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Meetings of the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition countries. Lecture: International Conferences of the Heads of the Anti-Hitler Coalition and Solutions

Anti-Hitler Coalition - the Union of States and Peoples, which has developed during World War II against the aggressive block of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites.

US + USSR + United Kingdom + France + China + Poland + Czechoslovakia + Yugoslavia

Stages of folding:

-12 July 1941 Soviet-British Agreement, signed in Moscow, on joint actions in the war against Germany. The basic principles of activity are formulated: mutual assistance and support in the war against Germany and the refusal to negotiate or conclude a truce with the enemy without the mutual consent of the allies.

-August 14, 1941 - "Atlantic Charter" Anglo-American Declaration.Contained calls for the formation of an antihytler coalition.

-24 September 1941 - London Conference.The Atlantic Charter was approved and became the first joint statement of the USSR, the United States and the UK on the objectives of the struggle against the aggressor.

September 20 - October 1, 1941 - Moscow Conference. USA, USSR, United Kingdom. A number of specific agreements were adopted aimed at mobilizing the resources of the Allied countries. (After December 7, 1941 - Pearl Harbor USA became a warring state).

Start of supplies to the USSR on Land Lesu from USA

-1 January 1942 - Signing of the Declaration of the United Nations (Washington Declaration)who issued the Union of the States of the Antihytler Coalition. The first wills in her: the USA, the USSR, the United Kingdom, China, then another 22 states.

- June 11, 1942 Washington- Soviet-American Agreement on the principles of mutual assistance in conducting war against aggression

Problem: Opening the second front, delay the troops from the first front (first of all the interest of the USSR).

The reasons for pulling out the opening of the second front: the depletion policy of the USSR and Germany, ideological contradictions. Open July 6, 1944


1943 Tehran Conference.

Yalta conference

Role: - Combining the efforts of states

The defeat of Germany and Japan, the conclusion of Italy from the war (1943)

The main role in the defeat of Hitler - USSR

The contribution of the participants of the anti-Hitler coalition to the fight against fascism is extremely uneven: some participants led active hostilities with Germany and its allies, others helped them the supply of military products, the third participated in the war only nominally.

June 22, 1941 British Prime Minister W. Churchill, and on June 24, US President F.D. Roosevelt declared the intention of their countries to assist the Soviet Union in the fight against Germany.
On July 12, 1941, an Anglo-Soviet agreement on joint action in the war against Germany was signed. In August 1941 Roosevelt and Churchill, having met in the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Canada, signed the Charter, which set out the official goals of the United States and the UK in the war and became one of the anti-Hitler coalition program documents. The Atlantic Charter said that the United States and the United Kingdom do not seek territorial or other transfigurations and respect the right of all nations to choose the form of government. The Charter was formulated in a democratic spirit. But it indicated ways to eliminate fascist order. To fulfill these mutual commitments, there were three forms of cooperation, coalition states: military, material and political.
The victory of the Red Army near Moscow in December 1941 facilitated the final design of the anti-Hitler coalition. On January 1, 1942, in Washington, twenty-six states, including the Soviet Union, the United States, United Kingdom, signed the Declaration of the United Nations. They pledged to use their resources to fight against aggressors, cooperate in war and not to enter into a separator world.

On May 26, 1942, the agreement was signed between the USSR and the United Kingdom about the Union in the war against Hitler's Germany and its accomplices in Europe. The agreement also provided for cooperation and mutual assistance after the war. In May-June 1942, Soviet-American negotiations were held in Washington, which ended on June 11 by signing an agreement on the principles applied to mutual assistance in conducting war against aggression. Both sides pledged each other defense materials, information and develop trade and economic community. The conclusion of these documents has shown that the differences in the social structure and ideology are overcome.
In general, the idea of \u200b\u200bassistance to countries opposing Nazi Germany arose in the US Department of Finance in the fall of 1940, when the legal advisers of this ministry E. Foli and O. Cox found in Archives of 1892, adopted by President Benjamin Harrisone. Dust from him, they read that the US Military Minister, "When, at the interests of it, it will be in the interests of the state, the property of the army will be rented for a period of no more than five years if the country does not need it." Based on his find, Foli and Coke prepared Bill, that is, the draft law on Land Liza (English. Lend is to lease and lease). March 11th
1941 President signed him. Supplies to Land Lisa were carried out by the United States to the Alien Country Coalition in the period of World War II. The assistance was provided by the governments of 42 countries (including the United Kingdom, the USSR, China, Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands, New Zealand, etc.) and by the end of the war in the money equivalent of approximately 48 billion dollars.
Officially, negotiations on Land Lases with the USSR began on September 29, 1941. The first deliveries of the Soviet Union on Land Lisa began in October 1941. One of the most important components of Western Assistance to the Soviet Union within the framework of Land Lisa were large-scale supply of automotive equipment from USA, Canada and Great Britain. The first buses of cars arrived in the USSR in the fall of 1941. In 1942, the Red Army lost 66,200 cars, and received 152,900, the domestic industry was produced only 35,000 new cars and 79,000 USSR received on Land Lisa. In 1943-1945 387,300 cars were sent to the army, and 398,785 were obtained on Land Lases. The overwhelming majority of imported cars were sent directly to the front.
In addition to weapons, ammunition and a variety of US military equipment, the United Kingdom and Canada were supplied to the Soviet Union, fighting with Hitler's Germany, a huge amount of industrial and agricultural goods. One of the weakest places of the Soviet economy on the eve of the majority of the war was the production of aviation and, to a slightly lesser extent, automotive gasoline. The airbenzine supplied according to Land Land-Lesa, together with light gasoline fractions amounted to 46.7% of the Soviet production of 1941-1945.
The extremely important contribution of Western Allies on the Anti-Hitler Coalition to our common victory was their lend-leases for the needs of Soviet rail transport. 622.1 thousand tons of railway rail, 11,075 cars were delivered to Land Lased in the USSR (10.2 times more Soviet production 1942-1945).
American supplies played a significant role in the supply of USSR with auto strokes. On Land Lisa was put in the Soviet Union 3,606 thousand auto strokes, while Soviet production in 1941-1945. amounted to 8 368 thousand pieces.
Extremely important for the Soviet Union in general, for the Red Army, in particular, had the lend-lysovskiy food supplies. The acute food crisis broke out in 1943, when the already extremely scarce norms of food issuing were grievously reduced by almost a third. Therefore, food deliveries by mid-1944 significantly increased, sweating in Soviet applications, metals and even some types of weapons.

