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Figure dried: beneficial properties of fig tree fruits. Figs dried benefit and harm, calorie

Mentioned in the Bible. The leaves of the fig tree were covered by the first people - Adam and Eve. Indilithi of figs - a storehouse of vitamins, minerals. The rich chemical composition of the wine berries is so called dried figs, positively acts on many processes occurring in the human body. A berry for women is especially useful.

Very often, during drying, many fruits lose their useful properties. But this does not apply to fig. The nutritionality of the berries after its drying increases, no wonder the warriors were fed during the campaigns of Alexander Macedon. Yes, and the fresh berries of figs are difficult to keep it, so it is better to dry them. You can be fertilized with dried fruits for a whole year before the new crop.

Composition and benefit for women

In dried fruits of fig tree, or figs, a lot of vitamins are saved. Especially rich in vitamin A, folic acid, slightly less in them vitamin E. From minerals in the fig, there is enough magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium is almost as much as in nuts. The wine berry is valued for the big content - about 70 percent - glucose, sucrose. Pectin in the composition of figs increases the feed nutrition, is able to normalize the metabolism.

For the female organism, dried berries are especially useful:

  1. Save the balance of chemical elements during critical days helps eaten several berries of figs. Since they contain Kumarin, the blood is diluted, facilitating the state of the woman.
  2. Anemia is one of the frequent diseases of the woman during pregnancy. It is the use of dried figs that will improve the composition of the blood.
  3. The properties of wine berries include the stimulation of the lactation process, so during the feeding period eaten two or three pieces per day. An excessive passion may adversely affect the child's digestive system.
  4. For those who suffer from high body weight, wine berry will be the best helper in weight loss. The inclusion in the instrument of figs will allow you to quickly satisfy, it will help to exclude candy, sweets from the menu. Frica berries are easily replaced during the snack.
  5. To purify the body of a woman from slags and toxins, dried fig tree fruits are used. They are so many fiber that after eating even two berries per day, the need for it will disappear. And the nutritional fibers of the berries will get rid of constipation, they will put the metabolism.
  6. Symptoms of varicose veins flow in women are especially hard. Dried figs replenish potassium deficiency in the body, get rid of edema, seizures in the ion muscles.
  7. Figs are useful for colds, angina. Dry figures of figs, infused on milk, use for rinsing the throat.
  8. In the pulp of dried figs there is a lot of stones. In crushed form, it is used as a scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells, face rejuvenation.

The positive effect of fig tree fruits on the female organism described also Avicenna.

But some women will have to abandon fir-delicacy if they suffer from the acute form of ulcerative ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. Sorrelic acid in the composition of fruits will irritate the walls of the digestive tract organs, reinforcing pain.

It is forbidden to use dried figs in pancreatitis.

A large amount of glucose will not give to enjoy figs with diabetes mellitus. Although the fruits are no essential oils, but allergies need to be included in the diet of the wine berry with caution.

Whatever the benefits of the body of a feather of a fig tree ber, it is necessary to observe the measure in its use.

Since the figs grows only in warm countries, then the fruits are fresh in the trading network for a short time: or in July, or in September. The maturity of berries is determined by the disclosure of the fetus below four parts. Drying fruits are produced under a canopy, where they are well ventilated. Wash before drying the figs do not recommend.

The name of the berry itself says that it can wander like young wine. You can avoid this by lowering for a second or two fruits into boiling syrup. Now it remains to decompose them on the lattice and put in a well-ventilated room. After a weekly breaking, the berries flatten, ride on the thread and suspend in the sun. Some berry bonds are placed over the gas included or put into the oven. After drying, the fruits are placed in a paper bag, keeping in the closet.

There are also such ways to storing figs:

  • The dark grade of figs are dry and folded into hermetic bags and put in the freezer.
  • Be cooked, skipping berries through a meat grinder together with lemon. After adding sugar into the cooked mass, boil on a slow heat twenty - forty minutes. Stored jacket in banks. On a kilogram of berries take 700 grams of sugar.
  • From dried figs prepare wine with the addition of several blueberry berries. A kilogram of figs is poured ten liters of warm water and put ten days in a dark place.

