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What grows only in Siberia. Taiga forests, taiga plants

Mood. What it is?
Have you asked yourself this question?
When I go on a trip, I always look forward to adventure, fun and exciting! I tune in to receive pleasure, joy, and unexpected encounters. I know deep inside that something unknown, but beautiful, awaits me - and I’m preparing for it with anticipation - I’m tuning in. And this doesn’t mean at all that I’m waiting for it, that it’s about to happen, that this is a special meeting or this is that “magical” place. No. I simply “showed” for myself and my mood the direction of movement, directed the beam of my attention in the right direction. Then she smiled and relaxed. And every day (if my travel lasts more than one day) I wake up and get up thinking that this day will be special! And a wave of joy fills my body with energy in a couple of seconds! And it’s easy to do, it’s easy not to forget, because my mood is written in large luminous letters in the foreground of my consciousness.
And during the day, if suddenly something not very pleasant happens, and a wave of frustration/negativity slowly or abruptly begins to cover me, I quickly remember my mood. I understand that no event is worth giving up pleasant feelings, giving up the drive of adventure and the feeling of happiness! So at this moment I calmly tell myself: “Okay, this situation happened. So that's how it should be. I'm not going to get upset. Can I learn something? Yes! So next time like this, I will do something like this. And now I choose to continue to enjoy my journey, because that’s what I came for!” Next, I thank the Universe for my wonderful life and the opportunity to get to know other cities and countries. And that’s it... after these words, my unpleasant emotions are carried away by the wind. And consciousness is clear again. And the whole journey is incredible! Everything works out in the best way! And these adventures are sealed bright paintings in my film of life!
On ordinary days, I often asked myself, why is this happening? Why do I easily manage to control my emotional state when traveling? Is this difficult on a daily basis?
And despite the fact that I most likely heard about this more than once, today I came to full realization: the key to this door is my attitude! So why not tune in to the SOOOO cool, happy life, filled with fun adventures, success, love and tenderness!??!! And why not remind yourself of this every day?!
After all, life is also a journey... And what it will be like is up to me to decide!

This is the first time this has happened to me! On the second day of my trip, I spent all my money!..And I gave everything for one excursion! 😊 At that time, I didn’t even know anything about that place... I simply believed and trusted one person close to me, who was nearby at that moment and encouraged me to do this act.
This excursion was a trip to the city of Petra in Jordan - a city in the rocks. Petra - unique ancient city, which, I’m sure, every traveler dreams of seeing. There is nothing like him in the whole world. To be honest, I remember little from the history of the formation of this city, since I was never particularly attentive to the stories of the guide, or rather, attention quickly disappeared :) But that inner feeling when you walk between huge, powerful rocks, and then see the entrance to the El-Khazneh temple with its chic facade. You are simply amazed how ancient people could do this! These perfect shapes, symmetry... The Arabs call it “Pharaoh’s Treasury”. For me, the famous temple-mausoleum of El Khazneh became another confirmation that the impossible is possible! And if ancient people could perform such miracles, then what abilities sleep within us?
About 5 years have passed since then - but it seems like it was yesterday. This incredible rock creation still stands before my eyes. And needless to say, no one else remembered about that interesting financial moment!)

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Alone with myself

Big city... metropolis... I think that almost everyone who understands what it is, these words are primarily associated with an endless stream of people, a stream of cars... everyone is in a hurry somewhere, everyone has something to do... then the same thing is happening in the head of each of them - a stream of thoughts, a list of tasks and plans.........
And from my own experience I can say that living in a large metropolis, you are constantly surrounded by people, conversations, discussions of problems, even sometimes in the background without your participation - at home, at work, on the subway, on the bus, etc. d... Sometimes a moment comes when you don’t understand where you are in this flow, and who you are in general, you remember that you haven’t communicated with yourself, with your Self, for a long time. You seem to lose control in this flow.
And here the best remedy getting off, getting out is traveling alone, and not through an agency, but on your own. For me, even searching for tickets and hotels gives me great pleasure! You choose tickets that are suitable and more convenient for you, a hotel that suits you in all respects, in general - everything is individual, for you!  All that remains is to pack your suitcase and go on a flight!
And since the journey is independent, you choose it yourself, create a travel program for yourself, do it as you need, as interesting and pleasant as you like! And how nice it is to create this Individual Adventure Program for your most important client - for your Self! Maybe it will be a program full of trips, maybe just a walk around the old city for the whole day. It does not matter anymore. The important thing is that it is in these moments that you communicate with yourself, paying attention to your desires, your well-being, your emotions. Sometimes you’re just walking along the main street of some European city and suddenly you see something interesting in a side street: “I’ll turn there, there’s something there.” Sometimes you see something unusual, beautiful, and you stop and think. Sometimes you can stand in one place for half an hour, looking at the horizon... and you feel good... calm... At this moment you are alone with yourself, you are honest and open. And it doesn’t matter what happened yesterday or what could happen tomorrow. You live in the present moment and just enjoy it...
And despite the fact that, it seems, nothing special happened at this time, these half an hour will definitely remain in your memory for a long time. After such “breaks” everything in your head falls into place, and... you often re-evaluate some of your values.
And in memory... there is still that small pleasant moment of life when you felt and heard yourself, felt how you were in your body and were part of this World...

