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Powerheads rotter. Detachment Creek, or Volosistral (Trichoptera)

Cutters (lat. Trichoptera) - insect detachment with complete transformation, with exclusively water larvae. Trichoptera detachment includes 13,574 species combined in 45 families and about 600 genera, widespread on all continents, except Antarctica, and on many oceanic islands. It is assumed that world fauna may contain up to 50 thousand types of creepers.

Adult insects resemble small non-rigidly colored night butterflies, but their body and especially the front wings are covered with hairs. Some kinds of females are descended under the water for egg laying. It is usually found in the vicinity of water bodies where their larch stages live. Turning complete. The larvae and dolls at the overwhelming majority of species live in water or inhabit the bottom of the bottom of the reservoirs, in rare cases constantly live out of water or live in coasts in sea water.

The swirls are easily recognizable for a number of signs. The oral apparatus of adults is reduced, with mandibles (upper jaws) are not functional or rudimentary, but may be noticeable maxillary (mandibular) and labial (luminous) palips. In addition, adult insects have a well-developed proboscis used by some types for suction of liquids.

Thunderstorm mustache, in length are usually comparable in length with front wings, sometimes noticeably shorter or much longer.

The wings are confused, developed on medium and temper. The front is longer than the rear. Like the body, they are covered with hairs, sometimes sections of the wings can be covered with bristles. At the edges of the wings, the edge of the bichroma of hairs or hairs-like scales is developed, the size of this fringe in small species can more than 2 times higher than the wider width.

The larval stages of the streams are water, found in lakes, rivers and streams throughout the world and are the necessary components of food chains in these freshwater ecosystems. Adult swirls, in contrast to larvae, ground, almost no feed, their life is limited to one or two weeks. For many of these insects, the characteristic unpleasant odor caused by the discharge of specific glands. This smell can serve as a repellent for enemies of the cerebrals, for example for birds.

After fertilization, the female of the creeper is laying the glued mucosa weighing the egg, attaching them to underwater stones or plants. The output of the larvae from eggs occurs in three weeks. Like most insect larvae with complete transformation, they have well-developed mandibuli and well-developed breast legs, but abdominal limbs are usually absent (except for a pair on the last abdominal segment, each foot can carry a strong "anal claw"). The transformation of the larvae into an adult insect occurs through the stage of dolls.

Almost all Trichoptera larvae build a caselie or house. The simplest form of case-cane tube. A more complex construction is a tubular case from individual pieces of leaves, which the larva flashes and places the spiral line. Depending on the type of streams, building material may vary. Sometimes the construction material is tiled, and they serve or either pieces of reeds or segments of leaves and crust debris.

For the construction of their case, the swirls use moss, blades, pieces of dead wood, fresh wood branches, cheva, stalks of horsetails, mixed with other plant residues; They attach to their dwelling and small shells, and sunflower husk. Sometimes buildings may not be from plant residues, but from small shells, for example, pea, small coils, young logs and other mollusks. In case of danger, the larva is climbing into their house and plug the entrance to it with their head covered with armor from chitin.

It is less likely that there are larvae that do not have cases - the so-called campaudoous larvae. Such larvae are mainly predators that build special cattle networks from thin web threads. Such networks that have a kind of funnel are located a wide hole against the flow and are attached motionless to aquatic plants, stones and other underwater subjects.

The larva is pumped under water in a cavalry built to her. The pupa possesses the incarnations of wings, very long beggars, big eyes and huge rhives, with the help of which it destroys the cover of a cavalry. Thin filamentous gills are noticeable on the babry. The pupa can be supplied with long swimming legs. At the rear end of the body, the pupa has long bristles, with which it reveals a hole in a stray cap, easily scored by sludge, and this provides access to fresh water. The opening of the front sieve lid is cleaned with the help of bristles sitting on the upper lip, and may also be with the help of elongated jaws. To exit the imago, the pupa floats to the surface, acting as oars of rowing medium legs. Adult insects fly around in about a month.

The bottom of many pure water bodies with fresh water is covered with insects resembling night. They belong to a special detachment of insects and are called creek.

