Changes in gait in various diseases. Gait disorders

The main musculoskeletal organ in the skeleton is the spine, it consists of several sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal. Each of them has a certain number of vertebrae, between which, for cushioning (reducing pressure and friction), there is an intervertebral disc. Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that develops as a result of structural degeneration of the cervical vertebrae.

  • Prevention of depression in osteochondrosis of the neck
  • Measures to prevent cervical osteochondrosis

The reasons for the development are injuries of the spine, a sedentary lifestyle, and with age, the structure of the cartilage located under and above the body of the vertebra becomes denser. And since it nourishes the intervertebral disc, it, in turn, loses its basic properties.

Pain syndrome. Headaches, discomfort in the neck, migraines, etc. On the sides, in each vertebra, there is a hole for the spinal nerves, the more tightly the intervertebral disc is pressed against the vertebra, the smaller the hole for the nerve, which leads to its infringement, and causes pain in osteochondrosis .

Numbness of fingers. The second most important in the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis. You can independently find out between which vertebrae the process occurs. With numbness of the ring finger and little finger - between 7 and 8 vertebrae, if the middle and ring finger - between 6 and 7 vertebrae, and with numbness of the thumb, index and middle fingers - between 5 and 6 vertebrae.

Vestibular disorders. Dizziness, unsteadiness and incoordination while walking. On the sides of the cervical vertebrae runs an artery that feeds the brain. Its name determines the performing function - vertebral. When it is pinched, the nutrition of the parts of the brain, namely the vestibular apparatus, is partially disturbed.

Also cervical osteochondrosis and dizziness is manifested in the following:

  • insomnia, lack of deep sleep;
  • development of depression;
  • chronic tinnitus;
  • inability to completely turn the neck;
  • increased fatigue;
  • insecurity and panic attacks;
  • emotional lability.

Most of the symptoms are the result of an anatomical defect resulting from degeneration of the vertebrae. But there are others, like depression, for example, that are not related to this.

Depression is a mental condition in which the body does not get enough serotonin and dopamine. Clinically, it manifests itself in a pessimistic mood, constantly lowered mood, impaired thinking, inhibited reaction.

With cervical osteochondrosis, it has a chronic course, therefore, more often, it is corrected with the help of antidepressants prescribed by a specialist. Chronic aching and persistent pain in the neck and headaches are the main factor in the development of depression in cervical osteochondrosis.

  • With an acute manifestation of pain, the body spends a large amount of resources to eliminate it, and with constant pain, there are simply not enough resources, which is a stressful situation. And with prolonged stress, an exhausted body easily falls into depression.
  • Unwanted change of work activity, due to the inability to perform normal work.
  • Constant tension and panic fear of new, stronger pains, dizziness and situations in which they can manifest themselves.
  • Taking drugs that cause additional pain in the stomach and liver. And drugs that have depression as a side effect.

First you need to understand that this is a state of chronic course, so if the mood deteriorated, and then after a few hours it improved again, then it was not depression. The “triad” is taken as a basis: reduced mood, impaired thinking, inhibition in movements and reactions.

The following signs are:

  1. Decreased interest in entertainment, the pleasures of life.
  2. Suicidal thoughts and sayings.
  3. Apathy.
  4. Weak concentration on the task.
  5. Low self-esteem
  6. Self-flagellation.
  7. Inhibited motor and mental activity.
  8. Absent-mindedness and confusion, uncertainty in every act
  9. Decreased libido.
  10. Sleep disturbance, insomnia
  11. Increased anxiety and manifestation of constant fear.

Worst case scenario for depression, suicide attempt. It is important to monitor your condition, or if a relative is diagnosed, then follow him, since most often, a suicide attempt is just a way to attract attention to yourself, and not a desire to go to another world.

Once the diagnosis of depression is made by a specialist, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. The body is simply stuck in a vicious circle: depression reduces the production of serotonin, which provides an analgesic effect. Ordinary pain intensifies, which leads to even greater depression. Therefore, you will have to start taking antidepressants.

Prevention of depression in osteochondrosis of the neck

It is necessary to be examined at the first manifestations of back pain and a feeling of discomfort, a hint of cervical osteochondrosis. It is also recommended to increase physical activity during sedentary work. The following steps can be taken to prevent depression:

The development of panic attacks associated with a violation of the microcirculation of the brain. Unfortunately, this is a very formidable symptom, informing that the cerebral cortex is already affected and cannot cope with its function. You need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Separately, it should be noted such a symptom as dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis. It appears as a result of malnutrition of the brain, as well as panic attacks, unsteadiness of gait and other vestibular symptoms.

As a rule, it is impossible to predict the manifestation of dizziness in advance, so you need to carefully monitor your feelings and sensations so as not to be without help at a difficult moment. If a relative has a disease, then you should not leave him alone for a long time at work or other physical activity.

Cervical osteochondrosis, unfortunately, is a chronic disease. And in order to achieve the maximum effect of the treatment, it is necessary to carefully observe a sparing regimen and take medications prescribed by a specialist.

Go for massages and physiotherapy. And in no case do not self-medicate. You can try to go to an appointment with a manual therapist. Thanks to his work, it is possible to reduce the pain syndrome, which will improve the quality of life and prevent the development of fear and depression.

Measures to prevent cervical osteochondrosis

When performing these simple points, it is possible to prevent the onset of a disease that will not be cured later. Everyone's health depends on him.

Unsteadiness of gait is not a diagnosis, but a symptom that serves as a manifestation of a disease. Therefore, when it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination.

