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Do-it-yourself wooden ladder step-by-step instructions. Do-it-yourself step ladder made of wood and metal: installation features, drawings and photos

Appliances, often required in everyday life and households, can be made on their own using step-by-step instructions, thereby saving your own budget. If such a useful thing as a do-it-yourself stepladder is made of wood, then its technical and safe characteristics will largely surpass factory production, which offers lightweight aluminum structures for use.

A hand-made wooden step-ladder will last no less than purchased products.

DIY wooden stepladder

You will need:

  • wooden blocks with a cross section of 5x3 and a total length of 14 m;
  • metal steps: it can be both knitting needles and plates, the total length is 10 m;
  • knitting needles for greater safety;
  • fasteners - nuts, bolts, screws;
  • plates for fastening the legs together;
  • metal chain - 1 m 20 cm;
  • epoxy glue.


  • grinder or scissors for metal;
  • saw-hacksaw;
  • wrench;
  • drill;
  • tape measure and marker.

Stages of work and their features

Before you start making a stepladder, you should sketch out a rough sketch for making it. All dimensions must be put on it at once. Only a highly qualified master can afford to work without a sketch. Do not think that a step-ladder with your own hands is an object that requires a superficial attitude towards itself. Firstly, the safety of the worker at height depends on him, and secondly, it is very convenient when you do not need to constantly measure the workpieces, you just need to look at the sketch.

Next, the wood is cut. You will need 4 blanks, each 175 cm long. Basically, the length is determined by the height of the work performed: if a step-ladder is needed in the garden, then one should proceed from the size of the trees, but it is also impossible to climb it too high, other means will be needed. For work on the roof, a type of ladder is used, such as a ridge ladder. It is distinguished by the fact that the second half of the folding bed is thrown over the roof, and bars are nailed to the tops for stability.

Then ladder blanks are cut with a grinder. It is better to use a metal profile for this than round elements, again for the safety of the worker. The foot on a flat profile will be much more stable than on a narrow cylinder. The blanks must be in the same quantity for both sides of the ladder - the factory ones are made only on one side, but this model will have two working ladders. This is convenient if the work requires two people or you need to approach hard-to-reach places at once.

The length of such elements depends on the distance between the long side rails. The upper ends should be 40 cm apart, and the lower ends 60. You should get two blanks each with a length of 57, 52, 47, 42, and 37 cm. That is, the distance between the steps is approximately 27 cm.

Then, holes are drilled in long elements along the diameter of the steps, if the elements are round, and metal corners are fixed for flat ones. The drilling depth should not be less than 2 cm. In the same way, holes for the knitting needles are made somewhat lower. Then the structure is assembled without the use of bolts in order to see all the flaws and immediately fix it. All elements are processed, because the material can be damaged by mold or mildew.

Collect the stairs. To do this, epoxy glue is poured into the recesses, round steps are driven in with a wooden hammer. Then, with the help of fasteners, the spokes are mounted, which are tightened with nuts on both sides. The profile steps are fastened with a wrench. After assembly, the glue takes time, so the workpieces are set aside for a day. If the installation went without it, then it's time to start with the plates.

One part of the elements is attached to the tree, and then the metal ears of the structure are fastened together so that it can fold or unfold freely. Plates from the mechanism of an old sofa are perfect for such a case.

Next, you need to take care of your own safety - the metal chain is cut into two parts with scissors and screwed with the ends to opposite elements. It will not allow the ladder to decompose completely if the legs begin to slide over the surface. Naturally, this is done at the bottom of the stairs. At what distance - the owner himself will decide, but usually this is the length of the entire chain, that is, when unfolding the legs, they form a regular square with a side of 60 cm. It is advisable to "shoe" the legs, otherwise there is a risk that the ladder will slide on a particularly slippery or wet surface. Installation is over.

In order for the stepladder to please the owner for a long time, it can be given an external gloss by carefully sanding it with fine sandpaper and varnishing it.

For storage, you can soak it with used machine oil so that the ladder intended for gardening will stand all winter untouched by mold or mildew.

Additional amenities

In order to make work with the use of a step-ladder convenient, you can make additional structural parts of a wooden ladder. For example, several hooks nailed to the ends of long elements will allow you not to hold the bucket in your hands, but to hang it nearby, thereby freeing yourself from the weight and increasing the speed of work.