Adult swirls have striking similarity with night moth. Scientists have long interest these strange creatures. They described more than a thousand of their species, which were divided into dozens of families and sobs of childbirth, and spread throughout the earth's surface with the exception of the cold climatic conditions of Antarctica and some oceanic islands.

Features and habitat of the drivers

The adult drivers for all its external signs resembles a night butterfly with a non-lass gray and brown color. There are minor hairs on the front wings of this insect, it is thanks to them that the creeper differs from.

With butterflies on the wings instead of hairs there are scales. On the photo of the passchikand also in real life is absolutely not attractive. Its wings in a calm state are rooted on the back.

It is well distinguished on this background a rather big head with eyes and rather long mustache similar. On the eyes of this creature should pay special attention. They have them more familiar to all norms - 2 facetful eyes on the heads of the head and 2-3 auxiliary, which are at the top or front of the head.

Instead of Mouth U. throughout insectformed proboscis with the tongue. The entire head is covered with warts, which create not too pleasant sight. Their paws are slim and not strong.

They can be observed everywhere and everywhere. Your name mushki Driverhe received because he prefers to live in small and pure water bodies. Comfortable to them in the streams, ponds, lakes, and in some cases in swamps, but not too contaminated. Clean medium is very important for troops of the streams.

The process of pairing the streams

Leafers of the streamsvery reminds children of the pivot and the fact that, too, during their development, forced to live in water. In order for them to be conveniently to live there, they themselves build houses, which are almost one with their body.

This cocoon is firmly attached to the insect larva. They have to move and move with this house on themselves. All who tried to extract the larva from her asylum know that this is a difficult task.

And at the same time, its integrity is generally impossible. But there is a secret, how to put it out from there. It is enough just to fit it back with something sharp and thin. In order to build a house of a larvae into the course goes the most different building materials, even a broken glass.

An unusual experiment was held. They took the torch larva, placed it in a clean reservoir, where, except for the larva, clean water and the broken glass there was nothing. The larva did not have anything, how to build a house of a glass of glass.

On the photo of the larva of the drivers in the cocoon

The original, creative and comfortable dwelling accounted for. Such a transparent house made it possible to observe how water constantly passes through the gill of the larvae. Goryra in the form of white threads are located on the back and on the side of this interesting being. Whatever the dwelling of the larvae of this insect, it always has the shape of the tube.

It happens a variety of dwellings in the form of a horn or spiral. The larvae of the streams slowly move along the bottom of the reservoir with their house, having shung out their heads from it to see everything around.

And with the slightest danger, the head hides in the house and movement stops. The house itself is made of such materials that are simply merged with the bottom and become completely not noticeable. For each living creature, the presence of oxygen is simply necessary. How does this problem solve this problem? Everything is very simple and at the same time cunning.

They build their houses from plants in which the photosynthesis process constantly happens and thus merging into working with their house, provide themselves with oxygen necessary for their life.

Mormushka creeperit is the easiest and most common among many fishermen bait. It is universal and easily mined. Good catching the driversit comes from mid-May to mid-June.

It was then that the larvae are the largest. After this time, the larvae in the dolls occurs, and later in the "butterflies", which are called much of the drivers. In winter, the drivers get a little more complicated from the bottom of the reservoir.

It is necessary to drill a hole and lower a broom of birch twigs into it, on which all the larvae of the processer will slip. They persist for a long time in a regular can with clean water.

Character and lifestyle

Adults of the essay of the drivers live in reeds and in the grass on the shore of the reservoirs. In the evenings, they create mass flocks and fly out for mating. These flights are rather big and take them away from the place of permanent residence. The distance may be kilometer or more.

Adults in the event of the slightest danger publish an unpleasant malware smell, which are trying to scare and protect themselves from possible danger. You can even hear this smell if you just take them in your hands.

Types of drill

On the earth's planet there is simply a huge number of different types of hardening. They are distinguished by their external data, habitat, character and even power.

For example, not all the swirls are so harmless, as it seems. There are also those who may be in search of food to enhance their silk Putin a large water space in which not only small bugs come across, but also other residents of the underwater world.

