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Cancer plus Leo compatibility. Love Compatibility: Cancer and Leo

Such radically opposite personalities in the sign of the zodiac, like Leo and Cancer, differ in absolutely all parameters, but, nevertheless, if desired, they can find common points of contact and it's good to get along together... In order to better understand the intricacies of the relationship of these signs, it is best to refer to the compatibility horoscope.

Cancer and Leo compatibility in a love relationship

Cancers are very calm and sensitive natures who gravitate towards melancholy and are very attached to the hearth. Leos, on the other hand, love to be in the spotlight, lead an active lifestyle and are often addicted to something new. Love between these signs can arise just against the background of such differences that will cause them admiration and genuine interest in each other.

Leo Man + Cancer Woman

The love relationship of a Leo man and a Cancer woman develops very beautifully and romantically, but over time, Leo begins to annoy the constant melancholy of a Cancer woman, because he prefers clarity and clarity in everything. Feelings of a Leo man of a Cancer woman will help maintain only a mutual desire to work on their mistakes and the ability to find compromises, which will be the first step towards compatibility in love of these zodiac signs.

Cancer Man + Leo Woman

Having a calm character, the Cancer man is very closed and uncommunicative. He does not accept the active lifestyle that the Leo woman dictates to him. She needs everyone's attention, flirting and admirers, but at the same time she is very loyal to her chosen one. A jealous Cancer man is trying to pacify his beloved, but this only provokes scandals. Therefore, the compatibility of a Cancer man and a Leo woman is rather low.

Cancer and Leo compatibility in sex

The sexual compatibility of Cancer and Leo allows them to smooth out the rough edges in the relationship, because it is difficult to imagine a more sensual and harmonious couple. A gentle Cancer woman gives her partner admiration and the necessary portion of flattery, happily allowing him to dominate himself. She accepts all his experiments and innovations, and he receives the highest degree of physical and spiritual satisfaction.

Leo Man + Cancer Woman

The Leo man subtly feels the mood and state of the Cancer woman, so they have complete compatibility in bed. If this couple is in a quarrel, then passionate sex will be the best way to reconcile. Leo is very impressed with being in charge and leading his partner in sex, feeling her soft disposition and feeling like a master.

Cancer Man + Leo Woman

The Cancer man is able to give so much tenderness and attention to his partner, the Leo woman, that she is unlikely to look for adventure on the side, so the sexual compatibility of these signs is very high. The Leo woman fills their relationship in bed with novelty and ardent passion, and the Libra man is ready to forever admire his unsurpassed partner.

Cancer and Leo compatibility in marriage

In family life, the compatibility of Leo and Cancer is not as high as in bed. Each of them lives in his own world and is irreconcilable to the opposite aspirations of each other. Attempts to remake a partner together with a reluctance to change themselves can lead to a complete breakdown in relations, therefore, if they want to be together, they need to be more flexible and tolerant.

Leo Man + Cancer Woman

In marriage, he, Leo, takes care of material well-being and solving family problems, so she, Cancer, feels calm and protected with such a husband, demonstrating some compatibility in this. In order to avoid conflict situations in the family, the Cancer woman must be given the opportunity to self-actualize her man and not limit his communication with friends, as well as clearly define the area of ​​responsibility of each. Otherwise, the compatibility of the couple, where the male Leo and the female Cancer, are very doubtful.

Cancer Man + Leo Woman

Contrary to the expectations of the Leo woman, the Cancer man is not a reliable rear and support for her. In her desire to turn the tide and stir up her husband, force him to take more active actions, the Leo woman can show strong aggression and pressure. This behavior can completely destroy a marriage and make them irreconcilable enemies for life.

Cancer and Leo compatibility in friendship

Even if Cancer and Leo, when they first met, made a good opinion of each other, it is unlikely that their relationship will develop into friendship. The sphere of their interests and hobbies is absolutely different, so it will not be interesting for them together.

Leo Man + Cancer Man

Men of these signs will be of little interest to each other, and being in the same company may even cause a conflict situation due to a strong difference in views. The Leo man will definitely draw attention to himself and will bathe in the rays of glory, and the quiet Cancer will only annoy him.

