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How is the confession in the Church of the Orthodox. What words to start confession to the father? Confusion

Is it time for us to learn how to confess? - Employees of the Portal "Orthodox life" in the confessor of the Kiev spiritual schools, a teacher of the KDU of Archimandrite Markell (Pavukha) asked the KDA.

Photo: Boris Gurevich

- A large number of people do not know what to repent. Many go to confession and are silent, waiting for leading questions from priests. Why is it going on and what do you need to repent of Orthodox Christian?

- Usually people do not know what to repent, for several reasons:

1. They are scattered life (busy thousands of business), and they have no time to do, look into their soul and see what's wrong there. There are 90% of such people in our time, if not more.

2. Many have an overpriced self-esteem, that is, proud, and therefore they are more inclined to notice and condemn other sins and disadvantages than their own.

3. There are neither parents nor teachers nor priests taught what and how to repent.

And the Orthodox Christian should be repeated first of all in what the conscience refuses. The confession is best building for the Ten Commandments of God. That is, during the confession, at first we need to talk about what we were sinned against God (it could be the sins of disbelief, a small, superstition, jugby, oaths), then repent of sins against the neighbors (an urgency, inattention to parents, disobedience, deception, Cunning, condemnation, anger against near, dislike, arrogance, pride, vanity, misfortune, theft, seduction of others on sin, fornication, etc.). I advise you to familiarize yourself with the book "To help entering", compiled by St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov). In the work of the elder John Peasteankin, a sample of confession to the Ten Commandments of God is presented. Focusing on these works, you can make up your informal confession.

- How detailed you need to talk about your sins for confession?

- It all depends on the degree of your repentance in sins. If a person in his heart gained determination more to one or another sin not to return, he tries to pull him out with the root and therefore describes everything to the smallest details. And if a person is formally, it turns out something like: "I sinned the case, a word, a crush." Exception of this rule is the sins of Blud. In this case, you do not need to describe details. If the priest feel that a person is indifferent even to such sins, then there may be additional questions, so that at least a little such person to heal and hang on true repentance.

- If you do not feel ease after confession, what does this mean?

"It may say that there was no genuine repentance, the confession was accomplished without giving a heartfelt, but only a formal listing of sins with reluctance to change his life and no longer sin. True, sometimes the Lord does not give the feeling of lightness immediately, so that the person does not start and immediately did not fell into the same sins. Easyness also does not immediately come, if a person confesses the solar, deeply rooted sins in it. To easily come, it is necessary to shed a lot of tears of repentance.

- If there were confessions on the evening, and after the service managed to sin, do you need to go in the morning to confession?

- If it is a prodigal sins, anger or drunkenness, then you must repent once again to repent and even ask the priest to the Epitimia, in order not to make the former sins so quickly. If the sins of another kind (condemnation, laziness, multi-climb) are made, then during the evening or morning prayer rule, sincerely, forgiveness from the Lord for admitted to the provinces, and in the next confession to confess them.

"If I forgot to mention some sin to confess, and then after a while I remembered him if I need to approach the priest again and talk about it?"

"If there is such an opportunity and a priest is not very busy, he will even rejoice at your diligence, and if there is no such possibility, then you need to write this sin to remember him again, and during the next confession to repent of it.

- How to learn to see your sins?

- The person begins to see his pre-sacraments when she ceases to condemn other people. In addition, see your disigma, as the reverend Simeon writes the New Theologian, teaches the careful performance of the commandments of God. While the person performs one, and the other neglects, he will not be able to feel what kind of sins of his soul are applied.

- What to do with a sense of shame to confession, with the desire to sharpen, hide your sin? Will this hidden sin be forgiven God?

- Shame on confession is a natural feeling that indicates that a person is alive in his conscience. Worse, when there is no shame. But the main thing is that the shame does not reduce our confession to formality, when we confess, and another hide. It is unlikely that the Lord will have such confession. Yes, and each priest always feels when a person hides something and formalizes his confession. For him, this child ceases to be expensive, so for which he is always hard to pray. And, on the contrary, regardless of the severity of sin, the deeper the repentance, the more the priest rejoices behind the smoking. Not only a priest, but also angels in the sky are rejoicing for a genuinely familiar person.

- Do you need to profess the sin that you will absolutely do in the near future? How to hate sin?

- Holy Fathers teach that the biggest sin is an unknown sin. Even if we do not feel the strength to combat sin, you still need to resort to the sacrament of repentance. With God's help, if not immediately, then gradually we will be able to defeat the sin rooted in us. But you do not need to overestimate yourself. If we are doing the right spiritual life, we will never be able to feel completely sinless. The fact is that we all are consistently, that is, very easy to fall into all sorts of sins, no matter how many times we are nearing them. Each our confession is a kind of shower (sauna) for the soul. If we constantly care about the purity of your body, then you must take care of your soul cleanliness, which is much more expensive than the body. So, no matter how many times we have sinned, you should not run to confession. And if a person is not dirty in repeating sins, they will entail other, more serious princes. For example, someone got used to the trifles all the time to deceive. If he does not repeat in this, then in the end can not only be deceived, but also to betray other people. Remember what happened to Jew. He first unnoticed the money from the donation box, and then betrayed Christ himself.

A person can wave a sin, just feeling the sweetness of God's sweetness. So far, the feeling of grace of a person is weak, it is difficult for him not to fall into the sin, in which he recently repented. Sweetness of sin in such a person is stronger than sweetness of grace. Because the holy fathers and especially the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky are so insistant that the main goal of Christian life should be the compassion of the grace of the Holy Spirit.

- If the priest ripped a note with sins, not looking into it, these sins are considered forgiven?

- If the priest is angry and knows how to read what is written in a note, not looking into it, then, thank God, all sins are forgiven. If the father does this because of its athleticness, indifference and inattention, it is better to approach confession to another or, if there is no such possibility, to confess their sins out loud, without recording them.

- Is there a general confession in the Orthodox Church? How to treat this practice?

- The general confession, during which special prayers from the cook are read, is usually carried out before individual confession. The Holy Righteous John Kronstadt practiced a common confession without individual, but it did it forced due to many people who came to him for consolation. Purely physically, by the glimpse of human, he lacked the strength to listen to everyone. In Soviet times, they also practiced such confessions when one temple was on a whole city or area. Now, when the number of temples and clergy has increased significantly, there is no need to do with one common confession without individual. We are ready to listen to everyone, if only it was sincere repentance.

Tamed Natalia Goroshkov

What is confession?

What is it needed, and how to correct sins to confession?

How do you need to confess exactly the priest?

How to properly prepare the sacrament to those who want to repent the first time?

All these questions are sooner or later, I ask yourself every Orthodox person.

Let's deal with together in all the subtleties of this sacrament.

Confession for an Orthodox person - what is it?

