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The use of adonis in classical and folk medicine in the treatment of diseases. Spring adonis (adonis) - medicinal properties

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According to statistical data from the World Health Organization, about 4 billion people, which is almost 80% of the total population of the planet earth, are taken into medicinal purposes plants. Starting from the simplest: chamomile, lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort, or rosehip, from which we simply prepare everyday tea, but with a huge amount medicinal properties.

Today, herbal medicine is the basis for the production huge amount medicines. Most pharmaceutical companies are continuously studying healing properties all plants and are widely used in the manufacture of medications.

Thanks to your unique properties Medicinal plants are very often used to prevent one disease or another, and of course, to treat many both chronic and acute ailments. Due to their composition and origin, medicinal plants have a more gentle effect on the body than expensive drugs based on synthesized substances. But it is necessary to understand and remember that herbal medicine requires special care and careful study of the medicinal properties and contraindications of one or another medicinal plant, and only after that begin collecting herbs in practice.

Adonis vernatum (“spring yellowflower”, “goldenflower”, “spring adonis”, “yellow centaury”, “starodubka”, “hairy plant”, “field dill”, “hairweed”, etc.) is a perennial, medicinal, herbaceous plant from of the Ranunculaceae family, the height of which reaches 60 cm. This plant blooms in early spring from April to May, has an erect stem, thick and multi-headed rhizome, single, large and light yellow flowers. Due to its popularity, the golden flower gradually disappears every year, which is why this plant was included in the Red Book. It is also impossible not to mention that adonis is a very poisonous herb, an overdose of which can lead to severe deterioration in health, and even death.

Collection and preparation of Adonis

Mainly used for medicinal purposes top part plant, which is best harvested during the wild flowering of the grass, but if you don’t have time, you can collect Adonis later, before the seeds fall off. To prevent a species of medicinal herb from disappearing, it is always necessary to leave part of it, and not cut out all of it. Adonis is cut selectively, so that 2–3 plant stems remain on every square meter. In the same place, the plant can be cut once every 5 years, due to the fact that it grows quite slowly.

The plant is dried, like many other medicinal herbs, under a canopy, or in a well-ventilated area, but not in direct sunlight. We spread the adonis in a thin ball on paper or a large piece of cloth; if the adonis stems begin to break easily, this indicates that the grass has completely dried out. The plant must be stored in a well-ventilated area, in cardboard boxes, in bags made of fabric or paper, no more than 3 years, while being careful, taking into account the toxicity of the plant.

Adonis composition

Spring adonis contains many useful substances:
  • phytosterol;
  • alcohol adonite;
  • quinone;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • carbohydrates, flavonoids and coumarins;
  • valuable vitamins, in particular vitamin C;
  • cardenolides;
  • tannins;
  • The fruit contains oil with a high percentage of fat content.

Beneficial properties of spring adonis

All parts of this medicinal plant, from leaves to seeds, are used as useful raw materials. Thanks to the components that make up this plant, they have the following effects on the body:
  • vasodilator;
  • pain reliever;
  • laxative;
  • moderate diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • cardiotonic;
  • anticonvulsant.
Thanks to this composition, mohnatik is very often used as a heart remedy. If a person has a “weak” heart, then for a smoother and more coordinated heart, he needs to take adonis, as a result of which his legs will stop swelling.

