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Time of complete eclipse. Solar eclipse - what it is and how it happens

The sun shines, but not so bright, as it was before, the temperature slowly decreases. The sickle sizes decrease, and as a result, the black disc stopped skipping the slightest rays of light. Instead of a bright and warm day, an unusual night surrounds you, and there is no sun in heaven, only a black big circle shining unusual silver rays.

Nature's noise almost immediately subsides, and plants begin to turn their leaves. After a few minutes, everything will return to its places and the streets of the city will come to life. Many years ago, such phenomena brought wild horror on people, instilling in their hearts panic and fear before inevitable.

What is the lunar eclipse?

This is the moment of the moon in the shadow area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth. During this period, all three components: the sun, the earth and the moon are located on the same line in such a way that the Earth does not miss the sunlight to its satellite. Consequently, this phenomenon occurs only in the full moon.

During, when it happens, you can see the moon in a completely darkened appearance or in partly darkened. Watching the phenomenon can half of the population of the Earth, with which the moon can be seen at the time of the eclipse.

Since the diameter of the moon shadow is more than 2 times less from the diameter of the Earth, it will be able to completely close the moon disk. That's what it is full eclipse. If the moon is immersed in the shadow of the earth partially, then this phenomenon is called private.

If there is a curve of the line created by the location of the three main objects, people may not see full eclipse at all. If the earth shadow will cover only a small part of the moon disk, then as a result of this, you can see the coating of the lunar disk. Their location will affect the duration of the eclipse phases.

The full lunar eclipse does not mean that it will disappear from the view. Just the moon disk acquires another color - dark red. A scientific explanation of the change of color is the refraction of the sun's rays going to the moon. Passing along the tangent trajectory to the globe rays, only red rays (blue and blue color spectra are absorbed by our atmosphere) are scattered and remains.

Just these rays reach the surface during eclipse. The nature of the "focus" is exactly the same as during the sunset, when a delicate pink or orange is observed far beyond the horizon.

How is the sunny?

Planets with their companions, as everyone knows, is constantly moving: Moon - around the globe, and the earth - around the solar disk. In the process of permanent movement, specific points may occur when the sun can be observed by a lunar disk. This may occur in full or partial form.

The solar eclipse is called shadow from the moon disk falling on the ground. Its radius reaches a mark of 100 kilometers, which is less from the radius of the globe several times. Because of this, it is possible to observe the natural phenomenon only on a small lane of the Earth.

If you are in this shadow band, you can see a complete eclipse, during which the sunlight will be completely closed by the moon. At this point, the lighting disappears, and people will be able to watch the stars.

Residents of the planets that are near the strip will be able to admire this phenomenon only in private. The private eclipse is characterized by the passage of the moon not through the central part of the Sun, closing only a small part of it.

At the same time, the occurrence of gloomy darkness around occurs not so much, and it will not be able to see in the afternoon. About 2,000 kilometers is the distance from the territory of the total eclipse, where you can watch a private eclipse.

Solar Eclipse is a truly unique phenomenon.Behind which we can observe. This is possible only for the reason that the sizes of the sun and the moon are almost the same when looking from the ground, despite the colossal difference in their size (the sun exceeds the moon in size almost 400 times). The difference in size compensates for the location of the solar disk, which is at a high distance.

Complete solar eclipse is sometimes accompanied by such an effect as a solar crown - people can see the layers of the atmosphere of a solar disk that cannot be seen during normal time. A very fascinating spectacle to see everyone.

What a complete eclipse is longer and why?

About 1.5 hours is the maximum duration of the full lunar eclipse.

The brightness of the moon can be different levels (at the beginning of the eclipse). In some cases, the lunar disk is not visible at all, and sometimes, on the contrary, it may seem that there was no eclipse at all - the moon can be so bright.

Solar eclipse can only be seen in the new moonWhen the lunar disk is seen from the ground it is impossible because of its location in the solar system. This creates the illusion that during an eclipse, the solar disc closes something else that it cannot be connected with the moon.