Repentance or confession is the sacrament, during which a person verbally opens his sins to God in the presence of a priest who has the power to let the sins from the very Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord during his earthly life gave its apostles, and through them and all the priests the power to forgive sins. During the confession, a person is not only kicked in perfect sins, but also gives a promise to not repeat them. Confession is the cleansing of the soul. Many people think: "I know that anyway, even after confession, I will make this sin again (for example, smoking). So why do I confess? " This is rooted incorrectly. You do not think: "Why do I wash, if I still dare all the same." You still take a bath or shower, because the body should be clean. The man is weak by his nature, and will sin throughout his life. Here for this I need confession to clean the soul from time to time and work on your shortcomings.

Confession for the Orthodox person is very important, because during this sacrament there is a reconciliation with God. It is necessary to confess to at least once a month, but if you have the need to do it more often, please. The main thing is to know how to correct sins to confession.

For some particularly grave sins, the priest can be appointed by Epitia (from the Greek "punishment" or "special obedience"). It may be a long prayer, post, alms or abstinence. This is a kind of medicine that will help a person get rid of sin.

Several recommendations for those who want to confess first

As before any sacrament, it is necessary to prepare for confession. If you first decide to repent, then you need to know when the sacrament is usually held in your temple. It is mainly carried out on holidays, Saturday and Sunday.

As a rule, there are many people who want to confess. And it becomes a real obstacle for those who want to confess the first time. Some are shy, and others are afraid to do something wrong.

It will be fine if you are before the first confession to contact the priest with a request to assign you a time when you and the priest stay alone. Then no one will confuse you.

You can make yourself a small "crib". Write the sins on a piece of paper, so that you don't miss anything from excitement to confession.

How to correct sins for confession: what sins need to be called

Many, especially those who just started their way to God, are thrown out of extremes to extremes. Some dry lists common sins, written, as a rule, from church books about repentance. Others, on the contrary, begin to describe each perfect sin in such detail that it becomes no longer a confession, but a story about himself and his life.

What sins call for confession? Sins are divided into three groups:

1. Sins against the Lord.

2. Sins against nearby.

3. Sins against his soul.

Let's consider in more detail each separately.

1. Sins against the Lord. Most modern people moved away from God. Temples do not attend or do it extremely rarely, but about the prayers at best only heard. However, if you are a believer, did you not hide your faith? Maybe shy to cross in front of people or say that you are a believer.

Hula and Ropot on God - One of the most serious and grave sins. We commit this sin when they complain about life and believe that there is no one who is no one in the world.

Blasphemy. You committed this sin if they ever mocked the customs or sacraments of the church, in which they do not understand anything. Jokes about God or Orthodox faith is also blasphemy. And no matter, listen to them or tell them.

False oath or boob. The latter says that there is no fear in man before the greatness of the Lord.

Failure to fulfill their vobs. If you gave the vow to God to make any good deed, but did not hold it down, this sin must be confessed.

Do not pray daily at home. It is through the prayer that we communicate with the Lord and Saints. We ask them to intercession and help in the fight against our passions. Without prayer there can be no repentance or salvation.

Interest in occult and mystical teachings, as well as pagan and nonsense sects, a burning and fortune telling. In fact, such interest may not only be destroyed for the soul, but also for the mental and physical condition of a person.

Superstition. In addition to the superstitions that we got from our pagan ancestors, we began to get involved in ridiculous superstitions of new-fashioned teachings.

Carelessness of his soul. Removing from God, we forget about your soul and cease to pay due attention.

Thoughts of suicide, gambling.

2. Sins against nearby.

Inquirement attitude to parents. We must relate to their parents with awe. This also applies to the relationship of students to his teacher.

Resentment caused to neighbor. Causing resentment to loved ones, we harm his soul. We also make this sin when we advise our neighbor something vicious or bad.

Slander. Board in vain on people. Blaming a man without confidence in his guilt.

Gloating and hatred. This sin is equal to human bias. We must help and compare your neighbor.

Zlumpy. It shows that our heart is overwhelmed by pride and self-absorption.

Disobedience. This sin becomes the beginning for more serious angry: audacity against parents, theft, laziness, deception and even murder.

Condemn. The Lord said: "Do not judge, do not judge, for what court judge, such a judgment; And what a measure to take, so I will measure "condemning a person for the one, or a good weakness, we can go in the same sin.

Theft, misfortune, abortion, theft, remembering the spirits of spirits.

3. Sins against his soul.

Laziness. Do not go to the temple, reducing the morning and evening prayers. We are engaged in celebration, while you need to work.

False. All bad things are accompanied by a lie. No wonder Satan is called the father of lies.

Flattery. Today it became a weapon to achieve earthly goods.

Facelist. This sin today is especially common among young people. From the soul brass language.

Impatience. We must learn to restrain our negative emotions, so as not to harm your soul and not offend close.

Malovery and disbelief. The believer should not doubt the mercy and the wisdom of the Lord of our Jesus Christ.

Charm and self-exclusion. This is imagining proximity to God. A man who suffers from this sin, considers himself almost holy and puts himself higher than others.

Long hiding sin. As a result of fear or shame, a person cannot open a perfect sin to confession, considering that he is no longer saved.

Despair. This sin often pursues people who have committed grave sins. It must be confessed to prevent irreparable consequences.

Accusation of others and self-excuse. Our salvation is that we can recognize ourselves and only guilty in our sins and actions.

These are the basic sins that almost every person makes. If earlier, during the confession, sins were voiced, which were no longer repeated, they still do not need to confess.

For a marriage (including marriage without a wedding), bloodstand, adultery (treason), sexual relationship between people of one sex.

How to call sins to confession - is it possible to write them on paper and just give the priest

Sometimes to tune in to confession and do not worry that during the sacrament you will forget something, they write sins on paper. In this regard, many are wondering: can you write sins on a piece of paper and just give the priest? Unambiguous answer: no!

The meaning of confession is that the person voiced his sins, murts them and hated. Otherwise it will not be repentance, but writing a report.

Try with time at all to abandon any pieces of paper, but to talk to confession exactly what your soul is at this moment.

How to correct sins for confession: where to start confession and how to finish

Going to the priest, try to throw out the mind of the earthly from the head of the earth and listen to your soul. Start confession from the words: "Lord, sinned before you" and start listed the sins.

No need to list sins in detail. If you, for example, stole something, then you do not need to tell the priest where, when and under what circumstances it happened. It is enough just to say: I sinned theft.

However, it is not necessary to completely cut sins. For example, you come and start saying: "I sinned anger, irritation, condemnation, etc." This is also not entirely correct. It will be better to say so: "I sinned, Lord Irrett to my husband" or "constantly condemned the neighbor." The fact is that the priest during confession can give you advice to how to deal with one passion. It is these clarifications that will help him understand the reason for your weakness.