All types of storage of wine berries will enjoy its useful properties for a long time.

More information can be found from the video:

The most ancient echultural plant with multiple advantages and advantages for the human body. Figure tree fruits are called wine berries, flag and even threshold.

Special attention to such a delicacy is recommended to turn women. For a female organism, there is a huge complex of vitamins and amino acids that not only help suspend age-related anti-skin processes, but also rid of many purely female diseases.

Figs useful properties and contraindications

Useful properties for women are a large amount of benzaldehyde, which in the laboratory shows resistance to the formation and propagation of cancer cells.

Women who had an early diagnosis of "breast cancer" is recommended to take fresh fig tree berries, since the components slow down the growth of cancer cells.

However, together with many advantages berry has several drawbacks:high caloric content and in rare cases with abundant use of fruits in the fresh form provoke exacerbations of urolithiasis.

Therefore, people who have a tendency to form kidney stones. It is recommended to use figs only in dried form in small portions.

Application of health figs - recipes

The first important quality of figs is a fairly large content of potassium electrolyte. That is why he was successfully learned to apply in order to treat and prevent diseases of nervous and peripheral systems, cardiovascular and urogenital systems.

Using a daily fresh or dried berry, you can stabilize and streamline hell, normalize metabolism and speed up the regeneration processes. Food fibers, which are also contained in figs in a huge amount, help to normalize digestion processes, and sweet taste is not a disadvantage of this fetus: fructose is absorbed very slowly, which allows it to be used for weight loss and normalization of weight.

The only feature for people who want to adjust their weight is the use of berries in the dried form.

Fig with cough milk - a way to cook

Due to its multifaceted quality content, the figva is applied to the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory diseases.

The most popular fruit against sore throat and cough:

  1. To prepare a ragger of milk and figs, there will be 3 cups of milk (preferably homely oily) and 4 large fenal fruits (purple).
  2. Pour the berry with milk and bring to a boil.
  3. After boiling, cook so much so that the amount of fluid is halucing. Cooking the medicine is needed on slowly fire under the lid, stirring constantly.
  4. After milk is roaring, strain and take firing milk for 50 grams 3-4 times a day.

If the cough is strong, the dosage can be increased without fears. Benefit with a cold is proved and tested.

Finger leaves from skin ferry - recipe

Figi tree leaves will help get rid of itching any character. Juice contained in the leaves has antihistamine properties that help to eliminate itching both after a mosquito bitter and on the background of nervous tension.

For the use of a sheet with a view to elimination of itching You can use fresh juice from the sheet, and you can cook ointment:

  1. grind the juicy leaves of figs on the coffee grinder;
  2. squeeze juice (4 st. l);
  3. melt paraffin (4 art. l);
  4. add to juice 5 drops of mint oil;
  5. mix all other ingredients.

Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator and, if necessary, apply a thin layer on the skin. You can apply both adults and children.

Dried figs for thyroid - recipe

Dried berries are used for the treatment of goiter on the thyroid gland. For this you need daily dry figs in the amount of 4-6 pieces.

In parallel you need to drink an empty stomach of decoction of dried fruits:

  1. pour boiling water (200 grams) 4 pcs. figs;
  2. let break 5 hours;
  3. take every morning decoction for a month.

Infusion of figs with kidney disease

If the patient has no kidney stones, it is possible to apply for the treatment and prevention of kidneys and ureter.

  • Collect tree leaves in front of his bloom. Grind and pour 3 tbsp. l. Boiling water in the amount of 0.5 liters. Take an empty stomach in a half package for the treatment of kidneys and biliary tract. Treatment - a month after two weeks for six months.

Slimming figs - salad recipe

Sweet figs, useful properties for women (for weight loss) are due to the large content of dietary fibers and useful amino acids. Despite the fact that the fruits are quite calories, they are often used for weight loss.

It is best to replace fresh berries with dried or dried. Popular recipe for those who want to lose weight on figs:

  • 5 fruits of dried figs;
  • 100 grams of raisin;
  • 100 grams of kuragi;
  • 150 grams of prunes;
  • 200 grams of low fat curd;
  • home cooking yogurt or kefir - 150 grams.