Application of spring adonis

As you know, many pharmaceutical companies use medicinal plants in the preparation of tinctures, tablets and various preparations. “Adonizide” - tinctures and tablets based on spring adonis. “Adonizide” is very often prescribed by doctors for: vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiac neurosis, kidney diseases, infections, which results in a weakening of cardiac function.
In addition to being widely used as a remedy for heart disease, adonis also has beneficial effects on many other diseases:
  1. Very often used in folk medicine decoctions of centaury for the following diseases: dropsy, GRVI, jaundice or typhus, fever, scarlet fever.
  2. Kidney treatment. Spring adonis is part of a variety of herbal mixtures that are used to relieve painful symptoms associated with the kidneys. Herbal mixture of adonis: for 2 cups of boiling water, 1 tsp. adonis, leave for 15-20 minutes to infuse, then filter through cheesecloth. This decoction should be drunk every day 5 times a day, at regular intervals of 2 tsp. If you suffer from diseases such as urethritis, prostatitis or cystitis, do not despair. Use adonis to treat such ailments in the following collection: oregano, flowers and leaves of marshmallow, ivy bud, and common heather.
  3. The problem of swelling. Thanks to its diuretic properties, adonis is able to relieve swelling, thanks to its ability to remove urine from the body. Even if you drink this mixture for several days, it will completely remove the swelling.
Adonis is included in a huge number of drugs for many diseases.
Let's look at some of them:
  • Medicine "Cardiovalen" and "Adonis-bromine", they are widely used for neuroses.
  • Medicine "Bekhterev" (sedative). Leads nervous condition the body returns to normal after experiencing any shock.
  • "Adonizide"- intended for the first signs of circulatory failure, etc. Taking this drug is very dangerous for the body, as an overdose can lead to death, which is why you should always consult a doctor.
In addition, spring adonis can relieve seizures, which often happens if a person has had an overdose of drugs, for example, cocaine. If a tincture or decoction of Adonis is injected into the vein of a person with an overdose, this plant can save his life.

Unfortunately, every year young girls are increasingly getting rid of unwanted pregnancies, and usually this is through surgical intervention. Some of them resort to traditional medicine and use it to kill their baby. So, Adonis is capable of causing a miscarriage, without anesthesia or surgery.

In addition to all this, a tincture from this plant can relieve severe headaches or toothaches, alleviate the symptoms of tuberculosis, malaria and nephritis. It is also widely used for severe shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, joint pain and even esophageal cancer.

Recipe for making an infusion of spring adonis:

  • 250 ml. boiling water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped and dry herbs.
In a glass or clay vessel with a lid, pour boiling water over the herb and leave for 30 minutes, then strain. This infusion should be taken 1 tsp. - 3 times a day, at regular intervals. If you do not have the time or desire to collect and dry this plant, it can be purchased at the pharmacy; its pharmacy name is “Adonizide”.

Contraindications to the use of Adonis

Like any drug or medicinal plant, goldenflower also has its contraindications:
  • Small children under one year old.
  • Bradycardia is a type of arrhythmia in which the heart beats less than 60 times per minute. It is often considered as a kind of cardiac pathology.
  • Severe arterial hypertension.
  • Neurosis of the heart (functional disorder of its functioning, due to shocks, severe stress, psychological or physical shocks).
  • Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous layer that covers our stomach from the inside, which is also accompanied by increased or decreased acidity of the stomach.
  • Pregnancy. If you want to give birth healthy child, and most importantly, when giving birth, never take Adonis, it promotes fetal rejection.
  • Peptic ulcers of the duodenum or stomach.
  • Field dill is contraindicated for those people who have a common intolerance to any component that is part of this plant.
If you exceed the specified dosage of spring Adonis, this will certainly lead to the following consequences:
  • gastrointestinal upset, with abdominal pain, diarrhea and even vomiting;
  • slow pulse or rapid heartbeat;
  • drowsiness, lethargy and a feeling of powerlessness in the body;
  • dilated pupils;
  • convulsions.
The first thing to do in case of an overdose of spring adonis is to drink strong, preferably sugar-free coffee, or strong red wine. If these drinks do not help, you need to consult a doctor, who will be forced to prescribe emetics and laxatives, and, if necessary, rinse the stomach in order to remove the poison from the body as quickly as possible. Remember a simple truth: always and in case of any poisoning, it is necessary to drink as much fluid as possible, it is best that it is mineral water, and preferably salty.

