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Sound and short vowel or consonant. Remember! the sound is always soft and sonorous! Modern Russian language

The most important part of speech is words, we pronounce them, write and read them, from which we add phrases and sentences. They consist of letters and sounds that have become so firmly embedded in our lives that we hardly notice them.

Letters and sounds are not the same, although they are closely related concepts. We write letters, see and read, and we pronounce and hear sounds. Letters are graphic written symbols, while sounds are the acoustic component of words and human speech in general. In different words, the same letter sometimes corresponds to different sounds.

“In the beginning there was a word. Then words, words, words ... " (author Vladimir Kolechitsky).

"The word was given to a person not for self-satisfaction, but for the embodiment and transmission of that thought, that feeling, that share of truth and inspiration that he possesses to other people." (author V. Korolenko).

Various branches of linguistic science are engaged in the study of letters and sounds. Sounds studying phonetics and alphabetic characters are graphics ... Spelling letters is a prerogative spelling .

The set of letters of any language makes up its alphabet. The letters of the Russian language are divided into consonants, vowels and auxiliary sounds. The auxiliary ones include those not carrying sound information - hard and soft signs.

Consonants and sounds of the Russian alphabet

Consonant sounds and letters are characterized by the fact that during their pronunciation a certain obstacle arises in the path of air in the oral cavity. As a result, noise is always present in the acoustic sound of consonants. They got the name "consonants" because they almost always stand next to vowels or in the same word with them.

There are 21 consonant letters in Russian:

b in r d f s th
to l m n p r with
t f x c h w u

Another characteristic feature of consonants is that they cannot be chanted. You can stretch the pronunciation of hissing consonants (for example: with , f , w , u ), but "singing" will not work.

As noted above, consonants in words almost always coexist with vowels. However, there are a limited number of words that only consist of consonants. Along with prepositions to , with or particle b , these are some foreign proper names ( Krch - Prague area; Armenian name Mkrtch , which in Russian is sometimes written with a vowel - for euphony), as well as interjections like brr or shh .

The classification of consonants and sounds in the Russian language is based on acoustic criteria.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Those consonants whose pronunciation consists only of noise are called voiceless. In contrast, consonants formed by sound and noise are called voiced.

The letter stands alone th (and short). According to its acoustic sound, it is classified as a voiced consonant, however, it is impossible to pronounce it in isolation. Letter th can be pronounced only together with the preceding or following vowel sound, for example [yy], [iy], etc.

Paired and unpaired consonants

Most voiced consonants correspond to certain voiceless ones. Such letters in tune with each other are called paired ... There are also consonants that have no pair. Among them there are also deaf and voiced, and they are called unpaired .

Paired voiced and deafUnpaired voicedUnpaired deaf
b - n l x
in - f m c
r - k n h
d - t r u
w - w th
s - s

Soft and hard consonants

The pronunciation of consonants in words can be hard or soft. If the sound is pronounced softly, then the tongue is slightly pushed forward, approaching or touching the upper palate. When pronouncing solid sounds, the tongue does not move forward (but the tongue can touch the upper palate due to the upward movement).

Most consonants produce both hard and soft sounds, but there are some exceptions. In particular, the letters f , c , w always have a solid sound, and the letters th , h , u - soft.

In other cases, the hardness or softness of the consonants is determined by which letter comes after them.

If a consonant is accompanied by letters and , about , at , eh , s , b - then you get a solid sound. The same is true if the consonant is at the end of a word or there is another consonant after it.

If the consonant is accompanied by letters e , e , and , yu , i , b - then its sound will be soft.
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Hissing and sibilant consonants

Some of the consonants in Russian are pronounced like hiss. These are the sounds f , w , u , h which are called sibilant consonants.

Another group of consonant sounds when leaving the oral cavity forms acoustic vibrations that resemble a whistle. These are the sounds s , with , c - whistling.

The properties of sibilant and sibilant consonants are especially noticeable during their prolonged pronunciation.

One of the important features of these sounds is that most of the speech defects are associated with their pronunciation. For this reason, working with sibilant and sibilant consonants should be given special attention when teaching children. It is important to note that speech deficits associated with these sounds can be amenable to speech therapy.

Russian vowels and sounds

Unlike consonants and letters, a characteristic feature of vowels is that the air, when pronounced, passes through the oral cavity freely. As a result, vowel sounds can not only be easily stretched, but also chanted. Another distinctive feature is that they can be pronounced as loudly as you like, with the full force of your voice.