It is too small to seer, refuel yogurt and replace two receptions of full-fledged food.

What is useful for fizzy and hair - recipes

The benefits of hair figs are proven by many studies and observations. The antioxidants delay the age processes slow down, reduce the risk of the destruction of the hair onion, provoke and stimulate hair growth.

Hair Mask:

  • fig tree berries - 3 pcs.;
  • home kefir - 50 grams;
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l;
  • sour cream low-fat - 1 tbsp. l.

Figure grind into a paste-like consistency. Mix all the ingredients and apply for the entire length of the hair. Hold a mask at least 40 minutes. Then wash and well (before the screen) wash the shampoo.

How to take figs with diabetes - recipes

Sugar diabetes of simple shape allows you to use fragrant berries in a small amount. If the form of diabetes is insulin-dependent, the use of figs in any form is contraindicated.

All because fruits contain a huge amount of calories and glucose. If there is a lack of glucose, not more than 1 pcs can be destroyed. of this delicacy. Diabetics are preferable to use dried and dried delicacies in very limited quantities.

Fig seed oil Useful funds

Seed oil flashes are used as height and regenerating the skin of the means.

For the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, this oil is also widely used..

  • On an empty stomach, you need to drink 1 tsp. Oil.

For the preparation of compress from pain in the joints, it is necessary:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Oil seed figs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. linen oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Oil sea buckthorn.

All mix and double off, preheated, gauze bandage. Attach the patient and bought a warm scarf. After 15 minutes the pain will begin to weaken.

Faux tea - Useful properties

Tea helps restore the protective immune functions of the body. During the ORVI epidemic, drink Tea with figs very helpful.

  • It is necessary to brew 1 fruit boiling water and give a little cool. Sugar is better replaced with honey. You can add a lemon and ginger slices. Such tea will become a real antiviral agent in a period of sharp respiratory diseases.

What is the use of figs during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it helps to normalize the operation of the digestive tract. Inspection juice and carrots are often used as a means against heartburn, and its use in dried form will help to normalize the intestinal operation (prevention of constipation).

However, do not forget about the calorie content of the product:

  • in the last months of pregnancy, use the berry in food is extremely careful, in small quantities. For nursing mothers, the figs helps to restore the hormonal background, stabilize the immune forces of the body. The fetus of influence does not affect the qualitative composition of breast milk.

Infusion of figs for intestines

For the digestive tract, both in the form of a decoction and fresh form is used. If available Diseases of the digestive tract (increased or reduced acidity, ulcer, gastritis), you can use the decoction:

  1. pour dried 4 berries with 0.5 liters of water;
  2. bring to a boil, remove from the stove;
  3. cover with a warm towel and let it brew 5-6 hours;
  4. take an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before meals every morning.

Such decoctions help to establish the work of the digestive system without the use of medicines and drugs. In addition, you need to eat and sunken dried fruits, they contain a large amount of fiber that helps to establish intestinal motility.

The benefits of figs for potency in men

Figs. The benefits and harm for the body of the man are due to the presence of a large amount of amino acids and glucose.

  • If you use daily 3 pcs. Fruits of fig tree, then the metabolism is normalized throughout the body, the oxygen power is improved by each cell, as a result - an increase in libido and improving the quality of sexual life.

How to use figs when climax?

Climax for a woman is a difficult period, conjugate with hormonal perestroins and negative external manifestations (sweat, heat, chills and irritability). Fresh flax contains a large amount of minerals, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the metabolism.

Eliminate the cause of discomfort at the level of hormonesOf course, it will not be able to improve the overall condition will help:

  1. dried fruits in the amount of 4 pcs. pour boiling water (200 grams);
  2. after cooling, add 1 tsp. Honey and 5 drops of oil Melissa.

Mix and take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

What is the use of french dried?

Drier fruits contain also the amount of beta carotene and vitamins B as fresh fruit. But the concentration of glucose increases. But even an enlarged amount of sweetness does not make the fruit less useful.

Dried figs harm and health benefits

The use of dried figs is due to a number of preferred features, including:

  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • reducing cholesterol;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • normalization of blood formation processes;
  • improve the work of the heart;
  • mental activity increases;
  • the processes of regeneration of skin cells are accelerated.