Lady's slipper

It grows in light forests and clearings throughout Eastern Siberia, but not often. The plant is very decorative, so flowering period it is often collected in bouquets, pulled out along with the rhizome, which has led to a reduction in its range. Currently, it is in need of protection everywhere, and collecting it for bouquets and other purposes, especially with part of the rhizome, is completely unacceptable. Blooms in June.


Tree up to 22 m tall. Young one-year-old shoots are dark reddish-brown. The buds are rounded-reniform, the leaf blades are 4-5.5 cm long, 4.5-6 cm wide, the leaf base is slightly wedge-shaped, sometimes almost flat. The leaves of vegetative shoots are larger, deeply heart-shaped at the base, slightly unequal, dark green above, pale but not bluish below, glabrous, in the corners between the veins with long reddish hairs, short-pointed at the apex, saw-toothed along the edge. Flowers in 5-8 semi-umbrellas, the bract is oblong, rounded at the apex, attached 1-2 cm from the base of the peduncle. The petals are greenish-white, lanceolate, slightly longer than the sepals. The stamens are longer than the petals, the ovary is covered with dense grayish-white felt, the stigma lobes are rounded and heart-shaped. The nuts are one-to-two-seeded, pear-shaped, sharply narrowed at the apex into a short nose, briefly pubescent.

Spreading. Mountain Shoria: on the watershed pp. B. Tesh-Tamala-Kundel (Kuzedeevsky “Lime Island”); in the upper reaches of the Tom (Chulzhan village) and along its tributaries (Tutuyas, Baranzas), in the lower reaches of Mras-Su, Tenesh station 2.5 km south of the village. Kalars; Kuznetsk Alatau: in the Taidon basin, in the upper reaches of the Middle Tersi; on the Salair Ridge: in the basin of the Kara-Chumysh and Togul rivers. The largest part of the range is located in Mountain Shoria. Altai-Sayan endemic.


A perennial plant with two underground ovoid tubers 3-4 cm long. The stem is 20-45 cm tall. The leaves are soft green, shiny, alternate, in the amount of 3-5. The inflorescence is cylindrical, 4-10 cm long. The flowers are numerous, pleasantly scented, pink with violet-purple veins. There are 5 tepals, ovate or lanceolate, twisted into a helmet shape. Lip 10-14 mm long, at the base with two lateral linear lobes up to 8 mm long. The middle lobe at the base is linear-oblong, towards the apex it is back wedge-shaped, widened and bilobed. The spur is 5-6 mm long.

Spreading. Chebulinsky district: village. Shestakovo; Tyazhinsky district: Novopokrovka village, Klyuchevaya village; village Tisul. IN Western Siberia- Tyumen, Kurgan, Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, Altai. Eurasian range.


The origin of the scientific name of the genus is unknown. Perhaps the Latin name came from the German Trollblume, which can be translated as “Troll Flower.” According to Germanic and Scandinavian legends, this plant was considered the favorite flower of trolls.

The Russian name for the flower, “Kupalnitsa,” which is accepted today, has an ancient origin. It is possible that the name is associated with the time of mass flowering, which falls on July 6 ( June 23, old style). This day was called Agrafena-swimsuit and from this day on it was customary to start swimming in rivers and lakes. Around this time, another pagan holiday was celebrated in the old days - “Ivan Kupala Day” ( The day of Ivan).

In any case, coincidentally or not, the Russian name of the genus reflects the plant’s “love” for water - for wet habitats.

In many regions of Russia, various folk names have been adopted to denote a species or group of species characteristic of an area: Trollius, Kupava, Kupavnitsa, Frying,Lights, Siberian rose, Avdotki, Bells, Mallets, Coachman's weed, Balabolki.