You can finish the confession with the words "I repent, Lord! Save and merry sinning! "

How to correct sins for confession: what to do if you are ashamed

Shame during confession is quite a normal phenomenon, because there are no such people who would be nice to talk about not the most pleasant sides. But you need not fight with him, but try to survive, pull it away.

First of all, you must understand that you confess your sins not to the priest, but to God. Therefore, it should be ashamed not to priest, but before the Lord.

Many people think: "If I tell everything to the priest, he will probably be despised." It is absolutely no important, the main thing is to reconcile forgiveness from God. You must clearly decide for yourself: getting rid of and clean the soul or continue to live in sins, plunging into this dirt more and more.

The priest is only a mediator between you and God. You must understand that during the confession the Lord himself stands invisibly in front of you.

I would like to say once again that only in the sacrament of confession a man with a crushed heart rushes in sins. After that, permitting prayer read over him, which frees a person from sin. And remember, the one who will hide a sin during confession will acquire even greater pregnancy before God!

Over time, you get rid of shame and fear and will be better understood how to correct sins to confession.

This list - the list is designed for beginners of the church life of people and want to repent before God.

Preparing for confession, write down sins from the list of your conscience. If there are many of them, you need to start from the greatest mortals.
You can communicate only with the blessing of the priest. Repentance before God implies not indifferent transfer of his bad actions, but sincerely condemn its sinfulness and determination to be corrected!

List of sins for confession

I (name) sinned (a) before God:

  • weak faith (doubt in his being).
  • I do not have any love or proper fear to God, therefore, it is rarely concerned and communion, (what I triggered the soul to the fossil insension towards God).
  • Rarely attend the Church on Sundays and Holidays (work, trade, entertainment these days).
  • I do not know how to repent, I do not see sins.
  • I do not remember death and do not prepare to appear on the court of God (the memory of death and the future court helps to avoid sin).

Shed (a) :

  • I do not thank God for His mercy.
  • No obedience to God's will (I wish everyone to wash everything). Before pride, I hope for yourself and people, and not on God. Attribute the success of myself, and not God.
  • Fear of suffering, impatient sorry and diseases (they are closed by God to purify the soul from sin).
  • Ropot to the life cross (fate), on people.
  • Malnormalism, despondency, sadness, accusing God in cruelty, despair in salvation, desire (attempt) of suicide.

Shed (a) :

  • Fitting and early departure from the church.
  • Inchange during the service (to reading and singing, conversations, laughter, deprivation ...). Walking on the temple without need, pushing and rude.
  • Beyond pride (a) with the sermon criticizing and condemning the priest.
  • In female impurity daring to touch the shrine.

Shed (a) :

  • by tanniff, I do not read the morning and evening prayers (completely from the prayer), cutting them. I pray dissipated.
  • Praying with a uncoated head, having a hostility in the near. Negligent image of the cross signs. Without wearing a native cross.
  • Ungiven reverence of St. Icons and shrines of church.
  • To the detriment of prayer, reading the gospel, Psaltiri and spiritual literature was watching a TV (Bogobors through films teach people to violate the commandment of God about the chastity before marriage, married treasure, cruelty, sadizm, damage the mental health of young people. Picks them through "Harry Libery ..." Unhealthy interest in magic, sorcery and imperceptibly draws into a disgusting communication with the devil. In the media, this is a lawlessness in front of God, presented as something positive, in color and romantic form. Christian! Shutting out of sin and save himself and his children for eternity !!! ).
  • With little silence, when with me blaspheged, shame to be baptized and confess the Lord in humans (this is one of the types of renunciation from Christ). Hoola on God and all sorts of shrine.
  • Wearing shoes with crosses on the sole. Use for household needs newspapers ... where it is written about God ...
  • Called (a) animals by the names of the people "Vaska", "Mashka". About God spoke (a) is not reverently and without humility.

Shed (a) :

  • it was daring to the communion (a) to start without proper training (not reading the canons and prayers, hiding and detracting the sins of confession, in the hostility, without post and thankful prayers ...).
  • The days of the communion did not hold (a) holy (in prayer, reading the Gospel ..., and indulged (las) entertainment, combination, multipleness, celebration ...).

Shed (a) :

  • violation of posts, as well as environments and Fridays (fasting these days, we read the suffering of Christ).
  • No (always) I pray before meals, work and after (after eating and work is read, thanksgiving prayer).
  • Sweeping in food and chicken, drinking extraordan.
  • Secret, destruction (addiction to sweet).
  • Elek (a) blood animals (blood ...). (Forbidden by God Leviticus 7,2627; 17, 1314, Acts. 15, 2021.29). Lent a festive (memorial) table was rapid.
  • The deceased memorized (a) with vodka (this paganism and Christianity is not agreed).

Shed (a) :

  • celebration (empty talk about everyday life ...).
  • The story and listening of vulgar jokes.
  • The condemnation of people, priests and monks (I do not see our sins).
  • Listening and retelling gossip and blasphemous jokes (about God, church and clergy). (The temptation was sown through me, and the name of God among people was hung.
  • Remembering the name of God Vure (without need, in empty conversations, jokes).
  • Lizad, deception, non-performance of the data to God (people) promises.
  • Superforward, Maternaya (this is Hula in God's Mother) swear with the mention of the unclean strength (called in conversations of evil demons and hurts to us).
  • Sweet, spread thin rumors and gossip, disclosure of other people's sins and weaknesses.
  • She listened to the sickness with pleasure and consent.
  • Under pride, humiliated (a) near ridicule (subpols), stupid jokes ... an unlimited laughter, laughter. She laughed over the beggars, cripples, someone's grief ... God, false oath, perjury on court, justifying criminals and condemnation of innocent.

Shed (a) :

  • with the desire to work (life at the expense of parents), the search for bodily rest, in bed, the desire to enjoy the sinful and luxurious life.
  • Smoking (among the American Indians, the injecting tobacco had a ritual meaning of the worship of Duhamdemons. Smoking Christian A traitor of God, a demonoproter and suicide harms health). Drug use.
  • Listening to pop and rockmusks (having funny passions, excites low-lying feelings).
  • Prone to gambling and spectacles (cards, dominoes, computer games, TV, cinemas, discos, cafes, bars, restaurants, casino ...). (Bogological symbolism of cards, when playing or fortune, is designed to blasphemously mock the sufferings of Christ the Savior. And the games destroy the psyche of children. They, shooting and killing, become aggressive, prone to cruelty and sadizm, with all the consequences for parents).

