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Design kitchen without upper hinged cabinets - is it practical fashion? Kitchen design without upper mounted cabinets, alternative kitchen options without top cabinets.

It is difficult to imagine a functional kitchen without upper mounted cabinets: where to keep the dishes and other unsightly and necessary accessories for daily cooking? However, the practice shows that a single-level kitchen is absolutely functional and, moreover, has a number of positive features: it is bright, spacious, aesthetic and original. How to create a kitchen without bulky attachments and at the same time save its basic quality - functionality?

Like any other kitchen, the kitchen without hinged cabinets has its advantages and disadvantages, each of which is conditional. Let's talk about the peculiarities of the modern format of the kitchen: why do you choose the townspeople even for a small apartment and why do those who seek a concise interior avoid?

  • Let's start with the fact that the kitchen without hinged cabinets is unusual at first sight; The question is brewing: where to store the dishes and how to take the free upper space of the room? Looking at the current trends, it can be noted that more and more people choose the kitchen of this format - without bulky structures at the top - it is convenient, practical and functionally.
  • The appearance of a larger space: visually the kitchen becomes more and lighter due to the lack of mounted modules.


  • The working surface is highlighted better due to the fact that it does not fall a shadow from the upper boxes.
  • Less furniture in the kitchen - less time cleaning. It is known that the mounted cabinets collect dust and all those evaporations that are formed in the kitchen during cooking (even the extractor does not always "save" from such an attack). Lack of top filling the headset - the ability to facilitate cleaning: do not have to wipe the surface of the kitchen cabinet.

  • At the same time, often attachments are replaced by open shelves, and dust they accumulate even more intensively; The most important thing is that the open shelves will have to get rid of dust much more often - once a week exactly.
  • One of the advantages of the absence of mounted cabinets is the more budget cost of the kitchen headset.
  • Safety is a reason to purchase a kitchen kit without top lockers: the likelihood of their fall is reduced due to weak walls or poorly fixed structures (cases of falling cabinets, although rare, but happen in life).

Among the disadvantages of the kitchen without attachments in the form of a cabinet can be:

  • Inability to use in small apartments; For those who dare and gathered the kitchen of their dreams of a single-level format, it may cause its insufficient functionality by surprise.
  • Mounted cabinets sometimes hide the indoor defects: The curvature of the walls, flawed decorative finishes and other nuances.

When choosing a kitchen headset without "extra" attachments to appreciate the room: is it fairly spacious for a similar format? Do not you lose the functionality of the kitchen in return on its modern and fashionable design?

Do not skimp on a single-level headset and its filling: Let his shelves be as comfortable as possible and practical, are spacious and used so as not to load the upper open shelves of the room.

If you wish to have a single-level kitchen set, you need to know that such a layout is suitable for spacious premises, then it will be possible to save the maximum return from the kitchen and get the desired result. What if the kitchen is small? The headset without the top cabinets will harmoniously look at too narrow kitchen or, on the contrary, wide; In both cases, a single-level design will allow you to visually expand or increase the space, in one word, to present it in a favorable light.

Options for storage of dishes

The first thing that future owners of the kitchen are facing without hinged cabinets, the question: where to keep the dishes? The main "storage" of kitchen attributes will be the bottom drawers and cabinets, so it is necessary to take care of their maximum capacity and functionality: the inner layout of the shelves must correspond to the number of your dishes, and with a large set of kitchen accessories take care so that shelves have more (even if they are at its height will be lower).

The kitchen design without the upper mounted cabinets implies the presence of an open shelves (instead of cumbersome lockers) and rails - simple structures in the form of a pipe, which stretches in parallel with the kitchen countertop. Surely Reiling is in every kitchen: see what the kitchen accessories are hanging like jars with spices and towels, large cooks and cooking items.

Realing on a spacious kitchen without hinged cabinets will be a real salvation of the owners, because on the hook-hooks, you can accommodate small hinged shelves for storing healthy equipment for cleaning kitchens or spices, products (oils, for example) and other important items. Surprisingly, how functionally the railing and how original it is its design and color: black, white, metal, matte or glossy.

