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Cat with six fingers. Hemingway cats - "Nature Error" and national heritage

Among the cat breeds are not so many of those who received their names by the name of the Rodonarchists, i.e. Cats standing at the origins of breeding. But the breed of Cats Pixie-Bob, which we want to show you, is one of them.

History of "domestic fish"

Hardly a cat acquired in 1985 Carol Ann Brewer, an American breeder from Washington, dreamed of world glory. The main thing that distinguished the pussy from most tribesmen is polydactylony, that is, the existence of the extra fingers on the paws. Apparently, this feature and attracted the hostess.

There are several versions of the one who was the father of kittens, born with this kitty. One, it was the male of a little red American fi bobcat (Bobcat). On the other, a large cat with a short tail and a wild color, which called Keba called on the street. Anyway, cats appeared on the world, outwardly very similar to lynx - spotted, short-eyed and at the same time crowded. The most "best" of them called Pixie.

So there was a breed of Cats Pixie-Bob. In 1998, it was recognized by the International Association of Tica Cat Lovers. At the moment, most nurseries are concentrated in the United States, breeders consider "domestic fish" with their national treasure and reluctantly sell animals for breeding to other countries.

Pixie Bob: External data

The description of the Pixie-Bob breed should be started with the fact that only these cats are "lysy" officially allowed to have "extra" fingers. However, Pixi is interesting not only.

According to standards, the Pixie Bob breed cats can be from average to large size. But in general, Pixie, as they are abbreviated called, at least differ pronounced sexual dimorphism, it's still a pretty "volumetric" breed: Cats of Pixie-Bob weigh from three to six kilograms, and males, as a rule, twice the passionier - from six to ten kilos .

Body type

The body of pixie-beans is long and strong, with dense bones, developed muscles, a powerful chest, convex shoulders and a sacrum, as well as pronounced back of the back. The neck is proportional, but not long, quite fat, especially in cats. The limbs are long and strong, and the rear is longer than the front, with large and thick paws, which are a joke called mittens.

Some believe that Pixie-Bob is a six-legged cat. Really standards in animals of this breed allowed multipliness, or otherwise polydactilation, but they can not only have a finger on their paws, but seven. So some individuals are in four paws a total of 28 fingers!

All pixie-bob cats have a short and thick, often knocked or with flexible, but at the same time flexible.

Portrait of a typical "pixie"

Pixie-bob is extremely similar to Lynx: and a head shape that resembles a crumpled pear, and a wide nose, and a strong strong chin, and heavy eyebrows, and small deeply planted eyes with a wild wary view.

And of course, the ears of Pixie truly trot: far apart, wide at the base and rounded at the ends. Tassels, naturally, are welcome!

Special signs

The polydactics are also found in Pixie Beans, and Maine Cunov. Short tails are a feature of many breeds: various bobtail or muns. The same Maine Kuns, Norwegian Forest, American Bobtails are like trot. But all three of these signs can only be found among representatives of one breed - Pixie-Bob.


Interestingly, even with its "vocal" data, beans look like wild cats. These big silent, rather, do not meow, and rolling back or, wipers, growl.


Pixie beans can be short-saving or half-fake. And those and other wool double, fluffy and extremely soft, on the stomach it is longer than on the back and sides. Long-haired Pixie Bob boasts an additional decoration - spectacular "bundles" on brush.


Pixie-Bob color is only Brown Spotted Tabby, that is, brown spotted, while shades can be different. Wool ticked throughout the body, and in the stain zone Tinging is expressed especially brightly.

Pixie Bob: Soft Character of Brutal Cat

If we talk about the amazing qualities of the pixie-bob breed, the nature of these cats deserves a separate mention. Externally, sullen and dyed, in fact, these pets are very socialized and affectionate.


Fans of rocks call the pixie beans of one of the smartest cat breeds. These animals, like lysy, on which they are so similar, are able to carefully observe what is happening around, make the appropriate conclusions and thus avoid conflict situations, adapting to the requirements of the owners.


Most often, pixie beans are pleased to come to contact with members of their family - despite their appearance, they are not savage. At the same time, unnecessarily intrusive or egocentric pixies do not call - they are balanced and restrained-calm.

The ability to adapt to the situation allows these cats to understand themselves where the boundaries are permitted and what forms of behavior are unacceptable. As a rule, the hosts are not delivered by the hosts.


