. Shut up a little and you will understand how empty everyday speeches are.
3. Give up everyday troubles, and you will understand how much energy people waste in vain.
4. Shut your gates, and you will understand how burdensome the bonds of acquaintance are.
5. Have few desires, and you will understand why the diseases of the human race are so numerous.
6. Be more humane, and you will understand how soulless ordinary people are.

Free your mind from thoughts.
Let your heart calm down.
Calmly follow the turmoil of the world
Watch everything fall into place...

A happy person is very easy to recognize. He seems to radiate an aura of calmness and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to do everything, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. Secret happy people simple is the absence of tension.

If you are sitting somewhere in the Himalayas and silence surrounds you, it is the silence of the Himalayas, not yours. You must find your own Himalayas within...

Thought wounds take longer to heal than any other.

JK Rowling, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

Wisdom comes with the ability to be calm.Just watch and listen. Nothing else is needed. When you are at peace, when you just look and listen, it activates your concept-free intelligence within you. Let peace guide your words and deeds.

Eckhart Tolle "What Silence Says"

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

James Allen

When you live in harmony with yourself, you are able to get along with others.

Eastern wisdom -

You sit - and sit yourself; you go - and go yourself.
The main thing - do not fuss in vain.

Change your attitude towards things that bother you, and you will be safe from them. (Marcus Aurelius)

Bring your attention to the solar plexus. Try to imagine that a small solar ball lights up in you. Let it flare up, get bigger and stronger. Let its rays illuminate you. Let the sun saturate your whole body with its rays.

Harmony is evenness in everything. If you want to make a fuss, count to 10 and "start" the sun.

Calm, just calm :)

Be interested in what is happening inside you, no less than in what surrounds you. If in inner world everything is in order, then in the external everything will fall into place.

Eckhart Tolle ---

A fool and an ignoramus have five signs:
angry for no reason
speak unnecessarily
change for no reason
meddle in things that don't concern them at all,
and do not know how to distinguish who wishes them good and who - evil.

Indian proverb ---

What goes, let it go.
What comes, let it come.
You have nothing and never had, except yourself.

If you could just keep an inner silence unpolluted by memories and expectations, you could see a beautiful pattern of events. It is your anxiety that creates chaos.

Nisargadatta Maharaj ---

There is only one way to happiness, and that is to stop worrying about things that are beyond our will.

Epictetus ---

When we lose our sense of self-importance, we become invulnerable.

To be strong, you have to be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; dam - it will stop; the dam breaks - it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - it is round. Because it is so compliant, it is most needed and strongest of all.

The world is like a railway station, where we are always waiting, then in a hurry.

When your mind and senses slow down to the beat of the Heart, you spontaneously enter into harmony with the cosmic rhythm. You begin to perceive the world with divine eyes, watching how everything happens on its own and in its own time. Finding that everything is already attuned to the law of the universe, you come to understand that you are not different from the world and its Lord. This is Freedom. Mooji

We suffer too much. We take it too seriously. Everything should be easier. But wisely. No nerves. The main thing is to think. And don't do stupid things.

What you can take calmly no longer controls you...

Nowhere can one find peace for those who have not found it in themselves.

To be angry and annoyed is nothing but punishing oneself for other people's stupidity.

You are the sky. And clouds are what happens, comes and goes.

Eckhart Tolle

Live in peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.

It is known that the calmer a person looks, the less often other people contradict him and argue with him. Conversely, if a person defends his point of view with vehemence, he is argued and violently resisted.

Do not rush. Eat at the hour of food, and the hour of the journey will come- hit the road.

Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

To yield means to accept what is. So you are open to life. Resistance is an internal clamp... . So you are completely closed. Whatever you do in a state internal resistance(which can also be called negativity), this will cause even more external resistance, and the universe will not be on your side, life will not help you. Light cannot enter through closed shutters. When you internally give in and stop fighting, a new dimension of consciousness opens up. If action is possible... it will be done... supported by the creative mind... with which, in a state of inner openness, you become one. And then circumstances and people begin to help you, become one with you. There are happy coincidences. Everything is in your favor. If action is not possible, you are in the peace and inner peace that comes with not fighting.

Eckhart Tolle New Earth

"Calm down" message annoying for some reason always more.Another paradox.Usually after such a callno one thinks to calm down.