Jam made of figures and recipe for cooking

Treatment can be not only tedious, but also sweet! This definition refers to fir jam. Everyone knows the beneficial antipyretic properties of raspberry jam. However, fan delicacy surpasses raspberries three times! The jam can be both with solid fruits, and have a consistency of jumped.

  • For cooking We need to grind figs on the meat grinder, fall asleep with sugar 1: 1 and let it brew at least 5 hours. Then boil until the pasta is boiled, with the formation of thick, drum bubbles. The color of jam will also change, will acquire an amber translucent shade.

For the preparation of solid jam It will take:

  • rinse all the fruits and clean them from the upper tails. Prepare water and sugar syrup: 1 liter of water 1.2 liters. Sahara. Swim and pour hot berry syrup. Give cool and the next day add lemon juice (in arbitrary quantity). Bring again to a boil and immediately retain. On the third day also to bring to a boil and roll in banks.

Dried figs appeared in our diet not so long ago, but already managed to conquer the love of consumers. The stunning taste and a rich amount of useful trace elements make it possible to get rid of the wide range of hazardous inflammatory processes, complex diseases, obesity and cosmetic defects.


Beneficial features

Regular use of dried ginger in food allows you to get a number of significant advantages for your health. Among the useful properties of the product are allocated:

  • a large amount of fiber required for normal operation of the gastrointestinal operation;
  • a large number of antioxidants, allowing you to maintain youth;
  • improving the work of the heart, liver and kidney;
  • prevent constipation and intestinal colic;
  • promoting toxins;
  • promoting the development of youth hormones;
  • prevention of ulcers and gastritis;
  • restoration of muscular and connective tissue;
  • allows you to reduce cholesterol;
  • establishes the work of the circulatory system;
  • makes the vessels elastic and stronger;
  • improves psychophysical state;
  • treats respiratory diseases and is their prevention;
  • beneficially affects intellectual activity.

Nutritional value and calorie

Dried figs pretty a calorie product with a nutritional value of 256 calories and 60% of carbohydrate content. But despite such a large amount of carbohydrates, the use of dried fruits in the morning with porridge allows you to run processes of recovery and weight loss.

In addition, the dried ginger includes many trace elements, among which beta keratin and vitamins of the group B are distinguished, allowing to establish the work of the heart and the circulatory system.

Pectins, which are also part of the fetus, remove inflammatory processes and launch tissue regeneration. With potassium, magnesium and iron included in figs, the risk of anemia is significantly reduced and the level of oxygen in the body increases.

Availability of contraindications and possible harm

Despite the greater benefit, dried figs have a number of significant contraindications, the ignoring of which can lead to deplorable events:

  • diabetes mellitus of any type and degree;
  • elevated blood sugar level;
  • strong obesity;
  • pancreatitis and acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

In addition, dried fruits have a property of a strongly relaxing intestine, which can provoke a sharp desire of defecation literally in a few minutes. Therefore, when eating figs, follow your condition and do not eat it before important trips and meetings.

Folk recipes

Against angina

Take the washed fruits of figs and boil them no more than 5 minutes. Then be sure to add to the pan in the ratio of 1 to 1 warm milk and the resulting solution is made of the throat several times a day before noticeable relief, and after two more days to disappear all the symptoms.

In the decoction of figs, you can also add 20 g of butter and clove of garlic. This mixture is even more effective, but very unpleasant taste. It must be drunk before bedtime 30 ml hot and slow sips.

Against cough

Boil the ginger for 10 minutes and later hot decoction through a gauze bandage. It is necessary to add a tablespoon of lemon juice and drink small sips twice a day for five days.

With this means it is worth be careful to those who have a diagnosed gastritis and ulcer. Lemon in this recipe can be replaced with honey, the effect will be no less fast. Such tea helps from dry cough and uncontrollable attacks and spasms in the chest due to non-exhaust sputum.

Against wrinkles

Take two froths of dried fruits and scroll them into a small porridge. To ginger, add 15 g of green or pink clay and 50 ml of low-fat kefir. Carefully stirre the mixture and apply it on your face, neck and zone.

