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ADHD at school and at home: how to speak with a hyperactive child. Municipal Institution Center of Psychological and Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance "Stimulus" of the Tutaevsky Municipal District

"Hyperactive child at school"

If we speak in detail, then in translation from the Latin language "Active" means an active, effective, and the Greek word "hyper" indicates the excess of the norm. Hyperactivity in children is manifested by unusual for the normal, appropriate age, the development of the child with inattention, distractions, impulsivity.According to psychological and pedagogical literature, the terms of such children use the terms: "Movable", "impulsive", "Shustriki", "Energizier", "Eternal Engine", "Liver", "Vulcan". Some authors use such phrases as the "Motor Type of Development", "Children with increased activity", "Children with increased affectiveness." According to experts, almost half of the children suffer from so-called hyperactivity. Not only in our country, but all over the world, the number of such children is steadily increasing. If the child is hyperactive, then it is difficult not only by himself, but also his environment: parents, classmates, teachers ... such a child need timely assistance, otherwise asocial or even psychopathic personality can be formed: it is known that among young offenders a significant percentage Make up hyperactive children.

Help hyperactive child is a very complex process and many pitfalls on the way to complete recovery.

This is what the head told one of the School suburban about such a first grader.

A well-trained boy came to the gymnasium class of the usual high school. However, he could not learn in this class. The reason is simple: excessive aggressiveness of a hyperactive child caused constant conflicts with peers. Once a classmate suffered, having received a fairly serious injury. Parents rebelled and attacked the width: "Remove this child from our class, we are afraid of our children!" I had to translate a child to another class. But there were the same problems there. Pupils in the new class were cunning previous ones. Children quickly cut down that if yesterday he burned one, today he knocked another, then you need to unite and act against him together. Well, a normal reaction to constant irritation ... But once this unequal confrontation ended as follows: a lonely boy, armed with a ski stick (obviously after the clashes in class), in terrible excitement and anger ran down the school and did not give anyone to him. The teachers and the head-school guys caused to the face could not get closer to him and at least somehow calm the child. Often after this incident, he, being delivered to the School threshold with his father, did not hurry at his class at all, and dangled along the corridors or sat in the office of the Watch. Did the school tried to help a child somehow? As I could ... There were conversations with a psychologist, and the teachers tried to find approach to him, and parents were repeatedly called to school. It turned out that the child brings up his father, his parents divorced. Mother lives separately and according to her words are not even able to take her son to his weekend: she is very tired of mutual communication with his own child. Well, the father probably made an excessive stiffness in the upbringing of the son, sneaking the aggressiveness of a hyperactive child. Children's psychiatrist, examining the boy, made a conclusion that the level of intelligence in a child is higher than average, and recommended home learning with school teachers with a visit to individual items in the presence of the Father. But until the end of the school year, it remained a little time, and the organization of domestic training was postponed until autumn. In the meantime, they were offered to learn in a special sanatorium for hyperactive children. However, according to rumors, after two weeks it was expelled from there, and no longer at the end of the school year, or at the beginning of the next, he did not appear at school. Here is such an unemployed story.

What is hyperactivity, and how are you, adults, should correct their behavior to help the process of socializing a hyperactive child?

Under hyperactivity, it is customary to understand the too restless physical and mental activity in children when the excitement prevails over braking. Doctors believe that hyperactivity is a consequence of a very minor brain lesion, which is not determined by diagnostic tests. Speaking by scientific language, we are dealing with minimal brain dysfunction. Signs of hyperactivity manifest themselves in the child already in early childhood. In the future, its emotional instability and aggressiveness often lead to conflicts in the family and school.

How does hyperactivity manifest?

The most bright hyperactivity is manifested in children in senior preschool and younger school age. During this period, the transition to the leading - training - activity is carried out and in connection with this increases intellectual loads: the ability to concentrate attention from children to concentrate on a longer period of time, bring the work started to the end, to achieve a certain result. It is in conditions of long-term and systematic activities that the hyperactivity declares itself very convincing. Parents suddenly discover numerous negative consequences of noiselessness, inorganization, excessive mobility of their child and, concerned about this, are looking for contacts with a psychologist.

Psychologists allocate the following signs that are diagnostic symptoms of hyperactive children.

1. Restless movements in brushes and footsteps. Sitting on a chair, poking, wriggling.
2. Can not calmly sit in place when this requires it.
3. Easily distracted for foreign stimuli.
4. With difficulty waiting for its turn during games and in various situations in the team (in class, during excursions and holidays).
5. Questions often answers without thinking without listening to the end.
6. When implementing the proposed tasks, it experiences difficulties (not related to negative behavior or insufficiency of understanding).
7. With difficulty maintains attention when performing tasks or during games.
8. It often moves from one unfinished action to another.
9. Can not play quietly, calm.
10. Cattle.
11. Often interferes with others, sticks to others (for example, interferes with the games of other children).
12. It often makes the impression that the child does not listen to the address facing it.
13. Often loses things needed in kindergarten, school, at home, on the street.
14. Sometimes there are dangerous actions, without thinking about the consequences, but adventures or acute sensations are not specifically searched (for example, it runs out into the street, without looking around).

All these signs can be grouped in the following areas:

- excessive motor activity;
- impulsiveness;
- Castle-inattention.

The diagnosis is considered legitimate if there is at least eight of all symptoms. So, having quite good intellectual abilities, hyperactive children are distinguished by the insufficiency of speech development and fine motility, reduced interest in the acquisition of intellectual skills, painting, have some other deviations from the average age characteristics, which leads to the absence of their interest in the systematic requiring attention to occupations, and therefore, both future or present learning activities.

Who more often has hyperactive behavior: boys or girls?

According to psychologists, hyperactivity among children from 7 to 11 years old is 16.5%. Among the boys - 22%, among girls - about 10%.

Why are the hyperactive boys much more than girls?

Causes may be such: a large vanity of the brain of male fruits in relation to various types of pregnancy and childbirth pathology, under which the developing brain suffers. It is possible that functional and genetic factors play their role. In addition, it is believed that the smaller degree of functional asymmetry in girls creates a greater reserve to compensate for violations of certain higher mental functions. Perhaps, the norms of social behavior are most of the girls, since childhood, who inspire obedience. As a discharge, the girl can simply fuck, whereas the boy in a similar situation will rather become "run around the ceiling."