  • Buffet- Excellent alternative to mounted cabinets in the kitchen. Buffets differ in their functionality and design: a classic buffet is a high and massive cabinet with wooden or glass shelves and doors, thanks to which it is possible to estimate its filling. Traditionally, it is in the buffet that the tableware is stored, and modern models of such furniture for the kitchen allow you to install a dishwasher, microwave and other technique, which I sometimes want to hide from an extraneous gaze.
  • Tumble on wheels It will become a "chopstick" for a small quadrature kitchen, when there is not enough space for important trifles. The traditional cabinet is suitable for accommodation on a more spacious kitchen, and on its top you can install equipment like a TV: combine a pleasant with useful.


  • Cabinets column - massive products for spacious cuisine; In a small place, these giants will look inappropriate, although, when choosing a more elegant and slender model - why not? Cabinets columns are convenient because they are high and spacious; It is usually installed in the distant angle and are combined with a comfortable door - it is as functional and endowed with small shelves.
  • Penals Remind the closet column, but traditionally serve for the decor of the refrigerator or the oven, dishwasher or washing machine. Pencils are installed in different parts of the kitchen, depending on its layout and size, but more often - in the corner space of the room.

Planning kitchen headset

Depending on the kitchen layout, it is determined by its filling with single-level cabinets, those that are located on the floor.

  • Linear type It implies the horizontal placement of kitchen furniture along one wall; Working surface, washing, cooking surface - all this is on the same level, or on one line - practical and convenient. To make the rest of the space functional, install the open shelves parallel to the tabletop, avoiding the plate zone (probably the extract will be installed there).

Give an important attention to the decor of the kitchen: install additional lighting over the cooking zone, allow the kitchen apron to become original, post a few family photos and a couple of pots with flowers.

Linear placement of the kitchen headset is a good choice for a small room with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 9 square meters. m, where it is important to leave an extra room for the dining area.

  • Corner kitchen headset placed the letter "g" and resembles a linear type; However, a similar design is still functional than the same: a cabinet penalty or a buffet can be installed in the angular part of the kitchen, it is important that the massive furniture does not interfere with movement in the kitchen. The corner model of the kitchen headset without hinged cabinets requires additional decorations to fill the formed space: Posters and pictures on the walls, photos, flowers, decorative elements like candles and figurines, and it is important not to "overdo it" and do not turn the functional kitchen in the modern gallery art.

  • Island type The kitchen is suitable exclusively for spacious room with an area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters. M because it involves the placement of the functional island in the middle of the room. It is important to note that access to the "island" in the kitchen should be provided from 4 sides, then the cuisine can be called an island and enjoy its aesthetics and functionality.

Examples of modern interior

Create a modern interior of the kitchen without hinged cabinets is simply in the room of any format - from absolutely modest to spacious spaces, it is important to take into account the concept of the room and maintain its style, or design in each object of furniture and decor.

Modern designer trends are increasingly striving for the maximum liberation of space and deliverance from unnecessary bulky things. This fate and kitchen furniture did not go around. So modern designers are increasingly refusing to use massive hinged cabinets, preferred to compact closets and neat roomy cabinets. With rational use of space, you can release the entire top of the working area without losing the necessary place to store things.

Features zoning

As for the furniture, it is possible to highlight 3 options for the arrangements suitable for kitchens without hinged cabinets:

  • Linear. It involves the placement of floor modules along one of the walls. From above, such structures are closed with a table top, and in the lower part there are compact storage spaces. In addition, in such modules you can hind the sink and cooking surfaces. But this option is appropriate only if the long wall is enough to put all the necessary devices.
  • Corner. Furniture is placed on the same principle, but in this case, the headset may have a M-shaped or p-shaped form. This option is suitable for more compact rooms.
  • Island. This option implies the placement of the working area in the center of the room. In this case, only one of the walls can be removed under the cabinets and equipment. This is a very spectacular option.