By means of vowels and sounds, consonants are combined into syllables. Each syllable contains only one vowel. The number of other letters - consonants, hard and soft signs - can be different. Words can consist of one or more syllables: ros-letter, breaking , yard , picture .

The number of vowels in Russian is 10:

and e e and about at s eh yu i

And there are only 6 vowel sounds: [a], [and], [o], [y], [s], [e]. The corresponding vowels are one-sounding. The other 4 vowels are e , e , yu , i - two-sounding, and separately pronounced as [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]. At the same time, in words, these letters mean one sound (examples: squirrel, ball, go, key).

As in the case of consonants, there are a number of Russian words consisting only of vowels. These are pronouns - i , her ; unions - and , and ; prepositions - at , about ; interjections - eh , ay .

Stressed and unstressed vowels

In words, vowel sounds can be stressed and unstressed.

  • If a vowel is stressed in a word, it is read more clearly, with a greater accent and a little more drawn out.
  • In the absence of stress, vowels in words are read less clearly. Accordingly, the unstressed position is a weak position for them, and the position in the stressed syllable is a strong position.

As a rule, in traditional writing, stress in words is not marked. If necessary, they are denoted by the sign "acute" - a small "/" stroke above the vowel.

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Sound designations in phonetic parsing of a word

Phonetic or sound parsing of a word serves to display and understand its correct pronunciation. Both words and individual letters can be phonetically designated.

Sound designations, unlike letters, are enclosed in square brackets. A graphic recording of the pronunciation of a word is called transcription.

The basic rules, in accordance with which sounds are designated in phonetic parsing of a word, are as follows:

  • The hardness of the consonants does not have any designation, but the softness is indicated by the apostrophe. For example, if [b] is a hard sound, then [b ’] is soft.
  • Long sounding in transcription is indicated by a colon, for example: cashbox - [cas: a].
  • Not always, but often stress is put in the transcription of words. For example: wave - [valna].
  • The soft mark and the hard mark have no sound pronunciation, therefore there is no display during phonetic parsing.

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How to teach children to distinguish between hard and soft sounds

Sometimes children may have difficulty distinguishing between hard and soft consonants. In this case, there are some techniques that make it easier to master the topic.

First of all, you need to explain to the child that the concepts of hardness and softness do not refer to consonants, but to their sounds. And that the same letter can sound both hard and soft. Let me give you an example: " b "- the words ram - white," r "- work - belt," l "- horse - swan.

Explaining the letters-exceptions, for better memorization, it is recommended to write them down like this:

  • th , h , u
  • f , w , c

It is necessary to make it clear to the child that the underlined letters seem to "sit on the pads" - the pads are soft and the letters are also soft.

In order for the child to remember well before which vowels the letter becomes hard or soft, you can use the following technique: first, with a serious expression on your face, read a syllable with a hard consonant - and then, with a smile on your face, read another syllable where this consonant is soft. Then, do the same with other letters and syllables. For example: la -- la , mu -- mi , zo -- zya, bo -- by , ry -- ryo etc. A child associates a soft pronunciation with a smile, and a hard one with seriousness and severity, which makes it possible to remember the material associatively.

Gradually, you need to improve your skills, and do the same exercises with simple words, such as: mother , dads and - uncle , aunt etc. As you memorize, you should move from simple words to more complex ones. Explanations and exercises should be gradually alternated with tasks: write words, and then ask which consonants are hard and which are soft.

Another exercise can be proposed: make tablets with words in which soft consonants are written in one color, and hard ones in another. For example:

  • N O S I K
  • K O V Y R
  • H AND SL O
  • T YO PL Y Y

There are many options, but it is advisable to choose among them those that the child likes best. This contributes to a better perception of the material, its memorization and practical assimilation.

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Some interesting and useful information