Errors in making a ladder

  1. To avoid skewing when inserting ladders into holes, drill them parallel to the other side. That is, work should be carried out on both elements at once. To do this, you need to use long drills.
  2. When installing nuts, one should not forget about washers, they will help facilitate installation and make tightening stronger. If the holes are large, the head of the bolt will not be tightened inward, but will remain on the surface, and the tightening force can be varied.
  3. It is also impossible to neglect the installation of the spokes: tightened on both sides with nuts, they will not allow the steps to fall out of their own grooves. If you can't get the factory studs, you can cut the threads on any steel elements.
  4. You can use a nylon cord instead of a metal chain. But the iron is stronger, and the cord will break under increased load.
  5. You need to put rubber knobs on the legs, even if the ladder is securely chained. You can use plugs from something or wrap custom ends with several layers of woven tape. Then you can be sure that the stepladder with an iron chain will not slip at the most crucial moment.

Thus, having applied all the correct actions, a self-made wooden step-ladder can be used for any work related to height: activities in the garden, repairs in an apartment, even for screwing in a light bulb, a ladder will come in handy. The models provided by the manufacturer cause some criticism due to the lightness of the aluminum profiles from which it is made, and the wooden one will be much more reliable and stable.

The stepladder is, of course, a useful tool in the household. It can be used to decorate the ceiling and the upper part of the walls during renovation, remove dust from a tall cabinet, wash the windows of the cottage from the outside and from the inside, prune trees, etc. This tool is not too expensive. However, if you want to purchase it, you can not spend money at all, but make it yourself. Moreover, the step-ladder assembly technology is extremely simple.

What are the ladders

Most often, ladders of this type are made with their own hands from a bar or board. The advantage of wooden models lies primarily in the fact that they are easy to assemble and inexpensive.

Such constructions are quite convenient to use. Metal stairs made even from a corner with a narrow shelf are quite heavy. In addition, a welding machine is needed to assemble such a ladder. To make a wooden stepladder, you will only need standard carpentry tools available in any household.

Collapsible ladders may vary in design. On the street are commonly used large stepladders with support... For the interior, it is better to make a small ladder-chair. Next, we will consider how to make a step-ladder with our own hands of both types.

How to assemble a large ladder

In order to make a ladder from a board with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • a hacksaw for wood;
  • meter ruler;
  • drill;
  • hammer.

Of the materials, you will need a bar of 50x30 mm. It will be used to make both racks and stair treads. General the length of the bar should be about 13-14 m... Specialized companies usually sell lumber in standard lengths of 6 or 12 m.

Therefore, most likely, you will have to purchase three bars of 6 m. But the leftovers in the future on the farm will certainly come in handy. Sometimes wooden stepladders are not assembled from a bar, but from a board of 25x80 mm. In this case, you will also have to purchase three pieces.

In addition to lumber, to assemble a wooden ladder with your own hands, you will need to buy all sorts of additional elements (bolts, knitting needles, corners, hinges, glue, etc.). Before starting work, the timber or board should be carefully treated with an antiseptic.

Stepladder sketch

Before proceeding with the assembly, of course, you need to develop a drawing of the future folding ladder. It should be borne in mind that from above it should be narrower, and from below - wider... This will give the structure stability.

You can also not bother with the development of the circuit and find a ready-made one on the Internet. Or use the drawing shown in the figure below. Next, a description of the assembly of just such a ladder will be given.

How to make bowstrings and steps

Do-it-yourself wooden ladder racks are made as follows:

  1. Four bowstrings with a length of 150 mm are cut from the bar... Two of them will support the steps, two of them will go to the supporting part of the ladder.
  2. In two bowstrings, grooves are made with a depth of 2 cm and a height of 2.5 cm over the entire width of the bar. The middle of the first groove on top should be 12.5 cm from the top of the string. The next - with a step of 29 cm.
  3. In two racks intended for support, three of the same grooves are made for jumpers. One is placed at the height of the first future step of the step-ladder, the second - at the level of the last and the third - in the middle.

