Bathroom renovation website. Helpful Hints

What are the walls in the apartment. We align the walls with our own hands - general recommendations for a successful repair

Uneven walls can spoil even the most beautiful interior design. Unfortunately, both in new buildings and in “secondary” housing, wall surfaces rarely allow you to immediately move on to finishing. Of course, you can limit yourself to masking irregularities with wallpaper with a small pattern or arranging large furniture, but it’s better to even out the walls.

Most often, plaster is used to solve this problem. In addition, doing plastering work with your own hands helps to significantly reduce repair costs. To get perfectly smooth walls, you just need to know and follow the simple rules for using this material.


There are two ways to make a wall even: using plaster and using drywall sheets. Already aligned walls can be additionally puttied to bring the surface to the ideal.

It is easier for beginners to work with drywall, but plaster also has its advantages:

  • The material does not require the installation of a frame for sheathing, thereby saving room space. For wiring electricity or plumbing, special recesses are made in the wall itself.
  • The wall is monolithic. Seams and joints, which are always present with plasterboard sheathing, do not happen when plastering.
  • Even a thick layer of gypsum plaster is protected from cracks.
  • Plaster is most often an environmentally friendly building material, does not contain and does not emit substances harmful to humans.

For all its advantages, leveling a wall using gypsum or cement mixtures also has significant disadvantages:

  • To work with plaster, much more time is needed than with the “dry method” of leveling.
  • It is quite difficult for a non-professional to calculate the amount of ingredients needed to work on a given area.
  • The property must have water.
  • For a plaster station, according to SNIP, a 3-phase voltage is required. Although when repairing small rooms, you can also use a station that operates from a conventional outlet with a voltage of 220 V.
  • Plastering is a “dirty” process that requires accuracy and subsequent major cleaning of the premises.

How to align?

There are several types of plaster mixtures: with cement, with clay and with gypsum. When working with any kind of material, it is necessary to use special tools: spatulas, brushes, levelers, scrapers, containers, a mixer for stirring, a trowel and sandpaper. To facilitate the process, you can also use various guides, beacons and corners.

For outdoor work and decoration of non-residential premises, it is better to use cement plaster. It is cheap and durable, and the proportions can be changed depending on preferences and purpose. However, physically working with such a mixture is quite difficult. It does not adhere well to concrete surfaces. In addition, with a large thickness of the plaster layer, cracks may appear. It is worth noting the fact that any cement mixtures dry for a long time.

Aligning the walls of the apartment with gypsum plaster considered the best option. It is environmentally friendly, has high moisture absorption, provides good thermal insulation. The consumption of such mixtures per 1 sq. m is significantly lower than the consumption of cement products, but the cost of such materials is higher.

Clay plaster is used much less often, since certain experience is required to work with it. This material is also environmentally friendly, elastic and has a high moisture absorption, like gypsum mixtures. But, unlike gypsum and cement, such plaster must be updated annually, because small cracks appear on it around the perimeter.

Preparatory work

Before directly leveling the wall surface, it is necessary to prepare:

  • First you need to remove the old coating (wallpaper, paint or the top layer of old plaster).
  • You should also thoroughly rinse and clean the surface of dust, dirt and stains.
  • All cracks and chips are carefully cleaned with a spatula. To carry out preparatory work at the joints of the walls, you can use a special tool - an angled spatula.
  • At this stage, it is necessary to remove all switches and sockets, isolate and hide de-energized wires in the recesses.
  • It is better to cover the cleaned wall with a primer so that the plaster adheres better to the surface. The primer is selected taking into account the wall covering material (concrete, wood, brick or old plaster layer). Also, the primer allows you to strengthen the plaster layer and repels excess moisture. For its application, you can use a regular brush, roller or spray gun.

Following the instructions, you must wait until it dries completely. Then you can proceed to the measurement of curvature and the choice of work technique.