Perennial. The rhizome is short, brownish. The stem is single, densely hairy, 5-15 cm tall, later up to 30 cm, with spreading branches. The leaves are double-pinnate, oval, their lobules are broadly lanceolate and hairy below. The flowers are pale yellow, 1-7 cm across. The fruit heads are spherical, drooping, and their stems are hairy.

Spreading. Leninsk-Kuznetsky district: village. Red; Prokopyevsk; Kiselevsk; Promyshlennovsky district: village. Tarasovo, Kamenka village; Belovsky district: village. Caracans. In Western Siberia - Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, Altai region. West Siberian area.


Plant 50 cm tall. The stem is hollow, slightly pink in cross section, the stem leaves are oval-triangular, heart-shaped at the base, pubescent above, slightly wavy along the edge, bare or slightly fleecy below. The inflorescence is straight, dense, yellowish flowers, 4-7 on pedicels articulated at the top. Fruits with narrow light brown wings. The root is thick, vertical, brownish-orange-yellow in cross section.

Spreading. Mountain Shoria: rocks “ White stone” and Katunskaya Griva on the river. condom; in the south of Kuznetsk Alatau - the upper reaches of the river. Chebalsuk. Mongolian-Siberian area. Endem.


An erect shrub 15-150 cm tall with branches covered with reddish-brown or brownish-gray peeling bark. Young branches are silky-wavy. There are golden-yellow flowers at the tops of the branches. The leaves and flowers contain vitamin C and are used to make tea.

Lily saranka

Saranka is a Turkic name. In Russian, our lily is called royal curls. Locust bulbs are used as food. They contain a large number of nutrients. They also fulfilled a historical mission: they saved many of Ermak’s comrades and followers and the first Russian settlers from starvation until agriculture was mastered in Siberia.

Kandyk Siberian

The adaptability of the kandyk flower to our climate with its cold spring weather is amazing. You can watch how the kandyk shoot grows through the snow that has not yet melted. Flowers often bloom when the air temperature drops below zero degrees. In cold weather, it covers the ovary with its descending petals. Kandyk bulbs contain starch, glucose, and protein. They have been used for food for a long time.

The chopped onions are dried and ground into flour.


Large, perennial rhizomatous plant. The rhizome is fleshy, with a strong odor. The stem in the upper part is branched, furrowed, and coarsely hairy. The leaves are pointed, unevenly finely toothed, wrinkled and smooth on the upper side, and velvety-felt on the lower side. The lower leaves are oblong, long-petiolate, the middle ones are ovate-lanceolate, sessile, with a base covering the stem, upper leaves lanceolate acute. The baskets are large in sparse racemes on thick peduncles. The involucre leaves are imbricated, three-rowed, the inner ones are linear smooth, the middle ones are spoon-shaped, the outer ones are ovate, grayish-tomentose. The marginal reed flowers are three times longer than the involucre, the limb is linear, three-toothed. The median tubular flowers are longer than the brownish florets. The achenes are smooth, brown, ribbed, with short fused setae.

Spreading. Novokuznetsk district: s. Ashmarino, Novokuznetsk, Feskovo village; Kaltan town: in the valley of the river. Condoms. North-eastern border of the range. In Western Siberia - Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions, Altai. Eurasian range.


Perennial herbaceous plant. The rhizome is short, obliquely ascending. The stems are single or several, crowded into a turf, ragged, cobwebby, fluffy, grayish-whitish, 10-35 cm tall. The stem leaves are linear or linear-lanceolate, sessile, short-pointed. The lower basal leaves are oblong-ovate, narrowed into a petiole almost equal to the blade. The bracts are linear, widened in the lower part, 2-3 times longer than the inflorescence, less often equal to it, covered with thick white felt on the upper side, grayish-whitish on the lower side. The inflorescence together with bracts is 3-5 cm in diameter, densely crowded. There are 5-9 baskets, the involucre leaves are oblong, the outside is densely planted with long matted whitish hairs, with inside naked and glossy, with a border. The outer flowers are pistillate, the inner ones are bisexual or all the flowers are pistillate. The flaps of the middle tubular flowers are enlarged. Achenes are hairy.

Spreading. Tisulsky district: Bolshoi Berchikul village; Mariinsk (Zmeinoe tract). In Western Siberia - Altai and Kemerovo region. Mongolian-Siberian area.

