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Pillows for healthy sleep made from buckwheat husks, only benefits and no harm. How to choose a pillow made of buckwheat husk: benefits and harms, purchase rules, making it yourself, care

Bedding made from natural materials has always been valued.

Today, a pillow made from buckwheat husk is popular, the benefits and harms of which are widely discussed by adherents of a healthy lifestyle. People suffering from cervical osteochondrosis are especially interested in the accessory. According to experts, it is precisely with this disease that a pillow filled with buckwheat is able to demonstrate its best characteristics.

Pros of using a pillow

A pillow made from buckwheat husk has a pronounced orthopedic effect. This is largely due to the quality of the filler. When cleaning grains industrially buckwheat husk takes on a pyramidal shape, due to which it not only allows air to pass through well, but also creates optimal temperature, comfortable for sleeping.

As a result of numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the husk is able to adapt to the contours of the human body, which means that the load exerted by the neck and head of the sleeper on the accessory is distributed evenly. Not only the muscles, but also the vertebrae rest.

Even a single use of a pillow with buckwheat husk allows a person to feel invigorated and well-rested. If you use the bedding constantly, the fatigue and pain that accompany people with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will go away quickly and for a long time.

The advantages of using orthopedic pillows with buckwheat husks include the following:

  • Body support. Under the influence of load, the accessories do not flatten or wrinkle, supporting the person’s head and neck in the correct stable position, the most optimal for the musculoskeletal system.
  • The ability to independently reduce or increase the density of the pillow. Depending on preferences, each owner can add or remove a certain amount of filler, making the bedding softer or harder.
  • Relieving pain. About 20% of people with osteochondrosis noted that the feeling of discomfort and pain left them with the start of using the buckwheat pillow. The pain in the neck area disappeared most quickly.
  • Low hygroscopicity and ability to “breathe”. Buckwheat husk practically does not absorb moisture, maintaining its original qualities.

  • Hypoallergenic. Since allergies to buckwheat are very rare, a pillow made from buckwheat husks can be used by people with a tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Massage effect. The tough structure of the husk has a mild, permanent impact on the tissues of the neck.
  • Easy to care for. With prolonged use, the filling may come off on one side, but this is easy to fix: just take the pillow and shake it well several times.
  • Getting rid of snoring. Since the neck and head of the sleeper are in the physiologically correct position during sleep, snoring either decreases or disappears completely, which has the most positive effect on a person’s health.

Each owner of the accessory can adjust it to his or her own taste: by unzipping the cover, you can easily make the pillow more or less voluminous by increasing or decreasing the amount of filling. At the same time, her healing characteristics will not be harmed.

Disadvantages of a buckwheat pillow

Many people consider the benefits and harms of a buckwheat husk pillow from the standpoint of comfort. And this is not surprising, because a hard and noisy filler may seem quite inconvenient when first used. Despite the fact that the accessory is not capable of causing even a small amount of harm, some people refuse to use it.

The main complaints about this product are that it is too dense, heavy and rigid. Let's look at the main disadvantages of bedding:

  • Noise. The main feature of buckwheat hulls is the ability to rub against each other, creating a pronounced noise effect. It will be noticeable if a person has the habit of sleeping on his side, with his ear to the pillow.

  • Rigidity. People who sleep on their backs rarely complain about this disadvantage of the accessory. Those who are accustomed to resting on their stomach or side can fully experience all the unpleasant sensations arising from the unusual structure of the filler. So, the ears and cheeks suffer the most. Owners of the pillows note that when lying down for a long time, a feeling of numbness and tingling occurs in these parts of the body.
  • Heavy weight. Pillows made from buckwheat husks, the benefits and harms of which have long been known controversial issue, depending on the size, can reach a weight of 5 kg. Managing such bedding will be difficult not only for children, but also for older people.

Despite the disadvantages described above, most people agree that healing effect, delivered by a pillow of buckwheat husk, reduces all inconvenience to zero. 3-4 nights are enough for the body to get used to the features of the accessory.

People have long used the gifts of nature for a variety of purposes. They are used for cooking and to create medicines, as well as for healing and strengthening the body. Various household items are made from plant substances, including those that correct use may provide health benefits. These include products made from buckwheat husks. Let's talk about what a buckwheat husk pillow is, its benefits and harms, and also talk about the benefits and harms of sitting with it in a little more detail.

