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What are the names of blue flowers similar to snowdrops. The most beautiful snowdrops in the world: views, photos

This delicate and mysterious autumn flower is better known as colchicum or colchicum. It is surprising in that from early spring to the end of summer it pleases the eye with its juicy, beautiful leaves, which by autumn suddenly disappear, giving way to magnificent, touchingly delicate flowers, similar to snowdrops. The fruits of the plant appear before flowers, which is also its mysterious feature.

Guest from Greek Colchis

The homeland of this autumn miracle is considered to be the regions of Central and Southern Europe; it is also often found in the eastern part of Central Asia and North India. On the territory of our country, it is most common in the Caucasus. Colchicum has been cultivated since the 16th century. To date, about 70 of its species are known.

Colchicum is often called Colchicum autumnale in honor of the Greek province of Colchis, which is located on the Black Sea coast in what is now Western Georgia. These flowers are very common there. During the Middle Ages, because of the amazing peculiarity of the plant to form fruits before flowers, it was called "Filius ante patrem", which literally translates from Latin as "son before father". In our country, it is often called the crocus because of its late flowering.

Fruits together with leaves, and flowers separately

Colchicum is a herbaceous, perennial, bulbous plant with numerous, short stems, from which four broadly oblong leaves develop. Large, dark brown, brown-coated bulbs extend into a long tube that wraps around the bottom of the plant. The leaves are large enough, green, shiny, elongated-lanceolate, reminiscent of the leaves of a tulip or wild garlic. Flowers are always bisexual, bell-shaped or funnel-shaped. Most often they are white, pinkish or purple in color.

In the spring, at the same time as the leaves, the crocus fruit appears. It is located low and is a three-celled, oblong round box with small round seeds. The seeds are often used in traditional medicine. The plant blooms in autumn, already without leaves. Although the breeders were able to breed blooming species in the spring.

In the spring, while all the vegetation is asleep, the leaves of the autumn crocus cover the flower beds with might and main. But, unfortunately, their age is short, and by the end of summer they die off. But in the fall, beautiful flowers appear, which are very often called autumn snowdrops, because they can bloom until the first snow. Scientists believe that this unusual flowering cycle of a plant is due in large part to the fact that its homeland has a very arid climate.

Blooms faster with corms

Colchicum reproduces vegetatively and by seeds. Seeds are planted in the ground at the beginning or in the middle of summer, but seedlings will appear only next spring, but flowers are not less than 5 years later. Therefore, planting corms is considered the best way. To do this, it is necessary to select a well-fertilized, but light soil.

Colchicum is a perennial plant, so it is advisable to choose a convenient permanent place for it with good lighting. The bulbs are planted to a depth of about 15 cm, at a distance of no more than 20 cm from each other. In the middle of summer, the leaves turn yellow and die off - this is the best time to harvest corms. Store them in a well-ventilated dry place. Plants with an age of at least 3 years are best suited for this procedure.

For the winter, the crocus is not dug up or covered. It is resistant to a variety of pests and diseases. Only slugs are dangerous for him. Watering is desirable abundant and timely.

Contains a poisonous filling

The chemical composition of the crocus contains more than 20 alkaloids, many of which are very dangerous and at the same time useful as a medicinal raw material. The poison is found in almost all parts of the plant, therefore, when transplanting it, you must wear gloves to protect your hands from burns. Even the water in which the plant has stood becomes poisonous.

Colchicum leaves very much resemble wild garlic leaves. It is advisable to plant both of these plants at great distances from each other. If the crocus poison enters the body, then serious poisoning can occur. At the same time, colchicum is also used for medicinal purposes: most often for rheumatism and gout. Its poison is included in medicines for skin cancer, papillomas of the respiratory tract, breast and rectal cancers.

Colchicum flowers look great as borders along garden paths, on alpine slides, on balconies, terraces, lawns and along water bodies. It is often planted in glass containers or clay pots. The flowers have a beautiful cut, and they will stand for a long time in a vase of water.

The first flowers are especially beautiful.

All bulbs blooming in spring are referred to, that is, "one-day species" in translation from Greek. These are plants with a very short active vegetation period. In the spring they bloom, leaves grow back at the same time or a little later, soon the leaves turn yellow, the seeds ripen, the entire aerial part dries up. The life of the plant continues underground in the bulb.

This life cycle is associated with the origin of plants, most of them come from those regions where precipitation falls in spring and summer is dry and hot. Nevertheless, bulbous grow and bloom well in temperate climates, many of them do not even need to be dug out for the winter.

For several centuries of cultivation of bulbs, methods of caring for them, methods of protection from pests and diseases have been developed, many varieties have been bred. Within 3-4 weeks, different varieties of snowdrop bloom, replacing each other.

By planting early, medium and late flowering varieties, you can extend the flowering of tulips and daffodils up to one and a half months. All bulbous plants lend themselves well to forcing, however, they require a cold period for the transition to flowering. Daffodils, tulips and hyacinths are grown all year round in greenhouses for cutting, but small-bulb flowers can be admired only in spring - in parks, botanical gardens or on your own plot. Crocus, Proleska, Muscari, Pushkinia, Chionodoxa, Iridodictium will decorate rockeries in the spring, while other plants are just beginning to grow.

At the beginning of summer, the leaves of the ephemeroids turn yellow and dry out, which does not adorn flower beds. There are two ways to fix the situation.

The first is to plant the bulbs in mesh boxes and dig them into the ground. When the plants have faded, they are rearranged along with the boxes in a secluded place until all the nutrients from the leaves are transferred to the bulbs. The second method is suitable for those ephemeroids that do not have to be dug out every year - they are planted among other perennials. In summer, growing, perennials cover drying bulbous leaves.

Bulbous plants have similar requirements for growing conditions. All of them do not tolerate a close level of groundwater, swampy soils and areas flooded with melt water, prefer light soils. Fresh manure should not be applied under the bulbous ones, this leads to diseases. They have a short period of active life, therefore, in addition to the main application of fertilizers before planting the bulbs, it is advisable to also carry out top dressing before, during and after flowering. In general, bulbous are quite unpretentious plants, it is best for inexperienced growers to start with them.


The first of the bulbous flowers to bloom is the snowdrop, its delicate flowers appear literally from under the snow. It is attractive for its touching defenselessness and at the same time its vitality, because its flowers can withstand frosts down to -10 ° C.