Hyperactive children and their learning problems.

Problems of children who have violations of behavior associated with them learning difficulties are currently particularly relevant. Constantly excited, inattentive, restless and screaming, such children are attracted to themselves the attention of the teacher who needs to be followed so that they sat calmly, performed tasks, did not interfere with classmates. These schoolchildren at the lesson are constantly engaged in their affairs, they are difficult to keep in place, make it listen to the task and, moreover, perform it to the end. The teachers "do not hear", lose everything, everyone forget. They are inconvenient to teachers because of their excessive activity and impulsivity. And since the modern school is a system of norms, rules, requirements regulating the life of a child, we can talk about the existing learning system as not adapted to work with hyperactive children. That is why in recent years, the problem of learning efficiency of hyperactive children is becoming increasingly relevant and discussed among teachers and school psychologists. So, a few years ago, in the elementary classes of hyperactive children were one or two in the class, and now about 20-30% of students already fall into this group. And this percentage is constantly growing. With all the existing behavioral problems, the intellectual functions of a hyperactive child are not violated, and such children can successfully develop a secondary school program subject to the requirements of the school environment of the child's capabilities. However, the learning system itself, especially in the first stages of the stay of hyperactive children in school, is psychotrambulating and leading to the emergence of deadaptive states in these children.

Thus, hyperactive children (and especially younger schoolchildren) experience an increased need in motion, which contradicts the requirements of school life, since school rules do not allow them to move freely during the lesson and even during change. And to see the desktop 4-6 lessons in a row for 40 minutes for them the task is unbearable. That is why after 15-20 minutes after the beginning of the lesson, a hyperactive child is not able to sit at the desk calmly. This contributes to small mobility in the lesson, the lack of changing the forms of activity in the lesson and during the day. The next problem is a contradiction between the impulsiveness of the child's behavior and the regulativity of relations in the lesson, which is manifested in the inconsistency of the child's behavior of the established scheme: the teacher's question is a student's answer. A hyperactive child, as a rule, is not waiting for the teacher to resolve him to answer. He often begins to respond, without listening to the question to the end, and often screams from the spot.

Hyperactive children are characterized by unstable performance, which is the cause of the increase in a large number of errors in response and performing written tasks when the state of fatigue occurs. A fixed (standard) knowledge assessment system, skills and skills adopted in modern school performs not so much the function of regulation, how much authorization for the child, since the number of errors increasing due to fatigue leads to an increase in comments and negative assessments by the teacher What is perceived by the child as a negative assessment of itself as a whole, and not as an assessment of its work. The skills of reading and writing in hyperactive are significantly lower than that of peers, and does not correspond to its intellectual abilities. Written works are performed sloppy, with errors due to inattention. At the same time, the child is not inclined to listen to the advice of adults. Specialists suggest that the case is not only in violation of attention. The difficulties of forming the skills of writing and reading often arise due to insufficient development of coordination of movements, visual perception, speech development
The system of presentation of educational material at school is, first of all, a pedagogical monologue that requires a child attentive listening and performing behavior from a child, while hyperactive children need, first of all, visual and tactile supports in obtaining information. Thus, it is possible to talk about the inconsistency of the methods of presenting the curriculum (its insufficient diversity) to the multichannel perception of a hyperactive child.

And one more feature of the school environment does not allow hyperactive children to feel comfortable - this is the lack of game space at school, whereas for these children it is necessary, since it allows you to organize games for removing static voltage, beating aggressiveness, correction of emotional response mechanisms, development Skills of social behavior. And since at school, the space for the game is not defined, then the hyperactive children build it not always where it is considered possible, and, therefore, again do not correspond to their school life with the requirements.

The problems of hyperactive children are not solved overnight and one person. This comprehensive problem requires attention, both parents and doctors, teachers and psychologists. Moreover, medical, psychological and pedagogical tasks sometimes echoes so that it is impossible to carry out a delimitation feature between them.

The initial setting of a neuropathologist or a psychiatrist diagnosis and medication therapy is complemented by psychological and pedagogical correction, which determines the integrated approach to the problems of a hyperactive child and can guarantee success in overcoming the negative manifestations of this syndrome.

Correction in the family

Enrich and diversify the emotional experience of a hyperactive child, to help him master the elementary actions of self-control and thereby smooth out the manifestations of increased motor activity - it means to change the relationship of it with close adults, and, above all with mom. Any action will be promoted, any situation, an event aimed at deepening contacts, their emotional enrichment.

When upbringing a hyperactive child, close should avoid two extremes:

- on the one hand, manifestations of excessive pity and permissiveness;
- On the other hand, the formulation of overestimated requirements, which he is unable to perform, combined with excessive punctuality, cruelty and sanctions (punishments).

Frequent change in the instructions and fluctuations in parents' moods have a much deeper negative impact on such children than others. The accompanying violations in behavior are amenable to correction, but the process of improving the state of the child occupies a long time and does not occur immediately. Of course, pointing to the importance of the emotionally rich interaction of the child with a close adult and considering the atmosphere of a family as a condition of consolidation, and in some cases even the occurrence of hyperactivity as a way of child's behavior, we do not deny that illness can also be brought to the formation of hyperactivity, injury Or their consequences. Recently, some scientists bind hyperactive behavior with the presence of so-called minimal brain dysfunctions in children, that is, innate uneven development of individual brain functions. Others explain the phenomenon of hyperactivity by the consequences of the early organic lesions of the brain caused by pathology of pregnancy, complications for childbirth, alcohol use, smoking of parents, etc. However, at present, the manifestations of hyperactivity in children are significantly common and not always, as physiologists noted are related to pathology. Often, some features of the nervous system of children due to unsatisfactory education and life conditions are only a background that facilitates the formation of hyperactivity as a way of responding to children to unfavorable conditions.