Buckwheat husk is nothing more than hollow buckwheat shells that are removed from the kernels during processing. They are a crunchy and hard substance, which, at first glance, is completely unsuitable for filling pillows. But in fact, such husks are widely used to improve the health of the body. Not only pillows are made from it, but also orthopedic bolsters, mattresses, and seats.

Buckwheat husk pillow and seat - benefits and harms for the human body

Buckwheat husks do not wrinkle during the production of seats and pillows, so this filler effectively follows the contours of the body. In the case of a pillow, this ensures the correct position of the neck and head, which helps prevent neck pain, discomfort in the muscles, stop snoring and eliminate insomnia. And when using a seat (especially complete with a backrest), the back muscles are unloaded, which again helps to avoid.

In pillows, buckwheat husk will be an excellent alternative to feather filling. After all, feather pillows actively reproduce and live, which can cause allergies. In products made from buckwheat husks, such organisms live in minimum quantity, and you can get rid of ticks by simply freezing such a pillow. That is why products made from buckwheat husks will be an excellent find for allergy sufferers, including children.

Products made from buckwheat husks do not accumulate moisture and do not accumulate heat. They are convenient to use in both extreme heat and cold. In the case of the pillow, this property makes it convenient for everyday use in any weather. And the breathable properties of buckwheat husk seats create an air-conditioning effect. Therefore, even with long work in a sitting position, a person does not get tired, and his pelvic area is normally ventilated. Thanks to this, a seat made of buckwheat husk allows you to avoid prostatitis, thrush, hemorrhoids and even infertility and impotence. And from a banal feeling, it’s pleasant to sit on such a product - your feet don’t sweat, and clothes don’t stick to them.

Buckwheat husk is a fairly hard material, so products made with it have a fairly pronounced hardness. Using a pillow with such a filling results in massaging the skin of the face and head, which improves blood circulation - skin tone improves, rashes disappear, hair growth accelerates and hair loss stops. There is also an improvement in the tone of the neck muscles, which is an excellent prevention of other health problems. Cosmetologists claim that sleeping on a pillow made of buckwheat husks can improve your complexion, tighten your oval shape and add “glow” to your skin. There is evidence that such a product does a good job of activating collagen production.

The hardness of the buckwheat husks in the seats provides a gentle massage to the corresponding areas of the legs and buttocks. Thanks to this, blood circulation in the pelvic area is activated, which prevents the development of diseases of the organs located in this area of ​​the body. In addition, the use of sitting helps to avoid muscle stiffness, makes it possible to prevent cellulite and eliminate it.

Experts in extrasensory perception claim that the use of products with buckwheat husks helps cleanse the biofield. Such natural material helps eliminate accumulated negative energy and neutralize it.

The health of the body is also influenced by the aroma of pillows and seats made from buckwheat husks. It takes some getting used to, but it has a good anti-inflammatory effect and has mild soothing qualities.

Buckwheat hull seats will be a great find for drivers. After all, people in this profession more often than others suffer from problems with the spine and temperature changes. Such products will also help to avoid hemorrhoids, which are considered a common scourge of professional drivers.

Can a seat and pillow made from buckwheat husks be dangerous, what harm is possible from them?

Experts say that seats and cushions made from buckwheat husks cannot harm your health. However, users of such products often complain about some inconveniences when using them.
It’s not easy to get used to the cushion and seat made of buckwheat husk. Firstly, they are rigid, and secondly, they rustle when the position of the body changes. And if when sitting like this by-effect It’s quite possible to ignore it, but it’s not easy to get used to it during sleep. Another common user complaint is that the pillow is too hard.

It is worth noting that seats and cushions made from buckwheat husks have a rather short service life - only a couple of years at active use. With frequent use, buckwheat husks become wrinkled and useful qualities are lost.

It should be noted that the possibility of an allergy to, although extremely unlikely, is nevertheless present. Therefore, you should start using products with buckwheat husks gradually, monitoring the body’s reactions. And it will be easier to get used to them.

Additional Information

Folk remedies for sleep disorders

If you are thinking about purchasing a buckwheat husk pillow to improve your night's rest, you can use it in parallel with other effective means traditional medicine.