  • Sounds and words can be formed without human intervention. A well-known example is the pronunciation of words by birds of the parrot family. As for individual sounds, they can also appear in inanimate nature - with the rustle of leaves, gusts of wind, splashing waves. This cannot be said about letters - after all, only their meaningful spelling can be recognized as a letter designation, and this is characteristic only of people.
  • Despite the small number of words consisting only of vowels, they can be used to form a sentence: "Eh, what about me?"
  • Almost all words of the Russian language containing the letter " f ”, Have a foreign language origin. Only in relation to rare words (for example: owl) is Russian origin assumed, but this has not been proven for sure.
  • All words starting with the letter " th », Also foreign languages. For example: iodine, yogurt, iota, Yemen, Yokohama, Yorkshire, etc.
  • The letter " e »In words almost always bears stress on itself. There are very few exceptions to this rule - these are words of foreign origin ( königsberg surfing ), as well as compound words, which include numbers of three or four - ( twenty-three-digit , four-door , three thousandth ). It should also be noted those rare situations when in one word there are two letters " e », One of which becomes shock, and the other - unstressed ( three-star , four-wheeled , airplane lift , three-ruble ).
  • There are many words in the Russian language with unusual letter combinations. For example, words in which the same vowel is repeated three times in a row: snake-eater , zoo association , long-necked ... A word with 7 consonants in a row: counter-meeting (perhaps, occasionalism ). Words with three soft signs: seductiveness , diminutiveness , multifunctionality , seductiveness and so on. A word with two soft and one hard signs: courier ... A monosyllabic word of 8 letters: in passing ... Many other interesting examples can be cited.
  • Any letter has a certain repetition rate, the most used letters in Russian are about , e , and , and , t , n , with , r ... This phenomenon is used to recognize cipher codes.

Knowledge of letters and sounds, their spelling and pronunciation is the basis of language literacy. In turn, a good command of the spoken and written language is one of the indicators of a person's erudition, and the skills of reading and understanding the text are the basis for learning other sciences. After all, the lion's share of information in the modern world is comprehended by reading or listening, and only a small part of it - through personal experience.

In addition, linguistic speech, which forms the second signaling system, as well as everything connected with it - auditory perception, reading, writing - are one of the main differences between humans and animals. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the phenomena that are based on language acquisition. This process continues almost all life, but it begins with an acquaintance with letters, sounds and syllables in early childhood.

Natalia Yaltsova
Sound [th], letter d.

Sound(th, letter y.

goal: automation sound [th].

Tasks: learn to determine the position sound [th] in words, synthesis and analysis of reverse and direct syllables, to introduce letter y;

develop phonemic perception, auditory attention, coordination of speech with movement, fine motor skills of hands, logical thinking;

to foster interest in the sounding speech, independence, the desire to bring the work started to the end.

1. Organizational moment

I will ask the guys to sit down, in whose names there are sound [w], [d ’], [l’], [m], [k], [t], [v], [n], [p], [l] (reiteration).

2. Getting to know sound.

Guys, today we will learn a new one sound... And which one - guess for yourself. I will call an assistant to me, and he will carry out my commands.

Speech therapist calls one baby: "Stop, run, sing, count".

What commands did I give? (Children call, the speech therapist pronounces, emphasizing in exaggerated Y)

What sound heard at the end of these words? (Th)

Today we will listen to the tale of sound [th] and we will play with him.

Families are exhibited sounds.

Vowels once sit in their homes letterssinging songs to all voices. Suddenly they hear something strange, incomprehensible

They look, somehow unlike them sound in a green shirt is trying to explain something to them, but he speaks very briefly

And listened to and recognized in him his distant relative, who was called I-short, because it sounds abrupt, short and it is not always easy to hear him.

They listened, listened, finally understood - I-short in the choir asks them.

The vowels came out, stood in a circle, began to think about how to teach an I-short to sing. All his voice is good, clear, soft, gentle, and the sound cannot pull.

To begin with, a house was built for him the same as that of his relative, sound And, but with a visor - to distinguish

The house of I-short was named letter AND short... I was delighted - short, thanks everyone for the house - letter.

I-short settled in his house- letter, listens to the vowels singing, and he tries to sing along to them. Listened-listened A, and is talking:

Let's try to sing together. You start, and I'll pick up

And-short agreed and they sang

YA, yA, yA!

You are good at it, - said Wu thoughtfully, - well, will you sing with me? - he turned to I-short

I will, - he answered without hesitation

And then everyone heard - yo, yo, yo

Oh, how good! Sing with me now! - asked O

You are welcome.

YO YO YO! - poured a new song.