With such a cashee, it is necessary to sit at least 15 minutes, after which it is washed off only with cold water, as it will strengthen the effect of a cosmetic mask. You can carry out youth sessions twice a week for a month, after which a break for four weeks.

Against fatigue feet

Scroll into the mouth of the fruits of dried ginger and connect them with a decoction of mint. It should be prepared from two tablespoons and 200 ml of water. As soon as the mixture boils, disconnect it, write through the gauze and connect with ginger.

In the resulting casket, moisten the bandages or gauze and impose them to your feet. Sit about 30 minutes with them and wash your legs.

Such a recipe will also allow wounds and minor cuts. You can repeat the procedure an unlimited number of times.

To improve the work of the heart

Take a few dried fruits and fill them with 500 ml of boiling water. Tightly close the dishes with a lid and let it cool. After that, add 100 ml of grapefruit juice to the resulting decoction and drink such compote for one day. For a new portion costs every day to prepare a new decoction.

Apply tool within one month after which take a break for four weeks. This recipe can also be used for weight loss, drinking an empty stomach of 50 ml of beam once a day. It will launch the stomach and will allow the fastest to receive a sense of saturation.

Be sure to enter into your diet of figs if you do not have any contraindications for its use. Health is this part of our lives, which depends only on our choice and behavior. And the dried figs will help preserve youth and health for long and happy years.

Fig is a nutritional product containing a large number of vitamins and trace elements. What is the useful in firing for women, not many know, despite the fact that his benefits are invaluable to the body of a woman.

Composition and calorie

Figs surpasses all other fruits for iron content. The berry also contains many other vitamins and substances necessary for the health of a woman.

The composition of figs includes:

  • minerals (iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese and magnesium);
  • vitamin compounds (ascorbic acid, vitamin A, group vitamins B);
  • organic acids (apple, aspartic, glycerin);
  • pectic substances;
  • amino acids;
  • cellulose;
  • sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose).

The form of food compounds in figs is such that all nutrients are well absorbed by the body, without any negative manifestations.

Caloric content of 100 g of the product is 257 kilocalories.

With excessive use of fruits, you can dial overweight, so you should limit the volume of fruit consumed to several pieces per day.

What is useful for the body

Useful properties for women lies in the composition of berries. The daily use of figs allows the body all the nutritional connections necessary for normal operation.

In medicine

Dried fruits are able to redeem the female organism. During the period of menstrual bleeding and when climax, fruit allows you to maintain the optimal balance of trace elements in the body. Due to the Kumarin contained in the fruits, blood liquefaction occurs, which reduces the pain of menstruation.

  1. The use of figs allows preventing iron deficiency anemia, which is most often found in women during pregnancy.
  2. In breastfeeding, dried fruits are able to improve lactation and strengthen the health of the kid.

Important! Use no more than 2 fruits per day, since excessive consumption of figs can provoke lactostasis from mother and colic in a child. There is no difference between consumption of fresh and dried fruit, their properties are identical.

Fig allows you to replace sweets and pastries, which is very useful for weight loss. Also, at the expense of high nutrition, the use of a pair of fruits will help to get rid of the feeling of hunger at the moment when there is no possibility to eat normally.

Diuretic and the laxative effect of dried fruits makes it possible to derive slags and toxins from the body, as well as remove intoxication during various diseases. The high content of fiber allows to establish an intestine and save a woman from constipation, it is especially important in the last period of pregnancy or after surgery.

Regular use of dried fruits reduces the manifestation of varicose veins. This is due to the high content of potassium in fruit. The same component allows you to get rid of cramps and edema limbs.

Dried fruits, brewed in milk, allow you to fight with colds, angina, bronchitis and tonsillitis. The high content of vitamin C accelerates the process of recovery and improves the functioning of the immune system.

In cosmetology

Therapeutic properties of figs are applied not only for health, but also for beauty. The pulp of dried fruit contains a large number of small bones, which are used after grinding in the compositions of scrubics for cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin.

