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Passionate week: what can and what can not be done before Easter. Passionate saddimian VS Work: Tips of priests

Consider a passionate week: what can be done, and what is impossible, as well as other aspects of this important period. This week is called "passionate" or "great." The first name, of course, to get in honor of what is remembered in these days the suffering of Jesus Christ, which he suffered on Earth in order to redeem the sins of mankind.

Also every day this period is called "Great", because it falls for a short time until the great holiday of Easter. These days, from Monday to Saturday (inclusive), believers are especially strict post. But it is important to remember that the post is not just a refusal of meat and food once a day. It includes repentance, prayers, awareness of the sinfulness of man.

Important about easter days

What should be sure to know about the period, which is so much said in this material? Of course, first of all, that the passionate week: what can be done, and what is impossible for every day. Especially many traditions and belief in the people exist on: someone recalculates the money three times so that they must be found. Someone for health is poured at dawn with water. As for church traditions, they do not allocate any day of the Great Week: every day is important in its own way and is special.

It can be said that the mansion is precisely within the framework of the church rules of the passionate week costs Friday. Following the biblical scriptures, the Church believes that it was on this day of the week Jesus Christ, and then, on the third day, that is, on Sunday, he was resurrected. In Good Friday, any work is prohibited (of course, on the usual work of a modern person will have to go, but from work on the house, in the kitchen, it is necessary to refuse). In Good Friday, the post is as strict as possible and it is recommended to eat anything until the removal of the shroud.

Great Monday

On this day, they begin cleaning in the house and on the site as part of preparation for the Easter holiday. The post for a person is the way to cleanse physically, prayers and repentance - the way to cleanse spiritually. But not only a person should be ready for a large holiday, but also his dwelling.

Great Tuesday

This day of the Great Post is intended to continue home cleaning and continue their spiritual preparation for the Easter holiday. Since the on the eve of Sundays of Christ at home you need to hold a general cleaning, then the earlier to start it, the more time it will be in pure Thursday - the last day when you can get out at home to make a variety of rituals.

Note! After the end of the day, clean Thursday can no longer be cleared in the house before the onset of Easter, and then throughout the entire festive week. It is for this reason that cleaning at home is recommended to start at the beginning of a passionate week, and not to leave all things for the period of pure

Great medium

Again, the preparation of yourself and at home for the holiday continues. It will be necessary to adhere to the same strict rules on this day, the passionate week: what can be done, and what is impossible. As for the nutrition, it is possible to eat for the first three days of the Great Week only extremely vegetable food and only cold. That is, the preparation of products, vegetable oil is prohibited.

It is important during this period to attend the church and pray. In principle, if the time to go to the temple is not at all, it is possible to pray at home. It is important to do all this with awareness, with sincerity and love.

Pure Thursday

Well, many people know about this day of the passionate week and many are waiting for him with a huge impatience. Because, rules, a passionate week: what can be done, but what is impossible in pure Thursday there are many and here it is more conspirable and rituals, prayers than any prohibitions (as it will, let's say, the next day on Good Friday) .

In pure Thursday it is customary to finish cleaning in the house, completing all the washing. Do not ignore cleaning on this day, because it is believed that if there is a dirt in the house today, then during the year there will be permanent quarrels and squabbles in this house. A great .

Other beliefs for pure Thursday:
For the first time, small children in Russia were made to cut it into the great Thursday. Also, some wool cuts off this day at livestock to provide him with health and well-being for the whole year.
In the morning in the house you need to wash everything all - it will save the dwelling from diseases and quarrels.
On this day, nothing can be counted from the house, and the rule is preserved before Easter.
To make money for a year, it will be necessary to recalculate them on the day of passionate Thursday: at dawn, at noon, as well as at midnight.
You can cook a third salt. Each family member should take a salt in the sadstone and pour it into a rag bag. Purpose this salt in a pan, and then stored for a year in the red corner. If someone gets sick, add this salt in the food.
On Thursday you can remove damage. To do this, wash up even the dawn, saying: "I wash off the fact that they were frightened. Let the body and the soul be clean. Amen".
Already on this day, you can replace dough for cakes and kulukhai, which will be prepared in
Great Saturday.