Snowdrop, or galanthus (translated from Greek "milk flower"), belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. The genus includes 18 species. The snow-white snowdrop is cultivated, the item Elvis, the item Caucasian, the item folded, the item Ikarian, etc. More than 200 different forms of these species are known. Snow-white snowdrop is popular due to its ability to grow quickly. Blooms before all snowdrops, in late March - early April for 30 days. Of the 500 existing varieties, most are of this species.

Snowdrops have drooping bell-shaped single flowers with a perianth of 6 leaves, on top of three inner green spots. Leaves are linear, 10-20 cm long, appear simultaneously with peduncles. The bulb is fleshy, 1-3 cm in diameter, with brown or golden outer scales.

There are plants with simple and double flowers. The most popular varieties of snow-white snowdrop with simple flowers are “ Sandhill Gate ',' Sam Arnott ',' Lutescens', 'Scharlockii', 'Viridescens'. Variety "Snow White Gnome" undersized, its height does not exceed 5 cm. South Hayes, Сolossus.

Terry varieties - Ophelia, Flore Pleno, "Pussey Green Tip"- the outer tepals 3-5, and the inner ones 12-21.

Popular varieties of P. Elvis: Comet, Two Eyes, Kite.

Growing snowdrops

Snowdrops are quite easy to grow, but they cannot be called unpretentious plants, since they are quite demanding on growing conditions; love open sunny places, but grow well in partial shade. Snowdrops are resistant to contrasting weather changes, alternating thaws and frosts. They thrive best on sufficiently moist, loose, well-drained nutrient soil after applying humus or compost. Snowdrops do not tolerate high, dry and low areas with stagnant water. When growing snowdrops on heavy clay soils, a significant application of sand and organic additives is required.

Reproduction of snowdrops

Snowdrops are propagated by bulbs-mi-babies, which are planted immediately after dividing at the end of summer to a depth of 5-7 cm, trying not to cut off the roots. 1-3 bulbs are formed per year. Snowdrops transplanted in spring during flowering almost always die. It is better not to grow snowdrops in one place for longer than 5-6 years. Reproduction by seeds is also possible. Sowing is carried out immediately after collecting seeds, flowering occurs in 4-5 years.

Snowdrops - care

During the active growing season, fertilizing is carried out with mineral fertilizers in a dissolved form with a minimum nitrogen content. If the spring is dry, the snowdrops need to be watered. The leaves are harvested only when they are completely dry.

White flower

The white flower is similar to the snowdrop, but blooms a little later. It has larger flowers with six petals of equal length, in contrast to the snowdrop, which has 3 long petals and 3 short ones. L

the white flower is wider. In addition, the white flower blooms longer than the snowdrop. There are species that bloom in spring, summer and even autumn.

The white flower belongs to the Amaryllis family. The genus includes 10 species. These are plants up to 40 cm high with linear leaves drooping broadly bell-shaped white flowers (single or in umbellate inflorescences) with a green or yellow spot at the top of the petals. Leaves appear with flowers, die off in mid-June. Bulbs are ovoid, multi-peaked, 3-5 cm high and 2-4 cm in diameter, the integumentary scales are brown. There are two types of stumps: spring white flower (blooms from mid-April to early May) and summer white flower (blooms from the second half of May).

At a spring variety of white flowers Carpaticum flowers are white with yellow spots on the tips of the petals, most often there are two of them; plant height 10-30 cm. Podpolozie»Two flowers on a peduncle. Variety " Gertruda wister»Double (additional segments form a rosette in the center of the flower). Gravetye giant- garden variation b. summer, bred in England. On shoots 50-60 cm high, 6 flowers are located.

Growing conditions white flower

Prefers partial shade, but grows well in the sun. You can grow white flowers on the banks of streams and garden ponds. The soil is suitable for it moist, drained, rich in humus, not acidic. When planting, it is advisable to add coarse river sand or gravel to the soil.

Reproduction white flower

The white flower is propagated by daughter bulbs (1-2 new bulbs are formed annually), they bloom in 2-3 years. Planting is carried out after the leaves turn yellow, to a depth equal to three diameters of the bulb. When dividing nests, it is important to plant the bulbs as soon as possible, as they cannot stand overdrying. To speed up reproduction, the mother bulb is planted at a minimum depth, in this case it will form many babies. You can propagate the white flower and seeds. Sow them immediately after collection, preferably in boxes. Seedlings appear the next spring, seedlings bloom in 5-7 years. In one place, a white flower can grow for 6-7 years, after which it is planted.

White flower care

During active growth, liquid inorganic fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are applied. Phosphorus is useful for flowering, and potassium for the formation of bulbs, due to excess nitrogen, leaves are often affected by fungal diseases. In dry spring, the white flower needs watering.


Crocus reproduction


Redwoods bloom 2-3 weeks after snowdrops and white flowers. Very good are their bright blue flowers, collected in racemose inflorescences, bending under the weight of the flowers. There are varieties with white, blue and pink flowers.

Plant height 10-20 cm.

Oval bulbs up to 1.5 cm in diameter with a blackish shell. Flowers appear at the same time as leaves. The genus includes more than 80 species, mainly Siberian spit is grown.

Siberian Proleska " Alba " with white flowers; " Grace Lofthouse"- with violet-blue; " Spring Beauty ', "Atrocaerulea"- with blue .

"Spring Beauty"- a powerful triploid variety with flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. Enem the flowers are also blue, the original form was found in the Krasnodar Territory near the village of Enem.


Pushkinia looks like a spit, but it has stronger peduncles, they do not linger. The flowers are pale blue. The bulbs are ovoid. The genus has only 2 species - Pushkinia hyacinth(blooms in May) and Pushkinia proleskidnaya(blooms in April)

The large-flowered form of Pushkinia proleskova is known - Lebanese (‘Libanotics’), as well as the white-flowered form - Alba.


Iridodictiums bloom almost simultaneously with snowdrops and crocuses. Their flowers, 5-7 cm in size, are similar to variegated butterflies: purple, blue, blue with decorations in the form of white, yellow and orange spots and various shading. Leaves grow after flowering. Bulbs 3-4 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter are covered with a reticular fibrous sheath. Iridodictiums belong to the family Iridicates. The genus has 11 species, mainly varieties of net iris are grown.