Shed (a) :

  • male (a) his soul reading and reviewing (in books, magazines, films ...) erotic shamelessness, sadism, immodest games, a person displays the qualities of a demon, not God), dancing, and danced (a) ), (They led to the martyr's death of John the Baptist, after which dances for Christians mockery over the memory of the prophet).
  • The advice of the prodigal dreams and the memoirs of the former sins. Not by removing from sinful dates and temptation.
  • Value view and liberty (indiscretion, hugs, kisses, unclean touch of body) with other sexes.
  • Blud (sexual connection to wedding). For prodigal perversions (robust, poses).
  • Sodomskie sins (homosexuality, lesbianship, lobbies, bloodstand (fornication with relatives).

Having introduced into the temptation of men shamelessly delighted in short and with cuts of skirts, pants, shorts, fitting and shuttering clothes, (this was traveled by the commandment of God about the appearance of a woman. It should dress beautifully, but in the framework of the Christian shame and conscience.

The Christian must be the image of God, and not a goggle-chicken, crumpledly repainted, with a clawed paw instead of a human hand, the image of Satan) haughtily, painted ... In such a form, not respecting the shrine, daring to enter the temple of God.

Participation in the contests of "beauty", fashion models, masquerades (Malanka, driving goats, Hellowin holiday ...), as well as in dancing with prodigal actions.

There was (a) immoded (on) in gestures, gestures, gait.

Bathing, sunbathing and exposure in the presence of other sexes (contradicts Christian chastity).

Seduction to sin. Trade with your body, pimp, delivery of the premises for the Blud.

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Shed (a) :

  • adultery (grades in marriage).
  • Not a wedded marriage. Lucked impartipstability in marital relations, (in posts, Sundays, holidays, bakeries, in the days of female impurity).
  • Perversions in marital life (poses, oral, anal forn).
  • Wanting to live in his pleasure and avoiding life difficulties, I was prevented (las) from the conception of children.
  • The use of "contraceptive" means (spiral, tablets do not prevent conception, and kill the child at an early stage). Killed (a) his children (abortions).
  • Council (coercion) of others on abortion (men, with silent consent, or those who have forced wives ... To the abortion is also a destruction. Doctors who make abortions, killers, and assistants of accomplices).

Shed (a) :

  • rubyl (a) soul of children, preparing them only for earthly life (did not teach (a) about God and faith, did not instill (a) the love of the church and home prayer, the post, humility, obedience.
  • Did not develop (a) a sense of duty, honor, responsibility ...
  • I did not watch what they do, what they read with whom they were friends, as behave).
  • They punished them too severely (Introducing anger, and not for correction, called (a), cursing (a).
  • With their sins, he was seduced (a) of children (intimate relations with them, swearing, foul language, watching immoral television shows).

Shed (a) :

  • a joint prayer or transition to the split (Kiev Patriarchate, UAPC, Old Believers ...), Ulya, sect. (Prayer with splitters and heretics leads to the excavation from the church: 10, 65, apostolic rules).
  • Superstition (faith dreams, signs ...).
  • Appeal to the psychics, "grandmas" (pouring wax, swing eggs, merging fear ...).
  • Dexted (a) with urinotherapy (in the rituals of Satanists, urine use and feces have a blasphemous meaning. Such "treatment" is a vicious desecration and a devilish mockery over Christians), the use of "spoken" by the waters ... fortune-money on maps, extinguishing (for what?). I was afraid (as) sorcerers more than God. Encoding (from what?).

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The passion for eastern religions, occult, satanism (indicate what). Visiting sectarian, occult ... assemblies.

An exercise of yoga, meditation, vengeance of Ivanov (does not condemn the dialing itself, but Ivanov's teaching, leading to worship and nature, and not God). Eastern martial arts (worship of the spirit of evil, teacher, and the occult doctrine of the disclosure of "internal capabilities" leads to communication with demons, obsession ...).

Reading and storing the occult literature forbidden by the Church: Magic, Hiromantia, Horoscopes, Dream Intercoms, Prophe's Nostradamus, Literature of Religions of the East, the teachings of Blavat and Roerich, Lazarev "Diagnostics of Karma", Andreeva "Rose of Peace", Aksenova, Klizovsky, Vladimir Megre, Taranova, Sviyad , Vereshchagin, Makui Garafins, Asalyak ...

(The Orthodox Church warns that the compositions of these and other occult authors with the teachings of Christ the Savior does not have anything in common. A person through the occultism, entering into in-depth communication with the demons, disappears from God and ruins his soul, and mental disorders will be due will be due to pride and arrogant flirting with demons).

Coaching (advice) and others to treat them and do this.

Shed (a) :

  • theft, sacredness (theft of church).
  • Srebrolube (addiction to money and wealth).
  • Non-payment of debt (wages).
  • Greed, I care about the alms and the purchase of spiritual books ... (And at whim and entertainment, I do not get taking place).
  • Korestolubiye (use of strangers, life for someone else's account ...). Wanting to enrich the money under interest.
  • Trading with vodka, cigarettes, drugs, contraceptives, immodest clothes, porn ... (This helped (a) a demon to ruin himself and people accomplice of their sins). Communted (a), wrapped (a), issued a bad product for a good ...

Shed (a) :

  • pride, envy, flattery, delicacy, insincerity, hypocrisy, manotele, suspicion, gloating.
  • The coercion of others to sin (to lie, steal, peel, overhear, to convey, drink alcohol ...).

The desire of glory, respect, gratitude, praise, championship ... Major Dobohaza. Boasting and affably. With the coloring of people (wit, appearance, abilities, clothing ...).

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Shed (a) :

  • disposable to parents, senior and supervisors, insulting them.
  • Caprises, stubbornness, precastness, timewise, self-formation.
  • Lacility to study.
  • Careless care for the elderly parents, relatives ... (left (a) them unattended, food, money, medicine ..., passed (a) to the nursing home ...).

Shed (a) :

  • pride, disapplusion, maliciousness, quick-tempered, anger, vitality, hatred, irreconcilable host.
  • Arrogant and daring (climb (la) without a queue, pushed (Las).
  • Cruelty for animals
  • He insulted (a) home, was (a) the cause of family scandals.
  • Not a neglect of joint work on the upbringing of children and the content of farms, tune, heaving money, delivery of children in the orphanage ...
  • An occupation of martial art and sports (professional sport damages health and develops in the souls of pride, vanity, feeling of superiority, contempt, thirst for enrichment ...), for the sake of glory, money, scope (recycling).
  • Rough appeal to the neighbor, causing them harm (what?).
  • Handscript, beat, murder.
  • Not the protection of weak, beaten, women from violence ...
  • Violation of traffic rules, drunk riding ... (than the life of people's life).

