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Vitamin E: deficiency and hypervitaminosis. How to determine your own vitamin E deficiency? Lack of vitamin E in adults, men and women: symptoms, causes, consequences, treatment Disease with a lack of vitamin e

- this is a deficiency in the body of one or a whole group of vitamins. The manifestations of the disease largely depend on the type of hypovitaminosis (on what kind of vitamin is lacking), however, all types of vitamin deficiency are characterized by increased fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, and decreased appetite. Diagnostics is reduced to the correct assessment of the clinical picture, laboratory determination of the quantitative content of vitamins in the blood, hair, nails and urine. Treatment consists in introducing a sufficient amount of missing vitamins into the diet or prescribing them in the form of tablets or injections.

General information

Hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency is a formidable disease that can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the body. In developed countries, hypovitaminosis in recent years has been fairly easy, with minimal symptoms. However, without timely treatment, this condition can turn into vitamin deficiency - the complete absence of certain vitamins, which can lead to disability and sometimes death of the patient.

In our country, old people and children most often suffer from hypovitaminosis, while the most common are deficiencies of vitamins B1, B6, C. When faced with hypovitaminosis, one should remember that self-medication of this condition is unacceptable, since only a specialist will be able to accurately determine which vitamin deficiency has developed, and prescribe appropriate treatment. With the unauthorized intake of one or another vitamin, hypervitaminosis may occur, which also leads to serious health problems.

Causes of hypovitaminosis

There are many reasons for a lack of vitamins, and for each hypovitaminosis, this reason will be different. But there are factors common to all vitamin deficiency states. These include various conditions leading to a lack or impaired absorption of vitamins and microelements, their increased consumption and destruction. So, the reason for hypovitaminosis can be a restriction in the diet of certain foods, the use of refined carbohydrates, polished cereals, fine flour, the exclusion of fresh vegetables and fruits, one-sided nutrition. Violation of the ratio of essential nutrients (restriction of animal protein and fat and high carbohydrate content) will also cause impairment of the absorption of vitamins.

Improper storage and heat treatment of food can lead to the destruction of many useful substances in it, and with prolonged boiling, almost all vitamins are destroyed, which is why many foods cannot be frozen. It should be remembered that with severe stress, hard physical labor, in a cold climate, the need for vitamins increases by 60%.

The cause of hypovitaminosis can be serious diseases (especially of the digestive system - in this case, the absorption of vitamins is impaired), the intake of certain medications (mainly antibiotics). Lack of fat-soluble vitamins develops when fat is limited in the diet. Also, one should not forget that the metabolism of vitamins and microelements in the body is closely interconnected, the lack of one vitamin can cause metabolic disorders of the rest.

In order to prevent the development of hypovitaminosis, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the deficiency of each of the vitamins. So, hypovitaminosis A develops with a deficiency of protein and carotenes in food, restriction of animal fats, with excessive physical and emotional stress. Also, various infectious diseases, chronic intestinal diseases (chronic enteritis, colitis, NUC, Crohn's disease), liver pathology (chronic viral hepatitis, cirrhosis) and thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus can lead to hypovitaminosis A. appears in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, prolonged heat treatment of food, the predominant use of bakery products, heavy physical and mental labor.

Group B hypovitaminosis can occur for a variety of reasons. Deficiency of vitamin B1 develops when coarse flour is excluded from the diet, only polished cereals are used; long-term consumption of raw fish; excess protein and carbohydrates; alcoholism (especially beer); thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, chronic enterocolitis; prolonged exposure to hot or cold conditions. Vitamin B2 deficiency occurs when protein and dairy products are excluded from the diet, when acriquine and its derivatives are taken, liver, pancreas and intestines are ill. (PP, nicotinic acid) can be with a predominant diet of corn, prolonged exposure to solar radiation, protein deficiency, taking anti-tuberculosis drugs, intestinal diseases.

The main causes of B6 hypovitaminosis are chronic intestinal pathology, taking medications for the treatment of tuberculosis. (folic acid) appears with prolonged heat treatment of food, alcoholism, bowel resection and chronic enterocolitis, long-term prescription of antibiotics and sulfonamides. often diagnosed in people with a vegetarian diet, alcoholics, with helminthic invasion, chronic gastrointestinal diseases (atrophic gastritis, enterocolitis), resection of a part of the stomach or intestines.