Selection and alignment technique

There are two ways to level the surface with plaster with your own hands:

  • rule(in non-residential and auxiliary premises). In this case, it is necessary to use a rule with a length of at least 1 m. It is worth considering that the surface of the wall still cannot be leveled to the ideal. It is necessary to fill the recesses and cracks with plaster in advance, knock down the protrusions with a spatula and a hammer. The composition is applied to the wall with throwing movements from the floor to the ceiling and stretched over the entire area using the rule. Then they take a longer tool (from 2 m) and spend it several times in the direction from the bottom up, correcting minor defects and irregularities.

  • By lighthouses(most often this is how walls in living rooms are aligned). In order to find out what the curvature of the wall is, you need to apply a level and measure the difference between the start and end points. If the difference is 10 mm or less, there is no need to plaster the surface, you can get by with putty. In the case of a larger difference, it is necessary to correctly apply beacon landmarks. To do this, drill two holes in the upper corners of the wall and insert screws into them. Then, pressing the plumb line to one of the selected points, you need to select the largest ledge and screw the screw at the bottom strictly vertically to this ledge. The same must be done at the other end of the wall. Then you should check the correctness of both guides using a level.

The rest of the wall space is divided into strips equal to the length of the rule, and screws are also screwed in at the top and bottom. After that, the wall must be cleaned again, primed and the guide plumb lines removed from it. After the primer has dried, plaster is applied along the marked lines, and beacon profiles are inserted into it. Excess plaster must be removed.


The leveling itself begins with the mixing of gypsum or sand plaster according to the instructions on the package. The dry mixture is poured into the prepared container, water is added and thoroughly mixed using a construction mixer or any long-handled tool at hand. The mixture should stand for a while, after which it must be mixed again.

Rough layer

In order to make the first (rough) layer, it is necessary to apply the mixture with a spatula on the wall with throwing movements. The application is carried out from the floor to the ceiling in the space between the two lighthouses. If the curvature of the wall is minimal, then a rough application is enough to make the layer equal to the profile.

Repeated layers

If the application of the rough layer is not enough, then after it has dried, it is necessary to repeat the application as many times as necessary to hide the leveling profile under the layers.

Rule Alignment

After the last layer has slightly set, it must be leveled using the rule. The tool is firmly pressed against the surface and moves smoothly upwards. It is necessary to repeat the action until the edges of the beacons appear from under the coating. After this, it is necessary to allow the composition to completely seize.

Beacon extraction and polishing

As soon as the coating becomes strong enough, beacons are removed from it, and the recesses remaining from them are filled with plaster. A completely dried wall is moistened, and then all defects are smoothed out with a trowel, grater and sandpaper.

Smooth walls

You can level any curved wall with plaster using the method described above. However, depending on the type of composition used, the characteristics of the wall surface and subsequent finishing, The workflow may vary slightly.

  1. Brick walls must first be moistened with water. So the mixture will stick better on the brick.
  2. To level the clay walls, it is necessary to use only those plasters that weigh less than the clay.
  3. If the wall has been previously plastered and the strength of the old coating is still high, you can put a new layer on top of the old plaster without knocking it down. In order to determine the strength of the old layer, it is necessary to knock on the wall surface. Where the sound is muffled, the plaster holds perfectly and does not need to be dismantled. If the sound is resonant, the old masonry must be dismantled with an ax or a hammer and a spatula.

The alignment of the walls with plaster in the apartment is carried out the same way in almost all rooms. The exception is work in the bathroom and toilet. Since humidity is high in these rooms, the applied mixture can deform and move away from the wall.

The solution in this case is better to choose cement, as it is more moisture resistant. The mixed mass must be completely homogeneous. The surface of the wall must be covered with a primer. If several layers of cement plaster are applied, then shallow notches must be made on the previously dried bottom layer in order for the top layer to better adhere to it. If it is planned to lay ceramic tiles in the future, deviations in the level of the wall should not exceed one centimeter.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to plaster a wall already lined with drywall:

  • To do this, you need to prepare the surface in advance.
  • It is necessary to clean and prime it, putty all the seams and places where the plasterboard is attached to the profile, correct the corners with the help of special corners that are laid under the plaster.
  • The mixture itself must be selected with the lowest liquid content, or initially moisture-resistant GKL should be installed.