Shed (a) :

  • negligent attitude to work (public position).
  • Public position (talents ...) used (a) not to the glory of God and the benefits of people, but for personal benefits.
  • Oppressing subordinates. Daving and adoption (extortion) bribes (which could lead to the harm to state and private tragedies).
  • Packed state and collective ownership (a).
  • Having a guidance situation, did not care (las) on the suppression of learning in schools by immoral subjects, not Christian customs (decomposing the morality of the people).
  • Help (a) assistance in the spread of Orthodoxy and the curb of the influence of sects, charationers, psychics ...
  • Hassed their money and passed the premises for rent (what helped the shower of people killed (a)).
  • Did not defend (a) church shrines, did not provide (a) assistance in the construction and repair of temples and monasteries ...

Librance to every kind business (not visited (a) lonely, patients prisoners ...).

In life questions, it was not advised (las) with a priest and seniors (which led to irreparable mistakes).

Give (a) tips, not knowing whether they are pleasing to God. Prissurable love for people, things, classes ... Self seduced with their sins (a) surrounding.

I justify your sins everyday needs, the disease, weakness, and that no one taught us faith in God (but we ourselves were not interested in this).

Seduced (a) in the disbelief of people. Visited (a) by mausoleum, atheistic events ...

Cold and insensitive confession. I sigrass consciously, drinking a dense conscience. There is no hard determination to fix his sinful life. I repent that I was insulted with my sins (a) of the Lord, I sincerely regret it and I will try to correct.

Specify other sins, how sinned (a).

You can help become a better site.

Note! As for the possible temptation from the sins leading here, then it is really that fornicing a nasty, and it is necessary to talk about it carefully.

The Apostle Paul says: "Blud and any uncleanness and love should not even be called you" (Eph. 5.3). However, through television, magazines, advertising ... He went into life even the most young so that the prodigal sins are not considered to be a sin. Therefore, it is necessary to speak to confession and urge everyone to repentance and correction.

- Father Vadim, let's discuss a very important topic - the meaning of the sacrament of repentance or confession in the spiritual life of the modern Orthodox Christian. Sometimes, even in church media, opinions begin to speak, as if the modern practice of confession is imposed, it is necessary to confess only when an internal need arises, and it is necessary to pass more often, preferably on every liturgy, with each visit to the temple. Calls are sounded in no way to associate these sacraments in church practice. What can you say, Father Vadim, about the meaning of the sacrament of confession?

- I can only say what the church testifies about the centuries: repentance is one of the seven major sacraments that ensure the completeness of the spiritual life of a person and his salvation. Without repeating, salvation is impossible. This is the foundation of spiritual life. The holy fathers call the sacrament of repentance by the second baptism, because the human soul is cleared and reborn and becomes capable of taking the graceful gifts of other church sacraments, including the Eucharist. Who to some extent ignores this sacrament or neglects them, and such trends in our time began to appear, he risks all his spiritual life to turn into a hypocritical farce.

I think that these desires to impress the importance of confession to the spiritual life of the Christian appeared in the Orthodox medium under the influence of Protestantism on church consciousness. Unfortunately, Protestantism in the West deformed Catholicism's consciousness, and now reached Orthodoxy. Confession is a necessary condition for the soul to bring in any state. We read in the holy fathers from that all "Human life of a person is based on repentance." Confession is a major remedy for deep repentance. The saint of Ignatius Bryanchaninov in his creations noted that the meaning of the confession in the life of an Orthodox Christian increases and will increase, as people still use other spiritual means. We do not know how to pray and do not show the efforts, we do not show diligence to the post, it is easy to succumb to sinful temptations. If we are still pushing and confessing on the periphery of our spiritual life, then we can take our bare hands.

- But here there is a question immediately: I can repent at home during a personal prayer, why is it necessary to confession in the church?

- Let us immediately divorce these concepts - a personal repentance, which, undoubtedly hears the Lord, and the church confession as a sacrament. Yes, the Lord hears and often forgives a person with many sins, melted by him in personal prayer. And when we tell us in the church: "Lord, ame", "the Lord forgets us a lot. And nevertheless, this does not replace the sacraments of confession, because a person needs not only to make the forgiveness of sins, but also requires grace for the assimilation of sinful wounds and a gracious force is still needed so that the sinic sin is no longer repeated. These gifts are served in church confession, in this the greatest sacrament of spiritual revival, so it is extremely necessary in the life of a Christian. I will say on my own experience: when I studied in the seminary, I had the opportunity in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra every week to confess, and I remember my inner state, how deeply and finely experienced all sinful in personal life and it was easier to resist this. Then another period occurred in life when I began to confess less likely, maybe once every two or three weeks. And it was already another state. As if all my feelings of feelings were cooked and stuck. Consciousness of sin is fixed, and the inner forces for resistance are less. A person who doubts the truth, the effectiveness and benefits of confession, I propose on personal experience to try what it is, coming to it extremely responsible and seriously.

- But, Father Vadim, but what they say that in some other local Orthodox churches, let's say in Greece, it happens that believers are involved regularly, and they are not so often. Although at the same time must be recognized that in Greek monasteries, a lot of attention is paid to frequent regular confession. In this regard, I remember the work of the Serbian professor into the ruler, which writes that for a decent communion, it is necessary to resort to regular confession, so that confession necessarily precedes communion. But how to be when we put as an example of the practice of other churches, where they do not have to confess before the communion. So maybe we should not confess?

- In the Russian Orthodox Church, there is a wonderful tradition to confess before each communion, and God forbid to keep it for a long time. Of course, there are nuances in this matter. There can be no formal approach. But if we speak in general, confession before communion is a very important and useful spiritual principle. Yes, indeed, in some local churches, this practice looks a little different than we. Sometimes they compare the Russian tradition with Greek, where people go to confession when they feel in this need. It should be noted that the history of this tradition in Greece is a separate special and ambiguous issue. For example, in the XIV century. SVT. Grigory Palama in his sermon "On the Saints and Scary Mysters" directly indicates the need to confess to the communion: "If with a bad conscience, and not having received, thanks to the confession, the ability to allow them to allow them to allow them, and before turning to God, before being corrected by the rule of piety, we proceed [to the holy secrets], then, of course, we are doing to the court and for eternal torment, repulse from ourselves and the most generousness and patience to us. " A detailed discussion of the history of the emergence of the disassembled practice of confession and the communion in the Greople-speaking environment goes beyond our conversation. Agree to the fact that it really exists now. But why this tradition, in my opinion, is not applicable in modern church life in Russia? First of all, because the Greek people did not survive such a period of worm, which went to us. Modern Greeks grow in Orthodox families. For the most part, they know what sin is and what is virtue. They have Orthodoxy - this is a state religion. They are brought up in Orthodox traditions already several generations, and this tradition was not interrupted. Therefore, in their consciousness, many important principles of spiritual life are rooted from childhood. They are clear to them without special instructions that if I was sinned today, then I can not coming today, you need to go to the confessor to confession.