Truly exceptional importance for the management of the armed struggle had the supply to Western allies of communications and fire management systems. By the end of the war, the share of the allied property of communication in the Red Army and on the fleet was 80%. A large number of imported property of communication was sent to the national economy.
In the letter I. Stalin, the US President of June 11, 1945 was noted that "Agreement, on the basis of which the USA throughout the war in Europe was supplied by the USSR in the order of Land Liza strategic materials and food, played an important role in A significant extent promoted the successful completion of the war against the general enemy - Hitler's Germany. "
In the case of military cooperation, the opening of the second front in Europe was of particular importance. In the summer of 1942, the USSR martial law deteriorated sharply. The German offensive in the south put the Soviet Union in the most difficult situation for the entire year of the war. On August 12-16, Churchill spent negotiations with Stalin, during which Stalin strengthened the thought that allies are waiting until Germany is exhausted in the fight against the Soviet Union, to then enter the war on the European continent at the last stage.
The second front was opened only on June 6, 1944. With landing of Anglo-American troops in Normandy (Northern France) and American troops in southern France on August 15. By this time, the Germans had in France, Belgium, Holland, the West armies group consisting of 50 divisions, there were more than 200 divisions against the USSR and the overwhelming majority of tanks and aviation of the enemy. The opening of the second front affected the position of the Eastern Front, as the allies immediately moved to the protracted nature of combat operations. The activity of the Anglo-American troops increased only after they realized that the USSR would soon defeat fascist Germany, will take place Berlin and free the countries of Western Europe. The Anglo-Americans began to urgently occupy Austria, Western and South Germany, but by the beginning of the Berlin operation of the Soviet troops they are not even
Whether to r. Rhine.
The coordination of the Military Action Plans and Politicians in relation to future Europe was devoted to the Conference of the Great Powers, held in 1943-1945. The first meeting of the heads of the three great powers - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill had a particular importance - in Tehran on November 1 - December 1, 1943. At the insistence of the Soviet delegation, the Tehran Conference decided to open the second front in France during May 1944 the Tehran conference also accepted notice the statement I. Stalin, that Soviet
The troops will take an offensive at about the same time in order to prevent the transfer of German forces from the East to the West Front. In Tehran, the Soviet delegation, going to meet the requests of the US and Great Britain governments, declared the readiness of the USSR to enter the war against Japan at the end of hostilities in Europe. At the Tehran Conference, an agreement was reached on establishing the borders of Poland. In general, the total outcome of the Tehran conference was positive.
Again the "big three" (Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill) gathered on 4-11 February 1945 in the Livadia Palace near Yalta during the period when the war against fascist Germany joined the final stage. At the Yalta Conference, the plans of the final defeat of Germany were agreed, the relations to Germany were determined after its unconditional surrender, the basic principles of general policies regarding the post-war device of the world were planned, a number of other issues were discussed. The decisions of the Yalta conference largely predetermined the post-warning device of Europe and the world almost fifty years, up to the collapse of the socialist system in the late 1980s - early 1990s.
On May 8, 1945, the suburb of Berlin Karlshorst was signed an act on the unconditional surrender of Germany. And from July 17 to August 2, the third conference of the great powers was held at the Cecylinhof Palace in Potsdam. Soviet delegation headed
I. Stalin, American - Truman, English - U. Cherchilla, and from July 28, who replaced him as Prime Minister K. Ettley. The German issue of the Potsdam Conference on the agenda has occupied. The head of three powers agreed to exercise agreed policy during the occupation period. Its essence was formulated in the form of the principles of demilitarization, democratization and denazification of the country. Three powers confirmed that "German militarianism and Nazism will be eradicated" so that Germany never threatens its neighbors or conservation of peace around the world. Agreement has been reached on complete demilitarization and disarmament of Germany. Specked concrete measures to restructure political life in Germany on a democratic basis. Acute struggle was carried out at the Potsdam Conference on Reparations. Delegations decided that all four powers would receive reparations from their occupation zones and at the expense of German investments abroad; The USSR is in addition to this 25% of the total imported from the western zones of industrial equipment, of which 15% in exchange for equivalent supplies of coal, food and other materials. The Potsdam Conference agreed with the Soviet proposal for the transfer of the USSR of Königsberg with the area adjacent to it. A coherent decision was made to led the court of the main German war criminals. By decision of the Potsdam Conference, the eastern borders of Germany were transferred to the west to the Oder-Neise line, which reduced its territory by 25% compared with 1937. In Potsdam, many contradictions between the allies, which brought soon to the Cold War were marked.
In general, the anti-Hitler coalition made a great contribution to the defeat of fascism, although the contribution of its participants to the fight against fascism is extremely uneven: some participants led active military actions with Germany and its allies, others helped them the supply of military products, the third participated in the war only nominally. So military units of some countries - Poland, Yugoslavia, as well as Australia, Belgium, India, Canada, New Zealand, Philippines, Ethiopia and others participated in hostilities. Separate states of the anti-Hitler coalition (for example, Mexico) helped its main participants mainly by the supply of military raw materials. The number of participants in the coalition during the war increased; By the time of the end of the war with Japan in a state of war with Germany and its allies there were 53 countries of the world.

