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Methods for decorating walls with their own hands. Beautiful cottage with your own hands: The ideas of the decor for the garden and the house (48 photos) of the wall on the wall do it yourself

I want to change in the interior! Something like, intriguing and mounted, dynamic and drive, exquisite and sophisticated! The one that will make the office in the house is even more restrained, the living room is even more friendly, the bedroom is more intimate. What will help? Save the decor of the walls, made in one of the options. It will give not only the enjoyment of the process, the knowledge of the new, but will be the "highlight" of the residential premises!

To be or not to be? Myself or not

The process of decorating walls with their own hands is the process of painstaking, scrupulous. It is impossible to make the wall beautiful with the bay of junctions. Here you need a subtle taste, the feeling of the game of color, experience, skill, knowledge of certain techniques. Profile specialist! To such a solution, many and ... will be right. But only if the wall decor for them is a momentary whim, which must be implemented in reality. The work of the master is worth the money and this is a purely mechanical work.

Unusual paintings from plants

But the decoration of the walls with their own hands is what is needed for a full-fledged dream incarnation. You can use stencil, artistic painting, decoupage technique or ... vinyl butterflies - does not matter. One thing remains important: you will give one of your favorite premises in your home positive dynamics, energy of good, creation, fill it with colrom to the edges. Yes, and who knows whether today's attitude will turn into tomorrow's hobby, because each process of decorating the walls is attractive and attractive in its own way?!

Wall decor, or denoting the ultimate goal

What to expect from the decor of the walls with their own hands? Of course, notes of originality, extraordinary beauty, the uniqueness of the drawing, for example, its color overflows. But this is not the last and ultimate goal of the creative process.

The decor of the wall created by its own hands will help:

  • recreate a special mood, express the individuality of the room;
  • reveal your own talent, connecting in one process a lot of knowledge / skills / skills;
  • give a powerful positive push of both the house / apartment and its owners for new achievements!

After all, what is the decoration of the walls, the design of them in a special way? This is mini-repairs, therefore, the desire for change. And let them be only for the better!

The case is for small, behind the choice of version of the decor of the walls. They are a great set, and you can choose according to your own taste. Maybe it will be the one that you have long wanted to try and whose technique desired to explore. It can be tissue drapery and appliqué from wallpaper, flocking or artistic painting, decoration of butterflies, decorative panels from stained glass windows or fragments of ceramic tiles, decoration using a stencil ... Choose yourself, studying a photo and looking at the video!

Wall Surface Decor: Paper Options

When you want to change and decorating the walls becomes the most panacea, and you are limited in financial resources, it is worth using available opportunities. It turns out, the materials, tools for their incarnation will be found in every home!

Wallpaper to help, or classic option

Create a playful mood, add paints or, on the contrary, a little "calm down" a bright color palette, which seemed ideal during repairs in the hall, will help combine the wallpaper. The first thing to do is to check your own chungy for the rest of the wallpaper rolls. They are in every home after numerous repairs, that's for sure! It is worth considering, to connect some into a single harmonious whole. If this option is not suitable - you can purchase companion rolls, ideal in your combination. And perform the decoration of the walls!

Fun almost children's: Applique

Yarn, fabric / paper drawings - everything will be suitable in order to make appliqué. It is necessary to choose a place to decide whether this territory of the wall will be a powerful decorative element or applique only emphasizes the sophistication of the already existing decoration. And proceed to the process.

For this you need:

  • pick up the drawing and create it with the help of your computer layout, print;
  • carefully cut, arrange elements on the wall, consolidating with a tape or needles;
  • stick, observing the overall concept of idea.

And it is boldly, original and easy! Application will be the element that will easily emphasize the design of the room. Make a pattern, drawing of newspaper clippings glued to cardboard, get a fusion or loft style, for example, use tissue patterns to implement historical and ethno-styles, and for natural - paper in natural shades. It is a lilac, pink, blue, champagne, birch.

The advantage of these decoring options is to be able to carry out the process with their own hands, minimum costs. And get a fresh, individual room, fully appropriate to your desires.

Interior decoration items

It turns out that the wall decor does not necessarily create something completely new, conceptually bold. It is enough to pay attention to ... your hobbies or decor items that you collect a long time, paying attention to everyone. Make with their help organic room, finding a place for each element, creating a mood with your own hands.