It is not recommended to glue wallpaper on a wall plastered with a cement mixture, as the surface is too grainy. However, if you remove the crumbling layer and treat the wall with special impregnation or glue, the wallpaper, in principle, can be glued. However, it is better to glue them on gypsum plaster, puttied with special mixtures and carefully sanded.

Hard to reach places

Working with plaster on the surface of the wall is not particularly difficult even for those who do it for the first time. However, plastering corners, slopes or ceilings can cause difficulties.

In order to plaster window and door openings, you must follow certain rules:

  • It is important to carry out all the preparatory work. It is necessary to cover with a film all window and door elements that can be damaged and stained. It is best to use corners that act as beacons and additionally reinforce the plaster layer. They need to be installed in advance. It is also necessary to attach a bar that defines the plane in which the composition is applied.

  • The paste-like solution should be kneaded in such an amount that it is enough for one hour of work. If you make a large volume of plaster at once, the mixture will thicken before the end of the process.
  • The plaster is thrown from the bottom of the opening or slope to the top, a small rule is applied for leveling. The excess mortar is removed with a trowel, the surface is inspected, and defects are eliminated. The procedure is repeated as many times as necessary to obtain a neat, even surface.
  • After complete drying of the finished slopes and openings, you can cover the surface with paint or lay tiles.

It is recommended to level the corners of the room with plaster using beacons or a reinforcing mesh with a counter-shoulder.

Today, probably, you will not surprise anyone with uneven walls, corners and various differences.

The alignment of the walls must be approached carefully

By purchasing such a living space (or just when the time comes), we begin to think about the transformation of the walls.

Consider a more practical option - leveling the walls with plaster.

leveling the wall with plaster photo

Let's start with preparatory work:

  • We clear the walls of everything superfluous: rip off wallpaper, putty. If the walls are already “bare”, then we simply wash them off the dust and carefully prime them. It is on this stage that the durability of your future walls and the result as a whole depend, since the better the surface of the wall is prepared, the better the plaster will adhere to it.
  • Preparing the tools: construction mixer, buckets (at least two), level, building rule (1.5 m or 2 m long), beacons, spatulas, etc. (read about working with here)

align the walls with drywall photo

After the preparatory work and the purchase of the necessary mixtures, we begin the direct alignment of the walls.

Using the level and the finished mixture, we apply beacons on the wall every meter and a half. Why is it better to attach beacons to the mixture, and not to nails? Because in the first case, you can easily correct something.

  • With quick movements, we apply the mixture between the two beacons with a spatula and level it with a metal rule from the bottom up. Do not try to throw the mixture between several pairs of beacons at once - this will not lead to anything good.

On average, for leveling a standard wall with an area of ​​12-15 sq.m. spend about 6 hours and dry for at least two days (it all depends on the thickness of the applied mixture).

At this stage, it is also important to follow certain rules.:

  1. there should be no drafts in the room;
  2. the air temperature in the room should not fall below + 15 degrees.

After the walls have completely dried, we putty the walls (on average, after 7 days).

Carefully install drywall

Fans of clean work with a minimum amount of dust, dirt, various inconveniences and time-consuming resort to leveling walls with drywall. All you need is a screwdriver, CD and UD profiles, a rule and drywall.

However, there are certain nuances (and maybe disadvantages). For example: if you have a small room, then after the repair you will have much less square meters, as the distance between the walls will significantly decrease. On average, about 8 cm will be “stolen” from each wall. Also, do not forget that drywall is a very vulnerable material (unlike hardened plaster) and will not withstand even a slight blow.

Well, of course, you choose, as a future worker and tenant at the same time.