Ideas for interior

With the arrangement of the kitchen without hinged cabinets, you have to be not only rational to arrange furniture and, but also compensate all lost storage spaces. For these purposes, a storage case can be equipped in one of the corners of the room. It can be placed not only dishes and other utensils, but also some products. Plus, so you can rationally use the previously not functional angle.

If you use a linear or angular placement of furniture, a good option will be installed in one or several corners of the room deaf wardrobes. In addition to the shelves, you can mount the microwave or oven. So you can unload the upper part of the room, leaving the work area as open as possible.

If the loggia or balcony is located next to your kitchen, you can be insulated and used as a compact storage for kitchenware.

If your kitchen does not boast an outstanding area, then the shelves can be used as an alternative to mounted cabinets. They can store frequently used dishes, flowers and other little things. But you do not need to turn them into a warehouse. All rarely used items are better removed in cabinets or cabinets.

Along with the shelves on the walls, railings can be set - straight or curved decorative pipes. They are equipped with special hooks, for which any items can be hung, be it towels, tacks or dishes.

It should be borne in mind that the railings and shelves do not protect the dishes from the dust depreciating on it, so wet cleaning will have to be carried out quite often.

If the working area liberated from bulky cabinets seems empty to you, then you can place all sorts of pictures, posters and other decorations. The main thing is that they were flat. Another option to diversify the area above the cutting surface - hanging lamps. They will provide high-quality coverage of the working area and will fill the resulting emptiness.

To get rid of wall boxes and not losing the necessary storage space, you can put a separate buffet in the kitchen. It will easily fit any dishes and small utensils. In addition, it is not obliged to correspond to the color of the rest of the kitchen furniture. So if you paint the buffet in the color of the walls, then the space will seem visually wider.

Color spectrum

The choice of color solutions is directly related to the used interior style. However, in this room it is not recommended to abuse dark shades. On the contrary, in the released space it is better to use light tones - white, gray, beige shades of brown and terracotta.

The shades of blue and salad are appropriate in such a room.

You can add a few bright accents to the interior, however, you also need to know the measure. For these purposes, you can paint one of the walls in a brighter or use multicolor posters.

Choice of furniture

An ideal option for a kitchen of this format is low with drawers. By and large, removing mounted cabinets, you can replace any other types of furniture. It is appropriate to use all sorts of stands, bottles, baskets.

Appropriate in such interior and closets columns. They can be placed in niches. So they will take the minimum of space.

Alternatively, the cabinets can be put on a high buffet. It must be the most compatible, but you should not choose too cleaning option. Furniture with excess carved seems cumbersome, which is not appropriate in a similar setting.

The best solution will choose a buffet, as close as possible to the modern style.

Low mobile stands can also be stored for storage. If necessary, it can be used as a stool or an additional surface. Mobile stands require perfectly smooth floor. The highlight can be.


The absence of mounted cabinets gives a large creative space not only in choosing furnishings, but also layout. The simplest illumination for free from the top kitchen cabinets is the use of several lamps with movable brackets. Their design allows you to freely rotate the device in the desired stron, and after returning it to its original position.

If your room is characterized by fairly high ceilings, then you can easily place several ceiling chandeliers. But you do not need to choose too fastened models. It is better to give preference to options with transparent or matte lamps. They can be placed in the working and dining areas.

An extraordinary solution will be along with a common light to place at the level of the carnis level wide LED strip. It can be held throughout the perimeter of the working area. If necessary, LEDs can be mounted in the lower part of the Tumb and cabinets. In addition to the additional backlight, this will create the effect of "soaring" furniture.

Even with the abundance of natural lighting, the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen still needs additional backlight.

Hinged lamps may also become a good option for illumination of the working area (as an alternative, a number of point lamps can also be used).


In the premises free of the upper cabinets, wall design comes out. In such a kitchen, the walls are adopted by most of the decorative load.

