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The muff is from a fairy tale. Fairy tale (about Eno Raud's story "Muff, Polbootinka and Mokhovaya Beard")

Did you read the book "" as a child?

Me not. For some reason, this wonderful book passed me by.

But my daughter and I have already read it. It is worth noting that the book was a huge success with Anya (4 years old).

Therefore, I want to do a detailed review of this book, as promised in the article: "".

Muffa, Polbotinka and Mokhovaya beard is a fairy tale story written by the Estonian writer Eno Raud back in the 70s.

The main characters of the book are the Naxitralli - little men like gnomes. Each hero has his own unique image:

  • Muff - wears a long fur muff with only the heels and crown sticking out from under it.
  • Halfboot is a big fan of wiggling toes, so he wears boots with cropped toes.
  • Moss beard - the owner of a gorgeous moss beard, in which lingonberries grow.

At the beginning of the story, the heroes meet at an ice cream stand. There they met and became friends, there their adventures began.

And the heroes will have many exciting adventures! But the book attracted me not only with its exciting adventures.

The book about naxitrall is highly moral, sincere and very kind.

She teaches to live in harmony with nature... Treat all living things with care. Take care of nature, appreciate it.

The most "eco-friendly" character in the book is Mossy Beard. He is very sensitive to the world around him, and the world responds in kind. Even the viper becomes his friend.

The topic of friendship is very well covered in the book.... True friendship, when a friend will help in trouble and share joy. Throughout all 4 stories, friends get into different troubles. And they always help each other out, even at the cost of their own safety. Just like in the rat story.

But not everything is smooth and sweet in the book.... Friends make mistakes and learn to correct them. It was the first time I read a book with my daughter. And reading, I could not understand why the Naxitralli so thoughtlessly and harshly locked the cats on the island. I had a lot of questions in my head, because according to the plot, the cats seemed to be over. But later, friends realize that they made a serious mistake and decide to correct it. They get the cats off the island.

Such an act of the protagonists shows the child that we all make mistakes. It is important to be able to see them, recognize them, and most importantly - fix them!

I really liked the idea that pervades the first two books: "In nature, balance should reign." Perhaps a 4-year-old child will not be able to fully comprehend this idea, but the time will come and he will understand.

In the meantime, Anyutka was simply enjoying the "external" intrigue:

  • how the Naxitralli saved the city from the cats and lured them to the island in the first book;
  • how friends fought a horde of rats, how they liberated the city from them, and rescued cats in the second book.

The adventures of friends so deeply sunk into her soul that she played situations from books for a very long time. My daughter was very impressed by the rescue of cats from the island. It is about why not a single leaf remained on the trees, where many caterpillars came from. This is it, this is the balance in nature!

The third and fourth stories about Mufta, Polbotinka and Mokhovaya beard are more serious. They are about fame, dignity, loyalty, friendship. It was a little more difficult to read them, but my daughter still could not tear herself away.

And a few more words about the main characters... Each of them has its own unique image and character.

Muff is a calm, humble, reliable and very loyal friend. Tactful, able to convince and support in a difficult situation.

Half a boot is cocky, stubborn, emotional. The opposite of Mufte.

A moss beard is the golden mean between two opposites. He strives to live in harmony with nature. Contemplates the beauty of nature, enjoys unity with it.

A very touching moment in the book, how Mokhovaya Beard "incubated the chicks." When the bird made a nest in his beard, he lay and did not move, so as not to scare the bird mother. And even when he was in danger, he did not give up his post.

The books about Mufta, Polbotinka and Mokhovaya beard are simple and very sincere. They will help. There is no place for violence in them. All the difficulties that are encountered on the way of the main characters, they overcome with the help of invention, ingenuity and mutual assistance.

The tale is quite long: it consists of 4 parts (2 books). Despite this, it will be interesting for both preschoolers (from 4-5 years old) and schoolchildren (up to 10 years for sure).

My daughter and I read the first book at 3.7 years old, and the second at 4. If your child loves books and is ready to listen to long stories, then you can safely read the story about Mufta, Polbotinka and Mokhovaya beard at the age of 4.

Your child may not fully understand the main idea of ​​the book at 4 years old. But you will have a wonderful occasion for conversations with your child: about balance in nature, about friendship, about relationships between people, about your own dignity, mutual understanding. I am sure that when Anyuta starts reading on her own, she will definitely re-read her favorite book and look at it with a new look.

One day three naxitralles met by chance at an ice cream stand: Mokhovaya Beard, Polbotinka and Mutta. They were all so small that the ice cream maker took them at first for gnomes.