Spring knotweed (Adonis) is one of the most effective natural remedies for cardiovascular diseases. The most important thing is to carefully study the instructions for use, find out all the contraindications for this plant, and, of course, the dosage. If you learn all the information about Adonis, then it will simply become an indispensable medicinal plant in your medicine cabinet.

Find out more information about spring adonis from this video:

Adonis grass is a herbaceous plant from the Ranunculaceae family, which is most often found in Europe, the Caucasus, and also in Siberia. Its action helps people cure diseases of the cardiovascular system, and it also serves as a sedative.


The grass consists of the following elements:

1. Cymarin;
2. K-strophanthin-beta;
3. Saponins;
4. Flavone glycoside adonivernit.

They are also cardiac glycosides.

Release form

Adonis grass (in cut form) is produced in paper bags, which are located in ordinary cardboard boxes.

Medicinal properties of adonis herb

Adonis herb is a cardiotonic that performs the following functions:

1. Slows down the heart rate;
2. Strengthens stroke volume;
3. Reduces conductivity inside the heart;
4. Improves the quality of cerebral circulation;
5. Increases diuresis.

Indications for use

Adonis herb is taken if there is chronic insufficiency of the cardiovascular system, which produces such signs as: tachycardia, shortness of breath, edema, ascites. Adonis herb is also used as a sedative if the patient has cardiac neurosis, the central nervous system is excited, or with alcoholic psychosis or epilepsy.

Instructions for use

Pharmaceutical companies based on the Adonis herb produce both tincture and Adoniside tablets (they are prescribed in case of cardiac neurosis, if there is vegetative-vascular dystonia or infections that are accompanied by kidney diseases, heart failure). Adoniside tincture should be taken 15 drops 3 times a day. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

At home, an infusion of Adonis herb (spring adonis herb) should be drunk 3 to 5 times a day before meals, one tablespoon for adults. Children need to take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. An infusion is prepared using 6 grams of herb per glass of water (200 ml).

The shelf life of the infusion is no more than 3 days!


Adonis is not prescribed if the patient has the following ailments:

1. Hypertension;
2. Bradycardia;
3. Increased blood clotting;
4. Atrioventicular heart block;
5. Stomach ulcers.

Adonis herbs are also contraindicated for children under three years of age. Pregnant women should not take Adonis as there are rumors that it can cause a woman to miscarry. Therefore, it is highly not recommended for pregnant women to take adonis herb. It is also forbidden to take it yourself without consulting a doctor, so as not to harm your body. Always consult a specialist before taking medication.

Side effects

In case of overdose, nausea and vomiting may occur. Therefore, you should strictly adhere to the norm prescribed by the doctor.


Synonyms for Adonis grass are spring adonis and Montenegrin grass.

Spring Adonis (Adonis aestivalis).

Other names: spring adonis, Montenegrin, black grass, hare poppy, moss, field dill.

Description. Perennial herbaceous plant of the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). It has a short, vertical rhizome with dark brown, cord-like roots.
Stems are round, erect or deflected, smooth or slightly pubescent, simple or weakly branched, densely leafy. At the time of flowering of the plant, the height of the stems is 5-20 cm, and by the end of flowering - 15-35 cm. The lower leaves are brown, in the form of scales.
The leaves in the middle part of the stem are sessile, three times pinnately dissected, with narrow linear lobes, entire. The length of the leaf lobe is 1-2 cm, width 0.5-1 mm.
The flowers are regular, single, light yellow, large, located at the top of the stem and branches, with a diameter of 40-60 mm. Petals are ovate-elongated, 12-20 pcs. Sepals are greenish, broadly ovate, blunt in the upper part, in the amount of 5-8 pieces. Stamens and pistils are numerous.
Spring Adonis blooms in April - May. Fruit ripening in June - July. The fruit is a wrinkled multi-nutlet, about 20 mm long, which consists of 30-40 obovate nutlets 4-5 mm long. Spring adonis is found in the European part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Caucasus, Ukraine (in forest-steppe and steppe regions).
Adonis grows singly or in clumps in the steppes and on hillsides. The plant reproduces by seeds and division of rhizomes. All parts of Adonis vernacular are poisonous!