The main reason is vasospasm, which is caused by tension in the muscles of the back, in particular the neck. This often happens with increased anxiety and stress. In this case, the main treatment should not be medication, but carried out with the help of sessions with a psychotherapist.

Another common cause of unsteadiness is cervical osteochondrosis, which is diagnosed very often these days. Dizziness and darkening of the eyes may be added to this symptom. This happens due to the incorrect position of the vertebrae, which compress the vessels, and the blood cannot enter the brain in the required amount, because of which its cells remain without oxygen, which is expressed in the manifestation of a variety of symptoms.

However, the causes of unsteadiness when walking can be more serious. So, for example, diseases for which this symptom is characteristic can be considered:

  1. Early cerebellar ataxia.
  2. Late neurosyphilis.
  3. Huntington's disease.
  4. Tumors of the cerebellum.
  5. Meningeal tuberculosis.
  6. Acute disseminated encephalitis.
  7. Meningitis.
  8. Candida meningitis.
  9. Arnold-Cairo anomaly.
  10. hemorrhagic stroke.
  11. brain abscess.
  12. Medicinal polyneuropathy.

But this is not the whole list of reasons that can cause unsteady gait, therefore, in order to make the correct diagnosis, as well as to prescribe treatment, you must definitely consult a doctor.

In appearance, such a state can be divided into systemic and non-systemic. The first type includes lesions of the vestibular and auditory apparatus, as well as diseases of the brain and spinal cord. Non-systemic manifestations are consequences of chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, endocrine and respiratory systems.

The essence of the disease

Unsteadiness of gait without dizziness is a frequent manifestation of osteochondrosis. This is a degenerative disease of cartilage and bone tissue, which manifests itself mainly in adulthood. The basis of the disease is degeneration of the intervertebral discs. All this negatively affects the blood supply, nutrition and hydration of the intervertebral disc. And the resulting deformation leads to a strong narrowing of the space between the vertebrae.

Due to the decrease in the intervertebral space, the spinal nerves can be infringed. The main symptoms of such an infringement will depend on where it happened - in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. If it is the neck, then the main manifestations are headache, dizziness and other manifestations associated with malnutrition of the brain. If this is the thoracic part of the spine, pain in the heart area may appear, which resemble the symptoms of a myocardial infarction or angina pectoris. And if it is the lower back, then the symptoms can be in the form of impaired mobility in the legs, their weakness and reduced skin sensitivity.

Therefore, dizziness and unsteady gait can be the cause of such an insidious disease as osteochondrosis. Due to compression of the nerve root, the conduction of the impulse along it to the muscles of the legs is disrupted, and this can be either one leg or both. This is what causes weakness in the legs.

What to do

The unsteadiness of gait with osteochondrosis is a rather dangerous sign, which you must immediately pay attention to and go to the doctor. This is especially dangerous when weakness in the legs gradually increases. But before starting treatment, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination so that the doctor can understand what caused this pathology and why this symptom appeared.

When pain occurs, it must be removed with the help of painkillers. Here you can use not only one drug, but also a mixture of several components. For example, solutions might be:

  1. Analgin + no-shpa + lasix + novocaine. All this is added to 150 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution and applied intravenously.
  2. Baralgin + Relanium + Dexazone + Novocaine. All this is introduced into a 5% glucose solution in an amount of 200 ml and is also dripped as an intravenous infusion.
  3. Analgin + vitamin B12 + no-shpa + reopyrin. All drugs are mixed in one syringe and administered intramuscularly.

Unsteadiness of gait in osteochondrosis is a symptom that requires the appointment of other drugs, for example, pentoxifylline, which improves blood circulation, theonicol or nicotinic acid, and drugs that will stimulate the outflow of blood through the veins. Of course, we must remember about the general strengthening effect of vitamin and mineral complexes, which help to replenish the balance of nutrients in the body.

Walking this is one of the most difficult types of physical activity. Cyclic stepping movements trigger the lumbosacral centers of the spinal cord, regulate the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, brainstem structures and the cerebellum. This regulation involves proprioceptive, vestibular and visual feedback. The human gait is a harmonious interaction of muscles, bones, eyes and inner ear. The coordination of movements is carried out by the brain and the central nervous system. With disorders in the parts of the central nervous system, various movement disorders can occur, namely:

    shuffling gait;

    sharp jerky movements;

    joint flexion difficulties.

Gait disorders

Abasia dysbasia is also a violation of gait or the inability to walk due to gross violations of gait. In a broad sense, the term abasia means gait disturbances in lesions involving various levels of the motor act organization system, and includes such types gait disorders, as:

    atactic gait;




    hypokinetic gait.

In addition, experts distinguish walking apraxia (frontal dysbasia), idiopathic senile dysbasia, peroneal gait, duck gait, walking with pronounced lordosis in the lumbar region, hyperkinetic gait, gait in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, dysbasia in mental retardation, dementia, psychogenic disorders, iatrogenic and drug dysbasia, gait disturbances in epilepsy and paroxysmal dyskinesia.

In neurology, there are dysbasia:

    Frontal (apraxia of walking);



Frontal dysbasia can result from stroke, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, normotensive hydrocephalus, dysbasia in neurodegenerative diseases, senile dysbasia, and gait disturbances observed in hysteria (psychogenic dysbasia).

A certain role in the occurrence of gait disturbance disorders belongs to the eye and the inner ear. Elderly people with visual impairment develop gait disorders. A person with an inner ear infection may show balance disorders that result in problems with their gait.