The varieties of reticulated iridodictium are considered reliable " Cantab " with light blue flowers with a golden yellow stripe in the center of the outer lobes and « Ida " with purple flowers with a bright yellow stripe in the center of the outer lobes. There are also known varieties « Clairetty ', "Harmony ', "RoyalBlue ', "SpringTime " and etc.

Conditions for growing iridodictums

Iridodictiums are very light-requiring. They require a well-drained soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.

(clay and black earth soils are not suitable). It is best to grow them on a slide. In addition, iridodictiums need cool springs with heavy rainfall, hot dry summers and winters with high snow cover, without thaws.

Reproduction of iridodictums

Iridodictiums reproduce well vegetatively, forming 3-4 new bulbs per year. If the bulbs break down into many small ones that do not bloom, it means that it is time to renew the variety. You can propagate plants and seeds. Seeds are sown immediately after harvest, next spring, friendly shoots appear. Seedlings dive on the ridge, they bloom in 3-4 years. The characteristics of varieties are preserved only when propagated by daughter bulbs.

Iridodictum care

In the first half of summer, iridodictiums are fed with small doses of complete mineral fertilizers. They are resistant to diseases in spring, but as the bulbs ripen and the soil warms up, disease resistance decreases, especially in rainy summers. It is advisable to dig up the bulbs for the summer. Do this when the upper third of the leaves turn yellow. Having chosen the nests, but without breaking off the leaves, the bulbs are dried for several days at 23-25 ​​° C, then peeled. They are stored in a dry room at a temperature of 18-22 ° C and planted again in late September - early October to a depth of 7-10 cm. Under this condition, they will grow in one place for 4-6 years.





The most spectacular African species of poultry farms, in our climate they are grown in greenhouses. European species look more modest, but they winter well in the open field and are unpretentious. The poultry farms belong to the Hyacinth family, the genus has 130 species, about 15 are cultivated. The height of the plants ranges from 30 to 150 cm. Belt-like leaves appear before the peduncles. The flowers are white or slightly yellowish with a green stripe on the outer side of the petals, collected in racemose or corymbose inflorescences. The bulbs are ovoid or rounded, covered with strong opaque scales.

Types and varieties of poultry

In early May, a low poultry farm blooms Balance(10-15 cm high) with few but large flowers (up to 3 cm in diameter). The most common type is the item umbrella, or white brandy. This is an unpretentious plant up to 25 cm high, the leaves are grooved with a longitudinal white stripe. White flowers with a diameter of 2.5 cm are collected 15-20 in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. The flowers are directed upwards and close at night. This species blooms in May. The plant forms numerous baby bulbs, which are easily separated from the mother bulb and can even clog the area.

Drooping poultry up to 50 cm high, it looks like a hyacinth, its leaves are gray-green with a white stripe, and the peduncle is decorated with a dozen drooping silvery-white flowers. Blooms in June. Hibernates without shelter.

Poultry poultry large reaches a height of 150 cm. Flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter are collected in a loose brush. Blooms in mid-July. P. tailed familiar to lovers of indoor plants called "Indian onion. It has a large green bulb with a diameter of 8-9 cm.

Small greenish-white flowers on a high peduncle. It is appreciated for the beneficial properties of burning juice, used as an external pain reliever for bruises, pain in the joints.

Doubtful birdhouse it has a bright color of flowers, it is cultivated as a houseplant. There are two known varieties: ‘ Ballerina ' orange colored and ' Sunshine '- with yellow. These varieties do not winter outdoors.

Growing conditions

Poultry farmers prefer sunny places, but grow well in the shade of shrubs and trees. Sandy soil is more suitable for them than clay soil. They do not tolerate stagnant water and acidic soils, they put up with poor soils.

Reproduction of the poultry farm

The poultry farmers give a lot of children, the overgrown groups are seated every 4-5 years. Planting depth - 3 bulb heights, about 10 cm. Reproduction by seeds is possible, they are sown before winter, bloom in 5-6 years.

Poultry care

Planting and transplanting is carried out in September-October. Sand is added to heavy clay soils. Peduncles with withered flowers are cut off. Poultry farms are rarely affected by diseases and pests.

Anemone (Anemone)

Anemone Crowned with bright large flowers

Anemone or anemone, so named for its sensitive attitude to the slightest breath of wind, is one of the first to bloom. The foliage has not yet blossomed on the garden trees and shrubs, and the flowers of the anemone are already swaying on high stems.

Early flowering allows you to grow anemones under trees, near shrubs, near the walls of buildings, which will protect the plant from the wind.

  • Perennial primroses with photos and names
  • Anemone (Anemone)
  • Snowdrops
  • Proleska
  • Tulips
  • Hyacinth
  • Narcissus
  • Primrose
  • Crocuses
  • Muscari
  • Grouse
  • Dicenter
  • Forget-me-nots
  • Lungwort
  • Primroses in the garden: video
  • Buttercup and oak anemone are the most common types of plants that are grown in summer cottages as primroses. Anemone blooms at the end of April, their flowering lasts for two, three weeks. The color of the flowers of the oak anemone is white, and the buttercup anemone pleases with yellow flowers.

    Similar to the above-described plant and anemone tender with blue flowers. The smallest anemone (about 10 cm) is very popular among gardeners.

    The crown anemone is a representative of warm regions, therefore, it requires the creation of comfortable conditions for wintering. She needs shelter with foliage of broadleaf trees (maple, oak). The flowers of this plant are larger; red and white, purple and pink.

    The aerial part of all anemone species dies off after flowering a month later. Therefore, the location of flowers with a later flowering period next to them will be correct. With overgrown foliage, they will cover the unsightlyness of withered anemones.

    The most affordable and easy way to propagate a flower is to divide the bush into several parts. Without digging up the whole plant, separate a piece of turf and plant in the right place. Separated anemone bushes have good survival rate.

    Seed reproduction implies autumn sowing in the ground, or it is done at home, with preliminary stratification of the planting material. In the first case, flowering will occur in the spring of next year.


    Blooming snowdrops

    The plant is listed in the Red Book, because due to the great love of a person for his person, it is practically uprooted from its habitat.

    But the gardener has the opportunity to grow it on his personal plot, and admire its early flowering.

    This unpretentious plant may not need transplanting for many years, since it has a minimum of requirements for soil and growing conditions. In addition, these plants do not like to be disturbed by their roots, but if such a need arises, then this should be done along with a piece of turf. It is not necessary to free the root system from the old soil.