  • Try, if possible, restrain your stormy affects, especially if you are upset or dissatisfied with the behavior of a child. Emotionally maintain children in all attempts to constructive, positive behavior, no matter how insignificant they are. Take up interest in learning more to know and understand the child.
  • Avoid categorical words and expressions, tough estimates, reproaches, threats that can create a tense situation and cause a conflict in the family. Try to talk less often "no", "stop" - better try to switch the attention of the baby, and if you succeed, do it easily, with humor.
  • Watch your speech, try to speak in a calm voice. Anger, indignation is poorly controlled. Expressing discontent, do not manipulate the feelings of the child and do not humiliate him.
  • If possible, try to highlight a room for a child or part of it for classes, games, privacy (that is, its own "territory"). In design it is desirable to avoid bright colors, complex compositions. On the table and in the nearest environment of the child should not be distracting items. The hyperactive child himself is not able to do so that nothing distracts him.
  • The organization of the whole life should act on a child soothing. To do this, together with it, make a routine of the day, following which, show both flexibility and perseverance.
  • Determine the number of responsibilities for a child, and keep their execution under constant supervision and control, but not too tough. More often, mark and praise its efforts, even if the results are far from perfect.

And there is absolutely indispensable to the most important activity for children - the game, as it is close and understandable to the child. The use of emotional impacts contained in the intonation of the voice, facial expressions, gestures, the form of adult response to their actions and actions of the child, will deliver great pleasure to both participants.

Do not lower hands. Love your barbecue child, help him to be successful, overcome school difficulties. Remember that "barbed children look like roses - they need special care. And sometimes they will lie on the spikes to see their beauty "(Mary Sh. Kurcinka).

When it gets very hard, Remember that for adolescence, and in some children before, hyperactivity passes. According to the observations of most doctors and psychologists, the overall motor activity decreases with age, and the detected neurotic changes are gradually leveled. In the brain, the child appears connections that were not or they were violated. It is important that the child approaches this age without cargo of negative emotions and incompleteness complexes. So, if you have a hyperactive child, help him, all in your hands.

Hyperactive baby in elementary school.

Under hyperactivity, it is customary to understand too restless physical and mental activity when excitement prevails over braking. Doctors believe that hyperactivity is a consequence of a very minor brain lesion, which is not determined by diagnostic tests. Speaking by scientific language, we are dealing with minimal brain dysfunction. Signs of hyperactivity manifest themselves in the child already in early childhood. In the future, its emotional instability and aggressiveness often lead to conflicts in the family and school.

How does hyperactivity manifest?

The most bright hyperactivity is manifested in children in senior preschool and younger school age. During this period, the transition to the leading - training - activity is carried out and in connection with this increases intellectual loads: the ability to concentrate attention from children to concentrate on a longer period of time, bring the work started to the end, to achieve a certain result. It is in conditions of long-term and systematic activities that the hyperactivity declares itself very convincing. Parents suddenly discover numerous negative consequences of noiselessness, inorganization, excessive mobility of their child and, concerned about this, are looking for contacts with a psychologist.

Psychologists allocate the followingsymptoms of hyperactive children:

- Makes restless movements with brushes and feet;

- can't sit in place calmly, poking, wriggling;

- easily distracted for foreign stimuli;

- hardly waiting for his turn during games and in various situations in the team (in class, during excursions and holidays);

- I often answer questions, without thinking, without listening to them to the end;

- difficulty performs the proposed tasks (not related to negative behavior or insufficiency of understanding);

- hardly keeps attention when performing tasks or during games;

- often transfers from one unfinished action to another;

- Can not play quietly, calmly;

- talks a lot, interferes with others, sticks to others (for example, interferes with the games of other children);

- It often makes the impression that the child does not listen to the address facing him;

- often loses things needed in kindergarten, school, at home, on the street;

- Sometimes there are dangerous actions, without thinking about the consequences, but adventures or acute sensations are not specifically searched (for example, it runs out on the street, without looking around).

All these signs can be grouped in the following areas:

- excessive motor activity;

- impulsiveness;

- distractions (inattention).

The diagnosis is considered legitimate if there is at least eight of all symptoms. So, having quite good intellectual abilities, hyperactive children are distinguished by the insufficiency of speech development and fine motility, reduced interest in the acquisition of intellectual skills, painting, have some other deviations from the average age characteristics, which leads to the absence of their interest in the systematic requiring attention to occupations, and therefore, both future or present learning activities.

According to psychologists, hyperactivity among children from 7 to 11 years old is 16.5%: among boys - 22%, among girls - about 10%.

Hyperactive children and their learning problems.

Problems of children who have violation of behavior and related difficulties of learning are currently especially relevant. Constantly excited, inattentive, restless and shrinkable, such children are attracted to themselves the attention of the teacher who needs to be followed so that they sat calmly, performed tasks, did not interfere with classmates. These schoolchildren in the lesson are constantly engaged in their affairs, it is difficult to keep them in place, make it listen to the task and even more so complete it to the end. The teachers are "do not hear", everyone is losing, everyone forgets. And since the modern school is a system of norms, rules, requirements regulating the life of a child, we can talk about the existing learning system as not adapted to work with hyperactive children. That is why in recent years, the problem of learning efficiency of hyperactive children is becoming increasingly relevant and discussed among teachers and school psychologists. So, a few years ago, in the elementary classes of hyperactive children were one or two in the class, and now about 20-30% of students already fall into this group. And this percentage is constantly growing. With all the existing behavioral problems, the intellectual functions of a hyperactive child are not violated, and such children can successfully develop a secondary school program subject to the requirements of the school environment of the child's capabilities.

Thus, hyperactive children (and especially younger schoolchildren) experience an increased need in motion, which contradicts the requirements of school life, as the school rules do not allow them to move freely during the lesson and even during change. And to see the desktop 4-6 lessons in a row for 35-40 minutes for them is not a problem. That is why after 15-20 minutes after the beginning of the lesson, a hyperactive child is not able to sit at the desk calmly. This is facilitated by small mobility in the lesson, the lack of changing the forms of activity in the lesson and during the day. The next problem is a contradiction between the impulsiveness of the child's behavior and the regulativity of relations in the lesson, which is manifested in the inconsistency of the child's behavior of the established scheme: the teacher's question is a student's answer. A hyperactive child, as a rule, is not waiting for the teacher to resolve him to answer. He often begins to respond, without listening to the question to the end, and often screams from the spot.

