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Canning with citric acid instead of vinegar. How to replace vinegar and its types

Vinegar is a product that no housewife can do without in the kitchen. But many are afraid to use store-bought food in the preparation of their dishes, fearing the preservatives that manufacturers add. And people often wonder if vinegar can be replaced.

Types of vinegar

First you need to understand what types of vinegar there are. The most common is synthetic or, as it is also called, table, which is most often used by housewives in preparing dishes, as well as in canning and baking. Natural types of this product are used less frequently.

Natural ones include apple, wine, balsamic, rice, cane, malt. Apple juice can be in liquid form, as well as in tablet form. Balsamic, which is extracted from grapes, is also called royal. Natural balsamic is an expensive product that is used solely for flavoring or marinating expensive varieties fish and meat.

Wine is produced by fermenting wine and is very often used by housewives in cooking as an alternative to white wine, but only with the addition of sugar. IN European countries rice became widely known thanks to the passion for oriental cuisine, in particular sushi. Rice vinegar is also added to salads and when preparing various marinades and even to drinks.

Cane vinegar is the most expensive and rare type of vinegar, which is little used in cooking around the world. It is often used by gourmets to prepare meat dishes. Malt is used mainly in British cuisine, particularly in puddings and soups.

How to replace table vinegar

Housewives love to use table vinegar for canning. various vegetables. But there are also those who categorically reject its use and replace it with to a greater extent citric acid or natural juice.

In general, any vinegar can be replaced with citric acid, but if you want to get closer to taste qualities original product, then in this case you will have to try to find a worthy replacement.

What is the best substitute for apple cider vinegar in baking?

Apple cider vinegar, which is often used in baking, can be replaced with citric acid, just like table vinegar. In addition to it, this product can be replaced with any fruit acid. As you know, vinegar in baking is used exclusively as a leavening agent to quench soda. Therefore, as a replacement, in addition to fruit acid, any other baking powder purchased in the store can come to the rescue.

If we're talking about about what to replace wine vinegar with, this is perhaps the simplest task. It can be replaced with any white or red wine, depending on which dish you need to add the desired ingredient to.

If it is necessary to replace balsamic vinegar, it is necessary to consider the preparation of each dish separately. For example, in a salad or meat dishes instead, you can add the same citric acid diluted with water, or white wine with the addition of various spices.

How to replace rice vinegar

Rice is always used to prepare sushi, and it is rarely replaced with a similar sauce. To prepare the sauce, you will still have to resort to adding vinegar, even table vinegar. This means you need to take two tablespoons of its synthetic version, add 40 milliliters soy sauce, a pinch of salt and sugar. The resulting mixture must be heated over low heat.

Therefore, we can conclude that it is not possible to replace rice vinegar with ingredients where no other type of vinegar will be used to prepare sushi.

So, when wondering what to replace vinegar with, try to use products that are most similar in taste to the original.

Vinegar adds flavor to many dishes. For example, a salad with cabbage and carrots is bland in itself. And if you add vinegar, it turns out very tasty. But how can you replace vinegar if you suddenly don’t have it on hand?


To prepare light salads, vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice. This is both healthier and less likely to over-acidify. If you don’t have lemon on hand, you can add a pinch of citric acid. But then you need to mix the ingredients thoroughly so that you don’t get all the acid in one place.


Many people wonder what can replace vinegar when preserving. Citric acid will help you here too. A three-liter jar usually requires a teaspoon. If you have other volumes, then proceed from the proportion 5:2. That is, 100 g of vinegar can be replaced with 40 g of citric acid.


In order to prepare sushi rice, you need to add special vinegar to it. Thanks to it, it becomes softer, does not stick to your hands as much during cooking, and gives the sushi a spiciness. But how can you replace rice vinegar without spoiling the dish?

You can replace sushi vinegar by preparing a mixture of regular vinegar, salt and sugar. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and one and a half teaspoons of salt to a third of a glass of ordinary table vinegar 9%. The entire mixture must be thoroughly stirred until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

In principle, rice vinegar can be replaced with ordinary, but more gentle varieties. For example, apple or wine vinegar. Rice vinegar differs from regular vinegar only in its softness and not such a rich concentration. Therefore, when consuming other varieties, it is worth reducing the dose slightly.

When preparing rolls or sushi, take a container of water and lemon juice and constantly wet your hands in it. Thanks to this, the rice will not stick to your hands, and the nori will stick better.

Balsamic vinegar

Although balsamic vinegar is used in many recipes, the original product is very expensive. Preparing vinegar takes about 10 or even more years. In this case, 85% of the vinegar is lost, which significantly affects the price. But by learning how to replace balsamic vinegar, you can save money and get almost the same quality.

There are younger balsamic vinegars that do not have such a rich taste and color. They cost an order of magnitude cheaper, so they are quite suitable as a replacement.

You can also make it yourself using regular wine vinegar. To do this, add the fragrant herbs of lemon balm, chamomile, lavender and mint to it and let it brew for about a week.

Bon appetit and new culinary exploits!

We often use vinegar when cooking. We use vinegar when preparing marinades, in baked goods, rolls, and soups. What can replace vinegar and what types of vinegar are interchangeable? Let's take a closer look at these issues in this article.

What can replace vinegar?