Vitamin D can be produced by the body with sufficient exposure to sunlight. Therefore, hypovitaminosis D (rickets) most often develops in children who live in the northern regions of the country, do not have enough fresh air. Also, hypovitaminosis D can occur with insufficient intake of animal fats, calcium and phosphorus salts, poor nutrition. Hypovitaminosis K is detected when eating low-fat foods, diseases of the hepatobiliary system and intestines, inappropriate antibiotic and anticoagulant therapy.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

The clinic of a deficiency of one or another vitamin will be peculiar. Nevertheless, there are signs common to all hypovitaminosis. These include increased fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, nausea, and poor appetite. Usually, the first signs appear when there is a significant deficiency of a certain vitamin in the diet. Different groups of vitamins have similar symptoms, which is why only a doctor should diagnose hypovitaminosis, because only he has sufficient knowledge of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency. The clinic of hypovitaminosis with severe deficiency of one or another vitamin is described below.

For hypovitaminosis A characterized by visual impairment (twilight blindness, defects in color perception), increased keratinization of the skin, fragility and hair loss. Whitish grooves and eminences form on the nails; the cornea becomes dry, cloudy; there are light, well-defined spots around the mouth. , or scurvy, is manifested by bleeding gums, tooth loss, hemorrhages in soft tissues.

Or take-take disease, exists in a dry and edematous form. The first form is expressed by dry skin, neuritis. Characterized by a violation of the sensitivity of the lower extremities to low and high temperatures, painful stimuli; cramps in the calf muscles. The edematous form is characterized by shortness of breath, tachycardia, severe edema.

Pellagra, or hypovitaminosis B3, skin manifestations are inherent: the skin becomes dark and flaky, rough; red edematous spots appear on the hands, similar to inflammatory infiltration. The tongue increases, becomes crimson. Also, a common symptom of pellagra is diarrhea, the defeat of an unequal system.

(hyporiboflavinosis) is manifested by conjunctivitis, redness, dryness and flaking of the lips, cracks in the corners of the mouth. The tongue becomes crimson, lacquered, teeth imprints are visible on the sides. The skin is thin and dry. As with hypovitaminosis A, visual acuity and color differentiation are impaired.

Hypovitaminosis B12 manifested by B12-folate deficiency anemia: the amount of hemoglobin decreases, in parallel with this, atrophic gastritis with low acidity is diagnosed. The sensitivity of the tongue (burning, tingling), skin and muscles is impaired, the gait changes. At the junction of the cornea and sclera, vessels grow, a purple rim is formed. manifested by increased bleeding, hypocoagulation (insufficient blood clotting).

There are also signs inherent in the combination of multiple vitamin deficiencies. So, dry skin with slight peeling (like bran) is characteristic of hypovitaminosis A, C. Glossy skin with scales (small, yellow) in the fold of the skin (nasolabial, on the bridge of the nose, behind the ears and on the lobes, etc.) is noted with hypovitaminosis B2 , B3 (PP), B6. Increased bleeding, hemorrhage under the skin and in soft tissues indicates hypovitaminosis K, P, C. Thickened skin with a mesh of cracks in the joints is observed with hypovitaminosis A, B3 (PP). The so-called "goose bumps" on the buttocks, thighs, forearms are noted in hypovitaminosis A, C, P.

Yellowness of the skin is a sign of hypovitaminosis A, B3. The formation of cracks in the corners of the eyes accompanies the course of hypovitaminosis A and B2. Cyanosis of the lips is a typical sign of hypovitaminosis C, B3, R. Whitish scars at the transition point of the red border of the lips to the mucous membrane of the mouth, an enlarged tongue with grooves and teeth imprints are found in hypovitaminosis B1, B3, B6, B12. The defeat of the gums (looseness, bleeding, enlargement of the interdental papillae, hyperemia, atrophic gingivitis with exposure of the roots of the teeth) is characteristic of hypovitaminosis C, P.


Consultation with a gastroenterologist is mandatory for any suspicion of hypovitaminosis. At the first visit, the doctor will find out in detail the complaints, analyze the clinical manifestations and make a preliminary diagnosis. In the presence of a modern laboratory, a special examination is possible to determine the level of vitamins of interest in the body. If the patient has a concomitant pathology that could lead to hypovitaminosis, appropriate examinations should be carried out - esophagogastroduodenoscopy, intragastric pH-metry, analysis of feces for helminth eggs (worms).