Interesting and unique to decorate the walls will be:

  • photo frames with photos, beautiful fabric elements, paper drawings or dried colors. The room decorated with photo frames is a family symbol, some authenticity, comfort. At the same time, you can use photos of different times (sepia, colored or black and white), the framework of all sorts of shades and sizes;
  • pictures of fabric / their collection. Women are fond of embroidery threads or beads, creating masterpieces. It remains to insert pictures in the frame (or pull on a durable cardboard), decorate the room. At the same time, the picture should be part of the overall design of the room, completing it and making organic;
  • mirrors within and without glass canvas. They will not only help make the room special, but will serve practical goals: help visually adjust the space. This option is especially good where there is not enough natural light. But in this case, it implies the presence of competent artificial lighting;
  • butterfly! They do not leave anyone indifferent, made of different shapes, sizes, colors. By purchasing the finished set, with their help it is easy to do the decor of the walls, creating a real miracle. In this case, this can be both a composition in dynamics and monumental;
  • sets of vinyl stickers. Today they are a real miracle, with the help of which the decoration of the wall will become an exciting process that brings joy to every member of the family. When choosing a set of a catalog, pay attention to the overall dimensions of the stickers, relate them to the existing room style, select carefully. And always remember: they can be changed at any time without damaging the wall surface.

Simple decoration methods will bring pleasure not only from the process, but will please the result. The room will acquire a complete, concise look.

Art painting and drapets: enjoying species

The design of walls with their own hands with paintings, as well as the creation of a "tissue" mood by drapes - more complex ways to decorate the wall than previous ones. They are old as the world, which is why the most in demand in the design of the interior in historical, natural, national styles.

Painting, or what you can't get off the pen

It looks original and unique on the wall drawing, especially the landscape. Painted paints, he fascinates the plot, natural shades. In width - natural colors that organically complement the style of Provence, Rustic or Ethno.

The peculiarity of this method of decoration is in the need for sufficient surface area. On a small piece of walls (as a panel), the landscape will not look complete, he Bududa seems to catch out of nowhere. Give under the drawing a longer wall in the room. It will become the main decorative decoration of the room, which will need to choose furniture, accessories, create lighting. A little glamorous and most sophisticated!

Hide from eyes or open vision: tissue drapery

Drapeting the walls of the wall will bring additional peace and comfort to the room, make them most pleasant to the touch and soft. A vivid advantage is in the absence of the need for wall leveling. The surface is not needed to process, get rid of cracks, chips or dents, fabric will fall smoothly.

Help fabric fastening on the wall:

  • velcro. The innovative method of fastening the cloth of the fabric to the wall is good opportunity to change it if you wish to another, as well as simple care. Half of the velcro is attached to the fabric, the second to the wall. Combined together;
  • glue. It is applied to significant sites that help the mechanical fastening of the tissue to the wall. This is a strip under the ceiling, near the plinth, as well as corners, door / window openings;
  • rail. Serves as a replacement of glue. Installation - with special brackets.

Competent decoration of walls with fabrics is the only seam. It can be closed using folds or ceiling plinth.

Creative fantasy, or decor with stencil

Silhouettes of people, birds, stars, ships, flowers - Yes, anything can be created on the wall using a stencil. It can be manufactured independently, and its use will allow you to decorate the wall even those who have no art gift.

Here the main thing is to match the interior stylist, which already present in the forms and collers. The functional purpose of the room has an important meaning. For example, abstraction, urban "landscapes" will be relevant for a living room or hallway, musical instruments, if it is a minimalism style, functional or high-tech. For children's rooms, the topics of favorite cartoons, heroes, for a bedroom - clouds, flowers, trees, other natural "pitfalls" will become interesting.

It becomes clear that the decoration of the walls with their own hands is a creative process that requires not only patience and perfection, but excellent mood. You can not create without desire! Choose an option that is more attractive, read new techniques, contact the modeling of plaster ... and create, create, create, creating homemade comfort, which can not be confused with anything!

Any decoration is the final and most pleasant stage of any repair. If we talk about the decoration of the walls in the houses of the dwelling, then this process has a positive effect not only on the image of the interior, but also the creative abilities of the owners. Imaging your designer dreams into reality is the easiest way to do with the help of decorative elements. Even a small change in the design of the walls of the room leads to a tremendous change of the image of the interior. But for this often quite a bit. If you have some Handemade skills, free time and a great desire to transform the design of a room or another in your apartments, then this selection of original, practical, creative and simple ideas for you.

If your goal is a unique design

From ancient times, people were decorated with the walls of their housing. If you can call the walls of the cave, in which the first rock paintings were found. Nowadays, it is not necessary to have high artistic qualities, needlework skills to decorate their home original, stylish and aesthetically. Our services are not only different materials and devices that simplify the manufacture of decorative elements, but also the experience of generations accumulated over many years of the very concept of decorating your home.

Of course, any Handemade enhances the level of uniqueness of the interior. This is the easiest way to create not easy creative, and the unique design of one or another room. But the wall decor can perform not only the functions of the interior decoration. With the use of various color and textured solutions for decorating the walls, you can hide any disadvantages of finishes and even structural features, you can distract attention from the unsuccessful design of the functional zone and allocate the main segment of the room.