Great Friday

It is impossible to do anything in nothing, and it is recommended to refrain from food until the moment during the evening service to the center of the temple will not be ruled by Jesus Christ. Passionate week: what can be done, and what you can not do applies to the Great Friday. This concerns directly prohibitions.

If a secular person will have to go to work on this day, then it is to work at home: sew, wash, knit, cook, must be postponed. Work on this day is a great sin. Good Friday is the day when Jesus Christ was crucified, this is the most sorrowful day of the year.

Great Saturday

On this day of passionate week, the post is observed according to the same rules as the first four days. It is impossible to clean at home, sew and wash, but you can completely give up the preparation of a variety of dishes for the Easter table. On this day, there is also a consecration of food in the temples.

These are prohibitions, recommendations that need to be done necessarily and other important aspects of the passionate week must always be remembered. This is not only a time of strict post and prayer, this is the time of active preparation for the festive Easter day.

"Who in the soul of the world is and at Katorga Paradise," says the Russian proverb. Recall one of the works of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. He describes how the chains complicated by the chains, to Easter, the grace of the Lord, since childhood, being introduced to the mother of the Church, they sing the Easter poem: "God will resurrect him and rushes him."

"Adam was in paradise, and in Adam was heaven," said the once great Russian preacher Saint Innokenti Khersonsky. "At any place, my Lord's soul bless."

A Christian who is not named this, but in life, is designed by the heart itself to make a hiking church. And indeed, in solitude whether, among people, at the place of your everyday work or a family in a circle - God is always with you and in you.

And the grace of him is undemurated with us, which means it is necessary to try in any place and in every second of our life from the inside, mind and heart, to call to the Lord: "Lord Jesus Christ's Son of God, a lot of sinning!" And to sing on Easter: "Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and I guess in the tomb of the belly!"

Just repeat how children do, calling mother or father: "Christ is risen! Truly Risen! " And then the space around us will be illuminated by the divine grace in accurately according to the words of Rev. Seraphim: "Clear the Easter World of Christ - and thousands around you will be saved."

But no matter how busy person, he can always find such evening services, to participate in which no one forbates.

Even if you are a cosmonaut, which rotates in the near-earth orbit, then you can watch the Savior Cathedral service on the tablet and to participate in it. And if you are just a installer or vod, or a doctor in resuscitation, look for what you will be free to free windows on a passionate or bright week.

Well, how not to visit on the passionate sadmice on Thursday evening that service when everyone is going before crucifying, omilized in the middle of the temple and, burn candles, listen to a measuring reading by the priest of passages from passionate gospels?

Well, after the twelfth gospel, the burning candle or the lamp do not take home so that, at the pitching, depicting the cross, protect the dwelling from the unclean power?

Light saddimians are daily morning and evening worship. At Easter on the evening service, priests change the vestments from red on white, then on green and yellow. And all this - so that we remember how the resurrected Christ every time in a new way, unrecognizable, was Mary Magdaline, then the apostles locked in the Zion Gorky, and even the large circle of the apostles in the Galilee Mountain. And you need to try to grab this Easter joy for the edges.

I think the one who wants, in Russia will always find the opportunity to leave some inscription on the desktop: "I went to the base" or "sanitary day", "Library Day", - and go to the temple. Do you know who is looking for, he should be a blacksmith of his own happiness.

Archpriest Alexy Uminsky: to live passionate as much as possible

If it is impossible to go to the service in a passionate week, how to try to live it?

Maximum honestly, most seriously as possible. There are such cases when a person cannot for some reason - people work, for example. It often happens something completely unexpected for many for a passion week, people suffer in the passion week. Still, the inner experience of these days can be us very deeply perceived.

