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Eternal love: what you need to know about a Catholic wedding. A wedding in the Catholic Church: the rules, how it goes, video

Wedding look ..

the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, according to the priests, are very close to each other. but at the same time they have a number of differences that you need to know if you decide to get married in a Catholic church.

preparation for the wedding.

Catholics know that it is necessary to come to the church three months before the ceremony. during this period, the newlyweds are preparing for the wedding in the Catholic Church. the priest tells them about marriage from a Catholic perspective. there is even a special book on how to hold ten meetings with newlyweds who want to get married according to the Catholic rite.

during this kind of training before the Catholic wedding, young people study the understanding of the family in the Catholic faith and, if they did not know, the prayers: "our father", "to the virgin Mary", "I believe."

priests believe that such a "school" is very important for young people, because the Catholic faith is very strict. for example, it is a great sin to use contraceptives (condoms, spirals, pills). the newlyweds are explained the sinfulness of these methods and are told about the natural method of family planning, from the standpoint of the Catholic faith.

the wedding is held only after the registration of the marriage.

Catholic wedding of representatives of different confessions.

when marrying representatives of different confessions, for example, Catholic and Orthodox, there are some nuances that you need to know before going through the ceremony. children born to this marriage must be baptized and raised in the Catholic faith.

newlyweds should know and accept this.

the priest who prepares the newlyweds for the ceremony must obtain permission to marry such a couple. he fills out special papers on which the newlyweds must confirm their promise to raise children. a representative of the Catholic faith - to put a signature under the promise, and the Orthodox - under the notification of this promise. permission for a wedding in the Catholic Church is given by the bishop.

special permission is also required in the case of a Catholic marriage with a Muslim, Jew, or atheist. the differences between these cultures, the difference in worldviews are very great, and the young people are sure to explain the possible consequences of such a marriage.

when can you get married.

Unlike Orthodox wedding traditions, a Catholic wedding can be performed on any day, even during Lent. the only rule is not to celebrate the wedding (not to arrange a festive celebration) if the wedding is held during fasting.

who is not allowed to get married.

do not conduct a wedding ceremony in the Catholic Church for blood relatives, as well as for people who are married to a third party. here, too, there is a difference from Orthodoxy. there is no divorce (debunking) in the Catholic Church. if one of the newlyweds was previously married, even in the Orthodox Church, he cannot be married according to the Catholic ceremony.

during the preparation for the wedding, the priest asks the newlyweds questions, trying to find out possible obstacles to marriage. such an obstacle may be the impotence of one of them. moreover, it is specified that it is the inability to have sexual intercourse, and not infertility. a marriage is considered invalid if the priest performed the wedding ceremony without knowing this fact.

wedding ceremony.

a Catholic wedding begins with a liturgy, prayer and sermon, with which the priest once again emphasizes the importance of this step for the newlyweds.

after, he asks the newlyweds three questions:

have you come here voluntarily and freely want to enter into a marriage union?

are you ready to love and respect each other all your life?

Are you ready to accept children from God with love and raise them according to the teachings of Christ and the Church?

if the answer was “yes” to all the questions, the priest prays for the descent of the holy spirit on the newlywed couple. after that, the newlyweds say the words of an oath to each other.

at the wedding ceremony in the Catholic Church, you can do without wedding rings. if the newlyweds want, the priest will consecrate the rings, but the main rite is to pronounce the conjugal oath and receive grace.

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2016-07-04 14:12 by Slavik

It often happens that you look at a photo and you realize that there are almost no romantic photos where the two of you are together. For this, they probably came up with a photo shoot in the style of love story, which literally means - a love story in pictures.

The Orthodox wedding ceremony implies the full consent of the bride and groom to take an oath of fidelity to each other, as well as receiving the blessing from the church for their union, the birth and upbringing of children in accordance with the traditions of the Christian society.

The ceremony consists of two parts: the wedding itself. Initially, these two processes took place separately from each other, but by the end of the 17th century they were combined. During the betrothal process, the priest puts on wedding rings to the bride and groom as a symbol of their endless, eternal and boundless love. As a sign of their consent, spouses must exchange rings three times, after which one ring remains with the bride, and the second with the groom.

