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Types of declensions of noun in Russian. Types of declension of nouns

Declination of nouns is a change in nouns in cases, as well as a class of words united by a common inflection, and a model according to which words of this class change.

Depending on what system of endings a particular word has, nouns are divided into several types of declension.

The collection of all case forms in the singular and plural forms is called the noun paradigm. Forms of subjective assessment are not included in the paradigm.

The complete noun paradigm consists of case and number forms and has 12 components.

Unchangeable nouns and nouns with the same number form have an incomplete paradigm.

Nouns with two variants of case forms have a redundant paradigm. For example, path and path (in the instrumental case), sons and sons (two versions of the plural forms). The types of declensions of nouns differ in modern Russian only in the case forms of the singular. In the plural, these differences are almost absent. There are three main declensions of nouns.

The first declension includes masculine nouns (except for a small number of nouns in -а, -я: son, grandfather, uncle, Vanya). For example: a chair, a horse, a hero, a garage, a businessman, an apprentice, a house, etc., and neuter nouns, for example: window, grief, spear, cloth, etc.

The case endings of masculine and neuter nouns (with the exception of masculine words ending in -а, -я) are influenced by the endings of the stem of nouns (hard, soft and mixed versions of declension), animate and inanimate.

The second declension includes all feminine, masculine and general nouns in -а, -я, for example: water, stream, youth, orphan, Borya, etc.

In the first declension, depending on the ending of the stem, hard, soft and mixed declensions are distinguished. The third declension includes all feminine names to a soft consonant and to -zh, -sh, for example: tribute, pulp, wasteland, rye, etc.

In the first and second declensions, the declension on a hard base and on a soft base is distinguished, in addition, the declension of masculine nouns and neuter nouns is distinguished in the first declension. Outside of these three types of declensions, there are ten nouns in -name (name, banner, stirrup, crown, etc.) and the word path.

Within one type (or subtype) of declension, each case, as a rule, has one ending, common for all words included in this type.

However, in some cases, there is hesitation in the use of certain case endings.

Table 1. - I declination:

Table 2. - II declination:

Table 3. - III declension:

Substantiated (lat. - noun) adjectives, that is, adjectives that have completely or partially passed into the category of nouns, retain the declension of adjectives (hound, messenger, tailor, wounded, etc.).

4-in class.
Topic: Three types of declension of nouns.

Objectives: 1. To generalize knowledge about the declension of nouns, to improve the ability of students to determine the type of declension;

2. Develop spelling vigilance, speech, attention, logical thinking;

3. To cultivate a good attitude towards loved ones, nature, accuracy of writing, interest in the subject.

Equipment: computer, projector, videos of the songs "The Road of Kindness" and "Beauty Lives Everywhere", SI Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, handouts: cards with assignments, picture "Feeder", audio recording of the song "About the Sparrow", signal cards, dictionary good human qualities

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

David: Dear guys! Today we have an unusual Russian lesson. Guests came to us. Let's welcome them. Sit down guys.

2. A minute of calligraphy.

David: I would like to start our lesson with these words:

Touch me with kindness

And the disease will wash away with a wave

And sadness will pass by

The soul will be illuminated with beauty ...

- Guys, what do you think is kindness?

D: Kindness is when a person loves and helps people. A kind person loves nature and protects it, takes care of loved ones, helps friends in trouble, never quarrels with anyone, always smiles. A person is kind if he strives to make other people happy.

David: Well done, guys! But in the explanatory dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, the word "kindness" is defined as "responsiveness, the desire to do good to others."

- Guys, open your notebooks and write the number, great work.

-Today we are working on the height of the letter DD and the correct connection of the letter d with the letter o. What is this connection? (bottom)

Good, road, walk

Explain the spelling! (road is a dictionary word)

-Come up with the same root words for the word "kindness": Kindness-kindness, to appease, kind-hearted.

What words are called cognate? D: Words that have the same root and are similar in meaning are called one-root.

Bottom line: I looked at your work, they followed the height of the letters ..., beautiful calligraphy in ...

3. Statement of the topic and objectives of the lesson. Which word on the board is superfluous? - To appease - the number of sounds and letters is not the same; it does not start with the letter d; there is a prefix in this word; this word is a verb, and all other words are nouns.

David: And by what criteria did you determine that all other words are nouns?

D: A noun is a part of speech that answers the questions who? what? denotes an object, natural phenomena, human feelings.

