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Open a USSR padlock without a key. Opening a padlock with your own hands

Undoubtedly door locks are able to reliably protect the room from penetration, since the design of their mechanism is quite complex. However, if necessary and mastery of some tools, they can still be opened. This is a significant advantage in cases where the key to the lock has been lost and it is necessary to gain access to the premises.

This type of lock, such as a padlock, is most often used for doors leading to utility rooms, warehouses, and garages. In most cases, there is no need to regularly open such rooms, so the key can easily get lost among other things.

What available tools will help you open the lock?

Often in a TV series or film you can see how professionals pick locks using the simplest means at hand, for example, bobby pins, paper clips or wire. In fact, this is true - a paperclip is a very effective tool for opening a padlock.

If you need to pick a lock, you will need two paper clips. They are bent in the shape of an L, and one of them is inserted into the lock. You must try to set the mechanism in motion by rotating the paperclip. Make all movements slowly, it is important to feel the mechanism itself in order to open it easier and faster.

After a while you can feel the lock being caught. Now you need a second paperclip, which is inserted into the hole in the upper part of the lock. The next step is very important: you need to feel the pins and lift them one by one. This must be done carefully and carefully. Once all the pins are up, all that remains is to twist the first paperclip to achieve the final result. The padlock is now open.

How to deal with complex mechanisms?

As mentioned earlier, opening a padlock can be tricky. It is being manufactured various types, accordingly, is classified by size, quality, cost and, despite the fact that all these products belong to the type of padlock, they have enormous differences.

For example, a very common type of mechanism is a spring lock. Accordingly, if there is a need to open the room, it is necessary to exert influence on the internal spring. In most cases, a spring lock is used as a additional protection or they hang it on the doors of barns, outbuildings, or cover certain luggage with it.

It is also necessary to influence the spring using special tools. In practice, try to independently select a product that will perfectly fit the size of the lock, and apply it to the spring. Such a product can be either a pin or a nail.

Hacking the cylinder mechanism

The cylinder mechanism has its own characteristics and several methods of hacking. The next method is the most effective and common.

  1. You will need a screwdriver, with which you screw the self-tapping screw directly into the lock cylinder.
  2. The destroyed mechanism is leveled using a nail cutter.

Thus, the secret mechanism is destroyed and the lock is broken.

How to pick a lock, but at the same time maintain its integrity?

To avoid purchasing a new lock after opening the room, you can try one proven method that will keep it intact. To do this, you will need an ordinary tin can: the lid and bottom are cut off, and the cylindrical part itself is cut in half.

From one such half you need to cut out a shape like the letter T. Please note that the leg of the letter should be long enough so that it can easily go around the bow of the lock itself. Next, you need to roll the cut out figure into a semicircle and insert its end between the lock body and its shackle. The entire structure rotates in a circle, making a full revolution. Now the lock can be picked, just pull the handle and it will open.

How to break a padlock using other methods?

Of course, there are other hacking methods, they do not require painstaking work. For example, you can open a lock with a grinder. It is especially effective on Chinese locks, since their steel is usually less durable. It doesn’t take much time to cut the lock shackle; you just need to put in some effort, and sometimes you can even cut the shackle off with a hacksaw.

Since not every person may have an angle grinder, there are other tools, such as a crowbar. With its help you can also break the lock, but you cannot do this without strong male hands. The crowbar is installed in such a position that it is located between the lock body and the shackle. This method does not always work, but in most cases it is possible to make the bow pop out of all the grooves. Forces are applied by directing the end of the crowbar downwards and its opposite side upwards.

Due to the fact that many locks can be hacked, it is necessary to purchase the highest quality and most reliable mechanisms. It is also recommended to store the keys in a certain place or make a duplicate of them, so that if one copy is lost, you do not have to break into or change the lock.

Today, an old padlock is often found in a garage, pantry, attic or warehouse. The main advantage and reason for the prevalence of a padlock is its low cost, simplicity of design and, at the same time, reliability.

It is simply impossible to open a door with such a lock if the key is lost, because... the lock shackle is made of steel, and garage and warehouse doors are usually metal.