Depending on the directions you choose, they can be drawn up in various colors and manners, namely:

  • Modern classic - In this style, all elements tend to restrained universality. Here are not used through chur contrast and intricate items and things. Often, in such premises, calm warm tones prevail (shades of beige, cream, black, white colors). In such a room, the walls can be drawn up in the form of brickwork or paint.
  • - This direction is replete with small details. In such a decor, all kinds of vases, flower pots, figurines, curtains and unusual utensils are necessarily present.
  • Ecosil is one of the most relevant modern destinations. This style involves maximum proximity to nature, use in the interior of exceptionally natural materials and an abundance of colors.
  • Provence is one of the most cozy styles. In this case, light curtains must be present in the decor, comfortable chairs and a table of bright shades. Walls are often painted and decorated with landscape paintings or family photos.
  • - One of the most suitable directions for such a kitchen. This style implies a refusal of all unnecessary and non-functional. Minimalism maximizes space. This direction uses minimum items and things. Straight lines and bright monochrome colors are welcome.

Based on the above directions, the following elements can be applied to decorate such a kitchen:

  • Photos, painting or modular paintings with the image of still lifes or landscapes;
  • Wall ceramics or porcelain;
  • All sorts of frescoes and wall paintings are appropriate;
  • Can be installed in the kitchen decorative shelf and place different souvenirs, beautiful dishes or antique kitchen utensils on it;
  • In houses with high ceilings, the compositions of hanging ampellast plants will be perfectly looking great.

And what we offer with mounted cabinets: video


Getting rid of hinged cabinets in the kitchen has become one of the current trends. However, the use of this reception will be appropriate only in premises with a considerable area. As alternative storage places in such rooms, cabinets are used, high buffets, stationary or mobile stands. The described reception allows you to maximize the free space of the room. The kitchen without hinged cabinets look cozy and lighter.

How to combine the wallpaper of two colors in the kitchen will tell. And is it possible to glue vinyl wallpaper with fliseline glue learns.

Ecology of consumption. Interior design: kitchen without top cabinets - a modern and stylish solution, but how justified it is from the point of view of ease of operation and storage? ..

The kitchen without top cabinets is a modern and stylish solution, but how justified it is from the point of view of ease of operation and storage?

Let's find out how you can compensate for the absence of upper sections, which layout and design of the kitchen to choose and what the same-tier headsets lose with standard bunk.

6 ideas for the organization of the storage system

The main problem of single-tier cuisine is a shortage of places for storage of dishes, techniques, groceries, etc. Therefore, the entire space should be maximally thought out and optimized.

Here are some ways how can this be done:

1. Using column cabinets - If the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen is more than 20 square meters. M, then the lack of upper lockers will be able to fully compensate for the sections from high penalties, the so-called column cabinets in which the refrigerator can also be built and store the most kitchen utensils and things there. Cabinets columns and single-level headsets can be placed on both opposite to each other walls and related.

2. Using a buffet or foam - if the kitchen is small Or allocate under the column closets, I don't want a whole wall, and you don't have any needs in such a large storage system, you can replace them with one buffet,shellage Or a penalty in which part of things and dishes will be stored.

3. Using open shelves - Open shelves look much "easier" than attached cabinets with facades and if desired, they can completely replace them. On the other hand, if you hang a lot of shelves, the kitchen will cease to be single-tier and it will be a completely different design. In addition, the open shelves require double attention - regular wiping of dust, neat storage of things, etc. But you can hang only one or two shelves in the right place - near the sink and / or directly above the working area.

4. With the rails - Railings, of course, will not solve the problem of storage, but still make a single-level headset functionality. You can hang kitchen accessories of essentials and jars with spices. But keep in mind that the minimalisticness of the interior, for which the kitchen was planned without the top cabinets, will be a bit broken, because railings can create a feeling of a small disorder.

5. Using outdoor cabinets of high capacity and functionality - Choosing a single-level kitchen set, think out the filling of outdoor tumb needs to be especially careful. This is especially true for the cabinets under the sink and angular section. Well, when the retractable shelves, baskets, carousels and shelves are provided in them.

6. With the help of ... hinged cabinets - Finally, you can choose a linear, angular or P-shaped single-tier headset and hang mounted modules only along one wall or alone.