When starting to finish the walls with wallpaper, tiles, paints and varnishes and other types of decorative coatings in an apartment or house, you must first remove all irregularities and remove flaws. Because even small defects can subsequently lead to noticeable damage to the finish. As a result, the deterioration of the appearance of the wall, and ultimately the re-repair. If you competently approach the decoration of the walls of the room, then first you need to do work to level the surface.

Depending on the level of humidity, on the type of room, on defects and many other features, you can level the walls with your own hands in various ways:

  • plastering;
  • puttying the wall;
  • plasterboard surface finish.

Let's consider each method in more detail.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Leveling the wall with putty

Thanks to this finishing option, small flaws in the wall surface can be eliminated. This look is ideal before painting, before wallpapering, to hide visible defects.

Before you independently level this surface in an apartment or in other rooms, you must first treat the walls with a primer and only then proceed to puttying. This type is suitable for minor surface differences.

Wall putty tools:

  • wide spatula;
  • narrow spatula;
  • cuvette with a flat bottom;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • level;
  • a stick (ideally a nozzle on a drill) for stirring the solution.

The mixture must be mixed until a cone is formed that retains its shape. Ready putty thickens quickly, so it is not necessary to direct the solution in large quantities. If thickening has already occurred, then it can be diluted to the required state with water or a primer.

Putty application technology

The required amount of the mixture is placed in a cuvette, and the rest is covered to save it from quick drying. Start the puttying process from the floor to the ceiling, applying a small amount of mortar with a spatula. Using a small spatula, apply the mixture to a large one and apply the latter to the wall with an acute angle. Then, up to a thickness of 1-2 mm, we begin to level the surface with vertical and horizontal strokes, from time to time applying a level.

Undoubtedly, the wider the spatula, the more even the surface of the wall will be, but, unfortunately, it will be harder to hold it.

After the mortar has hardened on the wall surface, it is necessary to remove various irregularities by washing with a primer. Then, after washing, wait for complete drying (usually at least a day) and then you can already start sanding to remove roughness. If necessary, you can apply a second layer of putty on the wall, having previously primed it (if this is not done, the surface may crack). It is very important to know that in no case should drafts be allowed in the room until the putty is completely dry, that is, at least three days. Aligning the walls in the manner discussed above is possible in various rooms, both in living rooms (in the kitchen, in bathrooms, etc.) and in technical rooms.

Wall plastering

To align the walls yourself in this way, you need to know that the work is quite laborious, but at the same time the walls look neat and aesthetically pleasing.

If for the first time you yourself have to work with plaster, then it is better to first try on a small section of the wall in order to understand the principle of work and “fill your hand”.

The plastering method is carried out not only in a private house, but is also used a lot in an apartment, because there are often uneven surfaces.

The following materials are needed:

  • guide rails;
  • level;
  • drill for mixing the solution with a special nozzle;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • roller for priming the wall;
  • tray;
  • container for pointing the solution.


First, you should prepare the wall, cleaning it of dust and dirt, removing crumbling elements. Then prime the surface.

The soil mixture helps to prepare the wall covering, removes dust and moisturizes it, reduces porosity, prevents the appearance of fungi and mold, and, importantly, enhances the adhesion of the plaster.

The primer is applied with a roller, if there are irregularities in the wall and the recesses must be manually smeared with a brush.

After the properly prepared surface has dried, you can begin to install the beacons.

Installation of guide rails (beacons)

When plastering the surface, special beacons are set up to begin with. These are metal guides, they help to perfectly align the wall.

For lighthouses, you can use not only metal materials, but also wooden slats, plywood, etc.

But unfortunately, having saved on the profile, leveling the wall, not everyone will be able to make it perfectly even, especially if there is no experience in plastering walls. Ideally, a T-shaped beacon profile will serve for this. It is lightweight and durable, securely attached to surfaces.

Lighthouses should be fixed to the wall with a plaster solution in several places and leveled immediately, until the solution has hardened. The distance between the guides should be 1-1.5 m, but from the corner of the room it is not more than 30 cm.