Cancer Woman + Leo Woman

Women of these zodiac signs may not become friends, but they can converge on the basis of creative interests. By exchanging experiences and useful information, the Cancer woman and the Leo woman can draw inspiration and be useful to each other.

Cancer and Leo compatibility at work

In their attitude to work, Cancer and Leo are absolutely opposite. Leo, possessing leadership qualities, is not ready to perform rough and physically hard work, therefore, he strives with all his might to climb the career ladder. Cancers, on the contrary, are inert and slow, so they are always happy with everything, and they do not strive for power. The two of them will not be able to create a friendly and productive team, but they will be able to coexist in one team.

Leo Chief + Subordinate Cancer

When Leo takes leading positions, and Cancer is subordinate to him, this is the most optimal situation for both signs. Leo can be very angry at Cancer's slowness and lack of initiative and new ideas, so conflicts are quite possible. If Leo goes too far in his quibbles and demands, then this can lead to the dismissal of Cancer.

Chief Cancer + Subordinate Leo

If such a situation is possible, then not for long. An active and enterprising Leo will not be able to be under the leadership of a weak, in his opinion, leader for a long time. He will do everything to remove Cancer from office and take the desired place, or find another place of work.

Now you have seen that even despite the difference in characters, you can establish relationships and exist together with such signs of the zodiac as Leo and Cancer. Tell us in the comments how you feel about such astrological compatibility predictions and how much they correspond to the Cancer-Leo pair.

Who suits Leo
OK neutral poorly
TwinsVirgoa lion
Who is suitable for Cancers
OK neutral poorly
Scorpion Sagittarius
a lion

These signs require loyalty, tender love from a partner, but while Cancer seeks stability and emotional harmony, Leo craves heartfelt compliments and sincere admiration. Both are very loyal, even on the verge of possessiveness: Cancer for security purposes, Leo for their self-confidence. They are very dedicated to their relationship. Since their desires are similar, Cancer and Leo can fill very important voids in each other's lives.

Both Leo and Cancer prefer comfort and safety, and they prefer to live in grand style. Cancer and Leo enjoy a wonderful home and a close-knit family. Leo gives talent and passion, and Cancer brings sensuality to the house. Cancer has an instinctive desire to praise and cherish Leo, who really likes it. Leo is more daring and brighter in this pair, he is majestic and status. Since both signs are energetic, the two should always work to understand each other.

Moon-Sun planet compatibility

An intense and emotional Moon (emotion) rules Cancer, while a bright, bold Sun (independence) rules Leo. The sun emits warmth and light, and the bright Leo really exudes these types of energy and enthusiasm. The moon is interested in making, making and maintaining emotional connections. This combination of masculine and feminine energies is why the Sun and Moon adore and endure each other. The Sun represents life, and the Moon represents emotional closeness; as long as they take into account their inherent differences, their combination can be positive.

Elemental Compatibility Water-Fire

Cancer is a Water sign and Leo is a Fire sign. Leo fights with hot energy for praise and compliments, while Cancer yearns more for security and stability. Both signs like to take control, but they take the lead in very different directions. No matter how much they argue, they cannot overcome this difference. As long as Leo and Cancer provide each other with a practical and romantic relationship, they can usually find a middle ground.

Cancer and Leo interpersonal compatibility

Cancer is a cardinal sign, Leo is a fixed sign. Under stress, Leo becomes self-confident and stubborn, while Cancer can act through the hidden power of dominance. Cancer is a constant initiator of common plans and Leo directs their joint energy to work hard to translate common ideas into reality. If given a choice, Cancer would choose a calm and stable life, having no need for worldwide recognition. Leo, on the other hand, loves to be the center of attention and seek universal acceptance. While Leo and Cancer can have a good emotional relationship, they can each continue to follow their natural instincts. If, however, they have not made clear their love intentions to each other, they can find themselves in endless emotional stress, like on a roller coaster. Cancer, hiding under the guise of its innocent shell, can control this couple more quietly and calmly and manipulate Leo as it sees fit.

What's the best thing about a Cancer and Leo relationship?

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We replenish the horoscope of compatibility, this time we will discuss the compatibility of Cancer and Leo. Of all the signs of Water and Fire, they are most likely to do well in relationships as they recognize each other's uniqueness. However, they don't often end up together because their differences in character are not easy to reconcile.