Depending on the form and area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, you can choose the following layout options:

  • Linear - Scheme when floor cabinets are built into one line along one wall in whole or in part. The work area with a washing and a cookbook is located nearby, preferably not far from the cooking site and the refrigerator to be comfortable to cook. This option is especially relevant for narrow kitchens.

  • Parallel - This is the option of planning, when either floor cabinets stand opposite each other, or when, opposite a single-level headset along the wall cabinets are located (as in the photo below), and there may be a table island or dining group between these rows. A parallel furniture arrangement scheme is suitable for very spacious or long narrow kitchens (in this case, the dining area is placed in the middle, but at the end of the room).

  • Angle- rational and convenient option for placing a kitchen headset, when either floor cabinets have an angular configuration, or angle along the adjacent walls form cabinets columns and floor cabinets. With an angular layout, comply with the "working triangle rule" (when the washing, refrigerator and stove are located in a reasonable proximity to each other) will be easier. The angular headset is optimal for any kitchen, especially small.

  • P-shaped - When the headset modules are placed in the form of the letter n along the three walls. On the one hand, this is an excellent type of planning, since it is also easy to comply with the "work triangle" rule and effectively use the space, but on the other hand, it is far from each kitchen it is possible to realize P-shaped furnishing.

  • Island - In this case, the main working surface is the island in the center of the kitchen, which may include and embedded equipment, and washing, and storage space, and therefore theoretically walls can be empty. But most often the island cuisine is complemented by closets columns or a headuit. This furnishing option is suitable only for spacious kitchens (from 20 sq. M).

What is the kitchen without hinged cabinets, and what are the standard?


  • Kitchens without hinged cabinets look more spacious, "easier" and careful;
  • Still, decorativeness and the ability to realize unusual design ideas are the main advantages of single-level kitchen, while practicality and functionality are departed into the background. Refusing to the upper shelves, you can decorate a free space of something like a mosaic panel or glass-printing with photo printing or focus on the textured trim of walls, such as brickwork.


  • With such a furnishing, the shadow from the upper cabinets will not fall on the working area;
  • Single-tier cuisine fit into the interiors of kitchens in Scandinavian style, in Country, Provence, Loft, Industrial and minimalism.


  • The headsets without top cabinets are twice as less spacious than standard headsets, and you can equip the cuisine with closets-columns only if its area is more than 20 square meters. m.;
  • Kitchens without hinged cabinets are obliged to bring the empty wall to the perfect state, as, even if it is not an accent of the interior, it will still attract attention;
  • To maintain life and cooking on the same-tier kitchen, you need to get used to, because to get the dishes or products from the lower boxes will have to be more likely to be touched;

The absence of mounted lockers is associated with some inconveniences, but the appearance of the room is transformed for the better.

To create the most convenient and original project, the designer is reincarnated to the hostess at home and presents itself in her place. Women sometimes have to cook quickly and much, but the food at the same time should be delicious and beautifully presented. Complies with all this requirement, food can only in the comfort zone of preparation.

Modern owners are difficult to surprise the "kitchen-kitchen", today they want to get bright and airspace, in which it is not only convenient to cook, but also nice to spend some time in full solitude over a cup of coffee.

Kitchen planning options without top cabinets

The decision to abandon the upper kitchen cabinets requires change planning. If the project is competent, the hostess will not be experienced in the process of cooking discomfort. The planning of kitchen furniture is a few species.

Linear - operating modules are installed along one wall. This location is very convenient due to the fact that the cooking panel, washing and cutting surface are on the same line. The absence of upper cabinets can be compensated by decorative compositions:

  • ;
  • panel;
  • pictures;
  • ;
  • wall clock.

All elements of the interior should be selected so that they do not create a jumble, and decorated the space. Opposite the modules you can put a penalty in which all the kitchen utensils will be.

Everything you need now moved down, and it will have to be murdered much more often, the load on the muscles of the back and legs will increase. On the one hand, this is a disadvantage, on the other, plus, since the extra movements did not hurt anyone.