    Galanthus, another name for a snowdrop, grows well in a shady area. A few hours of sunshine and moist soil is the minimum a plant needs to start flowering. And the cooler the spring weather, the more abundant and longer the snowdrop will bloom.

    After flowering, the leaves must be left to wither on their own, during this period the bulb is stocked with nutrients for full flowering next spring.
    The method of reproduction by dividing the bush was mentioned above, and reproduction by seeds will give a result no earlier than four years later.

    The following species are most often grown in gardens:

  • Common snowdrop, low plant with fragrant flowers;
  • Elvis' snowdrop is different in height (up to 50 cm);
  • Volkov's snowdrop, originally from Russia. This species has the ability to grow very quickly, therefore, the division of the bush is required every three years.
  • Flowers of all types are drooping, bell-shaped and white.


    Proleska is a bulbous perennial that covers the ground with low plants with blue flower stars. It is the density of planting that the effect of a blue carpet is achieved, which looks simply delightful against the background of a gray uncomfortable garden.

    Siberian beetle is most common among gardeners, as a primrose used for early decoration of a garden plot. Due to the fact that the plant is hardy and does not require special care, it can grow in the garden allotted to it for up to 5 years. But in order not to weaken its decorative qualities, the minimum feeding rates should still be introduced. And they should consist of a complex containing phosphorus and potassium and nitrogen.

    The increase in the areas occupied by the Proleskaya does not require much time and costs. It is enough to separate part of the flower together with the soil, without resorting to the complete extraction of the plant, and transplant it to a new place.

    Plants are distinguished by good adaptation, already with the arrival of next spring there will be a new island on the site, reflecting the sky blue.
    They also grow a spit from the bulbs of children, which ripen quickly and are suitable for the formation of a full-fledged plant at the age of three.

    Often, reproduction occurs by self-seeding, thus, single plantings of spruce can become dense thickets.


    Tulips are widely used by gardeners to create flower beds, flower beds, and are grown specifically for cutting. And primroses include simple early tulips, as well as double early tulips.

    This group of plants is distinguished by a small height of 25-40 cm, but due to their early flowering, they can often be found in early May at their summer cottage. And they were planted with one purpose: to give the garden charm, bright colors. Especially when most of the site is not yet covered with lush spring greenery.

    The tulip is a moisture-loving plant, so in a dry spring they need watering. They can be combined with top dressing, nitrogen fertilizers are added in early spring, and phosphorus and potassium supplements are used during the budding period and after flowering.

    After the tulip flower withers, its cup should be cut off, leaving the peduncle, he and the remaining leaves will help the bulb to stock up on the necessary nutrients for a safe wintering and early flowering in the spring of next year.

    Flowers that are used to decorate the garden, and early flowering belong to them, can be left in the ground for several years. In this case, the autumn planting of flowers should be carried out at a depth of 25 cm, and more densely, and the soil around should be decorated with evergreen perennials. This will create a more picturesque spring flower garden.


    Another beautiful perennial, from the bulbous family, which belongs to primroses. Blooming at the end of April, it looks great in a small flower garden, consisting of early flowering perennials.

    Hyacinth flowering times are divided into three categories:

    • Early blooming
    • Average bloom,
    • Late blooming.

    Although it should be noted that the difference between the beginning of flowering of the first category and the last does not exceed 10 days.

    The inflorescences of early hyacinths are usually blue in color. Pink, white, red flowers are next. The parade of colors will be completed by plants with yellow and orange caps of inflorescences.

    The cooler the spring weather, the longer the hyacinth blooms. If at t + 10 ° C it can be three weeks, then with its increase, the flowering period will decrease by a week.

    The flower also has requirements for the composition of the soil. The soil must be fertile, neutral and have good texture and drainage properties. Even a slight stagnation of water in the area where the bulbs are located can lead to their death.

    They begin to cultivate the land for autumn planting of hyacinths in advance, applying organic and mineral fertilizers. The addition of humus, ready-made compost, sand, wood ash will help to improve the structure of the soil.

    The planting of hyacinth bulbs begins at the end of September. Large specimens are deepened by 15-20 cm, and small ones will be enough 8-12 cm.The distance between the bulbs themselves should be 10-15 cm and 5-8 cm, respectively.

    The method of planting bulbs in the sand is also practiced. Sand is poured into the groove. A layer of 2-3 cm will allow you to fix the bulbs in it, pour more sand on top, and fill the remaining height of the groove with earth. This method will prevent rotting of the bulbs, protect them from infections present in the ground, and increase the drainage capacity of the soil.

    With the onset of cold weather, planting should be mulched.

    Spring maintenance work begins with removing the mulch layer and gently loosening the resulting crust on the surface and applying fertilizer.

  • After the sprouts appear, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer follows.
  • During the budding period, a complex of mineral fertilizers will help the plant to form a strong and bright flower.
  • The third, mineral feeding, will allow the bulb to make a supply of the necessary elements and safely endure the winter cold.
  • Narcissus

    Narcissus is a bulbous, perennial, early flowering plant.

    The height of the plant stem is from 5 cm (dwarf species) to 50 cm, which ends with a white or yellow flower.

    It is distinguished by an unpretentious disposition, both in relation to the soil on which it grows and to the illumination. It can grow and develop well on sandy soil. Loams are also suitable for growing daffodils. But the minimum amount of a complex of fertilizers, nevertheless, must be applied to the soil before planting the plants.

    Choosing a place for planting a flower will not be difficult: sunny or shaded. You should know that when choosing the second option, flowering will be longer.

    Planting bulbs in open ground is carried out in September, taking into account that plants need about three weeks to form a root system. Otherwise, the bulbs will be squeezed out of the depths to the surface of the earth, which will lead to their freezing.

    The division of a bush that is already in the summer cottage can be carried out at a time when the leaves of the daffodil begin to wither.

  • Having dug out a bush, it is necessary to select the baby's bulbs, to discard the sick and damaged.
  • Transplant the bushes you like to a new place, cutting off the above-ground part.
  • It is better to leave a small stump so as not to lose the landing.
  • Primrose

    An unpretentious herbaceous perennial, which, with its bright, varied colors, will revive any corner of the suburban area.

    Preferring shady places, primrose thrives and blooms under the crowns of garden trees and near ornamental shrubs.