With the help of a wall decor, it is easy to delay the repair - cosmetic or global. Not to mention the fact that refreshing the furnishings of the room, give it new character notes, create a color or factory emphasis - all this is easy to make with the help of a wall decor that will not require much costs. And if you perform any decorative work together with households, in addition to the beautiful interior, you can get an excellent opportunity for rapprochement, holding a joint time of parents with children.

Paintings, posters and not only

One of the most vintage and effective ways to decorate the walls are the use of paintings, various panels, posters within and not only. Modern designers offer to try themselves in the field of decorating their own dwellings even those who are far from fine or decorative and applied arts. Use the finished frames for paintings or photos that are sold in the store (or make your own option, if you have a joinery skills) in combination with imaginary agents - sprigs, twigs, paper blanks or material. Give the composition the desired color gamut is the easiest way with the help of acrylic paints.

Cutlery and various kitchen accessories that no longer apply in workflows can be used to compile original compositions. You can decorate the transfigured item items, a kitchen, a dining room, a veranda of a country house and even a living room decorated in the country style or Shebbi chic.

Favorite aphorism, your family slogan or just a beautiful saying that helps to motivate, customize the actions and accomplishment or vice versa - relaxing and soothing can become an interior decoration. For this, a fairly printed slogan is placed in a beautiful or original frame, harmoniously inscribed in the interior.

Very spectacular composition composition, wall panels composed of decorative elements of one form and having one style of execution, excellent in color solutions or presence (absence) of the print. Such panels can be made of various materials - from ordinary paper to velvet fabric species.

What about the finished gypsum decorative elements imitating the stucco, which you use not on the ceiling by destination, and on the walls? Coloring several elements in different shades of one color will allow you to create a harmonious one, but at the same time the original composition. Another way to use undergraduates is the compilation of compositions from what is literally lying under your feet - twigs, corping, spins of the original shape, cones and other gifts of nature.

Even the simplest garlands of paper, fabrics or other healthy materials can be an original interior decoration. In the bedroom, the walls behind the headboard of the bed are most often exposed to decoration, and in the living room - above the sofa or pair of chairs that create a soft seating area.

If you have artistic abilities, it would be a crime without taking advantage of this wonderful gift. A unique design that does not require large financial investments (but, of course, requiring greater time costs) is provided to you. Even drawings made using stencils can become a highlight of the interior, highlighting it among many similar design projects.

Wall-mounted decor may be incredibly practical. For example, an excellent storage system for jewelry can be obtained from a conventional frame with a grid strained. Earrings and brooches are very convenient to post on such a wall storage. For beads, necklace, chains and bracelets, you can use slats with hooks attached to them.

A similar idea can be used for the manufacture of the key. All your keys will always be in place, thanks to such a simple fit.

With the help of the frames, you can make the switches, counters, temperature control units or home alarm.

Collection options for family photos

No less popular and ancient way to preserve history, at least the history of one house - the use of family portraits. If our ancestors needed to seek help to professionals, use portrait services, then we sufficiently print successful photos and insert them into the frame. But also in the usual location of the finished photos within the framework of the creative, using not only the variety of shapes and sizes of the wall decor, but also additional items.

The photos in the framework of which are not hidden behind the products, but are intentionally put up for display. It may be a simple twine, and beautiful thin chains - weight depends on the concept of the design of the entire interior.

Recently, various wall-mounted decorative elements cut from wood became popular. This may be a whole inscription (family surname, for example) or alone letter. But those performed in a single color palette with frames for photos, such decorative elements become an excellent decoration and wall composition, and rooms.

A photo without frames may look in the composition no less effectively, if you place them on special subframes, not visible to the eye.

And if you add a garland with light bulbs or tape backlight, then in addition to the excellent wall decor and saving pleasant moments in memory, you can also get a festive mood.

But the glowing garlands can also act as an independent attribute of the wall decor. Fix the wire with light bulbs in a certain form is easy, and the result according to the effect being created can exceed all the expectations.

Mirrors in the modern interior

In itself, a large mirror in a beautiful or creative frame is capable of not only to fulfill its main functions, but also decorate the interior of the room. If you use several small mirrors of the same form, but in different frames (most often fulfilled in a single stylistic solution), you can get a whole decorative composition.

Mirror elements can be used without a framework for compiling the original composition. The time and effort on the preparation of such panels will be needed much more, but the result compensates for all costs - the wall decor is obtained original, stylish and modern.

Flowers and indoor plants like interior decor

Indoor plants help us not only decorate the interior with juicy greens and beautiful bloom, but also create a special, cozy atmosphere, clean the air in our dwellings and bring the heat of home comfort. The most simple pots with the colors "will play" with new colors if they are placed in neat cells or special holders on the wall. It is not always possible to place on the windowsill possible, and not all plants need so much light.