-So what is the topic of today's lesson? The name is real. Or rather: "declension of nouns." What is the purpose of our lesson? Purpose: Today we will learn how to correctly determine the cases of nouns and the type of their declensions, we will develop spelling vigilance, attention, our speech, and also expand our vocabulary.

What needs to be done for this? (repeat all the signs of nouns, know all cases and types of declensions and be able to determine them)

-What are we studying declension types for? (to be literate)

4. Application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

-What proverbs about kindness have you found and recorded at home?

D: 1. The earth is warmed by the sun, and the soul is warmed by kindness.

2. A kind word and a cat is pleased.

3. The world is not without good people.

4. There is a silver lining.

5. A good word heals, an evil one cripples.

6. Whoever loves good deeds, life is dear to him.

7. Through evil one does not reach good.

David: How do you understand the proverb "Life is given for good deeds"? (students' answers).

David: Write down the proverb in your notebook. Underline the grammatical base, explain to us. Find nouns in the sentence and determine their number and case! (Life - singular, Im.p., (On) affairs - plural, Vin.p.)

Let's repeat all the signs of nouns with which we are familiar. What are the permanent signs of the names of entities!

What are the impermanent signs of the names of entities! (change in cases and numbers)

How many cases are there in Russian? Name them!

Have a word for "kindness." (1 student orally) Signal cards!

What has changed in the word in each case? What else is it called? (declension) Why do we study declension of nouns?

Bottom line: We have repeated the features of nouns! Let's consolidate our ability to identify cases.

5. Observing the painting. Creative work of students. Consider the picture! -What do we see? What feelings do you have? What do children experience? (delight, joy, happiness) What can you call a picture?

David: Guys, what does this picture tell us?

D: About the fact that you can be kind not only towards people, but also towards animals, plants, that you need to love not only people, loved ones, but also nature. Drawing up a story based on a picture. For example: The frosty days have come. Cold and hungry for the poor birds. Schoolchildren made a feeder for feathered friends and hung it in the park. The children are glad that they helped the birds in the fierce winter.

1st sentence recording! Schoolchildren made a feeder for feathered friends.

Determine the case of nouns.

Checking. With signal cards.

Outcome: Guys, what have we learned? What was repeated?

6. Take a moment. (musical for the song "Sparrow")

7. Testing the assimilation of knowledge. So, I see that you have learned to determine the cases of the names of entities, but how do you know how to determine the declension of a entity? We will now check and fix this. What should be done to determine the declension of a noun? (table) How many types of declension does a noun have? Tell us about their features.

1 declension 2 declension 3 declension

r. -

m.r. - m.r. -

wed R. - noun f. at the end

Now I will dictate nouns, and you will write their antonyms and determine the declension of the written words. What are antonyms?
Anger-kindness-1, rudeness-politeness-3, greed-generosity-3

I was dictating "Bad Words." I would very much like such qualities as kindness, politeness, generosity to become sacred for you. We have consolidated the ability to determine the type of declension of entities. And in independent work, you will show how you can handle it yourself.

8.Working with text. Look at the slide. Read the poem.

Do not hide your kindness,

Open your heart out to everyone.

More generous with what you have

Share, open your soul! About what?

Task: to write off the text and determine the type of declension for all names of nouns.

Check in pairs.

How did you determine the declension of nouns? (first - in the beginning form!)

- Who found it difficult to carry out such a task?

9.Work at the blackboard. Game "Collect the flower of kindness!"

Remember the magical seven-color flower from Kataev's fairy tale. The girl did a good deed. Where would you spend the petals of a magic flower? on the board - three daisies in the middle! On the petals, you will read the words denoting the good qualities of a person. Assignment: go to the board and attach these nouns according to the type of declension: 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

1.Kindness, courage, friendship, affection, care

2.Attention, respect, peace, sympathy, courage

3. Modesty, honesty, generosity, sensitivity, justice, Love!

Well done! We did everything right! We've got a bouquet of flowers of kindness! To be kind means to be attentive, sensitive, etc. And love all living things around! Remember, we are surrounded by beauty, and we must protect it!

(video "Beauty lives everywhere")

Bottom line: let's take care of all life on Earth!

10. Task for the development of attention!

hide and seek with us? "
Find noun words among this set of letters, write them down in a notebook and determine the type of declension!



who's the sodtold courage

Bottom line: Who found all 3 words? And who determined the declination correctly?

11 Snowmen!

Funny Snowmen offer you a game: Find Words. Assignment: find in the dictionary the nouns of 3 declensions that denote the good quality of a person! Let those with whom the Snowmen stay put them in the box!