In our fatherland, which survived the terrible period of persecution of the church, people sincerely reached into the temple. It is wonderful. But because of its spiritual ignorance, for the most part, they do not understand the severity of their sins, most often they do not see them. Now many Orthodox literature is published - it's great, but does the people who make the first steps towards the temple? A modern person reads very little, so the educational possibilities of printed products should not be overestimated. In such a situation without mandatory Confession before the communion can not do. Any priest has become repeatedly faced with such examples: a person comes to confession, in the recently perfect sin of fornication, adultery or abortion and immediately says: Patty, blessing commits, I did not eat anything in the morning. A person says it sincerely, he does not intend to compete in condemnation or deliberately neglected the principles of spiritual life, he simply does not know them. Or another, even more common example: a person does not see any sin in himself or calls a formally some common phrase without the slightest crushing or self-destruction and strives for the holy bowl. If we did not exist traditions to confess to communion, then who, when and where will it help such people? Let's remember the Terrible Words of the Apostle Paul about the unworthy communion: "Who will eat this bread or drink the bowl of the Lord is unworthy, will be guilty against the body and blood of the Lord. Yes, he has the same man, and thus let him eat from the bread and drinks from this bowl. For who eats and drinks is unworthy, he eats and drink a condemnation to himself, not arguing about the body of the Lord. Because many of you are weak and sick and dying. " (1 Cor. 11, 27-30). If we at least think about these apostolic words, then what will they lead us? To confession. If you now reject the principle of the relationship between confession and the communion and provide all the opportunity to solve the issue of confession on the basis of personal considerations, then we like the unreasonable mother who gave birth to a child, and then I put it out on the street, put it at the crossroads and, leaving him, said: Hands, My legs, you have a head, there is a temple, here a house, for a hillow of the garden - go work, pintaya and live godly.

Of course, the principle of the relationship between confession and the communion must be used with reasoning, as stated in the Gospel: "Saturday for a person, not a man for Saturday". In church life there are periods when the relationship between confession and communion may not be so unambiguous. For example, during the passionate week, when long-term intense worship go and many parishioners are jealously attending them. At this time, in many temples, it is prudently offered by the parishioners to search for passion for passionate weeks and then commitory and to the Great Quarter and the Holy Easter, it is also proposed to commit and on the bright week. However, this practice is mechanically transferred to the entire church year, it seems to me that it would be immensely and wrong.

- Sometimes such votes are just heard that how many times it came to the temple, on the liturgy, so much and communion. And confess - well, maybe twice a year or even less often. And they say: But the priests, when they serve as a liturgy, are they rarely confessed before?

- The question of the frequency of communion is very important and purely personal. There can be no simple stamped replies. In church tradition there are some general rules, but they are not a strict pattern for all without exception. This question must be solved individually for confession. St. John Zlatoust clearly expressed the basic condition for the frequency of communion: "The time only time for starting to secrets and communion is a net conscience", and confession is the main tool for cleansing conscience. In church life, it is necessary to deal with the most different examples. There are people who are preparing once a year, they are confessing and communion. This, of course, is not enough, but it must be rejoiced and praying that the flame of love for the Lord is burned out of this spark. It is clear that for such a communion without careful confession can not be. There are those who show zeal in every multi-day post - also, thank God, strengthening them, Lord, and for them confession is necessary before communion. There are those who are preparing and coming once a month or for each two-month holiday or at least once every three weeks - wonderful, and they will not weaken their diligence, but without regular confession before communion it is hardly preserved. Some Christians show a special diligence and seek to pass even every Sunday day. If this is done not as a tribute to the liturgical "fashion", not as a certain "renewed service", not as a habit, but by the blessing of the confessor "with the fear of God and faith ...", then, undoubtedly, they will get their good fruit. If the parishioner is in regular communication with his confessor, there are also a little different forms of interrelation of confession and communion, but it is no doubt that Confession must be frequent. However, the last example concerns quite experienced Christians, "Which feelings are accustomed to distinction of good and evil" (Heb. 5, 14).

The priests are, in theory, people from the discharge of experienced Christians. In addition, the specificity of priestly ministry is often such that it is not able to confess to every liturgy, for example, if he is one at arrival. In such situations, priests are confirmed at any other possibility. The laity often do not see how the clergymen confess to each other in the altar, and therefore they think that the priests do it very rarely. We will not forget that the priests in the sacrament of the ordination are given by the grace "... Weekly doctoral and cloing replenishment ...", which is not laid and by virtue of which the priest has the ability to make a liturgy, and, accordingly, commitory more often than the laity. For these gifts and opportunities, he is responsible before God is incomparably greater than any of the Mijan - "From anyone, someone has a lot, it will take a lot, and who entrusted a lot, with that more collect" (Luke 12, 48). Therefore, never in the church, the spiritual life of Miryanin and the priest was not considered completely equally.

- Thank you, Father Vadim, for the answer. This was deeply informative articles in the magazine "Fellow Fire". But let's consider this situation. Suppose when people want to come together, they first go to confession, stand in line, expect when they fit to the father, they will tell everything, then they will accept his abuse of sins. Does not serve in this case confession by an obstacle for a deeper assimilation of the liturgy when you have to stand up, in prayer? What do you say? Such opinions are spoken at our day.

- The problem you denoted is not a versal, not canonical, not liturgic, but a purely organizational. Just need to streamline parish life in the temple, including confession, find a place and time for this. His Holiness Patriarch blessed so that in every temple there were duty clergymen, you need to declare this to people, say that at such days we have a duty priest, come, confess. Not necessarily confession to make only during the vigil or in front of the liturgia and is extremely undesirable during the liturgy. In addition, the priests can instruct so that they, confess, expressed the essence of the sinful act and really brought repentance that they were committed, and not just retell their lives, while not leaving the time to confess to others. In this case, the confession will be informative, effective, will benefit and will not take a lot of time.

- But what happens that from this purely organizational problem sometimes draw conclusions of another nature, they say: let's cancel the confession, most importantly, often coming, and confession is something secondary; Let's divide these two sacraments. Although we know that the sacraments of baptism and worldware are inextricably followed by one after another, and in general the sacrament church is connected with each other. It seems to me that it is impossible to break so easy here. Sometimes so they say: Separate more often, and confession ... if necessary. Although in the letters of Archimandrite John (peasantkina) we read: "It is impossible to communicate without confession." What can you say in this regard?

- If you dismiss confession and communion, then, without a doubt, people will be less confess. I doubt that this will benefit them, but it will be most convenient for us, priests, because confession is the hardest sacrament in the church for clergymen. Why? Imagine that within a few hours you people express our sins and pain, and it is done a few days a week. They do not just roll, but need your compassion and advice. Without the grace of God it is impossible to transfer it. It's very hard. Therefore, it is clear that someone is trying to find lighter ways in solving this issue. I confess, I sometimes come such thoughts, but at the same time I immediately remember the phrase from the Holy Scriptures: "Mount the shepherds who grazed themselves! Do not the flock of shepherd need a flock? " (Hezyek. 34, 2).