After the betrothal, the priest, with the help of a crown, crosswise marks the bride and groom. The spouses are presented with a cup of red wine, which symbolizes their common destiny, and the newlyweds alternately drink all the wine in three doses. Further, the priest joins the right hands of the newlyweds and draws them around the lectern three times. This is a symbol of the beginning of a common path.

At the end of the ceremony, the bride and groom kiss the icons of the Mother of God and the Savior, receive from the priest two icons prepared in advance by the parents of the spouses, and the wedding ceremony ends.

Catholic wedding traditions

A Catholic wedding is a ceremony full of solemnity and beauty, which is performed once in a lifetime. After the wedding of the Catholic spouses, only death can separate.

Unlike the Orthodox, where the main roles are distributed between the priest and those who are getting married, in the Catholic rite one of the main participants is the bride's father. As the head of the family, he leads his daughter to the altar and hands her over to the future spouse. From this day on, it is the husband who will be obliged to take care and tenderly love his chosen one.

The main ceremony begins with the opening prayer of a Catholic priest, during which the bride and groom kneel on special chairs, witnesses are nearby, and relatives and invited guests sit. After praying and answering the priest's questions, the bride and groom take oaths of loyalty and love, exchange rings in the church book. This ends the wedding ceremony in the Catholic Church.

Wedding bans

According to the laws of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, marriages between blood relatives and half-brothers and sisters are prohibited. For the Orthodox rite, it is imperative that both spouses be baptized; in the Catholic Church, marriage is impossible, either by a monk or, as well as if one of the spouses was previously married in the Orthodox Church.

The wedding is one of the seven sacraments of the Church, during which the newlyweds enter into a marriage union before God, certifying their feelings for each other. the sacrament of a wedding in an Orthodox church lasts about an hour.

The sacrament itself consists of the succession of the betrothal and itself. Before the start of the solemn service, the serving priest meets the newlyweds to the sound of bells at the entrance to the temple.

Before the betrothal begins, the newlyweds are at the end of the temple (at the same time, a special board is laid under their feet). Next, the newlyweds are given wedding candles in their hands. After that, the priest goes to the center of the temple and gives an exclamation for the beginning of the sacrament. Further, the priest pronounces a litany with special petitions for the newlyweds. Then a prayer is read, after which the priest again approaches the newlyweds and puts rings on their fingers. The rings (as they are called in the Orthodox tradition) change three times. That is, alternately the wedding ring of the husband and wife is put on the finger of the spouse. After that, a few more prayers are read by the priest in the center of the temple.

After the prayers, the priest approaches the couple and, while singing certain wedding chants, brings the newlyweds to the center of the temple. Then there is a questioning about the desire for church marriage. After receiving from both sides, the sacrament of the wedding begins directly.

One of the main moments of the wedding is the laying on of the newlyweds' wreaths. After that, the priest pronounces three times the secret-performing formula: "Lord our God, I crown (them) with glory and honor." At the same time, the priest raises his hands to the sky, and then turns to the newlyweds and blesses them. This happens three times. This is followed by readings of New Testament Scripture passages.

Another aspect of the wedding service is the use of wine by the newlyweds from a single bowl as a sign that now the husband and wife have everything in common. After that, the priest takes the newlyweds by the hand and walks with them three times around the lectern while singing certain chants in chorus.

The crowns are removed from the heads of the spouses already before the end of the wedding. At the end of the sacrament, the newlyweds are sung the chant "Many Years", in which the newlyweds are asked to give longevity to the newlyweds.

After completing the sacrament, the priest brings the newlyweds to the open royal gates to Solea. The spouse and wife kiss the icons located near the royal doors, and then, as evidence of the love of the newlyweds, the newlyweds kiss themselves.

At the end of the wedding, the priest can say a parting word for the young, after which a certificate is necessarily issued.

In some churches there is a practice to drive three times around the temple for newlyweds, after which, to the ringing of bells, the wedding procession leaves the temple.

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Wedding ceremony in the Orthodox and Catholic churches

The well-known word marriage has Slavic roots and is evidence of being together. A married couple, this is how our distant ancestors called the horses that are in the same bundle. According to Orthodox laws, at the end of the time that the spouses are united by church marriage, they become one flesh, one creature in their thirsts, euphoria and sorrows.

The wedding ceremony, thanks to which a young couple seals their amorous alliance before the Almighty, is one of the most memorable and beautiful rituals. He imposes certain obligations on both spouses, they receive the blessing for a cloudless home life, and procreation.