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

The most pleasant completion of any repair will be the design and decor of the walls (as in the photo), because you can embody the original ideas with your own hands and create a unique design of your home. Even a small transformation will give any room a completely different look. To decorate your apartment, it is not necessary to be a professional designer or artist, just a little fantasy and effort. Consider the best decisions of wall finishing on the example of modern interiors.

Bright wall decor in children's

Practical ideas and varieties of decor

A beautiful decor is able to bring novelty to the interior and even completely transform any room, and thanks to a variety of modern, designer techniques and technician to make it easy and simple. With the help of subwoofers, you can independently create a real masterpiece in my apartment.

What materials are customary to use for wall decoration:

  • - Can be paper, or under painting. A rich range of models allows you to choose a wallpaper for any interior style and layout, you can also combine several textures and colors at once;
  • - this is a similarity of decorative plaster, made on the basis of cellulosic fiber and binding adhesive substance;
  • - It may be a monophonic or bright colors, smooth or textured. You can apply both ordinary and special patterned roller;
  • tile - it can be from a faience, ceramics and glass. With it, you can create beautiful drawings, ornamental layout and mosaic, mimic other materials, and visually increase the space of the premises;
  • - Interior paints are divided into oil, alkyd, silicone and water-emulsion. Products are represented by a wide range of colors, halftone and textures;
  • - a large selection of shades, you can choose the material with the necessary geometry of seams and a certain thickness;
  • wood - this type of coating is environmentally friendly and durable, but it is necessary to cover the wooden surfaces with special solutions from moisture and pests;
  • textile upholstery - It is possible to decorate the cloth and the use of a carriage tie;

The decor of the walls in the apartment is primarily the decoration and transformation of the rooms. And the design of your own hands and Handmade products will not only create a unique home design, but also help to save a family budget. Consider several interesting techniques and unusual ways.

Artistic graphics and screen painting walls

This technique is applied to walls of drawings and paintings using various coloring substances intended for the interior. This room decoration will become an exciting process to which you can attach the whole family, and especially this lesson will have to do children.

Decoration of the wall in the bedroom with the original image applied with special paints

What materials may be needed to create graphic wall decor with their own hands:

  • templates and stencils from paper, dense cardboard, plywood or plastic sheets;
  • scissors;
  • a set of artistic brushes;
  • painting brushes or rollers (standard or textured with ornament);
  • sprayer-pulverizer;
  • paint spray plates;
  • acrylic paints;
  • putty.

To create masterpieces on the walls with the help of templates, it is not necessary to be a professional artist. To work with stencils, you only need to cut the desired shape or shape along the contour, and then, applying to the wall, fill the paint the desired zones.

And in order to apply a graphic pattern or picture to the surface of the wall, after performing an outline with a pencil, and then crate in the sketch, you need to really possess the talent and some skills of working with artistic materials.


This type of texture finish is an image drawn by the hand of the wizard. Applied on a wet basis, often not yet dry decorative plaster or gypsum putty.

The wall must be pre-prepared: leveled and covered with trim. Fresco is a real work of art in its own apartment or house. The wall painting is made using special dyes and brushes of different thickness. The drawing may also have a self-adhesive, fliesline and tough basis.


Small details of ceramics, faience or glass are folded into a single composition and are one picture or ornament. This is a real work of art that can be found in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in a common hallway. It looks beautiful when the mosaic laid out individual angles, niches, a kitchen apron, and zoning the premises.

Mosaic does not lose relevance, always looks bright and original. This is a bold solution that is often used to design walls near fireplaces, arched openings and columns.

Stucco and gypsum elements

This is the type of texture finish of the walls of the walls both in the apartment and the facade of the houses. With the help of plaster, you can lay out entire plots and pictures that will look like alive. This technique is suitable for interiors in the Baroque style, classic, Provence and Renaissance.

Textural plastic panels

This is a popular type of walls, suitable absolutely for any layout. The panels can be smooth and textured, with gypsum waves, sideboards and protrusions.

Rooms decorated with white panels look visually wider and lighter. Decorative lighting of materials benefits all the elements and emphasizes the amount of decor.

Imitation material

Increasingly, you can see interiors with finishing of simple materials that imitate natural. The most common variations:

The imitation of natural materials can be performed on the walls in any room - from the living room to the bathroom. If the repairs are planned in a private house, it is possible to separate a terrace with a winter garden and even a summer kitchen to separate the stone or brick.

Upholstery textiles

To begin with, it is worth mentioning a carriage screed - a method of soft wall decoration, with which the surfaces visually seem volume. Design is suitable for aristocratic interiors in classical performance.

Many are inhabit the walls with a cloth not only because of the aesthetics of the appearance of designer textiles, but also to increase the soundproofing of the room. Not many know about this property of the tissue sheath of wall surfaces. This type of finish will make any interior luxurious and unique.

3D Wallpaper

3D canvas are widescreen paintings. There are wallpapers with large images of nature, cities or animals, as well as with abstractions and drawn seats, deepening space.

