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Exercises to strengthen the oval of the face with the help of face building. Revitonika natural rejuvenation system - fitness exercises for face, neck and posture

They say that it is impossible to stop the aging process, but this statement can be challenged if we resort to the Revitonika technique. There are practically no negative reviews about her, and positive ones say that she helped them get rid of the second chin, smooth out wrinkles.

About the program "Revitonika"

"Revitonika" is a physiological way to rejuvenate the face and neck. The complex is based on osteopathy. The skeletal and facial muscles are restored. It is easy to do it at home. It is a worthy alternative to plastic surgery, and in some aspects this technique is more effective. For example, when forming the jaw angle.

The "Revitonika" complex (negative reviews say that exercises aimed at the neck area cannot be done at home, but only under the supervision of an experienced osteopath) consists of certain techniques aimed at rejuvenating and reconstructing metabolic processes. Here the balance of the front and back surfaces of the body is leveled, lymph drainage is normalized, a face lift similar to the lifting effect occurs, capillaries are restored, edema from the supracranial aponeurosis disappears.

This technique has the following spectrum of effects:

  • posture and statics of the cervical spine are restored;
  • muscle tension is relieved;
  • the lymphatic drainage system starts;
  • blood circulation is stimulated;
  • chews and faces are strengthened and restored.

The Revitonika method is a new look at the aging process of the skin. Solves problems such as fine wrinkles, double chin, sagging facial skin at an advanced age, etc. The complex is designed based on the laws of biomechanics, biohydraulics and osteopathy. The entire system is aimed at the body's natural self-regulation functions.

Principles of work according to the method

The Revitonika methodology (negative reviews generally indicate that it is being sold at an unreasonably high price) is based on the following principles:

  1. The skin is not responsible for aging. The skin has a corset consisting of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and bones. All negative processes occurring in it affect the state of the dermis.
  2. Deformation of the musculoskeletal framework is the main cause of skin aging. There is no point in doing a facelift when the base underneath is broken. This statement applies to muscles and bones. With age, they shrink and shorten, dragging along the dermis, which then begins to sag.
  3. Wrinkles appear in areas of muscle spasm. A healthy muscle is always in a slight tone and if it increases, then a clamp appears, provoking the appearance of wrinkles. The complex relieves tension, restores subcutaneous muscles, heals them, restores smoothness and elasticity.
  4. Muscles rejuvenate the skin. Therefore, you can rejuvenate with constant work with muscles. Correct actions aimed at a certain area bring the parameters of the face and body closer to young ones. They reconstruct the muscle framework, restore the facial oval, and reduce the number of wrinkles. This occurs as a result of stretching the dermis and stimulating cell regeneration.
  5. Relaxation of the muscles prevents blockages and swelling of the epidermis. Here, instead of toning muscle blocks, relaxing exercises are used.
  6. Face should be started at a young age. Wrinkles and folds develop during adolescence. At this stage, you can only feel them with your fingers. They are tense areas of muscles. Therefore, it is important to remove blocks and clamps at the initial stage of aging.

It is thanks to the removal of tension from the muscles that skin rejuvenation occurs, this is what the work of "Revitonika" is based on. For each area of ​​the face, there are special exercises that are equally effective on older women and young girls.

Complex tasks

"Revitonika" (negative reviews about this technique were left by those who do not practice it regularly, but only from time to time) considers its task to help women regain their beauty and youth. Reverse the aging process. Moreover, this goal is achieved with our own hands. Anyone who wants to create their own face.
Sculptural fitness restores and rehabilitates skin, face and body shapes. This is not a superficial result, but work with the entire biomechanical system of the body. These are the oval, jaw line, posture, etc.

Correctly performed exercises allow you to feel the result instantly. It is observed in lengthening the neck, reducing wrinkles, wrinkles, and restoring sagging skin. The technique has a long lasting effect.