It is also necessary to find out from the patient whether he underwent surgical interventions, after which the absorption of vitamins is impaired (distal or proximal resection of the stomach, segmental resection of the small intestine, etc.). Repeated consultation with a gastroenterologist (after a complete examination and a thorough history taking) will make it possible to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Treatment of hypovitaminosis

Treatment in the department of gastroenterology requires only the most severe manifestations of vitamin deficiency - vitamin deficiency. At present, serious hypovitaminosis is quite rare, most often patients consult a doctor about moderate manifestations of vitamin deficiency. Nevertheless, the lack of vitamins is best treated precisely at the stage of unexpressed hypovitaminosis, but with severe vitamin deficiency, sometimes it is no longer possible to help the patient.

The main goal of hypovitaminosis treatment is the introduction of missing vitamins into the body. The most appropriate treatment for hypovitaminosis will be the intake of these substances with food. First, these forms of vitamins are better absorbed in the intestines. Secondly, other nutrients involved in the metabolism of vitamins and minerals are supplied with food. A prerequisite for the treatment of hypovitaminosis is a varied diet rich in essential nutrients, fresh vegetables and fruits. Multivitamins are prescribed in oral form (in the form of drops and tablets); in severe hypovitaminosis, vitamins can be injected.

The use of monopreparations of vitamins is not recommended, since hypovitaminosis usually disrupts the balance of all vitamins and trace elements in the body. Multivitamin preparations allow you to make up for the lack of all vitamins. But polypreparations should be selected with caution, since some vitamins can negatively affect each other when taken simultaneously. That is why the most modern drugs for the treatment of hypovitaminosis involve taking different groups of vitamins separated in time. In this regard, the ingestion of vitamins with food is the most physiological - after all, nature has already developed an optimal system for the supply of vitamins to the body so that they do not break down and do not inactivate each other.

Today, there are special vitamin complexes for various categories of the population, who may experience hypovitaminosis: for workers in hot shops, persons performing heavy physical work, pregnant women, children, as well as for use during the recovery period after severe infections (salmonellosis, typhoid fever, diphtheria, infectious mononucleosis, etc.) and other diseases.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for moderate hypovitaminosis is favorable, provided that the diet is normalized, and timely prevention of hypovitaminosis is carried out. With severe vitamin deficiencies, the prognosis is poor, even with adequate nutrition and the introduction of all the necessary vitamins, it is not always possible to restore the normal functioning of the body. Occasionally, a missed vitamin deficiency can even lead to the death of the patient.

Prevention of hypovitaminosis consists in a balanced and rational diet, the use of a sufficient amount of fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. In the autumn-winter period, it is imperative to include in the diet fresh and sauerkraut, carrots, fortified drinks (fresh juices, rosehip and yeast decoction, natural lemonade). During the period of increased consumption of vitamins, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes (during pregnancy, serious illness, if work requires physical labor or mental strain).

For good health, vitamin E must be present in the human diet. This substance consists of various tocol compounds, the most important of which are tocotrienols and tocopherols. Dissolving in fats, they, along with other nutrients, enter the stomach and small intestine from food, are broken down and absorbed into tissue cells. But vitamin E does not always go inside with food, there are tocopherols, which are produced by the liver under the influence of bile.

This substance is required by organs in small quantities, but its lack can lead to serious disruptions in the work of the whole organism. The role of this substance is difficult to overestimate, it performs antioxidant functions, protects and stabilizes cell membranes, participates in the work of the endocrine and reproductive systems. Vitamin E is deservedly called the secret of beauty and youth, because it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and its derivatives.

Tocopherol has an antioxidant function, protecting cell membranes from free radical reactions. Improves metabolic processes between cells, stabilizes cell membranes, preventing their destruction.

With a lack of vitamin E, the membrane bilayer becomes vulnerable and free radicals destroy the cell membranes, provoking their death. This entails a malfunction of all systems (circulatory, nervous, endocrine, immune, excretory, digestive).