It should be noted that this problem has already been identified by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy on two diocesan meetings that took place in Moscow. He drew attention to a strange practice arising in some Moscow parishes. In particular, at the 2005 Diocesan Assembly, he said: "In addition, from the parishioners demand that they come as often as possible, at least once a week. For timid objections of believers, which is difficult to adequately prepare for the adoption of the Holy Taine, such priests claim that they take all responsibility. As a result, the reverence and fear of God before the Holy Communion is lost as a result of orthodox people. It becomes something familiar, ordinary and weeks. " At the next diocesan meeting in 2006, the Holy Patriarch appeared again to this topic. In one of the notes, he was asked such a question: "At the last diocesan meeting, you, your Holiness, warned about the danger of losing a reverence for holy secrets with a very frequent communion, for example once a week. The same concern is expressed in the Orthodox Catechism of St. Moskovsky Filaret, who recommends the Miryans to pass no more than once a month. The same concerns can be found in the works of St. Feofan of the Navdapa and the last Glinsky elders. Why is still in some Moscow temples, despite your warnings, the weekly and even more frequent communion of laity is practiced, as a result of which the parishioners lose reverence and fear of the Holy Mystery? " The His Holiness Patriarch replied: "Apparently, those who admit such practices are unfamiliar with the Orthodox Catechism of St. Filaret, as well as with the works of St. Feofan of the Restunner and does not show a desire to familiarize themselves with them." It seems to me that reformers in this area need to listen to the words of His Holiness Patriarch.

In conclusion, I will say that the Orthodox Church is the great heiress of Christ and Apostles, and Orthodoxy is an invaluable treasure, which we, by the grace of God, were involved. However, the significance of the spiritual experience of Orthodoxy is realized not so much through abstract reasoning and their sorcement, but through personal experience of life. If we have questions or doubts about one or another church approval or tradition, then you need to enter it, get born, start living in accordance with this teaching. Only then will open how deep and the spirit of the practice of Orthodox life will open, and all questions will be removed by themselves.

With the priest Vadim Leonov
I spoke Valery Dukhanin

Confession is an important event in the life of every believer. Honest and sincere sacrament acts as a way to communicate a churched laity with the Lord through the confessor. Rules of repentance are not only with what words to start when you can pass the rite and what to do, but also in the obligation of humility and conscientious approach to the preparation and procedure of confession.


The man who decided to go to the confession should be baptized. An important condition is holy and unquestioned to believe in God and take his revelation. You need to know the Bible and understand the faith, which can help a visit to the church library.

It should be remembered and kept in the head, and it is better to write on a piece of paper all the prefected sins from the seven-year-old age or from the moment when a person was accepted by Orthodoxy. Do not hide or recall other people's wrongdoing, blame other people in our own.

A person needs to give the floor to the Lord that with his help he eradicates his sinfulness and diallas low accomplishments.

After you need to prepare for confession. Before serving, you need to behave like an approximate Christian:

  • on the eve I dictate to pray and reread the Bible;
  • refuse entertainment, entertainment activities;
  • read the cleaned canon.

What can not be done before repentance

Before repeating the post is optional and performed only at the request of a person. In any case, it is not necessary to carry it out to young children, pregnant women and sick people.

Before the sacrament, a Christian refrains from physical and spiritual temptations. Installed a ban on watching entertainment programs, reading entertainment literature. It is prohibited to spend time at a computer, play sports or lazy. It is better not to attend noisy meetings and not to be in crowded companies, spend days before confession in humility and prayer.

How is the rite

What time does the confession begins, depends on the church chosen, usually it passes in the morning or in the evening. The procedure begins to Divine Liturgy, during and immediately after evening worship. Provided under the patronage of his own confessor, the believer is allowed to agree with him individually when he confesses a person.

Before the priest is arranged the line from the parishioners, the general general prayer is read. In her text there is a moment in which praying call their own name. After that, the expectation of your turn.

No need to use brochure issued in the temples with the listing of sins, as a sample on building their own confession. It is not necessary to rewrite the advice from there, what to repent, it is important to take it as an approximate and generalized plan.

It is necessary to repent honestly and sincerely, telling about the specific situation in which there was a sin. When reading the standard list, the procedure becomes formality and does not carry any value.

Confession ends with the confessor of the final prayer. At the end of the speech, the heads are inclined under the Epitrochil of the priest, and then kiss the Gospel and Cross. Finish the procedure is appropriate to the last blessing of the Batyushka.

How to confess

When holding the sacrament, it is important to adhere to recommendations:

  • Remember without a rustle and repent in every perfect evil. It is pointless to attend the sacrament, if a person is not ready to humbly get rid of sins. Even if the meanness is made for many years ago, it is worth confessing to the Lord.
  • Do not be afraid of condemnation from the priestSince the communion does not lead a dialogue with the servant of the Church, but with God. The clergyman is obliged to keep the secret of communion, so the said in the ministry will remain hidden from foreign ears. During the years of the church service, the priests released all conceivable sins and upset them, only insecurity and desire to hide evil accomplishments.
  • Keep under the control of feelings and expose sins with the words. "Playing blessed, for they are consumed" (Matt. 5, 4). But tears, which no clear awareness of their achievements are not blessed. Some feelings are not enough, most often the triggering crying from pity for themselves and resentment.

    This confession is useless, on which a person came to release emotions, because such actions are sent only to forgetting, but not for correction.

  • Do not hide the reluctance to recognize their evil for memory diseases. With the confession "I repent that I sinned thoughts, in a word and case" usually do not allow the procedure. You can get forgiveness if it was full and sincere. It is necessary for a passion desire to pass the procedure of repentance.
  • After the most grave sins not forget about the rest. After confirming your most angry accomplishments, a person is going on the very beginning of the real way to calm the soul. Mortal sins are rarely committed and often they often regret them, unlike small misconduct. Paying attention to the feelings of envy, pride or condemnation in his soul, the Christian is becoming cleaner, all as much as the Lord. Work on the eradication of small manifestations of fabrics is more complicated and longer than over the atonement of a big evil. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare for each confession, especially to the one before which it is not possible to remember your sins.
  • Speak at the beginning of confession about what to say is harder than the rest. Living with the awareness of the act, for which every day a person Tries his soul to himself, it is difficult to recognize him out loud. In this case, it is important to remember that the Lord sees and knows about everything and is waiting for only repentance in the deed. This means that at the very beginning of the dialogue with God, it is important to reset yourself and state your terrible sin and sincerely ask for for forgiveness.
  • The more informative and concisely confession, the better. It is necessary to set out their sins briefly, but Emko. It is advisable to immediately move to the essence of the case. It is necessary that the priest immediately understood what he wanted to repent. It is not necessary to mention names, places and dates - it is too. It is best to prepare your story at home by writing it, and then cross out all the unnecessary and interfering understanding of the essence.
  • In no way resort to self-defining. Pity to myself makes the soul and does not help the sinner. Taking the perfect evil on one confession is not the worst thing that a Christian can do. Much worse, if such a situation is repeated. It is important to remember that attending the sacrament, a person is looking for liberation from sins. But he will not achieve this if he leaves them with him, every time finishing confession words about the insignificance of some misconduct or their need. It is better to set out the situation in your own words without justification.
  • Apply effort. Repentance is a grave work that requires the cost of strength, time. Confession involves the daily forecasting of its own creature on the way to the best person. The sacrament is not a slight way to calm the feelings. It is not a permanent opportunity to seek help in a particularly heavy hour to speak out about sore, with a clean soul to get into the light of another person. It is important to draw conclusions about your own life and actions.

