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When the hunt for the moose. Embossing Hunting next to Solonets - Important Features

In this article, we will look at the main methods of hunting on the largest representative of the family of deer - moose, listing the slaughter places of this beast, we will tell you much better shoot, and also share tips on the cutting of the carcasses and the removal of the skins of the solar.

Emboss Hunt - Species:

Hunting Gon

This type of hunt is most popular. The period when, you can take a roar hunt, usually lasts from 1 and to 30 September, but the gon of moose, depending on the region and from weather conditions, it can begin earlier and end later. Temperatures above 20 ° C in September, as a rule, affect elk and gon negatively - it can move. To hear the mockery moan is also almost impossible in heavy rain and wind.

Gon Salia is usually "tied" to the place where the animals come to the beginning of Gon. Some females move to "gear sites" for 8-10 km from the center of their summer-autumn habitats. The males are in a state of searching for females and marriage couples can be saved from several hours to 6 days.

Elk is most active early in the morning and late in the evening and often all night, but there are cases when moose roar and day. Elk, located in the hunt and actively looking for a female, this is a terrible animal, his roar and movement at a large distance can resemble the work of the tractor and the roar of the bear. You will be particularly unforgettable impressions if you hear the roar of the moose at 5-6 in the morning, or 22-23 pm at twilight, when everything subsides, and the beast without a suspended lantern or good optics no longer see it.

Move the beast per shot is very difficult, despite all the tricks, and imitation. But often moose during the gon's period they themselves go to a person, having heard the noise of broken branches. If you at the beginning of September found in the forest or in the glade, an encouraged village - without a bark, often littered, and the extruded earth, most likely for 2-4 days you can hear, and if I was lucky et and see the moose here on the roar.

The moose is a great sense of smell, and it must be considered. Now in Finland, repellents are developed, imitating the smells of mosses that can help in a roar hunt.

With approach or scope

This method of hunting is no less interesting, but more complicated than the previous one. The less the hunters in it participates, the better. The hunt of the scrade is possible in October, November, when strong winds blow, and well, if the first snow fell, but not deep so that it was convenient to move through the woods. Usually, in a strong wind with snow and rain, moose are in groups and are not moving over long distances. Strong wind and noise allow you to approach the moose very close, but the hunter also requires excellent knowledge of the terrain. Success on such a hunt depends on the experience and accuracy of the arrow, the knowledge of the terrain and the instance of the moose.

On the day of the moose, it is most common in the trifles - in a palpal, not far from the edge of a large forest, obscure the impulse of the wind.

If the moose strontuts and did not manage to make a shot, they are most likely to jump on another hunter, who remained on the input trail.

Hunting charter

Usually, for a circulatory hunt, a team need a team of at least 5 shooters and as much in the same way, but it happens, it is possible to spend this hunt and smaller forces. Before starting hunting, it is necessary to check the salary and make sure that the moose on the spot.

The team, in advance, divided on the shooters and the padders, put forward to the salary. The arrows should take numbers, approaching them from a leeward side. At the time of becoming the numbers and during the hunt, the arrows must comply with silence. Arrows must clearly know their duties. The main task for them is not to sleep and do not miss the beast. At the same time, adherence to security measures. It is strictly forbidden to shoot the beast, if there is a person in the target with him, it is impossible to shoot noise and movement. Shooting should be kept according to a clearly visible object. It is more expedient to shovel, along the lower edges - in the heart. Safety ignitions must be dressed in something bright and noticeable.

Well organized and successfully completed cloudy hunt will bring it to the participants a lot of joy and pleasant memories.

Hunting with dogs

The success of this hunting of 80% depends on the abilities of dogs and their ability to delay the moose before the hunter approach. The main task of the dog is to find and keep the beast, do not give him the stroke. Experienced husks hold the moose, circling around them and having. It is necessary to approach the moose quickly so that he does not have time to leave. But at the same time it should be very careful. If the elk will hear the approach of the hunter, he will break away from the dog, and the next time to stop him and get closer to it is already much harder.

Like on a leash

The peculiarity of this method of hunting is that the dog works silently and on a leash. Dogs for such hunting, usually likes, should be very well brought up, obedient and pronounced by the moose or other beast. The calmer and balanced dog, the higher the quality of such an assistant is appreciated.

To the hunt with a husky on a leash you need to prepare in advance: grow a good dog, pick up a friendly group of three or four hunters working with huskies, find out the hunting places in advance. Taking advantage of the innate quality of husky silently, without a voice, pursue the beast along the next, until she sees it, it is necessary to develop this quality in it. It is recommended to precue the hunting ridges on a major animal, otherwise a young dog can be frightened with moose and is spoiled for hunting forever.

After the resorts of the killed beast, you can never lose the case of giving a dog the pursuit of the blood of the wounded beast. And if she shifts the excitement to this, the school of brutal hunting can be considered finished. Such a dog will soon lead the owner, pointing to him without a voice, where the beast is.

Hunters with huskies, usually two, having come to the forest, all the time keep their dogs on the leash and seek the beast together. Only sometimes, according to Chernotrotropus, to speed up the search, they diverge in different directions, having previously agreed about the time and place of collection. The owner leading on a leash the dog is watching her every movement. Here the husky pulled himself towards, sick traces and the top smell of the recently pastry of the moose. Easily - to the place of collection! Now both hunters lead their dogs in the specified direction. They carefully look forward and, not the descendant dogs with the taji, follow them until the behavior of the legs will not be so impustous that it clearly will obviously feel the proximity of the beast. The hunter whose dog grabbed the smell of the beast, gives her a friend, and himself gently begins to shock the moose, moving in the direction that the husky was carried out. Passing steps 150-200, the hunter cares of salmon on a lying or fat. He approaches, chooses the desired copy and confidently shoots it. If the old moose is not, the hunter also goes carefully.