Lack of this component also kills erythrocytes, blood cells that perform the vital function of delivering oxygen to the tissues of the body. Symptoms of anemia appear, such as discoloration of the integument of the skin, low blood pressure, and fatigue.

Lack of vitamin E causes a malfunction in the endocrine and humoral regulation systems, since it is involved in the production of biologically active substances - hormones. Insufficient formation of estrogens and androgens leads to problems with conception in both sexes and bearing a fetus in women.

What diseases are sometimes signs of a lack of tocopherol

In medicine, there are no specific diseases that would indicate only a deficiency of vitamin E. But there is a list of diseases that accompany it:

  • muscular dystrophy (degeneration of skeletal muscles and joints);
  • some forms of neuropathy (degenerative-dystrophic damage to nerve fibers);
  • retinopathy (vascular disorders of the retina);
  • ataxia of the spinocerebellar type (progressive neurodegenerative genetic disease of various types);
  • hemolytic anemia (a number of diseases caused by the accelerated destruction of red blood cells);
  • jaundice (discoloration of the skin due to breakdown products of red blood cells in the liver and kidney tubules);
  • dermatitis of the skin of the hands (cracks, redness, peeling);
  • weakening of the immune system (protective functions of the body).

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis E

Muscle hypotension may be the first sign of tocopherol deficiency. The patient feels weakness, numbness in the extremities, and with a prolonged absence of vitamin, sometimes there is pain in the muscles, lameness, uncoordinated movements. Noticeable loss of body weight due to drying out of muscle tissue. Other symptoms of a vitamin E deficiency include:

  • deterioration of vision - rapid eye fatigue, pain;
  • decreased libido - associated with changes in the endocrine system (violation of the synthesis of male and female hormones);
  • irritability - tearfulness, arises from changes in the work of the nervous system;
  • premature aging of the skin, - a sharp noticeable aging, the formation of wrinkles, peeling;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system - decreased libido, impotence, infertility, abortion (abortion itself), menstrual irregularities.

At the stage of pregnancy planning for a woman in order to prevent vitamin E hypovitaminosis, it is important to take preparative forms of tocopherol, since with its deficiency, normal maturation of the egg and fetal development is impossible.

What problems with hair, skin, nails are often mistaken for signs of vitamin E deficiency

There is a stereotypical misconception among women that problems with the condition of hair, nails and skin are caused by a lack of tocopherol. There are other factors that negatively affect your well-being and appearance. These are bad ecology, frequent stress, lack of daily routine, unhealthy diet.

Among the erroneous manifestations of hypovitaminosis E:

  • hyperpigmentation of the skin;
  • change in skin type (oily, dry);
  • fragility and cross-section of hair;
  • dandruff;
  • delamination and weakening of nails.

All these symptoms are not associated with a lack of vitamin E. Their presence signals other problems in the functionality of human systems.

Diagnostics of the lack of vitamin E in the body

The doctor, examining the patient, pays attention to the manifestation of external signs of vitamin E hypovitaminosis. Assessment of the condition of the muscles (tone, signs of progressive dystrophy), digestive organs, thyroid gland is performed.

To establish the alleged diagnosis, lack of E, the specialist is helped by the study of the patient's blood, in terms of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the state of erythrocytes and biochemical enzymes, which allows one to judge the state of the liver tissues.

An X-ray is taken of the diaphragm - the muscle-tendon septum that separates the chest and abdominal cavities of the body. This helps to detect areas that have undergone necrotic changes. In the picture, potash deposits are clearly visible in these places.

These are standard methods for diagnosing vitamin E deficiency. The doctor may order an additional examination in order to obtain a detailed picture of the patient's history.

When it makes sense to suspect you have a lack of tocopherol

Tocopherol is not a rare substance and is found in foods in sufficient quantities for daily consumption. The reason or hypovitaminosis E is the inability to assimilate it by the mucous membrane of the digestive system from food. These problems are inherited (genetic), or acquired, as complications after an illness.

The reason for suspicion of tocopherol deficiency is an incomprehensible dystonia of the muscular apparatus, loss of coordination, weakening of muscle elasticity, frequent susceptibility to infections (bacterial and viral), and disorders of the digestive system.

