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Where to put a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui? Avoiding major mistakes. Correct ways to install a Christmas tree and pine tree

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Is there anyone who is indifferent to the New Year holidays? The wait for a fairy tale and a miracle begins with the first snowfall. But the real holiday comes only with the appearance in the house of the indispensable companion of the New Year, a living Christmas tree.

In order for the Christmas tree to stand for a long time and delight you and your loved ones, it is necessary approach your purchase carefully . Choosing a Christmas tree is not an easy task, but if you know some secrets, then you are guaranteed success. So, how to choose a really good one live Christmas tree ?

Secrets of choosing a Christmas tree for the New Year - how to choose a live tree correctly?

To really choose nice Christmas tree, which will delight you with freshness and aroma throughout the New Year holidays, it is important remember a few rules .

So, we know how to choose a Christmas tree. But right choice- that's half the battle. It is important to know how to preserve your Christmas tree at home.

Rules for installing a New Year tree at home - how to keep the tree longer?

In order for the purchased tree to stand for a long time and retain its original appearance, it is necessary install the Christmas tree correctly .

It is recommended to install the Christmas tree in two ways:

  • On a special cross. The advantages of such an installation are strength and relative ease (but it is still better to entrust this work to the male part of the family). Disadvantages - the inability to feed the tree or water it.
  • In a bucket of wet sand. The installation process is more labor-intensive and troublesome, but it allows you to preserve the Christmas tree longer.

In addition, there are several more rules for installing a New Year tree:

  • Bought a tree from the cold It is not recommended to immediately add warm apartment . Let the Christmas tree stand in the entrance for a while for better adaptation;
  • Before installing the tree, you need to prepare the trunk– peel it from the bark (8-10 centimeters), plan it a little under running water;
  • You can trim the top of your head a little near the tree and lubricate the cut with Vishnevsky ointment;
  • If the Christmas tree is installed in a bucket of wet sand, then It’s better not to pour it into the sand plain water, and prepared: 1-2 aspirin tablets or a tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of water;
  • It is important to choose the right place to install the Christmas tree: Do not install the tree near radiators or heaters.

Following these simple rules will allow you preserve the aroma of the holiday in the house for a long time, and save you from hassle later , When holidays run out, and you will have to remove the fallen needles.

Happy New Year!

We are all looking forward to New Year's holidays, a special atmosphere, sparkling shop windows, warm winter evenings with the aroma of tangerines and, of course, real miracles that both adults and children believe in. Everything around is transformed and dressed up in anticipation of the holiday.

But the most important decoration is the huge New Year tree installed on main square cities, near shopping and entertainment centers and in parks. An establishment with a green beauty at the entrance attracts more visitors and creates a positive image. After all, you can always hear children’s laughter near the Christmas tree; it fascinates with its beauty and inspires.

Few people think about it, but the appearance of such a gigantic beauty is a kind of miracle created by a team of specialists responsible for the sustainable installation of the tree, safety and its luxurious design. Installing street Christmas trees is a difficult and painstaking job that can only be entrusted to professionals.

Installation of street Christmas trees is a responsible process with every detail observed.

Typically, spruce assembly occurs at night. This immediately shows the professionalism and responsible attitude towards the work of the company installing fir trees. After all, there is nothing less festive than leaving a half-assembled frame in a crowded place. That is why they seriously prepare for installation, use special equipment, and optimize the process as much as possible so that it can be completed in one night.

The street tree installation service includes:

    delivery of Christmas tree parts to the installation site

    installation of a metal frame

    wood assembly, including high-altitude work using special equipment

    Christmas tree decoration

    dismantling of the structure at the end of the holidays

An artificial Christmas tree has a number of advantages over a living tree. It can be used for several seasons in a row, and this significantly saves the budget of an organization or city. Unnatural wood can be given perfect shape, while Christmas trees created by nature often have some errors in appearance. By using artificial New Year trees, we protect forests from deforestation, this is perhaps one of the main advantages.

Despite all the advantages, the installation of street Christmas trees has a number of features that must be taken into account. When transporting the structure, it is important to be as careful as possible so as not to damage the parts or spoil their appearance. It is necessary to install the structure correctly, taking into account all the nuances, because if it falls, an emergency cannot be avoided. Reliability and safety are paramount in this matter!