The shadow scattered moon on the surface of the globe has a cone-shaped form. Its tip is located a little further from the ground, which leads to the formation of a black spot when shadow in the earth's surface.

The diameter of the spots is approximately 150-250 kilometers. The speed of its movement on the surface of the Earth is 1 km per second, which is why some one place on the planet cannot be closed for a long time.

The total phase of solar eclipse lasts not more than 7.5 minutes, private 1.5-2 hours.

What is the difference between them?

The main difference between the solar and lunar eclipse is that the first is considered more external affecting events occurring around man. Consequently, the lunar eclipses are considered more inwards that communicate with the emotional side of the person (vital problems, reflections, and so on).

In some cases, internal reflections lead to new events that have a direct connection with the outside. Arguing on a psychological level, you can come to a logical conclusion: the events not caused by a person consciously will be brought together with the advent of solar eclipses, and the conscious events that have appeared thanks to our feelings and will be associated with lunar eclipses.

Moon and Signs

If the solar eclipse, according to many superstitions, does not bring anything good, then Lunar eclipse carries another symbol - a new undertaking.

With a lunar eclipse, it is recommended to get rid of its bad habits, because it will make it much easier during this period. It is believed that throwing smoking during the period of the lunar eclipse, you will not return to this destructive process.

Speaking of conception under the lunar eclipse, then it is not recommended to do it. As they say in the signs, the child conceived at this time will receive all the bad qualities of their parents.

Our grandmothers said that it is impossible to blame money during the lunar eclipse period. Now, of course, it is impossible to hear this without an ironic smile, but you should not be such a skeptic, because we all know how the lunar eclipse affects the human body. Some and beliefs have a certain meaning.

What should be avoided during the lunar eclipse period, according to old beliefs:

  • draw money and take a debt
  • marry I. get married
  • distribut the bonds of marriage
  • conduct operations
  • move To another habitat
  • buy dear goods
  • enclose serious transactions.

Superstition and Heavenly Light

"After 15 minutes, the inhabitants of Yekaterinburg will be able to observe the solar eclipse," the phrase was performed in the news release. But this is not only a reason for local residents to run out on the street with darkened glasses in the hope of seeing a unique process. Very often this natural phenomenon causes people alarm or even panic.

Even despite the great promotion in the area of \u200b\u200bastronomy, genetic memory sometimes reminds loudly. Most residents are experiencing severe stress or fear for eclipsesTherefore, too impressive citizens undesirable to start any business or make serious decisions.

Lovers of couples have one tradition - to offer their heart and hand with solar eclipses, they say so romantic. At the time of the offer, the closed sun is a little similar to a wedding ring with a large diamond. It is believed that no girl cannot deny such a romantic gesture.

If during this period you lit up to the leg or break the heel, then this means that the path you selected is incorrect.

Folk sign says that the year in which this phenomenon is observed, will be disadvantaged for harvest, and the fact that still succeeds to collect, will not be stored for a long time.

But not all the signs are bad. For example, if you shed water during the eclipse period or got under the rain, then this is considered a good sign and awaits you.

If you listen to all folk signs, then for the period of solar eclipse you can not:

  • travel
  • drink alcohol
  • ride by car
  • do dear shopping
  • to make friends Or just get acquainted
  • to risk.

For especially superstitious people, there is one solution: during the solar eclipse, they simply close all the windows, thereby making themselves from "light".

The recommendations of most astrologers are to ensure that even 2 weeks before the solar eclipse, it is necessary to solve all the problems that managed to accumulate until this time, and complete all the cases started. According to stars of stars, the solar eclipse period is very favorable so that you can successfully say goodbye to unnecessary connections, bad habits and objects of furniture or clothes that you are tired.

The period is not very big - just a week after eclipse and 2 weeks before - try not to show the slack and do not succumb to temptations, keep yourself in your hands (do not show aggression, greed and ambitiousness). During this period, only the kindness, generosity and nobility should be abolished from you. Only so you can gain peace in this life.