With huskies

In addition to the described hunting with huskies on a leash, for a long time there is a hunt, in which the dog on the trail or upper flank finds the beast and stops it with an evil lare. The negative side of such a hunt is that during a free search, the dog scatters animals and often, no chance to delay the beast, hesitates it too far. Therefore, it is better to have two or three friendly legs. It is very important for nothing to dissolve dogs, and keep them all the time on a leash, especially if the hunter pursues the beast along the trail left by the old bull. After approximately identifying the place where the elk should be lined, the hunter let go of dogs with a leash and sends them along the trail. Dogs until the beast is overtaken, silently go. Surrounding the moose, they should not rush to him, try to bite him, rummage from behind. An experienced lady-losyatnica, seeing the beast, comes to him quietly, comes in front and barking does not immediately, but waiting until he notices it, take it. She herself does not attack, but only spinning around the moose and occasionally, with exposure. The hunter is confident, he doesn't need to break through the thicket, run, until "broke out" from the place of a sensitive beast, as it often happens on a hunt with one dog. Two-three huskies will hardly give the beast. First, the elk does not pay little attention to dogs. Then they pushing him so that he fiercely rushes on them, and they deftly sink. Then again pretend to attack, as if consciously distracting the attention of the beast. It should be noted that the upbringing of the coherent "link" of three ramps is a job tempting, but not simple. It is set only to a well-organized team of hunters or hunting and hunting.

Where to shoot in the elk?

One hunter said this way: "Elk the big seems to get easily, aims on the body in front of the front, the chest, the shovel is not correct, in this , heart, spinal plot, not noticing the elk itself. "

Slash places

Slashing places in the moose are considered: breasts in the heart area, brain, cervical and spinal vertebrae. Less effective will be hit in the throat and body.

After a successful shot, when approaching the beast, pay attention to the ears and the elk language. If the ears are pressed, it is still alive. If the elk has fallen, boning language, this suggests that the wound was deadly.

Removal of the skins and cutting of the moose

After you raised an empty beast, such as the moose, you need to properly remove the skin and separate it. You need to cut the throat to release blood and make sure that the animal is dead. Next, you need to use the carcass as quickly as possible so that the meat is not spoiled. To remove the skins put a carcass on the back, fasten the legs with rope traps and make circular cuts around the knee joints. Next, they make a break from the larynx to the tip of the tail through the sternum and the stomach and connect it with cuts on the knees. After that, they skip the skin cutting her by moving under her fists. Remove the skin on both sides, while it is convenient, then put on one side, remove the skin to the spine, and then from another side and is completely separated.

Cutting moose video:

In this review you will learn about the features of the hunt for the moose in Solonges, how to make Solonets, which salt to choose for this purpose. In the conclusion of the material, we suggest you to see the video with an example of Salon hunting.

In the spring and summer, moose with great pleasure is eaten by salt. The fact is that during the winter period, the stock of minerals in the body of these animals is almost completely dried. Therefore, at this time of the year of deer, Solonsy is visited with pleasure. Moreover, such a visit is not only a possibility to slightly diversify the menu for them, an adult could eat several kilograms of mineral salts at once. Animals are visited by both natural and artificial sollets that are organized by employees of hunting farms for feeding animals. Most often, artificial sollents are laying in rocks that deer can consume to food - peatlands and clays. Salt in these breeds can maintain its properties to decades, and therefore, Solonets will serve as an animal for a very long time.

You can shoot in the moose only when he, calming down, hurts to lick salt and will be an excellent target for the hunter. If the elk is shot, the hunter must first of all drag the carcass to the side and only then proceed to its cutting. This is done in order not to spoil the Solonns, since the salt will be bloody, no animal will appear on this place anymore.

How to make salt for moose

Salt can be any, but the best thing is solid, stone. Now this is not sold, only a ground or briquetted pressing method. I was engaged in the processing of agricultural products, although I adjusted a small production of feed. To do this, purchased salt and chalk in the Donbass in large quantities. At my request, the guys brought salt directly from the career, without passing through the mill. These are shapeless boulders of gray-greenish-blue color for 20-40 kg. Large me colop for several pieces. From this, the best solonts are obtained - a real lisunets. I laid them chaotic throughout the land. Such Lisunets does not need any additional structures. Put on the ground - and that's it. Unlike pressed briquettes, it does not decompose from solar radiation and atmospheric precipitation.

In addition to several solonts on the sub-barker sites (ordinary large-frone salt), I did 35-40 lisunts pieces in the overgrown and difficult to accessories for a random person. To make it difficult to find people and there was no pure place for poacher. The beast geographically will not be dependent on one or two solonts, it does not block sustainable trails - it means that the season will remain more. Detects the beast of such a solonets himself, gradually. We need to spread the lisunds by autumn, and in the spring they will already use the beasts. In general, placing the salins for the moose is better everywhere than hidden from a person, the better. I himself noticed - the boulders of salt disappear. These are riding them on the forest rods their home for their cows.
During the year, Lisunets from the dripping from the branches of rainwater and the animals loses about 20% of its original mass. Even when the salt itself is no longer there, then the beast continues to look for it there. Roet the ground with the hoof (or eats it, or licks it too) within a radius of 50 cm and the depth of CM 15.

Methods of constructions of Solontsov, in principle, a variety of. This should be a container (for ground salt and briquette) with a depth of 25-30 cm, perimeter - any. Basically make wooden troughs. But there may be metal, and plastic (I met old basins adapted under these goals). It is desirable for such a salt, so that the roof is over the salt row, otherwise it will be more likely to join a new portion.
But you are an example of another type of Salon. In my opinion, not the best design. At the same time can lick no more than two animals (more often). The advantage is only one thing - the low salt consumption. If there is no rain for a long time, then such a solonets "does not work" (does not flow rap on the trunk of stump).