Tip! If the hostess is not enough time for daily scrupulous cleaning, it is better to refuse such a plan.

Kitchen without top cabinets: utensil storage ideas

Usually mounted cabinets fill with dishes and bulk products. A separate buffet may well replace bulky upper modules. And in color and style, the buffet is not obliged to approach the rest of the furniture.

Optimum option - storage arrangementwhich will simultaneously be a storage of a saucepan, cannon and grocery reserves. Storeroom can be equipped in one of the corners or in niche, if there is such.

The choice of cuisines is now so wide that you will not make something unique work. Moreover, the workshops themselves offer to perform headsets under the order with individual features. But even with such a variety of design, hostess want to stand out and add uniqueness, so designers have come up with a new stylish move - a kitchen without top cabinets headset on one side or completely without them.

At first glance, this undertaking seems strange and inconvenient, but in fact everything is different. Convenience and beauty will prove kitchen design photos without top cabinets.


Of course, any decision regarding the design or functionality of the kitchen has advantages and disadvantages: the absence of the top row of the headset is no exception. But this move is becoming increasingly popular, despite the steady stereotype that the headset should be bunk.


The space is released, and the room looks more spacious. It will play on the hand of the mistress of small kitchens (up to 9 square meters. M, for example, in Khrushchev) who want to expand the room.

In addition to the physical space, there is a scope for imagination: one-story headsets can be positioned, as a soul, even under the window, and it will not look strange or cropped.


The light from the chandelier and the ceiling will directly go down to the working area, and additional lighting will not need. The more light - the more crushing the room seems. This is another reason to abandon the upper cabinets or make them narrow, if the kitchen is small.


Standard set has sufficiently large dimensions and is hanging high. To reach up to the top, you need to take a stepladder or at least a stool. And, let's say frankly, often dust is formed at the top: if the area is rubbed once a year - this can already be called success.

There will be no headset - there will be no "dust collector", which means that the air will become cleaner. It is just necessary to indoors where food is first prepared, and then it is used.


This item follows this. If you don't have to take a stepladder, to get something from the upper shelf, miniature hostesses will live much easier.

But here it is meant not only physical accessibility, but also economic: planning only with lower cabinets will cost two times cheaper. And for the classic kitchen, it is most often a significant amount.


The locker may fall, if poorly fixed. Or something can fall, if they reach the sugar pack or other item on the top shelf. Sometimes there are confusion with the doors when one person hurts the other without noticing him.

High hostesses when preparing a dish may touch the edge headset, which is also unpleasant. Usually on such an adaptation to a new headset goes about a year, but after the "punctures" happen.

The principle is true: there is no headset - there are no problems.


Let the rejection of the upper cabinets have so many advantages, but there are also disadvantages of this idea too.

The most important question - Where to go all the good, which is usually stored in the upper boxes. If the cereals / service can still shift somewhere, then the case is more complicated with the dryer, it is usually harder - usually it is located above the sink.

We will have to adhere to minimalism not only as an interior, but also as the meaning of life.

Another question - How to decorate the "empty" wall. Usually it puts in a dead end of people who decided to abandon the top headset. Below we will look at how new space can be activated on the examples of real photos.


Stylishly arrange a kitchen with a single-level headuit is easy if you know the types and principles of planning. Five options are possible:

  • linear - The entire headset is located along one wall. The table and, if necessary, the refrigerator is at the opposite wall. This is the easiest type of planning, which provides ease of cooking. Suitable for narrow kitchen;

  • angular The headsets are located on two adjacent walls of the kitchen. This optional option can provide a very convenient working triangle, consisting of refrigerator, washing and plates. The smaller this triangle is, the more convenient will be the mistress in the kitchen. With this layout, the washing is put in the angle, so it creates a lot of storage space under it;

  • parallel The headsets are set up two parallel walls. This layout is perfect for square rooms, where it is planned to install a headset without top. There is enough space for storing and cooking, but the room will look spacious;
  • p-shaped - Cabinets occupy three walls. Free usually remains a wall with a doorway. Also perfectly suitable for the kitchen when solving to abandon the upper cabinets. The problem is that it may not be space for the dining table, so one of the sides of the headset is made in the form or tolerate the dining area into another room. A more logical solution will be the use of such a layout in the studio or combined kitchen-living room;

  • island - It is distinguished by the presence of the island in the kitchen. The headset can be located according to any type of planning disclosed earlier. A good option is even for a small kitchen, since the island can be used in different ways - first for cooking, then for dinner behind it. In addition, the island gives a lot of additional storage space.