So, taking medications based on . has an excellent calming effect. Such products make it easier to fall asleep, help you sleep all night without waking up and wake up rested and full of energy. To prepare the medicine, you can combine a couple of teaspoons of oregano with one glass of boiling water. After twenty minutes of infusion, strain and take half a glass three to four times a day, about twenty to thirty minutes before meals.

You can also combine a tablespoon of hop cones with a glass of boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Take the resulting decoction immediately before bed.

Folk remedies for treating night sweats

If you are concerned about excessive sweating during the night, then in addition to useful pillow You can also use traditional medicine from the husks. So an excellent effect is obtained by taking baths with. To prepare this procedure, you need to brew half a kilogram of crushed oak bark with three liters of boiling water. Place the container with the product on low heat and simmer for half an hour. Then strain and pour into a bath of water at a temperature of 36-38C.

Excellent for internal consumption in case of excessive sweating at night. For cooking medicine you need to brew a teaspoon of dried leaves with one glass of boiling water. After twenty minutes, strain the infusion and divide it into three equal parts. Drink in three doses - morning, lunch, and evening.

Folk remedies for treating allergies to mites

If you are allergic to mites, traditional medicine healers advise cleaning and strengthening the body using two medicinal infusions. To prepare the first of them, combine fifty grams of tubers, twenty-five grams each, nettle leaves, yarrow herb and St. John's wort, as well as fifteen grams each of birch and plantain leaves.

Brew one and a half tablespoons of the prepared mixture with seven hundred milliliters of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for half an hour, then strain and take a glass three times a day. The duration of such therapy is two months.

A week after starting treatment with the first infusion, start using another collection in parallel. Combine equal shares of nettle leaves. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, prepare it in the same way as the first medicine. Take three times a day, just like the first remedy.

In the event that an allergy to dust (mites) causes severe tearing and eye irritation, traditional medicine experts advise combining a teaspoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water. Leave for twenty minutes, then strain and apply as a compress to the eyes.

A pillow made from buckwheat husks can be used as a general health remedy. In addition, it can be used as an addition to the treatment and prevention of many pathological conditions. Traditional medicine can also help cope with such disorders.

Ekaterina, www.site

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History of Buckwheat.

“Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father.” Who doesn’t know these sayings! They have existed since ancient times. If you come across the word “porridge” in Russian epics, songs, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, as well as in chronicles, then rest assured - we're talking about about buckwheat porridge, and not about any other. It is not simple food product, she is a kind of symbol of national Russian identity.

The homeland of buckwheat is our country, or more precisely, Southern Siberia, Altai, Gornaya Shornya. From here, from the foothills of Altai, buckwheat was brought to the Urals and beyond. Beginning in the 15th century, buckwheat began to spread in Western Europe. In the second half of the 18th century, Carl Linnaeus gave the culture the Latin name “fagopyrum” - “beech-like nut”, because the shape of buckwheat grains resembled beech tree nuts. Therefore, in many European countries Buckwheat began to be called “beech wheat.” In Russia, it was dubbed Greek grain, since the crop in monasteries was cultivated mainly by Greek monks who were more knowledgeable in agriculture.

What's the trick?

In China and India, buckwheat has long been considered a cereal that can nourish a person. vital energy, since the pointed shape of its grains makes the effect of microelements contained in the grain on biologically active points of the body more effective. For this purpose, buckwheat grains are placed under a patch and worn without removing for three days. Experts in the field of reflexology recommend gluing buckwheat grains to rubber mat and walk on it barefoot for a few minutes a day to prevent any diseases. After all, it is known that there are many active points on the soles of the feet, by acting on which you can improve the functioning of the internal organs.

On a par with proper nutrition A person needs healthy and sound sleep to live a full life. Pillows have been stuffed with buckwheat husks for a long time. Sleeping on such a pillow is recommended for those who have restless sleep.

Buckwheat husk is a useful filler for pillows and orthopedic cushions. This material is absolutely environmentally friendly, as no harmful chemicals are used when growing buckwheat.

Before becoming a filling for pillows or other products, the husk passes pre-treatment- cleaned from dirt, dust and microorganisms.