Each view has its favorite place of residence. Some love quiet clean windows, others more like the bottom of the rapidly current mountain river. Accordingly, the dimensions and color are completely different.

Power feed

Most of the switches are used in food green flesh of aquatic plants. Those streams-predators, which, in order to get food use their help, love various small insects, and. Such cereals are very well developed by jaw, which helps to cope with the prey.

Breeding and lifespan

The life of an adult insect is not long. She lasts one or two weeks. The life cycle of the drivers is divided into four stages. His development begins with an egg that goes into Lavra. It goes into the Pouap and in the limbs into a mature tuber.

Fertilized females lay their eggs in many ways, it depends on their type and habitat. Most often, the eggs are laid on the surface of aquatic plants, which originate on the bottom of the reservoirs.

Over time, thanks to the delets and rain droplets, they gradually fall at the bottom, and after 21 days of these eggs are formed by the crusher larvae. Sticky gel protects eggs from all external environment factors. They gradually swell and turn into laurels, which look outwardly resemble thin and elongated worms.

Gradually, the laurels grow and turn into a pupa. An adult swaths appear from the dolls in 30 days. The swirls are useful not only to the fact that they serve as an excellent bait for fishing. Most freshwater fish feeds these useful insects.

It is less likely that there are larvae that do not have cases - the so-called campaudoous larvae. Such larvae are mainly predators that build special cattle networks from thin web threads. Such networks that have a kind of funnel are located a wide hole against the flow and are attached motionless to aquatic plants, stones and other underwater subjects.


The larva is pumped under water in a cavalry built to her. The pupa possesses the incarnations of wings, very long beggars, big eyes and huge rhives, with the help of which it destroys the cover of a cavalry. Thin filamentous gills are noticeable on the babry. The pupa can be supplied with long swimming legs. At the rear end of the body, the pupa has long bristles, with which it reveals a hole in a stray cap, easily scored by sludge, and this provides access to fresh water. The opening of the front sieve lid is cleaned with the help of bristles sitting on the upper lip, and may also be with the help of elongated jaws. To exit the imago, the pupa floats to the surface, acting as oars of rowing medium legs. Adult insects fly around in about a month.


Based on the diversity of larvae allocate two groups of families Trichoptera.. Group Annulipalpia. Includes those family of cerebrals whose larvae build networks (serve to catch extraction and shelter). Family larvae Rhyacophillidae. and Hydrobiosidae. Without forming larval case, but the doll is inside the dome-shaped construction of mineral fragments. Hydroptilidae. - Larkers free-lived up to the last stage, after which they build a case, which can be free or attached to the substrate. Inside it occurs a pounding. The larvae of the Glossosomatidae family of Czech is similar to the cavalry of others Annulipalpia.However, the larva stretches the transverse thread under the dome, which allows the larvae to drag the house. With each new stage, the larva is building a new case, and then a new pupil case is built. At the same time, the thread is removed and the case is attached to the substrate. Group of families Intgripalpia. Build mostly tubular cavalries. Material for construction and type of design of prominent. The larva is moving and completing the house with each larvae stage.

  • Suborder Annulipalpia.
    • Hydropsychoidea: Arctopsychidae. - Dipseudopsidae - Ecnomidae. - † ELECTRALBERTIDAE - Hyalopsychidae. - Hydropsychidae. - Polycentropodidae. - Psychomyiidae. - XipHocentronidae.
    • † Necrotaulioidea: necrotauliidae
    • Philopotamoidea: Philopotamidae. - Stenopsychidae.
    • Rhyacophiloidea: Glossosomatidae. - Hydrobiosidae. - Hydroptilidae. - † proryacophilidae - Rhyacophilidae.
  • Direct Integripalpia
    • Leptocereidea: atriplectidae - Calamoceratidae. - Kokiriidae - Leptoceridae. - Limnocentropodidae - Molannidae. - Odontoceridae. - Philorheithridae.
    • Limnephiloidea: Apataniidae. - Brachycentridae. - Goeridae. - Lepidostomatidae. - Limnephilidae. - OECONESIDAE - PISULIIDAE - ROSSIANIDAE - † TAYMYRECTRONIDAE - Uenoidae.
    • Phryganeoidea: † baissoferidae - † dysoneuridae - † kalophryganeidae - Phryganeidae. - Phryganopsychidae. - Plectrotarsidae.
    • Sericostomatoidea: Anomalopsychidae. - Antipodoeeciidae - Barbarochthonidae. - Beraeidae. - Calocidae. - Chathamiidae. - Conoesucidae. - Helicophidae. - Helicopsychidae. - HydrosalpingIdae - Petrothrincidae. - Sericostomatidae. - Incertae sedis
    • Tasimioidea: Tasimiidae.
    • † Vitimotaulioidea: Vitimotauliidae
  • INCERTAE SEDIS GENERA: † Conchindusia - † FOLINDUSIA - † INDUSIA - † MOLINDUSIA - † Ostracindusia - † Pelindusia - † piscindusia - † Quinquania - † SCYPHINDUSIA - † SECRINDUSIA - † Terrindusia



