Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Terms of reference for the development of a design project. Terms of reference

In order for our cooperation with you to be as fruitful, clear, transparent and understandable as possible, we invite you to fill out a detailed questionnaire (terms of reference) for the development of a design project, which in full reflect your wishes. If you have difficulty answering any of the questions listed, you can simply skip them or put a “?” sign, we’ll discuss it together and fill it out. Careful filling out and careful study of the technical specifications will help you get exactly what you expect from the designer. Moreover, the process of creating beauty in your home will be pleasant, useful and, despite all the difficulties and problems, will leave positive memories. The designer is expected unique ideas and comfort of the future premises. However, only the customer himself knows what beauty and comfort mean to him and his family. He knows... but cannot express it in words, transfer it to a design project and implement it in renovation. Our constructive interaction with you on the exciting path to realizing the dream of ideal home will be the key to the success of the future project!

Terms of reference for the development of an interior design project

1. Information about the person authorized by the Client to approve the technical specifications: Full name. _____________________________________________________

Address/tel: ___________________________________________________ e-mail: _____________________________________________________

2. What will the apartment/house be used for:
rental ___________________________________________________
accommodation ____________________________________________________
investing funds _________________________________________________
apartment for business trips/leisure ___________________________________
your own option/other purpose _________________________________
additional information on section ______________________________

3. Number of people living in the apartment/house (gender, age): __________________________________________________________
4. The following people will live in the apartment/house at the same time: _______________________________________________________________
5. Guests - how often do they come and how many of them can there be _______________________________________________________________
6. The presence of professions/hobbies, habits, traditions, holidays, individual classes, general hobbies, games, books, music that require special interior solutions: (in the context of accounting and planning the necessary areas, pieces of furniture and interior in the house/apartment): (sports , place to work on a computer, music, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Redevelopment _____________________________________________
8. Pets, who, how many, what needs to be taken into account and provided for: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Availability of furniture and interior items that need to be included in the new design: _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
10. Number of rooms and their purpose:

11. Style decoration interior/style preferences in the house/apartment:

Classic/Historical Ethnic Modern
Empire style English English
Antique African Country
Art Deco Oriental Kitsch
Baroque Egyptian Contemporary
Victorian Indian Loft
Gothic Chinese Minimalism
Classicism Colonial Pop Art
Neoclassicism Moroccan Postmodernism
Renaissance Mexican Techno
Romanesque Provence Fusion
Rococo Scandinavian High tech
Eclecticism Mediterranean Shabby chic
Expressionism Japanese Eco style

Other ________________________________________________________________
12. Color solutions/color relationships/color preferences in a house/apartment:

Warmred and yellow predominate, considered warm (orange, red, yellow)
Coldprevails Blue colour(blue, light blue, lilac)
Nuancedtint, smooth transition in color and tone
Contrastingclearly expressed, sharp transition of color, tone
Lightyellow, pink, blue, light green, etc.
Darkblue, purple, dark red, brown, burgundy, etc
Monochromecontains shades of the same color, single-color palettes, different in tone
Polychromemulticolor palette, combination different colors
Achromaticcolorless, black, white and the whole scale of gray in between

13. Also provide in the project: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. Additional wishes of the Customer: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
15. Examples of related interiors (in the form of links or attached pictures) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Develop based on the approved master plan project documentation 3 (three) organization options landscape design taking into account the characteristics of the territory, the class of the building, climatic conditions region, create privacy of the territory.

Option includes:

General plan with the concept of organizing the territory without detail, but reflecting the main idea;

At least 3 (three) perspective images of the courtyard area from different angles, reflecting the maximum proposed concept. It is necessary to reflect the view of the underground parking ramp, transformer substation, courtyard part of the territory.

When developing options for organizing the landscape, you should take into account the existing engineering structures.

Sketch materials can be made in the form of sketches, watercolor drawings, graphics, felt-tip pens. Contain as common types, so individual elements. If necessary, perform in 3D graphics.

Based on the option agreed by the Customer, develop a Design Booklet. When developing visualizations, include the facades of the building being developed and the surrounding buildings.