Select one or another type of planning is based on the existing room.

For example, if the room is small, then you should not make a P-shaped furniture alignment, since the kitchen will seem closer.

The second factor that is worth navigating is the estimated frequency of cooking. If you cook it is planned a couple of times a week and items require a little, then a linear layout is suitable. If more is an angular or even more massive.

Interior design

If the layout does not imply the upper cabinets, it is worth thinking about the design of the wall at the working area - because it will attract attention. The finish must be carried out from special quality materials, since the usual wallpapers (even washable) may not cope with mud, juice splashes and fat flying from frying pan or from under the knife. therefore the material is presented the following requirements:

  • resistance to heat and high temperatures;
  • high humidity resistance;
  • easy cleaning.

There are many that are suitable for these requirements.


Ceramics is the most popular option for apron. There is a huge selection of tiles both in size and in design, which allows you to make a wall at the working area as unique as possible.

This is a very durable material that even a few kitchen heads can survive: no external influences are scared with tiles, in addition to straight blows with a hammer.

But the weak place of the tile - seams. They quickly lose a presentable appearance, and by themselves serve as an excellent housing for bacteria, because the stamping of the seams is the material is porous.

In this regard, it is desirable to choose a latter tile, and from the mosaic to refuse at all. In addition, this option will require additional cash investments, since the wall before the tile must be aligned, the Master does with the stacking tiles - do it difficult to do it.


Glass can be both transparent and photo printing. The bonuses of standard transparent glass are that it can be removed and change the picture under it, making adjustments to the design of small costs. Under the glass, you can "hide" absolutely everything is a beautiful fabric, photo wallpaper or pictures of the younger children.

Glass apron is now in trend and looks very stylish. But there are disadvantages: for example, such a apron will have to wipe more often, because all drops and divorces are visible on the glass. But this decoration does not have seams, which means that bacteria just no place to settle.

The optimal version is a glossy glass sheet with a thickness of 6 mm, because the matte is hard to clean. In addition to natural material, it is possible to separate the apron with acrylic glass. It is more durable, durable and costs cheaper.

It is fashionable instead of a standard apron hang a mirror, but this is a very impractical solution, since it will constantly seem dirty. We'll have to quickly wipe the mirror with a solution to clean the brake, and these are not the best smells for the kitchen.

LDSP and MDF panels

Another popular wall finishing on the kitchen. Differs on its simplicity and low cost. With the installation of such a panel, it will cope with your own hands even newcomer - only glue or several screws need. It will also be easily replaced. The panels are made of wooden chips, which is pressed and glued, and from above is covered with a thin layer of plastic film.

This is the most short-dealing option from the presented. It will live for about 15 years, and then gradually the appearance will be cleaned: the places will take up from moisture, the film will be erased and so on.

As a variant of the design of the walls of the panel view the laminate. If slave left after laying the floors, then you can lay out apron or even the whole wall - it will look very stylish.

There is nothing complicated in such laying: it is necessary to plant the first lamella for glue, just do it in terms of level. The next lamella is first inserted into the grooves of the previous one, after glued to the wall.

It is desirable to choose a waterproof laminate 32 or 33 class. Seams in the working area can be treated with transparent sealant.