Hyperactive children are characterized by unstable performance, which is the cause of the increase in a large number of errors in response and performing written tasks when the state of fatigue occurs. The skills of reading and writing in a hyperactive child are significantly lower than that of peers, and do not correspond to its intellectual abilities. Written works are performed sloppy, with errors due to inattention. At the same time, the child is not inclined to listen to the advice of adults. Specialists suggest that the case is not only in violation of attention. The difficulties of forming letters and reading skills often arise due to insufficient development of coordination of movements, visual perception, speech development.

The problems of hyperactive children are not solved overnight and one person. This comprehensive problem requires attention to both parents and doctors, teachers and psychologists. Moreover, medical, psychological and pedagogical tasks sometimes echoes so that it is impossible to carry out a delimitation feature between them.

The initial setting of a neuropathologist or a psychiatrist diagnosis and medication therapy is complemented by psychological and pedagogical correction, which determines the integrated approach to the problems of a hyperactive child and can guarantee success in overcoming the negative manifestations of this syndrome.

Correction in the family

Enrich and diversify the emotional experience of a hyperactive child, help him master the elementary actions of self-control and thereby smooth down the manifestations of increased motor activity - it means to change the relationship between it with close adults, and above all with her mother. Any action will be promoted, any situation, an event aimed at deepening contacts, their emotional enrichment.

When upbringing a hyperactive child, close should avoid two extremes:

- on the one hand, manifestations of excessive pity and permissiveness;

- On the other hand, the formulation of overestimated requirements, which he is unable to perform, combined with excessive punctuality, cruelty and sanctions (punishments).

Frequent changes in the instructions and fluctuations in parental mood have a much deeper negative impact on such children than others.

The accompanying violations in behavior can be corrected, but the process of improving the condition of the child is usually occupied for a long time and does not occur immediately. Of course, pointing to the importance of the emotionally rich interaction of the child with a close adult and considering the atmosphere of a family as a condition of consolidation, and in some cases even the occurrence of hyperactivity as a way of child's behavior, we do not deny that illness can also be brought to the formation of hyperactivity, injury Or their consequences. Recently, some scientists bind hyperactive behavior with the presence of so-called minimal brain dysfunctions in children, that is, innate uneven development of individual brain functions. Others explain the phenomenon of hyperactivity by the consequences of the early organic lesions of the brain caused by pathology of pregnancy, complications for childbirth, alcohol use, smoking of parents, etc. However, at present, the manifestations of hyperactivity in children are significantly common and not always, as physiologists noted are related to pathology. Often, some features of the nervous system of children due to unsatisfactory education and life conditions are only a background that facilitates the formation of hyperactivity as a way of responding to children to unfavorable conditions.

Behavior of lovely child adults:

1. If possible, restrain your stormy affects, especially if you are upset or dissatisfied with the behavior of the child. Emotionally maintain children in all attempts to constructive, positive behavior, no matter how insignificant they are. Take up interest in learning more to know and understand the child.

2. By moving categorical words and expressions, tough estimates, reproaches, threats that can create a tense situation and cause a conflict in the family. Try to say "no", "stop", "stop" - better try to switch the attention of the baby, and if you succeed, make it easy, with humor.

3. Site for your speech, try to speak in a calm voice. Anger, indignation is poorly controlled. Expressing discontent, do not manipulate the feelings of the child and do not humiliate him.

Environmental and environmental organization in the family

1. If there is an opportunity, try to highlight the room for a child or part of it for classes, games, privacy (that is, its own "territory"). In design it is desirable to avoid bright colors, complex compositions. On the table and in the nearest environment of the child should not be distracting items. The hyperactive child himself is not able to do so that nothing distracts him.

2. The organizing of the whole life should act on a child soothing. To do this, together with it, make a routine of the day, following which, show both flexibility and perseverance.

3. Condition for a child the circle of responsibilities, and keep them under constant supervision and control, but not too tough. More often, mark and praise its efforts, even if the results are far from perfect.

4. Active interaction of a child with close adults, the development of the ability of both an adult and the child to feel each other to get closer to emotionally

And there is absolutely indispensable to the most important activity for children - the game, as it is close and understandable to the child. The use of emotional impacts contained in the intonation of the voice, facial expressions, gestures, the form of adult response to their actions and actions of the child, will deliver great pleasure to both participants.

When it becomes completely difficult, remember that for adolescent age, and in some children before, hyperactivity passes. According to the observations of most doctors and psychologists, the overall motor activity decreases with age, and the detected neurotic changes are gradually leveled. In the brain, the child appears the links that were not or who were violated. It is important that the child approaches this age without cargo of negative emotions and incompleteness complexes. So if you have a hyperactive child, help him - all in your hands.

Syndrome of attention deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD) are often called the disease of modern children. And although it is diagnosed in 6% of the children's population in the population, regardless of the region, any primary school teacher for personal feelings can tell you that he has such children much more.

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How to understand that the child ADHD and how to live with it than the parents can help him and what kind of help should ask the school teacher, at the beginning of the school year, Svetnik Svetlana Lykevich talked to a psychotherapist with a psychotherapist, a candidate of medical sciences, Assistant Tatiana Emelyantsev.

What is ADHD?

Such children are familiar with everyone - non-injured, impulsive, disorganized, who are not able to focus on one thing. They can jump in place, wave hands like birds, quickly forget what happened and cannot tell what happened today at school. Their behavior is unrestrained, sometimes inappropriate, and the notebooks are full of corrections, sometimes they can remain empty at all, the suggestions are affected. As a rule, with a fairly high intelligence, children with ADHD learn much worse than their capabilities, to sit until the end of the lesson - for them unbearable torture. How to help such a child adapt to school, and school - to be loyal to the child?

Time works for a child

It so happened that Tatiana Emelyantsev suggested the topic of the application of forces in science of psychotherapist. The study of attention and hyperactivity deficit syndrome (ADHD) in children had to do, because the son had the characteristic signs of this ailment. She does not hide this fact, as well as the fact that everything is fixable - just such children require big parents. And most often with age, most of their difficulties will develop.

Most often, the ADHD becomes a problem when the child goes to school. When his inability is revealed to diligently learn - such children are defectable, scattered, catastrophically unorganized. In kindergarten it can pass almost unnoticed, if lucky with the teacher.

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If such a child falls into the field of view of the doctor-psychotherapist to school, most often doctors ask to give a child with ADHD to school later?

