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Silicone molds for baking in the oven. Silicone baking molds

Silicone molds can be used in both electric and gas ovens. View images related to silicone baking molds how to put in the oven. The price difference is small, but with such a stand it is very convenient to pour the dough into the mold, put it in the oven; it has handles and remove the finished baked goods from the oven. The mold can be used for cooking in microwave oven, oven like

Typically, silicone baking molds can withstand heating up to 230C and cooling up to 40C. After the molds are dry, you can start baking the dessert. How to make ciabatta Lenten dishes from 1001 FOOD. Will the shape burn or become deformed? How to make silico new uniform put it in the oven? Buy Oleg Ko's book

You shouldn’t do this for every silicone dish; you need a mandatory stand, a similar form made of glass or ceramics, or. Since the shape is not afraid of freezing, please your loved ones with an ice cream cake, layer the ice cream with berries, chocolate chips, and sponge cake. Which oven is better to put a silicone mold with dough in? Now, this problem has become solvable, since silicone molds for Viennese waffles are sold everywhere, which can and even should be cooked in the oven. Unlike metal or glass utensils, silicone molds can be used in the oven, microwave and convection oven

One of important points Something to consider when using a silicone mold is to carefully place it in the oven. The main advantage of silicone molds is flexibility and elasticity. The form can be used for cooking in a microwave oven, both gas and electric ovens, but without using the grill mode View full version. What types of ovens can I use silicone baking pans in? You should know that in most cases, baking in a silicone mold will cook a little faster than in steel molds

Place a baking sheet with silicone molds in the oven. As soon as the time comes to bake something, a mountain of molds, molds and jars first falls out of the oven, which piles up on the table while the oven is busy. Baked goods can be placed in a cold or heated oven, as required by the recipe of your dish. At least the one I had ten years ago was steaming like crazy!

Modern housewives have big choice baking utensils. Lately molds made of silicone are attracting more and more attention. Absolutely non-toxic when heated, hypoallergenic material is available in the most different types and sizes.

How to choose the right silicone baking dish

Like any other utensils, products made from silicone have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • Compact storage. The product folds easily. This saves storage space.
  • Easy to care for. It is easy to clean as there are no hard-to-reach places.
  • Does not require oil lubrication.
  • Easy to remove even the most fragile baked goods.
  • The baking process itself proceeds much faster than in dishes made of other materials.
Of the minuses it is worth noting:
  • Many people have a hard time getting used to the soft walls and bottom of dishes. If you do not first place it on a solid base, you may spill the product when moving it.
  • The dishwasher is not always able to completely wash the product. At the same time, hand washing easily eliminates this drawback.
  • In order for silicone utensils to last a long time and not disappoint the hostess with poor-quality baked goods, you should adhere to a few simple rules.
  • After purchase, the container must be thoroughly washed before use. soap solution using a sponge. It can be covered with a thin layer chemical composition and it needs to be removed.
  • After use, simply wipe with a cloth and rinse well with water.
  • Silicone does not tolerate contact with open flames.
  • The product must be stored separately from sharp objects. Even minor contact with the tip of a knife can permanently damage the surface.

Comparison of the best silicone molds.

Silicone cookware are produced different forms, as well as sizes.
This is due not only to aesthetic reasons, but also to the different purposes of this or that container:

  • For cupcakes. There are small and large sizes, depending on the desired weight finished product. In large forms, the bottom diameter reaches 17 cm in diameter. The best manufacturers Mayer&Bosh and Tescoma are considered companies. Small molds are available in sizes of about 8 cm. Their height does not exceed 9 cm. Popular manufacturers are Mayer&Bosh and Horse.
  • For cakes. There are two types: split and solid. Detachable ones are no different in design from their metal counterparts. It is recommended to buy products from Lurch and Bradex. Tescoma and Pyrex are rightfully considered the leaders among manufacturers of solid molds. Their price and production quality are comparable.
  • For baking cookies. They are popular for baked goods that do not require rolling. Gingerbread cookies are especially good there. The most popular dishes are from Silikomart and Best Home Kitchen.
  • For baking bread. The rectangular design is smooth on the inside. Popular manufacturers: Mayer&Bosh, Oursson and Fissman.

Is it necessary to grease the silicone mold with oil?