For example: courage, attentiveness, sensitivity ...

13. Reflection. Well done boys! I really liked your work in the lesson. You have completed all the tasks. I want to celebrate the excellent work in the lesson ... Back to our flower of kindness. What qualities should a person who is said to be kind have?

Be kind to all the people around you, animals, nature. Hurry to do good! To do this, I give you today the Dobry juice

14. Д / З - write at home a mini-composition "For what in the world is kindness?"

15. Summing up. Reflection.

What was your mood during the lesson? What was the most difficult task for you? How did you like the lesson?

16. (Video "The Road of Kindness")

Declination is a word change in cases. The system of case forms of nouns is called the declension paradigm of the noun.

The types of declension of nouns in the university course of the Russian language differ from the types of declension considered in the school course. At the university, as at school, the three substantive types of declension.The difference lies in the declension numbering order and, accordingly, in their names.

First of all, there are three substantive types of declension - first, second and third.

According to the scientific classification system, k first declensionare masculine nouns with a hard and soft stem and zero inflection ( ocean, beast) and neuter nouns with endings -o, -e (cloud, sea).

I. - ø, -o (-e) IN. - ø, -o (-e) (inanimate.), -and I) (anim.)

R. -and I) T. -th (-th)

D. -y (-y) P. -e

TO second declensionare feminine nouns with endings -a, -ya (moon, earth), as well as a small number of masculine nouns with endings -a, -ya (grandfather, hare, uncle).

Endings of this type:

AND. -and I) IN. -y (-y)

R. -s (s) T. -th (s)

D. -e P. -e

TO third declensionare feminine nouns with zero inflection, based on a soft consonant or hissing ( steppe, youth, night).

Endings of this type:

I. - ø B. -ø

R. and T. - (b) y

D. -and P. - and

Scientific and educational grammars, in addition to the three substantive declensions, distinguish adjective, mixed and zero declensions.

Adjective declensionIs a declension by the type of adjectives. Substantiated adjectives and participles change in cases in the same way they changed as adjectives and participles ( teacher's room, ice cream, student).

Endings of this type:

Unit number of Mn. number

husband. and cf. genus f.

I. - th / -th, -th, -th, -ø -th, -a / -th / -th, -and

R. -th / -th / -th / -th / -th

D. -th / -th -th -th / -th

V.I. (inanimate), R. (animate) th I. (inanimate), R. (animate)

T. -th / -th / -th / -th / -th

P. -th / -th -th / -th -th / -th

Mixed declension -this is a declension, in the paradigm of which endings of different declensions meet (mix).

Traditionally, mixed declension includes 10 neuter nouns ending in - name (burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown)and words path (m.r.).They are called differently different nouns. When declining, these words in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases have the ending -and(as in the third declension), and in the instrumental case - the ending -eat(as in the first declension).

AND. time-my way-ø child-i

R. time-and-put-and child-and

D. time-and-put-and child-and

IN. time-my way-ø child-i

T. time-eat-way-with-children

P. (o) times-i (o) put-i (o) child-i

TO versatile also applies to the noun child (Wed).But the forms of indirect cases of sing. the numbers of this noun are perceived as obsolete, they were replaced by forms of the word child.

The mixed declension should include feminine nouns in - oia (army), which in the nominative, genitive, accusative and instrumental cases are inclined according to the second substantive declension (such as earth), and in the dative and prepositional - according to the third substantive declension (such as steppe). The mixed declension should also include masculine nouns in -th (planetarium)and neuter on -th (movement),which in all cases, except for the prepositional, have the endings of the first substantive declension, and in the prepositional case - the ending -and(end of the third substantive declension).

AND. genius-ø station-i rank-e

R. genius-i-station-and rank-i

D. genius-yu station-and rank-yu

IN. genius-i-station-rank-e

T. genius-em station-rank-em

P. (o) geniuses-and (o) stations-and (o) titles-and

Nouns - masculine surname names with suffixes -in, -ovrefer to mixed declension, since the endings in their paradigm combine the signs of the first substantive declension (all cases, except for the instrumental case), and the signs of the declension of possessive adjectives (in the instrumental case). Nouns - feminine surnames cannot be attributed to mixed declension, because the paradigm of their endings completely coincides with the declension paradigm of feminine possessive adjectives. This is an adjective declension.