    The beginning of the appearance of flowers falls on the first days of May and the plant will receive a sufficient amount of heat and light, because the leaves on the trees have not yet blossomed in full force. And on hot days, the foliage will protect the flower from the scorching rays.

    The soil for planting flowers should be loose, fertilized, without stagnant water. This saves the grower from having to fertilize every year.

    After 3-4 years, it is advisable to transplant the primrose bush. The gardener will have the opportunity to increase plantings, and the plant itself will again be provided with a supply of nutrients for several years ahead.

    Transplanting time is not critical, but it is better to do this when the plant has bloomed.

    • The flower is dug up, the roots are washed to determine how best to carry out the division.
    • Each separated bush should have its own point of growth with two to three leaves and a good tuft of roots.
    • After transplanting, the plant should be watered and shaded for a few days.

    Primroses that endure any changes in spring weather conditions.

    Crocuses need good lighting for abundant and lush blooming. And since they appear, practically from under the snow, it is possible to grow them near fruit trees and ornamental shrubs. There is no foliage on the trees yet, and the flower will be fully provided with sunlight.

    Crocuses are not demanding on soils, but a small complex of nitrogen and mineral fertilizers should be introduced into the soil before planting.

    An even more important measure is the improvement of the soil structure. It must be moisture permeable. Good drainage will relieve stagnant water, otherwise the bulb will rot and die.

    Reproduction of crocuses is carried out by bulbs by children, which are formed next to the uterine corms. Overgrown plantings of flowers are dug up every 3-4 years, the bulbs are sorted by size, dried in the air, but under a canopy. With the arrival of autumn, they are planted in a properly prepared soil. Typically, the timing of this work falls on the third decade of September.


    Muscari, a low ornamental plant with a blue inflorescence similar to a bunch of grapes. Bulbous perennial, to the family of which the muscari belongs, can be grown in any corner of the suburban area.

    The flower is photophilous, but it can be grown in the near-trunk circles of fruit trees, since the flowering will end before the foliage creates a shadow over it.

    A flower can grow in one place for many years. This presupposes high-quality tillage before planting:

    • Application of mineral and organic fertilizers,
    • Improving soil structure.

    This will allow the plant to grow without a lack of nutrients. Providing good water permeability to the soil will protect the bulb from decay.

    The same result can be achieved by pouring coarse sand into the flower planting holes. In addition, the absence of contact with the soil will protect the planting material from infections that may be in the ground.

    For spring flowering, the plant has enough moisture, which is formed from melting snow. Subsequently, after the leaves die off, one-year-olds will most likely be planted in this place, and moisture from their watering will flow to the bulbs.

    The flower is propagated by bulbs by children. After the plant had bloomed, the leaves turned yellow and withered, the flower entered a dormant phase. During this period, the plant can be dug up and young bulbs can be selected. But this work can be done at another time convenient for the gardener. This will not harm the plant.

    The flower is a very winter-hardy plant. Caring for it is simple: loosening and weeding are the main types of work.


    Grouse imperial

    Grouse does not belong to capricious perennials. The original plant, with drooping flowers, makes the gardener want to grow it in his summer cottage.

    The first thing to consider when purchasing planting material is their vulnerability. The bulbs do not have an outer coating, and any mechanical damage can cause various kinds of diseases.

    In any case, before planting, they need to be disinfected with a weak solution of ordinary potassium permanganate.

    Just like most perennials, hazel grouse grows in one place for several years without transplanting. And this must be taken into account when preparing the soil for planting plants. The introduction of organic matter in the form of humus or ready-made compost, substrates that improve the access of moisture and air will help the plant quickly settle in a new place.

    After flowering, which occurs in the second half of May, the plant still looks decorative for some time, but by the end of June the stem begins to fade. This is the best time to increase the plantings of hazel grouses.

    The bulbs are carefully dug up, washed, disinfected in a manganese solution and dried well. The available baby bulbs are also planted in autumn, in September. Usually hazel grouse begins to bloom when the bulb reaches 5 cm in diameter.

    So it turns out that growing hazel grouse is not difficult, but requires patience.


    Dicentra (Dicentra) is also called "broken heart"

    A charming plant with many flowers of hearts encourages the gardener to purchase a flower.

    Quite an unpretentious perennial in terms of choosing a place for planting. It will bloom both in the sun and in the shade.

    The difference is that in an open area, flowering will come earlier, but will be shorter. In the shade, the plant develops more vigorously and the flowering period increases.

    Dicentra has a root system that is located close to the surface of the earth, this requires good drainage, otherwise fragile roots will suffer from stagnant water. This will inevitably lead to their decay and, as a rule, the death of the plant. The fragility of the roots requires careful handling of the flower during planting.

    The flower is grown on fertile soils , with the introduction of ready-made compost, humus, wood ash.

    Propagated by dividing the bush, which can be carried out both in spring and autumn. In the spring, this work is carried out as early as possible so that it does not at the expense of flowering.

    An autumn transplant is less painful for the flower. After the plants wilted, they dig it up and cut the rhizome into several components. They are planted in fertilized holes, covered with fertile soil. It should be watered abundantly, hygrophilous bleeding center.


    Forget-me-not Alpine Indigo

    Forget-me-nots are a herbaceous perennial plant with delicate blue flowers, preferring shaded areas with moist soil.

    The soil, in the place where forget-me-not will grow, should not be overfed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. This will lead to an overgrowth of the green mass of the plant and weaken its decorative qualities.

    Grow forget-me-not from seeds. At their summer cottage, in June, they prepare a garden bed. Nitrophoska is introduced (30 g per 1 sq. M.), Half a bucket of humus is added, everything is carefully dug up, leveled and watered. Seeds are scattered along the shallow grooves. Sprinkle with a thin layer of sand, compact.

    To retain moisture and create optimal conditions for germination, the bed is covered with a film. By the end of the second week, it is necessary to check the crops; when shoots appear, the shelter is removed. Seedlings must be thinned out.

    In the first year, the forget-me-not forms a small bush, and will bloom next spring in May. By then, it should be planted in its permanent place. Spring flower care consists in watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. In the fall, a nitrogen-containing composition should be added to them.

    Despite its tenderness and seeming fragility, forget-me-not is a rather aggressive plant. If you let it grow on its own, then it will quickly capture territories that do not belong to it.


