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How to assess your physical fitness: army standards of physical training. Mandatory physical training standards in the army and special services of russia - photo

Army standards. How many times do you need to pull up in the army?

    According to the stories of the serving sons - 8-10 times. But it really was a long time ago, now, probably, everything has been tightened. The main thing was to pull up a certain minimum, 10 times, then either everyone was too lazy to do, or they continued until they exhausted themselves. By the way, here is a quote from the site that every recruit should be able to do. This applies to physical exercise:

    It is very useful to be able to pull up on the bar at least 10 times and push up from the floor 30 times.

    There, in principle, they say how much you need to pull yourself up to the top five, and then everything depends on the soldier and his physical fitness.

    In the army, the more times you pull up on the crossbar, the better. If we talk about the standards, then, for example, for men who enter military service under a contract, the number of pull-ups should be at least 10 times, but for those over 30, the standard is already less than 8 times.

    Here you can read how much and everything you need to do. The standard for pull-ups twelve times, so it is written. To be able to pull up, you can start hanging on the bar and try to pull up every two days. When you get used to hanging on your hands a little, then you can pull yourself up. The main thing is to do it regularly.

    In order to fulfill the standard of a conscript for pull-ups on the bar, you need to pull up 12 times - this means to fulfill perfectly.

    Pull-ups should be high-quality. The pull-up is valid if the following conditions are met:

    • the chin has risen above the crossbar (this position should be fixed for at least one second;
    • the legs should not swing, thereby helping the body with inertia (but the position of the legs itself does not matter - whether they are divorced or bent, it does not matter).
  • To pull up - I don't remember, it was a long time ago, but in the sergeant's training there was at least 6 times to make a rise with a coup and you had to be able to do an exercise with the name quot on the bar; sklpka (swing - bring your legs to the bar and step on straight arms).

    There cannot be one figure for pulling up for the entire army, for all branches and types of troops. And everyone already understands that, for example, for the construction battalion, there is one standard for pulling up, but for the Airborne Forces or even special forces, the standard is different. And this is correct in my opinion.

    So do not undertake to judge the entire army as a whole, you have not been everywhere! I am not talking to the author of the question, but to those who boldly assure that the number is the same everywhere. We were forced to pull up to the maximum, there was a point system, and there were not standards, but whoever could. And every pull-up was taken into account.

    So in our company they pulled up all at least 15 times, without jerking or swinging. And after that, they still managed to make a rise with a coup. Only the most trained served in our company!

    It was all a long time ago. And over the time and standards that have passed since then, they could well have changed and I could have forgotten them. But in my opinion, if I'm not mistaken, then in the army we pulled ourselves up on the horizontal bar fourteen times.

    There was more zapadlo.

    In order to receive an estimate excellent according to the standard for pulling up in the army, you need to pull up 12 times.

    If you can't pull up even once, then you can achieve this result in less than a month. To do this, during each day, several times you need to practice on the crossbar (according to your own experience).

    It seems that we had the standard 12 times, 10-11 - this still did not go where, 8-10 - they gave a scolding, but closed their eyes, but below 8 times there was a very bad result, for which later, after checking, such soldiers were driven to the fullest program. It never threatened me, from 6 times in the first days of the service I reached 19 clean times by the end ... Those who pulled themselves up 15 times during the check were given 4 dismissals in a row. Although, behind the fence, the paratroopers seemed to have standards 3 times higher ...

    A novice conscript needs to pull up at least 12 times, but with age, this figure can drop up to 1 time (for those who are over 50 years old). So that there is something to strive for. At school I remember exactly 9 times was enough.

People serving in the army divide civilian life into army life. In sports standards, there are many differences and requirements for candidates and active military personnel in various branches of the military. It will be interesting for many to see the army requirements for sports training according to various criteria and compare them with the civilian standards of the TRP. Yes, and every man, we think, will be interested to know whether he is sufficiently prepared and tempered to pass the army standards for physical training for military personnel in 2019, and you yourself can measure your strength and the right to be a worthy defender of the Fatherland.