Also often the reason for the inability to open the door is wear and tear. defense mechanism. Over time, due to regular use, its internal secretion may simply wear off. If the lock is hanging outdoors, due to the impact external factors(moisture, frost), the formation of corrosion centers is simply inevitable. In this case, if there is no desire to use an angle grinder and damage the canvas, anyone will think about how to open a padlock.

Actually that's enough typical problem. To solve it, many in various ways. Many people resort to a master key made from an aluminum can. By using empty cans You can easily make a shamrock out of a Coca-Cola bottle. The mechanism itself is broken using the middle tongue.

Opening with a paperclip is the most effective and long-proven method of working with a jammed padlock. The specificity is to get a bent paper clip or wire into a special clamp, which should unclench and release the staple from the base. In some samples, a button is provided instead of a latch; the operating principle is not much different. A wire bent in the shape of an G must be inserted into the hole and slowly and carefully turned.

It is important to remember that during rotation you should pay attention to which direction the mechanism turns easiest.

Next, a second master key of the same type is used and inserted into the upper area of ​​the keyhole in order to find special pins, which, after detection, gradually rise. After all the pins are open, the lower pick is turned again.

In most cases, open it yourself padlock You can use a regular pin, knife or special master keys, which can be found at craftsmen or locksmiths. You can learn more about how to open a semicircular padlock without a key in the corresponding video. Often, using a “poker”-shaped master key, it is important to assemble the required lock combination, which is presented in the form of a set of ordinary horizontal plates.

It should be noted that some models of padlocks with a semicircular key are quite resistant to burglary, so their owners often turn to specialized services.

In this case, there are several ways. The first and most common requires the selection of a combination. First, you need to pull the locking shackle until it begins to put pressure on the wheels. After this, you should make rotational movements until a click occurs and the lock opens.

The second method is more complicated. To open it you will need an aluminum plate, which can be cut from tin can. This semblance of a key is rounded to a diameter corresponding to the width of the arch. The plate is inserted into the hole located between the body and the bow. At the very end, after the procedures have been completed, it is necessary to apply some force for final unlocking.

How to open a disc padlock

A characteristic feature of this mechanism is the presence not of pins, as in other models, but of several disks with specific holes, which significantly complicate entry into the room. To ensure that the discs are placed in the correct position, it is important to select a wrench with suitable grooves.

Padlock disc

Considering the specificity of the design, with minimal loss of time, you can open a disc padlock without a key only with a correctly selected master key or a bent flat-head screwdriver, which must be driven into the lock and turned with force.

How to open a barn lock without a key

It's important to remember that barn lock those samples that have a standard round bow are called. Therefore, old-style garage locks often fall into this category.

Castle of medium and small sizes, installed on wooden door, can also be opened by force. A regular crowbar is suitable for this purpose. It is necessary to insert the tool through the bow and, using the lever method, tear it off.

It will be more difficult to open the rack lock using the method described above, so here it is worth using fishing line or a string from a guitar. First, you need to press the door with a crowbar, then a loop is made from a string, which must be inserted into the hole, circled around the pins and pulled towards you. For clarity, below is a video.

How to open an Apecs lock without a key

For those who have wondered how to open a padlock from such a manufacturer, any specialist will answer that the methods are practically no different from those given above.

It should also be noted that Apex's products are designed for mass use and their price does not exceed the average. Therefore, hacking this mechanism will not take much time and effort.

How to open a Chinese padlock without a key

Samples made of Chinese steel are, as a rule, unstable to force. The steel of overhead locks is quite soft, so if you have an angle grinder, the opening process will not take much effort and time.

When using a crowbar, you will need to apply force, but it is still important to choose the right angle.

A padlock is a rather complex mechanism, which is why it is so often chosen for both primary and additional door protection. And opening this type of lock without the appropriate key is quite difficult.

Surely, everyone at least once in their life has encountered the theft or loss of door keys. In such a situation, there is no use in wasting time looking for the key, because it could be absolutely anywhere.