On March 20 of this year, a complete solar eclipse will occur, which will block up to 90 percent of sunny. Eclipse will become the largest event in the last 16 years. On this day, the moon passes right in front of the sun, swinging the shadow to the ground. Solar eclipse can cause temporary turning off the electricity throughout Europe. Eclipse will occur on March 20 on Friday and will begin at 7:41 am UTC (World Time) and will end at 11:50 UTC.

· Start of the solar eclipse: 12:13 Moscow time

· Maximum solar eclipse phase: 13:20 Moscow time

· Ending solar eclipse: 14:27 Moscow time

· Maximum darkening of the solar disk: 58 percent

In the east of Greenland, in Iceland, on the Svalbard archipelago and the Faroe Islands will be observed a complete eclipse. In Russia, in Europe, the Northern and Eastern part of Africa and the Northern and Eastern part of Asia will be observed a private solar eclipse.

The last time the total solar eclipse of this scale occurred on August 11, 1999, and the next will take place in 2026. In addition, the eclipse can disrupt solar sources of power supply and lead to the disconnection of electricity.

Remember that it is impossible to look directly to the Sun disc during, as this can lead to irreversible eye damage. For observation, you need to take advantage of special solar light filters.

Eclipse falls on the day of equinox and noving, and the moon will reach the moon perigee - the nearest point to the ground on its orbit. Spring equinox comes on March 20, 2015 at 22:45 UTC (March 21 1:45 Moscow time). It represents the moment when the sun crosses the heavenly equator. On the day of equinox, the duration of the night and the day is the same and is 12 hours.

Martov new moon will be super littleness, which, although it will not be seen, but will have more than the usual effect on the oceans of the Earth. Eclipse occurs when the heavenly body, for example, the moon or planet passes into the shadow of another body. On Earth, you can observe two types of eclipses: solar and moon.

During the solar eclipse of the orbit, the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. When this happens, the moon blocks the light of the sun and throws the shadow on the ground.

There are several types of solar eclipses:

Full - it can be seen in certain areas of the Earth, which are located in the center of the lunar shade falling on the ground. The sun, the moon and the earth are on a straight line.

Private - this eclipse occurs when the sun, the moon and the earth are not exactly on the same line, and the observers are located in a half.

Ring-shaped - occurs when the moon is located in the largest point from the ground. As a result, it does not block the entire disk of the Sun, and looks like a dark disk, around which a bright ring is visible.

The period from 2018 to 2033 is chosen, because It is quite interesting for solar eclipses visible from the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. During these years, 14 solar eclipses will be observed from our country, which includes two complete eclipses, two ring-shaped eclipses and 10 private eclipses. Especially interesting will be the annular solar eclipse on June 1, 2030, the band of the ring-shaped phase of which will pass through the entire country from the west to the east of the Crimea to Primorye!

It is worth noting that, for example, in the period from 2034 to 2060 (two times longer) in our country there will be only two full and three ring-shaped solar eclipses! The difference is obvious, so we can say that the Russians and residents of the CIS are lucky with sunny eclipses in the next fifteen years.

How are solar eclipses come? The cause of solar eclipses is our heavenly neighbor of the moon. The visible diameters of the Sun and the Moon observed from the Earth are approximately the same. This means that the moon, moving along its orbit, at some point can be completely (complete eclipse) or partially (private eclipse) to close the sun (during the new moon phase).

Complete solar eclipse - the most spectacular and spectacular astronomical phenomenon! If the night comes among the day and the stars become visible in the sky - it's very impressive! Unfortunately, the visibility of such a phenomenon applies only to a small area where the lunar shadow falls. But during the movement of the lunar shadow, it forms a narrow strip on the surface of the earth (an average of about 200 kilometers wide). The length of such a band is several thousand kilometers, but this is still not enough so that the complete eclipse of the sun see all the inhabitants of the land hemisphere to the daily shining. Complete solar eclipses can occur every six months, but due to the features of the Moon motion in their orbit, it happens most often only once a year.

More information about the possibility of the onset of solar eclipses, you can find out, for example, from the book "Complete Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2006 and its observation" (reference at the end of the article).