Buckwheat husk: beneficial features

  1. Buckwheat husk, due to its shape, has excellent breathability. This allows air to circulate inside the product with such a filler. In hot weather, sleeping on a pillow with buckwheat husk is pleasant and fresh; the husk quickly absorbs moisture, and the pillow remains dry and comfortable for sleeping.
  2. Unlike other fillers, buckwheat husks do not roll or even clump; a pillow with such a filler can be easily fluffed, thereby returning it to its original appearance.
  3. A pillow with buckwheat husk has an orthopedic effect - it is able to adapt to the contours of the body, allowing the head and neck to relax as much as possible while sleeping. That is why products filled with buckwheat husk are recommended for people with osteochondrosis. In addition, such pillows help solve problems with insomnia and headaches.
  4. Products with buckwheat husk are indicated for allergy sufferers. This is a great alternative for those who are allergic to down or feathers. At the same time, the pillow has a subtle natural aroma that does not cause unpleasant allergic symptoms.
  5. Our products are equipped with a zipper, so you can independently regulate the amount of husk in the pillow, thereby giving it the ideal shape for you. You can also add your favorite herbs inside, which will not only add additional freshness and natural smell, but will also have a beneficial effect on your sleep.
  6. If you sleep on a pillow with buckwheat husks inside, then during sleep you will feel a slight massage effect - the edge of the husk tingles the body very pleasantly.

An orthopedic pillow made of buckwheat husk, thanks to the optimal rigidity of the filler, supports the head and aligns the spine. This promotes complete relaxation of the muscles of the neck and forearm, which improves blood circulation and allows you to have a great rest and sleep.

The beneficial properties of buckwheat husk have been known since ancient times. For example, since the 7th century, the pillows of Chinese emperors were made with such filling and were valued for their beneficial effect on the body and extraordinary comfort. In India, yogis still use such pillows for sleeping and claim that they have healing qualities.

When planning to purchase such bedding, you should find out in what cases a buckwheat pillow is recommended, familiarize yourself with the properties of buckwheat husks, and weigh the pros and cons. This article will help you in choosing a quality product.

Buckwheat husk is obtained by threshing buckwheat. Harvest thoroughly washed and dried, and then the scales are separated from the kernels. The resulting husk is washed and dried again, and then used as a filler.

Important positive quality Buckwheat husk is that it is hypoallergenic and does not accumulate dust. Pillows with such properties are ideal for people suffering from allergies and chronic respiratory diseases, such as bronchial asthma.

Pillows filled with buckwheat also have orthopedic properties. Buckwheat husk It has sharp corners, due to which the pillow has a light massage effect during sleep. Impact on bioactive points improves blood circulation.

Due to its optimal hardness, it perfectly supports the head and neck, which promotes muscle relaxation. As a result, chronic headaches and back pain go away, and blood pressure normalizes.

In addition, restoring blood microcirculation is the prevention of osteochondrosis and scoliosis. The correct position of the head on a buckwheat husk pillow allows you to get rid of snoring and insomnia.

It is comfortable to sleep on such pillows in the summer heat, because the filling does not heat up, perfectly absorbs moisture and ensures air circulation.

Doctors recommend sleeping on pillows with such filling for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, allergies, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, chronic insomnia and migraines, snoring, and if it is necessary to stay in a lying position for a long time.

Video: What are the benefits of buckwheat pillow?

As you can see, pillows with buckwheat filling have only a beneficial effect on the human body, without causing any harm to it. Their only drawback is minor discomfort during the first days of use. Compared to the usual soft pillows, this sleeping accessory will seem quite hard, so sleeping on it will not be very comfortable at first.

In addition, buckwheat husks make a rustling sound when the sleeper turns over, and the sound produced can interfere with falling asleep. Although for some, a slight rustling, on the contrary, helps them calm down and fall asleep quickly.

Another property of a buckwheat pillow, which you also have to get used to, is the light aroma of buckwheat husks, which has an positive influence on the respiratory and nervous systems. Some will not find it very pleasant, while others will not pay attention to it at all. It all depends on the sensitivity of a person’s sense of smell. But in any case, after some time the discomfort will pass.

Varieties of buckwheat pillows

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are available in different sizes and forms. Moreover, only a rectangular buckwheat pillow has medicinal properties. Round, oval and square products cannot maintain the correct position of the head and neck, and, accordingly, are absolutely unsuitable for daily sleep.