One of the most common sources of gait disturbances are functional disorders central nervous system. These may include conditions associated with sedatives, alcohol, and drug abuse. Poor nutrition appears to play a role in gait disturbances, especially in the elderly. Vitamin B12 deficiency often causes a feeling of numbness in the limbs and imbalance, which leads to changes in gait. Finally, any disease or condition that affects nerves or muscles can cause gait problems.

Gait disorders in diseases

More serious lesions that are accompanied by changes in gait include:

    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease);

    multiple sclerosis;

    muscular dystrophy;

    Parkinson's disease.

Diabetes often causes loss of sensation in both legs. Many people with diabetes lose the ability to determine the position of the legs in relation to the floor. Therefore, they have instability of position and gait disturbance. If there are no neurological symptoms, the cause of gait disturbance is difficult to find out even for an experienced doctor.

Hemiplegic gait is seen with spastic hemiparesis. In severe cases, an altered position of the limbs is characteristic: the shoulder is adducted and turned inward, the elbow, wrist and fingers are bent, the leg is extended at the hip, knee and ankle joints. The step with the affected leg begins with the abduction of the hip and its movement in a circle, while the torso deviates in the opposite direction. Hemiplegic gait possible disturbance after stroke.

Types of gait disorders

At paraparetic gait the patient rearranges both legs slowly and intensely, in a circle - just like with hemiparesis. In many patients, the legs cross when walking, like scissors. Paraparetic gait is observed with damage to the spinal cord and cerebral palsy.

The so-called "cock gait" is due to insufficient dorsiflexion of the foot. When stepping forward, the foot partially or completely hangs down, so the patient is forced to raise the leg higher - so that the fingers do not touch the floor. Unilateral violation occurs with lumbosacral radiculopathy, neuropathy of the sciatic nerve or peroneal nerve; bilateral with polyneuropathy and lumbosacral radiculopathy. Duck gait is due to weakness of the proximal leg muscles and is usually observed in myopathies, less often in lesions of the neuromuscular synapse or spinal amyotrophy.

At akinetic-rigid gait the patient is usually hunched, his legs are half-bent, his arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to the body, pronation-supination tremor of rest (with a frequency of 4-6 Hz) is often noticeable. Walking begins with a forward bend. Then minced, shuffling steps follow - their speed is steadily increasing, as the body "overtakes" the legs. This is observed when moving both forward (propulsion) and backward (retropulsion). Having lost balance, the patient may fall.

apraxic gait observed with bilateral damage to the frontal lobe due to a violation of the ability to plan and perform a sequence of actions. The apraxic gait is reminiscent of Parkinson's - the same "beggar's posture" and mincing steps - however, a detailed study reveals significant differences. The patient easily performs the individual movements necessary for walking, both lying and standing. But when he is offered to go, he cannot move for a long time. Having finally taken a few steps, the patient stops. After a few seconds, the attempt to go is repeated.

At choreoathetic gait the rhythm of walking is broken by sharp, violent movements. Due to the chaotic movements in the hip joint, the gait looks "loose".

At cerebellar gait the patient spreads his legs wide, the speed and length of the steps change all the time. With damage to the medial zone of the cerebellum, a "drunk" gait and ataxia of the legs are observed. The patient maintains balance both with open and closed eyes, but loses it when the posture changes. The gait may be fast, but it is not rhythmic. Often when walking the patient experiences uncertainty, but it passes if he is at least slightly supported. With damage to the cerebellar hemispheres, gait disturbances are combined with locomotor ataxia and nystagmus.

Gait at sensory ataxia resembles a cerebellar gait - legs wide apart, loss of balance when changing posture.
The difference is that with the eyes closed, the patient immediately loses his balance and, if not supported, may fall (instability in the Romberg position).

Gait vestibular ataxia. With vestibular ataxia, the patient falls on one side all the time - regardless of whether he is standing or walking. There is a clear asymmetric nystagmus. Muscle strength and proprioceptive sensitivity are normal - in contrast to unilateral sensory ataxia and hemiparesis.

Gait disturbance can be hysteria. At the same time, the patient maintains coordinated leg movements: both lying down and sitting, but he cannot stand and move without assistance. If the patient is distracted, he maintains his balance and takes a few normal steps, but then defiantly falls - into the doctor's hands or onto the bed.

The so-called duck walk can be a sign of serious diseases of the hip joints. In this article we will talk about what kind of diseases this pathology can be a sign of in adults and children. And also consider the reasons for the appearance of such a gait in pregnant women.

Causes of pathology in adults

"Duck gait" is characteristic of diseases in particular coxarthrosis.

This disease is chronic and leads to the gradual destruction of the bone tissue that forms the hip joints. There are many reasons for the pathology, but the main one is considered to be permanent injury to the musculoskeletal system. The development of the disease leads to the fact that the joint space begins to narrow. In the last stages of the disease, it may disappear completely.

In adults, the “duck gait” (we will discuss the causes of the disease in children below) can be caused mainly only by coxarthrosis. This pathology can develop in people of any age, with the exception of very young children. Men suffer from it more often than women. This is due to the fact that their physical activity is usually higher. Elderly people are most susceptible to coxarthrosis. At this age, tissue nutrition begins to break down, and the body's ability to recover decreases.

How does coxarthrosis develop?

So, "duck gait" in which disease appears in adults? Basically, with coxarthrosis, since only the destruction of the joints can become its cause. But how does it happen and where does it start? How not to start the process and start treatment on time?

Regardless of what caused the appearance of the disease, it will always develop according to the same pattern. Healthy joint surfaces always correspond to each other, so that the load is distributed evenly. However, due to various harmful effects, the main component of the articular cavity is deformed. This leads to a violation of the congruence of the articular surfaces. And the consequence of this is an uneven distribution of the load on the joint during movement. That part of the cartilage, which accounts for most of the weight, gradually deforms and even cracks. And the surface of the joints becomes rough and uneven.