AND. Rostov-ø (Nikolay) Rostov-a (Natasha)

R. Rostov-a (Nikolay) Rostov-oi (Natasha)

D. Rostov (to Nikolay) Rostov (to Natasha)

IN. Rostov (Nikolai) Rostov (Natasha)

T. Rostov (Nikolai) Rostov (Natasha)

P. (o) Rostov-e (Nikolay) (o) Rostov-oi (Natasha)

When using such nouns in plural forms, all cases, except for the nominative, have adjective endings:

AND. RostovIN. Rostov

R. RostovT. Rostov

D. RostovP. (o) Rostov

Nouns - the names of cities and villages of the same type are declined completely following the pattern of the 1st declension: near Rostov ohm, near Borodin ohm.

Zero declinationa.A. Zaliznyak singled out as a special type of declension and assigned unchangeable nouns to this type. Traditionally, this group of words is defined as non-declining words. However, since immutable nouns like coat, subway, cinemacan be used with prepositions, i.e. form a prepositional-case form, which serves to express case values \u200b\u200b( near the subway, in a coat, about a movie), and the case meanings of these words (bought a coat, invited to the cinema)can be expressed syntactically, insofar as the selection of the zero declension seems to be quite justified.

In Russian, there is a special group of nouns that do not have declension type indicators. This group includes the nouns pluralia tantum ( gate, scissors, perfume), which are only plural, do not have gender category indicators and are declined in the plural. The absence of the singular and gender category does not make it possible to determine the type of declension.

Depending on the hardness / softness of the final consonants, the stems differ solid and soft varieties of declensions: oak, son - horse, beast; wall, fish - melon, dormouse; mouse - night(in the 3rd verse, hard and soft varieties are characteristic only for nouns with a stem in hissing).

Nouns stemming from r, k, x,hissing and crefer to mixedtype of declension: leg - legs, regiment - shelves, daughter-in-law - daughter-in-law, knife - knives, key - keys, fingers - fingers.

The types of declension are strictly different only in the case forms of the singular. In the plural, the differences between the types of declension are not clearly expressed, and there are no dative, instrumental and prepositional cases at all.

For nouns with a solid declension in the dative and prepositional singular cases, the final consonant stems are softened: country, about the country.

All types of declensions in D., T., P. plural cases have the same inflection. Forms I., R., V. cases have their own characteristics.

Plural endings:

AND. -and (s), -a, -e V. \u003d I. (inanimate), R. (animate)

R. -ø, -ov (-ev), -e T. - s / s

D. -s / -s P. -ah / -ah

When declining nouns in the plural form, animate / inanimate is consistently expressed, while in the singular, animate is expressed only in masculine nouns of the 2nd declension ( love books - love sisters, see cities - see brothers, see windows - see monsters, see steppes - see mice).

Case endings

There are cases when one noun in the same case has two endings - the main and the variant. The main meaning is the same as most of the words related to this declension. An ending is a variant, which occurs only in small categories of words or in individual words. Variant case forms usually differ from the main ones either semantically, or stylistically, or simultaneously in both planes.

1. Endings genitive -a / -ya - -y / -yu: cheese-cheese, tea-tea, go-go.

Main ending -and I,variant - -y / -yu.

2. Endings instrumental singular feminine nouns of the 2nd declension: -oi / -ey - -yu / -yu: wall-wall, soul-soul, beauty-beauty.

Ending th / this common, neutral, and the variant ending -o / -yuusually used in book speech.

3. Endings prepositional casesingular masculine nouns of the 1st declension: -e - -y / -y: on glue - on glue, in alcohol - in alcohol, on vacation - on vacation.

The main ending is th.

4. Endings nominative plural of masculine nouns of the 1st declension: -and / -s - -a / -ya: turners - turners, locksmiths - locksmiths, engineers - engineers.

Main ending - -and / -s,variant -and I.Forms on -and I have a colloquial tone, are used in professional speech.

5. Endings genitiveplural nouns masculine, feminine, neuter and pluralia tantum: -ov / -ev, -ey, - ø: orange-oranges, tomato-tomatoes. candles, candles, everyday life, etc.The choice of the leading option is carried out for each pair separately.

For masculine nouns of the 1st declension, the main ending is the materially expressed -ov / -ev,variant - zero: five kilograms, five grams, a kilogram of tangerines, oranges, eggplants, tomatoesetc. Variants with zero endings are colloquial or vernacular. but a pair of boots, shoes, stockings; several Georgians, partisans; a kilogram of apples,where null-terminated forms are normative.

6. Endings instrumental plural of nouns of the 3rd declension: -ami / -mi.Variant ending –Thinherent in free use only words daughter - by daughters, door - by doors, horse - by horses.