Mirror surfaces

Often used without framework and bordering, making up interesting and unusual composites for the interior. Fine mirrored panels are obtained that can visually deepen and increase the space.

Such decoration is an excellent solution for High-tech or. Reflective elements are perfectly combined with gray, sandy, blue and white tones.

Combining several finishing materials and techniques

To approach the design of walls of various materials and textures should be creative and tastefully.

- It is a canvas with beautiful photos, landscapes, drawings and images of animals. With their help, you can learn the panorama of the city in my bedroom or to be on the seashore directly from your own living room. Best of all, they look with the monophonic and drapery of calm shades.

Any room requires special design by virtue of its individual characteristics. To implement the original ideas of the decor of the walls with their own hands (as in the photo below) on the terrace and in the nursery, using various techniques and materials. Consider options for each room separately, taking into account the selected stylistics, the size of the premises and the functionality of the zones.

Living room

This is the main room in any apartment or house: here you can meet guests and spend time together with your family. When making a common space and decorating surfaces, it is important to take into account the tastes of each of the households.

Paper wallpaper with ornament in the interior of the living room in the classic style

The walls of the living room can be coated with wallpaper, wood, decorative plaster, and combine several options. Beautifully look at the drawings on the putty made using a roller or a simple broom.

A successful solution will paint the walls of bright paint, apply graphic pattern technique and blew the original vinyl wallpapers.

Beautifully look at the awesome photos, garlands, panels from paintings and original abstraction. The decor can always be supplemented with elegant plinths, carpets, corners, luminaires, antique products, furniture from the vine and clay crafts.


This is a secluded place in the house where you can relax and retire. Decorating the walls of the room, the main thing is not to overdo the decor. It should be beautiful, calm and attractive. Designers recommend creating a pacifying atmosphere with the help of monotonous pastel shades of the decoration background, which can be decorated with paintings, illumination, photographic windows and textiles.

Natural Wallpaper on Bedroom Wall

It is advisable to use beige, lavender, mint, peach, white and light blue shades. Abstract ornaments, collages, photos, garlands, lamps, shelves and panels will be suitable as decor.


And adolescents can be decorated with vinyl stickers, images of the heroes from cartoons and fairy tales. Designers advise use calm gentle colors, diluting them with a bright decor.

Chalk wallpaper is an ideal opportunity for the manifestation of creativity and creativity of young children. The drawings are easy to wash off and are well applied. Such an original decoration can be combined with paintings, posters, screen patterns and photo wallpapers.


- The most favorished household room in the house, so it should be especially cozy and comfortable here. You can decorate the walls with thematic panels, kitchenware, kitchen utensils and mirrors.

Bright trays, green plants and original shelves will create a special entourage. The decor should be combined with the color palette and interior stylist.

Decoration of walls decor

Today there are many ways to implement the ideas of decorating by mounting various items and products on the walls. Consider the most original:

  • the dishes are decorative utensils from ceramics or straw, as well as beautiful kitchen utensils will have a good service in decorating walls. They can be decorated with a seating area in the living room or dining room. Gzhel plates often use dishes from different countries of the world, a set of bright dishes, trays and shallow salad bowls. We can hang like compositions in a chaotic order or a special pattern;
  • pictures - it can be images under glass, posters, posters and own drawings. You can decorate classic frames or homemade products from beads, branches, plastic, paper and cardboard. You can draw paintings with your own hands, buy in the store or print them on a color printer;
  • photos - can be within the framework, interconnected with ribbons, fishing, chain, kites or twine. Can be fixed with clips, clothespins, glue, frames from the wire and scotch. Since photographers, you can even make real garlands of memories, decorating the bedroom, an office or living room;
  • paper - With the help of paper products, you can create real 3D pictures and compositions on the walls: butterflies, animals, floral compositions, fun figures, garlands made of colored paper, candy or cardboard. Today also popular appliques for quilling technique. Decorate the decor beads, leather, dry branches, stickers and paints, and fix on the wall with glue, tape or needles;
  • prints and inscriptions are funny slogans, motivators, initials and quotes. You can arrange them in the frame under glass or hang in the form of posters. Herbaria is also originally looking at;
  • installing light - with its help you can create an elegant and festive entourage in any room. Beautifully looking electric garlands, glowing lanterns, flickering threads, suspended light bulbs and LEDs. It is necessary to issue a bedside zone, a window or doorway, a mirror or writing desk. This is an atmosphere of magic and fairy tales in an urban apartment;
  • plants are real living walls that transform any interior. You can use suspended pots, cells, shelves with binds, corners, drawers and porridge. Vertical landscaping will create an atmosphere of comfort and heat, and room plants will help to clean the air in the apartment;
  • shelves and racks - here you can attribute the designs of various sizes, shapes and materials, beautiful keystones and cells. Collectibles, books, figurines, dishes, photos, vases, candlesticks, vessels with spices and herbs, pots with flowers are placed on the shelves.
  • wood figures - perfectly complement any wall compositions, and will also become an independent art object in the interior. All items should be seized, you can cover with varnish or paint, draw drawings or stick another decor. Among themselves small products are sometimes sealed with wire or fishing line, and hang on the wall with the help of screwdrivers, screws or nails;
  • garlands - Creative decorative elements in the form of paper figures, sequins, sequins, feathers, beads, origami, felt and fabric little animals, cardboard and iron parts;
  • accessories for hobby and sports - hobbies can be coming and leaving, and the inventory remains. It can be used as a decor of the walls, pre-covering varnish, paint and other cute little things;
  • mirrors - the original way to transform the room by filling it with light. In order for the mirrors perfectly fit into the interior, you will have to choose a suitable frame, shape and size. You can use several mirrors, composing compositions and lines;
  • wall panels from several elements - from paintings, photos, frescoes or elements of various wallpapers with common topics and a single style of execution;
  • musical instruments - an old guitar or drums can be given a second life, building a wall decor and original shelves from them;
  • hats - the most common things can be turned into items, if there is a rich fantasy. Beautifully look at hooks, ribbons and ropes. Old hats of various shades and sizes.