Watching full solar eclipses from the same settlement can be on average only every 300 years. It causes the need to travel to the scope of the eclipse. A complete solar eclipse is accompanied by a private solar eclipse, which apparently on both sides of the strip of the complete eclipse, where the lunar half-day falls. The farther from the central line of the eclipse, the less the moon disk of the Sun will be closed. But the width of the strip of the private eclipse of the sun is much more than that of the full eclipse strip, so observing private eclipses from the same point of observation can be much more likely. Thanks to the large territory of our country, we can observe solar eclipses more often than residents of countries with a small territory.

There are only private eclipses when the shadow of the moon passes above or below the polar regions of the Earth, and only the lunar half-sleeping is falling on our planet, showing the kind of flaw sun. The annular eclipse is distinguished by the fact that the moon fully enters the disk of the Sun, but cannot completely close it due to a lower visible diameter (when the moon is near apogee, i.e. the point of its orbit's point removed from the ground). As a result, the solar ring around the dark disk of the moon can be seen from the ground.

It should be noted that the complete eclipse on the European part of Russia can be observed only in 2061. If you look at the map of the full and ring-shaped eclipses for 20 years, then you can make sure how rare complete solar eclipses even for such a big country as our.

The nearest complete solar eclipses in 2019 and 2020 can be observed in Chile and Argentina. Therefore, those who want to see this wonderful phenomenon, as soon as possible, you need to prepare for the transatlantic flight!

But back to the eclipses of the 2018 period described here, and consider them in more detail.

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Solar Eclipses in Russia and the CIS in 2018 - 2033

(World time)

The solar eclipse of 2018 will be private. It will occur under the New Moon August 11, and the eclipse band will cover the northeastern part of our country with a maximum phase of 0.736 on Chukotka. Private phases will also see the inhabitants of North America, Scandinavia and China. Eclipse duration will be a little less than 3.5 hours. Eclipse will occur in the constellation of the lion.

Another solar eclipse of 2019 will be ring-shaped. It will occur during the New Moon on December 26, and the band of the ring-shaped phase will be held along the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Indian and Pacific Oceans, crossing Arabia, south of India and Indonesia from the west to the East. The maximum duration of the ring-shaped phase will reach 3 minutes 40 seconds with phase 0.97. Private phases will see residents of the southern regions of our country, African countries, Asia and Australia. Eclipse will occur in the constellation Sagittarius.

Solar eclipse 2020 will be ring-shaped. It will occur under the New Moon on June 21, and the ring of the ring-shaped phase will be held through the territory of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Asian continent. The duration of the annular phase at the maximum of the phenomenon will reach only 38 seconds in phase 0.994. In this case, the finest ring of this eclipse will be observed. On the territory of Russia and the CIS, the eclipse band will cover the entire southern half of the country. The maximum phase of about 0.7 can be observed in the Central Asian CIS countries. Eclipse will occur in the Constellation of the Taurus.

The solar eclipse of 2022 will be private. It will occur during the New Moon on October 25, and the eclipse strip will cover the Western half of Russia. The maximum phase of eclipse of 0.861 will be available for observations from our country in Siberia. Eclipse will occur in the constellation of the Virgin.

The solar eclipse of 2026 will be complete. It will occur during the New Moon August 12, and the strip of complete eclipse will be held on the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic and Northern Ocean Oceans, Western Europe and Russia. The complete eclipse will be observed on the Taimyr (the duration of the full phase is 2 minutes), and private will cover the extreme north of the country. Eclipse will occur in the constellation of the lion.

Solar eclipse of 2029 will be private. It will occur under the New Moon on June 12, and the eclipse band will be held along the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean, as well as in North America and the Last North of our country. The maximum phase of Eclipse 0.458 will be available for observations from the territory of North America. Russia will see the smallest phases of eclipse (about 0.2 or less). Eclipse will occur in the Constellation of the Taurus.

The solar eclipse of 2031 will be ring-shaped. It will occur during the New Manda on May 21, and the band of the annular eclipse with the maximum phase of 0.959 will be held along the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean, as well as in Africa, India and Indonesia. On the territory of our country, the eclipse will be observed in the southern part of it with small phases (Central Asian CIS countries). Eclipse will occur in the Constellation of the Taurus.

