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How many stomachs have cows? The structure of the digestive system of livestock. The structure of the digestive system of the cow

The digestive system of a ruminant animal can cause surprise among the uninitiated man in agricultural affairs. Thus, the digestive system in cows is very common, which is due to the need to process a large number of applicants. A large food supply is naturally necessary to develop a sufficient number of dairy products. In consideration, the quality of food arrived in the stomach, as it is usually rude, from here, the need for a large number of time to complete food splitting.

The stomach of the cow, as well as other harvest cattle, is arranged very peculiar. How many stomachs have a cow, as it works in general digestive system these animals? These and a number of related other issues will be replied below in this article. For each stomach department, their functions are inherent. They will also make an emphasis.

Cows are not particularly driemented in fierce food, only slightly shredding the absorbable grass. The main part of the feed is processed in the RubE to the state of shallow cashem.

The digestive system of the cow, on the one hand, ideally and rationally distributes time during the grazing, on the other hand, allows you to maximize all nutrients from coarse feed. If the cow is thoroughly cheer Each torn to Travinka, she will have to be on the pasture and there is grass. During the rest, it is worth noting, the cow constantly hurts that food that gathered in the RubE and now comes on re-facing.

The digestive system of the cow consists of several departments that differ in functions, namely:

The mouth of these animals is especially interesting, since its main purpose is to accumulate grass, from here, the presence of exclusively the front row of the lower teeth. Impressive volumes of salivaAllocated for every day, it reaches from about 90 to 210 liters! Enzymatic gases accumulate in the esophagus.

How many stomachs have a cow? One, two, three or four? This will cause surprise, but only one, but consisting of four departments. The first and largest branch is the scar, and the bargain is a grid and a book. No less interesting and not quite communicative title The fourth chamber of the stomach is a schuch. Detailed consideration requires the entire system of digestion cow. Read more about each department.


The scar of the cow is the largest chamber that performs a number of very important digestive functions. A thick-walled scar is not affected by coarse food. Every minute reduction of the walls of the scar provides stirring eaten herb, Subsequently, enzymes distribute them evenly. Here are also rigid stems. What is the scar? Denote the main functions:

  • enzymatic - intracellular bacteria give the launch of the digestive system, thereby providing the initial fermentation process. Carbon dioxide and methane is actively produced in the RubE, with the help of which all the food arrived in the organ. In case of non-aggregation of carbon dioxide, the animal swells the abdomen, and as a result, a failure in the work of the rest of the authorities;
  • food mixing function - scar muscles contribute to stirring food and further release it to re-fastening. Interestingly, the walls of the scar are not smooth, but with small formations resembling warts that contribute to the absorption of beneficial substances;
  • the transformation function is more than one hundred billion of microorganisms present in the RubE, contributing to the conversion of carbohydrates into fatty acids, which ensures the energy of the animal. Microorganisms are divided into bacteria and fungi. Protein and ammonia ketokislotes are transformed due to these bacteria.

The stomach of the cow holds up to 150 kg of feed, a huge share of which is digested in the tab. Up to 70 percent of eaten food is here. Several bags allocate in the tab:

  • cranial;
  • dorsal;
  • ventral.

Probably, each of us noticed that the cow is after some time after eating, tips it back to re-train. On this process, the cow spends more than 7 hours daily! Repeatedly thugged mass Wears the name of the chewing. This mass is thoroughly chewed with a cow, and then it does not fall into the scar, and already in another department - to the book. The scar is located in the left half of the abdominal cavity of the ruminant animal.


The next department in the stomach cow is a grid. This is the smallest compartment, which does not exceed 10 liters. The grid is similar to a sieve, stopping large stems, as in other departments, rough food will immediately damage. Imagine: the cow leaned the grass for the first time, then the food got into the scar, jumped out, checked again, hit the grid. If the cow is impressively fed and left large stems, they will be stored in a grid from one to two days. What is it for? Food is exposed to decomposition and again offered a cow for facing. And only then the feed falls into another department - a book.