Important! Standards may not be accurate
Therefore, it is important to check them with places of service in specialized institutions.

Physical standards for conscripts in the army

In fact, there are no approved requirements for sporting norms, first of all, they are selected for the army according to the types of troops for the state of mental and physical health. And in the army you will be taught on exercises and run and pull up and other strength exercises.

Basic standards for physical training for military personnel undergoing military service by conscription

The exercise


Military personnel who have served less than 6 months Servicemen who have served 6 months or more

Pull-up on the bar

10 km march

Cross-country skiing 5 km

These standards are used during the exams by applicants to enter the higher military institutions of Russia, and also do not differ much, if not all alike, in countries such as Ukraine and Belarus.

It is worth noting that all conditions for the development of physical endurance have been created in the army for military service. In the mornings every day, exercises and in the afternoon classes in general physical training according to the army training program. In many sleeping quarters of the barracks, there are sports corners with exercise equipment and with the presence of sports equipment: dumbbells, weights, barbells, a horizontal bar, where each serviceman of the unit can additionally exercise in his free time.

The main task of physical training is to ensure maximum readiness to perform combat missions in full uniforms and weapons, which sometimes weigh a lot. For this, a training march of throws is carried out in various conditions over rough terrain. Each soldier must control his body and mind to successfully complete a combat mission.

You need to understand that no special standards will be required from recruits to the Russian army and any physical form will be welcome. Therefore, we want to consider the standards primarily for those who serve under a contract, as well as for various special services of Russia.

Standards for military personnel on contract for 2019

Upon admission to the contract, the candidate must fulfill any three standards from the categories below: strength, speed and endurance according to the minimum requirements. These standards, as a rule, are fulfilled in sports form and within one day. The choice of 3 standards is carried out by citizens independently. If at least one of the standards is not met, then the change is not counted. Checking the physical fitness of candidates is carried out by a specialist from relevant departments. All results of verification of standards to candidates should be reported upon the fact of verification.

Exercises for entering contract service

Minimum Requirements

Pull-up on the bar
Torso forward bends
Clean and jerk 2 weights, weighing 24 kg
Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position

Speed ​​limits

Running 100 meters

Endurance standards

1 km running
3 km running
Cross-country skiing 5 km
Swimming 500 m * / 300 m 13.00 minutes 13.30 minutes 11.00 minutes 11.30 minutes

* Swimming is accepted subject to the availability of conditions for candidates for the naval personnel of the Navy.

Full table of points for the physical training of military personnel

Verification of the standards of all military personnel is carried out from the calculations of the age group, which are given below. The task of each is to score a certain total score for the final assessment of the physical fitness test.

It would seem that in our age of advanced technologies, when the conduct of hostilities has smoothly moved from direct contact of opponents to the control of remote devices of various ranges and destructive power, it is not advisable to train soldiers for hand-to-hand combat. But the realities of military life speak differently. Even the most reliable equipment can fail, or be incapacitated by the enemy, in which case the soldier must be able, if not to defend himself, then at least for a long time move across the most varied terrain to new lines. And this almost always requires good physical shape.

It is important to note that the training of military personnel can be roughly divided into several main parts:

  • training of conscripts;
  • training of contract servicemen;
  • physical activity on warrant officers and warrant officers;
  • preparation of university students;
  • physical activity for service personnel.

Each of the listed blocks has its own characteristics and focuses on specific gender and age groups. In any case, current and future soldiers, as well as citizens who voluntarily linked their lives with the armies, must be able to pass the minimum standards of physical fitness. Among them, the following exercises stand out:

  • for agility and speed;
  • strength exercises for arms and legs;
  • the ability to run quickly for a while for short and long distances;
  • be hardy;
  • can swim;
  • the minimum set of hand-to-hand combat techniques;
  • coherence of work in teams of various sizes (group exercises).