Those ends of the posts, which will be located on top in the future, should be rounded off by removing sharp corners. The lower edges should be cut at such an angle that the unfolded step-ladder is stable, and then beaten with rubber. You can carry out this operation immediately, or after assembling the ladder.

The steps of the ladder are cut according to the drawing. That is, in our case their lengths will be 37, 42, 47, 52, 57 and 50 cm... In each of the steps, you need to make spikes on both sides 2.5 cm thick and 2 cm long.

Assembling the working part

In the next step, the steps are inserted into the grooves of the posts. Pre-thorns can be coated with wood glue. The grooves in the bowstrings must be made in such a way that the thorns of the steps entered them as tightly as possible... Otherwise, the ladder may loosen later.

The thorns of the steps are hammered into the grooves of the racks with a hammer. After all the steps are in place, they are bolted from the end through the bowstring.

If the step-ladder is going not from a bar, but from a board, you need to act a little differently. In this case, it will not work to make grooves. For this, the thickness of the board is simply not enough. On such stepladders, the steps are easiest to fasten to steel corners with long shelves bolted to the bowstrings.

In order to make the folding ladder as reliable and durable as possible, the bowstrings of the working part can be additionally fastened with knitting needles. In this case, holes are drilled under the grooves. After installing the steps, knitting needles are inserted into them and tightened on both sides with bolts.

Assembling the ladder

After the supporting and working parts are assembled, they need to be connected to each other. Perform this operation by means of hinges with hinges or brackets... At the final stage, a restraining chain is attached at the bottom of the ladders. It will not allow the support and working parts to spread too wide.

How to make a stepladder chair on kosoura

Small folding ladders are usually used inside a house or apartment. If the ceilings in the rooms are not high, a standard dimensional step-ladder may not be very convenient.

Do-it-yourself chair-ladder is going a little differently from an ordinary step-ladder. Since it is small in size, it is completely unnecessary to make it foldable. In fact, such a stirrup on kosoura is the usual small ladder with three steps.

The actual assembly of the chair is done as follows:

  1. Walls-stringers are cut out of two boards... Their width should be chosen in such a way that the depth of the step is at least 18-19 cm. That is, you need a board at least 54 cm wide. In this case, the stepladder chair will turn out to be safe.
  2. Further, two steps from the boards are attached to the kosoura... Their length can be any (for example, 50 cm).
  3. The same board nailed to the upper ends of the stringers-walls.
  4. Behind the wall of the stepladder chair need to be connected with a jumper.

As a result, you should get approximately the same design as in the figure. In order to make the chair more aesthetically pleasing and extend its lifespan, the boards can be varnished or with a special wood oil.

Do-it-yourself stepladder chair on bowstrings

Of course, if you wish, you can make your own hands and a more compact folding step stool. For example, such as shown in the drawing below. Of course, it will be more difficult to make such a structure than a simple model on kosoura. However, it will be more convenient to use it.

This original model can simultaneously perform two functions - as a chair and as a step-ladder itself. For the manufacture of such a structure, it is better to take not a board, but thick plywood. Otherwise, it may be too heavy.

They assemble such a stepladder chair with their own hands using the following technology:

  1. Bowstring walls are cut from a piece of plywood chair with supports under the back. In order to make the curly parts, it is worth using a pre-prepared template.
  2. Each of the two resulting racks is cut at an angle into two parts according to the drawing.
  3. For both learned parts(support and working) is attached by a step.
  4. Anchored back of the chair.
  5. The seat is made from two parts, connected by loops, and is attached to the upper end of each string.

If the chair is made of wood, the steps are fastened using the same technology as when assembling a large step-ladder. In this case, the seat can be fixed on self-tapping screws, and the backrest also on a spike connection. If plywood is chosen as the material, the parts will have to be fastened with dowels and PVA glue. Additionally, you can use self-tapping screws. After the folding chair is assembled, all surfaces should be sanded. In this case, special attention should be paid to sharp edges. At the final stage, the step-ladder, as in the first case, is covered with varnish or oil.

A self-made wooden step-ladder, made by hand, will be an excellent assistant in various situations, and will be useful both in household chores and in production. Manufacturers today offer a large assortment of such products, but they have a fairly high cost, and it is not always possible to find the most suitable size for your needs.