The grid has a special function - it separates large pieces of food from small. Large pieces due to the grid are returned back to the rubber for long processing. There are no glands in the grid. Like the scar, the grid walls are covered with small formations. The grid consists of small cells defining food processing level Previous camera, that is, by the scar. There are no glands in the grid. How is the grid associated with other departments - the scar and a book? Very simple. There is an esophageal bile, resembling a semi-folded tube. Simply put, the grid sorts food. Only enough chopped food can get into the book.


The book is a small compartment, which contains no more than 5 percent of the consumed feed. The capacity of the book is about 20 liters. Only here repeatedly crawled cow food is recycled. This process is ensured by the presence of numerous bacteria and potent enzymes.

The third gastric department is no coincidence that the book is called, which is associated with the appearance of the department - solid folds separated by narrow chambers. Food is located in the folds. The digestive tract of the cow is not completed on this - the incoming saliva processes food, fermentation begins. How digested food in a book? Feed distributed by foldsAnd in the future dehydrated. The absorption of moisture is carried out thanks to the features of the grid structure of the book.

The book performs an important function in all digestion - it sucks food. By her own the book is quite commonBut the small amount of food is noted in it. The book absorbs all moisture and mineral components. What is like a book? On the elongated bag with numerous folds.

The book is like a filter and chopper of large stems. In addition, water absorption is carried out here. This department is located in the right hypochondrium. It is connected with the grid, and with a schuch, that is, continues the grid, moving to the schuch. The shell of the third department The stomach forms folds with small nipples at the ends. Sichuch in shape stretched and swelling on a pear, which is thickened at the base. Where the Sichuz and the book connects, one end connects to the twelfth intestine.

Why does the cow foghes the food twice? The whole thing in the fiber contained in plants. It is difficult to recycle and for a long time, therefore it is necessary to double fastening. Otherwise, the effect will be minimal.


The last duty station of the cow - Sichuhg, similar to the structure with the stomachs of other mammals. A large amount of glands, constantly released gastric juice - the features of the Sichuga. Longitudinal rings in Sichuhhuh form a muscular fabric. The walls of the Sichuma are covered with a special mucus consisting of their epithelium containing pyloric and cardiac glands. The mucous membrane of the Sichum is formed from numerous elongated folds. The main digestive processes occur here.

Huge functions are assigned to Sichuzh. Its capacity is about 15 liters. Here the food is prepared for final digestion. The book absorbs all moisture from food, therefore, in Sichuz, it arrives in the dry form.

Let's summarize

Thus, the structure of the stomach of the cow is very peculiar, since the cow is not 4 stomach, but a four-dimensional stomach that ensures the processes of the cow's digestive system. The first three cameras are an intermediate point, preparing and fermenting fetables, and only in Sichuhhuh contains pancreasFully processing food. The digestive cow system includes a scar, a grid, a book and a scar. Enzymatic filling of the scar provides the process of food splitting. The structure of this compartment resembles a similar organ of man. A cattle scar is very spacious - 100 - 300 liters, goats and sheep are much less - only 10 - 25 liters.

A long-lasting meal delay in the RubE provides its recycling and decomposition. Initially, fiber is exposed to splitting, in this participates a huge number of microorganisms. Microorganisms vary depending on the feed, therefore there should be no sharp transition from one type of food to another.

The fiber is very important for the body of the roasting animal as a whole, as it provides good motor skills Preppy Streams. Motoric, in turn, ensures the transition of feed on the gastrointestinal tract. The process of fermentation of the feeded masses occurs in the referee, the mass is split, and the body of the ruminant animal absorbs starch and sugar. Also in this department, protein is split and non-protected nitrogen connections are produced.

The acidity of the medium in the comma is provided by numerous glands located on the walls of the Sichuga. The feed here is split into the smallest particles, in the future the nutritional elements are completely absorbed by the body, ready mass It is moving into the intestines where the most intensive absorption of all useful trace elements occurs. Imagine: The cow ate the beam of grass on the pasture, and the digestion process is launched, which eventually ranges from 48 to 72 hours.

The digestive system of cows is very complex. These animals must continuously take food, as the break will bring big problems and affects the health of the cow very negative. Sophisticated the structure of the digestive system He has negative qualities - the stomach disorder is a common cause of cows mortality. Have 4 stomach cow? No, only one, and the whole system of digestion includes the oral cavity, a throat, a cow and a stomach esophagus.