Pixie beans, if so you can put it, reservedly active. Like cats living in the wild, they are full of energy, but do not waste her for nothing.

Invitation to play, as a rule, pixie beans are with joy. Fortunately, even in the fake of fun, these cats almost never bite and do not go into the course of claws. This can not but rejoice when it comes to such a sweet and giant.

Need to communicate

Praphrasing the winged expression, say: "The owner is the best friend of Pixie Boba." Despite congenital delicacy and unobtrusion, these cats are very much in the society of owners. The long loneliness of Pixie is not beneficial - the cats are very twisted to whom they are tied. They are happy to take part in all household matters and learn to walk on a leash like dogs.

Relations with children

To the kids, these large cats are condescendingly, without showing aggression and with pleasure sharing joint games. It is noted that the special love of Pixie is tested to the kids up to the year - even cats are capable of being good nanny.

Attitude to strangers

It is hardly full of domestic dignity Cote Pixie-Bob will help to sip the guest or any other unfamiliar person. Most likely, it will be cold, polite and preferred at a distance.

Attitude to other animals

Health "Home Fitting"

Externally, very strong, pixie beans differ and really strong health - they are not subject to any rows. Breeders recommend to give special vitamins to strengthen the bones and the joints of these cats-giants.

Requirements for content

Specific specific conditions of the pixie-bob does not require. Thick wool allows these cats to easily carry low temperatures and even walking on the street in winter. The only thing that advisted the owners of such animals is to closely monitor their multiple legs.

The fact is that on the "extra" fingers of claws are not rated by themselves - they need to be intermitted periodically or trimmed.

Care of wool

A rich wool of pixie-beans at usual time must be deduced once or twice a week. During molting, the procedure is better to spend daily. Although it is believed that the wool of these cats is very elastic and is not inclined to the formation of koltuns, it is still not worth feeling the fate.

Stress tolerance

The phlegmatic character, which is distinguished by the pixie-bob cat, helps the animal philosophically treat most events around it around it. The only thing that can knock him out of the gauge is a long lack of your favorite owner.


There are no special requirements for the nutrition of this breed. As in the case of any other cats, the owner is free to choose between the finished feed and the "natural order". The latter must be balanced and always fresh. And, of course, portions must be normalized.


Surprisingly, the cats of Pixie-Bob breed love not only hiking, but also water treatments. This is one of rare rocks that positively belong to the water and not mind refreshing.

Hunting instinct

In favor of the Rodiya version of Pixie, he says not only the appearance of these cats and their love for swimming, but also magnificent hunting abilities. They catch mice and birds with pleasure and very well.

Cats Pixie Bob: Cons

The owners of such pets have no complaints to cats as such - they have managed to earn the best reputation among people. Perhaps the only minus of the rock is the so-called low-slope: no more than two-three kittens are born in the litter. It makes rare pets even more expensive - the cat for breeding from the American nursery costs from five thousand dollars.

Svetlana Mosiolova

Animals of different feline breeds can be polydacts, which means such an anomaly as a sense. It is well noticeable externally - due to the presence of the extra finger of the cat's legs are wider and clever. And it does not prevent them from them, but rather, it helps to lead a full-fledged lifestyle, providing many advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Polydact, with respect to people and animals, which means "multiply". This feature that is transmitted at the genetic level. A person has such a hereditary defect occurs, but it is usually one extra finger, and mostly a little finger. In polydctic cats there is a preaccular form of pathology - excessive finger, although in fact there may be two. There are such fingers on the side, but can be located on the same level with others, the main.

In the latter case an anatomical feature is called calling.However, the one and the other option is considered normal.

Excess fingers are found on the forelimbs, but sometimes both are observed on the rear. Extremely rarely, such a defect is marked only on the rear legs of the animal.

Defined advantages of the presence of another part of the body is considered:

  • excellent equilibrium feeling;
  • a stronger grip and ability to cling better, in contrast to five-pall cats;
  • increased swimming skills and moving through the snow;
  • lightway, on which it is impossible to hear the approach of the animal.

The fantastic chain of six-legged cats amazing imagination: they can easily open cabinets and doors with their wide legs, deftly turning the handle. Such an animal is a real find for a professional trainer, especially since most individuals are distinguished by good intelligence, and it is easy to learn. Not to mention the fact that all the listed qualities make animals with excellent hunters.