This process entails compensatory reactions. First, cartilage tissue begins to grow in the damaged area. If the load does not decrease, then it gradually dies, and bone is formed in its place. This leads to the formation of osteophytes (bone outgrowths), which gradually fill the joint. Around this time, the “duck walk” appears. It indicates an advanced state of the disease. If you do not start its treatment in time, then the joints can finally lose their mobility.

Causes of the disease

The cause of coxarthrosis can be:

  • Degenerative senile changes.
  • Dysplasia is a congenital pathology (we will talk about it in more detail below).
  • Injuries.
  • Infectious diseases that cause damage to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head.
  • Perthes disease.

There is also idiopathic coxarthrosis, the cause of which is still unknown to medicine.

Symptoms accompanying joint destruction

The danger of coxarthrosis is that it is diagnosed already in the later stages. The fact is that in the affected areas there is no swelling of tissues, various swellings, and so on.

We list the main symptoms of the disease:

  • Limitation of joint mobility - this sign appears quite early, but it can also be a symptom of another disease. It is caused by narrowing of the joint space.
  • A distinct "crunch". Appears due to friction of the joints against each other. As the disease develops, the volume of the sound emitted will increase.
  • Pain sensations. They appear due to damage to intra-articular structures and a decrease in the amount of intra-articular fluid. The stronger the friction, the more painful it will be for the patient.
  • Muscle spasms. Occur due to the weakening of the articular bags.
  • Shortening of the affected leg. Appears in the later stages. The leg on the side of the affected joint may be shorter than the healthy one by 1-2 cm.
  • "Duck walk" is another symptom that appears in the later stages. And it belongs to the extremely unfavorable signs. The reason for the appearance is that a person, due to changes, can no longer maintain balance with the correct position of the legs. Gradually, the patient simply physically loses the ability to straighten the knee joints and stand up straight.

How to identify the disease before the "duck walk" appears

"Duck gait" in itself is a serious clinical sign for diagnosis. But at this stage, the treatment will already be ineffective, so it is better to start it much earlier. And for this you need to diagnose coxarthrosis at an earlier stage. To do this, there are a number of methods that should be used when the first signs appear. We list the main diagnostic tools:

  • Computed tomography is much more effective than conventional x-rays, as it allows you to obtain information about the quantity and quality of articular tissue.
  • X-ray studies.
  • Leg length matching - this method is only suitable for the later stages, when serious degenerative changes in the joints have occurred.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Characteristics of gait in coxarthrosis

With this pathology, patients have two options for changing gait. The first appears when only one joint is affected, the second - when two are diseased. The last option is called the "duck walk". Let's take a closer look at what is happening at this moment with the joints.

So, the wrong hike appears after the bone tissue in the joint cavities began to crack. At this moment, an "adductor contracture" begins to form, that is, the patient's legs take a slightly bent position inwards. And the patient can no longer return to normal on his own. During movement, a person is forced to transfer the weight of the entire body from one leg to another. This is accompanied by rocking movements from side to side. That is why the gait was popularly called "duck".

However, such a serious change in the position of the musculoskeletal system is already characteristic of advanced stages of the disease. What is especially dangerous, such a transfer of the weight of the body leads to a curvature of the spine and damage to the knee joints. Therefore, doctors advise using crutches or canes (required two) to reduce stress.

"Duck walk" during pregnancy

Changing the gait of a woman during pregnancy has nothing to do with coxarthrosis, and completely different reasons cause it. Usually the gait changes in late pregnancy, the eighth or ninth month. Women really begin to spread their legs wide and at the same time roll over from one leg to another a little.

But still, let's find out the reasons for such changes. Of course, they depend on the physiological changes that occur in the female body:

  • Weight gain, and therefore, an increase in the load on the spinal column. The reason for this is the lower back pain, which pregnant women so often complain about.
  • There is a shift in the center of gravity. Pregnant women are a little disoriented in space, to which, of course, the body reacts reflexively and slightly changes its gait for greater stability.
  • When approaching childbirth, the joints of the pelvis become mobile.

In this case, there should be no pain in the hip joints. If they appear, then we can talk about symphysis, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. Otherwise, nothing bad happens. Change in gait is a natural process.

What should pregnant women do when a "duck walk" appears?

"Duck walk" in women can be a real psychological problem. Future mothers are already emotionally vulnerable, and such a huge, from their point of view, flaw deprives them of any attractiveness. However, do not despair. As polls show, such a gait of pregnant women causes only tenderness and a lot of positive emotions in others.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer the question of how to get rid of the "duck walk" during pregnancy. Will have to wait for the birth. As soon as the child is born, the old gait will return to you. A bandage can slightly alleviate the situation, which will reduce the load on the spine. But it will not bring any cardinal changes.

"Duck walk" in a child

The cause of pathology (dysbasia) in a child may be orthopedic or neurological changes. These changes can be caused by diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral, as well as diseases and congenital defects of the joints. There are more than 20 variants of gait disturbance, but "duck" is the most common.

This type of pathology is characterized by the shifting from foot to foot already described above. And the reason for its appearance are changes in the hip joints, accompanied by pain. Such a gait not only causes discomfort, but also leads to other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Causes of "duck walk" in children

In 90% of cases, a “duck gait” appears in a child with dysplasia, pathological changes in the hip joints. This disease leads to pseudoarthrosis and chronic dislocations.