  • Holzenthal R. W., Blahnik, R. J., Prarther, A. L., And Kjer K. M. Order Trichoptera Kirby 1813 (Insecta), CaddisFlies // Linneaus tercentenary: Progress in Invertebrate Taxonomy. Zootaxa. / Zhang, Z.-Q., and Shear, W.A. (EDS) .. - 2007. - T. 1668. - P. 639-698 (1-766).
  • Kjer, K. m.; Blahnik, R. j.; Holzenthal, R. W. 2002: Phylogeny of Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera). // ZOOLOGICA SCRIPTA, 31: 83-91.
  • Schmid, F. 1998: Genera of the Trichoptera of Canada and Adjoining or Adjacent United States. - National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa.
  • Ward, J. B. 1999: Annotated Checklist of the Caddis (Trichoptera) of the New Zealand Subregion. // RECORDS OF THE CANTERBURY MUSEUM, 13: 75-95.
  • A. V. Martynov. Cutters (T.1). - Leningrad, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences, 1934.

, grassy plants (flowers) of water bodies and swamps, water invertebrates, freshwater and passing fish, amphibians and reptiles
4 Pocket fields determinant , including: inhabitants of water bodies
65 Methodical manual , among which 10 benefits are devoted to water ecology and hydrobiology, and 40 Educational-methodical films by methods Research work in nature (in field conditions).

Cutters and their larvae

The cerebrals (TricHoptera) make up a special squad of insects. In the USSR there are currently more than 600 species constituting 16 families.

Adult insects Remind about the appearance of night butterflies. They are painted most often in different shades of brown or gray and have a generally rigorous look. Little flies, often sit on coastal plants. It is usually held near the reservoirs, but sometimes fly out quite far from them. Being alone, put the wings along the back at a sharp angle, like the house roof. Possess the ability to deftly run on the surface of the water. Food like butterflies, floral juice. Many in adult state do not take any food.

Adult Hemp Glyphotaelius Punctatolmeatus). Eating. led.

Many of these insects are characteristic of the characteristic, rather unpleasant smell, depending on the selection of the skin glands, which is particularly noticeable if you hold the adult copy in your fingers. It is possible that this smell plays the role of a scaring means in relation to the enemies of the swirls, for example, birds.

More raid there are larvae, which do not have cases, are the majority of so-called campaudoous larvae, which many features of their structure differ from the previous ones.

Cases of various streams. (According to A. F. Wintergalter.)
1 - Agripnya (Agrypnia Pagetana); 2 - Herballer Big (Phryganea Grandis); 3 - grammotaulius nitidus); 4, 5 - Glyphotaelius pellucidus; 6 - Platypteryx BreviPennis; 7 - Limnophilus Stigma; 8-18 - Limnophilus Rhombicus and L. Flavicornis; 19 - Anabolia (Anabolia Nervosa); 20 - Stenophylax Stellatus; 21 - Stenophylax RotundiPennis; 22 - Quiver (Limnophilus Vitattus); 23 - Molanna (Molanna Angustata); 24 - Goera Pilosa. Eating. led.