The Revitonika program (doctors say that it is really based on a scientific approach and is a good alternative to plastic surgery), despite all its effectiveness, has contraindications. So, you cannot carry out manual manipulations if you have:

  • abscesses and inflammation;
  • congenital malformations of the cervical spine;
  • the spine or other organs are injured;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • diseases of the skin (eczema, warts);
  • inflammation of the facial and ternary nerve;
  • damage or depletion of nerve cells;
  • diseases of ENT organs and lymphatic systems;
  • failure in the cerebral circulation system;
  • hypertension III degree;
  • oncology;
  • osteoporosis;
  • serious diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathology, diseases of the endocrine, immune system, collagenosis;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction.

For any serious or chronic illness, as well as for general malaise, you should consult your doctor before starting exercise.

The "Revitonika" method (negative reviews claim that it misleads people and that such results cannot be achieved without plastic surgery) is intended only for conventionally healthy people. It does not eliminate aesthetic defects caused by a particular disease. If there are diseases that provoke puffiness, then the complex will not give any result, and the skin will only stretch from excess fluid.

The advantages of the technique

"Revitonika", doctors' reviews about it are found only positive, cosmetologists are successfully used on themselves. They recommend it to their clients, because it is the first professional rejuvenation program in Russia based on scientific knowledge of human anatomy. Has a number of advantages:

  • the face after the exercises of this program remains mobile, and the facial features retain their individuality;
  • can be used by people of different age categories (except for children under 14 years old);
  • normalizes the balance of muscles and bone tissue of the face, neck and head;
  • the achieved result is maintained for a long period;
  • suitable for people who are allergic to cosmetics;
  • stimulates cerebral circulation, prevents osteochondrosis;
  • normalizes acid-base balance;
  • increases firmness, elasticity, refreshes.

A unique technique based on the tensegrity principle helps to reconstruct the myofascial balance of the epidermis. Relieves Resists age-related changes in the skin. Forms the correct statics of the cervical spine. Allows you to rejuvenate the skin at any age without resorting to surgery.

Disadvantages of technology

Technique for the face and neck "Revitonika" (reviews about it say that literally a few exercises can be removed requires patience. Here you need daily work on your appearance. So, the first stage of the basic course recommends to start the process of rejuvenation every day to practice 1-1, 5 hours for 1.5-3 months.

About Results Gallery

The Revitonika system (reviews about it say that in a few weeks it is possible to sharpen the oval of the face and remove the double chin) is described in detail on the official website. There is a "Gallery of Results" section. On it, people share their achievements in the form of photographs. Anyone can see what people have achieved using this technique, this does not require registration. Such successes inspire and arouse interest in this complex.

School "Revitonics"

There are also operating schools "Revitonika" (negative reviews about it are left mainly by competitors and people who have never studied using this method) in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Kemerovo and Yekaterinburg. Two branches were opened in Kazakhstan and one in Belarus. Only highly qualified certified teachers teach here.

The basic course (2 lessons of 4 hours each) costs 18 thousand rubles. Individual lessons (3 lessons of 1.5 hours each) cost about 25 thousand rubles. Group lessons focused on the area around the eyes cost 20 thousand rubles, individual lessons - 30 thousand rubles. Facial plastic sculpting - 5 thousand rubles (one procedure).

Introductory materials

Before starting the "Revitonics" course (experts say that this is a unique course and all the exercises really work, and the result after applying them can be seen almost immediately), you can get three free trial video lessons. Also, some educational videos can be found on YouTube.

Complex cost

Exercises "Revitonika", reviews about them say that they can improve posture in just a few sessions, can be purchased on the official website. Everyone is offered two fitness complexes - a basic course and a method of rejuvenating the skin around the eyes. The first one costs 4500 rubles, and the second one costs 5900 rubles. Special attention should be paid to the technique of working with teips Teiping-algoritm (price 1700 rubles), which, with the help of a special plaster, helps to solve a number of cosmetic problems.

What woman, noticing the first signs of wilting on her face, begins to dream of non-surgical rejuvenation. Moreover, it is absolutely free. At first glance, it seems that such a desire is from the realm of fantasy, but in fact there is nothing unrealizable in it. It is enough just to start regularly doing sculptural fitness, and the result will not be slow to be reflected in the mirror.