Silicone has a pronounced non-stick property, so you don’t need to use fats for baking. However, when baking for the first time, it is still necessary to grease the pan. Without this, the non-stick effect will not work as expected.
In the future, the use of oil or any other fat will depend on the quality of the purchased form and the desire of the housewife.
It is important to remember two rules:
  • Use a little and only unscented.
  • If the mold has been washed with any detergents, re-treatment with fat is necessary, since the non-stick effect is lost.

How to properly bake in a silicone mold? The Basics of Successful Baking

Baking in a silicone mold is very convenient, but there are a few things to consider important nuances, in which it differs from ordinary dishes.
Silicone cookware is allowed to be used in ovens powered by both gas and electricity. It does not lose its properties and does not collapse in a wide temperature range: from -40C to 230C. It is not advisable to heat it to higher values, since the process of separation begins harmful substances into the product.
Due to its soft structure, the empty container should first be placed on a hard plate or tray, and only then the dough should be poured into it.
For convenience, it is advisable not to use forms with a very curly surface. Products baked in this form are beautiful in shape, but the process of removing them is difficult. After approximately 500 bakes, it is recommended to replace the product. Also, the use of such utensils has a number of restrictions.

  • Heat empty dishes in the oven.
  • Heat the finished baked goods by placing them in a silicone container.
  • Place on open fire.
Compliance with these rules will allow you to obtain fluffy and tasty baked goods.

How to properly remove baked goods from a silicone mold

Ready-made baked goods can be easily removed from the silicone container. To remove the finished dough, just bend the mold with the edge. To facilitate the process, it is prohibited to use knives, forks and other foreign objects that could damage the container.

How and with what to wash a silicone mold

Silicone cookware is easy to clean. After baking, just wipe it with a paper napkin to remove food residues and rinse cold water. For more thorough care, it is allowed to use dishwashing detergents without abrasive particles. It is also dishwasher safe.

Can I use a silicone baking pan in the microwave?

Some housewives like to bake in the microwave. Baking is especially good in devices equipped with a convection mode. Silicone cookware is ideal for this. It is enough to follow all the rules that apply to a conventional oven.

A distinctive feature of silicone baking molds is their high thermal conductivity. Any cake bakes more evenly, does not burn and rises equally on all sides. It is better to make the dough liquid, like for pancakes, then it will take up all the space.


  1. Sift the flour twice and mix it with baking powder.
  2. Grind the eggs with sugar until white. The grains should completely dissolve.
  3. Melt butter. Add it to the egg-sugar mixture, add sour cream and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add flour and baking powder, stir with a mixer at low speed to remove all lumps.
  5. Separate about a third of the dough and combine it with cocoa. Place this part on the bottom of the shaped form - it will look beautiful if it looks like a flower.
  6. Pour the white part of the dough around the edges.
  7. Bake on medium heat for 30-40 minutes.

Do not rush to remove the finished cake from the mold. Let it cool a little and then it will easily come away from the walls. Invert the baked goods onto a plate. When serving, you can sprinkle a little powdered sugar.

If you use baking recipes in the oven in a silicone mold, the dish will surely turn out excellent. You can not only bake in such containers, they tolerate freezing well and hold up well when making jellies and jellied meats.

How to use the silicone mold:

  1. Choose products only from a trusted manufacturer. It shouldn't smell. It is better to take a neutral and calm color.
  2. Before baking for the first time, carefully rinse the container under warm running water. Do not use harsh abrasives or chemical cleaners. Dry and grease the container with oil. You won't need to lubricate it anymore.
  3. Silicone products can be washed in the dishwasher, but choose the delicate cycle.
  4. Do not place the container on an open fire. IN gas oven It would be wise to use a tray or baking sheet.
  5. Silicone tolerates temperature changes well. You can freeze the semi-finished product and then immediately put it in the oven or microwave.

If a dark coating appears on the walls, do not rush to scrub it off. This is a normal phenomenon; the material has darkened, but has not lost its properties.

The shapes of unusual configurations will pleasantly diversify your menu and will especially delight kids.

Almost every family has at least one sweet tooth who loves baking. And not always such gourmets agree to be content with store-bought delicacies. That is why many housewives are forced to prepare biscuits, cupcakes, muffins, casseroles and various portioned desserts.

Silicone molds can make their work significantly easier. These products have a number of positive properties. However, to appreciate them, you need to know exactly the rules for using such “rubber utensils”. For example, it is recommended to understand in advance how to bake in a silicone mold or how to freeze food in it.

How to make the right choice?

A wide range of silicone molds often confuses buyers: which one is better to buy? After all, you really want the product to not only be absolutely safe, but also to last for many years. So what should you pay attention to?

