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How to prepare structured living water. Is it possible to drink water from under the tap? How to make water tap water? Is it possible to drink holy water every day

Holy water is a shrine that is present in the house of a believer man. It is gained in the temples after prayer and sanctification and carefully use for needs.

All Orthodox sincere believe that the holy liquid helps with diseases, treacherous invasion of the dark forces and removing sins. Pouring housing, lubricating sick places and taking inside - every time the wonderful properties of water are manifested.

Respectative attitude and proper storage is the key to a long ministry of freshly lively moisture.

Holy water is a gift given by the Lord and the attitude towards it should be special. By gaining consecrated water, you must follow the following rules:

  • The liquid container must be purely washed and without stickers.
  • You should not recruit a large amount of water. The inclined moisture is considered to be "imprisonment of shrines" and may lose healing properties. When lacking can always be gained in any nearby temple on any day of the year.
  • Getting and giving out holy water, it is forbidden to squander or quarrel. Branj destroys faith and a prayer of the aspecting Christian.
  • Use for fortune telling and holding magic rituals.

To preserve the miraculous properties, the liquid vessel is tightly closed with a lid, store near home icons and do not allow the capacity of the solar rays.

Truly, the use of holy water is limitless with careful and deliberate use. And yet there are rules that can be done with holy water, and what is impossible.

How to use it

Watering in room colors

You can not use liquid for watering colors. Consecrated water with proper use and reverence is able to maintain the best properties for a long time.

However, if, with long-term storage, the water changed the color or an unpleasant smell appeared, then the question commensurately arises in front of the parishioner, and is it possible to pour indoor plants or flowers?

The clergymen favorably give permission to utilize the water in this way. If there are no plants in the house, then the remnants of water can be poured a tree or shrub on the territory of the church.

Permissible to put water on the floor?

Agiasma is the same shrine as an icon or other church attribute and requires proper respect. Floor or land is considered a place where a sinner can pass and if you put a vessel on the floor, the water can be desecrated and lose the healing effect. Before a set of moisture, we should consider where to put the container on arrival home without resorting to the installation on the floor. If the action is forced and briefly, it is permissible. The only place where you can put the dishes with water to the floor are the temple.

Medication and water

Do not drink medicine with holy water. The sick people will believe that drinking medicinal products with sanctified water, the effect of the tablets is enhanced, and the disease will quickly and inevitably retreat.

The priests on the question is whether it is possible to drink a medicine of the Aguisma, they answer that there is no strict prohibition on the action, as there is no consent.

Of course, if at the time of the adoption of the medication will not be at hand of ordinary water, the foulation of holy water is not considered blasphemy. But if there is a choice, then do not combine medical preparations and shrine.

Dilution of holy water ordinary

As a large amount of holy fluid in the temple, a person is automatically made by the hostage superstition that magical power is concluded in the water and it is not thinking that every drop is full of prayer and is the blessing of God.

Dilute holy water is not rebiring and just welcome, If a person needs to eat the Aguiams. It is enough to bring a small clik of water from the temple in a small capacity and at home, with a prayer, add to ordinary water, it will immediately acquire miraculous properties. But the right advantage will be a regular visit to the church and receiving new consecrated water.

Application to animals: can or not?

Sin drink animals with sanctified water. The Saint Scripture says that animals cannot be touched by the shrine. therefore feeding pets with holy water is prohibited. However, if the animal threatens a deadly disease, and the owner relies on the best outcome, then a few drops of added to the main drink will not be superfluous.

But, by the way, the animal will not be able to evaluate the good fluid, and only the owner's belief will help defeat the disease. The sprinkling of pets of the lively moisture is not prohibited. The combination of prayers from diseases and the sprinkling of holy water will be removed by the pet from the misfortune.

Using Agiasma when cleaning

Washing floors with sanctified water is prohibited Walking the legs after cleaning is considered to be defiled. Application when washing various surfaces is also not permissible. The dwelling is permitted and if the moisture in the process falls to the floor, then there is no sin. If the water container fell and shed to the floor, then moisture is collected by a clean napkin, pressed into another dishes or water flowers or poured into flow water.

Consecration of the Cross House

The best protection of the Orthodox is the cross consecrated by the spiritual person in the temple. But if you need an immediate patronage, then the cross can be consecrated independently. To carry out holy water and prayer before the icon about the help of the Lord.

Cooking for holy water

Food add shrine is prohibited. Adding a shrine in food or in tea is unacceptable And it is considered a sin.

No need to combine the desire to turn to God, and fill the stomach.

Sanctified water is designed to get rid of spiritual, not worldly problems.