ATTENTION, only today!

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


Cows are constantly chewing. Their lower jaw makes up to 45 thousand circular movements per day. This behavior is due to the structure of the food system of the animal. The stomach will not miss the coarse fractions in the intestines, sends them back into the mouth of the cavity. The cow crushes them again, so it seems that it eats all the time. The stomach consists of 4 departments. Each department performs its function. What is the anatomy of the digestive system of cattle? How is the stomach?

From the oily cavity, rough food through the esophagus falls into the scar. This is the largest part of the stomach. It can accommodate up to 120 liters. Located a scar in the left part of the abdominal cavity. Under the influence of bacteria and microorganisms, the fermentation process occurs. As a result, vegetable food is split.

The walls of the scar are not gloomy. The mucous membrane consists of a damaged layer of the epithelium, has a dark tint. On the walls are nipples. They are different in length. Pokets have muscles, so they are movable. They are located at them, with the help of which absorption of food cleavage products: fatty acids, protein decay products.

The scar consists of 3 bags. The one that is closer to the back - dorsal. A cranial bag is connected to the esophagus. Exit to another area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, in the book, is carried out through a ventral bag. There are gutters between the bags. Through them, the food lump is held in another department. All bags are involved in the process of digestion. The walls of the departments are constantly reduced: mechanical food grinding occurs. Muscles make one move per second. The peristaltic cutting of the walls will allow you to get the food lump at a certain bag.

The newborn calf drinks colosure. He does not develop a scar, so he should not eat coarse food. The introduction of vegetables and hay make gradually, starting with a small amount. At the end of 1 month, calves except milk give 50 g of vegetables, 100 g of hay. The most developed in a newborn schuch, in which the splitting of food occurs under the action of gastric juice.

Mesh CRS: Functions

Before the scar, there is another stomach department - a grid. The surface of its mucosa walls. On the inner surface are folds and ridges. Their height is 12 mm. They are movable. The folds are connected, forming a drawing that is like a honeycomb of bees. Their foundations are located second-order folds. They are less than the size, combined with each other in cells. All crests, walls of folds and bases of cells have nipples that are covered with coarse epithelium.

The grid is a bag. Its volume is 10 liters. The grid has access to the book, in the scar and in the esophagus. Through this stomach department passes fluid or crushed to homogeneous mass of food. The grid filters food. Insufficiently recycled mass, it sends back to the scar or in the esophagus. Liquid cleaner skips. The calves the grid is not developed. She begins to function for 2 months after birth.

From the grid recycled food in a liquid state goes into the book. This stomach department is connected to the Schuch. The book is located in the hypochritic space of the abdominal cavity. It has a small size. The mucous membrane forms folds. They are different lengths. This is a sheet of books.

On the surface of leaves are hard nipples. A small niches are formed between the leaves. They contain another level of leaves. Near the entrance to the Sichuch, the book turns into a large fold called the sail.

In the food book dehydrated. Numerous nipples absorb splitting products: minerals, saturated acids. This prevents the increase in acidity in Schuch. The size of the book is more than the grids. It accommodates more than 20 l feed.

If the cow disappears the gum, then the reason may be a violation not only in the tab. The absence of chewing is the symptom of the disease of other semi-cow in the cow, so it is necessary to correctly determine where the cow has a grid, a book and schuch.

What if there is a writer's pathology? In case of violation of the peristaltics of the book, this department of the stomach cannot process the entire amount of food that enters it from the grid. The passage of the edible lump in the schuch slows down. As a result, a large amount of fluid accumulates in the book, which clogs output from the grid. There is a blockage of the book, the stomach does not work.

The scar is noted. This is determined visually: the belly of the cow acquires an unusually large size. The book does not hear noises that notify about digesting food. Listening to the place where the book is: Between 7-9 Rybras. An animal is prescribed treatment. As first aid, it gives Glauberian salt, which will increase the peristaltics of the stomach, has a relaxing effect.