Today we will talk about one of the many sets of exercises for skin rejuvenation, namely the revitonics system. About who created it, what can be achieved with its help and how to properly perform such gymnastics at home.

How it all began

The revitonics program in the mid-nineties was developed by Natalya Osminina, a Russian woman with Lithuanian citizenship, the author of several books on the theory and practice of facial rejuvenation. She has more than two dozen different techniques for restoring muscle structures, including this self-modeling system, which has no analogues in the whole world. She came to Russia several years ago, but in Europe and, among other things, in the Baltics, she has been popular for a long time.

So, revitonics is a kind of fitness for the skin that affects the facial and skeletal muscles of the face and neck and gives an amazing rejuvenating effect.

Many people compare the effect of revitonics with the result of plastic surgery. It allows you to pay attention to every, even the smallest muscle.

When performed systematically, such exercises make it possible to:

  • bring facial muscles to natural tone;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • remove puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • improve the complexion;
  • get rid of a double chin;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • reduce rashes;
  • model the oval of the face;
  • solve the problem of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • restore the tenderness and smoothness of the skin.

Moreover, this fitness for the face is suitable for absolutely all women, allowing them to look a good ten years younger.

Three types of exercise

This kind of fitness is divided into three categories: liquid, sculptural and vacuum.

Liquid fitness

It means a creamy product that is designed to properly nourish and moisturize the skin, making the structure of the face better. For greater efficiency, it is better to use it with a mesoscooter, gently massaging the face and helping valuable substances penetrate deep into the tissues.

Sculptural fitness

This is osteopathic gymnastics for the face, described in detail in one of Osminina's books entitled "The Resurrection of the Face, or Ordinary Miracle". There you can also read about the causes of age-related aging of the skin. You need to do the exercises indicated in the book for half an hour a day, and then the results will not be long in coming.

Rejuvenating exercises are described in the book "Face Resurrection"

Vacuum Fitness

It is a facial massage with vacuum cups of different sizes. There are three of them in the set. The smallest is designed to work with the nose and lips, as well as the area around the eyes. A medium can is used to affect larger areas, but a large can can affect the strongest facial muscles and help to delicately cleanse the skin.

There are special courses where you can get training in the revitonics program. Indeed, for successful work, you need to be well versed in anatomy, understand the principle of muscle work and the main causes of aging. There are also many videos published on the Internet demonstrating how to do exercises correctly at home. In addition, you can get acquainted with the system of Natalia Osminina and the facial fitness developed by her from her books.

Indications and contraindications

Revitonika is indicated for women of any age and with any skin type. It can be practiced not only in the presence of obvious signs of wilting, but also for the prevention of aging.

You shouldn't practice revitonics before the age of 16

However, there are a number of contraindications:

  • lymphatic diseases;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin of the face;
  • oncology and neuropathy;
  • disorders of the brain;
  • bad feeling.

Also, you should not do these exercises for girls under 16 years old.

Before developing the revitonics program, Natalya Osminina, a design engineer by training, has been working with the musculoskeletal structure for more than 20 years. She also studied quantum psychobiology, bioengineering recreation, energy practices and other disciplines in parallel to reveal the psychological and biological secrets of skin aging.

As a result of many years of practice, it was revealed that the main causes of aging are muscle spasms, swelling and fascial traction.

A spasm is a tense condition of muscles that are losing their tone. In this state, they increase, stretching the skin, which is gradually reflected on the face in the form of its flabbiness.

Puffiness leads to a disease called lymphostasis, that is, lymph stagnates under the skin, due to which the blood supply to the cells and the supply of oxygen to them deteriorate, which, again, leads to sagging skin and the deposition of fat on the cheeks and chin.

Fascia is a kind of connective membrane of muscles, their "packing", due to which they are connected with each other, forming the human muscular skeleton. When, for some reason, pain occurs in the face or neck area, the fascia pulls into this place and pulls their fellows. Accordingly, the muscles and skin are also stretched.