Eh, I don't want to stay away, - reasoned E, - let's sing together, - he suggested to E-short

The next song sounded like this

Ye, ye, ye "

Rejoices I-short sings with A - it turns out "YA yA yA", sings with U - it turns out "Yo yo, yo", sings with O - it turns out "YO, yO, yO", sings with E - it turns out "IE, IE, IE"

Were saddened only and yes s

Nice, very nice, - sighed And, listening to the singing of friends - I would like to sing with I-short, but if I sing, no one will hear it at all, we are relatives

I-short and I will not be able to sing together either.He is so tall, but I am so low, - Y

So they sat, listened to songs, quietly talked and decided to build such houses where I-krok could perform with concerts with sound A, with sound U, with sound O, with sound E

Thought-thought and made four houses

The first house was named letter I sound A

The second house was named letter Y, in it I-short began to sing with sound U

The third house was named letter E in it I-short began to sing with sound O

The fourth house was named letter E, in it I-short began to sing with sound E

So they still sing in the houses- letters I, Yu, Yo, E

AND sound and-short for somethingwho agreed to sing with vowels, they began to call a consonant and add a sonorous, soft one to the name. I-short's voice is really surprisingly clear and surprisingly soft

Sang sounds a lot and at home, and at concerts

The vowels spoke the sounds always in red shirts, and I-short - in green

Looking at him, everyone is soft the sounds began to wear green shirts, and solid the sounds decided to wear blue shirts

So since then it has become the custom in Russian

Six vowels sounds indicate with red circles,

Other sounds - consonants,

Soft consonants are indicated by green circles,

Solid consonants are blue.

3. "Journey".

And now you and I, guys, are going on a journey for letter Y... See what we will take with us. The pictures are displayed, we select, we name (sparrow, ant, tram, box, turkey, berries, kettle, shirt, shirt, whirligig, skis, boat).

And on the trip, guys, we'll take the train. Letter hiding in a tree on sound [th]... What kind of tree is it?

Name the pictures. In the names of pictures sound [th] is pronounced at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word. We will be distributing pictures in three carriages. The first carriage will carry words in which sound [th] at the beginning of a word... In the second car there are words in which sound [th] in the middle of a word. In the third, there are words in which sound [th] at the end of a word, last.

The whole train started. And while the train is moving, we will have a little rest.

4. Physical education

Finger gymnastics "Herringbone".

Before us is a Christmas tree: Show Herringbone: arms bent at the elbows in front of you; fingers intertwined, thumbs raised up - the top Christmas trees.

Bumps, needles, show "Bumps" - compressed cams and "Needles" - spread fingers.

Balls, Lanterns, Show "balloons": palm - "Half bucket" facing upward with slightly parted fingers; "Flashlights": the same folded palms are facing down.

Bunnies and candles, show "Bunnies" - Cams with raised index and middle fingers; "Candles" - folded palms with fingers drawn together.

Stars, little people. Show "stars" - folded palms with outstretched fingers; "Little men" - position "ears" way down.

5. "Riddles of the Yaga".

I won't let you in anywhere until you guess mine riddles:

Everything is dressed with white snow, so it has come ... (winter).

At night, each window dimly illuminates ... (moon).

There are 4 lions under the tree, one left, left ... (one).

Any girl knows that a carrot ... (orange).

A clubfoot passed by the hive ... (bear).

The mouse counts holes in cheese: 3 + 2- total ... (five).

I know perfectly well that the cloud ... (white).

3 Christmas trees have grown as a wall in a birch grove, every toddler knows, their color, of course ... (green).

Guys, let's make a proposal about Baba Yaga, so that she let us go.

6. "At the Christmas tree"... Synthesis and analysis of syllables (ay, oh, oh, oh, hey).

And here is our letter Y, and with it the vowels, let's make them friends, what syllables will we get?

Now let's write a clean phrase for Yagi:

Ay-ay-ay-you Yaga don't scare us.

Oh-oh-oh-we will be friends with Yaga.

Hey-hey-hey - let us go quickly.

6. Getting to know letter y.

And now we are together with letter th go to the nursery garden:

Children listening to a poem:

A bird flies over the gate

But he doesn't sit on the gate.

In order not to be confused with I,

Write a tick above.

E. Tarlapan

Laying out letters from elements.

7. Summing up.

With which the sound we played today?

What did you enjoy doing in class?

Y is a letter that in Russian letters denoted in different cases two completely dissimilar sounds.

From the Great Soviet Encyclopedia:

In the Russian writing system, Y denotes a non-syllable vowel (by no means a consonant middle language fricative "j", with which it is often inaccurately compared).

Three-volume "Grammar of the Russian language": "In a number of cases the letters E, E, YU, I denote combinations of the consonant" y "with subsequent vowels" of these latter, the "th" will also be found.

In some cases, when we meet the letter Y in the words "my", "your", "May", "tea", it expresses a short non-syllable vowel "y" (sometimes it is called a half-vowel), in others - well, say, in the name of the English County of York or the Arab state of Yemen - conveys the indisputable consonant "iot".