  • Temperature Range. As a rule, all molds can easily withstand the conditions of a hot oven or freezer. But before purchasing, it is still recommended to make sure that the temperature resistance limit of the material exceeds the maximum power of the oven or air fryer.
  • Color. Too bright coloring of a mold often indicates the low quality of the color used in its manufacture. Therefore, it is better to give preference to products in muted tones.
  • Form. As a rule, funny figures are more suitable for baking or freezing jelly: bears, roses, etc. But for baking vegetables, fish and other “serious” dishes, it is better to use classic rectangular, square or round “baths”. It should also be taken into account that the presence small parts, for example, threads, makes it somewhat difficult to wash the mold and remove the finished product from it.
  • Smell. Quality products, intended for cooking, should not smell of anything.
  • Company manufacturer. The more positive reviews about a particular brand, the higher the chances that the purchased item will last a long time. However, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely insure yourself against counterfeits.

Silicone used for kitchen utensils is inert. It does not absorb food odors, does not release toxins, does not burn or freeze to surfaces. Therefore, no matter where the silicone mold is placed - in the oven, freezer, microwave, multicooker or convection oven - we can confidently say that it is harmless.

First date rules

Before use, wash the new silicone mold thoroughly with a soft detergent. This will help remove dust and dirt from its walls that has accumulated there during the production, storage and transportation of the product. Then it must be wiped with a dry towel and lubricated with animal or vegetable fat.

If the mold is washed by hand after use, this operation will no longer need to be repeated. Before all other episodes of use, you only need to lightly sprinkle it with water. But after contact of silicone with dishwasher the film of fat will have to be restored.

Both gas and electric ovens are suitable for preparing dishes in silicone molds. You can use a standard baking tray or wire rack as a support for the dishes. The last option is considered experienced housewives preferable as it leads to more uniform heat distribution.

Place the mold on the stand before pouring liquids into it. Full dishes should only be transported together with a pallet. Otherwise, the soft walls will not be able to hold the dough or sauce, and some of the contents will end up on the floor or table.

Each housewife decides for herself whether it is necessary to lubricate the silicone mold with fat before preparing a particular dish. In principle, this is not necessary: ​​nothing will burn to the walls or bottom. But to give additional taste qualities baked goods are allowed to use butter or margarine. But you can definitely refuse to sprinkle the inner surface of the dishes with flour.

When setting the timer, you should take into account that the cooking process in silicone cookware proceeds faster than in metal, ceramic or any other. At the same time, the most successful temperature for baking is considered to be the range of 220-240ºC. After turning off the heat, you need to open the oven and allow the finished dish to cool slightly. This will make the process of removing baked goods easier. As a rule, it is easy to remove the sponge cake by tilting the pan slightly to one side. If difficulties arise, you can use a wooden or plastic spatula.

Other uses for silicone molds

The versatility of using soft silicone utensils practically knows no bounds. With its help you can prepare not only pastries or desserts, but also:

  • ice, including from herbal decoctions for cosmetic purposes;
  • Handmade soap;
  • various casseroles (from cottage cheese, vegetables, meat);
  • omelettes;
  • aspic;
  • and everything that everyday ingenuity suggests.

At the same time, all “products” will retain their original shape due to the ease of removing the mass from the soft shell. As a rule, to get out solid objects - pieces of soap or ice - you just need to press your fingers on the bottom of the cell.

Subtleties of care and storage

At correct operation Silicone molds can last 5-7 years. What nuances should you remember?

  • Silicone is afraid of sharp objects. Therefore, knives, forks, hard sponges and abrasive substances should not interact with it.
  • To remove from the form thin layer dough, it must be soaked in cool water for 10-15 minutes, and then washed, turning it inside out. Such deformation will not cause any harm to the dishes and will allow you to remove dirt even from hard-to-reach places.
  • To store silicone products you need very little space. Any mold can be rolled or rolled into a tube without fear. After the fixative disappears, the silicone will return to its original form.
  • High-quality forms do not react in any way to sudden changes in temperature. In other words, even immediately after being frozen, they can be safely placed in the oven or microwave.
  • Silicone is afraid open fire and too hot surfaces. Therefore, it cannot be installed on gas or electric burner. You also need to make sure that it does not come into contact with the heating element in electrical appliances.
  • To protect the inner surface of silicone cookware from contamination during baking, you can use special paper liners.
  • Some forms sometimes darken from the inside. This should not be considered a defect.