Solar eclipse

Undoubtedly, every person knows about such a phenomenon as solar eclipse. However, few people know the nature of this phenomenon and can explain what it is happening during the solar eclipse.

The first such phenomenon happened in the distant past. This led people to a panic state. They did not understand what was happening and this brought them into the wild horror. As a rule, people believed that some kind of malicious monster tries to destroy the sun and should certainly be protected. Since the solar eclipse is a very short phenomenon, the plan of people has always worked, and they successfully expelled a terrible monster and returned bright sunlight and warmly. After that, it was possible to quietly return to my house.

It is known that the first described solar eclipse happened in the era of the board of the fourth emperor of the Dynasty of Hein Chung Kang. About this event there is a record in the great book of China "Book of History". Only in the nineteenth century managed to set the date of this eclipse. It happened on October 22, 2137 BC.

Even at the beginning of the sixth century BC. Astronomer scientists have found the true cause of sunny eclipse. They noticed that the moon disappears with the sun. It came across them to the idea that the moon simply covers the sun from the point of view of the earth observer. It happens only in the new moon.

But at the same time, the eclipse does not take place every time, when the satellite passes between our planet and heavenly luminaries, but only when the orbits of the sun and the moon intersect. Otherwise, the satellite simply passes at a distance (below or higher) of the sun.

If we speak with simple words, the solar eclipse is simply the shadow of the moon on the surface of the globe. The diameter of this shade is about 200 kilometers. Since this distance is much less than the diameter of the Earth, the solar eclipse becomes available only to those who found themselves in the zone of this shadow. In this case, the observer may observe a complete solar eclipse. Those people who are close to the shadow area can observe only a private solar eclipse. He is observed by people who are about 2000 km from the total solar eclipse zone.

The shadow, which is discarded by the moon towards the globe, has a shape of a sharp converging cone. The top of this cone is behind the ground, so it's not just a point on the surface of the planet itself, but a small black spot. It moves along the ground surface at a speed of approximately 1 km per second. Accordingly, at one point the moon can not close the sun for a long time. Therefore, the maximum lengthy duration of the total eclipse phase is 7.5 minutes. The duration of the private eclipse is about 2 hours.

Solar eclipse is a unique phenomenon. It occurs due to the fact that for the earth observer, the diameter of the lunar and solar discs is almost equal, despite the fact that the diameter of the sun is 400 times the diameter of the moon. This is due to the distance from our planet to the Moon and the heavenly shining. The last is about 390 times more than the first.

In addition, the orbit of the moon has an elliptical form. Due to this, at the moments of the onset of solar eclipses, the satellite can be at different distances from the ground, and therefore be of both of the sizes from the point of view of the earth's observer. At this time, the lunar disc can be equal to sunny, and may also be more or less than it. In the first case, a short-term solar eclipse comes, which lasts only a few seconds. In the second case, the total eclipse lasts a little longer. In the third case, the solar crown remains around the dark disk of the moon. This is perhaps the most beautiful version of the solar eclipse. It is the longest for all three options. This solar eclipse got the name ring-shaped and amounts to about 60% of all solar eclipses.

Not less than 2 times a year (and not more than 5) shadow from the satellite falls on our planet. Over the past hundred years, scientists counted about 238 solar eclipses. None of all the planets submitted at the present time in the solar system cannot be observed such a sight.

Complete solar eclipse is a great opportunity for astronomers to see the sunny crown. First, it was believed that Krona belongs to the moon, and only in the 19th century astronomers put everything in their place.

Eclipse and legends

Despite the fact that the mystery of the solar eclipse was solved for a very long time, this event still amazes human consciousness. Therefore, to this day, during an eclipse in different parts of the Earth, people are knocking in the drums, harness fires or tightly closes in their homes. Often, this astronomical phenomenon is blamed in wars, epidemics, hunger, floods, and even troubles in personal life.