Don’t forget that in all its beauty, the tree will last 2-3 months outside. When installing it, it is worth taking into account different weather conditions, which can affect the appearance and strength of the structure.

Decorating a street Christmas tree is the most enjoyable stage of installation

More from kindergarten We remember the festive call: “one, two, three, burn the Christmas tree.” So that the street tree burns, sparkles and shimmers different colors, experts use illumination, mainly garlands, which are used to decorate the tree in the first place. In the evening, when the lights turn on, the tree looks amazing.

And so that the green beauty looks beautiful even during the day, the installation of street trees ends with decoration with classic large-sized New Year's toys. This decor is made from special materials, which can withstand temperature changes, are resistant to moisture and other unfavorable factors. Toys, like a Christmas tree, can be stored for several years.

Dismantling the Christmas tree is carried out carefully and accurately

After any holiday, beautiful outfits are hidden back in the closet, and expensive jewelry is placed in the box. This happens with the Christmas tree, and taking it apart is no less difficult than installing it. Believe it or not, it takes the same amount of time to hide a Christmas tree until next year as it does to install it.

If you approach the dismantling of the Christmas tree irresponsibly, it is unlikely that it will delight you with its perfection. All structural parts must be carefully disassembled, packaged, transported and allocated storage space. Garlands, decorations and toys are packaged in separate boxes to keep them in perfect condition.

Approaching New Year and with it the New Year's troubles. One of the worries is installing a New Year tree in the apartment.

The simplest solution for installing a Christmas tree at home is to install it in a bucket of sand. To prevent the spruce from starting to crumble and retain its aroma, you can add a little water. For a more durable fixation, sand and gravel should also be diluted. But, unfortunately, in urban life, even getting sand is a real problem. Why not order a whole loaded KAMAZ to the entrance?!

As an alternative for housing conditions can perform regular bottles, filled with water. Place the tree in the center of the empty bucket, and place the bottles tightly together around the trunk. To give greater stability, you can also use available materials: rags, unnecessary things, plastic, etc. And to create a presentable appearance, all this disgrace can be covered with cotton wool - imitation of a snowdrift under the tree.

If there are old and unnecessary boards in the apartment's pantry, then you can also assemble a cross. To fix it, you will also need to find a long self-tapping screw, which then needs to be screwed to the spruce trunk. If the leg is cut at an angle, then you should first do smooth cut. An even more reliable cross is one made from metal bars. Enough to have welding machine to prepare the base for spruce in your or a neighbor's garage.

The metal cross should consist directly of a hollow pipe into which the spruce trunk will be inserted, as well as cross supports. Of course, such a design will not look very nice. Therefore, you can decorate such a support using modern colored paper or pieces of cotton wool, wrapping from gift sets. Finally, this must be done so that the metal cross does not scratch the floor covering.

To do christmas tree, place a bucket or something else under the crosspiece. Spruce is an integral attribute of the New Year's mood. Therefore, you should not refuse such decoration in your apartment, and even more so, deprive your children of such happiness. Another original version To install the spruce, use tripods from under the office chair. In this case, you can move the Christmas tree from place to place with a slight movement of your hand.

Of course, all the tips given are suitable for installing a Christmas tree at home, which requires a completely different approach.

Considering that the New Year and Christmas holidays in our country are long, the question of how to keep the spruce green and with a fresh aroma is quite relevant? If you put the spruce in water, you need to add a little aspirin or salt. Some people also add sugar. This allows you to slow down the withering process. Finally, do not under any circumstances put live spruce in close proximity to heaters and radiators.

Here are a couple more video tips on how to install your Christmas tree.

Noah comments:

If your hands grow from the right place, then putting up a Christmas tree is not a problem!

Artem comments:

I remember when I was a child we used a bucket and a potato as a fixative :)
There were no plastic bottles back then...

Vadim comments:

Yes, I also remember how they put the Christmas tree in a bucket and filled it with potatoes :)

Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without a Christmas tree. We can't wait to get our hands on the ultimate winter holiday decoration. Holding a Christmas tree in our hands, we begin to think: how to preserve the aroma and freshness of the tree for a long time.