Ways of fastening beacons:

  • plaster. It is better to lay in a layer with a thickness of 15 to 30 mm, therefore, beacons must be set, taking into account these dimensions. If you apply a thicker layer, then the plaster may slide off the wall or simply fall off. When applying this method, let it dry for anywhere from 4 to 5 hours;
  • using Ushastik devices and self-tapping screws. The distance between the rails is usually 1-1.5 m.

Getting to the main work - plastering

The wall primed in advance must be slightly moistened in order to improve the adhesion of the plaster. Now you should throw the solution on the wall surface with a layer, protruding from the guides from 3 to 4 mm, trying to completely fill the recesses in the wall.

After application, it is better to level immediately, without waiting for the solution applied to the wall to dry. Alignment is conveniently done by the rule starting from the bottom and leading up, and to the side, pressing down a little. If there is not enough plaster on the wall, you need to add it to achieve a smooth surface.

Such a wall dries up to 12 days. And only after this time it is possible to make the final decoration using modern materials.

Features of plastering depending on the surface

A huge role in the quality of these works is played by the material from which the wall is made:

  • if the wall is brick, then it will require a mortar with a cement base or, if the room is with high humidity, then it is necessary to stop choosing a mixture with the addition of lime. If the walls are made of facing bricks, then a problem arises - the smooth surface of the brick, you have to additionally reinforce the wall with a special mesh so that the plaster does not slip. And already on such a wall to carry out work, but this process will be difficult, so if there is little experience, then you should contact the specialists or simply choose another leveling method;
  • if the concrete surface of the wall. If it is smooth, it must be treated with a specialized soil mixture with quartz inclusions. This will help to roughen up the wall. To improve adhesion, it is worth adding gypsum powder to the cement solution for this surface. Lime-gypsum mixtures are also suitable;
  • foam concrete walls. Gypsum and cement mortars are suitable for this surface. The primer should be used for deep penetration.

Aligning the walls in the apartment with your own hands in the manner discussed above is a rather “dirty” and time-consuming process that not everyone will succumb to the first time.

Do-it-yourself plasterboard wall decoration

This method is great for leveling in the presence of large differences in the wall surface, the installation itself is not laborious. It is not at all difficult to carry it out on your own, and, undoubtedly, its main advantage is that you can proceed to the subsequent design of the wall immediately after sheathing.

There are two methods for attaching drywall to a surface:

  • frame mounting;
  • installation on the adhesive composition directly to the wall.

Wireframe method

The main disadvantage of this method is a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by about 5 cm. But this method is quite reliable.

For the installation of drywall sheets, the installation of a solid frame is most often used. It is made from a galvanized profile.

Types of metal profiles:

  • guide - PN (U-shaped)
  • rack - PS.

In addition, direct U-shaped suspensions are additionally needed, it is better to fix them with dowel-nails in increments of 40 to 50 cm. They are necessary for a more reliable fastening of the rack profile.

Required tools:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • knife for cutting drywall;
  • dowel-nails;
  • self-tapping screws.

Alignment of the wall with plasterboard sheets is carried out using additional markings. This is quite an important step. Because according to this markup, the frame will be attached. The standard width of drywall is 120 cm, so the distance between the racks must be 60 cm. Thus, the edges of the drywall will be in the middle of the metal profile and it will eventually fit into 3 racks. The height of the profile with the height of the room must match.

A guide profile must be attached along the entire perimeter of the wall, given that the length to the edge is at least 3.5 cm.

The profile is mounted according to the markup made.

Profile installation steps:

  • a guide profile is installed on the dowel-nails, holes are made with a puncher directly through the profile;
  • attach a rack profile, inserting it into the guide, adjusting it according to the markings made, fastening it with self-tapping screws;
  • with a step of no more than 80 cm, install direct suspensions and attach the racks to the suspensions with self-tapping screws. It is important that the racks are vertical, without bends.

Plasterboard sheets are attached to the existing frame using self-tapping screws, making a step of about 25 cm. The standard drywall height is 2.5 m and in higher rooms it is necessary to additionally sew, while additionally a horizontal profile should be added to the frame between the racks. Install additional sheets of drywall should be in a checkerboard pattern.