Revitonics can relieve women from the effects of fascial traction, remove lymphostasis and help relax and restore muscles.

At the same time, the attitude with which the young lady approaches the exercises is very important. The internal state should be comfortable, fitness should be treated positively, in the process visualizing how much it can affect the face and eliminate skin imperfections. Then the rejuvenation will go much faster and will give a much more impressive effect. You need to do it daily.

We wish you success in the fight against skin aging!

To look fresh and youthful, you need to not only lead a healthy lifestyle, but also exercise your muscles. Revitonics is a unique direction designed for the development of the muscles of the face and neck. When done regularly, wrinkles can be quickly prevented and reduced.

What is revitonics?

The complex of exercises and manipulations aimed at eliminating the causes of aging and deterioration of the skin condition is called revitonics. Its founder is Natalia Osminina, who has been involved in the rehabilitation of facial muscles for many years. The revitonics method is based on the knowledge of biohydraulics, biomechanics, theoretical mechanics, and so on. The exercise is based on the principle of muscle tension regulation and relaxation.

Revitonica has the following advantages:

  1. Helps to tighten sagging skin.
  2. Maintains muscle tone, relieves spasms and tension.
  3. Helps to restore facial contours, reconstruct the muscle framework and reduce the number of existing wrinkles.
  4. Relieves puffiness around the eyes.

Revitonics - the main exercises

Osminina claims that it is possible to practice according to the system proposed by her at any age and it is best to start from a young age. The revitonics system divides the full range of exercises into two types:

  1. Vacuum Fitness... Vacuum jars of different sizes are used for training. They help to increase muscle tone and normalize the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. Sculptural fitness... This refers to the usual exercises aimed at working out the muscles.

Revitonica for the back

Many people suffer from back pain and, in most cases, poor posture is to blame. Revitonics for the back, spine and shoulder muscles involves performing the Active Standing exercise:

  1. Stand with your feet exactly under your shoulders. Point the tailbone down, slightly tighten the buttocks and tighten the abs. The body should form a straight line.
  2. During the entire exercise, you need to stretch the top of the head up and open the chest. You can stay in this position for 1-5 minutes. Revitonika indicates that Active Standing can be performed not only at home, but also, for example, in the subway.

Revitonica for the neck

Exercises for this part of the body in most cases are aimed at relieving spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that tension in this area leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of the withers and cervical osteochondrosis. Revitonics offers the exercise "Frame", which is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Raise your arms above your head, bend them at the elbows and fold them crosswise to form a frame.
  2. Start reaching upward, stretching your spine, and then tilt your head downward, but your body should continue to push upward. Remain in this position for about 30 seconds.
  3. Place one hand over your chest and the other under your chin. Stretch your neck, thereby stretching the muscles. Change hands. Do everything for 30 seconds.

Revitonika - roller exercises

A simple device can improve your workout efficiency, relieve back pain, improve posture, and even shrink your waist. You can use a ready-made juniper roller for revitonics, or you can easily make it yourself. Place a rolling pin or other wooden stick on a towel and roll up a tight roller, securing it with rubber bands or threads. The diameter of the roller should be at least 10 cm.Exercises of revitonics for posture differ in the location of the roller, but the technique is something like this:

  1. Sit on the floor and place the roller directly behind your buttocks. Lie on your back and check that the device is under the navel.
  2. Stretch your legs forward, keeping them shoulder-width apart, and connect your thumbs.
  3. Stretch your hands up, palms down, connecting the little fingers. Remain in this position for 5 minutes.
  4. After that, roll over on your side and to the side and only then get up, avoiding sudden movements.