Dysplasia is a very common condition affecting 3% of all newborns. And in 80% of all cases, girls suffer from the disease. If the pathology was discovered in infancy, you can try to fix it with the help of special bandages.

Also, inflammation in the nerves of the lumbosacral plexus or sacroiliac joint can become the cause of the "duck walk".

Treatment of children

A “duck walk” in a child indicates the presence of a rather serious deviation that needs to be diagnosed and treated.

The therapeutic complex will depend only on the cause of the disease. As noted above, in some cases, with early diagnosis, it is possible to completely get rid of such a gait. But it all depends on the specific case, the speed of assistance and the qualifications of the specialists who prescribe the treatment.

Gait Correction Exercises

Exercises to correct the "duck walk" in case of illness should be carried out only after consulting with your doctor. Here we do not consider cases with pregnant women and children, since this is a completely different category, and the exercise therapy complex should be developed individually for them.

  • Lie on your back, relax, begin to slowly alternately bend your legs at the hip and knee joints, trying to press your knee to your chest.
  • Lie on your stomach. Raise your right leg, then your left, then both. In this case, the legs should be straight and not bend at the knee joints.
  • Lie on your back and start spreading your legs to the sides, returning to the starting position.

These exercises are intended not to load the diseased joint, but to develop it. No need to rush, do all the tasks very slowly. Don't overload your legs. If pain occurs, the complex must be interrupted. Don't do all the exercises at once. First master the first, then in a couple of days connect the second and so on. Gradually, you can increase the number of approaches, but only in the absence of discomfort in the joints. It will take a lot of patience and perseverance, but the result is worth the effort.

A wobbly gait is a rather alarming symptom that may indicate the presence of a serious pathology of the brain, nervous system, or musculoskeletal system. Young children also have some unsteadiness in walking when they are learning to walk, but this will improve with time. If such a symptom arose at an older age, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to undergo an examination and identify the problem.


With the normal coordinated functioning of the bone, muscle and eye systems, as well as the inner ear and nerve trunks, there are no problems with gait. But as soon as at least one of these elements fails, disturbances arise in the form of a shaky gait. Sometimes these deviations are practically not noticeable, but there are cases when a person, due to such a condition, practically cannot move in space. His gait becomes unsteady, shaky.

There are many reasons for such symptoms. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand in detail what diseases a person has a similar symptom.

Causes of a wobbly gait

Loss of coordination is a rather dangerous symptom. Therefore, if you experience gait disturbances, you should immediately consult a doctor. A wobbly gait can signal problems such as:

  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system (muscle tissue, joints, bones, tendons).
  • Lack of vitamins B1, B12, folates.
  • Neoplasms in the brain.
  • Poisoning by alcohol and narcotic and psychotropic substances.
  • Diseases affecting the brain and spinal cord.
  • Hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Varicose veins, obliterating thromboarteritis.
  • Myasthenia gravis and multiple sclerosis.
  • Fainting states.

Unsteady gait can occur when wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Diseases of the brain and spinal cord

When a person is healthy, he does not have a question how to maintain balance in an upright position, since this function is automatically regulated by the vestibular apparatus and the muscular system. Disturbances in coordination of movements, including gait, can occur with diseases of the spinal cord and brain. These organs are responsible for the work of the central nervous system, therefore, diseases associated with them lead to this kind of disorder. A patient with disorders of the vestibular apparatus has a staggering gait, dizziness, instability of the body and other symptoms.

When the brain is damaged, the organ is not able to give certain signals and control neural processes, and this directly affects the work of the lower extremities.

What pathologies of the brain and spinal cord can lead to coordination disorders?

  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. hemorrhagic stroke.
  3. Meningitis.
  4. Oncological diseases.
  5. Inflammatory and purulent processes occurring in the brain.
  6. Anomalies in the location and structure of the "small brain" (cerebellum).
  7. Functional disorders in the work of the central nervous system.
  8. Neurodegenerative diseases arising on the background of mental disorders or hyperkinesis.
  9. Treponema pallidum infection, followed by CNS damage.
  10. Encephalomyelitis.
  11. Parkinson's disease.

Inflammatory processes in the inner ear can also lead to impaired coordination. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. He will conduct a thorough examination and prescribe treatment. Unsteady gait can also be caused by misuse of neurotoxic drugs. An overdose of such drugs leads to the development of polyneuropathy, one of the symptoms of which is coordination disorders.

Musculoskeletal disorders

There are many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, in which a person may experience a wobbly gait. These include:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • arthrosis, etc.

Inflammatory processes and degenerative changes that occur in the joints lead to painful sensations. To alleviate the condition, a person tries to reduce the load on the legs as much as possible, due to which his movements when walking become asymmetric.

For example, with osteochondrosis, afferent and efferent fibers (connect the brain with other parts of the body and organs) that go to the lower extremities are infringed. Due to pinching of the nerve roots, there is a weakening of muscle tissue and their sensitivity.

A symptom of unsteady gait can also occur after a fracture of the lower extremities. During the period while the leg was cast, the muscle tissues did not function properly, that is, they did not participate in movement, which led to their atrophy. Until the muscles adapt and return to normal, the patient will experience unsteadiness and asymmetry in gait.

Disturbances in coordination of movements can occur with sprains and ruptures of the tendons, as well as with paralysis of muscle tissues.

Neurosis and mental disorders

Such a symptom as a wobbly gait can occur with various mental disorders and pathologies of the nervous system. These include stressful and depressive states, nervous breakdowns, neuroses. Also, a violation of coordination can be observed in violation of the perception of the surrounding reality, in the presence of groundless fears and anxieties.