It should be noted that before passing the standards, military personnel have the opportunity to prepare and improve their individual indicators. This is facilitated by daily sports activities, the allotted time for self-training, a variety of sports equipment and devices that are present in almost every military unit. Physical training in army units is included in the compulsory combined-arms training of servicemen, and passing the standards is an intermediate stage at each level of such training. And if a soldier, warrant officer or officer does not miss the established schedule of classes, monitors his physical form, plays sports at his leisure, it will not be difficult for them to go through the standards specified by regulatory documents. Moreover, they are divided taking into account age categories, sex characteristics, the degree of possible physical activity for a particular military unit.

You need to understand that the mandatory minimum for any soldier called up to serve the Motherland is running long and short distances, strength exercises (the minimum amount of pull-ups on the horizontal bar and push-ups on the uneven bars), the ability to swim and defend oneself in hand-to-hand combat. All this is also accompanied by the development of endurance, the ability to act harmoniously as part of a squad, platoon, company, battalion. After all, the entire military service is built on discipline, the ability of each of its participants not only to complete the assigned task, but also, if necessary, to support and help a comrade who is in trouble. It is important to note that the effectiveness of passing the standards as part of the unit is assessed by the last participant. Therefore, in order to invest in the standard, it is very important to act in a coordinated manner, monitor the condition of each member of a particular unit, and, if necessary, even help him cope with difficulties and overcome an obstacle.

Today, everyone who has served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has the right to continue serving in the army by concluding a contract with the state. But in order to conclude a contract and start training, it is necessary to pass several tests and fulfill the necessary physical standards for contract soldiers, since contract service in the army presupposes a more significant level of physical training of professionals in relation to conscripts.

The future contract soldier must first appear at his military registration and enlistment office or a special selection point with the necessary package of documents. This is followed by an interview with specialists and tests to identify the abilities and potential of the candidate. Judging by the results of the tests and the conclusions they will receive, the applicant will be recommended the most suitable military specialty and place of service. Of course, this is all provided that he passes the selection for all the above parameters. Then the procedure for passing various commissions is determined for him, after which the delivery of standards follows.

Important! By the way, servicemen pass the standards in accordance with the approved standards and norms of the NFP 2009. You must also have adequate health within the framework of group A (fit for service) or group B (fit with minor restrictions).

What is Fizeau in the Army?

Physical standards in the army for contract soldiers are regulated by a special provision "Manual on physical training in the RF Armed Forces", approved by order of the Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov No. 200 of 04/21/2009. The Minister considers physical training to be the basis of soldier combat readiness, increasing which, you will certainly raise the combat capability of the entire army.

Important! The main task of physio is a qualitative change in the combat readiness of personnel for the implementation of the most difficult tasks set by the command.

The physical requirements for applicants vary considerably in terms of workload, in accordance with the profession that has been chosen.

There are three main groups:

  • for candidates for service in the Airborne Forces, DShB, intelligence, special forces and marines;
  • for personnel of combat units, support, military management, students of military schools;
  • for employees of material and technical supplies, medical and service maintenance of the fleet, military bands, employees of managerial units, cadets of training centers.

Each of these groups has its own gender characteristics and focuses on certain age categories.

A contract candidate must fulfill three basic standards with minimum requirements:

  • strength (pulling up on the bar, pushing the kettlebell, push-ups);
  • speed (sprint 60 m, sprint 100 m, shuttle run);
  • endurance (1 km running, 3 km running, swimming and cross-country skiing).

Citizens in the right to choose standards on their own. Failure to comply with at least one of the three standards is excluded, delivery will not be counted. The specialists of the relevant department are involved in checking the physical fitness of candidates. The results of passing the standards by the applicants must be recorded in fact in a specially created card. The standards must be met during a separately allocated day, being in sports uniform.

The standards are based on the gender and age of candidates:

  • Group 1 - up to 25 years old;
  • Group 2 - up to 30 years old;
  • Group 3 - up to 35 years old; further, with an interval of five years, the serial number of the group increases.
  • the last group, 8th, corresponds to the age of over 55 years.