Revitonika - exercises for the face

The unique system has been designed so that everyone can repeat it on their own at home. Revitonics for the face is based on a number of rules:

  1. It takes no more than half a minute to affect the muscles that are in hypertonicity.
  2. In order to return the muscle to its normal state, stretching is carried out, and this must be done slowly and smoothly.
  3. You need to start training with preparing the muscles for stronger influences. For this purpose, you can slightly stretch the muscles towards each other or in different directions. You need to keep them in this position until a relaxing reaction appears.
  4. In order for the muscle to get used to the new position, fixation is used in revitonics, which implies static holding of the muscles in the selected position for 3-5 seconds.

Revitonica for the eyes

Common problems are puffiness and bruising under the eyes, which can be eliminated using a simple complex. First you need to cleanse your face and sit on a chair with your back straight. Offers eye revitonics exercises for self-fulfillment:

  1. Open and close your eyes to warm up your muscles. Breathe in through your nose, drawing in your cheeks, and release the air by puffing them out.
  2. For the first revitonics exercise, fold the index fingers in an arc and place them near the cheekbones. Close your eyes in stages for 5-10 seconds, increasing the tension.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes and start blinking frequently.
  4. Rest your elbows on your knees, open your palms and put your face on them at eye level. Hold for a few seconds, and then, spread your arms and repeat the touch, moving towards the temples.

Revitonika - nasolabial folds

Simple exercises help to reduce nasolabial folds, remove ugly nasolabial rim, keep the cheekbones high and tighten loose skin. Facelift revitonics includes the following exercises:

  1. Place the index and middle fingers folded together near the wings of the nose, over the cheekbones.
  2. Form an elongated oval with your lips. For eight counts, open your mouth even further while maintaining the oval. Press on your cheekbones with your fingers.

Revitonica for lips

To become the owner of plump lips, many women agree to injections, but this is not the only solution, so you can perform special exercises. Gymnastics revitonics for the face will make and attractive:

  1. Pull your lips forward, and then, clasp the upper lip around the lower lip and vice versa.
  2. Pull in the corners of your mouth as if you want to suck on the candy. After that, due to the tension of the muscles, try to raise them.

Revitonika for the forehead

One of the most problematic areas on the face is the forehead, which many people have wrinkles on. If you like to curl or raise your eyebrows, then you need to take care that this does not lead to the formation of ugly wrinkles. Offers revitonics exercises that are effective in this situation.

  1. Place your open palm on your forehead just above your eyebrows and fix the muscles with it. Raise and lower your eyebrows.
  2. Revitonika suggests an exercise to get rid of the ugly crease between the eyebrows. Use two fingers to fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Try to curl (frowning) and loosen your eyebrows.

Revitonika - books

People who are interested in this topic can find special literature in bookstores.

  1. « Fitness for the face. Revitonics system". N. Osminina. Describes in detail what revitonics is, a book written by the developer of this direction. Natalia not only describes the exercises, but also talks about the reasons for the appearance of the main shortcomings.
  2. « The Resurrection of the Face, or an Ordinary Miracle"N. Osminina. The author tells what the revitonics technique is and delves into the true causes of deformation and aging of the skin.

The topic of the article is revitonics exercises. We will tell you about the main exercises and share the reviews of women who performed revitonics at home. You will find out how effective this exercise system is for rejuvenating and improving your appearance.

Revitonika is a set of exercises that helps to eliminate age-related changes and improve skin condition. The founder of this technique is Natalia Osminina, who has been involved in the restoration of facial muscles for a long time.

The revitonics system is based on knowledge of biohydraulics, theoretical mechanics, etc. The exercises are based on the principles of muscle tension regulation and relaxation.

Advantages of revitonics:

  • maintaining muscle tone, eliminating spasms and tension;
  • tightening sagging skin;
  • restoration of the face contour, reconstruction of the muscle framework and reduction of the number of existing wrinkles;
  • elimination of puffiness around the eyes.

Basic exercises of revitonics

According to Osminina, revitonics can be performed at any age, but it is better to start practicing them from a young age. The full range of exercises is divided into several types:

  • Vacuum fitness - vacuum jars of different sizes are used for training. They help increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation and stabilize collagen and elastin synthesis.
  • Sculptural fitness - this technique involves conventional exercises that are aimed at working out the muscles.

