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Electrical work. What does electrical installation work include in a house Electrical installation by GSK specialists: advantages

It is impossible to imagine modern life or production without electricity. It is used both for and for the operation of various types of devices, communications, etc.

Electrical installation work is understood as a complex of construction works carried out during new construction, or modernization and reconstruction of buildings and structures for various purposes, and involving the installation of electrical networks and electrical equipment. Such work includes laying external and internal networks, installation of starting and protective equipment, installation of electrical panels, boxes, and electric lighting. GOST-23887-79 defines electrical installation work as installation of electrical products or their components having current-carrying elements.

The purpose of electrical installation is to connect consumers to sources of electricity, from installing sockets to providing an uninterrupted power supply system to the entire facility. The quality and timing of electrical installation directly depend on the skills of the team of specialists.

During the execution of electrical installation work Performers are faced with such complex tasks as automating work processes or installing electrical systems in complex production chains.

Electrical installation work must be carried out taking into account a number of standards, such as Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP), instructions from electrical equipment manufacturers.


At the facilities for various purposes the following types are carried out electrical installation work:

Installation of electrical wiring and equipment;

Installation of protective equipment, panels, meters;

Setting up external and internal lines;

Installation of electric lighting systems;

Electrical work;

Installation of working power electrical equipment;

Introduction and adjustment of electricity sources;

Low current systems and commissioning works;

Installation and adjustment of video surveillance, communication and alarm systems.

Our specialists are sufficiently qualified to carry out electrical installation work at any level, including:

Installation of cables, switches, sockets, and other accessories;

Replacement old wiring and installation of new equipment;

Commissioning of modern uninterrupted sources electricity;

Setting up electric lighting;

Installation of video surveillance and alarm systems, network setup,


The main task of specialists installing electrical wiring is to ensure safety, reliability and compliance of the power supply system with the required level of energy consumption. Incorrectly carried out electrical work significantly increases the risk of emergency situations, posing a threat to material property, life and health of surrounding people. Thus, in industrial facilities that have the highest equipment capacities, cables should be laid with an increased margin. bandwidth, providing best level reliability.

When carrying out work, technical measures are taken to ensure the safety of work, in accordance with current standards:

Protective shutdowns;

Hanging prohibitory posters;

Checking for no voltage;

Grounding installation;

Fencing the workplace and posting warning signs.

Not only the comfort and standard of living of people, but also the stability of the operation of enterprises and the economy as a whole depend on electrical installation and reliability in the work of electricians. In cooperation with VI Energy, your electrical equipment will work reliably and without interruption.

Among our many services are electrical installation services. The city of Donetsk is famous for its technical specialists, and we employ the best of them.

The list of work performed by electricians includes:

Replace the wiring and that's it preparatory work for laying new wiring;
installation and repair of sockets and switches;
connecting electrical equipment and household appliances(heaters, hobs, air conditioners, hoods, etc.);
installation and connection lighting fixtures(chandeliers, lamps, built-in lamps);
laying cables for telephone and Internet communications;
installation of circuit breakers (RCD).

The main thing is that everything electrician services can be provided by our company not only on weekdays, but also on weekends and in the evening, when there is an urgent need for it.

Why and how to change electrical wiring?

Speaking about electrical work, let us remind you that this includes work related to the installation of electrical equipment and wiring. Modern apartment filled with dozens of different electrical appliances. Old wiring may not be able to handle the load. For this reason, short circuits occur, wiring burns out, and often causes fires. In order not to lead the situation to such terrible events, it is best to completely change the wiring.

Another reason why people turn to the services of an electrician to the Rem-Imperial company is the insufficient number of sockets or switches in the room. This is especially true for new buildings, where a minimum number of buildings is set to save money. You may not be satisfied with the location of the sockets. Sometimes it becomes necessary to place the switch a little lower, otherwise it is impossible to reach it. In all these situations, our organization will help you.

How does it happen replacement of electrical wiring in the apartment?

First, a list is drawn up listing all the equipment that will need to be installed.

Secondly, a diagram is drawn up and applied to the walls. The diagram shows the points at which switches, chandeliers, sockets, etc.