Bernard Werber Cassandra's Mirror

Who humbled himself, he defeated the enemies.

Silouan of Athos

Calm is the one who keeps God in himself.

When you argue with a fool, he is most likely doing the same thing.

The true strength of a person is not in impulses, but in indestructible calmness.

The highest degree of human wisdom is the ability to adapt to circumstances and remain calm despite external storms.

Interfering feelings and thoughts will disappear if you do not pay attention to them. Lama Ole Nidal

You will never regret what you managed to keep silent about.
--- Eastern wisdom ---

It is worth striving for such a state of consciousness in which all events will be perceived neutrally.

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Each person runs uncontrollably through life: trying to follow the set goals, meet the needs of society, step over difficulties and obstacles ... If he does not stop periodically in this difficult race, he will run out of steam very soon, and then the problems will fall on his weakened shoulders with a new burden. Is there no way out of this vicious circle? Yes, you just need to force yourself to go the distance and listen to your feelings. This will help you get spiritual harmony and peace, find true values ​​in life. Take note of the following tips.

You will need:

Notice the positives

Everyone has long known that life for each person plays with the colors with which he paints it. If you constantly dwell on difficulties, then about peace of mind you can forget. Set yourself up for the fact that from any problem you can learn a useful experience.

Don't shy away from difficulties. Take problems and contradictions as a new impetus for your development, stepping over which, you will find yourself one step higher.

Sometimes it's good to just ignore the problems. Live for today and be glad that there are so many little charms around: a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, strong hugs from your children and sincere children's laughter ... Then you will not need to puzzle over how to find peace of mind and peace of mind - They will find you.

Step out of victimhood

This advice complements the previous one. Tune in to life in a new image - a winner and successful person. Do not expect criticism and judgmental views from all sides. Even if they slip through, evaluate them correctly: people often criticize others in order to assert themselves in their own eyes. Get rid of the influence of public opinion, and this inner independence will tell you how to find peace of mind.

Use your physical abilities

Psychologists have proven a direct link between exercise and psychological state person.

You can experiment: if you feel overwhelmed and anxious, go outside and do a light jog or exercise. You will immediately feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength and see your problems dissolved somewhere outside of consciousness.

Don't forget that you can make your body work for you. Try on a smile more often, and it will become firmly fixed not only on your face, but also in your thoughts.

Imagine that you were instructed in the theater to play the role of a calm and confident person, contented with life. "Put on his suit": squat, lift your head proudly, develop a firm look, walk lightly and calmly.

Also work on your speech. Very soon the body will adjust to your “wave”, and you will not have to play.

Develop your sense of humor

Laughter helps us get through bad times. This is a real panacea different kind psychological illnesses. Always smile and try to look at life situations with humor. Or at least communicate more often with people who are easy on life and can “breathe” peace of mind and harmony in you.

More giving and forgiving

If a person is open to the world, then it is easier for him to endure his hardships. In fellowship, we find an outlet, pouring out our troubles and freeing a wounded soul.

Another important note: do not make the surrounding enemies or your debtors. Forgive them generously and try to give other people more than you demand or expect from them.

You will immediately feel how the burden of unresolved conflicts that has been pressing on you all this time will go away. This is one of the safest ways to find peace.

If you look closely, you will see that there are many people around you with even greater difficulties. Support these people, help them instead of suffering from your hard life. It will also fill you with a feeling of lightness and self-confidence.

We live in a world with a highly developed communication system, but also with its own complex, sometimes insoluble problems. This alone is enough to explain why, for many people, intense inner anxiety and tension, which also manifests itself in the outside world, has already become the norm. When was the last time you felt inner peace within yourself? One that gives confidence to yourself and others? Our world pulsates to the rhythm of stress and unrestrained running. And it affects everyone's life. Today even children lower grades suffering from depression and inferiority complexes. And all you need to do is calm down.

And as always, the way to restore your inner balance is very simple. And I want to think what to do three simple steps every person can. 3 steps, three actions - uncomplicated, but effective.
Do you want to know what these actions are? Then I can offer you a free course "3 steps to inner peace". Three techniques that are elementary, but give results.

And thanks to the owner of this site that he gives you the opportunity to improve your life. Thank him, may the sun always shine on his path and peace reign in his soul.