The types of declension of nouns differ in modern Russian only in the case forms of the singular. In the plural, these differences are almost absent.

In modern Russian, there are three main types of declension of nouns.

The first declension includes masculine nouns (except for a small number of nouns in -а, -я: grandfather, son, uncle, Vanya, for example: chair, horse, hero, garage, businessman, journeyman, house, etc., and nouns neuter, for example: window, grief, spear, cloth, etc.

The second declension includes all feminine, masculine and general nouns na -а, -я, for example: water, saklya, stream, youth, Borya, orphan, etc.

The third declension includes all feminine nouns to a soft consonant and to w, w, for example: tribute, pulp, wasteland, rye, etc.

In the first and second declensions, the declension on a hard base and on a soft base is distinguished, in addition, in the first declension, the declension of masculine nouns and neuter nouns is distinguished.

Outside of these three types of declensions, there are ten nouns in -name (name, banner, seed, crown, and others) and the word path.

Substantiated (Latin substantivum - noun, see § 139) adjectives, i.e. adjectives that have completely or partially passed into the category of nouns retain the declension of adjectives (hound, messenger, tailor, wounded, etc.).

Within one type (or subtype) of declension, each case, as a rule, has one ending, common for all words included in this type. However, in some cases, there is hesitation in the use of certain case endings.

Note... To clarify the differences in the case endings of the singular number of nouns, the order of consideration according to the distinguished types of declensions does not matter much. This textbook is based on generic and word-formation principles, i.e. following the works of V.A. Bogoroditsky, A.A. Shakhmatov, "Grammar of the Russian Language" of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953) and a number of university manuals, the first to distinguish the declension of nouns with the so-called zero ending and neuter nouns in -o, -e.

In scientific research of modern linguists (for example, A.A.Zaliznyak, V.A.Plotnikova-Robinson, I.G. Miloslavsky, etc.) declension is considered as a formally generalized category inherent in all parts of speech that change in cases. Therefore, in such works, three main types are distinguished: 1) substantive (declension of nouns, pronouns-nouns and quantitative numbers); 2) adjective (lat. Adjectivum - adjective, i.e. declension of adjectives, ordinal numbers, substantive adjectives and participles and participles proper); 3) mixed (pronouns-nouns he, she, it, they; pronouns-adjectives, collective and indefinite-quantitative numerals (see: Zaliznyak A.A.Russian nominal inflection. M., 1967; Grammar of the modern Russian literary language. M ., 1980; etc.).

First declension

The case endings of masculine and neuter nouns (with the exception of masculine words in -а, -я) are influenced by the endings of the stem of nouns (hard, soft and mixed versions of declension), animate and inanimate.

Features of the first declension of nouns


Genitive... Along with the ending genitive singular -а, -я, inanimate masculine nouns have the ending -у, -у, which introduces additional shades into the meaning of the case - parts (for real nouns): a glass of tea (but collecting tea), a kilogram of sugar (but the price of sugar); indefinite plurality (for collective and abstract nouns): a lot of sand, few people, a lot of noise.

The ending -y, -yu can have nouns with prepositions with, from, without (and sometimes the preposition pulls the stress on itself), in separate stable combinations and in constructions with negation: from the nose, from the floor, from nature, without asking, no doubt, neither hearing nor spirit, ask pepper, eye to eye, etc. In some cases, the choice of ending depends on the meaning: from home (from your home), from home (from any home), from the forest (place), from the forest (material).

These same nouns, in combination with an agreed definition, usually have the endings -а, -я, a glass of strong tea; a lot of tinsel glitter; from a distant forest. If it is possible to use both endings with the same meaning, the forms with the ending -y, -yu have a colloquial or outdated character: there is no space and no space; without demand and without demand; served fresh curd and served fresh curd.

Instrumental case

1. Nouns with a base on solid sibilants (w, w) and on q are inclined according to the solid declension. When accented on the base, they have the ending -em in the instrumental singular, st aboutgive birth, m andrshem, n andlice, u atfinger, ok aboutncem, pl andtitzem, etc., with the stress on the ending have -th: already aboutm, ruff aboutm, persons aboutm, slovts aboutm, etc.

2. Nouns with soft sibilant stems ч and ш are declined according to the soft declension, but when accented on the ending in the instrumental singular, they also end in -om: tractor, ivy.