I know one wonderful story that happened to my friend's relative friend who really wanted to go on a passion week to the service of twelve gospels, and she did not work. She asked God so that he would give her the opportunity to go, and did not work. Something changed, she was called for some interview about the new work, all this was delayed, she could not, did not have time. And so deeply worried, with such a sense of loss and suffering that I could not be in the service of the twelve gospel, she came to himself on Thursday evening home, and suddenly she accidentally noticed that the willow from the last year, which stood in her vause without water, dismissed.

Archpriest Vladimir Novitsky: Easter must be in our heart

I think that I still have to wait for Easter, staying in anticipation of this event. Remember that it remains, maybe a few days before Easter, that you need to wait for it that you need to prepare for it that it is very serious. And you need to change something in yourself, to revise your life, maybe to free your heart from all extra, apparent, unnecessary, so that the Lord entered there. So that this Easter was not only external, so that this Easter was inside, in our heart.

See what in our heart? After all, we often suffer from such diseases, problems as scattered: scattered attention, cutting of the soul in general, scattered in the heart. Then the addiction of all kinds of us also torment us and fill our soul. And multipleness, of course.

Multipleness is one of the main evils, oddly enough. The Lord says: "Do not allocate your hearts with your drunkenness, curding and many people's concerns." You see, the Lord puts the Lord on one row with drunkenness. It would seem drunkenness - such a terrible sin, and multiplyingness is not such a terrible weakness, because there are really a lot of care for people: there are relatives, close, there is a job, there are duties that we have to do.

But if we are these responsibilities, if we are our work, if we put our worldly life in the first place, then there is no place for Christ in the soul, then we live an earthen life, the earth. And then we are no higher than the drunkard.

Maybe even worse, because the drunks are still blamed, they are humble, they feel that they are sick people, and do not claim them and understand their tolerance. And we think that we are still doing something that we are good that we are useful people, necessary, and so on, and so on. And in fact, there are emptiness in us inside, we have everything in the concerns of this century.

That's when we remove these concerns ... Not that we do not perform them, no. We just put another one. It is very important that the correct scale of values, the purpose of life is: For what we live, what we will live, in the end, what do we want from life, why do we work for what is the most important thing? The most important thing is that it is a barefoot in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is nothing more important.

When the Lord becomes the first place when we will put it in the first place every time, then we will defeat multipleness, because then we will not take extra care, but we will not do what you need.

And then the heart will free, it will be cleaned, and then we can imagine the grace of God, which the Lord is abundant and without a measure gives us, then we can take Christ in yourself, to be with Christ. And well on the passionate sadmice to think about it, it is that way to prepare for Easter and so join the Easter period. In addition to reading the Gospel, of course, in addition to prayer, this is granted.

Signed Daria Mendeleev, Tamara Amelina

Video: Victor Aromurstam, Alexander Basalayev

Immediately at Verbid Resurrection, before the Great Easter, the most stringent six days of post, called, passionate week, passionate saddimet, holy week begins. In 2018, the passionate week begins on April 2. Often, even those who did not hold a strict post all the days join these days to the post, to the great sacrament of the cleansing of the soul, mind and body, to connect in the general impulse of gratitude and approach the great secret of faith.

This week carries even greater strength and the desire to divide the burden that the Lord suffered before his resurrection. This strict time requires even greater abstinence and even more strict behavior.

First of all, it follows these days to complete your mental cleansing, from all that the heart is tormented by the heart, which torments in the soul, by prayers, communion and confession we work out, let go and get ready for the bright day of the Resurrection of Christ.

For believers, all the rules have long become a capital truth, for people, a little distant from the faith and church and those who want to recruit and talk about this topic.

Passionate week: what to do

The passionate sadmitz should especially refrain from unrighteous cases, bad acts and thoughts, prevent the envy, silent and malice. At this time, it is not desirable to arrange noisy fun, holidays, laughing loudly, rejoice - this is a period of great grief. Helping the needy, take care of the patients, the time of good deeds.

Continuing to clean the soul, this week is preparing their home for the holiday, updating and transforming it.

We prepare in advance products for the festive table, eggs for dyeing, carefully think over the details of the festive decoration.