Antihytler coalition - Association of states and peoples that fought in World War II 1939-45 against the Nazi Block countries are also called OSI countries: Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites.

During the war years, the term "United Nations" was synonymous with the Anti-Hitler Coalition, proposed by Roosevelt and for the first time found in the United Nations

1942 (Washington Declaration of Twenty Six). The impact of the coalition for the military and post-war political alignment is enormous, the United Nations (UN) was based on its basis.

In September 1939, Poland, France, United Kingdom and its Dominions were in a state of war with Germany (Anglo-Polish Military Alliance 1939 and Franco Polish Alliance 1921). During 1941, the Soviet Union, United States and China joined the coalition. By January 1942, the antihytler coalition numbered 26 states: the so-called big four (USA, United Kingdom, USSR, China), British Dominions (Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa), Central and Latin American countries and the Caribbean, and Also governments in the exile occupied European countries. The number of participants in the coalition during the war increased; By the time of the end of the war with Japan in a state of war with Germany and its allies there were 53 countries of the world.

History of Association, Actions

The forerunner of the Anti-Hitler Coalition - the coalition of the Western Allies arose after the invasion of Nazi Germany in Poland in 1939, when the United Kingdom associated with the last and interconnection agreements entered into war, France and some other countries.

Before the German attack in 1941, the USSR was not in the antihytler coalition.

The broad anti-Hitler coalition has emerged first in spirit after the statements by the US and Great Briting governments on the support of the Soviet Union after the German attack on him, and then on bond and multilateral documents as a result of the long negotiations of the Governments of three powers on mutual support and joint actions.

At the same time, the United States until the end of 1941 (before the attack of Japan) was not formally in a state of war, but were the "unbound ally" of the anti-Hitler coalition, providing military and economic assistance to warring countries.

Most significant events during the coalition action: Moscow Meeting (1941), Atlantic Charter (August 1941), Declaration of United Nations (January 1942), Tehran Conference (1943), Bretton Woods Conference (1944), Yalta Conference (February 1945), Potsdam conference.

The contribution of the participants of the anti-Hitler coalition to the fight against the enemy is extremely uneven: some participants conducted active hostilities with Germany and its allies, others helped them the supply of military products, the third participated in the war only nominally. Thus, military units of some countries - Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, as well as Australia, Belgium, India, Canada, New Zealand, Philippines, Ethiopia and others participated in hostilities. Separate states of the anti-Hitler coalition (for example, Mexico

) Help its main participants mainly by the supply of military raw materials.

Help received by the Soviet Union from participation in the anti-Hitler coalition, in contrast to such for other countries, can be evaluated by various sources as significant or as minor (see land-Liz.).

The main stages of the formation

§ Soviet-English agreement on joint actions in war against Germany on July 12, 1941 Moscow

§ Atlantic Charter US and Great Britain on August 14, 1941, to which the USSR joined on September 24, 1941

§ Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, England, USA September 29 - October 1, 1941

§ Start of supplies in the USSR on Land Liza from USA

§ signing of the Washington Declaration 26 states ( Declaration of United Nations) on the goals of the war against fascism on January 1, 1942

§ Soviet-American Agreement on the principles of mutual assistance in conducting war against aggression on June 11, 1942 Washington

24. Conference of the heads of the Anti-Hitler Coalition in Tehran (1943) and in Yalta (1945):

German policy and post-war settlement problems

Tehran Conference 1943, Conference of Heads of Government of the Three Allied Powers of the Anti-Hitler Coalition in World War II 1939-1945 (USSR, USA and Great Britain): Chairman of the USSR of the USSR I.V. Stalina, US President F.D.R. D.P.Ruvet and Prime Minister of Great Britain U. Cherchilla. At the conference, held from November 28 to December 1, 1943, for the first time the "Big Troika" - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill gathered in full.