    Lungwort - Pulmonaria villarsae

    Lungwort is a low rhizome perennial, the main advantage of which is unpretentiousness in terms of lighting. She is able to grow even in dense shade.

    But partial shade is preferable for her.

    The soil for lungwort needs slightly acidic, rich in humus. It can grow in one place for about 25 years. But the flower needs thinning, so dividing the bush once every 4 years will solve the problem not only with the density of plantings, but will provide the summer resident with planting material.

    Among gardeners, lungwort is valued not only for its flowers, bells and its shade tolerance, but also for its decorative foliage. Light or dark green leaves are covered with white specks and specks all over the surface. In addition, they have the property of changing their color, in this case the speck merges with the color of the leaf.

    Caring for the plant is not difficult, keeping the soil moist (but not excessively), one-time feeding, a set of mineral fertilizers and autumn pruning of the stems. Although the removal of the stems can be left on in the spring.

    Primroses in the garden: video

    No matter how many flowers are planted on the site, the gardener will always have a desire to buy something new. And this is natural - the beauty of fresh flowers pleases.

    And primroses are especially pleasing in early spring, when the snow is just melting and there is almost no greenery - and bright islands of delicate flowers have already awakened.

    Florists love this exotic plant for its unusual shape and quirky hairstyle, because it Pineapple-like flower... With him, bouquets look very original and interesting. And those who do not like to pick flowers can enjoy the fluffy tufts of eukomis in a garden bed or on their windowsill.

    Cute crest

    Eukomis, or, as it is also called, Eucomis, belongs to the Lilaceae family and is closely related to hyacinths, lilies, forest trees, poultry farms, etc. The plant came to Russia from England, where it has been successfully bred for more than 200 years. Its name comes from the Greek "eu" - good and "kome" - hair. Indeed, eukomisu has something to be proud of: its lush flower spike is decorated with a pretty tuft of leaves, thanks to which the plant was dubbed "crested lily".

    In nature, the flower is more often found in the humid regions of its homeland - the Cape province of South Africa. Two types of it are known: point and two-color eukomis. The first of them has a strong, pleasant aroma, but in the second, the flower looks more attractive. Most of the species are greenish-white, sometimes diluted with purple hues on the tuft. However, the new varieties are distinguished by a variety of colors: red, white, yellow, purple, dark red, etc.

    Resembles a pineapple

    Due to its external resemblance to a well-known fruit, it is often Eukomis dubbed "the imaginary pineapple." The belt-like, light green leaves of the plant (up to 60 cm in length) are collected in a rosette, from which a thick peduncle is formed with lush bunches of small leaves resembling a crest. Numerous small flowers of the plant, gathering in a cylindrical inflorescence (up to 30 cm in length), tightly stick around the peduncle. Each inflorescence has six star-shaped petals with purple edging.

    The crested lily is quite unpretentious and very decorative. It is appreciated for its long flowering, which attracts pollinating insects. The flower stalks of the plant are great for cutting and do not lose their charm even without flowers. The extension of the peduncle begins after the development of 5 - 6 rosette leaves. Eukomis looks nice both separately and in the neighborhood with different flowers. For example, with Heuchera, Alyssum, Lobelia, etc.

    Cool before planting

    After purchasing the bulb Eukomisa it is better to store in a cool place at a temperature of about + 10 ° C. The plant is planted in March or April. For this, they choose sunny, wind-protected places. The soil is preferable with good drainage and humus with the addition of coarse sand. Eukomis under the windows are planted in pots one at a time, choosing deep containers for these purposes, otherwise the powerful root system of the flower will be cramped.

    The bulbs do not deepen much, leaving their tops at the level of the substrate. This prevents them from decaying and stimulates growth. Until the bulb hatches, it must be watered carefully, avoiding excess moisture around. After the appearance of the first leaves, it is necessary to water the eukomis more often, and during the growing season it needs regular and abundant watering. During the season, the plant is fed three times with liquid organic fertilizers: during the regrowth of leaves, during the budding period and during flowering. In summer, the optimum temperature for a plant is + 20 ... + 25 ° С, and in winter + 5 ° С.

    Take with you for the winter

    Feed A flower that looks like annas only in spring and summer. If Eukomis grows in pots, then for the summer it is better to transfer it to the balcony, because during flowering it exudes too sweet, sugary aroma. After the flowers wither, it is recommended to limit watering, and after the leaves turn yellow, stop altogether. In the fall, a period of rest begins, favorable for the transplantation and separation of children. You can simply take out the onion and sprinkle it with peat or sand and store it in the refrigerator (+ 10 ° C).

    Yet Eukomis it is thermophilic, and in winter in the open field it can simply freeze. At the end of September, the plant is dug up and the formed children are separated from its stem. The bulbs can comfortably survive the winter in a cool cellar or in an ordinary refrigerator at a temperature of + 4 ... + 6 ° C. To do this, they are pre-wrapped in paper or newspaper. In the south of Russia, with a small shelter, the plant winters well in the garden.

    Eukomis propagated by children and less often by seeds. The first method is suitable for the entire growing period, but is best suited for autumn and winter, while the plant is resting. Eukomis grown from seeds often lose their original color, which does not happen when the children are dividing. After sowing, the sprouts bloom only in the third year. The plant must be protected from spider mites, mealybugs and common aphids.

    • Some varieties of this plant are used in medicine.
    • The bulbs of the plant are toxic and, if eaten in large quantities, can cause poisoning.
    • The not very pleasant aroma of two-colored eukomis attracts various insects.

    Albina Alina, Krasnoyarsk

    • 1 Flowers similar to a lily from the order Liliaceae
      • 1.1 Flowers similar to lilies from the Liliaceae family
    • 2 Unrelated lily-like flowers - order Asparagus
      • 2.1 Family Amaryllidaceae: champion among flowers similar to lilies
    • 3 Red flowers similar to a lily: amaryllis, hippeastrum and vallotta
    • 4 White lily-like flowers: eucharis, daffodil, zephyranthes, and pankration

    Lilies are very popular and many growers want to have an original flower similar to them.

    Millions of people love their large, beautiful flowers and pleasant scent. Therefore, flowers similar to lilies are also in great demand.

    We want to present the name of lily-like flowers that can be grown at home or in the garden, with descriptions of some of them.

    To streamline the search for a lily-like flower, we will start by classifying the lilies themselves. So, the genus Lily belongs to the Liliaceae family, which belongs to the order Liliaceae.