Sichuch in cattle

Sichuzh is in the abdominal cavity on the right, between 9 and 12 reb. Its volume is 15 liters. In the chamber, food continues to split under the action of hydrochloric acid and enzymes. Sichuzh has the shape of an elongated pear. Thickened chute it connects with a book. The exit to the duodenum is sophisticated. The mucous membrane of the chamber is covered with epithelium. Numerous glands are located in it. Muscular walls of schuch smooth and soft. Have big folds that do not move, do not frame.

Sichuzh is the only stomach department that functions in a newborn calf. Gastric juice is produced here, which is capable of processing cow's milk.

The recycled stern from Sichuga passes into the duodenum and the delicate intestine. Further cleavage of food occurs under the action of intestinal juice and a certain microflora. Here is the absorption of nutrients into the blood. Food is dehydrated and becomes more solid consistency. The food lump moves in the intestine due to the peristaltic cutting of the muscles of the walls.

Motoric stomach cat

Processing rough food, cleaving cellulose cells allows anatomy of cattle. Stomach - multi-chamber. The gastrointestinal tract and horses are not able to recycle coarse food at the cellular level. Cellulose and fiber form a food lump and overlook the anus outward. How is the work of the stomach?

Specialists allocate 2 areas in the stomach of CRS: a bargain and stomach. The foreform includes a scar, grid and book. The stomach is a stomach, which in its functions corresponds to the single-chamber organ of other animals. The main function of the forecast is the mixing of coarse feed, its oversrariness and output of recycled food in the Sichuzh.

The walls of all stomach departments are reduced in a certain order and have their own rhythm. Rhythm failure leads to pathology in the gastrointestinal tract. Processing of food, and the absorption of nutrients will pass with deviations. This will lead first of the metabolic disorders.

The grid reduction takes place in the 2 stages. At the stage of 1, it is reduced by 1/3. During this period, the fluid from the grid begins to enter the book, coarse parts of the feed in the scar. In the 2 stage, the mesh is reduced by ¾. All coarse food enters the dorsal, the upper bag of the scar.

At the same time, the muscles of the book and Sichuha are relaxed. Liquid homogeneous masses pass from books in Sichuz and further into the delicate intestine. Rough, poorly digested food remained in the rubar, the chute into the grid is reduced. Large fractions can not get out of the bag. This is the filtering of liquid and solid feed.

At the same time, the grooves of all bags of the scar are reduced. Only channels that connect the scar with the esophagus, the mesh with the esophagus are open. From this channel, food gets from the esophageal to the grid. The walls of all departments of bags are also reduced. Food moves from one department to another. The mixing of the feed occurs, the fermentation process is enhanced, the splitting of coarse fractions of food occurs.

How many abbreviations do the walls of the stomach? Cyclicity of muscle wall cuts 1 min. Pause 25 sec. During this time, the scar makes 12 cuts. The frequency of the grid cuts is 6 times in 5 minutes. The output of gases and belching occurs with the coordinated movement of the muscles of the scar, grid and book. Gas portion - 0.5 liters. They fall into the esophagus and in the oral cavity.

How many chewing movements make a cow? A cattle needs to carefully chew food so that the stomach grid missed it in the book and then in Sichuzh. Cows cheer is inconvenient. The frequency of the chewing process 16 cycles on the hour. Each cycle consists of 2 stages.

In the 1st stage, the animal joins the food lump and liquid. The total volume of feed, which comes at a time in the oral cavity 120 g. In the 2 stage, food and swallowing occurs. Per minute cow makes more than 100 chewing movements.

If animals feed dry chopped food, then the process of delaying is reduced by time. The feed is well processed in the tab, in the soften state passes the grid. Muscles of the grid wall are not reduced, the belching does not occur.

The chewing process for cattle is needed not only to grind food. When rushing, salivary glands begin to operate intensively. Food is abundantly wetted by saliva. When swallowing, all the contents of the oral cavity fall into the scar. Saliva helps restore the pH balance in the stomach.

Chewing reflex in calves starts developing from 2 months. At the same time, the gutters of all stomach departments begin to open. From 4 weeks, young people are allowed to introduce coarse feed.