During the Great Post, the products contained meat, fish, bird, eggs are strictly prohibited. You can not use dairy products, as well as chocolate, pasta, white bread, pickles, spices and alcohol.

Good Monday

It begins the passionate week of the Great Monday. Previously, on this day, it was usually put on their yard, melons, cleaned, repaired outside. Not always the weather it allows, and the courtyards have become less and less, so immediately we start preparing for the holiday immediately from the dwelling.

On this day, big tidy begins. The house is cleared from old, bulky things.

On Monday, you can eat raw vegetables and fruits, as well as bread, honey and nuts. It is recommended to eat once a day - in the evening.

Passionate Tuesday

Purchased products for Easter. Women prepare therapeutic infusions. Men should not even touch herbs, tinctures, powders.

As well as in the previous day, raw fruits and vegetables, honey, nuts and bread are allowed. It is advisable to eat only in the evening.

Passionate environment

This is washing day and all sorts of rubbing. It is advisable to wash thoroughly on Wednesday, scratch the floors, knock out carpets. On Wednesday, a special rite was remembered against any bodily gentity. It was necessary to cry out the mug of water from the well or from a barrel on the street or dial water in the river. Crossing three times, covered the mug with a clean or new towel, and at 2 o'clock in the morning, repeatedly crosswise, poured by this water, leaving a little in the circle. After on the wet body, without wiping, they put on clothes, and the water that remained in the circle was poured up to 3 hours on the bush or flowers. It is said that in this way the washed body as anew.

You can also eat bread, vegetables and fruits, cold raw food without oil.

Pure Thursday

A special day for this week is Thursday, called pure Thursday.

From early morning, it is important to all take a shower, a bath, at that morning water has a special gift of purification, gives health and brings good luck for the whole year. Wear clean clothes.

We finish cleaning your home. After clean Thursday, you can no longer be removed in the house until next week.

It is also important to remember: from Thursday from the house nothing is given, starting with the little things like salt to money in debt.

It is believed that the water on this day has special properties, can be treated, make a bummer and can be used in conspiracies and rites. It can be typed in the container and use throughout the year when you or someone from your household sick. For healing, the third water can be drunk or apply to the patient in the form of a compress.

We are preparing a threshold salt, it will be useful for those who make rites and conspiracies: all family members throw a pinch of salt into the common bag, mix it and remove it. Such salt keeps the special energy of this day and the whole family. It is desirable to sanctify this salt in the temple.

The sacred act begins with pure thoughts and cleaned house on this day - baking Easter cakes and staining eggs.

Thursday - in the great Thursday they advised to cut the hair for the first time the hair of a one-year-old child (until the year it was considered a sin), and the girls are the tips of the brain to grow longer and thicker. In total livestock, also advised to cut the hair and well-being stuffing.

Many traditions are connected with this day. The Great Thursday was removed in homes, all the soaps and cleaned. It was customary to collect and burn the branches of juniper for fusion of the dwelling and the chlev. It is believed that the healing juniper smoke protects the person and the "tummy" from the unclean and disease.

There was such a belief that the eggs eased in the passionate Thursday, eaten by Easter, are protected from the illness, and the eggs shell, burned to the ground in the pasture, reliably protects livestock from the evil eye.

Starting from clean Thursday they prepared for the holiday table, painted and painted eggs. In an ancient tradition, painted eggs stacked on the sprouted green oats, wheat.

In the morning, Kulichi, women, small products made of wheat flour with the image of crosses, baras, doves, larks, and honey gingerbreads started on Thursday. In the evening they prepared Easter.

It follows to all in the family to take salt and piss into one package. This salt is cleaned and stored, and it is called "Thursday Sol", i.e. Great Thursday. It can treat yourself, as well as your relatives and loved ones. This salt makes charms for family, livestock, garden, houses, etc.