When sheathing a wall, it is necessary to leave room for a gap between sheets of 5 mm.

Seam sealing steps:

  • careful priming of seams;
  • using a self-adhesive sickle, close the seams;
  • putty joints, then sand.

Installation of plasterboard sheets on the adhesive composition

To begin with, it is better to carefully remove the old wall finish, then the irregularities and flaws in the wall should be repaired with putty. After preliminary preparation of the surface, it must be primed.

The next step will be the preparation of drywall sheets for applying glue. First you need to cut the sheets for pasting, given that there should be gaps of about 5 cm above and below.

On the wall, you need to drill holes designed for dowel-nails. They will additionally support the drywall on the wall until the adhesive is completely dry.

Glue is prepared from a special mixture and water. It dries almost immediately, so it should be cooked in small batches.

When everything is ready, glue should be applied to the back of the drywall. It is applied in longitudinal strips along the edge and in piles every 25-30 cm along the rest of the surface. Then, without leveling the glue, we apply the sheet to the wall, and evenly pressing it.

At the final stage of gluing drywall, it is required, as in the frame method, to seal the seams. Finishing the surface in this way is quite simple, almost everyone can do it.

It is important to know that in order to level the walls of rooms with high humidity (for example, in the kitchen), it is necessary to use moisture-resistant drywall near water supply communications.

Thus, having learned how to level the walls with your own hands, you can make high-quality repairs in the kitchen or in other rooms.

Walls are the first thing that catches your eye in an apartment. Their uneven surface can greatly spoil the impression of the home, even if it is incredibly pompously decorated. In simple interiors, wall defects are especially noticeable. The only way out in this case is to level the surface. Of course, you can use the services of a wizard, but try to do it yourself. I am sure that with our recommendations you will certainly succeed.

Preparing for alignment

Before leveling the walls, you need to perform a number of operations. First you need to set the frame of irregularities. To measure horizontally, you can use a cord that is pulled tight along the wall. It is even easier if you have a building level at least 1.5 m long. A plumb line is used to calculate vertical irregularities. Differences of no more than 3-5 cm are leveled with the help of special building mixtures. In this way, more curved walls can be leveled, but it will take a lot of time and money.

This is the so-called wet method of leveling load-bearing structures. In the dry method, the walls are sheathed. It is used if the walls are too curved. The latter method is more time consuming, but allows you to achieve perfect surface smoothness. In both cases, the key to success is strict adherence to the sequence of actions.

The plaster must be carried out quickly, because the solution for it dries quickly

Regardless of the method chosen, it is necessary to responsibly approach the alignment of corners. curvature imperceptible at first glance may appear when installing curbs or.

Plaster or drywall: all the pros and cons

Both types of wall alignment have both positive and negative qualities. This requires pre-cleaning of the surface. Elements of old plaster can affect the quality of installation of the material using a special adhesive.

Behind the installation, you can easily hide noise and heat insulating materials, hide communications and wiring. The problem is that drywall reduces the size of the room somewhat and can withstand less stress than walls covered with mortar. Pay attention to the color of drywall sheets. Moisture-resistant material is painted in green, and normal - in gray. In bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms with high humidity, it is better to use GKLV sheets.

If you prefer building mixtures, the room will retain its original dimensions. However, even here there are buts. The surface will be monolithic, without gaps between the wall and the layer. On curved walls, a large layer of the mixture is obtained, up to 5-10 cm) and a lot of material is required. As a result, this method is rarely used. To carry out such repairs, you will need to remove all furniture, and after completion of work, carry out a thorough cleaning of the room.

Wall plastering

Before starting work, you must completely turn off the electricity in the apartment. After the surface is thoroughly cleaned of old wallpaper, plaster or paint. Then treat the surface with a primer. In this case, the building mixture will be better fixed. The primer increases moisture resistance and prevents delamination of materials. For cement mixtures, a solution of cement, water and sand is used. To make the wall as smooth as possible, it is necessary to fix beacons on it. To do this, profiles are installed on the sides of the wall. The verticality of the beacons is checked by a plumb line.