Permissible sprinkling of food with prayer, faith and gratitude.

Holy Water Bath

Use a car to take a bath is prohibited For the hitting of shrines in wastewater is considered a disrespectful attitude. The ablution in the Holy Water, in the hope of absolving sins, will not bring the result, only faith and sincere repentance can clean a person. But wetting the body of holy water after taking a bath with ordinary water is allowed. Small number applied to the palm, you can wash your face and chest.

Can I sanctify the rifle with holy water?

From the point of view of logic, the consecration of the weapon is unacceptable, because to kill sin. But from the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, sanctification is allowed and regarded as a means of forced struggle against evil. A rifle stored in the house is sanctified to protect households From the possible attack of robbers.

Sale: benefit or sin?

Pay for holy water is considered blasphemy. This is the gift of God and gives it free. But if the shipping of the shrine took cash spending, then you can compensate the spent and call it a donation.

Is it possible to give holy water from home, share or give someone else's people?

Giving part of the holy water to an unfamiliar person, but you need to be firmly confident that moisture will be used in useful and not containing evil thoughts of affairs.

Boil and freezing

Freezing is not required. Water becomes consecrated after reading the priest of special prayers and immersion of the cross. After that, the fluid is filled with God's grace, cleaned from every negative and retains freshness and miraculous properties for a long time. Therefore, boiling is not required.

Store water in the refrigerator is not necessary, It is defiled by lying nearby products. Also not subject to freezing. Under the influence of low temperatures, the water changes the structure and loses healing qualities, and after the thawing quickly comes into disrepair.

What to do with unused

Where to pour holy water? Sometimes it happens that, and man fears to use it inside. Then the remnants of the water pour into place are far from unclean. Pour to the path where people or animals go, in the sewer - it is impossible! This is extreme disrespect for the shrine. A permissible place to drain unsuitable moisture is the river With the current, outdoor reservoir, tree with a temple, indoor plants.

Consecration of water is a great sacrament. It makes it possible to return to pristine clean and get closer to the Lord. Using holy water man, heals the soul and body.

There is a lot of quite reliable household filters for water purification, which solve the problem. This filters for drinking water, which are embedded in the sink, tap nozzle, jug filters, installations for the preservation of water in the entire apartment. But when the filter failed, and the problem must be solved at least for a while, we remember simpler methods for cleaning tap water.


Chlorinated tap water is unpleasant to taste and smell. But chlorination is necessary to neutralize microorganisms present in the water. To neutralize the microorganisms present in the water, it is chlorized. It is not recommended to drink chlorinated water, chlorine has the ability to accumulate in the body and during boiling forms very harmful chemical compounds. It is possible to neutralize the effect of chlorine by settling water. Just pour tap water into a large container and leave for 7-8 hours. The impurities of heavy metals and chlorine compounds will be destroyed during this time. Important! Use for drinking and food you need ¾ outstanding water, waste residue.

Ice filter

A simple method of preparation of melt water at home is suitable for those who have a spacious freezer. Cold water in plastic bottles must be placed in the freezer and wait until approximately half of it freeze. In the middle of the volume there remains not frozen water, which is poured. The ice is thawing and used for drinking. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis method of water purification is that it first freezes clean water, and most impurities remain in solution. Even the sea ice mainly consists of fresh water, despite the fact that it is formed on the surface of the salt water branch. It is important to know: you can use only the water from which the transparent ice is obtained. If the ice looks muddy, the water from it is saturated with harmful substances. Therefore, defrosting and drinking doctors recommend only transparent pure ice. Melt water from it is very useful for the skin, so you can actively use it for washing.

Enrichment of silicon

Silicon has strong bactericidal properties, in fact it is the best natural water filter, but here is the question - where to get it? Silicon can be bought in some pharmacies or order in the online store. Its cost is not large - 230-250 rubles for 150. In addition, silicon also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, contributes to improving metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract organs, preventing pathologies to the emergence of pathologies contributes to the rapid removal of slags , toxins, carcinogens and other harmful substances. Before the first time to use silicon, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly with its flowing water, then pour water and insist 2-3 days. It is necessary to drink small portions, not less than 2-3-glasses per day. Periodically (1 time per week) crystals need to rinse from the resulting plaque.

Cleaning activated coal

Activated coal is part of household bulk filters for water purification. This is an effective water purifier, after the use of which tap water becomes more pleasant to the taste and smell. Since coal absorbs almost all harmful substances in tap water. To clear the water using activated carbon, you need to put a homemade filter on a tank or gauze bag filled with a tissue or gauze bag filled with activated carbon - powder, granulated or in tablets (tablets pre-grind). True, such an improvised filter cannot be used for a long time, it requires replacement in a few days.

