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How to get rid of dependence on seeds. Caution: Seeds! Curly fun causes addiction

    already the language hurts and the jaw almost does not open .. And you still click them .. Such an infection

    yeah)) they gnaw them, you can't stop it))

  • If you hooked on them, then what place you print questions :) And in general, as I previously answered, it seems to grow up, and the habit of everything in the mouth remained. Mikhalych, Mikhalych ...

    are you kidding me

    Yeah, this is who else mocks

    Want to get the power of the will? Click seeds and the grains are fluttering)

    Most likely, the seed is not stuck. She just scratched the larynx and you feel it. Over time will pass. If it does not go through a couple of days, go to the doctor. I so a piece of glass from the broken glasses swallowed, also "stuck". Nothing, then "came out" :)

    Real communication with the right person is near and as often as possible ... All accumulated thoughts translate into speech - to exchange information, emotions, impressions ... more time to spend time in a close setting, in the conditions of a reduced distance, because the distance strengthens this electronic and telephone mania, And when you have the opportunity to see in the immediate vicinity with interesting people, then there is neither the time of the time for virtual dialogues, including a bunch of sms-kami.

    The best thing is the foundation of the second half if so is not there! And so, any passion, sport, music, walks, parties, real communication with people, and work in the end!

    To begin with, finding a girl / friends who could replace the computer. And it is better to remove somewhere far away, some, if there is some, where computers do not even smell. By myself I will say that sport gives excellent shake, and if you show good results in sports and progressive, the desire is located at the computer in itself disappears over time. If health allows, find additional work, which is associated with exercise.

    With compliance with these simple rules, I think the problem of your problem will cure. Do not expect momentum results.

I remind you the topic of today's release that Catherine launched to us, the participant of the warm-up before the ray training "Wind of Changes". We will get rid of the dependence of very detrimental.

By the way, "bumps" are seeds :). Someone from my acquaintances did they mean. But I think wider! You can designate any harmful food. Chips, sausages, cookies, etc. So today's theme of today is relevant. So, to the report of Catherine!

Hello, Lyudmila! One and a half years every morning I read your newsletters. If you observe all your recommendations and recipes, then of course it would be possible to achieve the result, but usually "big" women lazy and I treat them. It seems that there is no excess, but in size arriving and most importantly, always after the New Year's vacation added, although every day in the New Year holidays and on weekends in the morning I ride skiing. I go every day 5 km. From work home. In the summer weekend fitness in the country. Eat not much, but I can not refuse dependence - seeds. I will buy a package, until I don't go to sleep, I can't sleep, first I thought everything, I so calm myself - nerves. In September I had a grief. In March, traveled to the sanatorium excluded seeds and began to come back to normal and again broke, well, this addiction decided. How it became hot on the street passed on the water in a glass before eating and between food on the glass - also good! Later in the evening, without a deception, again, I was sat down to watch the series and the package of seeds blinded. There is a strength to work on business and work, I am carrying a movable lifestyle, I look at the dacha, I read a lot to be aware of everything, but you have to overcome, refuse seeds, I have increased the stomach with them. Now I decided to obey you and I want to put myself in order!

That's what I answered:

Catherine, find a lesson who will distract from these very seeds. Look at the common calorieness, it should be about 1,500 kcal. Rate the power balance. Do not try to completely change the food in one day. Better to goal go small steps. Gradually reduce the number of seeds, remembering that there is no dependence, it is a game of imagination.

Seeds are really very calories. The 100 grams of this product contains about 520 kilocalories. You for example:. One glass of seeds that you have served during the viewing time of your favorite series is equal to calorie half a white baton or a portion of a grooming stewed twin.

Still half the favorite delicacy of Circling, while communicated with the girlfriend by phone, equate them to the tile of chocolate. The fact on the face, and if only on the face, because the hated calories are stuck in the hips and buttocks and join the stomach.

Seeds are harmful to enamel your teeth. During the purification of the nucleus of seeds, the enamel of the front teeth gradually collapses, which leads to a latter of nerve endings and even caries.

Fats contained in seeds can cause heartburn.

I think I have listed "against" enough to convince you.

Understand that seeds seeds - just our desire, we want today - click them, do not want, we will not. This is our desire that urgently want to satisfy. But you may want and something else - just switch your attention!

I myself, what is the sin to hide, I adore seeds. Therefore, I buy very rarely, so as not to tease yourself. And I don't even feel any longing for them. They are - good. No - Well, okay, there are classes and more interesting.