But think about ways in which you can solve this task without the help of a key, it’s still worth it. Because you can stand under the door endlessly, especially if you were the owner of the only copy of the keys to the castle.

When does it become necessary to open a lock without a key?

The need to open a lock without a key may arise in other situations. Keyholes tend to fail over time.

This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, especially if the castle was not protected from precipitation and other external factors. Therefore, the door lock can simply jam at any moment. Such a nuisance may occur not entirely by accident, but through the fault of ill-wishers. Deliberate damage to locks by hooligans is not uncommon these days.

Another common case is the key breaking while opening the door. In such a situation, part of the key may remain in the lock. Because not only locks tend to deteriorate, but keys can also fail.

It is clear that there are different cases when any person can literally turn up at the door. We are not talking about breaking other people's locks here. No one is safe from falling into similar situations. But unfortunately, not everyone knows how to open a padlock without a key.

How to open the lock yourself?

You can also unlock the padlock on the door yourself. To do this, you need to understand a little about the mechanism of the lock product and have a little manual dexterity. Nowadays there are many ways to open locks without the help of keys. Some of them are very complex and can only be done by professional experimenters, while some are quite simple and are perfect for a woman or child.

The most common way is to open the lock using a paper clip, bobby pin, or a piece of wire. To do this, you will need to straighten a paperclip or another product that is similar to it. The lock has a latch that can be unclamped using a piece of wire if the wire is bent correctly and successfully hit.

Some can do this trick in a couple of minutes, others need to fiddle with the lock for about an hour. In any case, the result is worth it.

There are locks whose operating principle consists of a special button. The key, getting into such a lock, touches the button, pressing it, and the opening process occurs. In principle, there is nothing complicated here. Everything is quite simple and clear. Therefore, using the material at hand, you can do the same thing. That is, a thin object, it could be a hair clip or a rod from ballpoint pen, just pick the lock to find that very button in the mechanism.

How to open the most popular padlocks?

There are a variety of padlocks. AND price categories they are also different. But the most affordable and popular nowadays is considered to be the classic padlock, which is powered by a spring. Many people are familiar with this product and have seen it quite often.

A spring padlock is often used to close a garage, warehouse, barn and other non-residential premises. This type of protection has found active use in suitcases. This is very convenient if you go on a long trip and regularly check in your luggage. Similar protection is also regularly installed on the door of a residential apartment or house as additional security, and sometimes as the main lock.

If you think logically, it becomes clear that opening such a padlock without a key is possible if you experiment with the spring. To do this, you will be helped by the same paper clip or piece of wire that can save any lock by opening it. You can also use a nail or other object that you think is suitable for such a task. Your goal is to hit the spring.

Special devices for opening locks

For those who want to play it safe and protect themselves in advance in such a situation, there are many products and master keys for picking locks, which can be ordered or purchased ready-made from special locksmiths. Master keys allow you to easily and quickly open almost any lock without a key.

For those who believe that they are not able to cope with such a problem on their own, there is also excellent solution. You can always contact a specialist to open keyless padlocks. The master will deftly open the lock and leave no damage to it.

Anyone can stay under the door, since the lock can fly at any time, but if you have information about opening locks without keys, you can always solve this problem.

How to open a door if there is no key- Let’s immediately make a small note that this article is primarily intended for those who want to open the door quickly, please note that in most cases, when opening it, the lock will be damaged and mechanical damage is possible door leaf.

What you need to break into and open a lock

When opening various locks, we will need available tools; each lock requires its own tools, but usually this list is very similar for most cases.

The usual weapon of bugbears is a bunch of keys, so you initially need to arm yourself with them, although it’s not always easy to find a bunch of keys, but if you still have one at hand, try to pick up a similar key. Since all locks are installed in inexpensive doors, are very similar in shape, and sometimes they are exactly the same as yours.

Lock opening tools

  1. A bunch of similar keys
  2. Phillips and flathead screwdrivers
  3. Pliers
  4. Metal saw
  5. Universal key for intercoms

To open the lock, you will need a full list of locksmith tools, such as screwdrivers, pliers, a metal saw and a crowbar. You need to know that all locks are made in such a way that they can be opened with handy locksmith tools. After such intervention, you will most likely need to replace the lock.