The conference clearly marked the desire of Roosevelt and Stalin to negotiate. Churchill initially held the former strategy of the isolation of Russians. Roosevelt suggested that the Soviet representative present at all Anglo-American meetings before the overall conversation. The idea of \u200b\u200bglobal regulation of international relations was equally impressed by Roosevelt and Stalin. Churchill in this respect was conservative, did not particularly believe in post-war cooperation with the USSR, doubted the effectiveness of the future of the New International United Nations (UN) and saw the plan to push the UK on the periphery of international politics.

The main place in the work of the Tehran Conference was the coordination of allied military plans. Despite the decisions of previous Union Conferences, Churchill again raised the question of postponing the landing of the Anglo-American troops in France and instead to hold a number of operations in the Balkans (hoping to prevent the growth of the Soviet sphere of influence). However, Stalin and Roosevelt responded to this, counting the North of France the only suitable place to open the second front. It was agreed that the second front will be opened in the north of France in May 1944. Stalin promised that the Soviet troops would take an offensive at about the same time in order to prevent the transfer of German forces from the East to the West Front.

The big troika agreed to try to get Turkey to enter the war on the allies.

The conference discussed the issue of the future of Germany. Roosevelt and Stalin spoke in favor of the fragmentation of Germany into small states in order to exclude the revival of German expansionism. Roosevelt proposed to define Germany for five parts and transfer Kiel, Hamburg, RUR and Saar under the monitoring of the United Nations. Stalin made a special emphasis on the fact that the combination of Germany must be prevented by at any cost. The final decision on this issue, however, was not taken.

The question of Poland was painful at the conference and controversial for Soviet-British relations. By this time, Stalin broke the relationship with the Polish government located in London. The question of shooting the Polish soldiers in the Katyn forest under Smolensk Kremlin, with the support of the British, was considered as blackmail to force Moscow to go to territorial concessions.

In Tehran, Stalin confirmed that the Eastern Soviet-Polish border should be held on the line installed in September 1939, and proposed to move the Western Polish border to Oder. Understanding that Moscow in this matter will stand to death, Churchill agreed with this proposal, noticing that the lands received by Poland are much better than the lands that she gives. Stalin also stated that the USSR expects to get Koenigsberg and move the border with Finland further from Leningrad.

The conference clearly marked the consent of the Western allies to meet Stalin in a territorial issue. There was an application for the fact that the post-war world will be managed by four powers (USSR, USA, England, France), operating under the auspices of the new international organization. For the USSR, it was a colossal breakthrough; The United States also for the first time after Wilson, global functions took over; The United Kingdom, the role of which relatively decreased, was to be content with the fact that he did not fall out of the big triple.

The conference was adopted by the Declaration of Iran, in which participants stated "about their desire to preserve complete independence, sovereignty and territorial inviolability of Iran."

In conclusion, Stalin gave a promise to the USSR joining the war against Japan after the defeat of Germany.

The Tehran Conference has strengthened the cooperation of the main powers of the anti-fascist coalition and agreed on the plans of hostilities against Germany. In October, using the delay of the Soviet troops at the border of Eastern Prussia, on Vistula and Budapest, and also calm in the West, the Germans decided to apply the Allies of Construdar. Having gathered in the Ardennes area of \u200b\u200bsignificant tank forces, they in mid-December threw them against the Anglo-Americans. After a two-day fight, the German offensive was stopped. Fearing the re-German strike, Churchill turned to Stalin with a request to start the offensive on the Eastern Front. Stalin promised to start a wide offensive in the second half of January. A more detailed agreement on this issue was achieved at the Yalta Conference.