If you have conceived creating wall decor with your own hands, in the video with a photo selection you will find original ideas and inspiration for self-creativity. Do not be afraid to experiment and make the design of your apartment unique and unique.

Many dacha owners want to make their own plot unique. To give him an individual, it is not necessary to access the designer, because you can create decor for giving with your own hands. To do this, you can use various building materials, as well as broken furniture and other old things, giving them a new life.

Decor of the fence

Fences and fences are a kind of "face" of any site, because it is for him that the country's landscape design is judged.

Most often as fences, you can see the deaf walls, the fences from the chain grid and other unsightly structures. For their decoration there are many ways.

  • Vertical gardening. Along the fence, you can position the sleeper and put Clematis, plenty roses on it and other curly perennials. It is possible to attach flower pots on metal holders to a wooden fee, and planted with ampel petunia.
  • Wire decor. The fence from the chain grid can be originally painted. The unusual solution will also be the grid, considered as a major base for embroidery. Aluminum wire can serve as a thread. The pattern can be placed throughout the fence or only to some of its sections. The fence is decorated with various ornaments - geometric shapes, images of colors or animals.
  • Painting, forging and carving for the fence. The fence can be decorated with small carved colors, drops and other figures. Forged elements are on sale in the finished form. It is enough just to attach to the fence. Also, the fence is easy to paint into polka dots, striped, in a flower or depicting entire pictures on it.

Table from mosaic

Another option of the country decor is the old table decorated with mosaic tiles and colored whirlpools. The pattern and design of the table are chosen depending on personal wishes.

  1. To begin with, a piece of plywood on the wall dimensions is cut and processed by its acrylic primer. When the plywood dry, it will be screwed to the table, then a pencil is placed the center of the tables and other places, depending on the drawing.
  2. Tiles on the perimeter of the table surface and places marked according to the pattern are glued on the tile glue.
  3. Filled with tiles areas serving background for ornament. It starts to do from the center of the table.
  4. After drying the adhesive, the surface is thoroughly align, filling the seams with tiled grout. Excess grouts are removed with a wet cloth.
  5. After decorating the table, it is desirable to paint the other parts of it with color suitable for mosaic.

Sheen decor

Universal material for the decoration of the garden plot has been considered for a long time old auto strokes, from which you can make a decor for giving with your own hands. Such crafts will be appropriate on flower beds, homemade reservoirs and tracks.

  • Tire flower beds. Old tires paint in different colors and fold over each. Such an easy way is obtained by a multi-level flower. You can also make a vertical flower garden, for which the tires of various sizes are chosen and put on each other in the form of a pyramid. After filling the flower beds, the soils are planted with ampel plants.
  • Furniture from tires. In the garden plot, there will be a great furniture from auto strokes, made in any stylist and with different upholstery (skin, cloth, wire). To make seats for recreation, tires wrapped with a belt or textile ribbons, binding to each other. Auto strokes also turn into spectacular tables, armchairs, fountains, kashpo.
  • Trops from tires. To create such a unique option will take less time if tires from trucks are used. To do this, only the protector will be needed. Tires are prepared for installation, separating their side as a knife from the tread, receiving a ring. Then it is separated across - a strip for a path is formed. Also make the required number of tapes. They are laid in length and nail to the board. The site under the path is preliminarily moistened to the tires tightly and quickly clung to the ground. Then they are pressed into the soil, then there will be no bumps on the path.

Flower beds from old furniture

The flower beds play a significant role in the arrangement of the landscape design of the garden. It is difficult to surprise someone with ordinary flower beds, so it is worth making original flower beds. For such a dacha decor, do not need expensive materials.