Alcohol intoxication of the body

The use of alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic drugs leads to intoxication of the body and disruption of the central nervous system, which is why such a symptom as a staggering gait occurs.

After toxic substances enter the digestive system, they are absorbed into the bloodstream and are carried by the bloodstream to all organs. These substances penetrate the muscle tissue and the brain, including the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. The maximum concentration of a substance in the blood is observed 20 minutes after taking alcohol or drugs.

In women, the intoxicating effect is much more pronounced than in the representatives of the stronger sex. It's all about the characteristics of the body. Women have more fatty tissues, and as you know, alcohol-containing substances do not dissolve in them. Since with alcohol intoxication, the muscular system first of all weakens, therefore, the manifestations of poisoning in the fairer sex are more pronounced.

In the process of disintegration of alcohol, a very harmful, toxic substance, acetaldehyde, is released. It negatively affects the functioning of the cerebellum, which leads to impaired coordination. A drunk person's eyes become cloudy, while walking there is a staggering gait, etc. With severe intoxication, headache, nausea and the urge to vomit can also occur.


If a staggering gait occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this symptom may hide a very serious illness. After examining the patient and assessing his general state of health, the specialist prescribes additional diagnostic measures that will help make the correct diagnosis. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, the following may be prescribed:

  • consultation of narrow specialists: otolaryngologist, neurosurgeon, etc.;
  • MR angiography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • toxicological examination;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • analysis to determine the concentration of vitamin B12 in the blood.


As such, the treatment of wobbly gait is not carried out, as this is just a symptom. First of all, the doctor must decide which disease has led to a violation of the functions of coordination of movements, and only then choose an effective therapy.

The spectrum of diseases in which such symptoms occur is very large. Accordingly, there are many methods of treatment. For example:

  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are treated with the help of chondroprotectors "Mukosat", "Don" and others, as well as physiotherapy. Additionally, complexes of minerals, muscle relaxants are prescribed.
  • If a wobbly gait arose due to a lack of B vitamins, experts recommend taking drugs such as Milgamma, Neuromultivit, Kombilipen, etc. These drugs have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • In multiple sclerosis, glucocorticoid hormones, immunosuppressants, are used that suppress autoimmune reactions.
  • For more serious pathologies, such as brain tumors and other serious conditions, they resort to surgical intervention.


As soon as any person takes a few steps, the trained eye of some specialists can instantly tell a lot about this person, or, to be more precise, about his / her state of health. According to relevant experts, almost everything when walking - gait, manner of movement, posture, steps - can provide a lot of interesting information about the general state of human health.

“Many doctors are absolutely sure that, looking at a person walking along the road, you can even diagnose him. There is an opportunity to find out whether a person is healthy or not, and if unhealthy - identify a few tell-tale signs that indicate a specific problem" , says Charles Blitzer, an orthopedic surgeon and representative of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. We bring to your attention 15 specific signs that characterize a person's gait and tell about his health.

1. Specific sign: sluggish and slow step

What can it say? Short life span

The speed at which a person walks is considered by some to be a reliable indicator of how long a given individual will live. Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh summarized nine studies involving 36,000 people over 65. In fact, it was predicted how much a person would have left, and these predictions were confirmed by subsequent analysis of the person's age, his chronic diseases, body mass index, and so on.

The average speed at which people walked was 3 steps per second (about 3 kilometers per hour). For those who walked slower than 2 steps per second (two kilometers per hour), the risk of sudden death in the coming years was much higher. Those who walked at a frequency of more than 3.3 steps per second (almost 4 kilometers per hour) lived longer, regardless of age, gender, and some other signs.

In 2006, the Journal of the American Medical Association published the following information: if a person, being aged between 70 and 79 years old, is not able to immediately walk a distance of half a kilometer, he has a good chance of leaving this world in the next six years. An earlier study in men aged 71 to 93 found evidence that those who could walk three kilometers a day were half as likely to suffer a heart attack as those who could not. who can not walk even five hundred meters.

Unfortunately, trying to start walking faster and walking longer will not suddenly make such people healthier. On the contrary, such activity in old age can even increase the risk of injury, so you should think about it long before old age. One thing is clear: in old age, the human body itself determines the most appropriate speed of movement for it, based on its own state of health. And if this rate is low, it usually indicates concomitant health problems that negatively affect life expectancy.

2. Specific sign: narrow swings of the arms when walking

What can it say? Lower back problems

According to physiotherapist Steve Bailey (Steve Bailey), owner of a medical center in Knoxville, Tennessee, the human body has a very amazing structure. In particular, Bailey pointed out that when we push the left hip forward while walking, the spine makes a certain movement and the right upper limb moves back. This coordinated functioning of the muscles of both parts of the body is necessary in order to support the lower back.

If, when walking, a person practically does not demonstrate specific waving movements of the upper limbs (or if these movements are weakly expressed), this is an alarming sign. In particular, this means that the spine does not receive the necessary support due to a certain limited mobility of the lumbar or back. Bailey is sure that it is the swinging movements of the hands that are an indicator of the functioning of our spinal sections.

3. Specific sign: one foot slaps hard on the floor when walking

What can it say? Spinal disc injury, as well as a possible sign of a stroke

Some specialists do not need to see how a person walks in order to determine his health problems. It is enough for them to hear his/her walk! The phenomenon, which is called drooping (hanging) foot, or "flapping foot" says that you literally drop your foot on the ground when walking. According to podiatrist Jane E. Andersen, former president of the American Association for Women Podiatrists, it could be a weakening of the tibialis anterior.