Tympania in cattle

Behind feeding animals must be carefully monitored. Bad food or a large amount of carbohydrate food can cause tympania. With excess gas formation, the abdomen occurs. The problem may occur both in young people and in adult animals. Increases the abdominal cavity on the left side. This means that gases accumulated in the tab.

  • Animal refuses food: no mood, small mobility, lethargy.
  • She has a chewing reflex.
  • When tapping on the left side of the body of the animal, the heard sound is heard.
  • The stomach is hard, stressful.
  • When typing, soreness arises. Cow refuses to go on the boobs.

If a large amount of gases accumulated in the scar, then it increases in size, and begins to put pressure on the internal organs: the heart, lung. It is necessary to assist the animal as quickly as possible.

What to do with tympania? Veterinarians are recommended to give an animal adsorbent or drug "Timpano": the agent collides gas bubbles and activates the peristaltics of the muscles of the stomach and intestines. These events will reduce the amount of accumulated gas and bring them out of the scar. In emergency cases, the scar is carried out, but it can only do a specialist. At home, it is recommended to activate the movements of the animal. Hold her for a while on the pen.

The digestive system of cows is responsible for obtaining from the feed of all the necessary organisms of substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, as well as for eliminating outwards to the external part of the product of the exchange and untapped food residues. Let's get acquainted with an unusual and complex device of digestion of these animals.

The structure of the digestive system of the cow

The cow belongs to the ruminant animals, which, during grazing, swallow food, practically without fonding, and later, during the rest, tighten it from the stomach back into the oral cavity and slowly, carefully fastened. That is why, watching the vacation cow, you can see that almost all the time she fats. This method of nutrition helps the animal effectively use feeding time and extract the maximum number of valuable substances from plant food.

Did you know? Man tamed a cow about 8 thousand years ago. If today is located on one cup of weights of all living people, and on the second all cows and bulls, the total weight of the "horned" will almost three times exceed the weight of the population of the Earth.

The cow's digestive system consists of several parts:

  • oral cavity - Lips, teeth and language. Serves to capture, swallowing and processing food;
  • esophagus.Connects the stomach with a sip, has a length of about 0.5 meters;
  • stomach. Consists of four cameras and serves to digest and assimilation of food;
  • small intestine. Enriches recycled food with bile and juices, absorption in the blood of the useful substances;
  • colon.It serves to additional fermentation, formation and separation of carts.

Scheme of digestive organs of cattle: 1 - eye-haired salivary iron; 2 - duct of the proportional salivary gland; 3 - Harness; 4 - mouth cavity; 5 - submandibular salivary iron; 6 - Gortan; 7 - trachea; 8 - esophagus; 9 - liver; 10 - liver duct; 11 - bubbling biliary duct; 12 - gallbladder; 13 - common bull duct; 14 - grid; 15 - pancreas; 16 - pancreatic duct; 17 - Sichuch; 12 - duodenal intestine; 19 - the intention; 20 - colon; 21 - iliac; 22 - blind intestine; 23 - straight intestine; 24 - scar; 25 - book; 26 - esophageal chute

Rota cavity: lips, tongue, teeth

With the exception of the teeth, the entire inner surface of the oral cavity is covered with mucous membrane. Lips are here, the tongue and teeth of the animal are used to capture, breaking and grinding vegetable food. Lips and cheeks serve as the opposite of the oral cavity and perform the function of holding food in the oral cavity.

The main breathtaking element is the movable muscular organ - language. With its help, the cow captures and tastes food, helps the process of swallowing and drinking, feeling various items, cares for their body and contacts with relatives. On its surface there are a lot of horny papillars that perform functions for capturing and licking food.

Teeth are bone enamel organs for capturing and grinding feed. The cow has no fangs, instead of which a hard tooth plate is located on the upper jaw in front of the lower incisors. Such a structure allows an animal to effectively pinch grass.
Arcades of cattle teeth: 1 - body of the cutting bone; bone base of the dental pillow; 2 - toothless plot (edge); I - cutters; C - fangs; P - premolars; M - Molars The calves are born already with teeth, the dairy jaw accommodates 20 teeth, and the jaw of an adult cow is 32 tooth. The replacement of dairy teeth to the indigenous begins at the age of about 14 months.