Leafers of the streams Water lifestyle leads. They are found everywhere in a large number - in rivers, ponds, lakes, streams, not excluding even the smallest reservoirs, like mischievous canvas and puddles. These larvae are very interesting in their diverse biological characteristics and at the same time easily observed in natural conditions at the bottom of the reservoirs, they are easily mined with a caccicle, they live in aquariums perfectly. By virtue of this, the cerebrals belong to the number of essential excursion facilities both for fluidally acquainted with them on excursions and for long-term systematic observations of them in a laboratory setting.
Most larvae lives in special cases - cavalries that they build from a wide variety of materials. And in form and according to the material, the cavalry is very diverse and by themselves can already serve as an object of sightseeing dating.

The simplest form of cases - the reed tube in which the larva is covered using the ready-made room (Agripment - Agrypnia Pagetana Curt., 1).
A more complex building is a tubular case from individual pieces of leaves, which the larva strokes and has a spiral line (the core large - Phryganea Grandis L; 2). Sometimes the construction material is tiled, and they serve either the cane pieces (3, grammotaulius), or the segments of the leaves and the crust debris (4, 5, glyphotalius). Rightly, plant residues are superimposed across the case (Limnophilus Stigma Curt., 7).
As much diverse, the construction material of the Czechs show the buildings of the most common types of swirls - a rhombic creeper (Limnophilus Rhombicus L.) and the yellow drill (Limnophilus Flavicornis F.). They are used for construction and moss (8), and different blade (9), and slices of dead tree (10), and fresh wood branches (11), and chew (12), and stalks of horsetails, mixed with other vegetable residues (13 ); They attach to their dwelling and small shells (13), and sunflower husk (14), etc. Sometimes representatives of these species build their tubes not from plant residues, but from small shells, for example, pea (15), small coils , young logs and other mollusks (16, 17, 18).

It can be seen that it is possible to determine the larvae on the construction material only to a certain extent. Of great importance is the architectural form of a case, which in some genera is very typical (Phryganea, Molanna), but also it gives only an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the observer is dealing with.
Types of streams living in fast-growing waters build loyal and small graincases (Stenophylax, 20 and 21). Sometimes these mosaic buildings have the shape of a wide flat panel, on the surface of which water freely slides, without turning the case and without breaking it from the place (Molanna - Molanna, 23). The larvae Anabolia (Anabolia, 19) attaches heavy bugs and sticks to the sand tube, which play in the rawly flowing water, in all likelihood, the role of a peculiar anchor. The larva of Gougore (24) to the sandy closed tube attaches 2-3 pebbles.

Two types of creeper larvae. Eats. 1 - Herbar Big (Phryganea Grand), the larvae gills are shown in a highlight - in the living larva, they are pressed against the body; 2 - larva, not under construction, campomoid shape (Holocentropus Diiblus).

It is clear that the Czech is beautiful protective adaptation For larvae. He gives them a reliable durable refuge. In addition, this asylum, built from environmental materials, is well masked among other underwater items. It is wonderful that some forms of cases as it will copy underwater items. Thus, the cushion of the Limnophilus Stigma drivers amazingly reminds the fruit of the fruit of Olhi. Such protection is the more needed by the swirls that their larvae serve as a laddied food for many predators and especially eagerly eaten by fish. It has long been known to fishermen, which consume these larvae for hooks.
At first glance, the case of Czech represents a cumbersome little comfortable construction. However, under the clue, it is found that it is not. No need to lose sight of that the case, according to the Act of Archimedes, weighs under water very few, and in cases where the construction material approaches the specific weight of the water, the case and is at all as if weightless. Thanks to reliable sprinkles, the walls of the case are very durable, which is easy to make sure everyone who tries to break it. The heterogeneous material from which the walls are composed of cases, it is nurtured to each other with wonderful art. All this makes it put the larvae of the streams among the first-class builders in the world of insects. The basis of the construction is very durable silk, with which the cerebrals bind and connect a variety of building materials. These web threads are hiding with larvae from the selection of a pair of long web glands, which are opening with a common duct on the bottom lip and are built completely just like caterpillars. The inside of the tube is completely covered with a tender paustic lining.
As he grows The larva pulls the front edge of his cavalry, making it wider; The rear end, which has already become narrow, is gradually closed or brushed with a larva.
If you take out the larva from the cavalry (in the aquarium), then it looks extremely helpless, trying to hide under various objects, and after a while it starts to build a new case. Without finding the usual material, the larva uses new building particles for it. For example, it is possible to force the larvae remote from the cases that were made from plant residues, to build new dwellings from cutting colored paper, wood sawdust, egg shell, even a barbecue, etc. The larvae under the grains Success to offer small beads, pushed glass, crushed brick, metal sawdust.
Now for the movements of the larvae, choosing some large form for this, for example, often found by our large streams - large or striped (P. Grandis and P. Striata).
The larvae captured during the fishing larva hides in his case and lies completely motionless, so when parsing the contents of the cacket it is easy to view, mixing with the stalks of aquatic plants. Lower the caught larva in a flat vessel (water plate). Here it will soon put out the front end of his body from a cavalry and starts to crawl along the bottom of the vessel, moisture with her home. At the same time, it can be seen that the head is turned out of the case, the first breast segment covered with a solid shell, and three pairs of long legs. If you substitute any stems or wands with a larva, then you can make sure how the chain of its limb: it can crawl in a variety of positions both along the top and on the underside of underwater items.