    The order Liliaceae includes the following families:

  • Alstroemeria
  • Colchicaceae
  • Campinema
  • Corsian
  • Liliaceae
  • Lusuriagovye
  • Melanthia
  • Petermannievs
  • Ripogon
  • Smilax
  • Phyletic
  • Of these families, in our opinion, flowers similar to a lily are most possessed - alstroemeria and, naturally, liliaceae themselves.

    Alstroemeria (Alstroemeria "Peruvian lily" or "Lily of the Incas")

    This classification can be viewed on Wikipedia: Lily-colored.

    In the Liliaceae family there are more than 600 species and 19 genera. We will list the genera that most resemble the lily.

    Goose bow

    Goose onion yellow


    American Kandyk


    Giant cardiocrinum

    By Ernst Gügel - Own work, _https: // commons. wikimedia. org / w / index. php? curid = 1155695


    Tricirtis - spotted lily

    There are also lily-colored tulips, but in our eyes they still do not look so much like a lily.

    Of course, there are flowers in the world that look like a lily are not of the order. Lily flowers, and we have prepared some plants for you with photos and names.

    We have selected families, among which there are beautiful and unusual flowers.

    Hesperocalissian... Hesperokallis is a lily-like flower on a thick stem.

    Hesperokallis - a desert dweller with a beautiful flower


    Iksiolirion Tatar - a delightful beauty!

    From Irisovs, in addition to the familiar iris ("cockerels"), Watsonia can be distinguished.


    The family deserves special attention Xanthorrhea thanks to the family - Daylily. Various types of daylilies are very popular among our gardeners and are highly decorative.

    At the moment, there are a great many varieties of daylilies with flowers of various colors.

    Daylily yellow (Hemerocállis lílioasphodélus) aka yellow lily or krasodnev

    From Proleskovykh hyacinths are very similar to lilies.

    Especially for lovers of lilies with small flowers, we recommend growing oriental hyacinth. Flowers that look like small lilies are not harder to care for and grow.

    • Oriental hyacinth - has a high decorative effect with a strong and at the same time pleasant aroma.

    Hyacinth is suitable for growing in winter and cutting for bouquets, and is also one of the most popular indoor flowers.

    There are more than 300 varieties of hyacinth with various colors: white (Inosance), pink (Pint Pearl), blue (Miosotis) and red (Jean Bose). Hyacinth blooms for about 12-16 days.

    This flower is similar to small lilies, usually 15-25 cm high with shiny and juicy leaves. The flowers themselves are bell-shaped in cylindrical inflorescences.

    Black hyacinth

    The amaryllis family includes more than 60 genera, of which a large number of flowers resembling a lily are found.


    We took out separately these two genera in the way that flower growers often confuse them. Amaryllis and hippeastrum are similar in appearance, have large bulbs and thick peduncles with "umbrellas".

    The genus Amaryllis, according to the official classification, includes one species - Amaryllis belladonna. Amaryllis belladonna is a rather rare plant and is not widespread among domestic florists.

    It is much more common to find hippeastrum, which, knowingly or unknowingly, some sellers sell under the guise of "amaryllis". Hippeastrum is well suited for potting and cutting.

    As we have already said, amaryllis is represented by one species. This red lily-like flower is native to South Africa and grows up to 50-70 cm in height.

    Amaryllis belladonna has excellent decorative qualities, a very beautiful and bright flower.

    Bright red amaryllis in a chic bouquet.

    It is worth noting that there are also garden forms not only with red flowers, but also with pink (Amaryllis belladonna major), light pink (Amaryllis belladonna minor).


    As mentioned above, amaryllis and hippeastrum are very similar to each other, and at the same time they look like a lily. Hippeastrum has beautiful large flowers.

    The genus has more than 75 species of plants, which mainly grow in tropical and subtropical climatic zones of America.

    • With the development of floriculture, many garden forms have appeared. Hyppeastrum hybrid varieties are distinguished by a variety of colors.

    Hippeastrum of red, orange, pink, white and lilac colors are widespread.

    Blooming hippeastrum


    The Vallota flower, native to Africa, is a relative of the amaryllis. The plant has a smaller bulb and narrower and longer leaves.

    Mostly there are flowers of red shades, sometimes white and pink. Vallota is an unpretentious plant and it is easy to care for it.

    • For abundant flowering in summer, neither a cramped pot, a cold room, nor dry land in winter will interfere with it. It grows very quickly so that you will definitely not have a lack of colors.

    When the babies are separated from the mother's bulb, the number of flowers increases even more. Small valots bloom in the second year.

    This indoor flower looks like a lily in the form of inflorescences and gives no less positive emotions.

    In summer, the plant loves light and water, it is not demanding on the soil. Ideally, grow in a mixture of sod and deciduous land with river sand and humus. In winter, the main thing is to provide moderate watering, the flower can withstand up to + 5-7 degrees.

    Vallota the Beautiful

    Lily-like white flowers: eucharis, daffodil, zephyranthes and pankration

    Let's move on to the following plants from the Amaryllis family. Eucharis for its appearance received the name "Amazonian lily", he, like the previous flowers, belongs to the genus Amaryllis, originally from mountainous Colombia.

    It usually blooms in February-March, and with special care it can bloom several times a year.

    The Amazon lily should be protected from direct sunlight, but at the same time, so that it is bright and bright. Although eucharis is able to transfer shading. During the growth period, the temperature should not be lower than 18 degrees Celsius.

    A white flower similar to a lily loves moderate watering, without waterlogging. Spraying and washing is useful, but not during the flowering period. And also to feed, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers, every two weeks.

    The Amazonian lily propagates by seeds and daughter bulbs. As the pot is filled with daughter bulbs, eucharis can be transplanted.

    • Eucharis grandiflora appeared in European botanical gardens as early as the 19th century and has only increased its presence since then.

    Therefore, we are sure that you will be able to grow this beautiful flower and it will delight you for a very long time!

    Eucharis large-flowered


    We all know well-known flowers - daffodils, which are among the first to delight us with their flowering in spring.


    Zephyranthes flowers look like lilies


    Pancratium sea (Pancratium maritimum) or "sand lily"


    The next house flower is similar to a lily also in the shape of its inflorescences - this is the blue amaryllis or worsley (Worsleya). The flower is not widespread among our florists and the peak of its popularity is ahead.