Yalta conference

In early February 1945, in Livadia (near Yalta), in the former Tsarist Palace, heads of three powers were gathered: Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. After the approval of the overall, decisive attack plan, decisions were made for a number of urgent issues. The war was approaching an end, so it was necessary to solve the fate of post-war Germany and countries liberated from its occupation. First of all, it was decided to destroy German militarism and Nazism, so that Germany never could violate the world. To do this, it must be divided into four zones (American, English, French and Soviet) And temporarily occupied by the Allied troops. All questions regarding allied policies should be solved by the Control Commission consisting of four commander of the occupying troops. Conducting a planned program should be assigned to the occupation authorities of the corresponding zone. The Control Commission should also engage in the distribution of reparations between the West and the USSR. The Soviet Union was granted the right to temporarily occupy, except for the eastern part of Germany, Balkan states (except Greece), Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania, in which, after liberation, governments must be created by the corresponding will of the people, through free elections. The temporary government of Poland, created in the USSR, should be expanded by including members of the Polish government in exile. This coalition government should have free elections in the shortest possible time, on the basis of universal, equal and secret ballot. Yugoslavia should receive a government similar to Polish. Since Roosevelt and Churchill were not confident in the decisive strength of the atomic bomb, they ordered Stalin, within 90 days at the end of the war in Europe, oppose Japan, counting this way to speed up the victory of the Allian. In the form of compensation for the assistance rendered to the USSR, the southern part of Sakhalin was promised (lost by Russia in the Portsmouth Mir) and the Kuril Islands. After long negotiations between representatives of the USSR, the United States and England, it was decided to make the repatriation of prisoners of war and workers conveyed to Germany and in general, all Soviet citizens as soon as possible. The Soviet side insisted on this. The Americans and the British gave their consent. It should be noted here that in this agreement was not mentioned about the violent repatriation. In conclusion, the allies decided soon to convene representatives of all nations that fought against the "axis" in the San Francisco, to create (instead of the dead League of Nations) of the new international organization, whose task will be maintaining and strengthening the world.

The military-political union of states and peoples led by the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom, directed against the "Axis" countries (Germany, Italy, Japan) and their satellites, which existed during the Second World War.

At the origins of the coalition

The attack of Nazi Germany at the USSR on June 22, 1941 led to a fundamental change in the international situation. In the evening of the same day, the British Prime Minister, speaking on the radio, stressed that, despite the rejection of communist ideas, the United Kingdom is ready to support the USSR in his struggle with German aggression. The United States Government at the time of the beginning of the USSR war with Germany retained neutrality and in the first June 1941 days did not express his unequivocal attitude towards German aggression against the Soviet Union. However, after visiting the Soviet military delegation of Great Britain and the US and a response visit of the assistant to Roosevelt, Gopkins to Moscow in Washington was convinced of the determination of the USSR to lead the war to the victorious end. Between Moscow, London and Washington were reached agreement on the host of military supplies.

August 14, 1941 on about. Newfoundland took place the first meeting of W. Churchill and during the war years, strengthened the allied relationship between the two powers. Following the meeting, a document was adopted, called the Atlantic Charter. The document proclaimed the lack of intentions of Great Britain and the United States to carry out any territorial seizures contrary to the will of the peoples living in these territories, recognized the right of these peoples to determine their fate, to their access to world natural resources and international trade, on the need for universal disarmament after the war. Moscow expressed its support to the principles laid down in the Charter.

The first joint actions of the allies. Strengthening intersuntic relationships

On July 12, 1941, an agreement was signed between the USSR and the United Kingdom in Moscow, in which the obligations of both parties on mutual assistance in the fight against Germany and the refusal of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Separate world with Berlin were enshrined. As, this agreement served as a legal basis for further formation of the Allied Coalition against Germany. In addition, the United Kingdom in August of the same year began to provide the Soviet side and financial support, providing the USSR with a 3% loan by 10 million pounds for a period of 5 years. In turn, the United States provided the USSR a loan of 10 million dollars.

One of the first joint actions of the allies in militarily was the commissioning of Soviet and British troops in Iran. Through this country, one of the important strategic routes ran through which the military loads could be delivered to the USSR through the Persian Bay and the Middle East. But during this period, the German propaganda intensified in Iran, which used the sympathies of the Iranian Shah's cuts of the Pahli to Hitler. After the diplomatic measures of impact on Shaha failed, the USSR and the United Kingdom decided to temporarily enter the troops in Iran. On August 25, 1941, Soviet and British troops entered the territory of Iran. In September, an agreement was signed with the Iranian government, which determined the number of allied allies troops in Iran and the obligations of the Iranian side to ensure the transit of military cargo.

The Soviet Union strengthened interaction not only with the United Kingdom and the United States, but also by other forces in Europe, fought with Nazism. The leader of the Motion France Movement General immediately after the German attack on the Soviet Union, said that the French in this war "unconditionally together with Russians." In September 1941, de Gaulle received on the part of Moscow official recognition as "head of all free French". The USSR concluded an agreement on mutual support in war with the governments of Czechoslovakia and Poland in exile. These governments provided their permission to form Czechoslovak and Polish military units in the Soviet territory for their subsequent participation in the battles on the Soviet-German front.

Question about military supplies (Led-Liz)

September 29 - October 1, 1941. The conference of representatives of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain on the provision of mutual military-economic assistance was held in Moscow. It was the first tripartite allies meeting during the war years. The role of the main supplier was the United States. The cargo intended for the USSR was supposed to deliver several routes: through Iran, through the Black Sea, along the Pacific Ocean and with the help of Arctic convoys in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk. On November 7, 1941, the US Congress has a positive effect on the distribution of the program to the USSR.

However, for a long time, the assistance of the Western Allies of the USSR was insignificant, the supply was carried out in insufficient volumes. The first supply protocol (all of them were four) was performed by only 40%. In the fall and in the winter of 1941, when the fate of Moscow and the Soviet state was solved as a whole, the delivery of only 541 thousand dollars on the lease from the United States. The problems with the implementation of allied obligations arose in the United States and the United Kingdom and in the future. In 1942, when the German armies were promoted to the Volga and the Caucasus, the British and American governments completely stopped supplying for Land Lesu to the Soviet Union with the help of Arctic convoys. Western shipments in the USSR began to increase and fully implemented in full in 1944-1945, when the root fracture in the war has already occurred.