The top jaw of the cow is wider than the lower, and the lower jaw is adapted to perform side (lateral) movement. The indigenous teeth of the animal form a flip-shaped surface of the mistress, and due to the special movement of the jaws, the process of fastening food during chewing chewing is more efficient.

Important! The calves the ruminant process launches approximately the third week of their lives. In adult cows, the chewing occurs 30-70 minutes after grazing or feeding the feed and lasts about 40-50 minutes. The average number of ruminants per day is 6-8 times.

Salivary glands and esophagus

In the oral cavity, the cow is located paired salivary glands, having different localization: sandwash, submandibular, sub-band, indigenous and supervised (zickyl). Their secret accommodates a number of enzymes that crawl starch and maltose.

Next, food passes through the esophagus, which is a muscular tube with a length of about one meter. In such a way, it is first transported from the pharynx in the stomach, and then back to the oral cavity for fastening.


The cow has a complex quarreled stomach consisting of four cameras:

  • scar;
  • grid;
  • book;
  • abomasum.
In fact, the full stomach producing gastric juice is only a schuch. The remaining three cameras are used for pre-processing of food, they are called foreigners or even the expansion of the esophagus.
The structure of the stomach of the cow The scar, the grid and the book are not glad to produce gastric juice, they have fermentation, sorting and mechanical feeding.


This is the first cow stomach chamber, which has the largest volume - 100-200 liters and even more. The scar is on the left side of the abdominal cavity, occupying it almost completely, and populated with microorganisms providing primary processing of food.
The scar consists of a double muscle layer - longitudinal and circular, and is divided into two parts. On its mucous membrane there is a plurality of long ten-centimeter papillas. In this foreground takes up to 70% of the entire digestive process. The splitting of the dry matter occurs due to the mechanical mixing and grinding of feed, fermentation by the secrets of microorganisms and fermentation.

Important! The total mass of bacteria and the simplest, in the stomach of an adult cow, more than three kilograms. Thanks to these microorganisms, starchy compounds and celluloses are split up to simple sugars, which gives the cow so the energy you need.

As a result, various compounds arise, some of which through the wall of the scar is absorbed into the blood, and then enters the liver, where it is subjected to further transformations. They are also used by clarifying the synthesis of milk components. Food scars falls into the grid or tightened into the oral cavity for further fastening.


In the grid, food turns, exposed to microorganisms and due to the work of the muscles, the chopped mass is separated into large fractions entering the book, and coarse, departed in the scar. The grid received its name at the expense of a cellular structure capable of retaining large fractions of food.
This department actually performs the sort function and in its volume - up to 10 liters - much inferior to the header. It is located in the chest area, in front of the scar, by one of its edge touching the diaphragm.

The chrome, the grid activates the exaggeration process, passing grinding particles and returning large in the esophagus and then the oral cavity.


This camera with a volume of 10-20 liters is designed for mechanical grinding of feed, the secondly swallowed animals after the cheer. It is located in the abdominal cavity on the right, in the region of 7-9 Röber Animal. This forenswrite received its name due to the structure of the mucous membrane, which is numerous folds in the form of leaves.

This part of the stomach continues the processing of already chopped coarse fiber fibers, where they are the final mistress and the transformation into a cleaner entering the comma.


Sichuzh is a true stomach, its glands continuously form gastric juice consisting of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, trypsin and a number of other enzymes. Under their impact, there is a further and final cleavage of food.

Sichuzh with a volume of 5-15 liters is located in the abdominal area on the right, occupying space in the area of \u200b\u200b9-12 intercostal.

It is especially actively working at the calves, since the rest of the stomach departments are not yet involved. Prior to getting into the body of solid feed liquid feed - milk - it immediately enters the true stomach at a gland.

Only from the third week, when rude components appear in the diet of young people, the belching is started, the microflora is settled, and the fermentation reaction occurs.