3 easy ways save inner peace in any situation

Study this course and you will receive:

  • 3 simple and working techniques for training to find inner peace;
  • The ability to remain balanced in any situation;
  • The ability to make the right decisions;
  • Strength to resist stress;
  • I believe in my abilities;
  • Strengthening psychological and physical health;
  • An impetus to creative development.


How can gain inner peace

Peace and tranquility is an inner reality, internal state based on harmony. This is the whole and its individual parts among themselves. Philosophers of antiquity taught that a person is not just a bodily shell, over which a certain subjective and very abstract soul hovers. Man is a much more complex being, possessing, one might say, seven parts, or bodies. Who are we? We are the Secret. Our essence is in the Sacred. In each of us there is a mysterious observer, penetrating into the soul, beyond the bounds of the manifested world. So how can you find inner peace?

We must look for it not at rest and not in motion, but in true harmony, in its universal laws that govern the entire Universe, according to which man is not an isolated element hostile to other people and Nature itself, but a true friend of all that exists. And a friend is not the one who sits at the same table with us and shares food with us, but the one about whom we can say with full confidence that he is always there, that we are always together with him. As the ancient Romans said, this is the one who lives in harmony with us - a heart with a heart.
So, you need to understand that inner peace is first of all peace with oneself. No one has ever been able to either cause or create it artificially, but we have always had, are and will have harmony, natural, innate. The problem is that a person often destroys it with his own way of life. We must search. If you have a sincere desire to find it is not so difficult.

Each of us must have considerable moral strength in order to find within ourselves the one and only "beam of light" that leads us along the Path, and follow it, no matter how banal or absurd it may look in the eyes of other people. We must follow the path that we ourselves consider correct, not paying attention to what others say. It's about not about becoming selfish or disregarding other people's opinions, but about maintaining your own individuality. We must build within ourselves the citadel of our freedom, without which we will never achieve peace or tranquility.

This is the ability to meet with oneself, the ability to understand that thanks to the Great Divine Wisdom, everyone has been given a destiny. Each of us was born in order to fulfill his life task: each has his own Path, his own Destiny, his own, his own tailwind, his own way of existence and self-expression inherent only to him.

Sometimes we don't know where we are going. But if we find an inner compass in our soul, we will always know the direction. Suffering, blows and surprises will be just tests for us. Everything in nature teaches us this. To become truly great, one must possess the wisdom of fire. No matter how you kindle the fire, no matter how you turn the candle, the flame always remains vertical. If, after going through the trials of life, a person can stand upright, he will find peace in his heart.
To gaininner peace, this is a personal, intimate state of a person, it is not enough just to read books or listen to lectures. You need to learn from nature. Watching how fire, water, wind, mountains behave, you can learn a lot. To understand the innermost essence of man, it is not enough to have large quantity information. It is necessary to penetrate into the depths of everything that surrounds us, and everything that is in our soul.

Is it ever possible to achieve peace and inner peace among people, universal peace throughout the planet? This is a very difficult task. In order to achieve a great peace, humanity must be peacefully disposed, must strive for inner peace and harmony and desire it with the heart. Until all people understand this, until at least those who have power and strength strive for peace, it will never be achieved. It is not enough just to talk about the importance of global peace, that our life should get better. It is necessary for everyone to think together not about a utopian society, but about humanity as a whole; about humanity, which would move along its own path, listening to God.

We may love swallows, stones, people, the wind, ancient flags and ancient glories, but we need peace. And it is possible. If we are able to see in the spring air the signs of God, whose heralds are the swallows, and hear their singing, if we see white foam waterfall, if we can understand the flame that always strives upward, we will find peace, for it is born from our inner struggle, from our efforts and actions, from our great love. Blessed are those who are able to feel this love; blessed are those who bear inner peace; those who have the courage to say that peace is very important, everyone and everything needs it, regardless of the price that must be paid for it. The one who loves more with all his heart, the one who makes more efforts in his actions, in his thoughts, he is a real father in his soul. In the best way, simply and naturally, he can convey everything that he internally owns; convey it in such a way that everyone can understand it and feel his care. We would like everyone to feel some excitement in their hearts - if not love, then at least a little peace and tranquility. If everyone makes his inner prayer, if he can smile a little more often, if tomorrow after sunrise he sees his face more open in the mirror, if he gives others his smile, then he will find inner peace.

- it is joy, harmony, the ability to achieve the best.