Minting crushed fruits in olive oil are used as a means from itching and redness of the skin. This mixture nourishes the skin and eliminates inflammatory processes. The appearance of the skin is significantly improved through several uses.

Masks using figs are mitigating and restoring effect on the skin. The cosmetics based on figs provide the following actions:

  • leveled the color of the skin;
  • eliminate dryness and peeling;
  • reduce the severity of mimic wrinkles;
  • accelerate tissue regeneration;
  • improve exchange processes in tissues;
  • remove swelling and reduce the severity of dark circles under the eyes;
  • protect the skin from negative impacts of external factors and the environment.

Cosmetics based on dried fruits can not only be purchased in stores, but also to produce on their own. Homemade masks have a more pronounced effect, as they contain a high product concentration.

Face masks with figs

The simplest face mask consists of one component. For her preparation, you need to take one fig and soak it overnight in warm water. This will allow the fetus to become softer, and the applying mask is simpler.

The pulp of the fetus should be thrown into the toss and apply it to a smooth layer on the skin of the face. Hold the mask should be at least 20 minutes, but you can and for a longer time. After time, figir should be washed off with a warm water and wipe it moistened in a warm chamomile brave with a cotton disk.

Such a simple mask even after one application will significantly moisturizes, clean and rejuvenates the skin. By adding honey or other components to it, you can strengthen the action of the means.


Eat figs are prohibited by women with inflammatory diseases of the stomach and duodenal. The oxalic acid contained in the fetus will lead to aggravation of inflammation and weighting of the course of the disease.

The inflammation of the pancreas is also direct contraindication to the consumption of dried fruit.

Due to the high content of sugars, it is forbidden to use fruits to women with diabetes. We should not forget about allergic reactions, with individual intolerance fruit contraindicated.

Despite the fact that the use of dried fruit is obvious, it is important to observe the measure in use and not forget about the conjugations available. Excessive use of berries can cause harm to the body.


Fig is the fruit of fig tree. Figs were dried, the benefit of which for the human body is positive effect on the work of metabolic processes, is very useful. The fruit grows in the southern continents: Egypt, Turkey, Asia and Africa. It does not withstand long transportation and long-term storage, therefore it is used primarily in dried.

As you know, the fruits of fig tree benefit, since they have a large number of beneficial substances and vitamins, among them: beta-carotene, vitamin C, A, E, group vitamins in (B, B1, B2, B6, B12), carbohydrates, Sugar, starch, fatty acids, fiber. Dry fruit is a record holder among all the eastern fruits in the composition of minerals: potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Minerals carry out metabolic processes. Beta carotene, which is rich in figs, has a positive effect on the human body, having an immunostimulating and wound healing effect.

Vitamins of group B take part in the work of the brain, bones, skin, blood system, and necessary for the work of the human body daily.

Figs are widely used in cosmetology. Based on fruits produce useful face masks, improving the structure and skin type.

The benefits of dried figs

The nutrient masks based on figs are prepared mainly for weakened and seen hair tips. Very effective and possess the undoubted benefit of ointment for skin and nails based on the fetus. In the cooking, this berry is used to prepare sweet desserts. The fruit has a lot of sugar in the composition, so it is very calorie, per 100 grams account for more than 200 calories. It is necessary to take dried fruit with caution to people having diabetes mellitus suffering from pancreas diseases, with gastritis and slimming.

Mathemmers (Other figs) are useful for all organs and human body systems:

  • improves the intestinal work, due to fatty acids;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in digestion organs;
  • positively affects the composition of the blood and blood formation process;
  • improves liver operation and reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • lowers body temperature at ARZ and influenza;
  • it is an antioxidant of a powerful action, the benefit is that it prevents oxidative processes in the human body.

Figs, the beneficial properties of which are proved, serves as the basis for the production of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidney, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the circulatory system.

Useful properties of figs

In addition, dried figs has laxative properties. It can be prepared independently at home. How to dry figs?