Revitonics for face

The unique facial revitonics method has been developed in such a way that it can be easily performed at home. There are some rules for face revitonics:

  • If the muscles are in hypertonicity, then you need to act on them no more than 30 seconds.
  • To return the muscles to their normal state, stretch, while doing it smoothly and slowly.
  • Start your workout by preparing your muscles for intense stimuli. To do this, stretch the muscles slightly in different directions or towards each other. Hold them in this position until a relaxing reaction occurs.
  • To get used to the muscle to a new position in revitonics, fixation is used, which implies static holding of the muscles in the selected position for 5 seconds.

Revitonica for the eyes

The most common problems, which will help to get rid of a simple set of exercises. Before performing them, remove makeup from your face, then sit down on a chair, keeping your back straight.

Now let's get down to the exercises:

  1. To warm up your muscles, start closing and opening your eyes abruptly. Breathe in through your nose, at the same time pull in your cheeks, and puff out your cheeks as you exhale.
  2. Now fold your index fingers in an arc and place them near the cheekbones. To increase the tension, start closing your eyes in stages for 10 seconds.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes, then start blinking frequently.
  4. Rest your elbows on your knees, open your palms, put your face on them at eye level. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then spread your arms and repeat the touch, moving towards the temples.

Revitonika - nasolabial folds

The exercises below reduce nasolabial folds, remove unsightly nasolabial bolster, tighten loose skin and keep cheekbones high. Fitness revitonics for nasolabial folds includes the following exercises:

  • Place the index and middle fingers together near the wings of the nose, on top of the cheekbones.
  • Form an elongated oval with your lips. Count to 8, then open your mouth even further, keeping the oval shape. At this time, press your fingers on your cheekbones.

Revitonica for lips

If you want to become the owner of plump lips, you do not need to get beauty injections. You can try simple ways, or do special exercises:

  • Pull your lips forward, then grasp the lower lip with your upper lip, and then vice versa.
  • Pull in the corners of your mouth (this is similar to the movement while sucking candy). Then, by tensing the muscles, try to lift them.

Revitonika for the forehead

If you do not like to wear bangs, but, there is a way out - revitonics for the forehead. Do the following gymnastics:

  • Place the open palm on the area slightly above the eyebrows, and then fix the muscles with it. Lower and raise your eyebrows.
  • To remove an ugly crease between the eyebrows, fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose with 2 fingers. Try to tighten and relax your eyebrows.

Revitonica for the chin

To smooth out the muscles in your chin, use the following exercises:

  1. Place your index fingers on the top of your chin, and your thumbs under the chin.
  2. Point your fingers towards each other until you feel the first stop.
  3. Wait until the dermis is hydrated, allowing you to slowly stretch your fingers until they meet each other.
  4. Take the starting position. Stretch the chin muscle, fix it.

Revitonica for the neck

Performing revitonics for the neck helps relieve spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that tension in this area provokes a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of cervical osteochondrosis and withers.

The revitonics exercise below is called the "Frame":

  • Bend your raised arms at the elbows, then fold them crosswise to form a frame.
  • Begin to reach upward, stretching the spine, and then tilt your head downward while continuing to move your body upward. Hold this pose for half a minute.
  • Place one hand over your chest and the other under your chin. Stretch your neck to stretch the muscles. Change hands and repeat the exercise. Duration - half a minute.

Revitonica for the back

If you have severe back pain, poor posture may be the cause of this discomfort. Do exercises called Active Standing to eliminate painful sensations:

  • Take a position so that your feet are exactly under your shoulders. Direct the tailbone down, tighten the buttocks a little, tighten the abs. Your body should take a straight line.
  • During the entire exercise, stretch the top of your head up and open your chest. Maintain this position for one to five minutes. By the way, you can do this exercise not only at home, but also in the subway, for example.