Total in 1941-1945. The USSR received 18 million tons of cargo of various appointments from Western allies, including over 4.5 million tons of food, metals for aircraft and rails (3.6 million tons). From the UK and the United States in the USSR, 22,206 aircraft of various types were delivered, 12,980 tanks, 14 thousand guns, 427,386 trucks and 51 thousand jeeps, 6,135,638 rifles and machine guns, 8 thousand tractors and tractors, 345 thousand. Ton of ammunition, as well as a significant amount of industrial equipment, fuel and lubricants, explosives and chemical raw materials. As part of the US Lend-Lisa Program, 300 tons of chrome ore, 32 thousand tons of manganese ore, a significant amount of platinum, gold and other precious metals totaling $ 2.2 million were obtained from the USSR for the entire period of war.

Further interaction of the allied powers. The problem of opening the second front in 1941-1943.

One of the most painful issues in the relationship between Western Allies and the USSR was the opening of the second front in Europe. He could be created by landing the Anglo-American troops on the French coast, which would significantly complicate the situation of Nazi Germany and would facilitate the situation of the USSR who had carried on his shoulders the bulk of war. In the summer of 1941, the Soviet government set the question of the opening of the second front before London, but did not find an understanding of the British. At the first stage, this issue was discussed only between the USSR and the United Kingdom, President F. Roosevelt began to take an active part in the discussion of this topic only after the US joining the war in December 1941. Long-term negotiations held during 1941 and the exchange of messages between I. Stalin and W. Churchill did not led to anything.

At the beginning of 1942, the diplomatic activity of all states that fought with the "axis" countries. On January 1, 1942, in Washington, the diplomats of 26 countries signed the Declaration of the United Nations in which the provisions of the Atlantic Charter developed. During the visit of the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. Molotov in London in May 1942, the Soviet-English Union Agreement was signed, and in June in Washington - the Soviet-American Agreement. In the communiqué of both meetings of the United States and the United Kingdom gave a public promise to open the second front in Europe as soon as possible. But in 1942 the second front was not opened. Instead, the Anglo-American troops landed in North Africa, which was included in the traditional zone of the interests of Great Britain.

Moscow and Tehran conferences. Opening of the Second Front and the liberation of Eastern Europe

The root fracture on the eastern front, the victory of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad and on the Kursk arc, the capitulation of the fascist Italy in the summer of 1943 set the issue of the need to discuss the post-war reorganization of the world before the countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition. On October 19-30, 1943, Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, the United States and the UK took place. In particular, the issue of the post-war reorganization of Germany and put forward by W. Churchill was discussed and the idea of \u200b\u200bdismembering the German state, as well as post-war fate of Italy, France and Austria. An important outcome of the conference was the signing of the USA and the UK protocol, according to which Americans and British confirmed (albeit with reservations) their intentions to carry out an offensive in Northern France in the spring of 1944

The Moscow Conference has become the basis for meeting the leaders of the three allied powers in Tehran on November 28 - December 1, 1943. The question of opening the second front became the main on. W. Churchill put forward the proposal to land allied troops not in France, but in the Balkans. Thus, the Anglo-American troops would earlier won the countries of Eastern Europe, whose borders were promoted by Soviet troops. However, the position of the Soviet delegation was supported by F. Roosevelt. As a result, the decision to open the second front in Northern France in 1944 was finally accepted.

The second front in France was opened on June 6, 1944. Anglo-American troops under the command of D. Eisenhower landed in Normandy and already on August 25, together with the French partisans, entered Paris. At the same time, the liberation of the southern part of France was passed, where allies troops also landed. The German counterattack in Ardennes in December 1944 ended with failure. By the beginning of 1945, allied troops were already at the borders of Germany. In parallel, the liberation of Eastern Europe was released. The Soviet command attracted foreign military units to combat operations, created on the territory of the USSR (the French squadron "Normandy-Neman", the Polish division of Tadeusch Kostysitko and others). The result of the onset of the Red Army was the full collapse of the fascist block in Eastern Europe.

Yalta conference. Defeat in Germany.

At the meeting I. Stalin, F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill on February 4-11, 1945 in Yalta, it was not so much about military cooperation as a further reorganization of Europe. It was decided to create the United Nations and holding its constituent conference in April to San Francisco. The contradictions between the Allies caused the question of the political structure of the liberated countries: if the United States and the United Kingdom advocated the restoration of pre-war regimes, the USSR made a bet on anti-fascist movements in these countries and their leaders. In the declaration of liberated Europe, the right of nations of Europe themselves to solve their fate and get rid of the heritage of fascism and Nazism. A decision was made about the post-war occupation of German Allied forces. The USSR assumed the obligation to enter the war with Militarist Japan.