If a person knows how to work with wood, and understands the features of this material, knows its properties, then making such a structure will not be difficult. The most important stage of the work is the creation of drawings and an understanding of what the structure itself should be.

Making original garden stairs made of metal and wood is not difficult if you have all the necessary tools at hand:

  • Metal corners, wood screws, a few bolts and nuts;
  • Drill, knife, hammer, ax, plane and circular saw;
  • Nails, hacksaw, marker and awl.

The number of tools needed can vary depending on the idea of ​​the master, complementing or eliminating certain details from the staircase. It is also necessary to prepare the most suitable materials, which must be of high quality, in order to obtain a safe product as a result.


  • Bars of various lengths, their cross-section should be 60 by 40 mm;
  • If necessary, metal spokes are inserted into the puzzles of the structure for additional reliability, increasing their endurance;
  • Also, metal chains and nylon cords are used to increase the safety of the product;
  • To prevent slipping indoors or outdoors, additional rubber feet are purchased.

This seemingly small thing can be quite useful, especially if a person is overweight or a ladder made several years ago.

Diy wooden stepladder: determining the height

The wooden stepladder has a design that does not need additional support when unfolding. But in order to have the right assistant in the household, it is necessary not only to accurately design and make it, but also to determine the most optimal height at which a person will feel comfortable, as well as the width of the steps. Experts identify the most optimal average height of this structure - about 1.6 meters. A similar product is useful for most types of housework and gardening.

But in some cases, you need to make a ladder for your own purposes, adjusting it to the necessary needs:

  • If a person is of short stature, but it will be necessary to cut trees, then the height of the structure should be convenient for performing such work;
  • For interior work in the house, the height should be such that a person can easily reach the ceiling and can carry out repair work.

Quite large and bulky structures are not advised to do, because this is an additional consumption of building materials, and also a person will not be able to transfer it from place to place on their own.

Before starting work, experts give several tips, the observance of which will help to avoid many mistakes and get a beautiful and safe product as a result.


  1. The most popular type of wood for such work is pine. It is both strong and medium in weight, and is also available at a price point.
  2. Each cut-out part of the staircase must be sanded, then it will fit exactly into the puzzles and not cause discomfort when climbing. Otherwise, a person can get a nuisance in the form of a splinter. It is imperative to sandpaper areas affected by mold, this will help to avoid its spread and damage to the material.
  3. After polishing, the wood is treated with special oils - stain, and can be painted or simply varnished. With the help of these products, which serve as both an antiseptic against various fungi and mold, and a strengthening solution that prevents the stairs from rotting, the product will serve faithfully for many years.
  4. Experts recommend processing all parts after grinding, but before it is assembled, then the necessary substance will get into hard-to-reach places and protect the tree.

Homemade wood products can not only be intended for basic purposes, but also have additional devices for convenience. On the upper steps, you can make additional hooks, on which buckets of paint can be attached, with various tools, so that you do not go down to them each time, but slightly bend over and get what you want.

This will allow you to independently carry out most of the work without requiring outside help from others.

If a device is made in the step-ladder of the upper part to which a metal pipe can be attached, then various large tools can be fixed in it, the main rule here is a strong installation of the frame.

How to make a wooden stepladder with your own hands: features of simple models

Often, most ladders are not used as often as expected, so experts recommend making a little more effort and making multifunctional models that serve not only for their direct purpose, but also for other purposes.

For example:

  • As a table;
  • Easel for drawing;
  • Flower stand.

It is better to discuss such transformations with a specialist who will tell you how to make drawings in order to get a convenient and necessary model in everyday life as a result.

Small ladders can be made in the form of a folding chair; when folded, it does not take up much space, and, if necessary, will allow you to do a certain amount of work.

Regardless of which model the owner chooses, a number of requirements must be presented to it. It must be stable so that the work does not cause discomfort, and the person can feel normal, even when standing at the maximum height. Reliability - a ladder made with your own hands must be well fastened, without the presence of loose parts or elements, because gradual loosening can lead to breakdown and the occurrence of injury or accident. Ease of use - a wooden step-ladder should be not only safe, but also comfortable. Then it can be easily placed anywhere and stored for a long time. The legs should expand and fold without problems, and the platform, placed at the maximum height, should fully accommodate the foot of an adult man.