For people of average height, pillows measuring 40x60 cm are best suited, while tall people should choose a model measuring 50x70 cm. They perfectly adapt to the anatomical features of the body, relieve muscle tension and ensure healthy sleep.

Pillows for children are usually produced in sizes 40x50 cm. They are allowed to be used by children over two years old. Moreover, the mother must regulate the thickness of the pillow herself and add filler as her child’s age increases.

If a child sleeps restlessly on such a pillow, tosses and turns and often wakes up, then it is better to use it two or three days a week for daytime sleep. And as you get used to it, increase the number of days and start using it at night.

Cushion-shaped pillows should not be used every day. They are designed for situations where it is impossible to rest comfortably, for example, during long trips in a sitting position.

In addition to pillows, manufacturers offer orthopedic seats with buckwheat filling. They provide a kind of massage that improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, which is the prevention of many diseases. The seats are recommended for use by those who most spends the day sitting. They are suitable for drivers and office workers. You can also sit on it while camping or at home in front of the TV.

For aromatherapy enthusiasts, pillows with different medicinal herbs. Manufacturers add to buckwheat husk oregano, mint, lavender, hops, lemon balm. The therapeutic effect when using such pillows will not take long to arrive.

When choosing a buckwheat husk pillow, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the cover and filling.

It is better to give preference to satin covers. This one is very durable material It has excellent air permeability, so buckwheat husks will dry out quickly if there is excessive sweating. In addition, due to the high wear resistance of satin, the cover will serve for a very long time.

Manufacturers also produce pillows from other fabrics that are significantly inferior to satin in quality and durability. For example, calico, although it has good hygroscopicity, provides air circulation, does not cause allergic reactions, is too thin and will quickly become unusable from contact with sharp husks.

Teak covers will significantly reduce the therapeutic effect due to low hygroscopicity.

Pillows made from synthetic fabrics are absolutely not suitable for use in medicinal purposes, because this material itself has a harmful effect on the human body.

When choosing a buckwheat pillow, pay attention to the fabric that is used as a cover. A good option- linen.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a filler is its cleanliness and integrity of the scales. If the case does not have a special zipper, and there is no way to visually inspect the buckwheat husks, you can check its quality by touch. The filler should not contain twigs or other foreign elements, and the husks should be approximately the same size. If buckwheat husk good quality, then the pillow will quickly return to its original shape when pressed.

Conscientious manufacturers use only calibrated husks as pillow filling. She is subjected to additional heat treatment, as a result of which the scales are disinfected and become more durable. High-quality husks should be free-flowing, which will not allow them to form clumps. It will spring well, providing an excellent orthopedic effect. It is also important that the filler does not have any foreign odors.

Rules of care

Like all bedding, a buckwheat pillow requires care, which has some special features. The main rule is to not get the filler wet.

The cover should be washed as it becomes dirty using the normal cycle for cotton fabrics.

But buckwheat husks will have to be given Special attention. It needs to be sifted periodically to remove crumbled particles. IN summer period It is advisable to air dry the filler, avoiding direct sunlight. During the cold season, you can ventilate the pillows on the balcony.

Every month it is recommended to dry clean the buckwheat husk pillow, which will allow you to get rid of the smallest particles that have broken off. To do this, you can use dry cleaning services, or clean the pillow yourself using a vacuum cleaner.

If possible, it is recommended to vacuum the product a couple of times a month in the first six months. Due to the fact that as a result of friction the size of the scales decreases, the volume of the pillow itself decreases. You can add filler as needed to restore the original size of the product.

After five years, you will need to completely replace the filling, or simply buy a new pillow.

DIY buckwheat husk pillow

Like many bedding items, pillows filled with buckwheat husks can be made with your own hands.
To do this, you will need a piece of chintz that matches the size of the pillow you are going to make. For example, for a pillow 40x60 cm, taking into account seam allowances, you need 50 cm of fabric with a width of 1.5 m, and a zipper about 30 cm long. Sewing a rectangular pillowcase with a zipper is not difficult even for a novice seamstress.

Then you need to purchase buckwheat husks and prepare it before pouring it into the napkin. If you manage to get ready-made husks, it will be enough to rinse them thoroughly and dry them, laying them out on paper. It is advisable to mix the scales during the drying process.