Koreans in their myths described how the king of the countries of Darkness sent fire dogs to the Sun. The Japanese sincerely believed that the sun leaves from the sky because of some insult, and the moon dies from an unprecedented disease. Peruvians even tied their dogs so that their howl helped the satellite to cure.

The Chinese with the help of drums and arrows drove away from the Sun of the Dragon, who tried to eat heavenly shining, and the Africans beat in Tamnama so that the serpent who had seen from the ocean could not overtake the sun and absorb it.

Indian tribes believed that the sun and the moon were borrowed from the demon named Danko. Therefore, during the eclipse, they endured utensils from home, rice and weapons. Danko took these generous donations and let go of prisoners.

On Tahiti, the solar eclipse is considered the most romantic event that symbolizes the act of love between the Sun and the Moon. Therefore, they look forward to this event. But Thais buy talismans, and preferably black.

India became the richest to the superstition of the country. The legend here says that the demon named Rahu drank Elixir of immortality, which the sun and the moon told the gods. For this, Rahu was executed, but his severed head remained immortal and now she squealing the moon or the sun as revenge from time to time.

In addition, during the solar eclipse in India, it is forbidden to eat and drink, but it is necessary to pray. It is best to do it, standing on the throat in the water. It is believed that if during an eclipse, the pregnant Indian will leave his home, then the child she is born blind or will have a lip of her lip. And the food that did not have time to eat before the eclipse began, you need to throw out, as it is considered defile.

Do you know that…

1) The speed with which the Earth rotates around the Sun, does not allow the sunny eclipse longer than 7 minutes 58 seconds. For 1000 years, approximately 10 complete eclipses occur, which lasts 7 minutes and more.

2) On June 30, 1973, the last long-term eclipse was happening. At this time, passengers of one aircraft had good luck to observe it as much as 74 minutes due to the velocity speed.

3) If splitting the entire globe on the plots of a certain size, the inhabitants of each of them will be able to observe a complete eclipse about once every 370 years.

5) Each eclipse is different from the other. Solar krone always looks somewhat different. It depends on the period of solar activity.

6) If you are fortunate enough to observe a complete solar eclipse, then on the horizon, on the background of the sky of dark purple, you can observe a bright red-orange strip. This is the so-called glow ring.

7) The nearest solar eclipse will take place on November 3, 2013. It will be seen in the Atlantic Ocean and Africa.

8) May 28, 585 BC Solar eclipse completed a five-year war between Midyans and the Lydians.

9) "The word about the regiment of Igor" describes the most significant solar eclipse of Russian history.

How to observe a solar eclipse?

It is better not to try to look at the sunny disk with the naked eye or with the help of conventional sunglasses. Points should be special, otherwise you can lose sight. Despite the achievements of modernity, smoky glasses or an illuminated photofill come great.

Eye damage can happen even if you look at the subtle crescent of the sun. Only 1% of the star shines 10 thousand times brighter of the moon. If you closely observe the sun, then something like a magnifying glass is created, which transmits sunlight on the retina's retina. The retina is very fragile and it is impossible to restore it, so never observe the solar eclipse, without any special protection.

If you watch the complete eclipse, and the sun is completely hidden, you can completely calmly look at this unforgettable spectacle, without using any special filters.

Observation of partial phases of eclipse requires special technology. One of the safest ways to observe the Sun is the use of "Obcomer Camera". It makes it possible to observe the projected image of the sun. Making a mobile chamber of the obscura is quite simple. To do this, you will need two dense pieces of cardboard. In one of them, it is necessary to cut hole, the second sheet will serve as the screen on which an inverted image of the sun will be formed. In order to enlarge the image, you just need to push the screen a little further.

The second way of observing the Sun is the use of light filters. In this case, you will watch directly in the sun. Through such filters passes the minimum amount of light.

One of these filters is made of aluminated polyester. However, the material may be different density, so it is very important to conduct a filter survey for the presence of holes through which the radiant rays can penetrate the filter.

Another type of filter is made of black polymer. Summer observation through such a filter is more comfortable for the eyes. However, it is worth remembering that no filter is one hundred percent protection if the optical density does not exceed 5.0.