Church wedding: rules

The rules for marriage, established by civil law, differ significantly from those that are church canons. It is possible to say with confidence that far from all home alliances, formalized in accordance with all state norms, may be admitted for illumination in the Sacrament of Marriage.

The Orthodox Church prohibits:

  • fourth and subsequent weddings
  • if the newlyweds (or one of them) consider themselves to be convinced atheists, but decided to bless their marriage in the temple at the request of the other half or relatives
  • at a time when young people are relatives up to the fourth generation, i.e. second cousins
  • marry without going through the baptismal ceremony
  • in the event that one of those entering into a marriage on documents is in a domestic relationship with another person
  • permission to marry godparents and godchildren can only be taken from the ruling bishop. The same goes for a home alliance between two recipients of the same child.
  • those who took priesthood or took monastic vows.

If the young people did not take the parental blessing to conduct the Sacrament of marriage, this is certainly a regrettable fact. But at a time when the bride and groom are adults, this will not be an obstacle to the purpose of the marriage.

Preparing for the wedding

Marriage is not only a catchy and wonderful holiday that lovers will not forget all their lives, but also a very important move that imposes a huge responsibility on them. The correct preparation for this event is also serious, as is the sacrament itself. First of all, it is necessary to decide on the date, it is fundamentally important to remember that, in accordance with Orthodox canons, a wedding cannot be carried out during any fast. In addition, the couple in love is not allowed to go to the altar at Christmas time, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

With each new year, the solemn dates in the Orthodox calendar do not shift much, it is possible to clarify the data by contacting any temple or icon shop. Nowadays, this can be done quickly by going to the site dedicated to the Sacrament of Marriage. Before the newlyweds start preparing for the wedding, they need to decide on a few serious issues.

Choosing a temple

About two to three weeks before the desired date, young people should choose a temple for their wedding. His ministers will tell you what rules they follow there:

  • how long does the wedding ceremony take (from 30 to 90 minutes)
  • Is the wedding of one pair of newlyweds allowed
  • is photo and video shooting allowed?
  • where should the guests be present

The wedding ceremony is paid, its price in different churches can vary within a fairly wide range. It is extremely rare to agree on a ceremony outside the Temple, for example, if one of the spouses is sick and unable to come.

Wedding suit and dress

The costumes in which young people are present at the wedding ceremony symbolize innocence, modesty and purity. When choosing a dress for this ceremony, you need to pay attention to its color. Outfits of pastel colors will look great: white, tender pink, beige and others. A lush white wedding dress was borrowed by us from Europe. In accordance with the decrepit Russian wedding tradition, brides had the opportunity to wear an outfit of any color, but not too colorful.

Another characteristic feature of a wedding dress is modesty. The dress, in which the bride will stay in church, must be chaste; accordingly, it must be free of all kinds of deep cuts and necklines. In addition, you need to cover your back, shoulders and legs, the minimum length of the skirt should be up to the knee. If you nevertheless chose a rather open dress for the wedding, then it is possible to supplement it with accessories, which will help to correct the situation. It can be long gloves, a lace bolero, an openwork shawl or an airy stole. Wedding attire cannot be gifted or sold, like all attributes used for this rite.

What is needed for a wedding

Before starting a married life, according to Orthodox canons, you need to undergo spiritual training. Future spouses must necessarily confess and receive communion. For the ceremony itself, you need to buy two icons: one of the Savior, and the second of the Mother of God, for the blessing of the young couple. Previously, these icons were kept in the parental home and passed on from generation to generation.

Wedding rings are an obligatory attribute for the wedding process. They help with a sign of eternal love and the strength of the marriage alliance. Previously, rings for a young couple were made of various metals. Gold was intended for her husband, it was the sign of the main luminary in the sky of the sun. Silver was a semblance of the moon, it dressed up on the hand of his wife. Now, in most cases, monotonous gold or silver rings are bought for young people.

In addition, you need to remember that for a church wedding you need to buy a white towel and candles. The lit candles that the young couple holds in their hands during the ceremony symbolize fiery and pure love, which must burn in their hearts all their lives. The white towel that is laid under the feet of those entering into marriage reflects the purity of their intentions.