If you can’t buy ready-made husks, you can make it yourself from unthreshed buckwheat. To separate the kernels from the husks, you should put the buckwheat in a tight bag and beat it forcefully with a rolling pin for about ten minutes. Then pour the contents onto one side of the table, and build a kind of barrier on the other edges of the table, for example from cardboard boxes. These makeshift walls should be quite high, and firmly supported by the table.

Next, using a hairdryer or fan, you need to blow on the dried and threshed buckwheat. The scales will easily fly off to the barrier, which will prevent them from scattering throughout the room. Now you can collect the husks, sift them, wash and dry them.

Prepared buckwheat husks using any of these methods can only be poured into the napkin. The orthopedic pillow is ready!

Video: master class on making your own pillow from buckwheat husks

The benefits and beneficial properties of buckwheat husk pillows are confirmed not only by doctors, but also by people who have been using them for a long time. According to them, these sleeping accessories are ideal for sleeping. Pillows ensure the correct position of the head and upper spine, which promotes relaxation and full, healthy sleep. For those who care about their health, buckwheat pillows are simply irreplaceable.

We hope that this article will help you choose a high-quality buckwheat husk pillow. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.

Find out how myths sometimes prevent us from sleeping and enjoying life.

Myth 1. A pillow with buckwheat husks is hard.

This myth was born many years ago, when buckwheat pillows were just appearing on our market. They did not yet know about the importance of thoroughly cleaning buckwheat hulls and they poured uncleaned waste from shelling buckwheat grains into the pillow. In addition to buckwheat husks, they contained dust, sticks, small fragments of husks, flour and even whole grains. Naturally, this pillow was heavy, hard and completely uncomfortable.

A good pillow with buckwheat hulls is light, free-flowing, and very flexible. It is very comfortable to sleep on. If you come across a hard buckwheat pillow today, know that it’s all in the filler. You received a low-quality product. Buy good pillows with peeled whole husks.

Myth 2. She rustles

Frankly speaking, it really rustles. If the pillow is made of teak or synthetic, it rustles very loudly, it has been noticed. This is due to the properties of the fabric itself.
Our pillow also makes a very quiet rustling sound. But that’s until you lay down on it. As soon as you settle down on the pillow, it stops rustling for two reasons: first, you don’t toss and turn and sleep in one position all night, second, your sleep on a buckwheat pillow is so deep that you can’t even be woken up by guns, let alone a quiet rustle.

By the way, this rustling noise is called “white noise”. White noise also includes the noise of leaves, the murmur of a stream, the sound of the sea surf, and even the purring of a cat. This is a natural sound that has a beneficial effect on nervous system, soothing and relaxing. Maybe that’s why sleeping on a BIO pillow is so sweet?

Myth 3. I can do this myself

Of course you can. But how can you ensure fine cleaning of the husks and dust removal, as well as the necessary treatment with hot steam, at home? How do you guess with the fabric? And you need to provide a hole with a fastener for pouring and pouring out. And then fill it, covering the entire apartment with husks. Believe me, it's not worth it. It’s better to buy a high-quality, professionally made pillow, sewn at a BIO-pillow factory.

Myth 4. It’s just garbage there

There is no garbage in the BIO-pillow with buckwheat hulls - only clean, whole buckwheat hulls.

Myth 5. She smells bad

The BIO pillow smells delicious – like buckwheat. And that doesn’t last long, the smell dissipates over time.

And here bad smell appears only in low-quality pillows. The reason is poorly dried, wet husks, which are poured into pillows and hermetically sealed. Moisture cannot evaporate, and therefore mold grows in the pillow.

It is very difficult to remove it and get rid of the smell, and therefore it is better to throw away such a pillow and buy a quality pillow with a guarantee and a quality certificate. The fact is that professionals with many years of experience know about this problem, and therefore use only dry husks. Only beginners who sew and stuff pillows in an unheated garage “get” mold.

We have a technology that allows us not only to dry the filling well, but also to prevent the appearance of any “living creatures” in the pillow - from mold to bugs. But this is our secret and competitive advantage. There is no need for you to delve into these subtleties.

Just trust the professionals and buy high-quality factory-made pillows with buckwheat husks from the company BIOPODUSHKA.RU