There are also special filters for telescopes and cameras. However, they are not always safe, as they can melt under the influence of temperature and harming their eyes. Many prefer to observe the solar eclipse with the help of a telescope. This allows you to exactly see the entire process of this phenomenon. During the complete phase of the eclipse, the light filter can be removed.

To understand why solar eclipses occur, the people of the eyelids observed them and led the score, fixing all the circumstances associated with them. At first, astronomers noticed that the solar eclipse can only with a new moon, and not at each. After that, turning attention to the position of the satellite of our planet before and after an amazing phenomenon, his connection was obvious with this phenomenon, since it turned out that it was the moon that closes the sun from the ground.

After that, astronomers drew attention to the fact that two weeks after the solar eclipse, the lunar always happens, it was especially interesting to the fact that the moon was always complete. This once again confirmed the connection of the Earth with the satellite.

Solar eclipse can be seen when the young moon completely or partly overshadows the sun. This phenomenon occurs only in the new moon, at the time when the satellite turns to our planet with an unlit side, and therefore is absolutely not visible at the night sky.

Solar eclipse can only be seen if the sun and the new moon are within the twelve degrees on both sides of one of the lunar nodes (two points in which solar and lunar orbits intersect), and the land, its satellite and the star are built into one line At the same time, the moon is in the middle.

The duration of eclipses from the initial to the final stage is no more than six hours. At this time, the shadow moves the strip along the earth's surface from the west to the east, describing an arc with a length of 10 to 12 thousand km. As for the speed of movement of the shade, it largely depends on the latitude: in the area of \u200b\u200bthe equator - 2 thousand km / h, near the poles - 8 thousand km / h.

Solar eclipse has a very limited area, because due to its small sizes, the satellite is unable to hide the luminaries at such a long distance: its diameter is less solar in four hundred times. Since it is in four hundred times closer to our planet than a star, it is still possible to close it from us. Sometimes completely, sometimes partially, and when the satellite is at the greatest distance from the ground, then ring-shaped.

Since the moon is less than just stars, but also land, and the distance to our planet in the closest point at least 363 thousand km, the diameter of the satellite shadow does not exceed 270 km, therefore, the eclipse of the sun can be observed on the way of movement of the shadow only within this distance . If the moon from the ground turns out to be at a high distance (and this distance is almost 407 thousand km), the band will be significantly less.

Scientists put forward the assumption that after six hundred million years, the satellite is so far away from the ground that his shadow will not touch the surface of the planet at all, and therefore eclipses will be impossible. Currently, solar eclipses can be seen at least two times a year, and this is considered rather rare.

Since the satellite is moving around the Earth along an elliptic orbit, distance between it and our planet during eclipse every time different, and therefore the dimensions of the shadow fluctuate in extremely wide bounds. Therefore, the completeness of the solar eclipse is measured in values \u200b\u200bfrom 0 to f:

  • 1 - complete eclipse. If the diameter of the moon turns out to be larger than the diameter of the star, the phase may exceed one;
  • From 0 to 1 - private (partial);
  • 0 - Almost not visible. The shadow of the moon is not at all reaching the earth's surface, or only concerns the edge.

How the wonderful phenomenon is formed

You can see the complete eclipse of the star only when a person is in the strip, which will move the shadow of the moon. It often happens that just at that time, the sky is tightened with clouds and diverge no earlier than the lunar shadow leaves the territory.

If the sky is clean, with the help of special means to protect the eyes, you can observe how Selena begins to gradually obscure the sun from its right side. After the satellite turns out to be between our planet and the star, it completely closes the luminais, twilight comes, and constellations begin to manifest itself. At the same time, around the hidden satellite of the Disk of the Sun, you can see the outer layer of the solar atmosphere in the form of a crown, which is invalid.

It lasts a complete solar eclipse for a short time, about two or three minutes, after which the satellite, leaving, opens the right side of the shining - the eclipse ends, goes out the crown, starts to quickly be brightened, the stars disappear. Interestingly, the longest solar eclipse lasted about seven minutes (the following phenomenon, lasting in seven and a half minutes will be only in 2186), and the shortest was recorded in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and lasted one second.