Many can be found in the apartment or in the country old furniture, which is easy to turn into a flowerbed. Old dresser can become a multi-level flower garden. To do this, it is enough to open all its boxes and consolidate them at different levels using self-tapping screws or nails.

Such a chest is desirable to paint in bright or restrained shades. It should be treated with varnish, resistant to moisture and sun. Then the boxes are filled with land and drainage. It is better to plant small flowers, low bushes and grass in such a flower. A similar dresser can become a mini-garden if greens grow in it.

You can use the seat of the old chair as a floral porridge, cutting the place for a pot in it. After that, they are tied to it and put a pot with a plant.

Country decor from old transport

In the country area, a broken bike and another type of transport can be used as an ornament. The old bicycle will become a great base for the flower bed, but the enamel is applied to it so that it is resistant to moisture.

Plants are placed on the steering wheel, trunk, and miniature pots are fixed to pedals. Often bicycles decorated wicker baskets, hanging them on the steering wheel. Bind or ivy plant sit on this basket, and a few years later, the bike will be braided with green thickets.

It is not necessary to take an unsuitable car for the car. After all, it may turn out a large-scale and original flower garden. The trunk with the hood of the car effectively decorate the plants with large leaves. On the roof you can position light-loving flowers and shrubs. The surface of the car can be covered with multi-colored patterns.

Also beautiful flower beds are created from old boats. The boat can turn into a flower garden. For this, it is filled with soil and planted bright decorative plants.

Flowers from various old items

Practically any unnecessary items can be part of the landscape design of the site, if you approach their decoration with a fantasy. Flowers make even broken electrical engineering. TV can be released from internal devices and plant your favorite flowers there. In the old gas or electric stove, broad-sized instances can grow.

Flowers also create from pelvis and trough. For example, the trough turn into a flowerbed in the form of a sailboat, for which in its center they put the mast, create the effect of sails and plant white and blue flowers, imitating sea foam.

Gardeners create real masterpieces even from simple umbrellas. The umbrella is inserted into the ground in a semi-open state and the flowers planted inside, after completing it with the earth. Around the umbrella also plant decorative flowers.

Also, old teapots, rubber boots and shoes are used as a flower. A beautiful solution will be imitation of a fire from flowers. To this end, there are a circle of a small diameter on the ground, on the sides of which bricks are added to the ground. The resulting space is filled with soil, and firewood is put in the center of the circle, velvets sit down - they will create the illusion of the fire. Over such a flame you can hang an old saucepan and land in it any flowers.

How to decorate the country house

Over time, summer houses are aging and trembling, and even with the help of spectacular landscaping, the buildings are difficult to hide the building. Therefore, it is worth trying to decorate the house in the country with simple and accessible ways.

The decor of the country house is often made from multicolored caps from bottles. With the help of them, the facades and windows of the house, fixing on the wooden surface with self-draws or nails. It is worth remembering that the use of glue on the street is not practical. Of these lids, not only the elements of the house, but also create beautiful images, such as colors, snowflakes, animals and other ornaments.

Those who can handle the brush and paints are worth trying to paint the facade of the house. Before painting, you must prepare the facade. For this, its surface is aligned. If in the garden Mazanka, then its surface is plastered, putty, and also spend grout and primer. Brick walls are plastered and thoroughly align.

Also, the country house will look updated if they decorate them with pots with plants, consolidating on the surface of the walls. The unsightly structure decorate and with the help of low living hedges lined along its walls. Even containers with flowers located near the house will revive its appearance.

Dacha Home Interior Decor do it yourself

Beautiful decor should be not only in the country area, but also inside the house itself. At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out costly repairs, if there is no need, and buy expensive decor items. Decorate the interior of the house easily alone.

Surplus of ceramic tiles can be put on a mosaic on the kitchen apron. To do this, the tile is fluttered into small parts and create from them a multi-colored pattern or a monophonic decoration. At the same time, the grout can be selected under the color of the mosaic or contrasting.

Interior doors in the country house can be decorated with carpet pieces. For this, the joint is finally separated, and the door itself can be bred by a cloth for curtains. These materials are attached to the door on the carnations with original caps or gluit. Also, the doors are painted in a bright color, and glass elements are decorated with a decoupage method, sticking out the cut pieces from the napkins.

Usually, the old furniture that does not combine among themselves is used in the country. It is advisable to paint the difference of furniture items in one color to visually combine them.

Before painting from the surface of the furniture, dirt is removed, dust and dehydrated it. A white glossy enamel and a kel is suitable for dyeing. They are bred in two jars and apply traces on the furniture, rubbing with a sponge. This method of processing will make furniture visually awarded.

Many country houses are equipped with a fireplace, which are an indispensable hearth heat. You can make a fireplace and do it yourself or decorate the old one. It is stained with paint, we are lined with mosaic, residues of ceramic tiles, artificial or natural stone, decorative forging.