There are few such words. There are only 59 of them in TSB. Six of the geographical names of the USSR (non-Russian), 53 - refer to foreign toponyms or concepts borrowed from foreign languages.

Of all the listed Russian letters, Y is in some way "Ivan, who does not remember kinship." There was no letter Y in the Cyrillic alphabet. It was introduced into use only in 1735. At the same time, until the revolution, the letter Y was some kind of semi-recognized sign. Naturally, neither in the "Explanatory Dictionary" of V. Dahl, nor in the "Encyclopedic Dictionary" of Brockhaus and Efron, there is such a section: "Words with the letter Y". At Brockhaus, the name of the Siberian river "Iya" is immediately followed by the letter "K".

Lopatin fixed the spelling Y after the vowels at the end of the word or before the consonants (may, oil, cue, swarm, mystery, watering can), but he did not differentiate the sounds indicated by it. Maybe not to confuse ordinary citizens, non-philologists.

Before a vowel, the letter y is written only in the following cases:

If the first part of an abbreviated word ends with the letter y, and the second begins with a vowel, for example: regional administration, regional electoral committee, construction industry, construction brigade, regional commissioner.








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Sound is elastic vibrations in a medium. We hear sounds and can create them, among other things, with the help of the speech apparatus (lips, tongue, etc.).

A letter is a symbol of the alphabet. Has an uppercase (excl., B and b) and a lowercase version. Often a letter is a graphic representation of the corresponding speech sound. We see and write letters. So that the peculiarities of pronunciation do not affect the writing, spelling rules have been developed that determine which letters should be used in the word in question. The exact pronunciation of the pronunciation of a word can be found in the phonetic transcription of the word, which is shown in square brackets in dictionaries.

Vowels and sounds

Vowel sounds ("voice" is the Old Slavonic "voice") - these are the sounds [a], [and], [o], [y], [s], [e], in the creation of which the vocal cords are involved, and on the way no barrier is erected on the exhaled air. These sounds are sung: [aaaaaaa], [iiiiiiiii] ...

Vowel sounds are designated by the letters a, e, e, and, o, y, s, e, yu, i. The letters e, e, yu, i are called iotated. They denote two sounds, the first of which is [th "], when

  1. stand first in the phonetic word e le [y "e ́l" e] (3 letters, 4 sounds) e schё [y "and u" ó] (3 letters, 4 sounds) e f [y "o ́ш] (2 letters , 3 sounds) Yu la [th "u ́l" a] (3 letters, 4 sounds) I block [th "a ́blaka] (6 letters, 7 sounds) I ichko [th" and ich "ka] (5 letters, 6 sounds)
  2. follow the vowels of the bird d [pt "itsy" e ́t] (7 letters, 8 sounds) her [yiy "o ́] (2 letters, 4 sounds) kayu ta [kai" u ́ta] (5 letters, 6 sounds) blue [with "in" and "a] (5 letters, 6 sounds)
  3. follow after ь and ъ entrance zd [vy "e ́st] (5 letters, 5 sounds) rise [pady" o ́m] (6 letters, 6 sounds) pour [l "y" y ́] (3 letters, 3 sounds ) wings [wings "y" a] (6 letters, 6 sounds)

The letter and also denotes two sounds, the first of which is [th "], when

  1. follows after the nightingale b [salav "y" and ́] (7 letters, 7 sounds)

In a word, vowel sounds highlighted during pronunciation are called stressed, and not highlighted ones are unstressed. Sounds under stress are most often heard and written. To check what kind of letter you need to put in a word, you should choose a single-root word in which the desired unstressed sound will be stressed.

Runner [b "igú uch" iy "] - be g [b" e′k] go ra [gará] - go ry [mountains]

Two words combined with a single stress make up one phonetic word.

To the garden [fsat]

There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels. The division of a word into syllables may not correspond to the division during hyphenation.

e-e (2 syllables) to -chka (2 syllables) o-de -va -tsya (4 syllables)

Consonants and sounds

Consonant sounds are sounds that create an obstacle in the path of exhaled air.

Voiced consonants are pronounced with the participation of a voice, and voiceless consonants are pronounced without it. The difference is easy to hear in paired consonants, for example, [n] - [b], when pronouncing which the lips and tongue are in the same position.