Collection and preparation of raw materials. For medicinal purposes, the herb of Adonis vernalis is used and harvested. Harvesting is carried out from the beginning of flowering to the beginning of fruit shedding (from April to early July). Best quality considered to be grass collected during flowering.
The stems are cut at a height of 5-10 cm from the ground. In dry weather, the grass is dried outdoors in the shade, spread thin layer on paper, and after removing the browned leaves. Can be dried in the attic. Dry in dryers at 40-50°C. Raw materials are stored in fabric bags or cardboard boxes, separately from other herbs. Shelf life: 1 year.
Composition of the plant. Adonis herb contains cardiac glycosides, coumarins, cardenolides (cymarin, odonitoxin), quinones, saponins, flavonoids (adonivernit, vitexin, phytosterol, homoadonivernit), adonilic acid.

Medicinal properties, application, treatment.
Adonis vernalis has cardiotonic, sedative, diuretic properties, slows heart rate, increases systole, prolongs diastole, increases stroke volume, and has a moderate inhibition of intracardiac conduction.
Adonis vernacular preparations belong to the group of cardiac glycosides. They occupy an intermediate place between strophanthus and foxglove. The effect of Adonis springum occurs more quickly, but it is somewhat weaker and shorter in comparison with the effect of foxglove.
Preparations of Adonis (Adonis) spring are indicated for heart failure, which is accompanied by conduction disorders. In this case, digitalis will not be indicated, as it can cause heart block. Compared to other glycosides, adonis preparations have a more pronounced sedative and diuretic effect. This is due to the cymarin contained in adonis.
Cymarin is similar in action to strophanthin, but has a greater ability to accumulate in the body. If we compare adonis with digitalis, then adonis glycosides accumulate in the body much less than digitalis glycosides.
Adonis herb is used in the treatment of functional neuroses of the heart, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuropsychiatric diseases, infectious diseases that occur with weakening of cardiac activity.
Spring adonis grass is folk remedy, which has long been used in the treatment of heart and kidney diseases that occur with symptoms of cardiovascular failure. Also used for edema of cardiac origin, as a sedative for whooping cough, cough, for convulsions, emphysema, pneumonia, tuberculosis, for acute attacks of glaucoma, for dropsy, fever, influenza, scarlet fever, jaundice, typhoid, as an anesthetic for joint pain and muscles associated with rheumatism. As part of a collection with other medicinal plants, Adonis is used for edema of renal origin.
Externally, dry adonis grass powder is sprinkled on wounds to speed up healing.

Dosage forms and doses.
Infusion of the herb adonis (adonis) spring. 1 tablespoon (5-10 grams) of dry crushed herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 40 minutes, filtered. Adults are prescribed 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day. Children are prescribed from half a teaspoon to 1 dessert spoon (depending on age) 3-5 times a day.
Adoniside (Adonisidum). This is a new galenic preparation, which is an aqueous solution of Adonis vernal glycosides. Indicated for heart neuroses and cardiac failure. Orally prescribed 2-3 times a day. Adults take 15-30 drops per dose, children - as many drops per dose as the age of the child.
Adonisidum dry (Adonisidum siccum). Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 2-4 r. in a day.

Contraindications. Adonis officinalis preparations are not recommended for gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and enterocolitis. Since the plant is poisonous, you should follow the dosage and take the drugs under the supervision of a doctor.

Adonis is a medicinal herb that is of great interest for medicine. Based on Adonis extract, tablets and tinctures are produced that show high efficiency in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, kidney disease, to maintain heart function.