How to make a ladder ladder with your own hands (video)

As can be seen from the materials of the article, the option of self-assembly of the stairs will be optimal and economical. It allows you to save money and get the best result for yourself. Use the tips above!

A do-it-yourself wooden stepladder is a necessary device in the household. Of course, you can buy a ready-made step ladder; manufacturers offer it in a wide range.

But, firstly, it is quite expensive, and secondly, it is not always possible to find the size that you need, which is especially important if you have a garden. Making a step-ladder with your own hands is not a big deal, and such an event can be carried out by any person.

Design features

At its core, a do-it-yourself wooden step-ladder is a portable folding wooden ladder that does not need additional support, since it itself, moving apart, provides support. The stability of the structure, as a rule, is provided by the triangular shape, which arises after the lower part of the main elements, which have a hinge joint at the top, are diluted. Basically, a stepladder is an ordinary ladder to which a side support is attached.

The main parameters of such a device are the spreading width of the lower part, which provides the necessary stability, and the height of the structure (unfolded and folded). The most important requirements for such a ladder are stability, reliability and mechanical strength, ease of use.

A homemade step-ladder is provided with the necessary stability by extending the legs in the lower part, making the ladder itself with an extension downward and fixing the extended legs in the maximum position. The reliability (strength) of a wooden structure is due to the choice of a sufficiently strong bar, fixing the steps in the grooves, strengthening the steps with metal rods. Finally, for convenience, the do-it-yourself step-ladder is equipped with an upper platform, and the step of the steps is chosen optimal for climbing.

Stepladder design

You can make a step-ladder with your own hands in different designs: classic, in the form of an isosceles triangle; telescopic with extension legs to increase the height; prefabricated, from several components for the same purpose, etc. The greatest application is found by a simple sliding step-ladder, which forms a triangle in the open state (when viewed from the side).

The classical design has the following elements: a ladder with a downward extension; a support similar to a ladder, but without steps (sometimes a second ladder is used as a support - a two-sided version); top pivot joint; upper platform (folding); lock for maximum extension; reinforcing rods. To make a step-ladder with your own hands, you can use the drawings shown in Fig. 1 (Fig. 1, a drawing of the details of a simple step-ladder).

Required tools

When making a step-ladder made of wood with your own hands, you will need the following tool:

  • Bulgarian;
  • plane;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • electric drill;
  • wrenches;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction knife;
  • roulette;
  • metal ruler.

The procedure for the manufacture and assembly of the structure

How to make a step-ladder from wood with your own hands? First of all, you need to choose a suitable drawing or complete it yourself with detailed study. In general, the question of how to make a stepladder is solved in several stages.

Making stairs. The base of the ladder, made of wood made with our own hands, is made up of two side beams measuring 60x60 mm and 2 m long each. The steps are made from the same timber. The racks of the stairs are located so that there is a distance of 60 cm between them at the bottom, and 40 cm at the top.The lower step is fixed at a height of 30 cm, and all subsequent steps - in increments of 30-40 cm.

Figure 1. Drawing details of a simple ladder.

Manufacturing begins with making cuts for fastening steps using a hacksaw and a chisel. The cutting depth is 15-20 mm. Then the steps are sequentially fixed: first - the lowest, then - the top, after that - intermediate. Fastening is carried out with screws or nails. Reinforcing metal rods with a diameter of 15-20 mm are fixed under each step. In the upper part (on the reverse side with respect to the steps) a jumper made of 60x60 or 60x30 mm timber is attached to install the upper platform.

Support part manufacturing. A wooden step-ladder must necessarily have a support in the form of an element similar to a ladder. For its manufacture, 2 beams of 60x60 cm and a length of 2 m are also used. The beams are fastened with two horizontal beams (at a distance of 30 cm from above and below) and a diagonal beam or board. When making a support, it should be borne in mind that the upper part, when joining, must enter between the beams of the stairs. For this, the distance between the bars at the top is reduced by two thicknesses of the bar.

Assembling the structure. Assembling the ladder begins by aligning the ladder and support at the top. They must be connected using a steel shaft with a diameter of at least 20 mm. It is recommended to reinforce the location of the axis with a metal strip (on the outer side of the ladder and the inner side of the support). It is better to install metal bushings in the hole in the wooden parts.