To decorate the plot and houses at the cottage should not be resorted to expensive and difficult methods. Decorate Dacha You can easily with undergraduate means, not referring to the help of designers.

Each of us wants the home interior to please the eye by beauty, originality, was stylish and modern. If you want to arrange an apartment in a special style, but you do not want to or do not have the opportunity to ask for help to qualified professionals - not trouble! Everything can be done with your own hands, if you attach at least a little effort, turn on the fantasy.

And heavenly means will make it possible to implement their own design idea based only on its strength and preferences, besides, it is very interesting.

Prepare for the design of walls, gender and ceiling, decoration of furniture and household appliances will take you a lot of time. Be prepared for this - take patience. However, decoration performed by their own hands will bring great pleasure creative personalities, and will also help save family budget.

If you decide to the cardinal changes, then the first thing you have to do is. After all, whatever furniture and household appliances, without high-quality wall decoration, the room will not look attractive. The original design of the walls can be performed using special devices, professional equipment or submitted means available in the house for everyone. In the latter case, you will save the funds of your budget.

The most attractive ways to decorate walls in the apartment are already known, but there are new opportunities.

Using stencils

An unusual and even a fancy interior can be created with their own hands using stencils from various materials: wood, cardboard, plastic. The main thing is that the material used is quite dense and did not get intoxical. In order to transform the interior qualitatively and gently, you will have to decide in advance with the pattern, and then apply it to the alleged stencils with a marker or pencil, for example, having recreated it on a piece of cardboard or wood. Next, we carefully cut the desired configuration and we do holes in it, according to the pattern.

After stencils are ready, it's time to start work and create a unique interior. Make it will be easy. Stencils are applied to the wall in the right place and carefully score so that no "spaces" remain. It is better to use paint in a spray canter. So you will be able to perform work as high quality, professionally, about, as it would be a specialist. The brush, whatever gently and comfortable, it can, can get under the stencils and stain an extra surface.

Stencils for walls made of wood or other solid material are also good because you can use it several times, applying to the wall of the wall in pre-marked areas.

In this way, even a newcomer without much difficulty will be able to create a bulk drawing or pattern, create an unusual, unique interior in the hallway or toilet. Tree stencils are easy to clear in order to apply in work many times, in contrast to paper or cardboard models.

The design of the walls in the described method is very economical, because you use undergraduate means, and do not acquire expensive materials and fixtures.

Vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers for walls can be bought at any construction store or even on the market. With their help you will be able to quickly decorate the room, create a real designer interior, making the walls of the walls in the living room, a bedroom, an entrance hall, a toilet or kitchen with your own hands.

The design of the wall using ready-made vinyl stickers may seem too simple and banal, especially if you are creative and looking for easy paths. Beautiful stickers in the form of butterflies, heroes of favorite cartoons, daisies or other original interesting figures you can make your own hands, prepare stencils in advance.

All you need is:

  • self-adhesive vinyl (sold in construction stores);
  • stencil from wood or plastic;
  • sharp scissors for cutting.

Such a decor can be so original as your fantasy will allow. Vinyl figures are neatly cut on the stencil, attached to the wall in the living room, hallway or toilet.

If you want to add volume and "revive" a sticker - leave it certain parts (butterfly wings or flower petals) free - not attached to the wall.

Drapery wall

If the walls do not differ in perfect smoothness, their surface requires pre-alignment - do not despair. There is no need to level the wall will give you drapery design. Drapery can be used in the premises of the most different type and destination: in the bedroom, living room, hallway, and even in the toilet, if it is not combined with the bathroom.

This type of decor is unacceptable for the bathroom. Due to the peculiar texture, the drapery will hide the irregularities of the surface, give the comfort to the room.

Fabric is attached in one of the following ways:

  • glue that should not be applied to the entire surface, but only in separate areas (along the floor along the floor, ceiling, at the edges of the walls);
  • rakes accommodated at the edges of the sheet, using the construction stapler (rails are attached to all along the same lines as the adhesive substance);
  • velcro, one part of which is attached to the fabric, and the other to the wall.

You can create a cozy interior yourself, because you can attach a tissue structure to the walls. This does not require special skills, the process itself will take quite a bit of time, and pre-treatment with the preparation of the surface is not needed at all.

Other types of decor

To decorate with high quality, with your own hands, in other ways, using:

  • wallpaper of various colors and textures, with which you can visually divide the space on the zone;
  • various photo wallpaper including those produced by individual order;
  • appliques of various colors, species;
  • mirrors, paintings with elegant frames;
  • crafts from fabric, foil, vinyl, wood and other materials.

The interior that you will create yourself will please you at no less than the one on which specialists will work. Do not be afraid to experiment and decorate your home with original crafts.

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