List of sins

All sins performed by a person are conditionally divided into groups, depending on their content.

In relation to God

  • Doubt in his own faith, the existence of the Lord and the Truthfulness of the Holy Scriptures.
  • Prolonged unbinding of holy temples, confessions and communities.
  • Non-idle when reading prayers and canons, scattered and forgetfulness in their respect.
  • Failure to pay the god promises.
  • Blasphemy.
  • Suicidal intentions.
  • Mention in the swearing of unclean strength.
  • Eating and fluid in front of communion.
  • Failure failure.
  • Work during church holidays.

In relation to neighbor

  • Unwillingness to believe and help salvation of someone else's soul.
  • Disresponsibility and disrespect for parents and seniors.
  • Lack of affairs and motivations to help poor, weak, mournful, disadvantaged.
  • Suspiciousness to people, jealousy, egoism or imperitiousness.
  • Raising children out of compliance with the Orthodox Christian faith.
  • Murder, including abortion, or self-interest.
  • Cruelty or passionate love for animals.
  • Applying a curse.
  • Envy, slander or lies.
  • Shallowness or insult to someone else's dignity.
  • Condemnation of other people's actions or thoughts.
  • Seduction.

In relation to oneself

  • Ungratefulness and negligence to their own talents and abilities, expressing in idle time, laziness and empty dreams.
  • Bullen or complete ignoring your own routine obligations.
  • Care, strict savings, striving for the strictest savings in order to accumulate money or wasteful trust waste.
  • Theft or begging.
  • Blindness or adultery.
  • Blood, homosexuality, lobby and similar.
  • Onanism (so it is better to call the sin of the handobluded) and viewing the depraved images, records and other things.
  • All kind of flirting and coquetry for the purpose of seduction or seduction, indiscriminateness and disregard for meekness.
  • Drug addiction, drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Cheering or intentional torturing themselves hunger.
  • Taking an animal blood.
  • The negligence of attitudes towards your health or excessive concern about them.

For women

  • Violation of church rules.
  • Disgusting attitude towards reading prayers.
  • Communion, smoking, drunkenness in order to drown out insult or anger.
  • Fear of old age or death.
  • Immodest behavior, breaking.
  • Advocacy to vorozh.

The sacrament of repentance and communion

In the Russian Orthodox Church, confession and communion are inextricably linked. Although this approach is not canonic, nevertheless, it is practiced in all corners of the country. Before a Christian will be able to communion, he passes the procedure of confession. This is required to understand the father that the communion is applied to an adequate believer, which has passed the post before the sacrament, withstanding the test of will and conscience that did not peak the grave sins.

When a person released his evil accomplishments, the emptiness appears in his soul, which should be filled with God, this can be done on the communion.

How to confess the child

There are no special rules for the confession of children, with the exception of the achievement of the seven-year-old age. By the first time of their child on the sacrament, it is important to remember some of the nuances of their own behavior:

  • Do not tell the child about his basic sins or write a list that you need to say to the priest. It is important that he is preparing for repentance himself.
  • It is not allowed to interfere in church secret. That is, ask the siblings questions: "How do you confess", "What the Batyushka said" and the like.
  • It is impossible to ask the confessor about a special attitude to his child, ask about the successes or delicate moments of the church life of the son or daughter.
  • Leading children to confession before the onset of their conscious age need less often, since the likelihood of transforming the confession from the sacrament into a routine habit. It will take place to memorize the list of his small sins and reading them every Sunday father.

    Confession for a child should be comparable to the holiday so that it goes there with understanding the sacrality of what is happening. It is important to explain to him that repentance is not a report before an adult man, but voluntary recognition of evil in itself and sincerely desire to eradicate.

  • Do not refuse to eat in an independent choice of a confessor. In the situation at which he liked another father, it is important to affect it from this minister. Selection of a spiritual mentor - a subtle and intimate case, which should not be interfered.
  • Better adult and child to visit different parishes. This will allow you to give freedom to grow by independent and conscious, not tolerating the oppression of excessive parental care. When the family is not worth in one queue, disappearance disappears to overhear the confession of the child. The moment when the offspring becomes capable of voluntary and sincere confession, it becomes the beginning of the distance of parents from him.

Examples of confession


I, chrokery Maria, I repent of my sins. I was superstitious, because of what I visited the fortune-telling and believed in horoscopes. Has holding offense and anger on a loved one. Obserchurized the body, going out to get someone else's attention. Hopefully to seduce unfamiliar men, thought about the carnal and obscene.

I regret myself, I thought about it to stop living myself. Lenosal and idle time spent time for stupid entertainment activities. Did not stand the post. I prayed and attended the church less as laid. Reading the canons, thought about the worldly, and not about God. Allowed sexual connection before marriage. I thought about dirty things and dismissed rumors, gossip. I thought about unnecessaryness in the life of the church service, prayers and repentance. Forgive me, Lord, for all sins, in which I am guilty and accept the word about further correction and chastity.


Slave of God Alexander, confessing to God, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, his evil accomplishments from youth to today, perfect consciously and unconsciously. I repent in sinful thoughts about someone else's wife, the decline of others to the use of durable substances and in conducting a celebrating lifestyle.

Five years ago, I diligently deviated from the service in the army and participated in beating any innocent people. The church foundations, the laws of holy posts and worships. I was cruel and rude, what I regret and ask the Lord to forgive me.


I, Vanya, sinned and came to ask for for forgiveness. Sometimes I brought my parents, did not fulfill these promises and annoyed. For a long time he played a computer and walked with friends instead of reading the gospel and prayers. I recently painted on my hand and snapped when the godfather asked to wash off what I did.

Once late for the ministry on Sunday, and after a month did not go to the temple. One day I tried to smoke, because why quarreled with my parents. I did not give the desired meaning to the tips of the father and senior, specially made them in the wrong words. He offended me close to me and rejoiced grief. Forgive me, God, for my sins, I will try to prevent this.