In order for the New Year's beauty to delight you with its appearance for a long time, you must adhere to certain rules for its installation and use.

Thanks to these tips, you will significantly extend the “life” of your New Year’s tree. First of all, you should not immediately bring the Christmas tree into warm room

. Especially if it's frosty outside. Place it in a cool place for several hours to allow the tree to acclimatize to temperature.

To fully experience the aroma of pine needles, install the tree on New Year's Eve. Until this time, it is best to store it on the balcony or in a cool room. But not in the cold! Heat significantly reduces the freshness time of the tree, so you need to place it away from heating devices

and radiators.

There are several options for installing a Christmas tree. In any case, before placing the tree in a specific device, you need to perform the following steps. Trim the lower branches to expose the trunk by 20-30 centimeters. Remove additional bark. Be sure to update the cut of the tree and cut it to the required shape. The most common option for installing a Christmas tree is a tripod (cross). If it is made of wood, then it is necessary to additionally drive wedges near the trunk. On metal mount

tighten the screws tightly. Such actions will allow you to place the tree evenly and secure it in the device. But in the crosspiece it will very quickly wither and crumble. Therefore, it is best to purchase models with a water compartment. Moisture will keep the needles juicy. And to make it convenient for you to add water to the container, tie a tube to the trunk and lead it to the upper branches of the spruce. Lower the lower end into the tank.

If it is not possible to buy such a tripod, then place its central part in a jar of water.

Or tie a strip of fabric to the trunk and lower the free end into water.

Often Christmas tree placed in a bucket of sand. This is a solid base, but the sand needs to be compacted well around the tree trunk. Then water it well and periodically make sure that the moisture does not evaporate. Otherwise, the sand will dry out and the tree may lose stability.

When you install the Christmas tree correctly, it will delight you with its beauty throughout the New Year holidays. Happy New Year!

  • Friday, 9 December 2016 15:42
  • Vitaliy R
  • Despite the fact that the vast majority of our compatriots prefer live New Year trees, only a small number of people know how to properly prepare a New Year's beauty for installation and exactly how to place it in their home. And although this question may seem unimportant, in the end it is compliance with certain important rules will allow the spruce to remain beautiful and lush for as long as possible, delighting household members and guests with a festive pine aroma and aesthetic appeal throughout the New Year holidays.

    First of all, immediately after purchasing a Christmas tree, you should not bring it into your apartment or house, since any natural wood, and especially if it has just been cut down, it does not tolerate sudden changes temperature regime. therefore, the spruce must be placed on a cool balcony or garage for several days, and then brought directly into the apartment or house.

    How to install a Christmas tree

    Another question that may seem ridiculous to many. However, there are at least four ways to install a New Year's beauty, and here they are:

    • Installation in a bucket of sand or stones. This is one of the most popular ways to install a Christmas tree, which ensures excellent stability of the tree, which is especially important if there is a cat or other pets in the house.
    • Installation in a bucket using water filled plastic bottles. This method should be considered as an alternative to the previous one, since not every city resident can find sand, especially in frosty weather.
    • Installation on the crosspiece. You can even make such a device with your own hands, which will require two wooden bars, which need to be connected perpendicular to each other, and a large self-tapping screw that will be screwed into the tree trunk.
    • Installation on the leg of an office chair. Enough original way installing a Christmas tree at home, which will take no more than five minutes of time. However, if you use a leg, you must first remove the wheels of the former chair so that the spruce does not start rolling around the room at the most inopportune time. Among other things, it is unsafe.

    Also, answering the question of how to install a live Christmas tree at home, it is necessary to note one more important nuance, namely the choice of a place in the home to place it. When choosing a place for the New Year's beauty, it is worth remembering the safety of small children and pets. That's why the most suitable place for spruce is the farthest corner of the room. in which the movement of household members is reduced to a minimum.

    With all this, do not forget about caring for the plant itself. It is better to install the tree so that it is as far as possible from heat sources (radiators, etc.) and as close to natural light as possible. Otherwise, in a few days everything will be fine evergreen tree may turn into a dried herbarium.