Let's start with the fact that in many dishes vinegar is simply not needed. You can do without vinegar. Don’t forget that vinegar is not always healthy and can cause heartburn, so you can do without it to prepare many dishes, so if you’re wondering how to replace vinegar in a marinade, you might just want to look for recipes for marinades without vinegar. After all, they are often not inferior in taste to marinades with vinegar. In this situation, to stop the growth of microflora and add sourness, you can add a little citric acid. How to replace vinegar with citric acid? Very simple - 1 g of citric acid is approximately 10 g of vinegar 3%. When preserving, you can also replace vinegar with red currant juice; for this, red currants are poured into jars, filling the void between the vegetables. The vegetables have a pleasant pickled taste and are perfectly preserved. If you just need to preserve it, add a couple of tablespoons of vodka to three liter jar preparations, this is an excellent preservative and at such ratios the taste of alcohol will not be felt.

How to replace vinegar in salads?

Replacing vinegar in salads is quite simple; add lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid, but in this case, mix the salad very thoroughly.

How to replace vinegar for sushi?

Replacing vinegar for rolls is quite simple. Rice vinegar is commonly used and has a distinct taste and smell. You can replace rice vinegar with regular vinegar, but with minor adjustments.

How to replace rice vinegar with regular vinegar?

It’s easy to replace Japanese vinegar, take regular vinegar 9%, pour a third of a glass, add two tablespoons of sugar and one and a half teaspoons of salt. The main thing is to thoroughly mix these ingredients until completely dissolved. In principle, you can replace rice vinegar with apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar. You just need vinegar of more gentle varieties. When using these types of vinegar, you should slightly reduce the dose.

What can replace balsamic vinegar?

Original balsamic vinegar is very expensive because it takes about 10 years to prepare such vinegar. Therefore, you can replace it with cheaper young varieties. They cost much less.

Dishes. Salads made from some vegetables often turn out bland, and vinegar can easily fix this. Every housewife has once encountered a shortage of an ingredient when preparing a recipe. If you don’t have vinegar on hand at the right time, then you don’t have to rush to the store to buy it, since there are products that are fully capable of fulfilling its functions in the recipe. And many more, knowing about the properties of vinegar to negatively affect the gastric mucosa, deliberately refuse to use it in recipes and preservation. So, what can you replace vinegar with?

Canning without vinegar

Many people prefer to preserve vegetables in a marinade that contains vinegar in the recipe. As a rule, this component makes the workpiece more durable, but the benefits to the human body, alas, does not bring. Pickled vegetables are the product that provokes gastrointestinal diseases. The most popular substitute for vinegar for canning vegetables is citric acid. Marinades with it have a milder taste and last longer than marinades based on vinegar. As a rule, 10 g of vinegar 3% is equivalent to 1 g of citric acid.

Many people prefer to replace vinegar in the marinade for preserving vegetables with red currant juice. To do this, add red currants to a jar of cucumbers so that they fill the voids between them.

You can also replace traditional table vinegar in the marinade with wine or apple cider vinegar. The latter are natural products, the production of which uses a microbiological method of processing grape and apple raw materials, which retain the properties of fresh fruits. Canned apple and vinegar will only bring benefits, so table vinegar can be safely replaced with them.

How to replace vinegar in salads

If you need to replace vinegar in any recipe light salad vegetables, you can use lemon juice. Such a component, by the way, will add benefits and certainly will not make it overly sour. If you don’t have fresh lemon on hand, you can use citric acid. In this case, you should carefully mix the salad ingredients so that acid clots do not form and so that more citric acid does not accumulate in one place than in another.

Thus, table vinegar is not an indispensable component in marinades, appetizers, salads and other dishes. Instead, you can use any of the above products, which will make the dishes more healthy and tasty.

How to replace apple cider vinegar in cooking? You can get by with a regular dining room

What can you replace apple cider vinegar with?

In cooking, some products are mandatory components of the recipe, and some can be varied. These usually include sauces, seasonings, and aromatic roots. Is it possible to replace apple cider vinegar with regular cider vinegar? It depends on the recipe and the final taste of the dish.

Replacement options:

  1. Instead of natural vinegar, you can use synthetic one. It is practically the same in properties, although it will not have the same benefits and vitamins. Artificial fruit solution is usually used in canning.
  2. If you are thinking about how to replace apple cider vinegar in a marinade, then you can safely use wine or diluted table vinegar.
  3. You can add citrus juice, concentrated juice or fresh sour fruits to a vegetable or fruit salad.
  4. To prepare main dishes, you can use dry white or other sour wine.
  5. What can replace apple cider vinegar when canning? The answer depends on the desired final flavor. In any case, wine or any fruit will do.

When choosing one vinegar instead of another, keep in mind what kind of dish you want to end up with. If you just need acid, then table acid will do, but it will need to be diluted to 3%. In the case when you also need aroma, take a more adequate replacement. Add sour fruits to the salad, white wine to the meat, and lemon juice to the marinade.

And if you have time and fresh apples, you can make homemade vinegar.

How to make your own apple cider vinegar

If the replacement option does not suit you, then it would be a good idea to learn how to prepare apple cider vinegar. Then you will always have a natural and healthy product at hand.

  1. Pour a kilogram of crushed fruits with a liter of water, add sugar, about 0.5 cups, and a crust of bread.
  2. Place the container in a dark and warm place. The vinegar will ferment for 10 days, you need to stir it daily.
  3. When the allotted time has passed, carefully strain the liquid through several layers of gauze, pour it and put it in a dark place for a couple of months.

It is better to store the finished sauce in a cool, dark place. This will protect it from further fermentation.

Apple cider vinegar is a completely replaceable product in cooking. You can take wine, rice, or regular table food. Any sour product or juice is suitable for salads. And for preservation, take a highly diluted essence. The ability to do it yourself will save you from the problem of looking for other options.