Methods and means of compensating for the deficiency of tocopherol in the body

To compensate for the deficiency of tocopherol, a specialist needs to accurately determine the cause of its indigestibility. Then the method of administering the medicinal product to a person is selected. If there are no absorption disorders on the part of the digestive system, then it is possible to take the medicine orally. For gastrointestinal dysfunction, intramuscular injections are performed.

The most commonly prescribed modern medicines with vitamin E: "Alpha-tocopherol acetate", "Sanvit E 98%", "Vitamin E-acetate", "Aevit".

In addition to monopreparations, the lack of vitamin E is well replenished with balanced multivitamin complexes.

The daily norm of this substance for children under 1 year old is 5 mg, for adolescents - 10-14 mg, for an adult it ranges from 30-50 mg, depending on age, gender and environment.

In the case of an excess intake of vitamin E, it is removed along with feces and urine, this helps to avoid the accumulation of this substance in excess of the norm in the tissues. With prolonged exertion, frequent infectious diseases, in the postoperative period, it is necessary to increase the consumption of this component.

In order to prevent vitamin E deficiency, it is important to consume plant-based foods, such as:

  • lentils, beans, soybeans and other legumes,
  • nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds),
  • fruits (apricot, plum, pear, apples, bananas), berries (raspberries, currants, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn), oils.

Veal liver and lard are distinguished from animal products based on the maximum vitamin E content. Cottonseed, soybean, and flaxseed oils are the leaders in terms of this component per unit weight. The same cannot be said about meat, fish products and eggs, here the content of this component is reduced. More active use with butter, potatoes, eggs (yolk), cabbage.

Vitamin E preparations can also be used for cosmetic purposes. By directly applying the substance to the skin and its derivatives (hair, nails), it will not be possible to compensate for its deficiency in the body, but it will be possible to solve aesthetic problems.

Masks based on this substance successfully cope with dullness, fragility and split hair, saturate keratin scales, giving smoothness and shine. Nourishing the skin with an oil-based tocopherol solution prevents flaking, the formation of dark spots, softens and smoothes wrinkles. Cosmetics, which contain vitamin E, are effective in inflammatory processes on the skin, reduce the appearance of acne. The latter property was recently discovered by scientists. Tocopherol inhibits substances (leukotrienes and prostaglandins) that cause inflammation. They accumulate in the tissues with the abuse of meat products and the simultaneous deficiency of vitamin E.

Health is the greatest value of a person, therefore it is necessary to help the body cope with adverse environmental conditions, while remaining physically active. Receive a balanced diet and good rest.

Hypovitaminosis(from the Greek hypo - decrease) - a disease characterized by a decrease in the amount of a certain vitamin in the body. Vitamins(from Lat. vita - life) - these are low molecular weight bioorganic substances, which are contained in the body in small quantities, and are necessary to maintain vital functions. Vitamins can be water-soluble or fat-soluble. Lack of vitamins (hypovitaminosis) leads to many disorders in the human body, as a result of which serious diseases can develop. Vitamin E hypovitaminosis is a disease characterized by a lack of vitamin E (tocopherol) in the body. Vitamin E Is a fat-soluble vitamin that protects lipids from oxidation and is an antioxidant. It is found in many vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soy), as well as in cereals, meat, eggs and milk. Vitamin E hypovitaminosis can be caused by:

  • artificial feeding,
  • indigestion,
  • diseases of the pancreas,
  • bile acid deficiency,
  • ulcer,
  • amyloidosis (accumulation of amyloid protein),
  • diabetes,
  • helminthiasis,
  • decrease in the amount of parathyroid hormone.

Diagnostics is carried out by determining the amount of tocopherol in the blood. With this disease, the amount of vitamin E should be less than 0.8 mg (in adults) and 0.4 mg (in children).


Treatment of vitamin E hypovitaminosis consists in prescribing a diet that includes foods rich in vitamin E. Assign intramuscular administration of vitamin E. In case of impaired absorption of the vitamin in the intestine, tocopherol acetate is prescribed.


Vitamin E hypovitaminosis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • muscle pain
  • imbalance
  • violation of sensitivity,
  • impaired growth and development (in children),
  • peeling of the skin,
  • redness of the skin,
  • decrease in the number of red blood cells,
  • upset stomach
  • irritability,
  • weakness,
  • fatigue.