This video shows the process of making a small wooden stepladder:

On top of the axis between the beams, a wooden platform is installed, made of a 25x25 mm beam or a 25 mm thick board. The platform is fastened to the axle using metal clamps with the possibility of lifting it.

Approximately in the middle of the ladder, a lock for the maximum extension of the legs is attached. A mounting strap can be used.

Such a retainer is installed on both sides of the structure. The attachment to the uneven bars must be reliable. It is recommended to cut the lower end of all legs at an angle so that with the maximum extension of the legs, the entire area is in contact with the ground (floor).

This video shows the process of making a folding step ladder:

A do-it-yourself wooden stepladder is a very necessary and useful device in the household. You can make it with your own hands, even without having skills in carpentry.

The need for a stepladder periodically arises in almost any household.

Of course, you can buy it in a store or in the market, but if you have the necessary tools, then you can make it yourself.

Consider two types of stepladders that you can make at home.

Types of stepladders

  • portable version, which is used without emphasis on the wall;
  • rope ladder (suspended);
  • folding ladders, which, during operation, are laid out in a structure similar to an isosceles triangle. Most often, it is she who is used in everyday life. In turn, it can be with one-way or two-way ascent. Have a support platform or without it;
  • in the form of a board with slats from other boards or bars nailed to it;
  • aviation. Used instead of a ladder for work. Usually colored orange.

There are the following main types of ladders:

  • wooden;

  • metal. Usually steel or aluminum is used;

  • combined.

For DIY making, it is better to use wood. Moreover, the variant in the form of a triangle, used in households, for apartment conditions often began to be performed in the form of transformers, when a step-ladder is transformed into pieces of furniture - a table, chair, bench or shelves.

Did you know? An image of a structure similar to a rope (grass) ladder was found on the walls of a cave near the Spanish city of Valencia and is about 10 thousand years old. This cave drawing also showed two people climbing on it with baskets.

Required tools and materials

To make wooden ladders, you will need the following tools:

  • saw-grinder (hacksaw);
  • drill;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • sander or medium-grained sandpaper;
  • hammer;
  • tape measure, square;
  • pencil or marker.

DIY stepladder: video

Materials for a ladder from a bar:

  • about 14 m of a wooden beam with a width of 50 to 70 mm;
  • self-tapping screws 75-90 mm, hairpin 8-10 mm thick, 8 nuts, 4 washers;
  • rubber for heels on the legs.

Stepladder materials:

  • a sheet of wood or plywood with a thickness of 15-20 mm;
  • piano loop 40 cm;
  • self-tapping screws or screws 45 mm with countersunk heads;
  • joiner's glue;
  • paint or stain, varnish for finishing.

Of the tools, in addition to those listed for a simple stepladder, you will also need a jigsaw.

Stepladder from a bar

A one-sided ladder made of timber is a simple enough structure to be made by a non-professional. It will consist of two parts - the main (ladder) and the support.

Stepladder diagram

We cut the existing timber into the required number of parts of the required length, namely:

  • 200 cm for support legs - 4 pieces;
  • 59 cm - 2 pieces;
  • 54.5 cm - 1 piece;
  • 50.0 cm - 1 piece;
  • 45.5 cm - 1 piece;
  • 41 cm - 3 pieces.

The resulting pieces of beams should be sanded.

Important! If such a ladder is to be used outdoors, then it is better to treat it with an antiseptic.

Assembling the main part

We take two two-meter support legs and make the same markings on them for the five steps of our staircase. The bottom step should be at least 10 cm from the ends of the legs. The further distance between the steps is 40 cm.

We make grooves in the places where the chisel is marked with a depth of 1.5-2 cm and dimensions of 5x2.5 cm.Then, at the ends of the bars for the steps, we also make narrowings of the same size with a chisel, which will fit into these grooves.

Since our staircase has a narrowing towards the top, all the ends of the steps are slightly beveled by a couple of millimeters. The steps are driven into the grooves with a hammer or mallet. A little higher than the top step, an additional crossbar is applied and nailed

The steps are inserted into the grooves and fastened with self-tapping screws. The distance between the upper ends is 40 cm, and between the lower ends - 60 cm.