Discussion on the forum:

On our forum hunters exchange knowledge, observations and experience. You can also participate in the discussion of different types of hunting, including hunting in Solonzha . With the features of other methods of prey of this beast, you can find in the Emboss Hunting article.

Video "Embossing Hunting in Solonges":

The best time for hunting from the approach is a windy day with a small rain, or a frosty day from -20, when the trees crack. During hunting with the wind, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the wind and try to approach the moose from the leeward side, since the smell of the elk is very good and even when complying with the complete silence, you can simply spoil the hunt for giving an email to shove, and to catch up with a gear elm in almost one Day and hunting can stretch for several days.

We read traces

So, you purchased the license for the elk, the first soft snowball fell, on the street, the wind is 5-6 m / s, do not even think about it, but to gather on the hunt. It is especially good to seek the beast on the first snow. Immediately see the fresh footprint and even the shadow of doubt does not arise that the elk passed here just recently. Initially, you need to make sure that the trace is not a generous, but calm, because to go along the gear trail, as I said it is useless. If you have determined the trail of a calm beast, we get up on it, and slowly, trying not to crush the hardness, carefully we move along the trail, peering in the outlines of bushes and disgraving. Any of the outlines can easily be elmis rest after feeding, and the main thing to notice it before the elk will notice you.

The main thing in the hunt from the approach is silence and approach from the leeward side!

Where is the parking of the beast?

Elsh has one feature that must be mentioned. Elk cannot digest food when moving, he, like any ruminant animal, need peace for tugging the chewing and further digestion of food than wolves are successful, without giving an elk to rest, and eventually elk just falls without his strength and predator cuts an exhaust beast. But a person is not a wolf and cannot be so driven by the beast, although there were attempts to such a way of hunting. As I mentioned the email necessarily need a rest and if the first worshicles of the beast fell to you, then the elk got up on the feed. It can also be determined by the emergence of fresh eroad (broken bushes and surrounding tops of the VIC), which can also talk about that soon you will be hungry moose.

Choosing a goal

When leaving the family of moose, we try to choose the oldest bull from them, you can determine by the number of processes on the horns. Their number often determines the age of the beast, as it is believed that every year an elk bull is increasing, the number of processes increases by 1. Try, not to get into the cow, because at this time it already has 1, or even 2 calf Who in a year, two, will increase the population of the moose in this place, and this is good, and you, and other hunters: the moose population will be saved.

When choosing a goal, it is necessary to be guided by a simple rule: cow in lands is the preservation and increase in the moose livestock.

In deep snow and black

Hunting on deep snow is not very different. The moose becomes not as active, they try to hold in one place where there is a stern base, and if nobody is deployed from a spaced place, they can spend almost the entire winter in such a place. At the same time, they make small and short transitions of 1-2 km. Hunting comes down to find such a parking lot, and sometimes you have to unravel 2-3 day traces. Here experiences experience, knowledge of the weather and knowledge of the parking lots of the moose.

Hunting for moose from the approach from

Hunting in Chernotrotrop is also possible from the approach. It takes a lot of experience here, because to determine when the elk passed, it is almost impossible. It requires everyday observation of this area, while it is necessary to memorize the location of the trace of the beast and notice the appearance of fresh. But according to Chernotrotrop, often hunters with great experience mining the beast and often very successfully.

Embossing moose in winter

Caution Attention in the winter feed base of the moose. In winter, foliage falls out, frozen reservoirs, makes herbs, mushrooms and elk goes to a branch feed. His favorite delicacy is a fresh Osinsky and alder, which often grows on 2-3 year old defensions. He will not refuse from currant, apple, willow, fresh fir and even the Christmas trees and pines. No one would eat birch, even young because of the presence in the birch bark. There were cases that fear of the moose came across the path of salmon. At first they did not understand why the elk switched to the birch when there is also aspen and alder. Then in the end, looking at the traces of the moose stay, they discovered the wovets of birch and frowning alongside, apparently elk, passing at night, collecting fresh sprigs of aspen clinging birch branches, and realizing that he took something tasteless - he spoiled, there was no other explanation.

Forward, for trophy!

Theory, theory, but without practicing, extensive practice, permanent contact with animals, his habitat, will not come out. But using this manual, at least in general, it is generally possible to present this wonderful, albeit difficult, but extremely interesting hunting, and start practicing the hunt from the approach, and in the end, get your first work trophy! Or continue to stand on the room and wait will not come out will not come out on you and continue to freeze, waiting for it when you get taken from the room.


Lifestyle and Holds Else

Hunting for elk

1 Hunting with an approach or scope

2 Own hunting

3 roar hunt

4 Hunting dogs

5 pranks

Responsibility for illegal hunting




Elk - the most ancient and large representative from the family of deer. Unas in the country there are two subspecies of these animals. The first of them is Western, or European, elk, found in the European part of Russia and in Western Siberia, the second - oriental, or American, living east of Yenisei.

West elk is a rather large animal. So, elk bull has a body length of 260-296 cm, height in the shoulders 200-216 cm and total weight up to 422 kg. East elk living in Yakutia and in Kolyma, more western. The length of its body is 350 cm, the height in the shoulders is 250 cm and the total weight of up to 600 kg. Eastern elk, inhabitants in the basins of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, less western subspecies. The length of its body is 250-270 cm, height in the shoulders 128-193 cm, and the total weight of 260-320 kg.

The painting of the moose always harmonizes with the color of the bark of the age-old trees of the mixed forest and essentially plays a protective role. Naturally, depending on the animal habitat, it is different. So, the color of the western moose is dark brown, under the belly light gray, gray, the end of the muzzle and the lower two thirds of the legs are whitish. At the eastern moose Morda Rzhavo-Buura, Boca and Belutors coal-black, back rusty-brown. Elk, inhabiting the Ussuri region, has a dark color. In winter, moose wool is lighter than in summer.