In the passionate Wednesday and the Great Thursday, it was customary to washed with water, Nathanted from the snow, all her homework - from cow to chicken - and survive the salt in the furnace, which, on popular beliefs, acquired healing properties from this. In some villages at midnight, the Great Thursday women were also prescribed to get themselves with water for fencing from diseases.

If it is necessary to wash on the great (clean) Thursday to dawn, you need to be sought at the same time: "I wash off what they were frowning at me, then than the soul and the body is worn, everything is removed with clean Thursday."

In the morning in Easter, wash the water left from clean Thursday. It is good to put a silver thing or a spoon, can be coin. Wash out for beauty and wealth. If a girl can not get married, you need to have a towel that she lasted in pure Thursday, give people to Easter, those who ask for alms, together with paintings and cake. After that, married soon.

There was also a custom burning a candle Crosses on the doors and ceilings to protect the house from the invasion of the unclean power. Passionate candles were given into hands with severely ill or tormenting difficult births, they possess healing force. From the Great Thursday, it was forbidden to sweep the floor in the house until the Easter itself.

On this day, it is allowed to eat hot vegetable food with vegetable oil twice a day.

Good Friday

Good Friday - a special day of compassion, Jesus Christ was devoted on this day and crucified in the Cross in the mountain of Calvary. The Savior of the Human Rod accepted a martyrdom, so the hoping of human sins. This day is special grief, it is not customary to work, you should dedicate a prayer day.

There are signs that any disease that happens on this day is quickly cured.

Any problem that has arisen on this day - will be resolved soon.

Cooking on this day arms. Continued oven and prepare for the celebration of Easter. "Angels help," say certain people. On Friday, you will drive the corners with a rag, this rag will help get rid of the pains in the lower back, if I bind myself. The same cloth wipe foot in the bath after washing so that the legs do not hurt. The ash, taken on Friday before Easter, will help to recover from alcoholism, black shaking, from the evil eye and from death.

In Good Friday, generally refrain from meals.

Great Saturday

Last (quiet) tidy. You can still paint eggs. This day prepares common festive dishes. On Saturday, they carried to sanctify painted eggs, cakes, Easter and other products in the church. And before going to the service in the Easter night, left a treat on the table, so that then it could be possible to participate. True, ate little - only symbolically, after which they went to sleep. But the late Sunday morning began the real feast, which lasted all week.

Of course, all preparatory work: Strangy, painting eggs should be finished to a light resurrection.

On Saturday, you can eat hot vegetable food once a day, but without oil.

On Saturday ends preparation for the Easter holiday. Prayer eggs, cakes, if it did not manage to do in pure Thursday.

From April 2 to April 7, a passionate week is celebrated in the Orthodox tradition in 2018, which cannot be done at this time, it is reasonable to strictly. But not everyone knows this, and often violate vowels and unlapped rules. So that this does not happen, we will tell, what it is not necessary to deal with these seven days.

What can not be done in the past week 2018?

In a passionate week, all believers hold drying. This means that any cooked dishes are prohibited besides animal food. All the food should be consumed in fresh and raw form marinated or salty. From the ready-made only baked bread. You can not sit down for the dining table more than once a day, the meal may be in the evening when the sun will go.

So you can eat from Monday and Thursday. Friday needs to be fully refracted from any food. On Saturday you can already eat ready-made dishes, but many believers on this day are also trying to starve. What else can you eat on the passionate week read.

It is logical that it is forbidden to do on the passionate week all that having fun: sing, dance, visit any entertainment institutions, celebrate holidays, birthdays and weddings. From married proximity at this time is also better to refuse.

In addition, it is believed that at this time it is impossible to refuse to people when they seek you for help. Of course, if they do not ask for something immoral, illegal or what can harm others.

What can and need to do in the passion week?

Monday: We start to get into the house. Throw large garbage, old broken things.

Tuesday: On this day, it is necessary to finish work related to clothing: to launch everything, stroke. We buy products for the festive table.