Dilute about 10 liters of cement mixture and apply it to the wall with a construction spatula in large strokes. Then align the solution along the beacon lines from the bottom up. To do this, use a level or a wooden board. The solution must be added until the surface of the wall is aligned with the beacon lines. When using a spatula, it must be tilted 45 degrees. In this case, the surface will be perfectly flat. Do not forget about the corners, be especially careful in finishing them.

Economical wall leveling method (Video)

When working with dry mortar, pay attention to both the thickness of the applied layer and the type of bonding material. Gypsum-based compositions are usually used for finishing living rooms. This material well supports a microclimate of rooms. Cement mortars are mainly used in high humidity environments (bathrooms and kitchens).

How to level walls with drywall

The second and most popular way to level walls is to use drywall sheets. It is usually used if the size of the irregularities on the wall is more than 5 cm. The plasterboard wall must be protected from moisture, freezing and condensation. For reliable fastening of drywall sheets to the adhesive, it is recommended to clean the wall from the remnants of the old mortar. Then the surface is primed.

If the surface of the wall is loose or porous, it is better to use a deep penetration primer. It is applied with a sprayer or paint brush. On concrete and other low-porous surfaces, a special primer is applied with the mark “concrete active”. Before you install drywall sheets, do not forget to wire. Boxes for sockets must protrude at least 20 mm above the wall surface.

After the plaster is completed, the beacons are removed, and the strips after them are rubbed with plaster

Glue plasterboard sheets directly on the wall or install on metal frames. Corner irregularities are eliminated using special metal profiles. To install this type of construction, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws, dowels and a screwdriver. Places for metal structures are marked with a pencil.

Due to gross violations of construction technology, the walls may be uneven. In order to perform finishing work with high quality, it is necessary to make an alignment, otherwise the interior of the room will look unnatural. It turns out that leveling the walls with your own hands does not require special skills - adhering to the technology, you can make high-quality repairs and save money.

How to align the walls under the wallpaper

  1. Concrete walls. With slight curvature, it is not necessary to use special mixtures for leveling the walls - ordinary putty is also suitable. The wall is cleaned of debris, primed and several layers of starting putty are applied. After complete drying, the surface is primed again and covered with a finishing layer. With a significant curvature of the walls for alignment, it makes sense to use drywall.
  2. Wooden walls. The surface must be cleaned of old paint and varnish, tubercles. The recesses are sealed with a special solution. The wood is treated with an antiseptic. Next, the wall is upholstered with shingles (wooden strips up to 5 mm thick). After that, you can apply plaster. At this stage, the irregularities of the wall are eliminated. After the finish layer has dried, proceed to wallpapering.
  3. Brick walls. Such a surface has more flaws compared to concrete, so much more putty will be required for leveling. For convenience, the solution is prepared in a basin, stirring it with a drill with a special nozzle. If the intended layer is thick, the brickwork is additionally treated with a starting putty. The application is carried out in several layers: each subsequent one is applied only when the previous one dries. The best option is a three-layer structure with the last finishing layer. When the material is completely dry, it is sanded with sandpaper.

How to level the walls in the bathroom under the tiles

  1. Concrete walls. The most effective method of leveling the walls in the bathroom under the tiles using beacons. Using this technique, the walls are very strong, since the beacons are not removed from the wall, but support the plaster. Special corners will allow you to create perfect angles. The plaster itself is applied using the "throwing" method. According to this principle, a small section of the wall is applied using a trowel. The areas that go beyond the beacons are cut off and can be reused to prepare the solution. After the plaster dries, it is primed and proceed to the application of tiles.
  2. Wooden walls. The walls are treated with an antiseptic, after which the roofing material is laid and the frame is mounted, taking into account the curvature of the wall. A metal mesh is installed on the frame, on which a layer of cement and plaster is applied. Next, lay the tiles in the classical way. An alternative option is laying tiles on leveled walls using GKL.
  3. Brick walls. Leveling is carried out according to the same technology as for concrete walls, except that more starting putty will be required to level the masonry.