The larvae of the cushions, taken out of the case. Eating. led. 1 - Phryganea; 2 - odontocerum alblcorne; 3 - Helicopsyche Sperata.

Let's try to extract the larva from her asylum. It is easy to make sure that it has a lot of resistance at the same time: if you drag it from the tube, taking over the front end of the body, it is easier to break it easier than to free it from a cauldron. Meanwhile, the case seems quite spacious compared to the body of the larvae, and at first glance, the force with which it is delayed in his tube is incomprehensible.
To show what is the case, we will try to drive out a loaf of a cavity with a different way: we introduce a thin wand or straw and a worm of a larva from the back end of the abdomen over the rear opening. This technique makes it crawl out.
When inspection, first of all, attention should be paid to the difference in the density of the cover, which is covered with a protected (case) and an unprotected part of the body of the larva. Under the cover of the case is a belly, consisting of a ten segments, and the rear (third) chest segment. These parts are covered with soft skin. On the contrary, the two first breast segments, which, when crawling the larva, exposes from a cavalry, severely chitinized and have a much darker color. The value of this phenomenon is completely clear, especially if you remember the same difference between the protected and unprotected part of the body in other animals, the classical example of which is a known cancer-hermit.
The instruments are instructed, with which the larvae is firmly delayed in their asylum when trying to remove it for the head end. At the back end of the abdomen she has a pair of appendages, which are equipped with strong sharp hooks whose toss is directed in opposite sides. With the help of these hooks, the larva engages for the inner walls of the case, acting like a pair of bugs. In addition, on the third segment of the chest, which is adjacent to the outer edge of the cavity, there are three warts. The latter can be very crowded and, in turn, resting in the walls of the case, prevent the fallout of the larvae from her asylum.

The larvae of campaudoous shapes that do not undergo case, have a completely different shape of the body than those described above. They have a body compressed from the sides and does not have a hook pair at the rear end.

Breath. Already a runaway inspection of a naked larvae discovers that her round oblong caterpillar body is covered with white filamentous outgrowths. It is nothing but the gills of larvae under protection of a cavalry .. The gill apparatus requires constant changing of water. This is achieved by the fact that the larva sitting in the cavalry produces peculiar movements of the belly, thanks to which the constant current of water is installed through the case. From here it is clear and the value of the second hole at the rear end of the cavity, through which the water is pushed with breathing. Appection of the abdomen can be observed on a naked larva, if we put it into a vessel with water. Similar movements produce larvae, campaudoous type that do not undergo a caulter.

Food Cutter larvae, mainly vegetable substances, such as the leaves of aqueous plants.
The larvae belonging to the Freiganeid family and lymanophilide families are roasting forms: they are pretty voracious and can eat the amount of food equal to the weight of their own body or even somewhat more (in young larvae). The larvae from the Mlannid family are predators that feed on Daphnesses, chironomid larvae, etc. (Kneelkin, 1951). Observed, however, the cases that the larvae of the Big Creek attacked the water donkeys, the headastrics of the frog and even each other. In the aquariums, the larvae of the powered with success can be fed with lettuce.