Yes, it works at the child here. His nervous system matures, and the later he will go to school, the better the results will be. Year for the child is a lot. Let such a child will be in its class with a reborn, but it will benefit and to him and the teacher who will work with him.

"Many worries the question - is it necessary to tell the teacher about the ADHD?

Of course, it must be done. After all, the teacher must become your ally. And only together you can go to good results. But perhaps it is better to do it gradually, as symptoms are received, - many teachers scares this diagnosis. Great happiness, if you manage to find a teacher who is familiar with ADHD, who has previously been successfully worked with such children or collided with such a family.

To the psychotherapist most often appeal when the child goes to school and his "uncomfortable behavior" becomes obvious

It should not immediately become in the pose - as if the teacher should something. You need to learn to find a common language. But most of the school with this is familiar. For example, when I tried to explain the Son's teacher about the fact that we have "features", she calmly said to me: "Features everyone has the same children."

Tom Sawyer - a typical hyperactive child

It is believed that before such a diagnosis did not exist, this feature of modern children, which manifests them more and more often. It's right?

Of course not. ADHD is not a new diagnosis. It is still described in detail at Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a typical hyperactive child. Once the ADHD was called hypendynamic syndrome. Because this fake, disobedience was obvious to others. This is a clinical phenomenon of the disorder of the nervous system. By the way, it is now not only the AUTH, but also autism. And increasingly, these diagnoses can be combined, especially with Asperger syndrome (one of the disorders of the autistic spectrum). There is, of course, such a point of view that children with ADHD are lucky more - they have a less pronounced weakness of the development of the nervous system than in children with the symptoms of autism.

Most often, ADHD is diagnosed with boys. In girls, it is 3-4 times less often.

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- When do parents need to start worrying?

Usually, ADHD begin to "look for" after 4 years. Signs can be the most different, sometimes completely atypical. But some characteristic features recognizable. In 30% of such children there are problems with speech development. Almost everyone is characterized by a capricious protest behavior. They scandals in supermarkets are not because they are spoiled - they are extremely impatient and cannot control their emotions. They have early, even in preschool age, various ticks begin to appear - a sign of the weakness of the nervous system. Many outdoor sensory sensitivity. Some can fall into hysterics from the sound of a vacuum cleaner, "Help - Trete" is also about them. One family turned to me, in which the girl came in the first grade from school and undressed Donaga - she all hung. They are picky to the texture of clothes, food texture. Food with lumps for such a child can be 100% conditions to not eat at all. Enuresis, Enchnopreza (Calmazania), can remain for a long time. It may not be incorrectly to form an act of defecation - while there was no problems in diapers - there were no problems, but it does not work on a pot, protest. But it almost immediately imposes in his pants, as soon as they leave it alone. And sometimes only on these signs turn to specialists, there are no other signs of problem behavior. If a child has similar symptoms - this is a reason to show his doctor-psychotherapist.

Where parents take strength

- What should I do if such a diagnosis was given?

Do not perceive it as the end of the world and prepare for long work. In America, these issues are solved simply - the condition of learning a child with a severe ADHD form in a decent school is the appointment of psychostimulants. High efficiency is proved. They increase the level of dopamine, which children with ADHD are missing.

We have no such practice, it is simply not possible to prescribe psychostimulants. It is important to understand that this is not an antibiotic who has been cut and forgot, they do not cure, they help for a while. Psychostimulants need to drink years. Chemical neurotransmitters include the brain, attention - give the drive that helps them bring the started to the end. There is inconvenient behavior. Children begin to learn better - because another problem is such children - they learn worse than their capabilities. They have a lot depends on the mood, from the performance of today. For example, the sun today is more - the child is more adequate, its brains turn on better, it is more assembled. But no one thinks about the long-term perspective of the child - what will happen to him if he can without psychostimulants, which will be his behavior. By and large - this is not a solution to the problem, it is its delay.

Why do children escape from "decent" families?

You need to constantly work with the child, to know how to help him cope with his versification, inattention, make teachers and educators with their allies. Here a lot of parental assistance groups mean a lot.

I am engaged in ADHD for more than 10 years, I work with children, and with my parents. During this time, there are many children grew - I am surprised how everything changes in time how they are leveled with peers. Of course, I understand that I am dealing with motivated parents. Children with ADHD in normal attention and care can grow sufficiently successful. Yes - with small nuances. But there are good artists from them, architects, doctors, directors - they see the world differently, they see the images, they have a sense of empathy, they live with a heart.

You say that parents should be ready to work with the child. We all seem like children bring up, teach step by step, etc. For children with ADD, something should be different?

You need to be finished endlessly passing all over again. If the parents do not have this mood mood, the results may not be. I recently had a family, they live in America, they came here to grandmother. Mom has a second marriage there, there is a small child. She is restless, uneven, - I see that she has no strength on the elder child who has ADHD. Mom needs a specific answer: how to make the child to listen to to study well to understand that mom is hard. According to the result, the conversation had to say grandmother that there were no options, except for psychostimulants there, in America. Just because I see that my mother has no strength to help. The boy is very difficult, he is 10 years old and he already understands that something is wrong with him. He knows what medication will receive. Asks: "True, that I can not so rejoice as before, for example, when my friend scores a goal?" I had to explain to him that it was only for the time to change the attitude towards him. This, in my opinion, highlights the problem of the relationship of the children themselves to the appointment of psychostimulants, as insecluding.

Tatyana Yemeyantseva does not hide that it was necessary to study closely to study ADHD, including on personal motives

Although there is another thing - I spend many years of group classes for parents. I had one dad, who went to me for a year from year to me. Listen to approximately the same thing several times. When I asked - why, he said: "I go here for the fact that I have the strength and further help your child." In group classes not only knowledge - but also emotional support when there is someone more successful experience of interaction with the school, for example.

Consist to it - literally

- If you get back to school - what can be expected from the teacher, what kind of help to count on?

A child with ADHD is difficult to adapt in society, and his behavior is often inappropriate. They are uncomfortable, such children. For parents, for teachers. They have a lot of problems with verbal operational memory. The so-called inner speech is the ability to pronounce the thoughts "to ourselves" formed in the child normally by 7 years, and these children can be very late. It is often happening - the task is solved, but it cannot explain the sequence of actions. As a computer without printer. But they are perfectly coping with test tasks, here they can show good results.