Let's cope together with all these often imaginary dependencies.

And start right now! Send me your contacts and get the first job to the warm-up before the fascinating and regulatory online training "Wind of Change". Participation in the warm-up - free!

What you did not expect from your favorite delicacy

Finally, after a long torment and serious delays in the way, the long-awaited summer comes to Russia. Jokes about "February 135" or at least "April 69" are slowly forgotten, the sun has been reigned in the sky, and they turned their heavy heads on thin necks of the sunflowers ... and therefore, the new yield of seeds. Let's talk about this national delicacy. After all, a glass with fragrant seeds is not only anticipation of pleasure, but also a serious risk.

1. Are you scratching seeds with teeth? In vain! The washing of the product in front of the roasting is not included in the number of useful habits of most manufacturers, but frying seeds on a small fire (rather even dried, and not fry), so the chance to bounce in pathogenic microbes or harmful substances is very large. There are proven cases of infection with serious diseases through seeds.

2. Another argument against the sampling of seeds tooth will lead dentists. For those who constantly have a delicacy, the front teeth will inevitably deteriorate: the dental enamel is cracking, caries penetrates the cracks immediately. In addition, this teeth's habit is darker and covered with a dental stone.

3. And finally, the third, decisive argument. Knowing people say that suffering from rheumatism of grandmothers in the Russian south there is a habit of keeping sick legs in a basin with hot fried seeds - it is believed that it helps to take unpleasant feelings. The cooled seeds are understandable, go for sale.

4. Surfers, although they are part of a series of diets, very high calories. 100 grams of purified seeds (full glass) is, on a second, 520 kilocalories, equivalent to boat plates and kind cutlets. However, for the sake of justice, we note that by the number of useful trace elements, the sunflower seeds even exceed this lunch.

5. Despite the external dryness, seeds are extremely fatty food, and therefore, they are contraindicated with patients with a gastric ulcer, gastritis; In addition, they are able to aggravate the problems with the liver.

6. High content of oils in sunflower seeds leads to the fact that our mucosa is covered with a thin oil film. This badly affects voice ligaments: destroying a glass of seeds, you will not be able to sing high quality for some time or, say, lecture. For the same reason, there is a feeling of dryness in the mouth, constantly want to drink.

7. Sunflower seeds are just a storehouse of nutrients, especially vitamins, but it also has a reverse side: it is easy to "grab" overdose. Most often there is a light poisoning with vitamin B6, symptoms - disruption of coordination of movements and tingling in the limbs.

8. Sunflower is very susceptible, he perfectly absorbs everything that the earth and the atmosphere give him. If the field is located next to the lively track, you will get into food the products of the "vital activity" of cars, if near the chemical plant or on the site of the former landfill, the cocktail will be even more core. Especially this plant for some reason loves cadmium, which negatively affects the work of the human heart.

9. The promotion of sunflower seeds is very strong - and not very profitable - marks you in a social aspect. In the cities, the lungement of seeds is considered to be familiar to the lowest class. To complete the portrait, it is recommended to wear ABIBAS sports suit (fake of a well-known company), hacking a cap and squatting. Nearby should be an open bottle of beer.

10. Circus clowns have a sign: they gnaw seeds - the viewers will rise (that is, fees will fall)! They will see a colleague with seeds - can and beat.

But still benefits from seeds much more than harm - if you abide by hygiene and moderation.

In 2002-2003, among the opium drug addicts, the news was spread among the clear sky - of the food poppy of a certain brand, which is sold in the markets, you can easily make a drug. About a year later, the narcological offices began to be replenished with patients who passed the treatment of poppy seeds, hoping that detoxification would solve the problem. However, after a while they again and again returned to the hospitals, in the depths of the soul realizing that the usual cleansing of the body does not help stop using drugs.

How does the intravenous consumption of poppy seed affect the body?

The use of poppy seeds causes huge harm to the entire body. Degradation can occur not as fast as with regular smoking, but very soon a drug addict begins to feel ailments. First of all, the following authorities suffer:

  • A heart - Quite often, the reception of the poppy seed drug provokes a drop in blood pressure. A sharp drop can lead to a stop of a vital organ.
  • Gastrointestinal - Dependence causes a person to eat irregularly, which leads to acute chronic gastritis and ulcers.
  • Liver - In the intravenous use of narcotic substances, a person always risks infected with hepatitis B and C, which can grow into cirrhosis.
  • Blood - Many patients entering hospitals are infected with sepsis. Abscesses and thrombophlebitis are rather regularity for those who regularly use poppy seeds.
  • Teeth - Already in 25-27 years, the drug addict can be practically without teeth. They are destroyed gradually, and the time and money for a visit to the dental is missing.
  • Kidney - For 2-3 years, the dependent person acquires sharp renal failure.