3. The names of settlements in -ov, -ev, -im, -yn, -ovo, -evo, -to, -yno, formed according to the type of possessive adjectives, are declined according to the firm declension of nouns and have an ending in the instrumental singular case -om: the city of Kiev, the city of Kharkov, the city of Borodino, etc.

4. Male Russian surnames ending in -ov (-ev), -ev, -in (-yn) in the instrumental singular end in -ym, as well as possessive adjectives in -ov, -in: Petrov, Nekrasov, Ptitsyn. Certain Russian surnames that are foreign-language in origin, for example: Fonvizin, Karamzin, are inclined according to the same type.

Male foreign surnames in -ov, -in in the instrumental singular end, like nouns, in -om: Virkhov, Elmar, Green.


1. Masculine and neuter nouns usually end in -e (table, window, father). However, some inanimate masculine nouns (as a rule, with a monosyllabic stem and with an emphasis on the ending) also have a parallel ending -у, -у. This ending occurs after the prepositions in and on with different adverbial meanings (in this case, the stress is shifted to the ending): time - in the second hour at, in 1800 at; places - on the bridge at, on the edge yu, on the nose at, in line yu, in the forest at; states - delirious at, in colour at, for years at, per move at... The same ending is found in a number of stable combinations: do not stay in debt at, bread on the vine yu, live in harmony at... The same nouns, if they do not express circumstantial meanings, have the ending -e (with the emphasis on the stem): to walk in the woods, but play in Ostrovsky's "Forest". In some cases, the difference in endings is associated with a change in values: to home at (at home), at d aboutme (on the outside of any house); by weight at (hanging), on ese (in relation to weight); in colour at (during flowering), in color ethose years (at the best time of life).

In some cases, both endings are used without changing the meaning: in the workshop and in the workshop, on vacation and on vacation, in typhoid and typhoid, in a haystack and in a haystack, in the cold and in the cold, however, in these cases, the forms with the ending -y, -yu are more characteristic of colloquial and professional speech.

2. Nouns with a stem in "iot" (j) and a preceding vowel and (genius) in the prepositional singular end in -i (about genius). The same in the neuter: about the building.

3. Nouns ending in iot (j) with a preceding consonant (drink, gorge, seaside, etc.), regardless of stress, have the ending -e (about drinking, about gorge, seaside). An exception is the word forgetting: about forgetting, but in forgetting.



1. Masculine nouns usually end in -ы, -и (tables, rudders). However, many words have the ending -а, -я (stressed): side and, eye and, Coast and, house and, forest and, town and, master and, teacher i etc. The ending -а, -я is a productive phenomenon for the modern Russian language. But according to the norms of the literary language, it is possible (as a rule) for words that do not stress the last syllable in the singular: prof equarrels - professor and, uch andtel - teacher i, dir ector - director and... The ending -ы have foreign words with striking suffixes -er and -er: official ep - officer ery, engineer ep - engineer ery, chauffeur - chauffeurs, etc.

In a small number of cases, both forms are acceptable: aboutpS - cart and, t aboutpoly - poplar i, abouttpus - vacation and and some others. In a number of words, the difference in endings is associated with a difference in meanings: chl ewould (baked goods) - bread and (ears of grain), abacus (device for counting, only plural) - count and (documents), etc. aboutwater (escort, only plural) - wire and (electrical), color s (plural of flower) - color and (paints), aboutrdens (knightly or monastic associations) - order and (award signs), t aboutus (heart sounds, intestinal sounds, etc.) - tone and (about color), l andgeri (any groupings, trends) - lager i (temporary parking for tourists, pioneers, etc.), etc.

2. Words ending in -anin (-yanin) in the singular form the plural (in all cases) without the suffix -in; in the nominative case - the ending -e or -s: townspeople, peasants, boyars, Bulgarians, Tatars. Words ending in -onok (-onok) in the singular form a plural without this suffix, but with the suffix -at- (-ot-) and with the ending -а: calves, kids, cubs.

3. Words of the neuter gender have the usual ending -a, -ya: windows, eggs, fields, news. An insignificant number of words (for words with stems on -к and accent on the basis), the ending -i: apples, grains (the ending -а is preserved by the words troops and clouds); the ending -and also have separate words: ears, shoulders, eyes, glasses.

4. In some masculine and neuter words, the plural (in all cases) is complicated by the suffix "iot" (j), after which in the nominative case nouns end in -i (-ya): brothers, ears, husbands, links; the words son and godfather have the suffix -ovj-: sons, godfathers. Plural forms without suffixes for the words sons (sons of the Motherland) and husbands (men) are characteristic of solemn speech.