Small intestine

Leaving the stomach, recycled food enters the thin division of the intestine, consisting of three main parts:

  • duodenal intestine (90-120 cm);
  • skinny intestine (35-38 m);
  • iliac (about 1 m).
Here, food is processed by pancreas and bile juices, and useful substances are absorbed into the blood. The subtle intestine is located in the right hypochondrium and goes to the 4th lumbar vertebra. The diameter of the small intestine of the adult cow is 4.5 cm, and the length is up to 46 m. \u200b\u200bIts inner surface is covered with small villings, thanks to which the area and the efficiency of suction increases.

Did you know? Cows forced steel with ruminants. They could not quickly escape from the enemy and did not have strong fangs or claws, so they developed their way of making food: how quickly swallowed, without fonding, and no longer wait and digest already in a relaxed atmosphere.

Enzymes that highlight pancreas and intestine walls, process carbohydrates, fats and protein. The bile that falls into the duodenum through the biliary duct helps the absorption of fats and prepares the digestion products to sucking.

The cow is very valuable and common animals in the household and on farms. It is grown in order to produce milk and meat. For high productivity, the cow should be properly feeding correctly. So that there were no problems with the digestive system, it is important to know the structure of the stomach of the cow and the reasons for its stopping of his work, which often happens. Read about it in the article.

Digestion system

The cow is a herbivore animal whose stomach in the process of evolution has adapted to digesting food with a large content of plant fibers. Simultaneously with the organs evolved and bacteria, the habitat of which is the digestive tract.

Microorganisms have developed its own ecosystem of simplest, fungi and bacteria, which with their owner perfectly get along. For example, in the initial selection of the cow's stomach (Rubac) in large numbers, different types of bacteria and the simplest. The first numbers are 60 items, the second - 30. The cow includes the oral cavity, the esophagus, intestines and stomach.

How is the stomach?

Many people are interested, some believe that four. But it is not. Organ one, like other animals, but it has a complex structure. The stomach of the cow, according to the anatomical structure, has four departments, but gastric juice is only in the last. The first three cameras are intermediate items, where the preparation and fermentation of food occurs, which the cow failed. Do not be surprised about the number of stomach departments. All of them are very important, and each performs its function, because the animal highlights 100-200 liters of saliva for one day, which should have a storage space.

Digestion is a slow process. The cow can chew food for six or eight hours before it is in the stomach. Here, the eaten feed is several hours or more than two days, it depends on which the amount of cellulose is contained in food.


This is the first, or initial, the cow's stomach department, it is the largest largest. All she ate, and this is practically inflicted food, it comes here. The starting department of the cow's stomach stores 80% of the total food eaten. In general, 150 kg of feed is fitted into it.

The walls at the initial stomach bows of the cow are quite thick, so they do not affect the tight pieces of plant food, which the cow has fallen poorly. With frequency once a minute, the walls are reduced by stirring grass for uniform distribution of enzymes. At the same time, rigid stems are rubbed, become softer.

The main condition is its grazing. The eaten herb at this time is in the initial stomach of the cow. But after grazing, food begins to fade into small portions and be chewed again to animals. This mass is called chewing. Softened under the influence of enzymes, it is carefully disappeared by teeth and again swallows a cow. But he gets already in the other department of the stomach, in the book.

The walls of the scar are covered with small growths. Their task is to absorb from food as much beneficial substances that are a product of the fermentation process, which is carried out with the participation of saliva and a huge amount of bacteria useful for the body. Their amount is 150 billion.


Among the christmas departments of the cow are the second, a grid consisting of a variety of cells. This is one of the smallest departments (up to 10 liters in volume), connects to the scar. Here are processes such as digestion and fermentation. The walls of this department have a strong muscles, which can mix the contents of the stomach, facilitating another process - the fermentation of nutrients. The grid, like a lattice, does not allow large stems to go further, to the location of more delicate which can be born with coarse food.

The first time the food, which is in the Rubac, is tightened, again falls into the oral cavity for further grinding with teeth. This happens when coarse, difficult to digestible cellulose fiber bacteria in a certain amount accumulate in the stomach. But if there are large particles in food, the grid holds them for 20-48 hours. During the storage in this stomach department, its contents are completely modified. Food becomes suitable for further grinding before its arrival in the next department.