The main distinguishing sign of the elk bull from the cow (from April to December - half of January) are mighty horns. Horns ("Spokes") appear at Losenka in a year and a half after birth. In different types of moose size and weight of the horns are different. So, the scope of the horns of healthy fastening western moose at 18 processes (9 on each rho) is 125 cm, and with 30 processes - almost 150 cm. Racing of the horns of the East moose of 175-200 cm with weight up to 15-20 kg. The elk horns living in the pools of the Amur and Ussuri rivers differ not only with sizes and weight, but also by the form. They are branched (like deer), lungs, occasionally flashed, have 2-4 processes and weigh only 5-6 kg.

Elk has a beautiful hearing. Hearing some suspicious sound, he fans and looks at the other side for a long time, leads her ears, listens, sniffs and, making sure of danger, often without seeing her, hastily runs away. The smell and especially vision at the elk is weaker. Apparently, this is explained by the constant stay in the forest or shrubs, where vision cannot develop.

In the old days in Russia, Malos was mined tens of thousands. It caused a heavy damage to the valuable animals. During the civil war, a special decree of the Soviet government, signed by V.I. Lenin, was banned by every hunt for elk and wild goats. It gave potency. Already from the thirties, loners, couples and herds moose began everywhere in the northern strip of the Russian Federation. Currently moose is common in significant quantities throughout our country.

To elk calmly multiplied, the plain arrays of wetlands are needed. Millions of hectares of such forests can be turned into natural pastures - reserves, where moose will be guarded carefully.

1. Lifestyle and habits elk

In the summer, Losi live absently, in winter, they are knocked in groups, almost constantly rustling in the same places - standards. At this time, especially by the spring, when the snow is deep, moose goes per day only several hundred meters. But the autumn transitions reach 5-6 km, and single males in search of females are able to pass several tens of kilometers.

Moshi is perfectly floating and know how to dive. Slow 2-3 km for moose - the only trifle. Elk is able to overcome such water obstacles as Yenisei, Batnik Bay, Angara and Cupid. It also jumps well through obstacles, reaching the height of 1.5-3 m. Move is unpretentious to food. It is powered by the leaves and young runs of the aspen, birch, willow, rowan, as well as leaves and shoots of linden, maple, oak, walnut, alder, crazy, poplar, eat young pine branches, pine shoots, sometimes eats moss and lichen. In the swamps and in the water, Losi feed the leaves and rhizomes of some algae and marsh plants, reed, cane, etc.; Much less often pour birch, but the juniper branches will either eagerly eat. Very love the moose to visit Solonsy. Location Stall depends on the fodder. In the Central Russia, these are mostly young pines next to mixed forests and deciduous meal, in the north - Gary and Decking, in Siberia - Zamniki or Shrubniki birches along the banks of the rivers, in the Far East - rare-resistant coniferous forests with an abundant deciduous undergrowth.

Heat and Gnus make salmon night animals, in the afternoon, driving animals on Goltsy, the Reds and Polyany, where the wind blows, in the lake and the swamps, where you can hide on the neck in water, or, on the contrary, in thick coniferous young people who are a little defended insects .

In winter, especially in severe frosts, Losi is breeding in the afternoon, making it time from time to rest. At night, they stay almost all the time on a lying.

Summer habitats of moose can be unsuitable for life in winter, and, on the contrary, the scene of wintering is unfavorable for breeding and feeding young. This makes moose migrating animals.

By pumping 10 and more kilograms of branches and needles, moose places badly damage the forests. Especially a great threat they represent for forest landings, for coniferous crops. This predetermines the need for constant regulation of the moose population density in the process of hunting and refusing to prevail in the forestry of monocultures of coniferous rocks.

The course of Gon Loss is celebrated by couples. But as soon as the female begins to shy away from married duties, the male is looking for another, which later came to the flow, so the number of males can be less than females. The males are brutally fighting because of females, if not to death (which sometimes happens), then, in any case, to solid abrasions. Gon marks the roar - "groan", as it is called. This is a deaf wash, audible at no further than a kilometer. The "moa" at the moose begins until the period of flow in females - in the second half of August. The excited male breaks the branches of the tree branches, the lands, often loses ordinary caution and is often aggressive - can attack a person. Announced, with eyes, piled blood, and bloated neck, the male does not foreshadow nothing good. Meetings to avoid better with him.

Rong salmon ends at the end of September - early October. The duration of pregnancy at melt - 8-8.5 months. In the south, newborns appear in April-May, in the north in mid-May. Young is 1-2. The number of duals depends on the state of the moose population. During the growth period, they can be more than half of the melosh.

Mother Milk Losenok sucks 3.5-4 months. Already at the age of 2-3 days, he saves the leaves, and from one and a half months, taken from the mother, is able to switch to plant food and develop normally.

The newborn healthy lossy weighs 9-16 kg, from pair litter - no more than 10 kg. For six months, the weight of moose increases 10 times. Growth slows down only in winter. For a year and a half, males weigh in the European part 170-180 kg, females - 175-330 kg. A year later, males and females reach 220-350 kg, after another year the males weigh 275-375, females - 275-360 kg, finally, at 4.5 years, the weight of males - 360-620 kg, females - 350-410. After 5 years, females stop growing, males grow up to 10 years. After 12 years, the elk begins to grow old. In the nature of the moose over 10 years a little - no more than 3%. In captivity, Elk lives 20 and even 25 years old.

2. Embossing Hunt

Strumbering is forbidden by a fighter hunt for the salmon in Nasta, during the crossing through the reservoirs, as well as the extraction of animals by their chapter on the ice. It is also prohibited from the extraction of moose loops, animal pits, installing self-tracks and other gears on them.