One of the most common parent and teacher complaints: "He does not hear me."

"Bad is not the norm": how to accept that you have to go to a psychotherapist

In order for you to hear you, go to him, touch it, look into his eyes - the tactile contact is important for them, let him say out loud to your request. This is a way to strengthen the effectiveness of its memory. And the teacher, knowing how hard such a child is to sit down a whole lesson, can send it to slip the rag for the board or ask to distribute the notebook, pour flowers. Their attention must be switched to motor activity, then it will cope. If you plant this child near the teacher, it will try much more. The teacher should take it into account. But for this, parents should first talk to him about the characteristics of the approach to such a student. I give my patients a memo for teachers so that they know how to calm how to switch the attention of a hyperactive child. Information is available on the Internet. Not everyone is looking for, unfortunately.

It is important to understand that children with ADHD really get tired more than others. With the immaturity of the nervous system and their mobility, they run ahead of the locomotive. Often, when getting tired, become simply inadequate.

With my son, I had a very understanding teacher who was sitting on the sofa when I saw that he was laid on the desk from what was tired. Or allowed to suck a lollipop that included attention when performing test work.

- Is it possible to go to extell such children?

I do not recommend categorically. In extension, his plant will end. And dismissal will begin, clown behavior. And at home everything will be different - it will change the situation, switches, relax and will soon be able to do homework.

One of theories explaining the SDHD is the so-called energy, theory of "weak brain battery." Machine engine is all right. But gasoline is sometimes lacking. Emotional recharging is important for them. Very helping "kissing". But many parents are the power of tactile contact underestimate.

- How do they still persuade to learn?

Such a child is useless to scold for bad estimates - but if he got a good, it is better to encourage him so that he remembers it and wanted to do again. Punishment acts on them much weaker than encouraging. They quickly get bored, everything is bored. With additional stimulation, the effectiveness of all people rises. And these children are especially. They need permanent remuneration. Immediately. Promise - you will go well, in 2 months you will go with a class on a tour - not for them. Their reward should be immediate.

People on their wave

- Where does this diagnosis come from and whether there is hope that over time the child is leveled, will turn it out?

In the 60s of the last century, it was announced that ADHD is a trait of character that is inherited. Now it is again believed that this is a disorder of the development of the brain, due to both hereditary factors and external. Including how the pregnancy passed, childbirth, in what conditions the child is raised. And if a genetically, the child was predisposed to the deficiency of dopamine, but asphyxia happened in childbirth - this may become an obvious problem.

ADHD meets in adults. And the figures are called different - from 30 to 70% of cases of children's diagnosis of ADHD can proceed into adult age. For consultations, young people who have already been treated for 30 years - they are enterprising, IT are engaged, it seems like everything is fine. But they understand that something is wrong with them.

- What are the complaints from adults?

Many complain about the problems of attention, working capacity, expressed asthenization, "depressiveness", do not form relationships with loved ones, with the bosses. One young girl expressed her problem like this: "I forgot everything I was taught ..."

- So this is the specifics of our education - I passed and forgot ... It is for you and without ADHD hundreds of adults can say.

I'm not quite about it. People with ADHD - on their wave. They easily pass social borders, do not always comply with social conventions - can directly say other impartial things. They are often not like those who surround them, and they cannot understand why. They often have mood swings, characteristic ambivalence, duality - when they cannot understand what they need. However, they are often very successful. There is a site "Great with ADHD", but I will not give examples - it is incorrect for a doctor.

From my experience I can say - children with ADHD in recent years has become more, like children with autism. And this is a problem not only to the health of the woman in the perinatal period. This is the problem of society, its informatization. Just manifests this problem, first of all, a child.

Of course, it is not easy with such children - to constantly organize his leisure, watch him the good mood, to break the problems, keep your hand on the pulse.

But in any case you must believe in your child. At the same time realizing that you can only do what you can do. But not to do this is simply impossible.

It happens that the child adapts badly to school. For various reasons, he does not fit into school rules, can not learn and interferes with others. Parents in despair: like a child as a child, completely nonsense, but at the same time solid twice and disappointment. Armed with research, literature and own experience, tell about the behavioral problems of hyperactive children and what to do with them.

To describe this problem, a "fashionable diagnosis" is often used - ADHD (attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity). We, however, will not use this clinical stamp.

First, hyperactivity and violation of attention does not always go hand in hand. Problems are completely different, and you need to speak separately. Secondly, even the most advanced doctors at the moment there is no consensus on the criteria of ADHD, nor about what to do if the diagnosis is delivered.

The WWK3 protocol is used in the USA, according to which children with diagnosed hyperactivity are treated with ritalin (methylphenidate - drug-psychostimulator). But according to some study (for example, according to Australian scientists), Ritaline at ADHD is long-term ineffective.

Another major drug for the treatment of ADHD is atomsetin, known from us called Stratter. The medicine is quite effective, but it causes significant side effects that make many parents abandon them (nausea, a sharp decline in appetite, slowing muscular growth).

In the CIS countries, hyperactivity is practically not treated drugs, appointed except for nootropics for which are not full, large-scale studies, or in severe cases of neuroleptics, which is completely unreasonable.

How can I personally smooth out the manifestations of hyperactivity in a child and help him adapt to school if his features prevent learning and communicate as most of his peers do?

Here is an extreme fidget. He runs, swinging on a chair, waving his hands, all the time talks, does not want and can not listen to the teacher, read the tutorial, write normally in the notebook. But perfectly prevents from learning to others. At the same time, he often lags in emotional development: it can only "run with the guys," but he lacks patience to at least somehow adjust, listen to the comrade. And therefore he can't get friends.

Teachers are moaning from him, peers are quickly starting to consider the jester or generally outcast. Intellect He can be high or normal - but endless fuss, running, jumping and screaming simply do not give the child to show himself.

How to determine your position about the training of our active child at school? And what should I do? These tips are based on both the author's personal experience, who has brought up a hyperactive child and in various literature. In particular, the excellent book "Children-mattress and children-catastrophes" of the St. Petersburg psychologist Ekaterina Murashova.

1. Mode

Hyperactive child needs to continue to keep a "preschool lifestyle" for years to ten years. He can not be a small manager, whose days are painted on mugs and sections. It is impossible to leave it on the extension if there is no daily sleep. Afternoon vacation, walk, cooking lessons, quiet games and sleep - just like this.