But, along with such advantages, there are cons. Often, excellent anatomy attracts itself:

  • joint diseases;
  • rustling claws in paw fabric;
  • deformation of the limbs.

The presence of unnecessary phalange is the cause of predisposition to injury, and fucked fingers with claws can cause pain. In addition, the anomaly is often accompanied by infectious damage to the nail base, dysbacteriosis of the horny plate, uneven growth. In this case, the animal needs medical care. Sometimes the optimal solution for solving the problem is surgical removal.

Fortunately, some pathologies can be cured, but the most unpleasant consequence of the polydactilia is the birth of weak, unwanted cubs with health problems, especially in cats with a three-inflane thumb.

Sick kittens have congenital deformation forearms, therefore, to exclude the appearance of the next generation with obvious defects of development, animals have to be sterilized.

Natural origin

At different times, the polydact animals were different: as the witch's accomplices or as a talisman, bringing luck. Today, the phenomenon of six paws is studied, and thoroughbred animals born with one or more additional fingers are registered in special felinological systems, at least in America.

In nature multiplying Mainly often occurs at Maine Coon - large individuals whom the natural environment of their habitat caused to adapt to harsh living conditions: rapidly and easily move on ice and a thick layer of snow to oversight production.

In accordance with the research of the genetics of this breed, it turned out that the six-legged representatives of feline is the result of the natural evolution of American cats.

The largest population of individuals with such mutation is marked in the city of Bostone. Such animals were kept on the ships to get rid of rodents, and thus they were distributed in different parts of the world. According to statistics, the polydacts are most often found in port cities.

Until some time, the polydactilation was considered marriage, so even animals with a pedigree did not participate in breeding and exhibition shows. But now at Maine Kunov, this feature is standard, and six-legged cats take part in the championships arranged for large-scale representatives of the breed.

Features of selection

The breeding of six-foot individuals is characterized by special specificity, which is due to the unpredictability of cat genetics. And yet it was possible to find out how can the offspring of Maine Kuna with polydactile:

  • to get kittens with the NAP anomaly, only one parent with polydactile is needed, and then the success of the mating will be 56%;
  • two multiple parents increase the chances of the birth of polydakts by another 20%;
  • if at least one parent has homosigue - homologous chromosomes that do not give splitting in the following generations, then all the offspring can have the so-called anomaly.

By the way, Maine kumun is no longer limited to Main-Kumani. At the moment, experts are engaged in the selection of such animals, and there is even an artificially derived breed - Pixie Bob.

By purchasing a polydactive kitten, the owner should not worry about what special care is required. Animals are distinguished by the needs identical to the needs of ordinary, five-pall cats.On the other hand, the predominant qualities of the Polydakt will certainly become interested in the owner, besides, these animals have a living mind, good memory and easily leaving for training.

Characteristics of Chemingue Pets

Unusual six-legged animals did not bypassed their love and Ernest Hemingway, a famous writer and a military journalist. It all started with a pet nicknamed F. Kis, who was pretextfully guarded Ham's firstborn in the absence of owners. Later on the island of Key West, next to Florida, the writer received a gift from the familiar captain of the white kitten, on the front paws of which was six fingers.

At that time, the sailors believed that a six-legged cat brings good luck, guarding the ship from storms, and also destroys rats.

Snowball, as the cat called Ham and his wife, became a source of all crowded cats, and at present 50 of his descendants still live in a writer's dwelling, which became a museum home.

In the cat paradise Hemingway, animals of different sizes and colors were collected on a small island, and each of them had its own character, but they were all overlap and awarded bright nicknames in honor of world famous singers, actors and politicians. Half of the offspring from them, thanks to the snow, was born with a sixpall, and now animals live in the house, who have two, and even three extra fingers. This is a reliable fact, so there is no need to doubt that a variety of cats are exposed to a rare mutation.

In general, both veterinarians and breeders polydactilation are not welcomeBut crowded pets have become so popular and claimed that they are still bred for sale. Many experts directly express about inhuman attitude to mutating cats, since complications against the background of congenital defects often lead to the suffering of animals, but this is just one opinion among many other judgments.

This is not the only photo of Ernest Hemingway in the society of his cats, the descendants of which still live in a wisdom of the writer on the island of Ki-West (Florida), where in 1964 the Writer Museum was opened.