At the same time, the mental state deteriorates - a drug addict stops in development, depression develops, nervous breakdowns are rapidly. Intravenous poppy drug introduction increases the risk of infection of dependent HIV and other infections transmitted through blood.

Full rehabilitation from poppy addiction

Detoxification is only the first stage of treatment. Popy seeds in 2016 began to impregnate with a solution of desomorphine. Some drug addicts died from overdose without having calculated the dose. The consequences of regular reception of such a composition resemble the breaking when, therefore, the first 2-3 weeks after the cessation of use is recommended to be carried out in the stationary drug disciplioration. Next, long-term rehabilitation dependent in the center is necessary.

In the rehabilitation center "Phoenix" with patients work experienced psychologists and consultants. Treatment of dependence on poppy seeds involves a set of events: psychotherapy, art therapy, individual classes with a personal gestalt-therapist, meditation, a group of program study 12 steps, etc. Gradually, sanity returns to the patient. This contributes to the overall atmosphere of recovery in the center. A person learns to cope with the attacks of traction and receives all the knowledge necessary for a full-fledged life in society.

Clicking seeds - bad habit

Frankly, the existence of special scientific research on the benefits and harm of seeds - the beloved Russian delicacy Espert in the nutritional of the Embassy of Medicine is unknown. Maybe no one ever spent them. Nevertheless, we will take over the courage to warn our readers that seeds, in those unlimited quantities, in which they are usually nibble and lousy are harmful to human health. Want to know why?

It is impossible to say that sunflower seeds are typical Russian food. They brought them once from Latin America. Love them all over the world. But clicking them in such quantities - glasses and not less are characteristic of the Russians and their brothers Slavs. It looks like quite logical - Russia and Ukraine seeds produce most of all in the world.

According to dietology, in seeds a lot of substances useful for humans: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, trace elements and vitamins.

Fat (35%) in them are represented by unsaturated fatty acids that improve the fat exchange and successfully opposing the formation of high cholesterol concentrations. They have a lot of vitamins A, B, D and E - necessary for the correct course of important processes in the body: the works of the bone-muscular apparatus and the nervous system, the health of the skin, hair, nails, etc. There are in them the trace elements we need - zinc, magnesium, Fluoro, iron, calcium. It's a shame that with the burning of seeds, many of these beneficial substances are destroyed, and so useful fats are oxidized and deteriorated.

Why did the closure of seed experts in nutrition consider the harmful habit? There are a number of good reasons for it.

- Seeds - the product is frankly dirty. If you buy them in the bazaar, then in the appendage you get a variety of microbes and eggs of worms. Such seeds would need to be worn and delight, but in this case there are little taste and benefit.

Is there a lot or a little? This amount of calories corresponds to the energy value of normal lunch, that is, it is a lot. And if such "heavy" grams and 200, and 300 are clicked? Glass and other? Overweight from them is gaining lightning. Someone wants to be a fat?

Seeds - sworn enemy of dental enamel. On them, it is quite possible to run the teeth. It all depends on the number of seeds, which can be satisfied, that is, from the amount of work that you specify with your teeth, clicking them.

- The composition of seeds, which are grown in industrial volumes on plantations, is impossible to predict. And it is rather harmful than useful. Most recently, the Embassy of Medicine said that there are toxic seeds from Ukraine - contaminated with pesticides and herbicides, as well as heavy metal with cadmium, dangerous to liver, kidneys and heaver.

- Seeds are very tasty, and to keep it out not to swallow a couple of glasses very hard. Many probably noticed that alkaline them, I also want. Many believe that thereby man relieves emotional tension and relaxes. Similarly, the voltage at eating chocolate and sweets is reset. It is a very bad habit: search for calm in favorite food. Specialists in psychology believe that this is a real psychological dependence, which leads to obesity and disease.

What is happening? Do you have to completely refuse this delicacy? Experts in nutrition are advised: let it be a treat for you and remains, and for this - click the whole handful of seeds per day, but no more.


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