1 Hunting with an approach or scrade

This is the most affordable and widespread hunt for all types of animals. It is usually practiced in winter - in powder. In the absence of snow, the hunting from the approach is also possible, but in the Blackotropus it is very easy to lose a huge beast cranched. The hunting from the approach is permissible only in the period when the bulls have not reset the horns, that is, with the fallout of the first snow, until January 15. Later it is dangerous, as the cow can be ruined instead of the bull.

Hunting from an approach, or a scrade, is carried out mainly together - threesome. If more people participate in it, it turns into a cloud hunting (pon). It is hunting from an approach or putting the moose at the places of its permanent transitions and feeding. Among the numerous traces of the moose, the hunter is looking for traces of the old bull. If they are detected, the search starts the beast. Sometimes on these searches the hunter spends a day or two, or even more, overcoming on foot or skiing tens of kilometers.

Traces of scared moose, as well as moose moving from one massif of the forest to another, differ by straightness. Animals go almost straight straight, the next to the trail, without lingering for the feeding, daily overcoming open places among the forest, moving for ten, and sometimes more kilometers until they wipe the new place. In a relaxed atmosphere, the winter day and overnight salts occur in almost the same place. Therefore, fat traces are more likely to rummage from a straight line, diverge to the parties, forming completely wounded areas, which are replaced by not very long trails in the next.

Before lying after the morning feeding (which happens after 9-11 o'clock in the morning), Moose spread out, leaving blurred branches, bark lobs and fresh bugs of "nuts". This means that the moose is close, somewhere near the nearest edge of the forest or a separate bath of large trees among meleasy. Sometimes a bed or parking lot of the hunter opens, picking up on a tree or bypassing the place of the day in a circle.

Small snowfall with wind - the best weather for hunting from the approach. If the wind pulls from the moose, then they can be selected directly in the footsteps. With the wind towards the beast, you will have to go to the place of the estimated bed of animals from the opposite side. In this case, the two hunters bypass the moose in the circle on the right and left, and the third remains on the input tracks, given that the worn moose often go "on the heel" - inversely.

Without finding output traces from a circle, two hunters, without losing sight of each other, consistently and carefully move towards the center of the circle or the location of the estimated parking of animals. They are silently, trying not to hurt over the branches and bunches of trees, rich every thicket, shrubs. The slightest rustling or crash in this case is treacherous, and the meeting with Else is almost always so sudden that the hunter in an instant should figure out how to act.

Often the moose let the hunters are close - then the chosen goal is for sure. If the animals pulled the risk approach and heard a suspicious rustle, they tend to leave the opposite and go to the third hunter.

Unexpectedly alarmed beasts usually rush in all directions, avoid meetings with hunters and move far.

On such a hunt there must be appropriate clothes: maskhalate, white hat, white mittens.

2.2 Outlook Hunt

As a rule, the main part of the elk licenses is mastered on the cluster hunting. Before starting hunting, it is necessary to check the salary and make sure that the moose on the spot. If everything is in order to decide where to drive moose. It should be guided by the selection of direction by the wind and always chant the moose in the wind so that they cannot teach a person; In general, we must try to drive the moose in the direction where you can assume them would go, for example: drive in the other side, from where they came or to the side, where the forests are drawn. If it happens that the wind blows exactly the side where the moose is impossible to drive, then they should drive them across the wind, but in no case against the wind.

The second condition of hunting salmon - upon arrival at the place where the parking is closely assumed, to leave Krchan as far as possible and prohibit any noise and conversations, while the arrows do not take place on the line. Hunters in turn must keep dead silence - speak signs.

A salary or manager goes forward. The rooms are placed in advance on the snow, therefore, there is nothing to talk. To put the shooters, especially hot and inexperienced, very dangerous: it's only better if the number from the room is about 100 steps and at least 50. The hunter becomes a bush or some cover; Well, if he is dressed in light gray clothes; In a completely clean place, it must need to wear on top of warm clothing. White balachon and cover on the header. Smoking and go from the place strictly prohibited.

When hunters will take place, the salary quietly rolls crypan. If the area allows, the region is divided into two equal halves: one comes from one, the other from the other end of the salary and both converge in the middle. The drive from the contamist becomes close - at a distance of 10 and not further as 50 steps, which depends on the terrain and the number of people. In deep snow, it is better to be limited to a small number of Krichan, but who know how to go skiing. Usually on the left and right wings are especially rapid and knowledgeable. The obligation to observe them in silence until the signal is filed, and so that the signboards do not converge together, i.e. They did not leave their places and did not run on shots from curiosity. Wall flanks are somewhat flex with a semicircle to both sides of the rifle line; In the word, the departed beast surrounded from all sides. The extreme two or three charts should not shout at all, otherwise they can interfere with the first and last arrows numbers. They are allowed to make noise only when the elk will go to them, in order to break the wing.

After placing the Krchan, the salaries enter the salary and in the footsteps reach the parish of the moose. Sometimes moose let's be close, and sometimes rushes from the place, without allowing the salary. Make sure that the moose moved, the salary makes idle shots, watching them to be made at the back of the beast and that he had rushed to the line of hunters. According to the signal shots, the cloud suddenly begins to shout, knocking with beasts, cracking ratchets, shoot with idle charges, by no means taking off the place until the end of the hunt. Moose, puzzled from behind their gamas and shots, go to the line of arrows together, how many were in the salary, each other, stepping the track in the next, - the old ahead. Outlined from the shouting of the clouds runs smooth trot, applies ears, raises his head and wounds the neck in Kadyk ahead.