In early March 1945, the Anglo-American troops began to fight in Germany. In April, a historical meeting on the USSR troops and the USA took place. At the same time, a large-scale Berlin operation began, which ended with the capture of the capital of Nazi Germany. May 2, Berlin garrison capitulated. On May 7, 1945, a preliminary protocol on the capitulation of the Armed Forces of Germany was signed in Reims. The acting of the capitulation was repeated in Karlshort in a solemn atmosphere on the night of May 8 to May 9, 1945

Potsdam conference. Defeat Japan.

The last meeting of the "Big Troika" took place in the United States represented the new President of Truman (F. Roosevelt died in April 1945), and the UK changed Churchill as Prime Minister K. Ettley. The purpose of the Unity of Germany was proclaimed, which was subjected to an allied and part of its territory were transferred to Poland and the USSR. The question of the reparations of Germany by the victims of the people to the people to prepare peace agreements with the former allies of Germany in Eastern Europe was resolved.

The USSR, fulfilling the allied obligations, on August 9, 1945 began military actions against Militarist Japan. During the military operation, the southern part of Sakhalin was liberated, the territory of the Kuril Islands and Manchuria was occupied. At the same time, the United States carried out the first nuclear bombardment in history, destroying the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. September 2, 1945 Japan capitulated. World War II ended.

Hitler's calculations that unleashed the war against the USSR, were not justified for international isolation of the Soviet state. On the day of the beginning of the fascist aggression Prime Minister of Great Britain U. Churchill, despite his anti-communism, said: "Anyone who fights against Hitler, - friend of England; Anyone who is fighting on his side, - the enemy of England. " The Soviet-English negotiations on joint actions in the war against Germany ended with the signing of the agreement on July 12, 1941 in Moscow. Both sides pledged not to conclude a separate world with Germany. Later, a trade and loan agreement was signed. The statement that his country will have "all possible assistance to the Soviet Union" in the fight against Hitlerism, and President F. Roosevelt also did. In accordance with the Law on Land Liza, he agreed to provide the USSR to the first interest-free loan of 1 billion dollars. The general principles of the national policy of the United States and Great Britain in the Conditions of World War II were set out in the Atlantic Charter (August 1941). In this Anglo-American declaration developed at the meeting of Roosevelt and Churchill, the objectives of the allies in the Roine were determined. On September 24, 1941, the Soviet Union joined this charter, expressing his consent with its basic principles. Investment of the Anti-Hitler Coalition facilitated in the fall of 1941 Moscow Conference with the participation of representatives of the USSR, USA and Great Britain on military deliveries. A tripartite agreement on the supply of weapons, military equipment and food was signed. A significant role in the development of military-political cooperation was played by the United Nations Declaration in Washington in January 1942, to which 26 states who were in a state of war with Germany joined. The process of creating a coalition ended with the signing of the Soviet-English contract of May 26 and the Soviet-American Agreement from June 1942 on the Union in the war against Germany and on cooperation and mutual assistance after the war. The first joint actions of the allies were the occupation of Iran, as well as the provision of pressure on Turkey in order to achieve its benevolent neutrality. It should be emphasized to note the important role of allied supplies on Land Lisa. No less important was the fact that the Soviet people knew: he was not alone in the deadly struggle with fascist Germany. Although with a big delay, the Allies performed the requirement of the USSR on the opening of the second front. During the winter campaign of 1945, the coordination of the actions of the Armed Forces of the Allies on the Anti-Hitler Coalition was developed. When in Ardennes, the Anglo-American troops found themselves in a difficult situation, the Soviet army at the request of Churchill had previously planned the scheduled period over the widespread front from the Baltic to Karpat, thereby having effective assistance to the allies. As the countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition of the USSR, USA and the United Kingdom solved questions about the fate of the defeated Germany, the punishment of Nazi criminals and the post-war world in conferences in Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam. However, in the implementation of a number of these agreements after the war, during the development of the conditions of post-war settlement in Europe, disagreements arose, which led to the confrontation of the USSR and the former allies, the bipolarization of the world and "Cold War

International Conferences of the Heads of the Anti-Hitler Coalition countries and their decision.

Anti-Hitler Coalition, Military Political Union, headed by the USSR, USA and Great Britain against countries' Mosi'''''''i, Italy, Japan) during the Second World War.

Officially, the anti-Hitler coalition was commissioned on January 1, 1942, when 26 states who announced the war in Germany or its allies were made by the Washington Declaration of United Nations, announced the intention to send their efforts to fight the countries' Mosi'''''''''''''''''''''''

The activities of the antihytler coalition was determined by the decisions of the main participating countries. The general political and military strategy was developed at the meetings of their leaders I.V. Stalin, FD Arravel (from April 1945 - Trumen), U. Cherchille and Foreign Ministers in Moscow (October 19-30, 1943), Tehran ( November 28 - December 1, 1943), Yalta (4-11 February 1945) and Potsdam (July 17 - August 2, 1945).