Cancer and Leo compatibility and union prospects

Although the Moon reflects light from the Sun, Cancer doesn't really see Leo as the source of all of their joy.

Leo is a sign that should spread joy and love in all your relationships. How is this possible if Cancer is immune to it? Probably because the moon revolves around the earth, not the sun.

They are special, that's a fact. Both are strong personalities, each in its own way.

The lack of understanding and emotional closeness between them is due to the fact that both are designed to extend love to the less fortunate signs of the zodiac. Not everyone is born with the same emotional flow as Cancer and with a huge, warm heart like Leo.

If they had kept all that love to themselves, the world would probably have become a much sadder place.

However, they just don't appreciate the same thing. This is where their paths diverge, but it usually takes them a long time to realize this fact. Cancer values ​​tenderness, emotions, family and a stable life with someone, while Leo values ​​initiative, passion, energy and focus.

Rarely is there something that is equally significant to them, or something that they put in the same place in their priority lists.

Cancer and Leo compatibility in friendship and business relationships

Thanks to the Moon and the Sun, these signs represent the subconscious and conscious. Even if they share common interests, their opinions about the same thing are often different. In the course of a conversation, they often simply disagree.

The moon reflects the light of the sun, but it revolves around the earth. It would be nice if the Sun was not used to the fact that everything revolves around it. This explains what happens in their relationship when Leo starts talking.

Despite the glow of the king of beasts, Cancer may pay more attention to someone else or more mundane things that occupy them than their radiant partner.

The basis of their communication should be things that have yet to be discovered. Riddles that have yet to be solved can be a good starting point because it is important for both of them to understand things. To each in his own area.

The best opportunity for their friendship or cooperation is to work together on something that needs coverage from two different perspectives. If they respect each other enough, they can learn a lot from a passive and active approach to life.

Together, they are also able to create a holistic approach to problem solving and business that no one else can do.

Cancer and Leo sexual compatibility

They make an interesting pair due to the fact that they are the only zodiac signs ruled by celestial bodies that do not belong to the planets - the Sun and the Moon. Although they have little in common, in astrology they represent husband and wife and are the king and queen of the zodiac. But, we know that sex between a king and queen is not always satisfying.

The sexual aspect of their relationship depends on the depth of their emotions. As emotional signs in their own way, they show their love in different ways. And putting that together in their sex life can be somewhat difficult.

Like Fire, Leo is frankly passionate, and this can scare Cancer away.

Cancer is gentle and sensitive, and sometimes Leo feels guilty about their fervor. He may have problems with showing tenderness in the form in which Cancer needs it. Try to imagine that the king of beasts and the caviar have started a sexual relationship. Even though they don't want to hurt each other, their innate behavior seems to lead them in that direction.

But, thanks to their stewards, they can be close and share wonderful emotions in sexual intercourse. And even if they don't feel a lot of arousal, they will get satisfaction if they don't expect wild sex. To find a middle ground, they need to be calm and listen to each other's needs.

They are 30 percent suitable for each other in bed.

Cancer and Leva compatibility in love relationships and marriage

It's safe to say that their emotions are truly wonderful things. Both signs represent love, and while they are not the same love, they are pure and simple emotion.

Cancer is a water sign that reflects maternal love and all feelings in the family. However, this is not always a promise of happiness, but the depth of love hidden inside and its magic. Leo is a fiery sign of joy, first love, fun and sex. Their heart is warm and big, because Leo represents our inner child, their loyalty is unchanged when they decide to give their heart to someone.

The main problem here is their connection. Cancer needs to look into the eyes of a partner and feel love, and Leo wants to shout about it loudly from the rooftops. Cancer will seem fake. And Leo perceives the love of a partner as something that rather binds him than allows him to fly.

They both have opposite signs ruled by Saturn and that is why they can discern the true quality of their relationship. If each of them plays their opposite role, they can learn a lot.

But often their romantic relationship doesn't last very long. They are more likely to move on to find someone who is more in line with their ideal partner.

Cancer and Leo compatibility in love relationships is 45%.