So to speak, the correct walking of a healthy person begins with lowering the heel to the ground, after which the rest of the foot gradually lowers to the ground. Then the initiative to take off and lift the foot passes from the big toe to the heel. However, with a drooping foot, the person loses control of the muscles and the foot is unable to smoothly return to the ground. Instead, she just flops down on her.

"This can indicate a stroke or some other neuromuscular pathology, or a pinched nerve." Andersen explains. A fairly common cause is damage to the lumbar disc, as this compresses a nerve that extends into the lower limb. Another, less common cause that leads to foot drop is a pinched peroneal nerve.

4. Specific sign: confident open gait (in women)

What can it say? Ability for sexual satisfaction

By walking, you can determine not only health problems. In 2008, in the scientific European edition "Journal of Sexual Medicine" (Journal of Sexual Medicine) were published the results of one of the studies conducted by Belgian and Scottish scientists. As part of this study, it was found that a woman's gait can indeed signal her ability to easily achieve sexual satisfaction.

In other words, if a woman has a smooth, but at the same time energetic step, then there is a high probability that such a woman is quite easily able to achieve a vaginal orgasm. In order to come to a similar conclusion, the researchers compared the gaits of those women who actually reach orgasm only through vaginal penetration (no clitoral stimulation), with the gait of women who find it difficult or almost impossible to reach orgasm through vaginal stimulation alone.

Well, there is a dependence, but what is the background of this connection? What is the scientific explanation for this phenomenon? According to one theory, a regular orgasm affects the muscles, that do not become weak or too tight. As a result, such a woman demonstrates a freer and lighter gait, which looks quite harmonious against the background of constant sexual satisfaction and increased self-esteem.

5. Specific sign: mincing gait

What can it say? Degeneration of the knee or hip joint

When the heel touches the ground at the very beginning of the step, the knee joint should normally be extended. If this is not the case, then the result is problems with the length of the movement. In other words, it happens impaired ability of the knee joint to move properly inside the patella. "Degenerative changes in the patella sometimes lead to the need for manual therapy, which develops the joint and improves range of motion" says physiotherapist Steve Bailey.

A similar problem with mincing gait can be explained by insufficient traction of the hip joint. When a person takes small steps, he, in principle, does not need a significant extension of this joint. "Unfortunately, this tactic leads to an increase in pressure on the spinal region" Bailey says. According to the doctor, when the traction of the hip joint is not fully carried out, this subsequently limits the mobility of other joints, leading to back pain and, for example, to the same drooping foot.

6. Specific sign: lowering of the pelvis or shoulder from either side

What can it say? Spinal problems or hip abductor insufficiency

The so-called abductors, which are called abductors (they are located on the outside of the thighs), actually support the pelvis with every step we take. In other words, when we lift one limb and move it forward, leaning on the second limb, the abductors support the body in a straight position. However, sometimes these muscles do not work properly.

So, abductors play the role of compensators when moving our body. Violation of their work leads to the so-called Trendelenburg symptom, when a person falls heavily when walking to one side. This happens at the moment when the heel on the healthy side falls to the ground. The pelvis sags on this side, trying to compensate for the lack of strength., which must be produced by the muscles on the other side. Sometimes this sag is so pronounced that the entire half of the body sags along with the shoulder. The terminal stage of this disorder is manifested in problems with the spine.

7. Specific sign: legs with a wheel ("cavalry" gait)

What can it say? Osteoarthritis

"Just imagine the classic image of an elderly, slow cowboy with crooked legs, - says the orthopedic surgeon Blitzer. - Perhaps the cause of this type is arthritic knees." . Indeed, approximately 85 percent of people with osteoarthritis (especially those who suffer from the senile form of the disease, which brings the greatest physical damage) have a "cavalry" gait.

O-shaped curvature of the legs (or simply O-legs) is a consequence of the fact that the human body cannot be supported properly, which leads, literally, to the outward curvature of the knees. The cause of the "cavalry" gait may be a disease such as rickets, or even a certain combination of genes. However, these causes most often manifest themselves in childhood. Timely intervention and special staples can help correct this condition.

8. Specific feature: inward-turning knees

What can it say? Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that indeed very often can be expressed in "legs by X", that is, when knees literally turn inward towards each other. "Approximately 85 percent of people with rheumatoid arthritis have inverted knees.", - states orthopedic surgeon Charles Blitzer.

With "legs x" the shins lose their straight position, tending inward. At the same time, a person demonstrates a specific clumsy gait, when the knees are too close together, and the ankles, on the contrary, are significantly spaced apart. In some cases, osteoarthritis can manifest itself in a similar disorder, depending on which joints are damaged.

9. Specific symptom: shortening of the step when turning and maneuvering

What can it say? Poor general physical condition

Balancing is a function of coordinating between three systems: vision, the inner ear, and what is called proprioception, that is, the ability of the joints to tell the brain where they are. A similar possibility in the joints due to the presence of receptors in the connective tissues between them. However, the quality of these receptors depends on how many movements the joints make. "If you are an active person, more receptors function in your connective tissue, therefore your proprioception is better" Bailey explains.

In fact, this means that you are better at maintaining balance. That is why a sickly or physically infirm person has problems maintaining balance. "If you have problems with balance, you take smaller steps, which is especially noticeable when cornering or when maneuvering around various objects. It can also be a problem to move for a long time, as it requires balancing on each leg for a longer amount of time. This makes you feel much more confident in the straight section." Bailey says.

Orthopedic surgeon Charles Blitzer recommends people who need a walking cane due to illness, but are in no hurry to use it for fear of looking old, putting aside prejudice and pride. "Better start using appropriate adaptive devices and continue to be active than to lead a sedentary lifestyle, which is a kind of vicious circle, making you even more immobile", says Blitzer.