5. Dismissive, affectionate and augmenting masculine nouns in -ishko, -shko, -ische (house, bread, house) in the singular are inclined like neuter nouns (window, substance). However, in the nominative plural (and similar accusative), these nouns end in -и (instead of the usual -а): houses, sadisches, houses, etc.


1. In masculine nouns with a base on a solid consonant and "iot" (j), the main ending is -ov, -ev (tables, fruits, heroes, fingers).

2. Words based on soft consonants and hissing ones have the ending -e: horses, keys, knives.

3. Nouns in -ane, -yane and -ata, -yata have a zero ending: peasants, citizens, Lutherans, Armenians, bears, kids, children. The words also have a zero ending: eye, stocking, boot, hair, soldier, dragoon, arshin, Turks, Bulgarians, Georgians, Gypsies, Ossetians and some others. The use of these words in colloquial speech with the ending -s does not correspond to the literary norm; a deviation from the literary norm is the zero ending in words such as orange, tangerine (instead of the correct oranges, tangerines).

4. Nouns of the neuter gender usually have a zero ending: windows, villages, affairs, shoulders, schools, statements, occupations, trends and others. Several words (sea, field, eye, ear) have the ending -s: seas, fields, eyes, ears.

5. Certain neuter nouns with a stem on q (if q comes after a hard front-lingual consonant) have an unstressed ending -ev: bol abouttcev, ok aboutncev, count encev, cop stcev, cr atzhevtsev and others. Some nouns have a zero ending: bl yudec, canvas enets, s erkalets, u atfinger, cor strans, etc. The noun egg is shaped like eggs.

6. Masculine nouns ending in "iot" (j) with a preceding and (genius, proletarian) in the genitive plural endings -ev (geniuses, proletarians).

7. Nouns of the neuter gender with a stem on "iot" (j) have in the genitive plural form with a zero ending with the insertion of a vowel and: copies, coasts, lives, etc. Several neuter nouns, as well as the masculine noun apprentice in the genitive plural, have the ending -ev: dresses, links, feathers, logs, lower reaches, upper reaches, apprentices. The ending -ёv has a noun edge - points.

8. The noun gun has plural genitive ending with a fluent e: p atzhey.

9. Nouns of the neuter gender with the suffix -ik- and the word cloud, glasses in the genitive plural have the ending -s: hangers, wheels, clouds, glasses.

Second declension

In the second declension, just like in the first, depending on the end of the stem, hard, soft and mixed declination options stand out.

Similar information.

Declination is a word change in cases. The system of case forms of nouns is called the declension paradigm of the noun.

The types of declension of nouns in the university course of the Russian language differ from the types of declension considered in the school course. At the university, as at school, the three substantive types of declension.The difference lies in the declension numbering order and, accordingly, in their names.

First of all, there are three substantive types of declension - first, second and third.

According to the scientific classification system, k first declensionare masculine nouns with a hard and soft stem and zero inflection ( ocean, beast) and neuter nouns with endings -o, -e (cloud, sea).

I. - ø, -o (-e) IN. - ø, -o (-e) (inanimate.), -and I) (anim.)

R. -and I) T. -th (-th)

D. -y (-y)P. –E

TO second declensionincludes feminine nouns with the endings -а, -я (moon, earth), as well as a small number of masculine nouns with the endings -а, -я (grandfather, hare, uncle).

Endings of this type:

AND. -and I)IN. -y (-y)

R. -s (s)T. -th (s)

D. -eP. –E

TO third declensionincludes feminine nouns with zero inflection, based on a soft consonant or hissing (steppe, youth, night).

Endings of this type:

I. - ø B. -ø

R. and T. - (b) y

D. -andP. - and

Scientific and educational grammars, in addition to the three substantive declensions, distinguish adjective, mixed and zero declensions.

Adjective declensionIs a declension by the type of adjectives. Substantiated adjectives and participles change in cases in the same way as they changed when they were adjectives and participles (teacher's room, ice cream, student).

Endings of this type:

Unit number of Mn. number

husband. and cf. genus f.

I. - th / -th, -th, -th, -ø -th, -a / -th / -th, -and

R. -th / -th / -th / -th / -th

D. -th / -th -th -th / -th

V.I. (inanimate), R. (animate) thI. (inanimate), R. (animate)

T. -th / -th / -th / -th / -th

P. -th / -th -th / -th -th / -th

Mixed declension -this is a declension, in the paradigm of which endings of different declensions meet (mix).