He is Cancer she Leo compatibility

They instantly feel mutual attraction. The Cancer man is delighted with the confidence, brightness and passion of the Lioness. He is flattered by her attention, and she enjoys his romance and considerate care. As soon as they get closer physically, their attraction is emphasized even more.

As a union of fire and water, they can enjoy a sensual sex life. For a while, their life together seems perfect. However, after the end of the honeymoon, the couple runs into problems.

The Leo woman needs to be constantly told how much she is loved. To some extent, a loving Cancer agrees with this, because in any case, he tends to express his feelings. However, after a while, his insight will tell her that she is looking for superficial flattery. And he does not have time for something superficial, he will begin to distance himself if he does not receive emotional depth from his woman.

The lioness is a demanding partner, but she has a heart. She is really warm and will be alarmed by the mood of her Cancer. She will go out of her way to fix things and make him smile, but she has no experience to reach out to him when he's not in the mood.

Instead, her "sunny" approach and her relentless optimism will start to irritate him. He is much more realistic than she, and will sense in advance if something goes wrong in the relationship.

Ultimately, she will realize that she has failed and will become angry because she does not fail, especially with men. Her anger will cause even greater indignation in Cancer, and at such moments there is only one step before parting.

However, when everything is smooth, their compatibility can be strong. They have common interests. Both strive to create a stable family life, and both are highly materialistic. They can represent an outwardly glamorous and successful couple. This relationship is one of those that others envy, because they see only the surface.

But behind closed doors, this union is tested for strength every day.

Leo man and Cancer woman compatibility

If we think about what these partners are looking for in a relationship, we can immediately see how they are attracted to each other. She wants a man you can rely on, loyal, staunch and devoted, who will not destroy the family and appreciate her gentle, romantic nature.

Leo is just that kind of guy. He is looking for a woman he will be proud of, who will love him, adore and take care of all his needs. And taking care of his needs is exactly what his loving Cancer woman will happily do.

As the relationship develops, they will find that they have good sexual compatibility. As a combination of fire and water, they create an intense sex life that satisfies both partners.

Leo brings passion and drama, and the Cancer woman brings a deep and soulful emotional connection. When all is well in a relationship, a regal partner boosts their partner's confidence, and his sunny disposition helps ease her many worries.

She teaches him to value his own emotions and put family first. Their compatibility is balanced and mutually beneficial.

Leo is technically in charge of this relationship, which is good as he loves being in charge. However, half of him is the power behind his throne. She is impeccable in managing her family, even if she works full time.

She will maintain an impeccable home that satisfies all the needs of the king of the beasts, including the desire to be successful and glamorous. A caring spouse doesn’t mind him posing as a boss in public because she knows he really appreciates her. Together they are a strong and strong team.

Relationship problems arise from Leo's hot temper. Since he flashes up quickly, but almost immediately forgives and forgets everything, he sometimes does not understand how harmful his disposition can be for someone as sensitive as a Cancer woman.

But her tears and suffering will make him feel guilty, he will do his best to calm her down. He struggles to understand her ever-changing mood. He tirelessly encourages her, thereby preventing her from giving her time and opportunity to experience her emotions.

It is painful for Leo to see her depressed, but he needs to understand that his woman depends on the moon and it is not so easy for her to change her mood.

In general, this is a strong and harmonious union, partners complement each other well. Their relationship can be deeply loving, respectful, and definitely long-term.

What to work on in the relationship between Cancer and Leo

As representatives of the Moon and the Sun, they need to admit and accept the existence of another world, unknown to them. It is not a fact that they will ever understand each other, but this is not necessary, they just need to enjoy the integrity that they find together.

Read any book that describes the relationship between men and women and you will understand what is worth working on.

Hello! I really like to check my compatibility with men on your site. But! One thing confuses me, here I am a virgin, although I am a lion according to the Sun, I study the natal chart, so I know that I am a Leo. Therefore, could you tell me what kind of compatibility I have with a man, given that I am still a lion) My date: 08/23/1991. Its 07/01/1986. Thank you in advance.

Suraya, if you take only chakras / biorhythms, then everything is pretty good - as many as 3 very powerful compatibility:

But then there are only contradictions: the Cancer guy, being 5 years older than you, has 2 times less strong character according to Pythagoras - 2 against 4 for you. And also an unclear situation with your sign, as, indeed, in most cases with border signs.