Among other things, problems with maintaining balance can be associated with peripheral neuropathy, a certain type of damage to the nerve endings, caused by diseases such as diabetes. In addition, the American orthopedist Jane Andersen names alcohol dependence and lack of vitamins as other possible causes of imbalance.

10. Specific sign: "flat" gait with a low elevation of the legs

What can it say? Flat feet, bunion, neuroma

It seems that flat feet are easy to determine at a glance: in a person who has this phenomenon, almost a peculiar arch is not visible on the inside of the foot, which makes the foot seem flat. Actually, that's why they call this phenomenon flat feet. However, shuffling gait is possible for other reasons.

When a person is about to take a step, his foot straightens just as the heel leaves the floor. Then it again takes the form of an arch. The heel also tends to inward slightly when lifting the foot., and the thumbs can curve up. All of the above complex movements are necessary in order to provide better stability.

This can sometimes be difficult to implement due to painful bursitis (abnormal growth of bone or tissue near the base of the thumb). Another cause may be a violation of the nervous condition of the foot (neuroma). The most common type of neuroma, called Morton's neuroma, is the appearance of a painful thickening of the nerve between the third and fourth fingers. At the same time, the manner of walking changes, which makes the step less painful and traumatic.

11. Specific sign: shuffling

What can it say? Parkinson's disease

Shuffling with the body tilted forward and against the background of serious efforts to lift the feet off the ground is an integral attribute of the aging of the body. This is a specific type of gait that may indicate that a person is suffering from Parkinson's disease. At the same time, the sick person takes small and uncertain steps. "The shuffling gait, which is one of the most common manifestations of this neuromuscular disease, is due to neuromuscular dysfunction", Blitzer explains.

Another early sign of this disease is the appearance of a tremor of the limbs. People who suffer from an advanced form of dementia, such as Alzheimer's, may also shamble. In this case, we are talking about a violation of the cognitive process. The brain and musculature cannot communicate properly. Over time, memory loss is noted, and difficulties are observed with the implementation of the thought process (moreover, we can talk about the most elementary things).

12. Specific sign: walking on the tips of the toes of both feet

What can it say? Cerebral palsy or spinal cord injury

Another notable walking style is walking on the tips of the toes. The fingertips reach the floor before the heel, although the opposite is usually the case. This is also associated with increased muscle tone caused by impaired functioning of brain receptors. When a person steps only on the toes of both feet, it is almost always a violation in the upper part of the spinal cord or even the brain (cerebral palsy or spinal cord injury).

You have probably noticed that young children who are just learning to walk very often stand on their toes and can even walk some distance on them. This is especially evident when children pull their hands towards someone or something. trying to stand on tiptoes. In this case, of course, we are not talking about paralysis. However, if you are overcome by anxiety and doubt, it makes sense to consult a doctor who will help you sort out the situation.

13. Specific sign: walking on the tips of the toes of one foot

What can it say? Stroke

Indeed, with this specific feature, everything is more or less clear. But this is only at first glance, since only doctors are able to determine the nature of the asymmetry, if a person, when walking, steps not with the full foot of one leg, but only with the tips of his fingers. In some cases, even when the situation seems obvious, it is far from always possible to unequivocally determine whether a person is stepping on the toes of one foot or both.

If this symptom is especially pronounced, it is likely that we are talking about the consequences of a stroke, in which the right or left side of the body is affected. However, the situation with outbreaks in different parts of the world of such a disease as poliomyelitis is recalled. This disease literally withered and exhausted many people, and then a person could demonstrate a gait in which he also stepped on the tips of the toes of one foot.

14. Specific sign: galloping gait

What can it say? Excessively tight calf muscles

One of the most unusual gaits is the one where a person literally bounces with every step. Experts often note that in this case, the so-called first phase of a normal step (when the heel begins to lift off the floor) occurs too quickly due to the hardness of the calf muscles. Especially often this phenomenon is observed in female representatives, the reason for which, according to Andersen, is the constant wearing of high heels.

"I have seen women in their 60s who were shown physical exercise - and some of them for the first time in their lives. These exercises were necessary for them, but they could not do them for the simple reason that were unable to wear comfortable flat-soled shoes Andersen says. - However, similar things can be observed much earlier in the life of women, at the age of 25. And all because girls start wearing stilettos as early as adolescence".

15. Specific feature: the arch of one foot is more pronounced and / or the thigh is slightly recessed

What can it say? One leg is shorter than the other

The difference in the length of the limbs (in this case, the legs) can be detected by a specialist in several ways. However, most often it is enough to observe your gait and study the feet. According to orthopedist Jane Andersen, one foot usually looks flatter than the other. As a general rule, a flatter foot corresponds to a shorter leg.

Since the shorter leg has to travel a slightly longer distance to reach the floor, the pelvis can sink a little when walking, notes physiotherapist Steve Bailey. The doctor thinks that you can independently see specific changes in the lumbar spine. To do this, you need to pay attention to the horizontal crease of the lumbar. From the side of the longer limb, this strip seems to be straightened, since the back often unbends precisely there.

In principle, a person can be born with limbs of different lengths; or the reason for this may be a kneecap or hip replacement surgery (if the limbs did not align when healing after surgery). However, according to orthopedic surgeon Charles Blitzer, as long as this difference does not exceed two centimeters, this will not cause any special negative health consequences. If the difference is not more than six millimeters, you can think about special inserts for shoes, and surgery is considered as an option to solve the problem with a larger difference.