Each of them had other interesting features. Mokhovaya Beard has a beard made of soft moss, in which, although last year's, but still beautiful lingonberries grew. The half-shoe was shod in cropped-toed boots, which made it easier to wiggle your toes. And Mutta, instead of his usual clothes, wore a thick muff, from which only the top of his head and heels protruded.

They ate ice cream and looked at each other with great curiosity.

“Excuse me,” said Mufa at last. - Perhaps, of course, I'm wrong, but it seems to me that we have something in common.

- So it seemed to me, - Polbotinka nodded.

Moss Beard plucked some berries from his beard and handed them to new acquaintances.

- Sour good for ice cream.

- I'm afraid to seem intrusive, but it would be nice to get together somehow, - said Mutta. - We would have brewed cocoa, talked about this and that.

“That would be great,” Polbotinka rejoiced. - I would gladly invite you to my place, but I have no home. Since childhood, I have traveled around the world.

“Well, just like me,” said Mossbeard.

- Wow, what a coincidence! - exclaimed Mutta. - The story is exactly the same with me. Therefore, we are all travelers.

He tossed an ice cream piece of paper into the trash bin and zipped the muff. His clutch had such a property: to fasten and unfasten with the help of a "zipper". Meanwhile, the others finished their ice cream.

- Don't you think that we could unite? - said Polbotinka.

- Traveling together is much more fun.

“Of course,” Mokhovaya Beard agreed with joy.

“A brilliant idea,” muffa beamed. - Simply gorgeous!

“So it’s decided,” Polbotinka said. - Shouldn't we eat another ice cream before we unite?

Everyone agreed, and everyone bought another ice cream. Then Mufta said:

“By the way, I have a car. If you don't mind, it will become, figuratively speaking, our home on wheels.

- Oh! - handed Mokhovaya Beard. - Who will be against?

“Nobody will mind,” Polbotinka confirmed. - It's so nice to drive a car.

- Will the three of us fit? - asked Mokhovaya Beard.

“It's a van,” Mutta replied. - There is enough room for everyone.

Half a boot whistled cheerfully.

“All right,” he said.

“Well, that's nice,” Mossbeard sighed with relief. - In the end, as they say, in cramped quarters, but not offended.

- And where is this mobile home? - asked Polbotinka.

“Near the post office,” said Muff. - I just sent a dozen letters.

- Two dozen! - Mokhovaya Beard was amazed. - Blimey! Well, you have friends!

“No, quite the opposite,” muffa smiled embarrassedly. - I am not writing to friends. I write to myself.

- Do you send letters to yourself? - Polbotinka was surprised in turn.

“You see, I really like to receive letters,” said Mufta. - And I have no friends, I am infinitely, infinitely lonely. So I write to myself all the time. Actually, I write on demand. I send letters in one city, then I go to another and receive them there.

“You won’t say anything, this is a very peculiar way to carry on correspondence,” concluded Mokhovaya Beard.

“Very witty,” Polbotinka confirmed. - Shall we take another ice cream?

“Of course,” agreed Mossbeard.

“I don’t mind either,” said Muff. “I even think we could have a one-time taste of chocolate.” True, it is a little more expensive than ordinary ice cream, but for the sake of such an unexpected and wonderful meeting, you should not spare a penny.

Each one bought a chocolate ice cream, and they began to eat in silence.

“Sweet,” said Mossbeard at last. - Even sweeter than regular ice cream.

- Uh-huh, - Polbotinka confirmed.

- Very, very tasty. Well, just amazing jelly, - said Mutta.

- What? - Mossbeard looked at Mufta in surprise. - What kind of jelly are you talking about? We eat chocolate ice cream, or am I wrong?

“Oh, excuse me, please,” said Mutta, embarrassed. - It goes without saying that we eat chocolate ice cream, not jelly. But as soon as I get excited, I immediately begin to confuse the names of sweets.

- Why do you worry when you eat chocolate ice cream? - Mokhovaya Beard was surprised. - What is there to worry about?

“I’m not worried about ice cream at all,” Mutta explained. - I was thrilled to meet you. It's a pleasant excitement, as they say. I have spent my entire life in terrible solitude. And suddenly I find such wonderful companions as you. Anyone gets excited about this.

- Maybe, - said Polbotinka. - I, in any case, also worried about chocolate ice cream. Just look: I'm shaking all over with excitement.

Indeed, he was trembling violently, and his face just turned blue.

“You’ve caught a cold,” Mossbeard realized. - Eh, ice cream was not good for you.

“Probably, yes,” Polbotinka agreed.

“You shouldn't eat ice cream anymore,” muffa was frightened. - Unless to take a few glasses in reserve. I have a refrigerator in my van.