Silver cleansing

The ions contained in silver are actively cleaned water. Silver has bactericidal properties, so you can pour water into a large glass container, put the silver object (with 999 breakdown) inside and give water to stand 8-10 hours. The only thing is not recommended to drink only such water, silver - silver toxins are capable of accumulating, creating a surplus of silver in the body, which can lead to a violation of metabolism.

Photo: Seasons. Agency / Jalag / Wrage, Götz, Fotoimedia / Ingram.

Water from the tap is considered safe, but many still prefer to "progress" - install additional filters for water or boil it before use. Find out how safe the fluid that you drink can only be in the laboratory. However, some signs of poor-quality water can be defined on the eye and due to the olfactory and taste receptors.

What is bad in the water from the crane?

Drinking water from under the tap is undesirable, and sometimes even dangerous. There are too many chloride compounds in it. According to regulations, chlorine should be up to 0.5 milligrams per liter of water. Such a number is considered safe for humans and at the same time effective in combating bacteria and microbes.

Water water can be mixed with sewage. According to the Russian Association of Water Supply and Water Management, the wear of water supply systems in Russia is approximately 58%. Sewage and plumbing pipes are laid nearby, in some boxes, and they can make it so much that by opening the crane, you will see how driving water. It is categorically impossible to drink.

In addition, the quality of tap water depends on its rigidity - the amount of calcium and magnesium salts, as well as impurities of iron and other minerals.

Do not drink tap water if:

Water muddy;

- If the shade is greenish, rusty, yellowish or any other;

- if the filter with a replaceable pressing cassette (perhaps it is associated with the belt of pipes and, as a result, in the water in the water rust and iron);

- in water a specific smell;

- After the water sat down, you see a rich sediment;

- Water has an unpleasant taste.

How to clean water at home?

The quality of drinking water can be improved at home in several ways:

Settlement. You need to pour water from under the tap in the glass dishes and to defend for six - seven hours. From the water during this time, impurities of heavy metals and chlorine connections will be destroyed.

- Filtering. Skip water through any filter. It can be a filter jug \u200b\u200bwith a replaceable cassette, nozzle for a crane and a filter on cold water.

- Boil. Use an ordinary kettle for boiling water, and not electric: water will drop slower, but the scale will be much smaller. To purify simple boiling more than enough.

- ABOUT silver reading. Even the usual silver spoon, lowered to the water tank, can improve its properties.

- Cleaning activated carbon. Activated coal is applied in a variety of different filters. It is enough to hold coal in water for 12 hours so that the water becomes purified.

In which countries it is possible, and in which one can not drink water from under the tap?

There are many states where the quality of water is followed throughout the water cycle. For example, chlorine is absolutely not used in Holland, and in Austria or Switzerland without chlorine about 90 percent of drinking water.

In Finland, you can also drink water straight from the tap. On the sewage treatment plants, it is treated with iron sulfate, then exposed only to the effects of ozone for disinfection.

In France, water is also treated with ozone, passed through sand filters, then they are omitted again and cleaned with filters with granulated activated carbon. The authorities provide tax breaks to those who cope with water purification is better than all.

In Italy, drink water is not only from under the tap, but even from the fountain on the street. The quality of water in the country is tested regularly.

The highest standards apply to tap water in Germany. Contemporary cleaning facilities have been installed throughout the country.

The non-profit organization annually publishes the list of countries where it is not recommended to drink water from under the tap. The top three most dangerous countries includes Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Chad. It is not the best things in Ghana, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, India and Haiti.

For residents of modern megacols, distilled water became more accessible - it is prepared in household distillers. For which such water is needed, what kind of advantages and disadvantages, what properties it has - such questions arise from those who are interested in a healthy lifestyle.

The effect of water purified by the distiller, the body causes many questions, rumors, speculations. Naturopaths argue that it is unusually useful, can work wonders and keep youth. Another extreme in judgments about such water is that it is worn out of the body all useful, contributes to the destruction of the teeth, bones, etc. Truth is most likely located somewhere in the middle, it still has to be established by further reasoning.

Water, purified from various impurities, has special physical properties, other acidity and is a magnificent solvent.

Without it, no chemical laboratory is required. It finds use in many spheres of human activity.

Otherwise, this is ordinary water. She pours into the head of people from the sky during the rain, part of all juicy fruits and vegetables, glitters on the grass of dew droplets in the morning. For industrial purposes, such water is obtained on special installations or with the help of household distillers.