Shooting moose requires except skill shooting bullets of high exposure and composure. Shoot usually only when the beast or animals will seem against or almost against the number (in order to avoid accidents) and rarely further 50 steps. Moose at first everyone will immediately run away for one number - and, shooting with a sense, you can sow from a double bed of a couple. In addition, in well-maintained hunting circles and societies, for the killed loss, you need to pay a more or less significant fine, and distinguish the female from the young, another comolete male can only be at close range. It is also very important not only to kill the beast, but also not to give him to break through the chain of shooters. From a shot on any of the beasts, the rest immediately break apart, sometimes run along the lines of hunters or return to the salary and run away to the ignition, trying to break through. There is nothing to say that the hunter should not leave his place until the end of the hunting signal is supplied. You should not approach the killed moose shortly after the shot, since in death cramps the beast can kill a person in place.

3 roar hunt

The period when this hunt can usually last last from 1 and to September 30, but the gon of moose, depending on the region and from weather conditions, it can begin earlier and end later than this period. Increasing the temperature in early September to + 25 ° C, as a rule, negatively affects the moose, and the gon can slightly move, in heavy rain and the wind is also hard not possible to extract the moose or hear his moan.

Ghon's places from year to year are usually confined to certain places where the animals come to his beginning. Some females move to "gear sites" for 8-10 km from the center of their summer-autumn habitats. The males are in a state of searching for females and marriage couples can be saved from several hours to 6 days.

Elk is most active early in the morning and late in the evening and often all night, but there are cases when moose roar and day. Elk, located in the hunt and actively looking for a female, this is a terrible animal, his roar and movement at a large distance can resemble the work of the tractor of the trollier and the roar of the bear.

During Gona, the young trees broke the horrors in malice and, without saving, they walk with a loud crac on a dog. However, it is not easy to go to the moose during Goh. Their rumors are well developed, and they can easily hear the inexperienced hunter suitable for them. And already if you disturb the moose, then it's not to get to them. For a successful hunt, you need to be an hour before dawn in those places where signs of Gon Malos are found in advance: broken bushes, stuffed "currents" and fresh traces.

One or together with the Vabelchik (a person who knows how to imitate the voice of the bull) The hunter moves in the grounds, carefully listens and violating in the forest thickener.

The hunter's walk should not be sanging. You need to go, as it were, the goal - firmly putting the leg. Not trouble if under the foot lusters dry bitch; Sometimes such a sound attracts a bull, enraged by the presence of an opponent at its current, and he suddenly may appear in front of the hunter. If the hunter or his friend knows how to mix - to imitate the voice of the bull, - then the occasionally sounds should be given sounds that could produce middle-aged bull. On the moan of such a young rival, not afraid of him, the old bulls go bolder.

This hunt, an exciting hunter with an extraordinary situation, which is an unexpected meeting with an angry bull, which is Grozen and is dangerous, undoubtedly, is extremely sporting interest. When the bull, judging by the sounds, moved to the Wab and suddenly somewhere in the tackling, you need to get lost for a while, and then reversed the dry bitter or, having sneaked to the ground, to file a voice again. And here every second you need to be ready for a rapid faithful shot.

Naturally, on such a hunt it is necessary to be collected, disciplined, cold-blooded, accurate. After all, there were cases when another hunter was approaching the voice of the Vabelshchik and the bullet sent to the too hot hunter was given to him, not a bull. Compliance with precautions - the first and important rule on this hunt.

2.4 Hunting with dogs

To work on the elk, you need a tall, strong, hardy dog, which has good small, wide search, fast running and a ringing, sonic voice. The amateur hunter, before having likes a husky to work on the moose, should think whether it should be done. Since extracting moose can be possible only by permits issued to the area or the team of hunters. It will almost be impossible to hunt well-trained husky trained anima and other game in places where the moose is common, as a dog, finding a trace, will definitely go beyond a major beast. Some huskies, starting working on the moose, do not stop looking for and having small fur animals.

The work of husky husky is that it should find the beast and, skillfully climbing him, delay the hunter's approach or, as they say, put it. If the elk moved and began to leave, the husky silently pursues his side, and not from behind, trying to run ahead and stop again.

Moshi, raised by the dog from the bed during the rest, frighten them very much, go far and put them very hard even an experienced dog. The hunters have noticed that the moose is not so afraid when the husky begins to climb them during the mood, which happens in the morning and evening hours.

Good husky-olosatnitsa, finding the beast, must calmly appear in front of him in 20-25 m and at the beginning it is quietly clogged. From the dog, rushing to the moose rapidly, and even rear, the beast runs away. With a relaxed manner of the climb, the elk ceases to be fed, carefully looks at the dog and from time to time with anger rushes on her, striving to flood and hit the hooves. Like must be a stitch and cautious to dodge the hooves from the blow. Elk after the throw again returns to the previous place. The dog begins to bind more vigorously, carefully approaching closer and causing a greater malice of the beast. So continues until the hunter is suitable enough to produce a good shot. Elk sees badly, but he has a well-developed sense and rumor. Therefore, when approaching the moose, supplied with husky, you need to be taken care, not to make noise and move against the wind.

Animals of different age and sex are not equally reacting to the diving. Worst of all under life are young moose. They are afraid of dogs and run away when it approaches it. For successful hunting, they need an experienced dog, which has mastery of the beast. She must calmly, do not assert the animals, being at a distance of 40-50 m. Young moose is not afraid of such work of dogs and do not run away. Three-four-year animals can leave when marking, but at the same time they are moving unfavorable, with stops. Losies with elms are good, but if the Losenok is scared and run, the uterus follows him. The most good, under like old males, who are not very afraid of dodging, are often angry with dogs and, rushing at them, seek to knock and flood. The voice of the husky should be rude, but strong, innovative. From dogs with piercing Lights, moose escape more often.