Naked wall and lack of storage space can be somewhat frightened by the hostess. In this case, the upper cabinets can be found to be replaced. There are some interesting options:

  • cabinet column, or pencil - Such a decision will be able to overcome one of the main problems - where to put things that remained "without home" after the abandon from the top boxes. Such pencils are most often narrow, but high. They are located at the refrigerator, on the sides it is outdoor cabinets or opposite them. It is convenient that it is possible to build household equipment from a microwave oven to a brass cabinet and even a washing machine. Such a decision will look very stylish, and also free the space of the rest of the kitchen;

  • open shelves - It will be facilitated by the urgent problem of storing things and balance the existing extract. But minus is that the shelves will be dust, and you will have to regularly wipe the dust from them. Store frequently used dishes is undesirable there, because it will also be treated with dust. Another minus is that the thing from the shelf can fall with small jokes - for example, if the child will actively jump in the kitchen, and the item has a rounded shape;

  • realinki - Fight with the problem of falling things, because they are a barbell to which the necessary items are suspended. But it does not eliminate dust and nagar, which occurs with a gas stove or a boiler. We have only those objects that are often used and clean.

Thus, it is obvious that you can find an alternative storage system of dishes and other life objects. The main thing is to enter it beautifully in the interior.


After we found a replacement of mounted cabinets in the interior, it is worth thinking how to decorate the liberated wall.

Usually, the apron zone is different from the rest of the wall, but in the absence of a top, the headset can be decorated as well. For example, you can put a laminate or brick on the entire wall from the table top to the ceiling, but in the apron zone it is desirable to add glass that protect the finish from dirt, dust and fat.

It is possible, on the contrary, to emphasize the absence of top and arrange the released wall by another finish. Here are some options:

  • brickwork - Fashionable stroke for the kitchen in a modern style. Suitable under Loft, minimalism, high-tech and even Provence, if you paint brick in bright tones;

  • ceramic tile Or mosaic - a very spectacular solution. You can play in contrast and make an apron, for example, a dark tile, and the zone is higher - light. A mosaic will look beautiful, but its seams are difficult to purify from dust;

  • panels from wood, combined in color with a headlock, but contrasting with apron, will make the Scandinavian cuisine very stylish and attracting attention;
  • masonry It will be great to look in the style of Loft or High-tech and combined with glossy surfaces.

When choosing a finish option, it is worth considering that later there may be a need for mounted cabinets or shelves, and it is quite problematic to hang them on a gypsum brick.

Choosing style

Many still have a sustainable belief that the design without the upper lockers is not suitable for the kitchen in a modern style or, on the contrary, in Provence. It is best to deal with this clearly, so let's look at the kitchens in different styles that combine one - the lack of "top".


Cute rustic style, which will give to feel the nature of even residents of the metropolis. Provence is inherent:

  • natural materials;
  • frustrated rudeness and simplicity in the decoration;
  • calm color gamut.

In the country style it is easy to abandon the top headset, replacing it with shelves from thick wooden boards.


Provence is a subspecies of country, but with a French bias. He is more romantic and sophisticated. His color palette is tender, as if diluted with milk: olive, lilac, mustard, lavender.

Since this is the subspecies of Country, the shelves from the tree will also look good here instead of mounted cabinets, which you can put a beautiful service.


The room decorated in this style is a real work of art. It is inherent in gloss, proper and strict geometry, the use of metal, glass and even plastic.

An important role is highlighted with lighting: it is necessarily a large chandelier and several single lamps, sometimes LEDs. But there are no requirements for the color scheme - even black can be used.


An unusual design direction created for young and active people. It is based on white and metal surfaces, unusual furniture and bright accents.

There are any designer solutions, even the most bold, so the refusal of the top headset in this case will not surprise anyone.

Art Deco

Luxurious style for those who love the classics. Most often used in large apartments and country houses, where the kitchen is combined with the dining area.

Only the most expensive materials are used: mahogany, silk, leather, crystal. Be sure to be stucco, patterns on the walls.

If you remove the upper headset, then in its place there should be only paintings - the open shelves do not like this style.

The kitchen without suspended cabinets is an excellent solution that will give the placement of originality and ease. It can be entered into absolutely any interior. Experiment - just so you get exactly the kitchen that will please for many years!