Develop the selected option in more detail, taking into account the design of the entrance groups, provide its detailed visualization with landscaping elements and from different sides of the building (10 visualizations from different angles, including 2 top views - from the house and towards the house). The final renderings should include the Main façade and the Courtyard. It is possible to use paving stones or slabs from natural stone(granite) in the backyard in Surface Types 2 and 2a.

The main entrance group, at the entrance to the entrance, should be made of natural stone. At the main entrance, place a “mat” made of natural stone at the entrance to the entrance. Develop 3 (three) rug options. Images of the house logo on the “rug” are allowed. The house logo will be presented additionally. Link the covering of the entrance areas with the sidewalk covering of both the main and courtyard entrances.

When developing the concept, take into account the developed and agreed upon external lans utility networks and communications of project documentation, take into account dedicated lighting loads local area. When choosing lamps, consider energy saving possibilities.

The plants used must be selected taking into account the possibility of growth in a given area and in a given climate, and ensure the possibility of plant growth taking into account planting on the roof of a parking lot. Use plants in flowerpots for landscaping the main facade.

The plants used must be selected taking into account the climatic region and the thickness of the soil for planting.

The preliminary design agreed upon by the Customer must contain the necessary recommendations for further development working documentation, recommendations should be reflected in the explanatory note.

Technical task

for the development and implementation of preliminary design proposals (concepts) for the improvement of the territory at the address: Izhevsk, Industrialny district, Kyzpu Arama / Birch Grove Park.

List of basic requirements

1. General information

Basis for design

Service Agreement No. 3/2015-I




Society with limited liability"Aventika"

Design timeframe

45 calendar days. According to the work schedule.

Design stage

Draft design proposals (concept)

Name and

Address of the object

Territory at the address: Izhevsk, Industrial district, Park « Kyzpuarama », "Birch Grove".

General information about the site (location, boundaries, area)

Conditions of the water protection zone (stream in the southern part of the park)

The design boundaries of the facility are indicated on the situational plan in M ​​1:2000 (provided by the Customer)

The approximate area of ​​the territory is 9.5 hectares (to be specified during the development of project documentation).

Brief characteristics work performed, services provided

Development of a pre-design (draft) proposal:

Proposals for landscaping and landscaping;

Proposals for the phased commissioning of facilities;

Design goals and composition of design documentation

The projected territory is currently not functionally saturated; the potential of green territory in dense urban development is not fully used.

The main goal of the design is to create a natural and recreational complex that will be included in the system of city parks of Izhevsk, functionally diversify, saturate with sports infrastructure, infrastructure for holding ethno-cultural events by representatives of the Udmurt people different ages with the possibility of year-round use.

The Contractor submits the following documentation:

· Explanatory note with analysis of the territory and justification of architectural solutions;

· Facility location diagram in Izhevsk;

· Current situation (situation plan in M ​​1:2000);

· Functional zoning of the designed territory;

· Scheme master plan(design solution for the territory) in M ​​1:2000 based on the approved project program (see Appendix 1) showing the location of open areas, temporary and permanent buildings, landscaping, with the necessary explanatory fragments on a smaller scale, including:

1. layout of entrance groups together with a transport diagram showing the entrances to the territory and the organization of parking;

2. proposal to improve the landscaping system; including a dendroplan based on forest pathological analysis (provided by the customer)

3. layout of capital objects in the park (Administration - complex of Udmurt culture, utility rooms, security, etc.)

4. layout of flat objects and sports infrastructure facilities (extreme park, pavilions, open areas, stands, lockers, showers with changing rooms, etc.);

5. layout diagram of a continuous path network with rest areas, eco-trails, observation platforms, gazebos, etc.,

6. MAF location diagram;

7. layout of zones and non-capital objects in the park (kiosks, cafe pavilions, toilets, zones of ethnocultural events, zones of potential local communities);

Conceptual architectural solution for individual design objects (without interior design):

1 rental pavilion

2 cafes of Udmurt cuisine

3 single building of administrative and utility block - Udmurt culture

4 gallery

5 entrance groups

6 sanitary and hygienic park block

7Children's pavilion

2. Basic requirements for design solutions

Compliance requirements regulatory documentation

When carrying out work, the Contractor must be guided by the following regulatory documents:

· Town Planning Code Russian Federation(Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 19, Art. 2069).