    The genus is represented by only one species - Vorsley noble (lat.Worsleya procera). The flower is native to the tropical regions of eastern Brazil, where it grows on sunny mountain slopes near waterfalls on rocky ground.

    This lily-like home flower has a large bulb and narrow green leaves up to 90 cm in length.

    • The uniqueness of the flower lies in the unusual color of the flowers: from blue to dark blue, which gives a special zest.

    Worsley noble can be easily grown at home, like an indoor flower. It usually blooms in summer, but in nature at any time of the year.

    The ideal substrate for it will be stony, but nutritious soil in a sunny and humid place. Good neighbors for hairs will be moisture-loving plants (brommelium, aroid).

    Worsley noble

    Snowdrop is the first flower of spring. There is something touching in this fragile flower blooming under the first rays of spring before the snow has melted. Photos of snowdrops can be found on the Internet.

    The exact place of origin of the snowdrop is unknown, but there are many legends about the appearance of this flower. One of them says that snowflakes became snowdrops to comfort the crying Eve after her expulsion from paradise. It was winter on the ground, it was cold and Eve began to cry. But when she saw these flowers, she thought that everything was not lost and, perhaps, God would forgive her and Adam.

    And in Poland, a legend is told that the tears of a girl who in winter went to look for a plant that would cure her little brother's illness turned into snowdrops. She cried out of despair, and where her tears fell, the snow melted and white flowers grew. The girl collected them and was able to save her brother.

    The plant is distributed mostly in Central and Southern Europe, on the Black Sea coast, on the western coast of the Caspian Sea and in Asia Minor. The greatest variety of snowdrops in the Caucasus.


    It got its name - "snowdrop" due to its early flowering - in March, when there is still snow. Although some species bloom later.

    Official, scientific name galanthus given because of the white color and consists of the Latinized version of the Greek words - gala γάλα (gála) and anthos ἄνθος (ánthos), which translates as "milk flower".


    Galanthus or in common parlance the snowdrop is a perennial bulbous plant from the Amaryllis family.

    According to official classifications, there are fifteen to twenty-five types of flowers. This is due to the fact that scientists have not established exactly which of these species really belong to Galanthus, and which are very similar. Snowdrops are often referred to as snowdrops, which outwardly almost do not differ from Galanthus, but belong to a completely different species.

    Snowdrop is a short plant (no more than ten centimeters) with two leaves and several peduncles. It blooms in early spring (February-March, depending on the region). Flowers and leaves appear at the same time. The smell is pleasant, delicate. Bulbs are light brown or brown. Bulbs store nutrients.

    Fruits are dark round, have three compartments, where black seeds are located. Each seed has a shoot that attracts with the smell of ants. They also carry the seeds.

    There are approximately eighteen plant species of this genus. Scientists have not determined exactly whether all of these species belong to the genus Amaryllis or are highly similar to it. The flower grows in Europe, Crimea, the Caucasus, the western coast of the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea coast, Asia.

    Despite such a number of species, some of them have practically disappeared, therefore they are listed in the Red Book. But the snowdrop is successfully grown as a cultivated plant - it is quite unpretentious and does not require special care. Propagated by seeds or bulbs. The plant is transplanted every five to six years. It looks great when it grows in groups and is often planted on alpine slides.

    The most common types of snowdrops

    The benefits of snowdrop

    Basically, the snowdrop is grown as an ornamental plant, it has been cultivated since the XIV century.

    In folk medicine, snowdrop is not used, as it is very poisonous.

    The stem, leaves, and flowers all contain the alkaloids nivalin and galantamine, which are used to make potent drugs. They are included in drugs for the treatment of migraines, nervous diseases, paralysis, vascular diseases and many others. So this lovely and beloved by many flower, not only pleases the eye with its beauty, but is also very useful in medicine.

    Watch also the video

    In late autumn, tender lilac-pink large flowers appear in small clusters right from the ground, without leaves. Everything in the garden has already withered, turned yellow, darkened, the soul felt sad from the picture of the passing summer, and suddenly, like a bright smile and the promise that everything will still return, the crochet blossoms.

    Autumn crocus blooms from September to the end of November, without fear of frost or early snow. As soon as it melts, the plant immediately opens new buds towards the sun. The flower is unusual and beautiful, but, unfortunately, few of the summer residents know it.

    The flower is named after the unusual flowering period. And the Latin name Kolkhikum is associated with Colchis, an area in western Georgia where this plant is widespread.

    Colchicum - perennial corm plant- forms flowers of various colors, as a rule, in a pink-lilac range. In shape, the flower resembles a large bell with a long tube extending into the ground. The diameter of the flower can be up to 20 cm, the height is from 15 to 20 cm.

    Plant leaves very large, long and wide, 4-5 pieces, which appear only in spring, in the second half of April. In the place of their divergence, fruits from flowering in the fall of the previous year are visible. The fruits themselves ripen in July - early August.

    By this time, the entire above-ground part gradually dies off. The second development cycle occurs in September, when the crocus blooms. But there are species of this unusual plant that have only one, spring development cycle.

    There is a crocus with white flowers, blooming at the end of September, but the most beautiful with pinkish-lilac on a white tube is the Columnar Magnificent. It has 1 to 3 large flowers. After flowering, no trace remains above the soil surface. In the second year, everything repeats itself: in the spring the leaves die, in the summer they die off, and flowers appear in the fall.

    The most impressive flowering in the crocus of the following varieties: Album - white flowers, Waterlily - double pink, The Giant - large non-double purple, Princess Astrid - non-double pink.

    Colchicum can grow both in the light and in partial shade. It prefers deep, well-permeable, rather moist soils. If propagated by seeds, it will bloom only in the 6-7th year, and if vegetatively, then in the fall you can admire the flowering of corms of the current year.

    Transplant and divide bushes, as needed, it is possible in summer and autumn. Planting depth 8-10 cm, distance between bushes 10-15 cm.

    This beautiful plant has one drawback - all its parts are poisonous. But if you wash your hands thoroughly after working with it and do not give it to children, then there will be no problems.

    Colchicum looks good in rock gardens, on rocky and relief areas, on lawns, among rarely planted trees and shrubs, as well as in mixborders. The islets of brightly blooming autumn crocus in the meadow are very beautiful.

    Nina Ippolitova, candidate of agricultural sciences sciences