We tried to consider the most common types of locks with a low security class and without additional secret mechanisms.

Types of locks:

  • Cross lock;
  • The padlock;
  • French castle;

Before starting the opening, first always try to find a key similar to yours.

Cross lock

Cross-shaped locks can be opened with a regular Phillips-head screwdriver of the same size as the key. To open such a lock, sometimes it is enough to simply insert it into the hole with a little force and turn it clockwise with strong turning pressure. Usually for cheap types of locks with low security class, this is enough.

The lock cylinder may need to be replaced after opening.

The padlock

This type of lock is often used in garages, basements or any other utility rooms, as well as for temporary fastening of bicycles, etc.

It is easier to break such a lock than to open it. An ordinary crowbar is suitable for opening. Direct all the pressure into weak side, i.e. where the leg is attached to the lock body. If you do not have the strength to break the lock with a crowbar, then use regular saw for metal, the approximate time for sawing a diameter of 2 cm will be approximately 10 minutes.

French castle

A French lock is quite difficult to open unnoticed by an unprepared person. However, you can open it using the old-fashioned force method. To do this, you need to insert the flat end of the crowbar into the hole next to the lock. After which you need to push the crowbar as far as possible and begin to deform the door leaf by pressing the crowbar, you need to press until the lock latch comes loose and stops clinging to the opening. Due to this operation it is necessary complete replacement the castle, and sometimes the door as a whole. If you need to open the door, but at the same time leave the lock and the door undamaged, then we recommend contacting specialists who are able to open the door without damage.

As in other cases, we first try to find a key for the lock. Often, if the lock is old and the hole is worn out, then the probability of opening it with another key is about 70%. If we can’t find the key, we try to open it with a screwdriver and pliers.

The first step is to remove the decorative trim that is around the lock, then grab the protruding side of the lock cylinder with pliers and swing it until it falls out. If part of the cylinder remains inside, simply knock it out. Then take a flat-head screwdriver and insert it with a little force into the hole; if it does not go through, just tap it into the lock with pliers. Then, with a little force, turn in the opening direction.

There is a second method for opening such locks, but for this it is necessary to drill the cylinder along the entire length of the key, just below the lock hole, with a drill diameter of 4-5 mm. After the lock has been drilled, you need to insert a flat-head screwdriver into the key hole and turn it, the door should open.

If you do not want to damage the lock, you can purchase a special set of master keys and use them to try to open the lock.

ABOUTopen the door with intercom

Many people do not know that a key for an intercom can be ordered from ordinary workshops where ordinary keys are made. Take a key from your neighbors and order a duplicate at any workshop (approximate cost 100-200 rubles). There are many offers on the Internet for the sale of universal keys that are suitable for any type.

If the situation is such that it is impossible to open the lock, then you can forcefully knock down the door. Before doing this, warn the people behind the door that you are going to knock it down. Accentuate the blow near the lock and strike with the heel. The blow must be sharp and directed. Sometimes it's easier and faster to knock down a door if it opens inward. The second leg should be fixed, and the foot should be directed parallel to the door.

Our recommendations for opening doors and opening locks are intended primarily for information, and not for instructions for action, we advise you to contact specialized workshops for opening doors in Rostov-on-Don, there is such a workshop as Don-Service, we have We employ highly qualified specialists who will open a door with a lock of any complexity.

Knowledge of how to open between room door without a key can be useful to everyone. Door slamming situations can arise spontaneously and precisely at the moment when you least expect it. That is why you need to know how to deal with this problem in the shortest possible time.

A slammed door is a fairly common situation.

Possible situations

Lock systems on doors in a house can be completely different. Sometimes a regular handle with a tongue is enough, and in some cases it is necessary to install additional latches and key locks. However, there are situations when the door closes and opens it in a simple way fails.
The reasons may be:

  • a draft that slammed the lock;
  • broken handle;
  • sinking tongue;
  • push-button mechanism;
  • loss of key;
  • intentional or accidental closing from the inside.