Adonis flower

Adonis spring flower (adonis vernalis - Latin name) is a herbaceous representative of the genus of the Ranunculaceae family, includes 20-45 species of multi- and annuals. Grows in Asia and Europe. Annual treatment plant: Adonis summer – blooms in summer, found in southern Russia, Central Asia and Western Europe; autumn hairy plant - common in the Mediterranean, blooms in summer. Adonis perennial: Volga; Amur; spring; Siberian. The plant is endangered, it is not listed in the Red Book, it is included in the Appendix of the CITES Convention.

Adonis spring - description

Adonis spring plant - perennial medicinal flower:

  • Height reaches 60 cm.
  • It has a wide rhizome with a diameter of up to 4 cm.
  • The stem of the plant has no leaves; they are located at the very bottom and look like small scales.
  • The flowers are bright yellow, can be seen in the photo, located at the top of the branch. The size is large, diameter up to 6 cm.
  • The adonis flower grows in Russia, Crimea, Siberia, Young and Central Europe. Found in forests, mountain slopes, and flat areas. Adonis blooms in spring.
  • Fruits: seed-leaflets with a hook-shaped spout.
  • Popular names of the plant: Montenegrin, yellowflower, starodubka.

Adonis - medicinal properties and contraindications

Preparations based on the herb adonis have beneficial features for the body:

  • vasodilator;
  • diuretic – excess fluid is removed, effective for kidney diseases;
  • stabilize heart rate;
  • normalize sleep and act as a sedative, especially on nervous system;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • cardiotonic;
  • painkiller.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of Adonis vernacular are associated with the medicinal components included in its composition. Already long time The plant is used as a remedy for the treatment of kidney and heart diseases (neurosis, chronic failure). For example, hare poppy, when used simultaneously with bromine, can treat epilepsy. Indications for use medicinal herb The swimsuit is as follows:

  • heart disease, especially at the stage of decompensation;
  • shortness of breath associated with heart rhythm disturbances;
  • kidney disease and inflammation (dropsy, kidney stones);
  • glaucoma;
  • jaundice;
  • myositis;
  • fever;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions caused by taking camphor and pyrotoxin. Adonis helps with convulsions caused by an overdose of narcotic drugs;
  • enhances the body's resistance to infectious diseases, influenza, pneumonia, scarlet fever;
  • painkiller, prescribed for diseases of the muscles or joints.

The most important functioning substances of the plant are cardiac glycosides, they have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system. They can increase the stroke volume of the heart and slow down the heart rate. Medications obtained from Adonis, due to their properties, are used for heart failure and cardiac neuroses. Adonis is very poisonous, it is necessary to follow the rules of administration.

In case of overdose, you should call a doctor, do a gastric lavage, and take activated charcoal. Bed rest and a gentle diet are prescribed, but taking emetics is not recommended. Medicines based on Adonis cannot be used if a person has:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • colitis (acute and chronic forms of the disease);
  • hypertensive diseases;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tachycardia, bradycardia;
  • tendency to form blood clots.

Herb Adonis - application

Spring adonis is approved for use in medicine and is recognized as a medicinal product. The use of Adonis spring must be strictly according to the instructions, otherwise severe poisoning is likely. Consult your physician before using the herb. For children (only over 3 years old), 1-2 tsp is recommended. The dose depends on the age and condition of the child.

Syn: spring adonis.

Herbaceous perennial. A valuable medicinal plant that has sedative, diaphoretic and anticonvulsant properties.

The plant is poisonous!

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Flower formula

The formula of the spring Adonis flower is: *Х5Л∞Т∞П∞.

In medicine

Adonis vernacular herb and preparations made from it are widely used for chronic cardiovascular failure, heart neuroses and as a sedative for the central nervous system. In combination with bromine, it is used for increased nervous excitability, insomnia and epilepsy. Due to flavonoid compounds, preparations from the herb Adonis vernacular significantly enhance diuresis.


Adonis spring or spring adonis (lat. Adónisvernalis L.) is the most important view genus Adonis (lat. Adonis) from the Ranunculaceae family. The genus includes 25 species.