  1. Concrete walls. The surface is cleaned of old putty and debris. The first layer of starting mortar 2 mm thick is applied in a strip. For painting, it is better to use a reinforcing mesh with a cell of 2 mm, which is pressed against the solution with a spatula. After complete drying of the material, a layer of finishing mortar with a thickness of 1-2 mm is applied. To achieve the maximum effect, the surface is ground and treated with a primer, after which they proceed to painting.
  2. How to level the walls in a wooden house? To do this, they are cleaned from old paint or varnish. Irregularities are ground, and small depressions and places of knots are filled with a special grout. The wood is treated with an antiseptic and, if necessary, covered with a stain. Next, proceed to staining or varnishing.
  3. Brick walls. Depending on the degree of unevenness of the masonry, they are leveled with plasterboard or plaster. In both cases, the surface is carefully primed with a finishing solution - it is ideal for painting, as it has a low absorbency.

Ways to level walls

Alignment of walls with drywall (dry method)

An effective and inexpensive method for walls with a large curvature.

  • Alignment of walls with drywall with a profile frame For this purpose, a skeleton is made. It can be made of a bar or a metal profile (guide and rack). First, guides are screwed to the ceiling and floor. They should be parallel to each other. Further, every 40-60 cm, guides are installed, taking into account the width of the drywall sheet. If necessary, at this stage, the walls are insulated with foam or mineral wool. As soon as the frame is ready, proceed to screwing the drywall with self-tapping screws. Their hat should sink a little deeper into the leaf.
  • Alignment of walls with drywall without a frame. It involves direct gluing of sheets to the walls using drywall adhesive, while the walls must first be plastered. The disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to qualitatively align walls with serious defects.

Leveling walls with plaster (wet method)

It is advisable to apply if the curvature of the walls is 30-50 mm. If the walls have a large curvature, it is not economically viable to use plaster to level them. This method saves usable floor space, but is very time consuming.

Leveling walls with Knauf Rotband plaster

Alignment of walls with putty Knauf

Method for leveling walls with plaster

In order for the plaster to be well fixed, the walls are cleaned and primed - this will improve moisture resistance and prevent delamination of the material. A laser level for leveling walls allows you to achieve a perfectly flat surface, but leveling the walls along the lighthouses gives an equally high-quality result. Special aluminum beacons for leveling the walls are mounted in the wall - they are guided in the future. So, if the top of the wall is littered, the beacon is installed at the bottom. It measures the gap at the top of the wall, which will later be filled with a rotband or other filler.

To install beacons, slats are mounted on the ceiling and floor, and the beacons themselves are attached to the slats with building plaster or self-tapping screws. A thread is stretched between the beacons, the verticality of which is controlled using a level. The installation step of the beacons is 50 cm, but it is allowed to vary depending on the size of the tool with which the plaster will be applied. Next, proceed to apply the solution between the beacons.

A separate question is how to align the corners of the walls. This will help corner trowel and level. This is a painstaking process that requires some experience and skill.

Which plaster is best for leveling walls

A faster way is to use the so-called mechanized plaster, in which the mortar is applied to the wall with special equipment. But this technique is not always at hand. Longer, but no less qualitatively, you can level the wall manually with cement or gypsum mortar. The first option is suitable for rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen. The second option is used in a normal microclimate, such as a bedroom. It is important that the prepared solution has a normal consistency - too thick will be poorly applied, and too liquid will slide off. After the material is applied to the wall, it is pressed against the beacons by the rule and leveled to the desired level.

As you can see, the alignment of the walls can be done independently - the main thing is to adhere to the technology. Although this process is laborious and painstaking, the result will be obvious - you will get perfectly smooth walls that can be covered with any finishing material.