Complications of vitamin E hypovitaminosis can be rickets, dermatitis and peripheral neuropathy.


To avoid vitamin E hypovitaminosis, you should eat enough foods containing this vitamin. You should also treat bowel diseases, viral, bacterial diseases and helminthiases on time.

Lack and excess of vitamins in our body lead to the development of serious health problems. In young children, this can be a contributing factor in physical and mental retardation. Adults in extreme cases are faced with malfunctions of organs and systems.

What is vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis, hypervitaminosis?

Vitamins are simple organic compounds that are vital for every person. They enter the body along with food, but are contained in it in small quantities. One of their main functions is catalytic. Full assimilation of nutrients is impossible without vitamins.

What problems can people face? With an insufficient amount of nutrients supplied, hypovitaminosis begins. Correcting the situation with him is simple by supplementing your diet with foods containing the required amount of vitamins.

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This vitamin helps support the adrenal glands and keeps the central nervous system functioning properly. It is an essential component of enzymes for metabolism.

The source of this substance are nuts, mushrooms, pumpkin, tomatoes. The body does not need too many of these vitamins.

But against the background of taking antibiotics and other drugs, symptoms of hypovitaminosis may appear. These include chronic fatigue, migraines, and muscle weakness. If you do not make up for the shortage, then complications develop that affect the nervous system, skin and intestinal tract.

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Folic acid is found in animal and plant foods. Mainly involved in the digestion process. The lack of vitamin is formed in the human intestine.

The vitamin is especially important during pregnancy and for the development of infants. Folic acid is involved in fat metabolism and hematopoiesis.

Folic acid sources picture

With hypovitaminosis, fatigue and anxiety occur. The tongue turns red, memory problems arise. The appearance of defects in newborns is possible. In older children, growth retardation is noted, in adults, gray hair appears.

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Vitamin comes from animal products, milk and seafood. The first signs of hypovitaminosis include mild itching and tingling in the fingers and toes. Gradually, the skin of the palms begins to darken.

An increasing feeling of numbness and creeping sensation is a sign of developing anemia.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible. The person complains of a lack of appetite, constipation or diarrhea. With an aggravated deficiency, peptic ulcer disease can also develop. The main reason for the development of vitamin B12 deficiency is an unbalanced diet.


The source of the vitamin is vegetables, fruits, rose hips, lemons, meat. He takes part in redox processes, participates in the synthesis of various acids. Vitamin is needed for collagen synthesis.

With hypovitaminosis, weakness, irritability occurs. Pains in muscles and joints appear. Insufficiency often proceeds latently, but gradually developing disorders of the structure of connective tissue, dentin. The gums become swollen, bleeding.


Calciferol contains several biologically active compounds. One of the most dangerous problems is bone softening due to insufficient mineralization and rickets.

Clinical manifestations include: sleep disturbance, burning sensation in the mouth and throat, loss of appetite, weight loss.

Rickets can also occur with a sufficient amount of vitamins in food. In this case, indigestion at an early age leads to the fact that there is a violation in the absorption process.


Lack of this vitamin is common in developing countries. The main symptoms include hemolytic anemia and various neurological disorders. A deficiency can lead to the development of retinopathy of prematurity. In this case, the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage increases.

In adults, the problem rarely leads to serious problems, since the body fat has large reserves of vitamin E.


Hypovitaminosis develops mainly due to a violation of the diet. Skin damage is considered a clear sign of manifestation. Dandruff, peeling, various rashes may appear on it. Brittle nails and hair develop. In extreme cases, baldness is a sign.

Chronic vitamin deficiency leads to nervous disorders and depression. Blood vessels also suffer, as they become fragile and become thinner.


Hypovitaminosis can develop due to both endogenous and exogenous causes.

In newborns, a lack of vitamin can lead to the development of hemorrhages.

It occurs especially often after birth, since on the first day the intestines are not yet able to synthesize this vitamin.


Symptoms depend on what vitamins are in the body in insufficient quantities. The general ones include:

  • fatigue
  • irritability,
  • nausea,
  • drowsiness.

In many cases, hypovitaminosis negatively affects the condition of the skin. If it becomes dry or spots develop, you should see a doctor.


If the situation is not corrected in time, then vitamin deficiency develops. It leads to changes in the body that are difficult to correct.