When lifting at 7.30, a hyperactive junior chart should "turn off the light" maximum at 21.00. And before that - 20-30 minutes lie in bed and read, draw or listen to audiobook.

2. No sport

A common misconception about a hyperactive child - he just "need to let go and tired", that if "give it to the sport, he will spend its excessive energy, and will become like a silk." In fact, he is not so much forces, he just can not stop. And there is no endurance and no one.

If such a child additionally excite and "sweeten", you can only get the evening hysterics: it is very tired, but I still miserable until you put.

In addition, sport just requires unmanaged, but a precisely measured energy flow. Hyperactive child and on the household level is not able to direct its energy. It is better to choose such sections where the main subject of attention is not the result, but the process, alternation of load and relaxation. They can be sports, but certainly not professional.

3. Not slower, but rhythm

In a hyperactive child, the impulses between the bore and the cerebral cortex, regulating activity and braking, are slower than necessary.

No matter how paradoxically sounds, a hyperactive child is in something brake. He quickly thinks, but even faster exhausted, and therefore it simply does not have time for himself

This is fast, but "torn" contact, flashing light. Our main efforts should be directed not to slow down or purposefully calm down, but to make a child in all respects more smooth, rhythmic. Less "Dörgan".

This also serves the same regime (dimly, cyclically repeated circle of affairs, duties, practices, types of rest), and small cycles during the preparation of lessons (if every three or five minutes is distracted by plan, and not spontaneously - then gradually learn these three Minutes no longer distracted).

The main idea is to find rhythm in any activity, replace the rhythm involuntary convulsive "inclusions" into activity and "shutdown" from it.

4. Working with rhythm at school

Here, experienced teachers usually have their own acceptors. They know that the child needs three times for a lesson under some kind of pretext to pull out from the place - to the board or in the corridor. And that Anton will interfere less, if you give it a separate order and do not pay attention to what he swings on a chair during the control.

If the teacher does not invent anything like this, take the initiative to your hands. Agree with the teacher, for example, that the child can leave the class for a couple of times during the lesson. And put a timer on the phone to the phone - but not with the sound signal. Sometimes this "short rhythm" is enough for behavior significantly improved.

5. As much as possible with estimates

It is necessary for all children, but those who have problems with behavior and adjacent - first of all. Inside the child that he is not what they put him, whether it is an assessment or diagnosis. And not how it was called or called. He is not the amount of his characteristics and oddities, not the "same Ivanov."

It is necessary to oppose the child's school reputation something strong and weighty. Of course, Ideally teach the child so and in such a place so that this reputation does not start to develop at all. But it turns out not always. In any case, behind the threshold of the house - no estimates, reproaches and endless "What are you ...". What is, so glory to God!

If a hyperactive child grows in an atmosphere of constant discontent, it is more difficult for him to compensate for its features.

And others begin to be added to them: thrust for dangerous extreme, aggressiveness, addiction, strong mood swings. So from school it should be preserved, serve as a buffer, and if possible, choose soft, vigorous and understanding teachers.

6. On time to pay the control panel

A hyperactive child cannot provide a permanent inclusion itself (see the item second). Therefore, the parent must form a magic box around it, including and turning it off manually, but allowing you to gradually form endurance and perishability. These things are really stronger by long workouts.

Here we started tomato for ten minutes, and we know exactly what these ten minutes the child will sit quietly and with our hand on the head to solve the equations. The tomato rang, the child got a little encouragement, then five minutes it was attempted on the rings - and again ten minutes of mathematical rejection under the hypnosis of the parent.

But as soon as the parent notices that the child is able to secure this rhythm himself, he presents the remote control of the child himself. It is imperative to help him independently support his rhythms. To do this, you can accommodate a variety of techniques. From the board where it is possible to celebrate the plusies made, to the mentioned tomato or timer on the phone.

An extremely important task is to translate a hyperactive child for self-sufficiency.

After all, if we continue to control them by hand, you will inevitably be asleep to extremes, and the dietatko infanlation. And if you just smear your hand, then ... someone will give up, and someone will eat so that it will be difficult to catch up. No, I am not about estimates, but about mental health, dependence, lifestyle. Hyperactive children in the risk group in many parameters.

7. Look at yourself

Very often, hyperactive children are born in hyperactive parents. If this is about us, they will reflect on their own habits and above those techniques that help us still adapt in society.

In hyperactivity, in fact, the mass of pros, especially at current times.

An adapted hyperactive person is faster, easily switches (while unadapted hyperactive switching does not know how). And although quickly gets tired, but quickly and rest.

Project-operating project manager, an intraday trader, an easy-to-lift journalist, a freelancer, whom "feet feed", amateur of permanent business trips (come and calm the day) - Hyperactive livelists when skillful management of its uneven stream of energy can quickly and easily turn a variety of mountains . But it is very important to learn how to properly apply with your peculiarities so that they do not overwhelm into pathology, but, on the contrary, they made a person more efficient.

Hyperactive child at school and at home.

Last time we are increasingly hearing the concept of "hyperactive" child. What is he? What are the causes of the child's hyperactivity? What to do in this situation.What is hyperactivity?

"Hyper ..." - (from Greek. Hyper - over, top) - an integral part of complex words indicating the excess of the norm. The word "active" came to the Russian language from Latin "Activus" and means "effective, active".

Hyperactive behavior of children is characterized by the following signs: often obvious movements are often observed; spinning; It rises from his place in the class during the lessons when you need to stay in place; often happens chatty; Usually, hardly waiting for its turn in various situations.

Probably, in each class there are children who are difficult to sit in one place, silence, obey the instructions. They create additional difficulties in the work of teachers and teachers, because very movable, hot-tempered, irritable and irresponsible. Hyperactive children often hurt and drop various items, pushing peers, creating conflict situations. Famous American psychologists V. Oklander so characterize these children: "It's hard to sit with a hyperactive child, he is a fussy, moving a lot, spinning on the spot, sometimes overly speaking, may irritate the manner of his behavior. Often he has bad coordination or insufficient muscular control. He is awkward, Rhines or breaks things, sheds milk. This child is difficult to concentrate its attention, it is easily distracted, often asks many questions, but rarely waiting for answers. "

How to identify a hyperactive child?