Well, if you take Leo and Cancer, then they will be friends-neighbors "Best friend and best enemy." The couple is not that incompatible, but rather from the category of "you can live". By the way, statistics on pairs of In-contri readers' signs were already collected for the sake of sports interest, and this particular pair turned out to be the most popular. So it's not worth giving up on it.

One thing is negative in this case: the confrontation between your elements of Fire (Leo) and Water (Cancer), where victory will go with varying success to the older and more experienced Cancer man, or to the more explosive and strong-willed Lioness, that is, to you. Only Cancer does not like such confrontations at all, and each victory will not please, but depress. After all, at what cost did she get it. I will tell you that usually men cannot stand this for a long time. Either they leave, or the inner core breaks and they give up. A strong woman is another challenge for a weaker man.

Hello, I was looking for compatibility sites on the Internet. I looked at many sites, your site is one of the best! Among my friends, a lot of compatibility is the same.
Please comment on the compatibility he is - 07/10/1989, she is 08/22/1989. Who is more attracted to someone else, do you think? And what are the prospects?
P.S. Thanks in advance for your reply and for a wonderful site :)

In-contri: Maxim, it's very good that you looked at the calculations using several examples. Using one example, it is really not easy to understand such a rather extensive and diverse system the first time. And the understanding of the analysis comes just with the number of pairs passed through the calculation.

So, according to your two dates. The summary is this: there is attraction, but it is better to implement it in a friendly way. And the calculation results hint at this more than once. First, the horoscope according to which your pair of consecutive signs of Cancer and Leo is called "Best friend and best enemy." Those. a couple, relatively speaking, of “friends”, where one always exploits the other, and the exploited one at first fully trusts the previous sign, but then begins to doubt and suspect it all the time. Although, despite this description, "Best Friend and Best Enemy" is the most popular couple. Apparently, the zodiacal neighborhood still gives people a certain common ground for relations.

Next, we look at the chakras:
Physical - 63%
Emotional - 3%
Intellectual - 41%
Heart - 73%
Creative - 98%
Intuitive - 82%
Higher - 65%

And here's another confirmation of successful friendship and cooperation: the heart (friendly) chakra coincides by 73% plus the full set of compatibility of the three higher chakras. This combination is also called "high" relationship. The partners are led by common ideals in life (although I'm not sure that the partners born in 89 have already formed ideals), they get ideas from each other and the charge for their implementation, but in everyday life there is a complete inconsistency. And it is everyday unpretentious domestic discord that often destroys such couples if they risked living together. However, the woman in this pair will be more attached to her partner and, perhaps, will even make more concessions to him, because gravitates towards a man immediately by its 2 "female" chakras - heart and intuitive. This is the question of who is more attracted to someone else.

In addition to the above, it is your pair that is the meeting of the opposing elements of Fire (Leo) and Water (Cancer). Considering the same characters according to Pythagoras 2-2, it will not be possible to identify the winner here at once. So, Maxim, if you wrote about yourself, then get ready, or, if not about yourself, then tell your Cancer friend to prepare for a difficult relationship. Of course, for a romantic Cancer, a proud Leo with a creative maximum and an intuitive near-maximum will seem extremely attractive at the beginning. As well as for Leo, cute Cancer will become a spiritual friend. Only further is the not at all romantic ending of this overly close friendship looming.

Thanks a lot! Having calculated our horoscope with my husband, I better understood some aspects of the relationship. My DR is 08/13/1990, its 07/18/1986.
The incompatibility of the elements (fire + earth) scares a little, but when calculating a detailed astrocard, you can see that I have 4 planets in earth signs, how will this help in relationships? Also, the incompatibility of the lower chakras can be compensated by the upper ones?