- Well, yes! - exclaimed Mossbeard.

- That's great! - Polbotinka was delighted. “We’ll take with us a decent supply of eight weeks.

“One thing is bad,” continued Mufta, “the refrigerator works when the car is at a standstill. And on the go, electricity heats up the refrigerator to the point of impossibility.

- Uhm ... - Polbotinka grunted. - So the ice cream will melt instantly?

“Of course,” said Muff.

“In that case, it would be wiser to abandon this thought,” Mokhovaya Beard said thoughtfully.

- And it seems to me that this is the most correct, - said Mutta. “But I don’t want to impose my opinion on you.

“My legs are about to turn into ice,” Polbotinka said. - Maybe we will be able to warm them up in the refrigerator at Mufa's?

“Well, let's move,” said Mossbeard. - To be honest, I have long been eager to see Mutcha's car.

“Thank you,” Mutta said for some reason.

And they started walking.

2. Clutch Machine.

A small red van, as Mufta had said, was actually parked right next to the post office.

A crowd of boys gathered around him, as well as several adults. They vied with each other to guess the make of the car; however, no one succeeded.

Ignoring the curious, Mufta walked over to the car and threw open the door.

“Be kind, please,” he invited his companions.

They did not force themselves to beg, and all three quickly climbed into the car.

- Oh! - exclaimed Mossbeard, looking around. - Wow!

He could not find other words. Polbootinka said with admiration:

- Great!

“Make yourself at home,” Mutta smiled.

- House, house ... - Polbotinka whispered absently. - This word is even sweeter than chocolate ice cream. Finally, endless wanderings have brought me home!

Warmth emanated from every little thing in Muffa's car. As if it was not a car, but a small cozy room.

The carefully made bed was covered with a beautiful colorful duvet. On a table by the window stood a porcelain vase with beautiful flowers and a portrait of Muta himself in a neat frame under glass.

“My best self,” Mutta remarked.

Other photographs hung here, mostly from the life of birds and animals. Mokhovaya Beard began to look at these pictures with great interest, and Polbotinka decided that he also needed to be photographed.

Y. Savitskaya

The heroes of Eno Raud's book "Muff, Polbotinka and Mokhovaya Beard" are funny fairy-tale men. Please meet: A muff is simply a muff from which the crown and heels stick out. The muff always unzips and zips the side - a habit. Polbotink has the toes of his boots cut off to make it easier to wiggle his toes, and Mokhovaya Beard has a long beard made of moss, in which the lingonberries blush.
They met by chance at an ice cream stand and got into a conversation. It turned out that all three are terribly fond of ice cream, travel. And they also admitted that they were very lonely. Sometimes it is so lonely that Mufa writes letters to himself, and then drives from city to city in a red van and receives letters. In short, they decided to travel together. And together they began to drive around in a red van. Now they didn’t have to be bored: so many cases were formed and so many adventures had to go through! First, they treated Polbotinka for colds with an infusion of moss, and Mokhovaya Beard did not spare his beard for the healing infusion; secondly, they drove the cats out of the city: the city was perishing from the invasion of cats!
But the most important thing, as you can imagine, was that now they were together. And together it was very good for them! Eno Raud wrote the story, although fabulous, but about what people - both adults and children - need most of all - about friendship. No wonder the name of the writer is included in the Honorary List of Hans Christian Andersen. This means that storytellers all over the world have recognized that Eno Raud's fairy tale was a success.

Eno Raud story "The Muff, the Boot and the Moss Beard"
Book 1.

Genre: fairy tale

The main characters of the story "Muff, Polbotinka and Mokhovaya beard" and their characteristics

  1. Coupling, naxitrall. Dressed in a muff from head to toe, even sleeps in it. He drives a van and has suffered a lot from loneliness before.
  2. Half shoe, naxitrall. Shod in cropped boots and constantly wiggling his bare toes.
  3. Moss beard, naxitrall. She makes a healing broth from her beard, loves birds and nature in general.
Plan for retelling the story "Muff, Polbotinka and Mokhovaya beard"
  1. Acquaintance
  2. Red van
  3. Decoction preparation
  4. Congestion
  5. Cats in the yard
  6. Wooden mouse
  7. Chase
  8. Clearing in the forest
  9. City under siege
  10. Finding Albert
  11. Cat patrol
  12. A nest in a beard
  13. Cats chasing the van
  14. In the lake
  15. How to boil a lake
  16. Cats on the island
  17. Gray cat
  18. Reward
  19. Washed Albert.
The shortest content of the story "Muff, Polbotinka and Mokhovaya beard" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Three naxitralles get to know each other near the ice cream kiosk and decide to travel together.
  2. They take the cats out of the city and the brutal pack terrorizes the area.
  3. The Naxitralli search for Albert and are trapped in the lake.
  4. They lure cats to the island and escape
  5. Mossy beard catches a gray cat and friends take him to an old lady
  6. The gray cat turns out to be just dirty Albert.
The main idea of ​​the story "Muff, Polbootinka and Mokhovaya beard"
If you have friends, then you will never be alone.