Until the mid-1943, unity did not exist on the opening of the United States and the UK of the Second Front in Western Europe, and the Red Army had to carry the burden of war on the European continent. The English strategy assumed the creation and gradual compression of the rings around Germany by applying strikes at secondary directions (North Africa, the Middle East) and the destruction of its military and economic potential through systematic bombers of German cities and industrial facilities. The Americans considered it necessary to make landing in France already in 1942, but under pressure, U. Herchille refused these plans and agreed to carry out an operation to seize French North Africa. Only on the Quebec Conference in August 1943 FD Arravel, and U. Cherchilla, finally decided on a landing operation in France in May 1944 and confirmed it at the Tehran conference; For its part, Moscow promised to take an offensive on the Eastern Front to facilitate the landing of the Allies.

At the same time, the Soviet Union in 1941-1943 invariably rejected the requirement of the United States and Great Britain on the announcement of the Japan war. At the Tehran Conference, I.V. Stalin gave a promise to enter into her war, but only after Germany's capitulation. At the Yalta Conference, he achieved from the Allies as the condition of the beginning of host of their consent to the return of the USSR of territories lost by Russia in the Portsmouth World 1905, and the transfer of Curil O-Greats.

Since the end of 1943, the problems of post-war settlement have been released at the fore-warning relationship. At the Moscow and Tehran conferences, it was decided to establish an international organization at the end of the war with the participation of Solid countries to preserve the entire world and security.

An important place was the question of the political future of Germany. In Tehran, I.V. Stalin rejected the proposal of the FD D.P.O. The draft department of Northern Germany (Prussia) developed by U. Cherlel (Prussia) from South and the inclusion of the latter in the Danube Federation along with Austria and Hungary. The principles of the post-war device of Germany (demilitarization, denazification, democratization, economic decentralization) were agreed by the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences (demilitarization) and decisions on the separation section on four occupation zones (Soviet, American, English and French) with a single governing body (Check Tip), About the size and procedure for paying to the reparations, on the establishment of its eastern border on the rivers Oder and Neutsea, about Section of Eastern Prussia between the USSR and Poland and the transfer of the last Danziga (Gdansk), about the relocation of the Germans living in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary , to Germany.

The other most important political decisions of the leaders of the Anti-Hitler Coalition were decisions on the restoration of independence of Austria and the democratic reorganization of Italy (Moscow Conference), on the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iran and the large-scale assistance to the partisan movement in Yugoslavia (Tehran Conference), on the establishment of a temporary Yugoslav government based on the national The Liberation Committee led by the Tito Broz and the transfer of Soviet citizens liberated by the Allies (Yalta Conference).

The antihytler coalition played an important role in achieving victory over Germany and its allies and became the basis of the United Nations.

The Soviet-English negotiations on joint actions in the war against Germany ended with signing on July 12, 1941 ᴦ. In Moscow agreement. Both sides pledged not to conclude a separate world with Germany.

Later, a trade and loan agreement was signed. The statement that his country will have "all possible assistance to the Soviet Union" in the fight against Hitlerism, and President F. Roosevelt also did. In accordance with the Law on Land Liza, he agreed to provide the USSR to the first interest-free loan of 1 billion dollars. The general principles of the national policy of the United States and Great Britain in the context of World War II were set forth in the Atlantic Charter (August 1941 ᴦ.). In this English-American declaration developed at the meeting of Roosevelt and Churchill, the objectives of the allies in the Roger were determined. September 24, 1941 ᴦ. The Soviet Union also joined this charter, expressing his consent with its basic principles.

The folding of the anti-Hitler coalition contributed to the conduct of 1941 ᴦ. Moscow Conference with the participation of representatives of the USSR, the United States and the UK on the issue of military supplies. A tripartite agreement on the supply of weapons, military equipment and food was signed. A significant role in the development of military-political cooperation was played by signed in Washington in January 1942 ᴦ. "Declaration of United Nations", to which 26 states who were in a state of war with Germany joined.

The process of creating a coalition ended with the signing of the Soviet-English Treaty of May 26 and the Soviet-American Agreement from the century of June 1942. About Union in the War against Germany and cooperation and mutual assistance after the war. During the winter campaign 1945 ᴦ. Received the coordination of the actions of the Armed Forces Allies on the Anti-Hitler Coalition. When in Ardennes, the Anglo-American troops found themselves in a difficult situation, the Soviet army at the request of Churchill had previously planned the scheduled period over the widespread front from the Baltic to Karpat, thereby having effective assistance to the allies. As the countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition of the USSR, USA and the United Kingdom solved questions about the fate of the defeated Germany, the punishment of Nazi criminals and the post-war world in conferences in Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam.

At the same time, in the implementation of a number of these agreements after the war, during the development of the conditions of post-war settlement in Europe, disagreements arose, which led to the confrontation of the USSR and former allies, bipolarization of the world and the "Cold War".

International Conferences of the Heads of the Anti-Hitler Coalition countries and their decision. - Concept and species. Classification and features of the category "International Conferences of the Heads of the Anti-Hitler Coalition Countries and their decision." 2017, 2018.