Once the wires are laid, distribution boxes and boxes for sockets and switches are installed. The circuit is connected into a circuit. An electrical panel is being installed.

It is imperative to check the quality of the work performed under load.

The final stage will be Finishing work(plastering, painting).

Electric installation work- one of the most difficult. Anything related to electricity should be done by specialists with extensive knowledge in this industry. If you try to fix electrical problems or a sparking outlet yourself, you risk life-threatening injuries and an emergency situation. The specialists of the REM-IMPERIAL company carry out any electrical installation work promptly, efficiently, and, most importantly, safely.

Reliable wiring is the basis uninterrupted operation all technical devices in the house. If you notice any problems in its operation, immediately contact our specialists in the Shchelkovo region for help. After all, the consequences of such interruptions can be the most unpredictable: from the breakdown of any expensive electrical appliance to the emergence of a fire hazard. The key to your peace of mind will be the installation of new electrical wiring, which will allow you not to be afraid to use several electrical appliances at once.

Electrical work includes installing sockets and switches, connecting various equipment, electricians, laying cables, drawing up an electrical diagram, wiring electricity, entering electricity and much more. In addition, such work also involves drilling holes and replacing old wiring, as well as gating walls.

Thus, electrical installation work is a complete or partial replacement of electrical wiring, transfer counters, sockets, switches, lamps, including gating walls, wiring telephone, electrical, antenna, network, audio and video lines, connecting household appliances, installation automation, electrical panels and various systems like " smart House", "intelligent building", "intelligent house".

Electrical installation work includes:

  • Drawing up a project, with calculations and drawings
  • Connection to electricity, site, office and retail premises
  • Installation of distribution boxes
  • Connecting a circuit into one circuit
  • Electrical panel installation
  • Load testing of electrical installation systems
  • Insulation resistance measurements
  • Connection, sockets, lighting, switches
  • Installation of telephone and television cables
  • Removing old wiring

What are you risking by turning to non-professionals?

First of all, you are risking your safety and health. Remember! Wrong installed socket or an incorrectly installed switch can cause a fire that can damage the entire house.

So trust electrical installation work only for specialists. Any operations with electrical work require appropriate training. Electrical specialists must be highly qualified and have extensive experience in this field. In addition, each electrician must be familiar with the situation at a particular site so that no surprises arise during electrical installation work. This is the only way to get good results, achieve the required goals, and protect yourself, customers, and colleagues from injury.

When performing electrical installation work, special attention should be paid to replacing the old wiring with a new one. For example, in old apartments, when electrical network cannot cope with the load from modern devices. In this case, the customer makes a list of all electrical appliances required to connect to the line. It is advisable to include in the connection list possible devices planned to be purchased in the future. Replacing the wiring is notable for the fact that the customer himself chooses the number of sockets, switches (points) and their location.

If installation is being carried out in the room for the first time electrical systems, then first of all it is necessary to obtain permission (Technical solution) from the power supply station. To do this, you need to develop a project for external and internal power supply and only after that carry out wiring work. Also, when developing a plan, it is important to consider the power required for use. After laying the cable, it will no longer be possible to increase it. In some cases, increasing power is possible, but this is fraught with additional costs for specifications, design, and new electrical installation work.

Electrical installation work is carried out in 3 stages:

  • Includes wall gating and cable laying. It is better to lay wires in holed walls in metal pipes to improve safety. This stage must be carried out before plastering and finishing.
  • Includes work on the electrical panel, installation of boxes and sockets for temporary lighting, installation of socket boxes.
  • Includes installation of decorative trims, switches and other lighting equipment. This stage is carried out after finishing.

Electrical installation work requires a lot of specific knowledge and skills, it is important to consider individual characteristics each object, as well as the wishes of the customer. An electrical installation specialist uses technical instructions in his work, building codes and rules, electrical installation rules and fire safety rules.

Electrical installation work is a complex of works (assembly, installation, installation) associated with the need to work under voltage. Correct provision of services commissioning work, will ensure safe and comfortable operation of all electrical appliances.

Trust the professionals!

- difficult process. It is only available to qualified personnel. Every day in all cities of our country hundreds and even thousands of fires occur for a single reason - poor-quality electrical equipment.