Properties and chemical composition

Purified from impurities and salts The water is still not absolutely clean. It dissolves atmospheric gases. Due to carbon dioxide, the pH of water is in the range of 5.5 - 6.5, the medium reaction is weakly acidic. Such a liquid is easily heated above the boiling point and is cooled below the freezing point.

The water purified by the distiller cannot be an electric current conductor. If this statement is not confirmed by checking the purchased water, it means that there are unacceptable impurities.

According to GOST, distilled water must comply with certain indicators.

Let them in the table:

Chemical elementMass concentration rate
ammonia and ammonium salts (NH 4), mg / dm 30,02
nitrates (KO 3), mg / dm 30,2
sulfates (SO 4), mg / dm 30,5
chlorides (SL), mg / dm 30,02
aluminum (AL), mg / dm 30,05
iron (FE), mg / dm 30,05
calcium (CA), mg / dm 30,8
copper (CU), mg / dm 30,2
lead (PB),%,0,05
zinc (Zn), mg / dm 30,2
substances restoring KMNO 4 (O), mg / dm 30,08

Is it possible to drink distilled water

The most useful water, which is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach - distilled. At night, the body was intensively recovered after the past working day. Drinking water will help remove slag dissolved in the blood. Since the distilled water does not contain salts, it is an excellent solvent.

  • If you drink water in a cold form, the main purification of blood will give kidney. The intestinal peristalsis will also work, due to the low fluid temperature.
  • If you drink a warm liquid, the intestinal peristalsist will not work, but the excretory ability of the skin and lungs is activated. A greater amount of water with slags dissolved in it will be released by this way.

Distilled water is beautiful in purification, but throughout the day it is impossible to use it.

It should only fall in an empty stomach, otherwise the digestion will break. Before eating, distilled water can be drunk no later than 1 hour.

During sports, water is actively lost. The feeling of thirst after exercise says that blood is too thick, the heart is hard to work. But drinking during classes is impossible. There will be a sharp increase in blood volume, the heart will get too much load.

You can only drink after a small rest when the initial state of the pulse is restored. To improve performance, before classes and after them, it is better to drink alkaline water, instead of distilled.

Cooking at home

Distilled water, purified from all impurities, is obtained using a special apparatus - an aquadistillator. It, thanks to the steamer, turns ordinary water to distillate. Usually for the preparation of 1 l of distilled water, 1 hour is needed.

To prepare a distillate, it is advisable to buy spring water or use the transmitted via the food filter - then the distiller will last longer. If you have to take water from under the tap, it must pre-stand 1 day.

If you wondered how to make distilled water at home, then take a couple of simple "recipes":

  • The easiest option is to score clean water during the rain. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to do this in the city, because the air is contaminated by the exhaust cars and the smoke of factory pipes.
  • The second simple option is to use steam condensation on the lid during boiling. To do this, pour half the water pan, put it on fire, put an empty bowl of refractory glass or stainless steel inside. Safder cover with an inverted lid. And to put ice on top on the lid. While boiling water steam will be condensed on the surface of the lid and drip in a bowl, placed in a saucepan. After half an hour, an empty bowl is filled with a small amount of distilled water.

Sphere of using distilled water

Distilled water is widely used in various spheres of human activity:

  • for medical equipment;
  • in pharmacy;
  • in production;
  • in cosmetology;
  • during the operation of household appliances;
  • in cars.

Any hostess knows that the steam iron and humidifier will last longer if the distilled water is pouring into it. And the motorist constantly buys distillate for the battery of his car.

Therefore, we first consider the positive properties of distilled water, purified from all harmful:

  • the composition of such water is identical to the one that is contained in plant cells of juicy fruits;
  • it has no excess of mineral salts, poorly digested by the body;
  • it displays the slags from the body;
  • quenching thirst;
  • there is no taste and smell.

Drinking in the morning on an empty stomach distilled water - what is it? Fortunately for the health of the body, as many people were convinced. It improves metabolism, stimulates cellular breathing. It remarks all the toxins contained in the blood and derives them from the body.

However, there is such water and its cons.

According to the physicians, falling into the body, it can cause stress, poorly absorbed by cells, it becomes the cause of other negative processes:

  • increased acidity of water does not allow to maintain the desired acid-alkaline balance in the body;
  • the distillation process takes a long time, requires special equipment;
  • incorrect use of distilled water can increase the load on the cardiovascular system, worsen the operation of the stomach.