What does the story "Muff, Polbootinka and Mokhovaya beard" teach
This story teaches friendship, teaches mutual assistance, teaches resourcefulness and courage. It teaches that one should not commit hasty, rash actions, because they can lead to unexpected consequences.

Review of the story "Muff, Polbootinka and Mokhovaya beard"
I really liked this story because it is fun, interesting and full of adventure. She has unusual heroes - fabulous Naxitralli, small creatures similar to gnomes, but with their own character and perfectly adapted to everyday life among people. The story is easy to read.

Proverbs to the story "Muff, Polbootinka and Mokhovaya beard"
Friendship is a great power.
Better a faithful friend than a precious stone
One to live - the heart is cold.

A summary, a short retelling of the story "Muff, Polbotinka and Mokhovaya beard" book 1 by chapters:
1. Meeting at the kiosk.
Once three naxitralls met at an ice cream stand. They were very small in stature. Mossy Beard had a moss beard in which lingonberries grew, Polbotinka wore cropped boots, and Mutta was dressed only in a muff, from which his head and heels protruded.
The Naxitralli met and decided to travel together. They ate ice cream and Mutta offered to travel in his van, which was parked near the post office. After all, Mufta always sent letters to other cities to himself.
The Naxitralli ate some more ice cream and Polbootinka turned blue - he caught a cold.
2. Clutch Machine
Muff's car was a small red van that looked like a cozy room from the inside.
It had a bed, a cot, lots of photographs, and a kitchen behind a curtain. The kitchen had a refrigerator and a boiler that could boil an entire lake.
Half a boot coughed violently and dropped a wooden mouse on wheels, his favorite toy.
Mossy beard offered to boil a decoction of moss for him, for which it was necessary to boil water and shove a beard into it. But the boiler worked only when the car was moving, and therefore the Naxitralls poured water into the pan and the van drove off.
3. Congestion.
At first everything went well and the water began to boil, but suddenly the van stopped. There was a traffic jam ahead.
The Naxitralli got out of the van and were surprised - the congestion consisted of fish and milk machines. Mutta got into a conversation with the drivers and found out that the cause of the jam was one old woman who feeds all the surrounding cats with fish and milk.
Naxitralli decided to go and see a funny old woman.
4. Cats.
On the way, the Naxitralli saw a young woman crying. She complained that her baby was crying, and there was no milk anywhere - all the milk for a week in advance was bought by an old woman for her cats.
The Naxitralli approached a house where milk and fish carriers were flocking. A loud cat scream came from the yard.
The Naxitralli saw many cats eating fish and drinking milk in an instant.
The Naxitralli met the old woman and found out that she loves only her cat, Albert, but is forced to feed all the cats so that they do not eat Albert's portion.
The Naxitralli decided to help the old lady get rid of the cats.
5. Cat and mouse.
The Naxitralli tied the wooden mouse Polbotinka to the car and drove forward. The cats rushed after them. There were so many cats that the Naxitralli were frightened. A red light came on ahead and Mufta had to stop. But the mouse by inertia drove under the car and the cats lost it.
But the light turned green and the van drove forward again, followed by angry cats. The Naxitralli drove out of town and the cats gradually began to lag behind. Finally, the van stopped in the woods, in nature.
6. Evening in the forest.
The friends stopped at a beautiful meadow and Mokhovaya beard gave Polbotinka a decoction of moss, very bitter, but just as useful.
Friends decided to also drink a healing broth, but not so concentrated, and lit a fire. Soon the water boiled and Mossy Beard slightly dipped his beard into it. The Naxitralli drank the broth, ate some sausages and went to bed.
7. Mysterious eyes.
At night, Mossy Beard suddenly woke up and saw two sparkling eyes in the darkness. He was frightened that it was some kind of terrible predator and crawled cautiously to the van. The predator followed.
Mossy beard reached his friends who were snoring near the van and jumped into the van in one jump. He woke up his friends with a shout. The muff turned on the headlights, and in their light the friends saw a pale shadow flicker and disappear into the forest.
8. An unexpected letter.
In the morning the Naxitralli drove on and soon found themselves in a small town. They decided to go to the post office because Mufta needed to get letters.
Near the post office, they heard a radio announcer warn of the cat danger and the city was gathering volunteers to ward off the cat threat.
Muff receives an unexpected letter from an old woman, in which she asks her friends to return Albert, a white cat with a blue bow, to her.
The Naxitralli decided to help the old woman and drove back.