Strut assembly

The support is made from the remaining two-meter legs, only the upper (41 cm) and lower (59 cm) crossbars are stuffed on them. The crossbeams of the support and the additional crossbeam of the stairs are made overhead, and not in a mortise way, so as not to interfere with the assembly of the structure.

Important! The distance between the lower ends is the same as that of the main part - 60 cm. And between the upper ends it is slightly less - 30 cm. Therefore, the upper step is somewhat shortened in comparison with the upper step of the main part (stairs).

A jib is installed between the upper and lower crossbar, which is first measured and cut out of the bar.


To connect the two parts of the structure, in the upper parts of the support legs, at least 10 cm away from the ends of the top, drill holes of 8-10 mm (depending on the thickness of the stud).

Connect both parts with a hairpin, put on washers and tighten the nuts on the inner sides of the supports. Select the desired locking position of the two halves and add locknuts for better locking.

For ease of use, you can add hooks to such a ladder, on which you can hang tools or a bucket.

This version of the transformer step-ladder, when the chair is transformed into a ladder, is very convenient for an apartment. To store such a ladder, a pantry is not needed, since it plays the role of furniture and does not take up space.


To make a stepladder chair, the following parts should be cut out of the board according to the templates prepared in advance:

  • two front sidewalls measuring 20x270x400 mm (A);
  • two rear sidewalls measuring 20x325x850 mm (B);
  • three slats for the backrest measuring 20x50x400 mm (B);
  • rear seat measuring 20x165x400 mm (D);
  • front seat measuring 20x90x400 mm (D);
  • three steps 20x120x360 mm (E);
  • six slats 20x20x95 mm (F).

Diy step-ladder stool, drawings: video


All the cut out details of the future step-ladder are sanded, and the sharp ends are machined with a milling cutter. Details are fitted to each other and adjusted.

Now the structure can be assembled:

  • make grooves for the seat and steps with a chisel with a depth of ½ of the thickness of the board, drill holes for screws;
  • attach the backrest strips to the sidewalls with self-tapping screws;
  • grease the grooves with wood glue and install seats and steps in them, insert screws into the already drilled holes;
  • connect the two parts of the structure with a piano loop.
  • cover the already assembled item with varnish or paint twice.

Anti-slip attachments

To avoid slipping and not scratching the floor, it is recommended to use special rubber attachments called "shoes" on the ladder legs. When choosing such nozzles, it should be borne in mind that they will be subjected to sufficiently strong abrasion and stress, therefore, rubber goods (rubber products) are ideal.

Diy stepladder chair: video

Felt and its analogs are not suitable in this case, since the ladder is constantly transferred from one place to another, folded and unfolded. It is better to choose a harder rubber in structure, soft will wear out faster.

True, soft rubber is more suitable for uneven surfaces, a stepladder with hard rubber "shoes" is harder to install on an uneven surface.

Did you know? Rubber is obtained by vulcanizing rubber. This method was invented by the American Charles Goodyear in 1839, mixing and heating raw rubber with sulfur. The very same rubber is the milky sap of hevea (rubber tree), which grows in Central and South America. Native Americans have long used it in the manufacture of dishes, balls, as a sealant.

Sometimes the lower ends of the ladder are simply cut off at an angle and strips of rubber rubber are stuffed on them.

Safety engineering

When making a wooden stepladder, you must adhere to safety precautions and the following rules:

  • no need to run your hands along the unpolished surface of the tree - you can drive a splinter under the skin;
  • it is better to wear safety goggles to avoid splashes in the eyes;
  • be careful when working with cutting tools, and protect your fingers.

After completing the work on the manufacture of the ladder, you need to check it for reliability and stability. For this, it is recommended to test the ladder in different positions.

When performing a variety of work with a stepladder, it is recommended to adhere to the following safety rules:

  • check the stability of the structure before work;
  • when performing work at a height of more than 1.3 m, use a special belt for belaying;
  • it is desirable that someone insure from below and provide the necessary tools;
  • do not put a ladder on the steps of staircases;
  • no need to try to reach objects that are located more than 1 m from the top of the stairs;