Everyone should receive the required passing total score based on the results of the physical readiness test of the future military professional.

The fighter is evaluated as follows:

  • bad "(0-35);
  • "Good" (36-60);
  • "Excellent" (61-100).

What physical standards must a contractor fulfill?

When the rapid development of high technologies made it possible to use the most modern weapons, such as long-range unmanned vehicles and enormous destructive power, and direct fire contact with the enemy began to go down in history, it would seem that there is no need to study hand-to-hand combat. However, the reality is completely different. The most modern and reliable equipment can be destroyed by the enemy or fail, then the fighter must be ready for long transitions over the most rugged terrain to take new positions. Good physical fitness can provide such readiness in most cases.

Therefore, the standards for contractors look like this:

  • male candidate under 30: push-ups - 45 times; pull-ups - 10 times; sprint 60 m in 9.8 seconds; sprint 100 m in 15.1 seconds; shuttle run 10x10 in 28.5 sec. Endurance test: 3 km marathon - 14.4 min; 1 km - 4.2 min; skiing 5 km - 28 minutes;
  • male candidate over 30 years old: push-ups - 40 times; pull-ups - 8 times; sprint 60 m in 10 seconds; sprint 100 m in 15.8 seconds; shuttle run 10x10 in 29.5 sec. Endurance test: 3 km marathon - 15.15 minutes; 1 km - 4.45 minutes; skiing 5 km - 29 minutes;
  • female candidate under 25: push-ups - 12 times; press (torso bends) - 25 times; sprint 60 m - in 12.9 seconds; sprint 100 m in 19.5 seconds; shuttle run 10x10 in 38 sec. Endurance test: 1 km marathon - 5.2 minutes;
  • female candidate over 25 years old: push-ups - 10 times; press (torso bends) - 20 times; sprint 60 m - in 13.9 seconds; sprint 100 m in 20.5 seconds; shuttle run 10x10 in 38 sec. Endurance test: 1 km marathon - 5.45 min.

Contractors are periodically certified, and who do not score the required points, receive five months for rehabilitation before the question of dismissal from the armed forces arises.

Interesting! To reward those who have passed the standards with high rates, there is a salary increase (for current contractors).

Important! In addition to the requirements for the candidate, there are also a number of conditions that must be met to ensure the successful completion of the physical:

  • clothing: several options are allowed, but mostly it is a sports uniform;
  • climatic conditions: the ambient temperature at the time of passing the standards should be within the range from -15 to +35 degrees Celsius. Going beyond the limits here is strictly prohibited, otherwise irreparable harm to health may be caused.

Most often, the concept of a march is associated with an army, running in full combat gear. But some of the subtleties of this discipline still remain a veil of secrecy for many. In addition, the march is not only an army concept. This type of competition is also in tourism. What kind of marches are there, and what are their features

Tourist march- This is a sports and tourist competition, which began to be officially held not so long ago. For the first time the official start of a tourist march was given in 2003 in the Moscow region. Before that, similar competitions were held earlier, but only the distances were much shorter and easier, and the number of participants was not so large. 70 athletes from 30 teams took part in the official competition.

The distance of the tourist march is different. On average, the distance fluctuates around 40-50 kilometers. Multi-day competitions are also held. In general, a tourist march is like a very long distance. The participant is given cards, and not necessarily at the start, on which checkpoints are marked, which they must mark.

The complexity of the tourist march lies not only in the large mileage, but also in the fact that the participants of the competition must overcome various natural obstacles in the course of the distance. These can be deep ditches, rivers and swamps. In this case, tourists should use special equipment.

Participants are prohibited from using various means of transportation and using the help of strangers, except in emergency situations. A full team must come to the checkpoints. Most often, the distance consists of two parts. After completing the first part of the distance, the participants are given new cards and the correctness of the first stage is checked.