Soft consonants are pronounced with the participation of the middle part of the language and in transcription are indicated by an apostrophe " what happens when consonants

  1. are always soft [th "], [h"], [uch "] ah [ai"] (2 letters, 2 sounds) ray [ray "] (3 letters, 3 sounds) bream [l" est "] (3 letters, 3 sounds)
  2. follow before the letters e, e, i, y, i, b (excl., always solid [f], [c], [w] and in borrowed words) stranded [m "el"] (4 letters, 3 sounds) aunt [т "о́т" а] (4 letters, 4 sounds) people [л "у́д" и] (4 letters, 4 sounds) life [жы́з "н"] (5 letters, 4 sounds) circus [tsyrk] (4 letters, 4 sounds) neck [sh eya] (3 letters, 4 sounds) tempo [t emp] (4 letters, 4 sounds)
  3. followed by soft consonants (in some cases) pancake [bl "in" h "ik]

Otherwise, consonants will be predominantly solid.

The hissing consonants include the sounds [w], [w], [h "], [u"]. Speech therapists rule their pronunciation next to last: the tongue must be strong and flexible in order to resist the exhaled air and to hold the palate in the shape of a cup. The vibrating [p] and [p "] are always the last in line.

Does a student need phonetics?

Without dividing into vowels, consonants, stressed, unstressed, of course, it is impossible. But the transcription is overkill.

Speech therapists must know phonetic parsing of words, and probably it can be useful to foreigners.

For students (from grade 1!) Who have not yet mastered the spelling rules, a rather in-depth study of phonetics only interferes, confuses and contributes to the incorrect memorization of the spelling of words. It is the “back” that the child will associate with the pronounced “running”.

What sounds are called consonants?
What does a consonant sound consist of?
What are consonant sounds?
How many consonants and consonant sounds are in the Russian alphabet?
Which consonants are always hard and which are always soft?
What letters indicate the softness of a consonant sound?

Sounds, during the pronunciation of which the air meets an obstacle in the mouth, are called consonant sounds... A consonant consists of noise and voice, or only noise.

Consonants are divided into voiced and deaf... The voiced ones consist of noise and voice, the deaf ones only of noise.

Sounds consist only of noise: [k], [p], [s], [t], [f], [x], [c], [h], [w], [u]. These are voiceless consonants.

Many consonants form pairs by voicingdeafness: [b] [n], [in] [f], [g] [k], [d] [t], [h] [s], [w] [w].

To memorize voiced consonants, you can learn the phrase: “ LEO AND TOAD HAVE MANY FRIENDS».
See all phrases for memorizing voiced and voiceless consonants.

Voiceless consonants are easy to remember by the phrase: “ STEPKA, WANT SCHETS? Fu!».

Consonant sounds are indicated by letters:

B, IN, D, D, F, Z, Th, TO, L, M, H, P, R, WITH, T, F, X, C, H, Sh, U.

In total, the Russian language has 21 consonant letters.

Consonant sounds are also hard and soft.

Hard and soft sounds differ in the position of the tongue when pronouncing. When pronouncing soft consonants, the middle back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate.

Most consonants form hard-soft pairs:

The following hard and soft consonants do not form pairs in terms of hardness-softness:

{!LANG-830d87df87ee56a68bd64fe10d7cc252!} [f] [w] [c]
{!LANG-80e92a98c0acffdb04dbfc9668e51cb2!} [h❜] [uch❜] [th❜]

Table "Consonant sounds: paired and unpaired, voiced and deaf, hard and soft" (grades 1-4)

Note: in elementary school, hard consonants are indicated in blue, soft consonants in green, and vowels in red.

Hardness consonants are indicated in writing with vowels AND , ABOUT , Have , S , E .

Softness a consonant sound is indicated in writing with vowels E, E, I, Y, Iand also the letter B (soft sign).

Compare: nose [nose] - carried [n❜os], angle [corner] - coal [úgal❜].

Unpaired voiced sounds [d❜], [l], [l❜], [m], [m❜] [n], [n❜] [p], [p❜] are called sonorous, which translated from Latin means "sonorous".

The sounds [w], [w], [h❜], [u] are called hissing... They got this name because their pronunciation is similar to hiss.

Sounds [w], [w] are unpaired solid hissing sounds.
The sounds [ч❜] and [ш] are unpaired soft hissing sounds.

Sounds [c], [c❜], [h], [z❜], [c] are called whistling.

Consonant can not be percussive or unstressed.

In Russian, there are more consonants (36) than consonants (21), since one letter can denote paired hard and soft sounds: for example, the letter L (el) denotes the sounds [л] and [л❜].

Attention! A consonant can form a syllable only with