Botanical description

Perennial with a thick, shortened dark brown rhizome and numerous roots. Stems are simple or branched, erect or deflected, weakly branched, densely leafed, smooth, almost glabrous, 20-50 cm high. Adonis flower formula: *Х5Л∞Т∞П∞ . The leaves are strongly dissected into narrow lobes up to 1 mm wide, sessile, glabrous. The flowers are spiral, large, bright yellow, solitary, located at the ends of shoots from 40 to 80 mm in diameter.

The fruit is a multi-nut, oblong spherical in shape, consisting of 30-40 nuts. It blooms simultaneously with the appearance of leaves (April-May). The fruits ripen in June-July.


Widely distributed in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia and in Western Siberia. It grows mainly on mixed-grass steppes, dry slopes, limestone, edges of pine forests, etc. The number of spring adonis has greatly decreased in many regions due to the plowing of the steppes.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

The stems, leaves and flowers of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Adonis grass is harvested from the beginning of flowering until the fruit begins to fall, until the leaves turn yellow. Flowering stems are cut at a height of 7-10 cm from the ground, leaving basal scale-like leaves. You should also leave a few stems in the bush for better plant regeneration. The collected grass is dried quickly and only in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of 30-40°C. With slow drying, the activity of medicines prepared from Adonis herb is significantly reduced. It should be remembered that spring Adonis is listed in the Red Book of Russia, so collecting wild plants is strongly not recommended. The expiration date is monitored annually. Medicinal raw materials should be stored with caution and separately from other herbs, since Adonis is a poisonous plant.

Chemical composition

Adonis vernacular herb contains more than 25 cardiac glycosides (0.06-0.21%): cymarin, adonitoxin, K-strophanthin-β, strophanthindin, adonitoxigenin, acetyladonitoxin, adonitoxigenol, adonitoxol, strophadogenin, 3-acetylstrophanthinin, fucosidestrophanthindin, adonilid, hydroxystrophanthidin, 3-epiperiplogenin. Also present are flavonoids (orientin, homooriantin, adonivernite, vitexin, homoadonivernit, isoorientin, monoxylosidedisoorientine, vernaloside), coumarins (vernadine), tannins (1.25-4.58%), alkaloids (0.015-0.17%), alcohol adonite, saponins, phytosterols, vitamin C, organic acids, 2-6-dimethoxyquinone, macro- and microelements (accumulates chromium, molybdenum, manganese).

Pharmacological properties

To the main active ingredients adonis spring herbs include cardiac glycosides (cardenolides), which are very useful in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. They have a strong, beneficial effect on the activity of the heart muscle: they increase the stroke volume of the heart, slow down the heart rate, and have a calming effect on the central nervous system. In medical practice, preparations obtained from adonis are the most common mild agents for the treatment of chronic heart failure of stages I and II and cardiac neuroses. It is not recommended to prescribe for gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute and chronic colitis. In addition, the herb Adonis vernacular is an important component in kidney preparations, significantly increases diuresis and eliminates swelling of the legs in patients with cardiac edema.

Medicinal raw materials of the herb Adonis vernacular are used in the form of dry extract and infusion, and are also contained in the preparations cardiovalen, adonizid, cordiazide. An infusion of the spring adonis herb is included in Bekhterev’s mixture, and the dry extract is contained in “Adonis-bromine” tablets. Adonis is also part of many complex heart medicines.

Historical reference

The generic name of the plant is Latinized Greek name Adonis, son of King Cynaris of Cyprus and lover of the goddess Aphrodite (from Phoenician adon - lord). Species name from Lat. ver, veris – spring, spring. Indicates the flowering time of the plant.

Use in folk medicine

Treatment with Adonis spring is very popular in folk medicine. Tea made from the spring adonis herb is recommended for heart disease, renal dropsy, acute inflammation of the kidneys, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, and infectious diseases (typhoid, influenza, scarlet fever, etc.).


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