Rhodiola rosea

Perennial herbaceous plant. Stems, from 1 to 100 per individual, have a height of 10 to 60 cm, erect, unbranched, 4-6 mm in diameter, emerging from thick rhizomes. The leaves are alternate, numerous, sessile, ovate-lanceolate, 7-35 mm long, 10-15 mm wide, entire or serrated in the upper part, glaucous. The lower stem leaves are smaller. Flowers are unisexual, dioecious, 5-4-membered. The sepals are yellow-green, about 2 mm long, the corolla is yellow, twice as long as the calyx. The petals of female flowers are much shorter than those of male flowers. Subpistillate scales are linear-oblong, notched at the apex. The fruit consists of 4-5 leaflets, usually turning red at the first cold snap. The seeds are small, 2.2 mm long, 1 mm wide, narrowed at the apex, longitudinally ribbed along the entire length, brown. Rhodiola rosea is a thick-rhizomatous hemicryptophyte. During the generative period, some of the rhizomes and roots begin to die off.

Spreading. Tegir-Tysh ridge, Suitcase mountains, B. Kanym, upper reaches of the Middle and Upper Tersi, Kiya. In Western Siberia - Tyumen, Kemerovo regions, Altai. The main part of its range is the mountains of Southern Siberia. Eurasian disjunctive area.

Most adapted to the climate of Siberia - Korean chrysanthemum. It has straight, often branched stems, reaching a height of about 120 cm; there are both medium-sized and low-growing varieties. The leaves are torn, have several uneven edges, and the color is light green. Sometimes the surface of the foliage can be fuzzy. The inflorescence in the form of a basket can be simple, semi-double or double. It has many long narrow petals growing in several rows, with short tubular petals in the center of the flower. The diameter of the basket is about 2 cm. Low-growing varieties are popular and combine well in compositions with other

Choose open, sunny areas that are slightly elevated. Dampness will cause plants to die in winter, and lack of lighting will cause the green part to deform. They love loose and permeable soil rich in organic matter. Watering is carried out exclusively under the bush; moisture should not fall on the foliage; stagnation of water at the roots is unacceptable. Chrysanthemums in Siberia are pruned for the winter, leaving no more than 10 cm of stems, and covered with a layer of snow on top of the covering material.

Did you know? The Japanese value the chrysanthemum at the state level: its image is on coins and the country's emblem, the Order of the Chrysanthemum is one of the highest awards, and the yellow chrysanthemum is present on the imperial seal.

Chrysanthemum« Josephine»

Common lumbago– spring perennial flower, which can withstand temperatures down to 20°C, which is not uncommon for Siberia. Unfortunately, the plant is on the verge of extinction; its name is included in the Red Book.

The perennial grows up to 35 cm; a rosette of narrow, thread-like leaves, also densely covered with villi, blooms from the base of a straight, fleecy stem. It is noteworthy that foliage and inflorescences appear almost simultaneously. The inflorescences are solitary on a long peduncle, surrounded by stipules. The buds are six-petalled in the shape of a wide bell, the fully open flower is up to 10 cm in diameter. Depending on the variety, the colors may vary:

Main conditions for growing:
  • good lighting;
  • drained, fertile soil with a neutral reaction;
  • absence close to the surface - a place on a slope would be ideal.
After autumn planting, the lumbago needs to be covered with any material (for example, spruce branches), then it overwinters without shelter.

A spring plant up to 25 cm in height, a thin, reddish stem at the base is engulfed by long leaves growing upward. The foliage color is dark green with chaotic white splashes. The stem bears only one inflorescence. The six petals of the opened bud are strongly bent back towards the stem, exposing the stigma of the pistil and the white-yellow stamens. The color of the petals is varied:

  • “White Fang” - large, white flowers;
  • "Zoe" - bright pink flowers;
  • "Olga" - light pink flowers;
  • "Mountain Shoria" - purple flowers.

Planting kandyk is also possible in the spring; it is not afraid of return frosts, even blooming flowers do not die at -50° C. It does not need shelter for the winter.

Important! Replanting or cleaning the soil around the plant should be done with extreme care: the kandyk bulbs are very fragile and located close to the surface.

It has a long thin stem, often unbranched, covered with hair, bearing one inflorescence. There are more leaves in the lower part of the stem - there they form a rosette; higher up on short petioles there are sessile single ones. The leaf is elongated, with smooth edges and a pale stripe in the center. The inflorescences are large baskets in shape, up to 15 cm in diameter. The petals along the edge are long, reed-shaped, and in the center are short, tubular. Shades of flowers can be either bright, sunny, or purple-dark. Blooms both in summer and in autumn period s.