In this department, which is considered the third in the stomach, fastened checked food. Here is absorbing water, fatty acids, other substances required for nutrition. This department is small, 5% of the food eaten is located in it, which is 20 liters by volume. Here, the kneaded gum is processed further thanks to potent bacteria and aggressive enzymes that are in this department.


One of the departments of the stomach of the cow is Sichuzh. It is intended to perform a large number of functions. Its capacity is 15 liters of food, which is finally prepared for digestion. This department performs the function of an ordinary stomach. Here, food that has passed the fermentation process in the first three departments is digested due to the action of the acid and enzymes of the animal itself.

How many stomachs have a cow? An animal has one body, but the structure is complex. In the last department, feeds in the dry form, which, mostly absorbed, being in the book. The stomach of the stomach cow in structure is similar to the human body. Its walls have glands in large quantities that excrete juice, which is called gastric. Here is the largest acidity indicator, compared with other departments.

In the Sichuch, food is finally split. After the prepared mass arrives in the intestine, all substances needed for nutrition are absorbed from small particles. In the intestines, the suction process is much more intense. From the moment there are food in the stomach and until the full digestion takes two to three days.

The digestive system has a complicated cow. Burenka must constantly eat food. You can not allow breaks between feedings, otherwise the health of the animal is threatened.

Why is the stomach stop at the cow?

The most common reasons why the stomach refuses to work, the following are:

  • Feeding by poor-quality food, which is categorically unacceptable. The feed should be fresh and well crushed, otherwise, when you get into the cow's esophagus, there is discomfort, there is a stagnant in the intestine. If vegetables give the animal, they must be grate or crushed with a knife. When feeding corn, it should be cleaned. With regular malnutrition, the cow during feeding swallows food rapidly and large portions, which leads to a stomach stop.
  • The organ may be a sudden fright, during which the esophagus is narrowed. It can also occur if the cow is sick leukemia, tuberculosis or suffers from neurological disorders.
  • The stomach may stop if the cow swallowed a foreign object of solid consistency, such as a stone, a nail.

Stopped the stomach of the cow - how to run?

If the reason for the indestructible object in the esophagus, you can cope with it yourself, without the help of a veterinarian. For this, the cow should be tied to the tree and insert a wedge between the teeth so that the jaws are not closed. Then wrap your hand with a towel and get the subject.

This can be done using a probe that is entered into an animal esophagus. Switching subject easily pushing them. To the probe passed freely, you need to pour any vegetable oil into the throat. You can simultaneously pour water. If the probe is not at hand, it is possible to use a rubber hose with a diameter of no more than 3.5 cm, the main thing is that its edges are round. It is impossible to use a stick, it can cause esophageal injury.

With domestically, you can force the animal to stretch the tongue. When this happens, annoy him, causing vomiting. Perhaps a swallowed object of the animal will be spoiled. If the cow is due to the use of non-resourced feed, it indicates a stopping of the pancreas. In this case, you should contact the veterinarian.

Starting the stomach folk remedies

If it did not work out to push the swallowed item or eliminate the cause of the stomach stop due to the use of cow poor-quality feed, due to the lack of drugs in the first-aid kit, resort to folk remedies. Recipes of some of them:

  • Yeast in the amount of 100 grams must be dissolved in a glass of warm water, let it brew 30 minutes. Add a vodka and sugar in an amount of 200 ml and 100 grams. The resulting volume of the cow fluid should have two times during the day. Tincture to water the animal for several days.
  • Prepare a decoction from Yarrow, Hypericum, Linen Seed and ride them a cow twice a day. The stomach will earn again.
  • Buy at the pharmacy a cumulator tincture, to divide her 0.5 liters of water and pour the cow in the mouth.
  • Important! You can avoid many problems associated with the health of the cow, if it is correct to care for it and feed.

What to feed?

So that the used cow food is well absorbed and did not harm the stomach, the animal must be fed correctly. The diet is considered balanced if it will consist of the following ingredients every day:

  • Cellulose fibers that are rich in fresh grass, hay, silage.
  • Corn grains, oats, barley, soybean, the use of which is charged by the body of the cow energy.
  • By-products produced by the food industry: the flesh of oranges and beets, molasses.