What to do in such cases? The problem can be solved different methods, depending on the specific situation. The most common ways are:

  • use of a handy master key;
  • disassembling a lock or handle;
  • removal from hinges;
  • use of brute force.

Varieties of opening methods interior door

If you stayed in the room Small child, water or any equipment that can cause a fire is turned on, you need to act immediately.

In emergency situations, most often there is nothing left to do but simply break open the interior door. In this case, damage cannot be avoided, but you will be able to minimize the risk of much more serious consequences.

Remove from hinges

The most common solution to the problem closed door The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, removing the canvas from its hinges. Since it is not always possible to open a room door without using a key using master keys, this method is the best alternative option.

Regular card loops consist of two parts. If there is enough clearance between the door and the frame, you can try to remove them from the awnings. Sometimes it is possible to unwind the details.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to carry out such an operation. This is especially difficult and almost impossible if hidden mechanisms are used.

Removing the door leaf from the hinges is only possible if there are sufficient gaps


A very popular device on doors leading to a bedroom, toilet or bathroom is a latch. Modern models equipped with rotating miniature handles, which are located on the side of the room. On the reverse side, part of the lock is represented by a plug. Sometimes a turnkey lock is installed instead, if we're talking about about the living room.

Because sometimes you need to open interior lock on a door without a key, you have to look for alternative ways to turn the latch tab. The easiest way is to use a thin flat object, it can be a screwdriver, a plastic card, a file or a knife; sometimes you can open the lock with your fingernail. This is possible if there is a plug with a slot or recess on the back side. For smooth button plugs, you can use pliers. You just need to turn it and the lock will open.

Sometimes it is possible to move the tongue away using the same devices, but at the same time you need to penetrate the gap between the canvas and door frame. If the tension is not strong, moving the latch will not be difficult.

A slammed door latch can be opened with a thin object by moving the tab

Another option is a latch. It is installed on top of the door. How to open such a mechanism? You can try to move it through the gap between the door and the trap. If this does not work, then the easiest way is to use force. Typically, self-tapping screws easily fly out of the canvas, although they can damage its surface.

Key lock

In some cases, additional locks with a cylinder are installed on the door; they can be cylinder, lever, disk, etc. A special key with notches is selected for each of these mechanisms, which activates the locking system and moves the bolt. But how to open the door to a room without a key or if the lock is broken?

There are several options available here:

  • First, try trying the door. If the mechanism is simple, the bolt may bounce off on its own.
  • Choose a similar key. Some secrets work not only from the original key.
  • If all else fails, use a master key. You can try to move the tongue in the gap between the door and the frame, or by interfering with the larva itself. It is necessary to move the levers or pins, depending on the type of lock.
  • If this was not possible or the lock is broken, try to remove it. The cylinder can be drilled out or removed in some other way. For a regular handle, it will be enough to disassemble it and slide the tab from the inside.

How best to open the lock of an interior door needs to be decided locally. It's worth starting with the least crude methods.

It is possible to open the lock using a master key door handle on the key

Brute force

If you cannot open the door, but you have no other choice, then you can resort to extreme measures and use brute force. There are also different approaches possible here:

  • Cut off the hinges. Open fasteners are cut down along the hinge axis or plate and the canvas easily falls out of the opening.
  • Cut off the tongue. If the latch or bolt is clearly visible in the gap between the box and the canvas, and you can insert a hacksaw or grinder disk inside, try cutting it off. Be prepared for sparks from the metal.
  • Knock down the door. If you don’t have the right tools at hand and the door is very flimsy, you can easily knock it out of the opening.

Knocking down a slammed door should only be done as a last resort.

Apply similar methods should only be used when other methods have failed. Most likely, after a break-in, you will have to change the door or, at least, restore the door leaf and frame. The fittings will also need to be replaced.

It is quite possible to open a door without a key, but not all methods remain without a trace. To prevent such a need, regularly check the serviceability of the locks and install mechanisms that do not slam shut spontaneously.