They are especially noticeable in children, there is a developmental delay, impaired cognitive functions. Acute illnesses can develop into chronic illnesses.

When the disease develops against the background of a lack of one or several vitamins, treatment is often delayed.

Some drugs disrupt metabolism, destroy useful elements. Sometimes hypovitaminosis lasts for years. This leads to the gradual formation of malfunctions in the body, so it is often difficult for doctors to establish the true cause of the disease.


If you suspect hypovitaminosis, you need to visit not only a therapist, but also a gastroenterologist. Today in many cities of Russia there are laboratories in which, by analyzing blood, it is possible to determine exactly what vitamin is lacking in the body.

In the presence of concomitant problems that can lead to hypovitaminosis, an analysis of feces for helminthiasis, intragastric studies is prescribed.

The doctor must clarify whether an operation was performed that could lead to impaired absorption of vitamins. These include the small intestine.


In the hospital, only vitamin deficiency is treated. Hypovitaminosis usually resolves quickly with adequate selection of drugs. The main direction of treatment is the introduction of missing vitamins into the body. Special attention is paid to diet.

Vitamins are better absorbed with food and are supplemented with other nutrients.

With hypovitaminosis, the usual multivitamins are usually prescribed in the form of tablets. But monopreparations are used mainly for the treatment of vitamin deficiency, since they can disrupt the metabolic process and are means of "heavy artillery".


The correct culinary treatment is also necessary. Vegetables should be thrown into boiling water, where salt has already been added. Proper cooking preserves most of the vitamins.

Take preventive vitamin complexes in the spring and autumn. They contain a daily dose of essential substances. Drug prophylaxis is needed in case of reliably transferred hypovitaminosis. In this case, the drugs are prescribed in small doses twice a year.

Video program about hypovitaminosis:

What is Vitamin E hypovitaminosis (tocopherol)

This substance is highly soluble in fats and poorly, almost completely insoluble in water. It is mainly found in wheat and some other cereals, vegetables, vegetable oil, margarine.

In the human body, tocopherol is a part of all the cell walls of the body, performing a very important function - protection against oxidation, thereby stabilizing cells.

The second most important function of the vitamin is to participate in immune responses, since it is able to activate the body's immune cells.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) hypovitaminosis symptoms

Signs of the disease

Vitamin E hypovitaminosis is especially dangerous in childhood, when it can lead to a number of unfavorable diseases: rickets, seborrheic dermatitis premature and newborn babies. The need for vitamin increases significantly among mothers during breastfeeding, among athletes and workers of enterprises with high physical exertion. In adulthood, a common cause is insufficient intestinal absorption of the vitamin when part of the small intestine is surgically removed.

Treatment of Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Hypovitaminosis

As a drug, the vitamin is used for skin collagenoses, genodermatoses, seborrhea, a common type of acne, a dystrophic type of epidermolysis bullosa, etc. Vitamin for therapeutic purposes can be used systemically or locally. For this or that case, there are its oil solutions. Outwardly, on the area of ​​lesions, it is used in the form of ointments. Contraindications for vitamin prescription are increased thyroid function, cholecystitis, severe cardiovascular failure, lack of vitamin K in the body.

In the body, all vitamins are absolutely irreplaceable substances. In their absence, it is impossible to carry out a single normal function of the body. At the same time, these substances cannot be synthesized on their own in the body for the most part, but must constantly come from outside with food. It has been established that at present residents of large cities are deprived of the opportunity to eat foods containing such important vitamins as C, E, A, B6, B12, B2. This is a big problem in modern health care and even endangers the preservation of the healthy gene pool of the entire nation. Most vitamins have the ability to inhibit and prevent many unfavorable mutations of the body and germ cells, and therefore their constant intake into the body is simply a prerequisite for the population employed in enterprises with harmful production factors, as well as living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions, which nowadays there are many. In addition, after many years of research, a risk group of persons with an increased need for vitamin substances and preparations was formed. These include those suffering from hereditary pathology, allergies, infectious diseases, who are constantly or periodically in contact with medicinal and other chemical substances that are mutagens, suffering from chronic skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases.

Which doctors should you contact if you have Vitamin E hypovitaminosis (tocopherol)

  • Dermatologist
  • Nutritionist

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