In-contri: Anna, with a horoscope everything is much easier than you think. You, Leo, are an odd sign, and husband Cancer is an even sign. Even signs are compatible with each other and odd signs are compatible with each other, but even and odd are incompatible with each other. Everything. Horoscope compatibility in one formula. Even signs: signs of Earth and Water. Odd, respectively: Fire and Air. There is no need for any astro maps, when everything is already on the surface and has long been known. Therefore, I cannot suggest anything about the "planets in earthen signs". Just like the Author, I am not a supporter of astro maps. According to them, in general, if you wish and imagination, you can prove the compatibility of at least someone with anyone or attribute to one very specific sign under which a person was born, qualities that are not at all characteristic of him. What you are right about is that the incompatibility of the lower chakras is compensated by the upper ones. But you see what's the matter, Anna: such compensation can be talked about when both partners are at the stage of personal and spiritual maturity. And this, as a rule, has been happening for 30 years. As for your calculation of chark, it is clear that compatibility is more "masculine" - both compatible levels of intelligence and creativity are considered conditionally masculine. Well, and your pair of those that are classified as incompatible is considered the most popular - two signs follow each other. In principle, it's okay. Many people live like that.

Hello! Help me figure it out, if possible. We have been living for more than 3 years, we often swear, but we put up on his initiative (he says that he cannot live without me), I don’t understand: is it his love or self-interest? Now they freaked out at each other and has not called for more than 10 days (I have suspicions of treason). I don’t understand: is this MY person or not? What this relationship will bring: joy, pain or loss of time. Tired of uncertainty. I am 08/19/1966, he is 06/25/1980. Thank you in advance.

In-contri: Olga, if you look at the difference in temperaments in his favor (1 for you and 4 for him), then your suspicions may not be groundless. His temperament remains dissatisfied with you. Although it is not so easy for him to decide on treason: people with a high temperament, on the contrary, gravitate more towards their constant partner. The situation is aggravated by the type of compatibility of signs following each other, which is called "Best friend and best enemy" for a reason. And this is a constant and growing mistrust on both sides. Especially from the side of the second sign - i.e. from your side, Olga, from the side of Leo. For you, Cancer is the "Best Enemy". The rest of the results indicate more sympathy and initiative in these relationships on your part: you are older and you have 4 character, he has 2 (that's why he comes to you to put up, and not vice versa - he is dependent, and you are a leader), compatibility in emotions 94% and ... nothing else. In a pair of Fire-Water elements, it is almost impossible to achieve compatibility in the higher chakras - these elements are in confrontation with each other .. "We often quarrel" most likely because of intellectual dissonance and two Lions in a pair. Very, very difficult relationship.

It is easy to create a harmonious union for couples who are perfect according to their zodiac sign. But there are times when love or sincere friendship unites different partners. Such a pair is Leo and Cancer, the compatibility of which is in doubt.


General compatibility of Leo and Cancer by horoscope

According to astrologers, the compatibility of Leo and Cancer is ambiguous and controversial. A couple is rarely able to build a strong relationship. Cancers are sensual and dreamy, they love a home environment. Leos are energetic and enjoy being the center of attention.

Nevertheless, the signs attract each other outwardly. They admire each other and have mutual warm feelings.

A couple of these zodiac signs have a lot more problems than the rest. Leo will not understand the measured Cancer, who prefers to rest at home. And Cancer will not support the activity and hobbies of Leo, who should always be in the spotlight and take leadership positions.

Conflicts can also arise over finances, since Cancers are used to rationally spending their savings. Lions, on the other hand, are prone to wasteful attitude towards money.

Leo personality

Lions, as representatives of the element of Fire, have a hot-tempered and impulsive character.

The qualities of people born under this symbol:

  1. Activity and tireless desire to be in the center of attention, is distinguished by brightness. The sun is the patron saint of Lions. It endows the representatives of this sign with a bright character, a desire to shine and influence others. Lions hate being alone. They need to communicate, show themselves and shine.
  2. Generosity, pride, self-esteem. Leo will not pass by the misfortune of another person. He will always help in word and deed. Leos love to lead and give advice. They are offended if these tips are not used. But they don't show their resentment. They go to reconciliation with pleasure, but they will not be the first to ask for forgiveness.
  3. Love of luxury, family leadership. Leos need to command not only at work, but also at home. If the household does not interfere with this, then in return they receive a beautiful and prosperous life. Lions earn and spend a lot. They love luxury and wealth.

The nature of the cancer

This, his feelings and moods are controlled by the Moon. All Cancers have common features - gullibility, gentleness and vulnerability. They may be hurt by the most harmless joke from a friend.

Cancers feel uncomfortable outside their home, room, social circle. This representative has few friends.