Also, the eclipse can be observed, staying in a halftime near the strip of passing the shadow of the moon (the diameter of the half is approximately 7 thousand km). At this time, the satellite passes by the solar disk not in the center, but from the edge, closing only part of the star. Accordingly, the sky darkens not as much as during a complete eclipse, and the stars do not appear. The closer to the shade, the more closed the sun: whereas on the border between the shadow and the scene the solar disk is completely closed, on the outside, the satellite only partially concerns the star, so the phenomenon is not observed at all.

There is another classification according to which the solar eclipse is considered complete when the shadow is at least partially touched the earth's surface. If the lunar shadow passes near it, but does not concern it, the phenomenon class is classified as private.

In addition to private and complete, there are ring-shaped eclipses. They are very reminded full, since the satellite of the Earth also closes the star, but its edges are open and form a thin, dazzling ring (while the solar eclipse on the duration is much shorter than ring-shaped).

You can watch this phenomenon because the satellite, bypassing the star, is maximally distinguished from our planet and, although his shadow surface does not concern, it turns out to be visually through the middle of the solar disk. Since the diameter of the moon is much smaller than the diameter of the star, it is not completely overlapping it.

When you can see eclipses

Scientists were calculated that for a hundred years there are about 237 eclipses of the Sun, of which one hundred and sixty partial, sixty-three complete, fourteen ring-shaped.

But the complete solar eclipse in the same place is extremely rare, with the frequency they do not differ. For example, in the capital of Russia, Moscow, from the eleventh to the eighteenth century, astronomers recorded 159 eclipses, of which only three complete (in 1124, 1140, 1415). After that, the scientists recorded complete eclipses in 1887 and 1945 and determined that the next full eclipse in the capital of Russia will be in 2126.

At the same time, in another region of Russia, in the south-west of Siberia, near the city of Biysk, a complete eclipse could be seen three times - in 1981, 2006 and 2008.

One of the largest eclipses, the maximum phase of which was 1.0445, and the width of the shadow spread out 463 km, occurred in March 2015. The moon seventies covered almost all of Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia. Complete solar eclipse could be observed in the northern latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean and in the Arctic (as for Russia, the highest phase of 0.87 was in Murmansk). The next phenomenon of this kind can be observed in Russia and other parts of the Northern Hemisphere on March 30, 2033.

Is it dangerous?

Since solaries are rather unusual and interesting spectacles, it is not surprising that almost everything wants to watch all the phases of this phenomenon. Many understand what to look at the star, without defending the eyes, it is categorically impossible: as Astronomers say, the unarmed eye can be viewed on this phenomenon only twice - at the beginning of the right eye, then - left.

And all because only one glance at the brightest star of the sky can be completely unreleased, damaging the retina to the blindness, causing the burn, which, damaging the columns and sticks, forms a small blind spot. The burn is dangerous because the man does not feel at the beginning and its destructive action is manifested only in a few hours.

Having decided to watch the sun in Russia or at any other point of the globe, it is necessary to take into account that it is impossible to look at it not only with a naked eye, but also through sunglasses, CD discs, color film, film for x-ray, especially filmed, toned glass, Binoculars and even a telescope if special protection is not provided in it.

But you can look at this phenomenon you can about thirty seconds, taking advantage of:

  • Points designed for the observation of this phenomenon and providing for protection against ultraviolet rays:
  • Unsecured black and white photoplinet;
  • A photo filter that is used to observe the solar eclipse;
  • Welding glasses, protection in which is not lower than "14".

If it didn't get the right tools, it really wants to see the wonderful phenomenon of nature, you can create a safe projector: take two sheets of white cardboard and pin, after one of the sheets break through the needle hole (at the same time it is not expanded, otherwise you can only see it Beam, but not a darkened sun).

After that, the second cardboard needs to be located opposite the side first in the opposite side, and the observer himself should turn back to the star. The sunbeam will pass through the hole and create a projection of the solar eclipse to another cardboard.