Laika, working on the moose, should have a quick move and be viscous. The wider walks the dog in the taiga, the better. The viscosity of the moose rapes is amazing. There are cases when huskies were in the taiga near the beast to three days. Behind the stronal elk, an experienced husky is not chased by footprint, and trying to hold him on a complete mahos. All the huskies run behind Else silently until he stops.

Best of all stand under the like males during the Gon. Sawn at this time is quite fierce and often not only do not run away, but with angrily chasing their dogs. Likes are very rarely found, which can be "dead" to put any messenger moose. It is usually quite large, strong, jumping dogs with a powerful grip. Pursuing the outgoing moose on the side, they jump from time to time and make a strong painful grip for the face. After several such grop, the elk stops and only defends. The beast is afraid to move from the scene, understanding that it will instantly subjected to a cruel attack.

On the moose with husky hunt in Chernotrop and in the small snow. This method of hunting stops when an in-depth snow cover begins to limit the movement and maneuver of the dog. In such conditions, Elk can flood it and kill with hooves.

5 pranks

Having considered the most common ways to hunt the moose, briefly touch the question of podrangers. Many people think that the moose very strong on the wound, but the opinion is not quite true; It has developed from the fact that the wounded moose is usually beginning to pursue immediately. You can only kill him, you can only get into the chest, under the blade or in the neck near the withers, but elk, wounded in the stomach or ass, if it is not disturbed, mostly goes for 2-4 kilometers, it falls and expires blood, so that another day It will not be easy to find a trail or dogs. If he is pursued at the end of the hunt, then he can leave for 8-20 kilometers. From the rear back or the front foot, the elk leaves much further and then without a dog can not be hoped to stop it and shoot it. For these purposes, it is necessary to keep in hunting farms of beast dogs, mainly racks specially prepared for the persecution and detention of animals that are injured. Cultural sports hunting on a major beast is not unthinkable without such dogs. It should be borne in mind also that the wounded elk is often rushed to the hunter and can flood it.

An experienced hunter will always be able to determine whether the beast is injured and wherever. If the bullet hit the coat in the leg, the front or rear, then there is a lot of red blood; If the bullet falls into the chest and comes in the inside - blood comes from the wound in a small amount, bided and dark color. Intestinal blood is almost black, together with the feces and also in small quantities. If blood splashes on both sides of the trace, then the wound of severe and the bullet passed through the beast; But if the drift on one side means stopped in the beast. More severe wounds are considered to be such when a bullet, hitting the beast in one side, will not reach the other and stop under the skin. These wounds are much harder through, because in recent blood flows freely, does not bake inside the beast, and, therefore, makes him relief.

The most faithful sign of severe wounds is when the beast will have blood throats (blood on all trail, pieces, almost black color), which depends on the damage to the main internal organs. On the lyried beast, it is not difficult to know the place where the bullet got, because the blood came out of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he means on the bed to the place where it was he was injured, - it's only to recognize how the beast lay, and it is not difficult for a little experienced, but Anxious hunter. But in order to find out the color of the blood, where the bullet fell, you need to have a great practice and have good experience.

6 Precautions when hunting moose

The general rule for any kind of hunting for the moose, it is not to shoot on an unclearly visible goal, on the rustle and on the exhaust distances, to ensure that the rifles do not get dirt or snow in the trunks. Before charging a gun, check the channels of the trunks, after a defective shot, make sure that the trunk did not stay. Fucking the cartridge remove carefully so that it does not happen a random shot with an unlucky rifle. Never, even uncharged, let it open or with a reserved shutter, a guns do not direct on people or pets. Unknown cartridge Do not attempt to drive into the chamber, with a force closing a gun, a calibration ring will help here. Do not use choppers in semi-automatic cartridges, if the head part of the bullet goes for the rolling dimensions. The collected rifle on the shoulder wears the barrel. At the privala, do not leave the cartridges in the gun when the company is going to keep not only discharged, but also better open or with allotted shutters.

On clouded hunting for the elk rifle, it is necessary to charge only on the room. His place to designate a neighbor on the left and right. Determine the shooting and limit shots in advance. Shot of the floor of the rifle line - a gross violation, bordering the crime. If the beast went to the hunter so that it will have to shoot at an angle less than 40 degrees in relation to the number of the numbers, then skip the beast behind the arrow line and make a shot into the hijacking. As soon as the signboards approach the numbers or the team "Fub" - a rifle should be discharged.

Individual hunting for the moose, especially when in the footsteps, we close the moose and you need to be ready all the time to the shot, the gun has to keep charged all the time, and here you need to be especially careful not to produce a random shot. Overcoming obstacles or thickets, cover with the palm of the trigger and descents, even if the jurisans are on the fuse, and discharge the gun and, as it came out, goes up. If the gun is charged, then keep it in your hands. In winter, use special frost-resistant lubricants or wipe the mechanism dry, and the "semi-automatic" follow the snow to the shutter. Do not put a gun with a frost in warmth without a cover, and if visiting the room briefly, it is better to leave a gun in the wood in the cold. Heaven in warmth, the gun is covered with moisture, in the cold there is a crust of ice, which can cause the trunk breaking, it happens more often with combined guns having quite thin-walled rifle trunks.

3. Responsibility for illegal hunting

Poaching - illegal hunting or illegal extraction of animals and plants is a mercenary crime in the field of nature conservation. The crime committed against wildlife is characterized as a socially dangerous guilty impact on the natural resource, expressed in its capture, excretion, destruction, extermination, damage or damage.