The most popular touristic march competitions are St. Petersburg and Moscow march. Traditionally, they are held twice a year: in spring and autumn. For some starts, more than 1000 teams are announced, participants can cover distances for more than a day.

Army march

Army march from time to time you can see it in movies, hear about this discipline, or even experience it for yourself. The essence of the march is to cover a certain distance with a full set of equipment, which includes an assault rifle, a pouch with magazines, a gas mask. Most often, the distance that the soldiers must cover on the forward march is 5 or 10 kilometers. And all this is not in sports, but in uniform (army) clothing.

The march can be carried out with various complications, depending on the opening. So, for example, a command can be made to transfer a "wounded" comrade from start to finish. The distance can be overcome both by individual participants in the race, and as part of a unit. In the second case, the distance between the leader and the closing one should not be more than 100 meters. The standards for the march in both cases will be different.

The terrain for this exercise is selected to be medium-intersected, without strong differences in height. Start and finish are usually in one place. Most often, rarely does anyone manage to overcome the entire distance by running, so it is customary to alternate an accelerated step with a run. Moreover, it is not advisable to walk more than 25% of the entire distance.

Army march. Standards

To get the maximum number of points for a 5 and 10 kilometer march, it is necessary to cover distances in less than 21 and 47 minutes, respectively, to get a credit - in 29 and 73 minutes, respectively. For a person leading a sports lifestyle, these standards may seem too light. It turns out that you need to run each kilometer in about 4 minutes. At first glance, this is not very difficult.

In fact, many do not take into account that this distance will have to be overcome not in light running clothes, but in uniforms, high-top boots and with a loaded machine gun. The total weight of all equipment can fluctuate around 10 kilograms. No water or make-up, minimum stops and steps.

Table # 1. 5 km march standards

PointsMin., Sec.PointsMin., Sec.PointsMin., Sec.PointsMin., Sec.PointsMin., Sec.PointsMin., Sec.
100 21 84 22.36 68 23.5 52 25.2 36 27.4 20 29.05
99 21.06 83 22.42 67 23.55 51 25.25 35 27.45 19 29.1
98 21.12 82 22.48 66 24 50 25.3 34 27.5 18 29.15
97 21.18 81 22.5 65 24.06 49 25.35 33 28 17 29.2
96 21.24 80 22.54 64 24.12 48 25.4 32 28.05 16 29.25
95 21.3 79 22.55 63 24.18 47 25.45 31 28.1 15 29.3
94 21.36 78 23 62 24.24 46 25.5 30 28.15 14 29.35
93 21.42 77 23.05 61 24.3 45 25.55 29 28.2 13 29.4
92 21.48 76 23.1 60 24.35 44 26 28 28.25 12 29.45
91 21.54 75 23.15 59 24.4 43 26.05 27 28.3 11 29.5
90 22 74 23.2 58 24.45 42 26.1 26 28.35 10 29.55
89 22.06 73 23.25 57 24.5 41 26.15 25 28.4 9 30
88 22.12 72 23.3 56 25 40 26.2 24 28.45 8 30.05
87 22.18 71 23.35 55 25.05 39 26.25 23 28.5 7 30.1
86 22.24 70 23.4 54 25.1 38 26.3 22 28.55 6 30.15
85 22.3 69 23.45 53 25.15 37 26.35 21 29

Other variations of the march

Today, various clubs and organizations hold amateur marching competitions. Their goal is mainly to raise the patriotic spirit of the participants. Particular attention is paid to young athletes.

For such competitions, tracks with various obstacles can be specially created. They can be artificial puddles, mud, steep climbs, and more. In other words, everything a future soldier might face.

Both team championships and individual competitions can be held. Typically, such competitions are curated by military-patriotic clubs. Such starts have never suffered from a shortage of participants. A striking example of a modified march is race of heroes.


To summarize, we can say that there are two main types of march-throw:

- tourist;

- military.

The first one is not so popular in wide circles, but it does not become uninteresting from this. Despite the small popularity, thousands of people from all over the country take part in these competitions every year.