Traditionally, the mixed declension includes 10 neuter nouns ending in -mya (burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown) and the word path (m). They are called differently different nouns. In the declension, these words in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases have the ending -i (as in the third declension), and in the instrumental case, the ending -em (as in the first declension).

AND. time-my way-ø child-i

R. time-and-put-and child-and

D. time-and-put-and child-and

IN. time-my way-ø child-i

T. time-eat-way-with-children

P. (o) times-i (o) put-i (o) child-i

TO versatile the noun child (cf.) also applies. But the forms of indirect cases of singular. the numbers of this noun are perceived as outdated, they were replaced by forms of the word child.

The mixed declension should include the feminine nouns na -ia (army), which in the nominative, genitive, accusative and instrumental cases are inclined according to the second substantive declension (such as earth), and in the dative and prepositional - according to the third substantive declension (such as steppe). The mixed declension should also include the masculine nouns na -ii (planetarium) and the neuter nouns na -ie (movement), which in all cases, except for the prepositional one, have the endings of the first substantive declension, and in the prepositional case - the ending -i (the end of the third substantive declension).

AND. genius-ø station-i rank-e

R. genius-i-station-and rank-i

D. genius-yu station-and rank-yu

IN. genius-i-station-rank-e

T. genius-em station-rank-em

P. (o) geniuses-and (o) stations-and (o) titles-and

Nouns - masculine surname names with suffixes -in, -ov refer to mixed declension, since the endings in their paradigm combine the signs of the first substantive declension (all cases, except for the instrumental case), and the signs of the declension of possessive adjectives (in the instrumental case). Nouns - feminine surnames cannot be attributed to mixed declension, because the paradigm of their endings completely coincides with the declension paradigm of feminine possessive adjectives. This is an adjective declension.

I. Rostov-ø (Nikolay) Rostov-a (Natasha)

R. Rostov-a (Nikolai) Rostov-oi (Natasha)

D. Rostov (Nikolai) Rostov (Natasha)

V. Rostov (Nikolai) Rostov (Natasha)

T. Rostov (Nikolai) Rostov (Natasha)

P. (o) Rostov-e (Nikolae) (o) Rostov-oi (Natasha)

When using such nouns in plural forms, all cases, except for the nominative, have adjective endings:

I. Rostov V. Rostov

R. Rostov-s T. Rostov-s

D. Rostov P. (o) Rostov

Nouns - the names of cities and villages of the same type are declined completely following the pattern of the 1st declension: under Rostov ohm, near Borodin ohm.

Zero declinationa.A. Zaliznyak singled out as a special type of declension and assigned unchangeable nouns to this type. Traditionally, this group of words is defined as non-declining words. However, since unchangeable nouns such as coat, metro, cinema can be used with prepositions, i.e. form a prepositional-case form, which serves to express case meanings (near the metro, in a coat, about a movie), and the case meanings of these words (bought a coat, invited to the cinema) can be expressed syntactically, insofar as the allocation of zero declension seems to be quite justified.

In Russian, there is a special group of nouns that do not have declension type indicators. This group includes nouns pluralia tantum (gates, scissors, spirits), which are only plural, do not have gender category indicators and are inclined in the plural. The absence of the singular and gender category makes it impossible to determine the type of declension.

Depending on the hardness / softness of the final consonants, the stems differ solid and soft varieties of declensions: oak, son - horse, beast; wall, fish - melon, dormouse; mouse - night (in the 3rd word, hard and soft varieties are characteristic only for nouns with stems in hissing).

Nouns with stems r, k, x, sibilant and q refer to mixedtype of declension: leg - legs, regiment - shelves, daughter-in-law - daughter-in-law, knife - knives, key - keys, fingers - fingers.

The types of declension are strictly different only in the case forms of the singular. In the plural, the differences between the types of declension are not clearly expressed, and there are no dative, instrumental and prepositional cases at all.

In solid declension nouns in the dative and prepositional singular, the final consonant stems are softened: country, about country.

All types of declensions in D., T., P. plural cases have the same inflection. Forms I., R., V. cases have their own characteristics.

Plural endings:

AND. -and (s), -a, -eV. \u003d I. (inanimate), R. (animate)

R. -ø, -ov (-ev), -eT. - s / s

D. -s / -sP. -ax / -yah

When declining nouns in the plural form, animate / inanimate is consistently expressed, while in the singular, animate is expressed only in masculine nouns of the 2nd declension (to love books - love sisters, see cities - see brothers, see windows - see monsters, see steppes - see mice).