What qualities does Cancer have:

  1. Changeable character. Cancer's mood can change several times a day.
  2. This sign values ​​stability. Confidence in the future is important to him.
  3. Stubbornness. Cancers need to fight this negative quality.
  4. Cancers give the impression of meek and calm people. But, inside such a person, a storm of passions can boil.
  5. Cancers are owners. They will not be able to share their favorite things and loved ones with others. For this sign, history and family traditions mean a lot.
  6. Reflection. This sign, with the help of introspection, strives to achieve inner perfection.

Cancers are quite active personalities, but they are strongly attached to their relatives.

Leo woman and Cancer man

Difficult relationships await a couple, since the Cancer man is sensual and gentle, appreciates the family, and the Leo woman has a bright and explosive character.

Leo and Cancer compatibility in love

Lionesses love bright men, so she simply will not notice the modest Cancer. But the guy will look after the girl until she submits.

The relationship between Leo and Cancer is quarrels, reconciliation and passion. For a harmonious union in love, this couple needs to pacify their pride.

Sexual compatibility

These two opposite signs are ideally compatible in intimate life. If during the day there were disagreements and conflicts, then in the evening their relationship is improving in bed.

The Cancer man will gladly give the dominant position to the Lioness. She will be able to satisfy her personal ambitions, and he will show sensuality.

In bed, the Lioness and Cancer understand each other better. Both enjoy long foreplay and conversations after sex.


The desire to start a family for such a couple will not be based on feelings. Rather, an idea will push them to an important step. Marriage relations will not be smooth, since Cancer will not be able to tolerate unpleasant statements and frequent outbursts of emotions of their chosen one for a long time.

A good marriage can happen if partners share responsibilities and try not to interfere in each other's affairs. In this case, the Cancer man will take on all the responsibilities of raising children and home improvement. They have a good sense of beauty. Female Lionesses will take care of their careers and provide for their families. It is important for them to achieve success at work, and at home to be docile and caring women.


Due to the different lifestyles, friendship rarely occurs between these signs. They can become friends if both need support. Cancers will always help the Lioness, surround her with care and listen at the right time, which is very necessary for a woman to raise her self-esteem. And thanks to Leo, changes begin to occur in Cancer's life and he often gets out of the house.

Work and business

In the business area, the couple creates a neutral alliance. Individually, they are great workers, but working together is easy. The lioness is strong and domineering, a born leader. But, this will not work on a calm and detached Cancer. He is hardworking, but takes things slowly. In his work, he relies on intuition and does not seek to occupy the boss's chair.

Channel 1000 and 1 horoscope tells about the compatibility of the Leo woman and the Cancer man.

Leo man and Cancer woman

It is easier for a Cancer woman to adapt to the character and temperament of Leo. They can have a strong alliance if they pass all the tests, of which there will be many.

Love compatibility

An active Leo will not immediately notice the modest and gentle Cancer girl, but will fall under the charm, a sense of reliability and comfort. A woman will be attracted by the gallantry and nobility of Leo. He will become a wall for her and a reliable shoulder that she needs.

Both the Cancer girl and the Leo guy like traditional families where the head of the family is a man.


The union of Leo and Cancer can develop solely through mutual love. Difficulties can manifest themselves in budget allocation. If the girl takes everything into her own hands, then the marriage will be happy. A girl should not show her emotions and disobedience to her husband, as he should feel like a leader. But, there are times when Cancer's nerves fail and she shows her independence. This scares Leo so much that he will do everything to make his half smile.

Issues on raising children are easily resolved between spouses. Cancer and Leo are great parents.

Sexual compatibility

Their opposites go well in bed. Leos are gentle and affectionate, while Cancers are gentle and receptive. Sometimes Leo men are rude and negligent, which can alienate a girl from intimacy.


There can be no friendship between a Leo man and a Cancer girl. Their acquaintance will develop into a love relationship.

Work and business

This couple is capable of creating a good business. Leo will lead global projects, and Cancer will deal with the little things. Lions know how and love to make grand gestures, and Cancers - counting money. Quite good relationships develop in office work, when a Leo man takes the boss's chair. He does not forget to encourage the Cancer employee, and she worships her boss.