9. Cat patrol.
Soon, friends saw a strange road sign that warned of the appearance of cats. Seeing the sign, Mossbeard realized that at night in the clearing they were frightened by Albert and his friends who decided to look for the cat near the clearing.
But soon two cats jumped out onto the road and refused to let the van go further. The Naxitralli decided to look the cats straight in the eyes and soon they got worried and then ran away.
10. Trap.
The Naxitralli arrived in a clearing and were surprised that not a single bird could be heard in the forest. They decided to set up a trap for Albert.
Mossy beard and Mutta began to dig a hole and lay branches on top, while Polbotinka went to look for bait.
But Polbotinka came with nothing, and the friends had to put the wooden mouse Polbotinka into the trap.
11. Nest.
In the morning, Mossy Beard discovered a small bird in his beard. He squinted his eyes and saw that a nest had already been built in his beard and that there were five testicles in it. Mossy Beard decided to stay in the clearing until the chicks hatched, and Mutta and Polbotinka went to look for the cats.
Mossy beard was left alone, but he followed the bird with pleasure. Soon the daddy bird appeared and began to carry food for the mummy bird.
Mossy beard felt hungry and realized that he himself was trapped.
12. Half a shoe dreams of a slingshot.
Mutcha and Polbotinka were driving through the forest and saw the cat's tracks. Then they noticed that cats were chasing them and Mutta put on the gas. But the cats did not lag behind and the chase was led by a huge ginger cat. Half of the shoe was chattering his teeth with fear and regretted that the Magpie had stolen the slingshot from him.
Suddenly a ginger cat jumped onto the roof of the van. But Mufta deliberately ran over a stone, the van was thrown and the cat flew off the roof.
However, the chase was now led by a huge black cat.
Ahead appeared a lake and Mutta, knowing that cats are afraid of water, drove into the water at full speed.
13. Feat.
The van stood between the shore and the island in the middle of the lake. Naxitralli decided to drive along the coast on the water, since the bottom was even, but the cats followed the van overland.
A helicopter hovered over the van and a rope ladder was thrown down to the Naxitralls. But Mufta refused to leave the van and the helicopter flew away.
Polbotinka remembered about a powerful boiler and offered to evaporate the lake in order to calmly go to the other side.
The lake really began to boil and evaporate. It quickly grew shallow and the friends drove to the opposite bank. They were near the island when they noticed that a flock of brutal cats was rushing after them. Nakstiralli increased their speed and then a heavy downpour started - a boiling lake fell from the sky.
But the Naxitralli managed to go to the other side, but the cats were cut off on an island in the middle of the lake.
Friends accomplished a feat.
14. Adventures in the meadow.
Mossy beard lay in the clearing and suffered from hunger. At this time, chicks began to hatch and Mossbeard was happy.
Suddenly he saw a gray cat jump out of the forest and rush to the nest. Mossy beard wanted to kick the cat, but he suddenly disappeared halfway - he fell into the trap.
The birds chirped happily and carried the nest to the tree.
Mossy beard fell asleep and did not see his friends arrive.
Friends woke up Mossy beard and reported that they had accomplished the feat. Mossy beard told about the gray cat, and the Naxitralli decided to take him to the old woman, since Albert was nowhere to be found.
15. The muff becomes a poet.
The next morning, friends heard Mufta crying. He felt sorry for himself because he used to be so lonely. He read about it in his letters.
Polbotinka said that Mufta should no longer write letters, but write poetry.
Friends began to think how to get the cat out of the hole. They pulled a van into the pit and opened the rear doors.
But the cat, as soon as he saw Muffa's bed, jumped, climbed into the van, lay down on the bed and began to purr.
16. Reward.
Friends came to the old woman and she greeted them joyfully, saying that the festive dinner was ready. The Naxitralli were surprised, but the old woman said that they had told about their feat on the radio and therefore she was waiting for them.
Muffa said that he hoped that the gray cat would suit the old woman, and she laughed and said that she loved her Albert very much. Mufta wanted to admit that they never found Albert, but then a fire engine drove up and the Naxitralls were awarded medals for courage in the fight against cats.
The old woman asked the firefighters to pour water over her Albert, because he was very dirty and turned gray. And the shocked friends finally saw Albert.
Muff said the right words:
Things are good. And it ends well.

Drawings and illustrations for the story "The muff, the boot and the moss beard"