Related to local networks or other Internet technologies is especially difficult. Indeed, in this case it is necessary to take into account many very important points– safety, reliability of the system, quality of all work performed. Often people even die from illiterate installation.

Professional electrical installation work has a number of advantages. First of all, it is possible to significantly increase the electrical and fire safety systems. But it is precisely from poor-quality installation that fires often occur.

You cannot skimp on the quality of electrical installation work. This could have bad consequences. Competent electrical installation work is the key to reliability, uninterrupted operation and good security of the system for many years.

Stages of electrical installation work

Electrical installation work includes the installation of electrical networks and electrical equipment, which are carried out during the construction, repair and reconstruction of houses and structures. Electrical installation work is carried out sequentially in several stages. Initially, a project is developed, an estimate is drawn up, which includes the cost of work and materials, then the electrical installation work begins. Electrical installation work consists of two stages.

At the first stage, electrical installation is carried out in parallel with the general construction work. At this time, fasteners are installed for the subsequent installation of electrical equipment, instruments and electrical installation structures, pipes for electrical wiring are installed in foundations and ceilings, nests for electrical installation equipment are installed in the walls, and much more.

At the second stage, the main production of electrical installation work takes place, which consists of transporting, installing and assembling electrical equipment and structures, laying wires, and connecting them to installed electrical equipment.

The process is completed by commissioning work, including adjustment automatic systems management electric drives and relay protection devices. Upon completion of all work, electrical measurements are carried out.

Requirements for electrical installation work

As mentioned above, electrical installation work from the design stage to launch is a complex process that requires not only the professionalism of the performers and compliance with safety rules, but also special equipment that ensures the quality of installation. IP-Link LLC has everything you need for high-quality installation of electrical networks and equipment.

One of the requirements today requirements for electrical installation work is to speed up the process without compromising its quality. However, it should be noted that in addition to the rapid pace of development of mechanization and optimization of electrical installation work, main responsibility entrusted to the electrician, who is the guarantor of the quality of electrical installation work.

Choosing a company for electrical installation work

When choosing a company, you should ask what projects it has dealt with, how many years it has been on the market, and what equipment is used to perform electrical installation work. An important factor is the cost of the work. It often happens that the prices indicated in the price list do not match the real ones. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify and negotiate in advance price changes that are possible in the process of electrical installation and installation work, and formalize verbal agreements with a document.

Cost of electrical installation work

The cost of electrical installation work on the market is approximately the same and stable, but depending on the qualifications of specialists and the equipment used, it can have large differences. In such a responsible matter as electrical installation work, the main criterion that will ensure the safety of electrical installation is quality. IP-Link LLC meets all the requirements for electrical installation work.

In order to understand the formation of prices for electrical installation work, you need to understand this in detail. This process can be divided into several components.

This article will explain each expense item in detail. An estimate containing all necessary financial expenses is provided to the customer for final approval.

First of all, it is worth noting what we mean by the phrase “electrical installation work” - this is a process that represents the implementation of a whole complex of highly specialized work on the installation and adjustment of household power supply.

In relation to residential premises, electrical installation work means replacing all switching devices (sockets, switches), as well as replacing electrical wiring conductors.

However, it is impossible to immediately move on to the designated area of ​​work. The stages look like this:

  • coordination project documentation;
  • budgeting;
  • coordination of all shift points with the customer;
  • transportation;
  • installation.

From the above list it is clear that the stages cannot be performed independently of each other. Each of them is a logical continuation of the other.

Experts are accustomed to dividing electrical work into several parts. The first of them is preparatory. In this part, specialists install the necessary fasteners for installing the necessary electrical devices.

As a rule, this is carried out during the construction of the building itself. Great amount waste and garbage makes such work impossible when the rooms are already finished.

After all, we are talking about laying electrical wiring, for which it is necessary to organize grooves in the ceilings.

At the second stage, all necessary elements that will be present in the wiring are transported.

At the final stage, only full check functioning of devices. Relay protection should also be subject to tests.

The video describes in detail the criteria and nuances of drawing up design documentation for electrical installation work: