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Booking com app download. Booking com what is this program is an application that allows you to book a hotel anywhere in the world. The service is very popular among tourists and ordinary people who are going to relax away from home. With the help of this service, everyone will be able to find a place to live to their liking. Tens of thousands of users leave reviews about various hotels around the world right from their Android device. The abundance of options to choose from shows that a person of any income can afford to travel.

Main advantages

  1. Mobility. All hotels in the world right in your pocket. Take out your favorite Android smartphone and choose what you like in a couple of steps. No complicated actions, and most importantly - everything is incredibly fast.
  2. Convenience of the interface. Even a child can handle this simple application. Each necessary category is located very conveniently for the user, all the necessary components are organically arranged. The design of the application deserves special praise.
  3. A large number of filters. Finding a place to stop is the main task of the service. The developers made it as convenient, understandable and detailed as possible. A huge number of filters will allow you to find the perfect hotel or inn for you.
  4. Recommendations. In the application you can register and recommend places to your friends. In addition, you can write publicly available reviews, in which you need to describe the pros and cons of a particular place in all details.
  5. Work offline. The service supports a function that can work without a network. This function is to view maps. You can see the area where you are going to live without the hassle of an Internet connection.

If this is not the first time you use the application, a history will be displayed in your profile, where you yourself can specify the place and date of your stay. Quite a handy feature for those who travel a lot and forget where they have been. Using the search, you can start not only from the price category of the hotel, but also from its proximity to attractions or even directly to you. It is very convenient when it becomes necessary to settle in a certain place.

Planning your travels and exploring the world with is easy and completely free. All that remains is to pack your suitcase and fly to the place where you have booked your place of residence.

How does the system work? Is there an operator with this armor system? Who will meet? and got the best answer

Answer from Juliya [guru]
no one will meet you .. if only order the transfer at the hotel you book. ...
Which operator? ?
Buy a ticket .. by yourself, book a hotel .. by yourself ...

Answer from MARINA * SEAWAVE[guru] is a HOTEL RESERVATION website !! ! Everything else - buy tickets and get to the hotel on your own. You can book and buy tickets online on the websites of railway and airlines. You can get to the hotel from the airport or train station by taxi or in another way, having learned in advance how to do it better. If all this is difficult for you and you do not know a foreign language, then it is better to contact a travel agent who will take care of your vacation by selling you a ready-made tour package.

Answer from Elena Mitina[guru]
If you book the hotel yourself, this is an independent holiday. You have nothing to do with any operator. And you also book tickets, taxis and health insurance. And you make a visa, if necessary.

Answer from A v[guru]
The operator is you. You cannot order a flight at the booking, but you have to write to the hotel separately about the meeting.

Answer from Elena Kulagina[guru]
Everything from start to finish independently, what kind of operator are we talking about? we book, print out the confirmation of the reservation, take a plane ticket, arrive, take a taxi, go to the hotel, check in ...

Answer from Youhimile[guru]
If by "operator" you mean the customer on duty, then yes - call the round-the-clock support service.
How does the system work?
Find the hotel you need, book a room for the required dates (most often you will need a bank card to confirm your solvency, but money is usually paid only at the hotel, although payment is possible on the website).
Who will meet?
After booking, the printout will contain the hotel number, call there and order a transfer.
How to book a flight?
As a rule, air tickets are not booked. You can buy on-line on the airline's website (I recommend), or from agents (for example,
Can be purchased at the ticket office.

The affiliate network has been on the market for many years and is one of the most famous among the partner programs for online hotel booking. A standard set of tools is available to webmasters:

  • Link constructor;
  • Widgets;
  • Banners;
  • Plugins for WP.

If the quantitative and qualitative parameters are observed, API access is opened to the partner. is gradually adding apartments, guest houses and other accommodation options to its database. The paradigm that the service allows you to book only hotels is gradually changing. The partner cabinet is also changing, recently the developers have updated it. The new version has improved visualization and expanded statistics. It now looks like this:

When registering with the affiliate from November 1 to November 30, 2017, you can receive an increased commission on all bookings made before January 31, 2018, while checkout can be done at any time. For a higher bet, use the promo code: TPSUMMIT17. With its help, the commission will be 40% against the base rate for beginners - 25%.

Market trends

TOP-5 directions of domestic tourism in Russia has not changed for the last 5 years, it still includes:

  • Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Adler;
  • Kazan;
  • Sochi.

The rest of the positions are changing, but not radically. For example, in popularity, Nizhny Novgorod is gradually decreasing, and on the contrary, Yekaterinburg is growing.

External tourism trends have more expressive dynamics of change:

The statistics include both business and leisure travelers. The picture for each individual group will be different, but the Pareto principle operates in the market. TOP 20 destinations generate 80% of bookings. takes this into account when it prioritizes its own tasks.

The seasonality in the market has not changed for 3 years in a row. July and August are traditionally the best months, while March and April show drawdowns for bookings.

Top Affiliate Best Practices

The company analyzed the best practices of active and successful partners, and it turned out that all the best practices comply with the laws of common sense. An analysis of the work of other partners showed that common sense is not so obvious to everyone, so Ekaterina dwelled on the key points in more detail.

Obvious # 1 - Widgets is known as an A / B testing company, thousands of tests are performed every day, including widgets, so the products are initially geared towards optimization. The key role is played by the placement on the partner's site, and not so much the widget itself. When placing, be guided by the following tips:

  • Don't hide the widget deep in the navigation menu. You can't expect high conversions if the item is hard to reach.
  • Do not put widgets and banners at the very bottom of the page. Content on the page is certainly important, but if conversion is also important to you, then it is better to place affiliate tools higher.
  • Do not hide the widget in your personal account. Each additional field that a client has to fill in before getting results annoys the person and degrades the results.

Don't make the client think, he shouldn't look for where and how to book. The client should see a big red button the moment he is ready to make a booking.

All fields should be auto-filled as much as possible. If you know where the client is going - auto-fill. You know the dates, at least approximately - autocomplete. Make sure that the client takes as few steps as possible on the way to the reservation. But don't limit the user's choice. It's important to do most of the work for the client, but don't think for him.

Obvious # 2 - Audience

All TOP affiliates have their own audience. And this is not random traffic that accidentally ends up on their site. These are people who know exactly where and why they are going, what they are looking for there, and at some point they have a desire to book a hotel, tour and other products. At this point, the webmaster should provide them with this opportunity.

Top partners' traffic is categorized as Qualified. This means that the cancellation rate for their reservations is generally lower than the average for the Russian market. And the average is quite high, because Russians often book a room for a visa, and then after receiving, they cancel it.

Obvious # 3 - Statistics

TOP partners look at the statistics many times more in their personal account.

It doesn't matter if you generate 100 armor or 1000, you need to understand very deeply what is going on inside the project.

Study the average price of your reservation. This will optimize your marketing strategy based on what gives you the most bang for your buck. For example, business travel or leisure. It will also allow:

  • Prioritize directions;
  • To deeply evaluate the results of the work;
  • Understand market trends.

Another useful metric is Booking Windows. It reflects the difference between the date of booking and the date of check-in. On average, it takes from 2 to 6 weeks from booking to check-in. This is a great foundation for a content plan and newsletter. You will understand, with an accuracy of a week, to which customers, which directions and when to sell. And you will know exactly what kind of return to expect from it.

The metric of the number of guests combined with the number of rooms will allow you to better understand the target audience. For example, if your bookings are dominated by 4 people / 1 room, then most likely you have family traffic.

Why is not listed in WL Hotellook results appears in the Low Price Hotellook search results, but does not appear in the results if the partner uses the White Label Hotellook. This is due to the fact that Booking prohibits sub-affiliation through the API. Because otherwise, the company will not have the tools to control partners, which can severely damage relations with hotels.

API access for partners

It is provided subject to two conditions:

  • Number of bookings: from 500 per month;
  • The quality of the resource and traffic.

Partners who meet the quantity requirements can apply to open API access. After that, the team will check the quality of traffic, brand, fraud, assess the risks, and then a decision is made to open access. There are 3 levels:

  • Access to static information;
  • Access to static information + about room availability and prices;
  • Making a reservation on the partner's side.

The third access opens with very tight control and a limited number of partners.

If the partner does not meet the minimum requirements for obtaining the API, but requests an individual exception, Booking will refuse such an application. But a webmaster can always start with basic and public tools, this will allow Booking to assess the traffic and prospects of the partner.

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Booking affiliate program reviews and review

  • Booking affiliate program what is it?
  • Personal Area
  • How to make money on Booking
  • Money withdrawal
  • My Reviews
  • Outcomes

Booking affiliate program

Booking is a site for finding and booking hotels around the world. There are more than 1 million hotels in the booking database, which makes it a leader among competitors. Booking has an affiliate program. To a greater extent, it is aimed at:

  • Bloggers (with a personal website or a group in social networks)
  • Travel agencies and portals related to tourism
  • Large organizations that make frequent corporate travel

The affiliate program is simple and rigorous. Its essence lies in the fact that you, under your ID, book hotels for friends or clients and receive a part of the booking commission in the form of a reward.

Personal Area

In the section Your account, fill in the following data:

  • Profile settings
  • Sites are added to link to your referral links

All main tabs are available here:

  • Overview - shows general statistics on the work in the account
  • Products - all available tools are available here: links, banners, widgets, plugins, etc.
  • Work efficiency - shows various analytical data on your interaction with booking

How to make money on Booking

To make good money, you need to have targeted traffic that will make bookings using your ID. Booking commission from hotels is 15% of the booking cost. Yes, a lot, but for hotels, working with booking is good customer traffic.

For partners, booking offers different rates from its commission, depending on the number of bookings per month.

Graduation (we calculate the share of the commission 15%):

0 - 50 bookings per month - 25%

51 – 150 – 30%

151 – 500 – 35%

500 - and more 40%

With the minimum scenario, you will receive 3.75% of the booking amount. Funds will be credited to you only after your client's full stay at the hotel. By the way, I wrote about booking in the article, this is an affiliate program with very good conditions, I advise you to read.

How to make money on Booking? All available paths are open for you:

  • Social networks (groups, public pages, personal pages)
  • Any tourist sites
  • Video hosting (youtube, rutub and others) - you can review hotels by leaving an affiliate link
  • Own offline business. Take a link from LK and book a hotel.

Of the minuses, I will single out:

  • High threshold for withdrawal - 100 euros
  • You can not advertise in search engines, for this an instant ban, verified by our own experience :) By the way, all the money burns out automatically.
  • Withdrawal of funds only to a bank account.

The program to invite a friend is also available and earn 1000 rubles for yourself and your friend.

Money withdrawal

To withdraw money, you must completely fill in all profile data.

After your customers have stayed in the hotels you have booked, you will be charged a commission. Upon reaching the threshold of 100 euros, the money can be withdrawn to a bank account. Keep in mind that if you withdraw large amounts (more than 600,000 rubles per year) to P / C in the Russian Federation, then it is possible that the tax authorities will ask you questions. Therefore, be prepared to pay 13% tax on your income.

My Reviews

Booking is an interesting affiliate program, but not for everyone. As for me, if you are a beginner blogger, then you better take a look at simpler affiliate programs, for example travelpayouts. If you have consistently high traffic, you can start testing booking. By the way, I can also single out the disadvantages - not very modern widgets for the site in terms of design.


If you or your friends travel often, then the booking affiliate program will be a great way to make good money. After all, from a standard hotel, for example, one that costs $ 1000, you will receive almost $ 40 at the lowest rate. By the way, my record was a $ 2600 hotel. The commission was $ 98. Try, test, earn. All good!