  • "Goldstrum" (yellow with a dark center);
  • "Cherry Brandy" (velvety dark purple);
  • "Gloriosa Daisy" (petals are dark brown in the center and golden on the edge).
Rudbeckia, despite its love for sunny areas, does not tolerate drought well, therefore, watering should be carried out on time, but in moderate dosages. It is not demanding on soil; it also grows on loams. Tall varieties must be tied to a support: their stems are too brittle. For the same reason, the landing site should be sheltered from drafts. Reacts best to Rudbeckia, in addition to pruning, cover with spruce branches on top of a good layer of rotted

Rudbeckia "Cherry Brandy"

spring plant, grows up to 40 cm in height. A bright, lush panicle with many flowers is formed on a thick, short, cylindrical peduncle. From the base of the stem, dense, elongated arrows of leaves grow in a circle. Hyacinth flowers are small, usually six-petaled. The petals are narrow, curved or curled, simple or double, depending on the variety. The colors of the inflorescences are varied: white, creamy, yellow; all shades of blue, pink and lilac; red, burgundy and purple.

The most interesting varieties:

Hyacinths can be planted in the spring, but only if you are absolutely sure that there will be no return frosts. Autumn planting hyacinths do not require shelter if carried out on time - September, the first ten days of October. When late landing should be covered with covering material from snow and cold.

Important! Next year, the situation with adult hyacinths is more complicated: it is recommended to dig up its bulbs to ensure lush flowering, in addition, prevent the degeneration of the variety.

Garden perennial flowers Muscari belongs to the lily family. The name unites more than sixty species common in Europe, Siberia, North America and Asia. A low, only up to 20 cm, specimen with a straight stem and basal leaves. The leaves are narrow and long, pointed at the end, succulent, Green colour. The inflorescence is dense, elongated into a cone, white or blue shades. Depending on the variety, it blooms in April-May for 10 to 25 days.

Muscari is grown in sunny areas, on fertile and loose soil. After flowering, dried bushes look sloppy, so remove both dry inflorescences and foliage. The bulbs overwinter under the snow.

Or sedum, which is why designers love it. They are mostly creeping or dwarf bushes, although there are some tall ones. Sedum has small but dense foliage, green glossy or with a bloom. The inflorescences are collected in dense hemispheres, consisting of small flowers with five to six petals. Sedum is brightly colored: it can be white, yellow, pink and purple, blue and lilac.

Perennial sedum more than suitable flower for cultivation in Siberia, unpretentious plant is literally in everything. It does not need watering, provided there is regular rainfall. The composition of the soil can be anything, the only thing is that it is advisable to dilute heavy soils with pebbles. The plant needs only conditions of extreme heat and drought.

« Dark Red»

Are bright garden flowers Siberia and fully deserve a description, with colorful photos and names of the varieties. These are tall plants on a thin branched stem (except for creeping species), with bright green foliage, elongated in shape. Phlox can decorate any composition on or in a rock garden; they can serve as a border or carpet for a flower garden. A flower bed with colorful plants looks bright and original: then they do not need to be supplemented with other flowers. Phlox has a long flowering period, There are varieties that bloom until autumn, we will look at varieties that bloom in spring:

Phlox planting is carried out in the autumn so that the flowers have time to take root before the onset of winter. severe frosts. These plants love the sun but not direct rays, slightly diffused light. Flowers need moderate but regular watering; they all do not tolerate stagnation of moisture at the root system, so take into account the location when planting groundwater. Preference is given to drained, nutritious soils with a neutral reaction. complex minerals are desirable, not Loosening is carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots; the surface around the stems can be covered on hot days. They overwinter without shelter.

It has a straight, single or slightly branched stem, grows from 30 cm to a meter in height, there are dwarf species. The color of the foliage and stems is light green, the shape of the leaves is heart-shaped or simply round, with a short petiole. All types of Doronicum bloom with yellow flowers: from lemon to orange. The flowers are large, with many thin reed petals along the edge and tubular petals in the middle.

  • “Spring Beauty” (terry, yellow);
  • "Gold Dwarf" (dwarf);
  • "Little Leo" (light yellow).
Drought-resistant flower doesn't like overflow. Doronicum has a superficial root system Therefore, you should be careful when loosening and weeding the soil. For the same reason, the roots should be covered with a layer during the winter and the snow should be raked up after it falls.


There are more than three hundred species; it was bred for regions with harsh climates Clematis pungent. This variety is long-lived; give it a support and it will wrap around it, growing both in width and length. In one place, clematis can live up to fifteen years. This type It blooms beautifully with small delicate star flowers. The Lithuanian vine is dark green, not large, oval in shape, with a sharp tip and a central vein. The plant blooms from early July to August (inclusive), two varieties of clematis pungent are known, both have snow-white flowers:

  • "Sea foam";
  • Small-flowered white.

Clematis stinging does not bloom well in the shade, so the area for it should be sunny. This plant is not just a perennial, clematis is a long-liver, and the place for it should be carefully thought out. It needs support and hilling of stems in hot weather. Feeding is moderate, watering is regular and also moderate. Clematis does not need shelter for the winter, as it tolerates low temperatures well.

Let's figure out which ones to plant at the dacha in Siberia, what conditions to provide for them so that they bloom all summer. The photo below shows examples of flowerbed design.

Perennial asters– tall plants that grow in bushes or are not branched. The stem of the plant is erect, thin, but strong. The foliage is alternate, with a serrated edge, with narrow and long leaves, light green color. Asters come in a variety of colors and shapes: there are simple and double flowers, with needle-like petals. The color is white, all shades of pink, red, yellow and blue. Asters have a long flowering period and can decorate the garden until late autumn. Autumn-blooming varieties:

  • "Beachwood Revel" (maroon);
  • "Dick Ballard" (lilac);
  • "Mount Everest" (snow-white);
  • "Blue Danube" (blue).
Aster is planted in sunny, open area protected from the wind. The soil must be aerated, nutritious and light, with a neutral reaction - otherwise it should be added dolomite flour. Responds well to feeding with balanced mineral complexes. Watering is needed regularly without over-watering.

Boreal taiga forests are the largest ecosystem in northern Eurasia, North America and Scandinavia. Taiga plants are represented mainly coniferous trees, mosses, lichens and small shrubs, but taiga is different. There are several types of boreal taiga forest, in which certain plants predominate. Taiga forests are divided into light-coniferous taiga, dominated by pine and larch, and dark-coniferous taiga, dominated by spruce, Siberian cedar, and fir. The taiga soil is soddy-podzolic and acidic.

Let's look at the main plants of the taiga, which in some way can be useful to a traveler, hermit or commercial hunter.

First, let's look at the habitat of these plants:

We see that coniferous forests spread across almost the entire north of the land. On my own behalf, I would like to add that taiga also covers the mountain ranges of the European Alps, the Carpathians, and the Rocky Mountains of North America, which is not shown in the diagram.

Coniferous trees of taiga forests

Siberian spruce

The most important representative of the taiga. The basis of the dark coniferous taiga, which has become its symbol. Most often, spruce grows in mixed forests, but is often the main forest former. Spruce wood is used in logging and is suitable for construction, although a little worse than pine wood. A spruce cone appears at the age of 15 to 50 years, depending on the place of growth. The interval between harvests is 3-5 years. Needles and cones are rich in vitamin C and other beneficial substances, and they also contain a lot of essential oils. The needles secrete phytoncides that play an antibacterial role.

Scots pine

Pine forest

Scots pine, along with spruce, is widespread in Russia. The basis of the light-coniferous taiga. Pine wood is widely used in construction; due to its high resin content, it is one of the best natural building materials in the taiga zone. The resin has a very pleasant smell and is used for distilling tar, turpentine, and rosin. Previously, resins were widely used in shipbuilding and other construction projects that required the preservative properties of pine. The needles contain vitamin C and other beneficial substances.


I call fir the most affectionate tree of the dark coniferous taiga due to the fact that its needles are very soft and do not prick at all. Fir paws are good to use for bedding if you spend the night in the forest without a tent or foam mat. I also prefer to drink tea with brewed needles. The tea turns out aromatic, although without vitamins, since vitamins are destroyed when heated. Fir wood is little used and is poorly suited for construction.

Fir is more of a medicinal tree than a material for construction. Fir resin can be used to cover wounds: it has an antiseptic effect and promotes their rapid healing. Fir oil is widely used in cosmetics.

Siberian cedar

I already have an article about Siberian cedar. Let me just say that this is the most noble tree of the dark coniferous taiga. Pine nuts are highly valued due to their rich composition of nutrients. The presence of pine trees in the taiga indicates the presence of fur in it, which is another important factor. Cedar wood is used in construction and carpentry. It has a reddish tint and a pleasant smell. The wood is less resinous than pine wood. Cedar lives up to 800 years. The growing season is 40-45 days a year. The cones ripen within 14-15 months. Each cone contains from 30 to 150 nuts. Cedar begins to bear fruit on average after 60 years, sometimes later.

Larch forest, Yakutia

Larch is the hardiest tree in the taiga zone. It grows in mixed forests, but most often, due to its resistance to frost, larch forms a monoforest - larch. Larch can withstand frosts of -70°C, and even more. The needles are annual, not at all prickly, soft. Larch loves light areas of the area, so it is very difficult to find it in dark coniferous forests. As a rule, these will be solitary trees or monoleaf forests. Larch wood is very dense due to the short growing season. She has many rings. thin tree may be very old. Very well suited for construction, it is a desirable material for making the first crowns of taiga winter huts. Wood is not afraid of moisture and rots very slowly. Contains a lot of resin.

Deciduous taiga trees and shrubs

The most popular representative of deciduous trees in the taiga forest. Distributed everywhere. Present in almost all mixed forests of northern latitude. Almost all parts of this tree are widely used. Wood is used for construction, crafts, and carpentry. Tar is extracted from the bark and made various items, it burns well. In the spring, birch sap, rich in vitamins and sugars, is extracted from living birch trees. Buds and leaves are used in medicine.

Another representative of deciduous species in the taiga. Aspen is a relative of poplar; their bark can even be confused. Used for landscaping settlements like a fast growing tree. The bark is used for tanning leather. It is used to produce yellow and green paint. Bees collect pollen from aspen flowers in April, and glue from the blossoming buds, which is processed into propolis. Used to build houses, used as roofing material(in Russian wooden architecture, church domes were covered with aspen planks), in the production of plywood, cellulose, matches, containers and other things. Young growth is winter food for moose, deer, hares and other mammals. Is medicinal plant. Aspen has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, choleretic and anthelmintic effects. The combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in aspen bark makes it promising in complex treatment tuberculosis, smallpox, malaria, syphilis, dysentery, pneumonia, coughs of various origins, rheumatism and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. An aqueous extract of aspen bark is used to treat opisthorchiasis.

From the Berezov family. In the north it is a small shrub, in the south it is a tree about 6 m in height. Distributed in the taiga zone, less common than birch and aspen. Grows on wet soils. Bark and leaves provide dye for animal skins. Practically not used in everyday life. It is food for moose and serves as a refuge for game animals.

In the taiga forest, this guest is quite rare; it grows mainly in the south, in the central part of Russia, here and there in Western Siberia and in the Amur taiga. Wood is widely used in carpentry and joinery; it lends itself well to processing due to its softness. Medicines are made from some parts of the linden tree, and it is also excellent honey plant. Basts, bast shoes, and mats are made from the bark of the tree (bast).

Widely distributed throughout Europe, Asia and North America. It grows everywhere in the taiga. The use of rowan is small. The berries are eaten, rowan is a honey plant, and carpentry is made from the wood. The berries are used in folk medicine as an antiscorbutic, hemostatic, diaphoretic, diuretic, choleretic, laxative and as a remedy for headaches. Fresh rowan fruits have a bitter taste, but the first frosts lead to the destruction of the bitter glycoside sorbic acid - and the bitterness disappears. The fruits of the most famous variety of rowan (Nevezhinskaya), containing up to 9% sugar, have sweet taste and until frost.

A small shrub that grows everywhere in the taiga. It also grows in the mountains of Nepal, Bhutan, and Pakistan. The fruits are cones and contain sugars, organic acids and microelements. Juniper is widely used in folk medicine due to its high content of phytoncides. Used in treatment various diseases, such as tuberculosis, kidney disease, bronchitis, etc.

It grows in relatively mountainous areas, on the border of taiga and tundra. It grows on stones, very slowly, and lives up to 250 years. The resin of dwarf cedar is rich various substances. Turpentine is obtained from resin, which is an antiseptic, diuretic, causing skin hyperemia, and anthelmintic. Used to treat kidneys and bladder. Nuts are rich in nutrients and are in no way inferior to their older brother - Siberian cedar. Previously, pine needles were used as an antiscorbutic remedy; it also contains more carotene than carrots.

For many reasons, the flora of Russia is becoming poorer every year. Fortunately, there are various botanical gardens, arboretums, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. In total, there are more than 300 of them on the territory of the Russian Federation, and they all vary in area - from several hectares to several hundred thousand hectares. What plants are the rarest in Russia and require such careful protection?

Peony thin-leaved

This flower is significantly different from all the usual ones. garden species. The plant has leaves strongly divided into needle-shaped lobes. The flowering period begins in May and lasts no more than ten days. But even after this, the plant retains the freshness of its foliage until the end of summer.

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea (also known as golden root or rose root) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Crassulaceae family. Included in the Red Book Russian Federation. The plant received the name “golden root” from its rhizome, which has the color of bronze or old gilding with a pearlescent sheen.

Anemonastrum permian

Anemonastrum Permian or Permian anemone - plant species, listed in the Red Book of the Middle Urals. The name of the genus comes from the Greek word anemos - “wind”. grassy perennial Ranunculaceae family, up to 65 cm tall. The stems, like the leaves, are covered with dense horizontally protruding hairs, slightly deflected downward. The flowers are 2-3 cm in diameter, the tepals are elliptical, white. The fruits are about 7 mm long.

yellow water lily

The yellow water lily got its name from its closest relative, the white water lily. It grows in water, in shallow water, and its leaves are found both on the surface and under water. Officially, the yellow water lily is called a water lily because of its fruit. The egg pod blooms with last days May and until August with large, yellow, almost spherical flowers. The flower is picked both for bouquets (but in vain - the flower does not stand in a vase), and as a medicine(the properties of the egg capsule are also recognized by official medicine).

Lily saranka

Lily saranka (curly, badun, butterflower, royal curls) - lovely snow-white, lilac or pink, with dark dots, flowers with beautifully curved petals, blooming in June-July. The steppes and forest-steppes of Siberia are considered the homeland of this variety of lily. There is a legend that the flower gives warriors fortitude, vigor, courage and perseverance. It is beautiful in bouquets, and its tubers are considered edible. Apart from its beauty, it also has many medicinal properties.

Dolomite bell

Dolomite bell is a flower that grows only in Russia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, Dagestan, North Ossetia, and the Chechen Republic. It has very beautiful white flowers, up to 4 cm, located on long peduncles. The dolomite bell is picked because of its decorative look, and its numbers are sharply reduced due to the construction of roads and other construction work at the place where it grows.

Spotted palmate root

Spotted palmate root (or speckled) - belongs to the orchid family, found in the European part of Russia, but very rarely. In May-June they bloom on racemose inflorescences. purple flowers surrounded by spotted leaves. Powder from dried tubers has anti-inflammatory, enveloping, tonic and softening effects.

Iris yellow

Yellow iris (false calamus, marsh, water) - grows in the European part of Russia, along the damp banks of lakes and rivers, in swampy meadows. On a branched stem, light yellow flowers with an orange center grow in bunches of 3-8 pieces. Produced from yellow iris essential oil, which is used in perfumery, and the dried rhizomes, which have a pleasant violet aroma, are used in the confectionery industry, in the production of wines, liqueurs and other drinks.

Gastrodia high (potbellied)

This is an extremely rare perennial plant from the orchid genus. Gastrodia is on the verge of complete extinction, so it has long been listed in the Red Book. It is interesting for its unusual appearance: its stems reach 1 meter, but have no leaves. It blooms with beautiful large flowers collected in racemes, the length of which reaches 15-20 cm. In autumn, fruits appear - boxes filled with seeds.

Slipper grandiflora

Lady's slipper, lady's slipper, lady's slipper - all these are names of the same plant. This orchid can still be found in Siberia, in thin coniferous or birch forests. The flowers are very attractive. Local residents collect them for bouquets and dig up the roots for further cultivation on their plots.

Krasnodnev yellow

Red-flowered yellow blooms with large, bright yellow flowers. fragrant flowers, shaped like a funnel. Due to the attractive appearance of the flowers and healing properties, it is actively collected by digging up the roots. Traditional medicine uses the plant to treat heart disease and liver disease. An infusion of the roots will help get rid of pain in the epigastric region. Taken for fever, rheumatism, jaundice. Medicines are prepared from the roots to treat gynecological diseases. Compresses are made from the decoction to treat abscesses and tumors.

Kandyk Siberian

Beautifully blooming bulbous plant. From mid-spring, April-May, drooping, pink-purple bells appear on its stems. It grows in the Siberian region of Russia. Its bulbs are edible and can be eaten raw or fried, or roasted over a fire like potatoes. In addition to its nutritional properties, the plant has medicinal properties. A decoction of it is used as a general tonic and stimulant. Compresses made from fresh leaves treat tumors and ulcers. Also ethnoscience uses it as an emetic or antidote.

Violet cut

One of the most beautiful flowering plants. This violet with beautiful flowers, which are decorated with purple corollas, grows in meadows and coniferous edges. It can also be found on river banks or rocky slopes. This flower reproduces by seeds, which do not ripen every season. Therefore, the plant has become very rare and is included in the Red Book of Russia.