· the federal law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FE “Technical regulations on fire safety requirements.”

· Federal Law of June 25, 2002 N73-F3 “On Objects cultural heritage(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" (if necessary).

· SNiP 35-01-2001 “Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility.”

Requirements for conceptual and architectural planning solutions.

Develop a unified style and color solution for the designed territory, taking into account

8. urban planning situation;

9. status of the territory;

10. year-round functional use of the territory;

11. natural features;

12. landscape-visual analysis of the territory;

13. reference information about the history of the territory and the surrounding area;

14. information about existing planning restrictions on the territory (sanitary protection zones, water protection zones, natural and historical territories, landscapes, etc.);

15. existing compositional and planning structure and views;

16. wishes indicated in the brief by representatives of the Udmurt community and residents of the region,

17. anti-vandalism and ease of operation of the designed objects.

Requirements for the design of utility networks

Not designed

Requirements for landscaping.

When designing, ensure the preservation of existing green spaces as much as possible.

3. Forms for presenting materials, requirements for design, packaging and transfer of concept materials.

Demonstration materials

The documentation is provided to the customer in the form of an album in A3 format, including sections:

· Photo recording materials of the initial position of the territory.

· Materials described in paragraph 1.9

· Visualization of project proposals.

Number of copies of the design project.

Project materials provided to the customer:

· 2 (two) copies of the project album on paper;

· Album in PDF format.

Annex 1

Park program for concept development:

1. Sports block:

1.1. Pavilion No. 1

1.1.1. Rental of sports equipment 140m2 (rental, warehouse, staff premises.)

1.1.2. Sports equipment repair shop. 20 m2

1.1.3. Sports store 20 m2 (sales hall, staff room)

1.1.4. Locker room with storage compartments. 20 m2

1.1.5. Toilet M/F

1.2. Extreme center: concrete bowl, ramps, springboards. 53x36 Appendix No. 1

1.3. Workout area size. 25x25 meters. Appendix No. 2

1.4. Parkour. The size of the area is 25x25 meters. Appendix No. 3

1.5. Climbing wall. Area size 15x15 meters. Appendix No. 4

1.6. Mountain biking: existing track

1.7. Universal sports court for basketball and volleyball

1.8. Roller slalom area 8x20 m

2. Administrative - Udmurt cultural complex. Appendix No. 5

2.1. Pavilion No. 2 – 225 m2

2.1.1. Multifunctional hall (meetings, workshops, presentations) – 100 m2

2.1.2. Premises for master classes – 3x15.sq.m = 45 m2

2.1.3. Office space– 4x20sq.m=80 m2

2.1.4. Toilet M/F

2.1.5. Office space IzhkarKenesh - 20 m2

2.2. Gallery. (exhibitions and sales of paintings, souvenirs, national products applied arts) – 50 sq.m.

2.3. Technical block– 60 m2.

2.3.1. Inventory warehouse.

2.3.2. A canopy with a storage area for park equipment and repair and construction materials.

2.3.3. Domestic premises for service personnel.

2.4. Container site for solid waste storage.

3. Ethno-cultural block. Appendix No. 5

3.1. Equipped area for events

3.1.1. covered stage with mounted seats.

3.1.2. 5 sites for temporary homesteads.

3.1.3. stationary platform, fire pit for cooking porridge, etc.

3.1.4. territories where ritual infrastructure is located (specifications and placement conditions are issued by the customer; only the outline of the site dimensions is indicated in the project).

3.2. Area for placing Udmurt small architectural forms.

4. Transit and public block.

4.1. A universal sports track throughout the park with viewing points, gazebos and equipped recreation areas,

4.2. "quiet" walking trail.

4.3. Cafe of Udmurt cuisine (service area, kitchen and staff area) -150 - 200 m 2

4.4. Entrance groups

4.4.1. Information stand.

4.4.2. Bicycle parking.

4.5. Car parking.

4.6. Improvement of springs.

4.7. Autonomous modular toilet.

4.8. Equipped areas for the location of temporary objects - tents, kiosks, vans, etc.

5. Children's play area.

5.1. Playground.

5.2. Trampolines

5.3. Children's indoor heated pavilion. 50 m2