A century-old mansion in colonial style and tropical thickets around him became a "cat paradise" during the life of Hemingway and remain it so far. Cats, the number of which is currently fluctuating in the area of \u200b\u200bfive and six dozen, everything is allowed. They can raise anywhere, wander on the tables, cabinets and sofas, sleep on the exhibits next to the signs "Do not touch!".

Special feeders and fountains for drinking are equipped in the entire estate. At the birth of kittens are certainly called in honor of famous people: Winston Churchill, Gertruda Stein, Charlie Chaplin, Marlene Dietrich, etc. And the dead cats buried on a feline cemetery, where their names and dates of life are knocked out on every gravestone.

All these orders have been headed during the life of Hemingway and in the will of the writer are preserved after his death (1961). The museum's budget provides a special item of the costs of the punishment of the feline population and care.

The presence of cats attaches a special charm of the estate, and memorial staff admit that "half of the visitors come here because of Hemingway cats."

The history of this "Feline Paradise" began in 1935, when Captain Stanley Dexter presented a white kitten writer named Snowubol. But the main raisin was that the kitten was six-legged, and such cats are considered "good luck talismans" for sailors and fishermen.

The current inhabitants of the house-museum are descendants of Snowubola, and since the gene's gene (polydactylum) is dominant, most of them are six, seven, and some even eight fingers. And now cats with polydactile are sometimes called "Hemingway Cats."

It is clear that the writer was not going to specifically breed six-legged cats. Just when Family Family Snowubol has grown and brought the first offspring, it remains in the house. And the process, as they say, went. Cats breeded himself, Hemingway fed them, treated, equipped with feeders and drinkers.

Most likely, despite the brutal image, Hemingway was not just a cat inevitably, and all his life treated cats, saw the symbol of home heat, family and stability in them.

It is enough to remember his early (beginning of the 20s) the story "Cat in the rain" and later recognition that it was during these years that they were so poor with his wife that "they could not afford to make a cat." Hemingway also wrote that after a couple of years, a cat appeared in his family, named F. Kis, who became a nanny of the first Son of the writer: "F. Keys lay next to Bambi ... And I did not let anyone to the baby, when we were not at home, "(" Holiday, which is always with you ").

Becoming a famous writer and buying a house in Ki-West, Hemingway could already allow himself to live surrounded by cats, and, according to his biographers, it was the happiest period of his life: "The cat lay on his chest, and he covered him and his herself A light blanket and one after another opened and read the letters, little by little bitten whiskey "(" Islands in the Ocean ").

Ernest Hemingway is known not only as a famous writer, but also as a passionate hunter and fisherman, in general, a person who has been taught to real male entertainment. So it continued until in 1935 he became also a "cat" with a light hand of his friend's walls of Dexter. Captain Dexter gave Hemingway of an unusual kitten, which had six fingers on each foot. Fluffy baby, who received the nickname Snowubol (Snowball), opened the era of cats in the life of the Great Writer.
Since then, in the house of Hemingway, the cats were not translated, and by the end of the Second World War there were already more than 20. Almost half of the cats were born with six fingers, the "six-position gene" turned out to be dominant. Today in the house - the Wispeter Museum in Key West (Florida) Many cats live, among which 44 are the descendant of the snow kitten who inherited his seniority.
Maine-kuna is the Aboriginal Cats of the Maine Polydactile Maine Cuns are more agile and often more intelligent due to the extended capabilities that the lapta shape gives them. These enlarged paws allowed them to survive in the conditions of the need to independently extract their feed.
The polydactile was very appreciated by navigators for their rare abilities in fishing and rats. They also often accompanied travelers and were considered a happy admission. It is said that polydactile main kuna possess an extraordinary intelligence and more "human" compared to conventional cats, differing in character and charts
Perhaps you will be surprised to learn that the largest number of fingers in the cat - 32 (8 on each paw) - was recorded in October 1974. Currently, the confirmed record belongs to the cat named Tiger - 27 fingers. The cat lives in Alberta, Canada. He has 7 fingers on the front paws, 7 on the left rear, but "only" 6 on the right rear paw.\u003d161#Haming
It seems that these cats are related to Annunaks, like six-legged people. That's why I am interested in this phenomenon