Roller revitonics exercises

Using a roller during exercise helps to enhance the effect, eliminate back pain, improve posture and even lose weight! It is advisable to use a ready-made juniper roller or make it yourself. To do this, put a rolling pin on a towel, then twist it, securing it with rubber bands on both sides. The roller diameter must be at least 10 cm.

After that, start the exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor and place the roller behind your buttocks. Lie on your back and make sure the roller is under your belly button.
  2. Stretch your legs forward and hold them shoulder-width apart, then connect your thumbs.
  3. Put your palms down and begin to pull your hands up, connecting your little fingers. Freeze in this position for five minutes.
  4. Then roll over on your side and to the side, only after that begin to rise without sudden movements.

Revitonika - before and after photos


It is necessary to stop performing revitonics if you suddenly feel pain. Also, you can not do gymnastics if:

  • complete rest is assigned to you;
  • you are undergoing treatment;
  • you have a serious spinal injury or illness;
  • purulent rashes and skin diseases are present;
  • there is oncology, stage 3 hypertension, traumatic brain injury;
  • you suffer from ENT diseases;
  • you are feeling unwell in general.

In all other cases, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist.

Revitonics includes exercises, with the help of which you can perfectly work out all groups of facial muscles and neck to increase tone, improve skin condition and tighten the facial contours. Of course, today dozens of various complexes with exercises for face rejuvenation, elimination of a double chin are successfully used. However, let's not forget that in order to strengthen the facial muscles (as well as to strengthen any muscle groups) it is useful from time to time to change one exercise for another, to vary the intensity of movements and load. In a word, muscles should not get used to monotonous exercises and revitonics will definitely find a place in your list of rejuvenating facial treatments.

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Revitonics includes both basic exercises for general strengthening of the facial muscles and improving the condition of the skin, as well as basic exercises for a more thorough study of problem areas of the face. Such home gymnastics stimulates the work of all facial muscles, many of which practically do not strain in everyday life.

But revitonics helps to fight not only the signs of aging on the face in adulthood. For example, a woman strictly follows a diet, jogging for weight loss, and goes to the gym. The desired results are not long in coming and you got rid of extra pounds, your figure has become slim. But after burning off excess fat, the face often looks haggard, haggard and sagging cheeks. Even mimic wrinkles are more clearly visible on the skin. Therefore, we highly recommend performing at least a basic set of exercises at home in order to strengthen the muscular frame of the face and so that the skin is smooth and elastic.

The obvious advantages of revitonics can also be attributed to a long-term lifting effect if exercises are performed regularly and correctly. Popular and rather expensive cosmetic procedures (cryomassage, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, Botox injections) give a temporary effect, after which you need to visit the beautician's office again.

The main causes of deterioration in appearance and early aging include muscle spasm, swelling, and fascial traction. And with the help of revitonics, you can successfully fight these reasons. A set of exercises helps to relieve spasms in the facial muscles and completely relax, promotes rapid recovery. Revitonics helps to improve the outflow of accumulated intercellular fluid, which will help get rid of puffiness and dark circles, and reduce bags under the eyes. Fascia (muscle sheaths) often tighten in certain areas of the muscle frame, and special exercises relieve fascial traction after several procedures.


To achieve the maximum lifting effect, in addition to performing a set of facial exercises, do massage movements. Change your technique from month to month. Below are some of the options:

do face building, doing 12-14 exercises every day within a month. Within this course do a honey massage once every two days ... After the course, be sure to take a week break.

We do 15-17 exercises daily to tighten the oval of the face and eliminate wrinkles within a month. We alternate massage with tablespoons and vacuum massage with cups (every other day) .

❷ before doing revitonics, do make-up removal, treat your skin with a moisturizer;

❸ do the exercises while sitting in front of a mirror, your back is perfectly straight;

❹ if you need to visually reduce the volume of a wide face, then do exercises for weight loss on the exhale;

❺ after revitonics, wash yourself with cold water and apply a nourishing cream on your face;

❻ in addition to revitonics, it is important to properly organize skin care, using masks made from natural products suitable for your skin type, scrubs to cleanse the stratum corneum (