Knowledge of such little things will allow you to make silicone cookware a reliable and faithful assistant in the kitchen for many culinary experiments.

A hospitable housewife always wants to please her household and guests not only with tasty and healthy, but also beautiful dishes. It is the appeal of desserts, casseroles and decorations made with silicone molds that has allowed these utensils to become so popular. And the convenience of storing and using soft products only added to its advantages in the eyes of housewives who want to reduce routine to a minimum.

Today, housewives have a lot of interesting kitchen gadgets at their disposal. There are several dozen molds alone for baking meat, fish and baking confectionery. The latest product that is gaining popularity is silicone molds. What are these products? How to use them correctly? Experienced chefs will tell you about all the nuances.

Terms of use

The silicone molds that we see in the photo are convenient and practical. They can be stored, folded, unfolded, in any way convenient for the housewife. Washing the products after use is also very easy. Food does not stick to the silicone surface; there is no need to scrape off the remains from the mold after removing the baked goods. Reviews from chefs claim that any food cooks faster in silicone cookware than in metal cookware.

But in order for the forms to last a long time, you must follow the rules of use:

  • After purchasing, before using the silicone mold for the first time, you must wash it thoroughly.
  • After each use, containers are rinsed with warm water.
  • Do not clean the silicone surface with hard brushes. This will damage the integrity of the product.
  • It is easy to remove baked goods; you need to turn the dish over and lightly press the containers on them. Large pies are removed using silicone or wooden spatulas.
  • Any containers made of silicone should not be placed on fire.
  • Such utensils should not be stored near sharp, metal utensils.

Should I use fats?

Every housewife knows that before putting the dough into a regular tin mold, it is greased. The advantage of silicone is its non-stick property. Thanks to this, the silicone surface does not need to be lubricated with oil. Experienced chefs advise doing this once, before first use.

Next, a non-stick film is preserved on the silicone, which prevents the dough from sticking to the surface. However, if the material is cheap, the mold will have to be lubricated regularly, before each use. Chefs advise greasing silicone molds vegetable oil without using cream.

We use a substrate

To bake cupcakes in silicone molds in a gas or electric oven, you need to know a few recipes and secrets. The first difficulty arises when loading molds filled with dough into the oven. Since silicone is soft material, you need to put substrates under the forms. This can be a ceramic or glass tray. Baked goods in soft forms should not be placed on the oven rack.

In addition, there are several more secrets:

  • If you plan to bake a large cake or pudding according to a special recipe in a silicone mold, it is better to place the container in a deep frying pan or saucepan. This will prevent the soft container from tipping over and accidentally spilling the dough.
  • It is better to fill the molds with dough after placing them on the stand.
  • To avoid melting silicone in a gas oven, you should avoid contact of the soft surface with the hot walls of the oven.

Baking nuances

Baking waffles or muffins in silicone molds is no more difficult than in conventional ones metal containers. Having chosen the appropriate recipe, you should prepare the dough, pour it into a silicone container and send it to the oven. Moreover, it could be gas, electric oven, microwave oven, multicooker. To prevent baked goods from burning, remember that any confectionery in soft molds cooks faster than in metal ones. This is due to the high thermal conductivity of silicone.

It is recommended to read the instructions for use from the manufacturer before use. As a rule, this document indicates the time and temperature recommended for a particular dish. Before extraction ready-made dish from a silicone bowl, it needs to be cooled.

About security

Today there is a lot of controversy about the safety of silicone cookware. Many believe that this chemical compound When heated, it releases substances hazardous to human health. However, experts chemical industry claim that harm from silicone utensils is possible only if used incorrectly.

Don't buy cheap forms. In pursuit of large profits, manufacturers save on raw materials, using low-quality technical silicone and synthetic dyes for the production of molds. To avoid poisoning, it is better to purchase utensils made from food-grade or medical silicone. This is a safe product and is used to make the baby dishes shown in the photo.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice silicone molds, just smell the products. High quality material should not emit strong, unpleasant rubber odors. If the containers are made from safe raw materials, muffins and waffles according to any recipe will turn out tasty and healthy.

You can learn the secrets of using soft containers and recipes for cupcakes in silicone molds from the video.


Is it possible to bake muffins and waffles in silicone molds? It's certainly possible. According to the chefs, this safe material allowing you to create delicious and healthy baked goods. Having learned to use this cookware once, the housewife will no longer want to return to metal molds. High-quality silicone is characterized by high thermal conductivity, non-stick properties and ease of use.