Wednesday: My floors, knock out the carpet. We take out the last garbage from home. Cooking eggs and everything you need for their dyeing

Thursday : Pure Thursday got its name from an ancient folk custom - on this day bathed in various reservoirs, it was not only spiritually clear, but also physically. On this day, they put order in the house, make general cleaning. If you have a baby at home - you can coincide with this day the first haircut. Water on this day has a healing force - you need to be redeemed.

In pure Thursday, we start cooking a festive table, painting eggs. In the morning, Culich's oven, cook Easter in the evening.

Friday: You can not do homework and wash. It is forbidden to have fun, listen to music. It is impossible, there is nothing, remembering Christ's suffering.

If you did not have time during the week, you can finish cleaning and paint eggs. On this day, we prepare a festive table. Traditionally, in Saturday, painted eggs, Easter and Easter baking are carried into the church. Before leaving for the service, festive treats were put on the table, to come home, talk.

Soon the passionate week begins, which is impossible and what can be done at this time you now know and you can avoid actions that are not welcome in the Orthodox tradition.

Many traditions and beliefs are associated. In each day of the week there are recommended and prohibited classes.

Week before Easter, called Christians of the Holy Week, White Week, but the most common name is a passionate week. Each of her six days is special.

On this day, Christians recall the evangelical story about how Jesus cursed the tree of the fig tree (figs), covered with green leaves, but completely fruitless, which immediately dried in his eyes from his companions.

This miracle is important in moral importance for each person: in every moment a man should be ready to meet with God, so as not to turn out to be spiritually empty and fruitless.

On this day, it is customary to clean the house: paint, wash, clean.

According to church rules, all sorts of discords, foul language and unclean thoughts are prohibited in the Great Monday. From food allowed bread, vegetables and fruits. But by the unlawful rule, many Orthodox spend this day in a strict post, without food and water.

You can not sing and dance to the Great Monday is a sin.

On this day, Christians recall the parables about the second coming of Christ, ten virgins and talents.

On Tuesday, it is customary to end the duct, washing and ironing clothes. Preparation for the holiday continues: they are preparing not only clothes, but also choose a tablecloth, which will cover a festive table, and the towel, with whom they will go to Easter service.

This day is allowed to eat hot food without vegetable oil. Also buy Easter products.

In addition, Tuesday is a day of teaching.

On this day, Christians recall the betrayal of Judas. It is on this day that Judas for 30 Srebrenniki betrays the Savior, thereby choosing spiritual death.

On Wednesday, work on the improvement of the house and begin to buy eggs for staining for Easter. According to reference, the eggs purchased on this day will not be ruined for a long time and perfectly paint.

On this day, it is customary to use food without oil.

In the people, this day is known as pure Thursday.

This day is customary to start very early. Thursday - day bathing. It is believed that the water on this day possesses the healing force, and the bathing and prayer helps to save the health of the whole family for the whole year.

On Thursday begin to prepare the pages (cakes). It is believed that before the kneading test it is necessary to pray and clean the soul, otherwise the rods will not work.

Also on this day it is customary, as well as put on the table bread and a consecrated salt.

Traditionally, on Thursday, it is customary to buy new clothes. However, the money is desirable not to give, as they resemble the betrayal of Judas.

In the people, this day is known as a passionate Friday.

Friday is the most strict pre-day day, in which you can not do anything around the house, sing, dance and listen to music.

In memory of the suffering of Christ is prohibited by eating food.

It is believed that "the one who laughs on Friday pays a whole year."

An integral part of worships on this day is the glory - a large circuit board with the image of the body of Jesus Christ in a coffin. It is forbidden to her removal at evening worship.

According to legend, Joseph from Arimafia wrapped the body of Jesus Christ after his glory suffering and death in the Turin Corporate.

This day is considered to be peace.

On Saturday, they remember the burial of Jesus, as well as his victory over death in hell and entering paradise.

On this day, you finish painting eggs and collect Easter basket.

In the evening, they spend the Holy Liturgy, after which they declare the good news of the Resurrection of Christ.

Saturday ends a lot of post.

Recall, earlier "Apostrophe" told about, which is celebrated a week before Easter.