Methods of cooking dried figs

  1. Figs, dried in the electric grid. If fresh fruit fell into hand, it can be dried in a very short time, while maintaining useful properties and excellent taste. The electric dryer will help. To begin with, it is necessary to choose the most elastic and slightly misunderstood with no mechanical damage, fruits. Fruits wash, remove branches, cut in a convenient way and lay out on the electric dryer. Dry from 5 to 8 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. To prepare dried figs in the syrup, clean fruits fall asleep with sugar, in the proportion of 1 kg. Sugar at 400-500 gr. When the fruit gave juices (about 6-7 hours), they are laid out on the electric dryer. Syrup rush into banks and used for cooking desserts and other dishes. Figs, under the influence of drying, becomes solid, so it is well suited for cooking powders for dishes, chips, compotes and drinks, but you can eat and just dried. Keep dry figs need to be stored in solid containers: banks, eggplants, drawers, under a tightly closed lid.
  2. Fig, dried in the oven. To get dried fruit at home, you can use the oven. This is a more affordable method than the electric power plant. How to dry in the oven? The washed clean fruits are separated from the leg and cleaned from the skin, cut into 2 parts and lay out on a dry baking sheet, covered with parchment. The sheet is placed in an oven preheated by 40-50 degrees, duration of 4-5 hours. When the fig will acquire a golden brown, it can be removed from the stove. Fig is ready to use. Of the dried figs in the oven, there are beautiful compotes with a flavor of smoked berries. The drink is incredibly tasty and useful, there is no need to put sugar, it is better to add lemon. The taste qualities of dried figs are very high, therefore, it is served in expensive restaurants as an additive to desserts and a separate dish. How to store dried in the oven fig? Fruits need to be placed in well-ventilated vessels: in boxes, in banks, in boxes, wrapping paper, put in bags, bags or packages, except cellophane. It is better to use containers from natural materials.
  3. To get a dried fig, it needs to be prepared for a couple, that is, to make dried fruit from the fetus. Clean fruits clean from legs and peel, cutting in the middle, so that the air and the temperature are fully affected by the fruit. You need to knick for a couple at least 2-3 hours, then remove and stripped on special sticks to give dry. The properties of figs are such that in the process of taking, it increases in its volume several times. The fetus in a slurred form is very sweet and slightly dormitory taste, because in the process of cooking at a low temperature, it saves its properties as much as possible than it is very useful for both adults and children. What to do to get rid of the showing taste? Professional cooks recommend to eat a fig tree fruit with a solid variety cheese or with tomatoes. It is possible to add herbs: a chamber, mint or melissa, which bind and eliminate the showful taste of the fetus. For a long time to store dried fruit, you need to ride ready-made fruits on a stick or a ligament. It provides a circulation of air around fruit and does not give them to spoil.
  4. Simple dried fig. The flushed and peeled fruits are riveted on the stick or bonds, wrap marlain or thin cloth and dried in the sun, in a dry place away from moisture. This is a long way of cooking dried fetus. The figs dried in this way is extremely useful for a person. As written in ancient Egyptian manuscripts, in this way, at home, frying figs in antiquity.
  5. Fig was dried on a thread. To dry the fruit in a natural way and maintain a high number of useful properties and substances, you first need to prepare figs: it is necessary to choose a little submerged fruit, as they will cause them in a few days independently. Fruits thoroughly wash and give water drain, dried slightly on the towel. Then, it is necessary to pick up the threads to which the fruit will be risen. To do this, it is best to use threads from natural materials: cotton, wool or silk. Well suited and, very comfortable in use for drying, silk threads. Fruits need to be survived so that they find a flat shape, and stripped on a thread with a needle, piercing the fruit in the middle. Threads do not need to load. For 1 meter of silk thread, no more than 20-45 fruits are placed, since the fruit is quite heavy by weight. The finished fruit, striking on the thread, hang in the area of \u200b\u200bdrying: on the balcony, on the street, under a canopy, in well-ventilated places. Be sure to cover the thin layer of fabric or gauze, without creating a vacuum and without disturbing the air circulation process. Dried figs retains useful properties. Dried fig tree fruit retains beneficial properties and is equivalent to fresh fruit in the composition of the useful substances. Dried fruits are used to prepare compotes, desserts, jams and jams.

Dried fruits are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, as well as in the treatment of kidney and adrenal diseases, recommend replacing sugar with dried or dried fig.