The behavior of hyperactive children can be externally similar to the behavior of children with increased anxiety, so teacher and parents are important to know the main differences between the behavior of one category of children from another. In addition, the behavior of an alarming child is not socially destructive, and hyperactive is often a source of various conflicts, fights and just misunderstandings.

To reveal a hyperactive child in the classroom, it is necessary to watch it for a long time, to conduct conversations with parents and teachers.

American psychologists P. Baker and M. Alvord offer the following criteria for the detection of hyperactivity in a child

Hyperactivity criteria

Actual attention deficit

Inconsistent, it is difficult for him for a long time to hold attention.

It does not listen when they are treated.

With great enthusiasm is taken for the task, but it does not finish it.

He experiences difficulties in the organization.

Often loses things.

Avoids boring and requiring mental tasks efforts.

It is often forgotten.

Motor disbursement

Constantly rushes.

He shows signs of anxiety (drums fingers, moves in the chair, runs, climbing somewhere).

Sleeps much less than other children, even in infancy.

Very talked.


1. Could respond, without hearing the question.

2. It is not capable of waiting for its turn, often interferes, interrupts.

3. Poor focusing attention.

Could not wait for remuneration (if there is a pause between actions and remuneration).

When performing tasks, behaves differently and shows very different results. (In some occupations, the child is calm, on others - no, but it is successful in some lessons, there is no lessons).

If at least six of the listed features, teacher, parents may have been manifested under the age of 7 years, the child, behind which he observes, hyperactive.

What to do?
Initially, it is necessary to establish the cause of hyperactivity, for which you need to consult with experts. In the case of appointing a neuropathologist of the medical course, massage and compliance with the special regime, it is necessary to strictly follow its recommendations.
Create a calm, favorable situation around such a child, because any disagreements in the family only charge the child with negative emotions. Communication with a hyperactive child should also be soft, calm, because he is susceptible to the mood of parents and people close to him.
It is necessary to observe a single line of behavior of parents and all family members in the education of the child.
It is very important to prevent the child overwork, you should not exceed the load and make it hard with him. For example, give a child at once in several sections or circles, jumping through age groups. All this will lead to whims and deterioration of the child's behavior.
In order to prevent the overexcitation of the child, it is very important to observe the day of the day, which includes a mandatory day dream, early evening departure to sleep, you must replace the moving games and walks with calm games, etc.
The less comments you do, the better. In this situation it is better to distract it. The number of prohibitions must be adequate age. Such a child really needs praise, so it is necessary to do it very often, even for a trifle. But it is not too emotionally praised to not cause the child's overexcitation.
Try that your requests do not carry several instructions at once. Talking with the child, it is necessary to watch him right in the eye.
In order to develop the fine motility and the general organization of movements, you need hyperactive children to attach in choreography, tennis, dancing, swimming, karate.
It is necessary to attach a child to mobile and sports games, the child must understand the goal of the game and learn to obey the rules, plan the game.
Rising a hyperactive child, one should not fall in extremes: on the one hand, to exercise excessive softness, and on the other hand, the increased requirements that it cannot be performed in combination with rigidity and punishments. A frequent change of punishment and sentiment of parents has a negative impact on a hyperactive child.
Do not regret the time and effort to form an obedience from a child, accuracy, self-organization, to develop a sense of responsibility for your actions, the ability to plan and bring to the end.
To improve the concentration of attention when performing homework, it is necessary to remove all annoying and distracting factors if possible, it should be a quiet place where the child will be able to focus on work. During the preparation of homework, you must look at the child to make sure that it continues to work. Every 15-20 minutes allow the child to make a five-minute break, during which you can stay and relax.
Try to always discuss his behavior with the child and express him comments in a calm and friendly form.
It is very important to increase self-esteem in the child, self-confidence. This can be done by assimilating them new skills, success in studying and everyday life.
The hyperactive child is very sensitive, he especially acute reacts to comments, prohibitions, notations. So children sometimes seem to be that his parents do not like it. Such children more than others need warmth, care, attention and love, love is not for something, but because it is. Here we are with you and approached an important topic - what to do parents with this restless clot of energy ..

1. Hold a child.

For example, the daily loss of a child with a bucket of cold water ... or another option acceptable for you. Banal? But very effective! Do you know why hardening is effective and for pulmonary, and gastrointestinal and in nervous diseases?

Cold water is stress. The body did not understand what happened, but ready to defend: to run, attack, hide. At the time of this preparation, the adrenal glands allocate a hormone of stress - adrenaline. And the battles do not happen. But adrenaline is not backing back ... And he begins to work where the body has a weak place. In our case - in the nervous system.

In addition, poured on the shoulders and the camp (not head!) The cold water bucket will remove excess psychomotor stress on the cerebral cortex. It is characteristic of hyperactive children and it is it prevents them from falling asleep when they really want to sleep.

2. Do not keep at home.

It is very desirable that the hyperactive child attend any childhood institution. After a three-year-old, the house for him is finally becoming crazy. He needs communication and a variety of impressions, it is moved, sociable and easily converges with people, adventurous and unmatched.

In addition, this experience will be prepared for serious stress at school. It is better that he gradually gain social experience in communicating with other children and adults adapts to the requirements.

3. Teach a child to watch his condition and report it to others.

Sounds weird? Moreover, most adults do not really know how to do it ...

But if this teach a child from the oldest age - he has it perfectly well. First, parents need to track these "good" and "bad" periods of their child. Then mom will be regularly and in detail to inform his child about his observations for his condition: "Today it is not given to you. Let's try tomorrow "," After the kindergarten you seem very excited. Let's try to take a shower, and then we will deal with? "," This time you have simple and wonderful. Please remember this condition. ". And then soon the child can do its observation: "I'm angry and hungry. I need to feed me and I support ".

4. Teach a child to relax.

This can be done in the form of a cheerful game.It is also necessary to call for the help of "natural psychotherapists" - water and sand. Games with them possess a wonderful healing effect - they relax. And if on the banks of the river or the sea, the hyperactive child is going to grow in the sand, builds the sandy towers, plays with water, swims - dives - there may be significant improvement and behavior, and sleep, and the like.