The larvae of campaudoic forms for the most part lead a predatory lifestyle and build special cattle networks woven from thin web threads to catch extraction. Such networks that have a kind of funnel are located a wide hole against the flow and are attached motionless to aquatic plants, stones and other underwater subjects. This is a peculiar device for catching the larvae of the pixels, small crustaceans and the like of the living prey.

Reproduction and development.Along with the crawling larvae, on the excursions you can often find the cavifers, which the swirls from both ends are sealed with cropped lids (Fig. Right). These are the pumped swirls that braid the holes of their cowlica cavity, leaving a free passage for water, but defending itself from predators. Usually, the pokuclization occurs in the larvae in the spring, in our latitudes in May (the hardening is large) or in June (larvae with sandy cavalries). Adult insects fly around in about a month.

If you managed to find such a sealed case on the excursions, then it can be opened to consider the pupa's prisoner if she has already managed to form. The pupa is completely unlike the larvae and has a very peculiar look (Fig. 240). It possesses the fears of wings, very long assholes, big eyes and huge rhives, with the help of which she, leaving the further development of its refuge, destroys the cover of the cavalry. Thin filamentous gills are noticeable on the babry.

Limnophilus feeder doll. Eating. led.

The doll is equipped with long swimming legs. At the rear end of the body, the pupa has long bristles, with which it reveals a hole in a stray cap, easily scored by sludge, and this provides access to fresh water. The opening of the front sieve lid is cleaned with the help of bristles sitting on the upper lip, and may also be with the help of elongated jaws.

Punching in the course of this device, the pupa performs inside the case of rhythmic pendulum movements. Ripened doll leaves her asylum, breaking the case. It is wonderful that it for a few minutes after the release of the cavalry freely floats on the surface of the water. Here it drops the skirt and turns into an adult drivers, which soon rises to the air.
It should be noted that the interesting phenomenon of short-term swimming dolls, as well as the process of hatching an adult insect, it is possible to observe extremely rare on the excursion. This phenomenon requires close, aquarium observations. But relatively vests you have to catch the sacc of the water of the dead completely mature pupa without a cavalry. It is explained by the fact that the pupa came out of the cavity quickly dies if it does not find out of water. In addition, pupae skins on the surface of water are often found.
Caviar from various creeks: spiral, ring-shaped and finger-type (triaenodes, phryganea, glyphotaelius). Eating. led.

Cutters (Fig. 99a) - these are unobistant, nek-sisty, brown or brown insects, 2-24 mm long, are found near the water bodies where their larvae develops, from here and their name occurs. In the detachment over 15,000 types of streams.


Adult insects in the afternoon in the afternoon, sitting hawking in coastal grass or bushes and even scared take off reluctantly. Sitting Creepers Easily Find out: their long thread-prominent mustache is connected together and stretched forward, and the wings are folded on the back of the roof. The mouth of the cereals are underdeveloped, so they do not eat at all, limited by the licking of moisture. Live long, usually about a week.

Fly start at dusk, before sunset, often over the surface of the water, sometimes even slide on the water. Small swirls sometimes pianic over coastal bushes.

Life cycle


The larvae of the streams are settled by various reservoirs both with standing and with fluid water.

House (case).They are easily recognized on housekeeping cavalries that make themselves. The larvae of different Vi-Dov build various houses, gluing the secret of the spinning glands of sandbags, small pebbles, wreckage of the rammock, pieces of plants. The houses also differ in the form and laying of components. Types of streams are easier to distinguish with housekeeping cases than on the basis of body structure. As the larva groves, the cable house is inspired in front.

Traffic.To move, the larva shook his head and chest with three pairs of tenacious legs and clumsily crawls along the bottom, dragging the case. So she is looking for food and building material for a superstructure of a house. Material from site.

Food.Vegetable larvae, scraping the soft tissues of aquatic plants, are predominant, but there are also omnivorous and predatory larvae.

Role (value).The larvae of the swirls, in turn, make up an important part of food of various fish and some