As for the military march, despite the small distance of 5 or 10 kilometers, it is not as easy to overcome it as it seems. The standards for the march are compiled on the basis that the participants in the race must be fully equipped with combat equipment and dressed in uniform.

Amateur army marches are also held. The distance in such competitions can be either less or more classical. Such events allow everyone who wishes, who has no contraindications, to experience all the complexities of such a difficult exercise as a march.

Surely everyone who goes in for sports at least a little and tries to keep himself in good physical shape is interested in the standards that contract servicemen must pass. Next, we bring to your attention the mandatory standards of physical training in the army, airborne forces and special forces.


Contractual service can be divided into several categories: by age group and by gender. Yes, women also serve under contract. By age, the standards are divided into two categories: up to 30 years and over 30 - for men, up to 25 years and over 25 - for women. You must sign your first contract between the ages of 18 and 40. Fitness standards consist of three levels: strength training, speed data and your endurance level. Therefore, it includes activities such as push-ups, pull-ups, running and skiing. Let's take a closer look at all of this.

Men under 30:

Pull-ups on the bar: 10 times
- push-ups: 45 times
- 60 meter run: 9.8 seconds
- 100 meter run: 15.1 sec.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 28.5 sec.
- 3 km run: 14.4 minutes
- 1 km run: 4.2 min.
- ski race (5 km): 28 minutes

Men over 30:

Pull-ups on the bar: 8 times
- push-ups: 40 times
- running 60 meters: 10 seconds
- 100 meter run: 15.8 sec.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 29.5 sec.
- 3 km run: 15.5 minutes
- 1 km run: 4.45 min.
- ski race (5 km): 29 minutes

As you can see, the standards for age differ, but not so much, therefore, with regular training, they are quite tough for the older generation. Now let's move on to the fair sex.

Women under 25:

Torso forward bend: 25 times
- push-ups: 12 times
- 60 meter run: 12.9 seconds
- running 100 meters: 19.5 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 38 s.
- 1 km run: 5.20 min.

Women over 25:

Torso forward bend: 20 times
- push-ups: 10 times
- 60 meter run: 13.9 seconds
- running 100 meters: 20.5 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 39 s.
- 1 km run: 5.45 min.

The Airborne Forces have always been considered the elite of the Russian army, so their fitness standards are especially interesting. Paratroopers are required to have an extremely high level of stamina. So, we look and analyze:

Pull-ups on the bar: 13 times
- running 100 meters: 14.1 seconds
- 3 km run: 12.3 minutes
- 5 km cross: 24 minutes
- cross-country skiing 5 km: 28 minutes
- skiing march 10 km: 1 hour 15 minutes
- march throw as part of a unit: 56 minutes
- overcoming the obstacle course: 2 minutes 25 seconds
- swimming in uniform with weapons: 100 meters
- special complex of hand-to-hand combat: estimated by a point

In addition to everything, there are several power complexes and a number of tests to overcome the obstacle course.


And now, perhaps, the most delicious. To meet these requirements, you will have to work hard in the gym.

Pull-ups on the bar: 25 times
- push-ups: 90 times
- bench press lying down: 10 times (weight not less than its own, but not more than 100 kg)
- press lying on your back: 100 times
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 25 seconds
- running 100 meters: 12.7 seconds
- 3 km cross: 11 minutes
- jumping up with a change of legs: 90 times

Also, this whole list is complemented by the demonstration of the technique of punches and kicks and participation in various sparring fights. And the normative exercise, which we even decided to endure separately from all the others - KSU (complex strength exercise). This includes: 10 push-ups from the floor, 10 times the press while lying on your back, 10 times crouching down - lying down, 10 times jumping up from the crouching position. And this complex must be performed 8 times in a row without interruption!
As we can see, the loads are different for everyone. For contract service, the standards are not so stringent, and most athletic people will meet them without problems. Further, of course, everything is not so simple - for the level of the Airborne Forces and special services, you need to be a real athlete.