Criminal liability entails a hunting without proper permit or in prohibited places, within the prohibited period, forbidden tools or methods. Responsibility for these actions is provided for by Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "illegal hunting". Part 1 of this article states that if illegal hunting was performed:

a) with causing major damage;

b) with the use of a mechanical vehicle or aircraft, explosives, gases or other methods of mass destruction of birds and animals;

c) in relation to birds and animals, the hunt for which is completely prohibited;

d) on the territory of the reserve, the reserve or in the environmental disaster zone or in the zone of an emergency environmental situation, then in this case the illegal hunt is punished with a fine of 40 to 500 minimum wages or in the amount of wages, or another income convicteder for the period from Two to five months. Punishment may be in the form of correctional work for up to 2 years, or arrest for a period of 4 to 5 months.

In Part 2, it is said that the illegal hunt committed by a person using his official position, or a group of persons on a preliminary conspiracy, or an organized group, shall be punished with a fine of 500 to 700 minimum wages or in the amount of wages, or other income convicteder for the period from 5 to 7 months. In these cases, illegal hunting can also be punished with imprisonment for up to 2 years without the right to occupy certain positions for up to 3 years (after serving) or without such a restriction.

When hunting for animals and birds, it is completely forbidden to hunt, hunting, hunting, hunting on the territory of the reserve and hunting with the use of automobiles, criminal liability comes regardless of whether the guilty previously was attracted for violating the rules of hunting for administrative responsibility.

The list of animals and birds, to hunt for which is completely forbidden, is given in the position of hunting and hunting. This prohibition applies to all CIS countries, and, in accordance with the features of the fauna of each of the countries, it is complemented by a list of protected animals living in the territory where prohibition operates.

The question of the recognition of damage is solved by the number of extracted animals and birds, their value on the established taxation and for other circumstances. Under major damage caused by illegal hunt, a large number of killed animals or birds are understood as the destruction of valuable or large animals: bison, moose, deer, beobra river. Increased responsibility also entails hunting for any animals on the territory of the reserve, which is considered as a condition aggravating.

Great harm to the animal world is able to hunt with the use of automobiles (cars, tractors, engine boats, boats, etc.). When using these means for tracking, persecution and wild animal mining itself, poachers can destroy animals at considerable territories in a huge amount. Often, the car or boats are equipped with poachers with special spotlights for blinding animals at night. For the use of vehicles during illegal hunt, the responsibility comes in the event that they are not simply used for movement, but for tracking, persecution and extraction of animals (deposition, hitting animals, shooting on the go, etc.).

Violations of the rules of hunting, entailing criminal liability, are deliberately accomplished. The poacher is aware that he is engaged in hunting with a violation of the established rules and consciously goes to it. The illegal hunt, admitted by negligence, entails administrative responsibility (for example, a hunter with a ticket for the right of hunting in a certain farm inadvertently mined the beast in another farm or exceeded the Norm of shooting the game, killing one shot of several birds).

Usually, the illegal hunt is committed in order to take possession of prey and use it for its own benefit. However, cases of poaching, when the killing of an animal is committed in a state of hunting "excitement" - just for the sake of acute sensations. In such cases, the guilty is also attracted by an article for illegal hunting. If the meaningless destruction of animals is made from hooligan motivations, the criminals are already attracted by the article for hooliganism. A special danger is a group poaching. In such cases, poachers distribute roles among themselves, agree on guns and methods for conducting illegal hunting, and ways to conceal consequences. Not only those who directly mined wild animals are involved in such cases, or provided it, but those who have promised to hide traces of a crime in advance. For responsibility, those who pre-agreed on the acquisition of mining or part of it (meat, skins, etc.), knowing that it will be produced by a poaching way.

Administrative recovery is correctional work or a fine. These punishment measures are appointed by the court in the event that the poaching is part of a single nature and has not caused significant damage. At the same time, it happens that these types of punishment are unreasonably applied to malicious poachers. In Russia, criminals are also often exposed to administrative recovery. There is an unlawful replacement for criminal responsibility to administrative.

The share of violation of the rules of fisheries (part 1 of article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is great in all regions and is an average of 46 percent. The proportion of violations committed in collusion by the Group or using the official position (see below, part 3 of Article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is less and is 26 percent. Criminally punished cases of illegal hunting more (part 1 of article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This is due primarily to the best protection of hunting grounds. Crimes in part 3 of article 256 of the Criminal Code and Part 2 of Article 258 of the Criminal Code, similar to aggravating features, constitute approximately equal shares from all violations from administrative proceedings.

Applying the punishment for illegal hunting, the courts also sentence the confiscation of criminal production, rifles and other hunting tools. These are the vehicles, if they were used when hunting - to track or persecution for the purpose of mining (slaughter) of wild animals.


Moose is animals with a unique hearing. They are not only able to hear the hunter for a kilometer, but also unmistakably determine, this is a person or other forest resident.

It should be noted that in many places the extraction of Elk was forbidden. For this reason, Loss still do not have a special fear of a person and shoot this animal is not much difficult. But with the beginning of an intense shooting, the habits of Else immediately change, they completely change the model of their behavior and during this period they are difficult to even see. Therefore, when hunting for moose is often organized by corrugated hunting.

When shooting in the moose, its slaughter places should be known: it should be shooting in the neck, head and front of the body. When hunting for moose, 9 millimeters caliber carbines are used or if the shooting is made at close range (no more than 50 meters), smooth-bore weapons with factory-made bullets.

We should never forget that this animal moose is extremely strong on the wound. There were cases when hunters, considering that it was deadly wounded, came to a rapid animal and, fed, received a powerful kick. And yet: if the elk presses the ears, it is dangerous to approach it. He is either scared or angry. Hunting the salmon is best after falling out of the snow. During this period, they are easier to track and easier to detect podrance. But according to Chernotrotrop, it is best to have dogs that help persecute moose and find a wounded animal.


Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. Order No. 512 "On Approval of Hunting Rules" .- November 16, 2010

Konstantinov Y. Hunting on Los.- M., 2005: // // // // /://\u003d2207&print\u003dTrue.


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