On the quality of purified water affects what machine is used to receive it. Cooked in a cheap distiller, not intended for nutritional purposes, water can have an unpleasant taste. Interestingly, the moonshine apparatus is also a kind of distiller.

Without distilled water, it is difficult to imagine modern society, its benefits in industrial production and everyday life are indisputable. And alleged harm to the body can only manifest with ignorance. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of physiological processes, do not drink water during physical exertion or meals. It is desirable to fill the balance of mineral salts in the body. But even when using ordinary drinking water, the reception of vitamin and mineral complexes is needed.

It can be concluded that distilled water is the most common, without harmful impurities. It can only harm in ignorance, and useful not only in industrial, technical and forgoing purposes, but also in food.

Differs from conventional water or bottled. But many it may seem that for the preparation of living water with miraculous properties, special, complex equipment is needed. Such equipment is designed by scientists, but we can completely do without it. Prepare living water is not difficult and at home. The main thing is to pre-give it to stand at least half an hour in open dishes to destroy chlorine. If the water clearly smells a chlorine, then it is necessary to defend longer. If water in your area is not chlorized, but fluorinates, it is impossible to use it to prepare structured water, you will have to buy drinking water in bottles and carry out all further operations with it.

Here are some ways that are the best of them, decide for yourself.

Cooking live water at home

1. It is frozen in the refrigerator the usual raw water supply water. Fill the pan by putting it in the freezer on a piece of cardboard or plywood sheet. After the water completely frozen, we give it to melting at ordinary room temperature. You can take a plastic bottle, but it is necessary to fill it only by 80%, since when freezing the ice is expanding greatly, and the bottle can burst. For the same reason, it is impossible to freeze water in glass dishes, it bursts, even if it is not covered, verified. Moreover, I also burst with plastic containers for storing products. I freeze water in 2 liter plastic containers from under the Norwegian ice cream, covered, but not closing tightly. Very comfortably. After defrosting, such water can already be drunk, but to be treated with water, or lose weight with water, this is not enough.

2. This method completely removes deuterium. We do everything, as in the first case, but at the beginning of the freezing of water, you need to remove the fully appearing flap of ice. In her deuterium, he freezes before. After freezing the bulk of water, you need to rinse under running cold water frozen piece. It should be transparent because the most harmful impurities from the ice surface are removed. Then you can melt the whole ice and drink the Tluu "live" water.

3. Heat to 94-96 degrees you need the amount of water. Before the first signs of boiling, we remove the saucepan and cool the water sharply, then freeze, then we thaw. In this way, the prepared water passes as if the phases of the usual natural circulation: evaporation, cooling, freezing, melting. And although this method is much more complicated, such water is useful especially - rich in extraordinary internal energy. I have not tried to apply this method, just read about him.

4. In this method of water, in addition to the acquisition of a characteristic structure, but becomes cleaner from many impurities and salts. To do this, we withstand it in the freezer until more than three quarters of the volume of water leaves. In the middle of the container, unlocked water will remain, to pour out, pushing a gently from a metal object with a metal object, laminated on fire. The remaining ice should melt. The time required for freezing your container can be installed experimentally. It can range from 6 to 16 hours. My 2-liter container freezes this condition about 12 hours. The meaning of these manipulations is as follows: Clean water freezes faster, the bulk of unnecessary compounds is slower, so all dirt accumulates in the center and is in solution.

I used this method while we had an old rusty water supply. In the center of the ice piece, black mud flakes were swam, which there was no visible in the frozen water.

I also want to say about the subject you will prick of the ice. I use a heated spoon, since the sharp objects of the type of knife or sewn are not recommended to be applied, because they carry the energy of aggression and destruction, and we need to restore health, and not destroy it.

5. To get a better effect, apply double cleansing. We give water to stand, then freeze. We remove the first thin forming ice layer, in which there are quickly freezing harmful connections. Next, re-frozen, by three quarters of the whole volume, and remove the remaining unlocked fraction of water. We obtain significantly cleaner and structured water.

Here five ways to prepare water structuring. Choose suitable.

Talu water should be used immediately after melting ice. It is possible to prepare food on it, however, when heated, the healing properties are loss. In any case, such water is substantially cleaner simple filtered, and if you have a freezer camera, in which water is placed and for drinking, and for cooking, I can only congratulate you.

How much live water drink daily?

For a drink, a person needs not less than 30 ml per one kg of body weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, then you should drink daily at least 1.8 liters of clean living water, without any impurities and additives.

Such live water is ideal for drinking and maintaining good health. What to do next to frozen and outlined water so that it acquires the healing properties necessary for weight loss and getting rid of health problems, tell you in the next article.