How is the wedding in the Orthodox Church

In the old days, the church wedding ceremony was carried out before the civil procedure. The young man was to be the first to arrive at the temple and patiently await the arrival of his chosen one. So, the groom showed that his intentions are the most important. The bride was informed that the young man had arrived, and only then she went to church. Now the newlyweds come directly from the registry office to the wedding and, at the appointed time, the priest begins the festive liturgy. Church marriage includes two stages, first the betrothal and only later the main rite.

The wedding process is as follows. First, the deacon brings out the wedding rings of the young, and the priest now lights the candles, which are held by the bride and groom. After that, he invites the couple in love to perform the rite of exchange of rings. Young people should move them to each other three times and later put on any of their own. This symbolizes mutual help and complete harmony in married life.

Then the priest takes the wedding crown, crosswise marks the young one with it. The crown is placed on the head of the future spouse at the end of how he applies his lips to the image of the Savior. The same ritual is performed with the young one, only her wedding crown is decorated with the image of the Mother of God. In the event that the bride's magnificent hairstyle interferes with laying a crown, the young witness should hold it over his head. When the wedding ceremony is repeated in the Orthodox Church, the crowns are held on the shoulders of the spouses. And for the third time, the Sacrament is performed without them.

After that, a cup filled with wine is brought out and the priest hands it over to the young. They drink the contents in three steps, passing to each other. This ritual symbolizes the fact that a couple in love becomes one whole. From this moment on, they now do everything non-specialized and they must help each other in grief and euphoria. Then the priest takes the hands of the young couple, joins them and leads the bride and groom to the altar. Young people must walk around the altar three times and stop at the royal gates. There, the husband again kisses the image of the Savior, and the bride kisses the image of the Most Holy Theotokos with her lips.

After that, the bride and groom are given icons, which they will have to hang over the bed. At the end of how many years are distributed to the newlyweds, relatives and guests will be able to congratulate them. Now they have become spouses not only before the law, but also before the Almighty.

How is the wedding in the Catholic Church

Orthodox and Catholic churches are very similar. But still, if you decide to seal a marriage alliance in accordance with Catholic laws, then you need to know how they differ. Preparation for the ceremony lasts at least three months and the ritual itself should be carried out only after the end of the civil registration. Young people should come to a meeting with a priest, who will tell them about the understanding of the home alliance and natural planning according to the Catholic canons. They are quite strict, for example, one of the greatest sins here is the use of any contraceptives. In addition, the church does not recognize divorce, in addition, if one of the spouses was previously married in an Orthodox church, he will not be allowed to formalize domestic relations according to the Catholic rite.

The priest begins the wedding process in a Catholic church with a liturgy and a sermon, thereby emphasizing the importance of this event for the young couple. After that, he asks the spouses three obligatory questions:

  1. is there any desire to come here and enter into a home alliance voluntarily?
  2. Are the young people ready to respect and adore each other for the rest of their lives?
  3. Are they ready to accept children from the Almighty with love and bring them up according to church canons?

If the newlyweds answered in the affirmative to all the questions, then the priest utters the words of a prayer in which he prays for the blessing of the new family with the Holy Spirit. After that, it is the turn of the young, they take the oath of eternal love and fidelity to their friend. A wedding in the Catholic Church can take place without wedding rings, but at the request of the spouses, the priest will consecrate them.

Those who decide to get married according to the Catholic rite should remember that there are a number of rules in accordance with which the sacrament of the wedding is carried out.

Before the wedding

"When people decide to get married, they should come to the church at least in three months until the expected date of the wedding, "says Father Peter Antoni Belevich, diocesan spiritual pastor of the families of the Minsk-Mogilev archdiocese.

According to him, during this period (three months), the "young" undergo a kind of "special training", and there is even a special book, which describes how 10 meetings with people preparing for the wedding should be held.

Nevertheless, "it happens that people come, for example, a month before the wedding, say that they have already ordered a restaurant, the registry office, that they did not think, did not know, etc., but this is rather an exception. Today, most young people know about that you need to come in advance. "

During these three months, future spouses are taught prayers ("Our Father", "To the Virgin Mary", "I Believe") and the basics of the Catholic faith, prepared for married life.

“This is very important. For example, we explain to future spouses that in the Catholic faith strictly prohibited and it is a great sin to use any contraceptives. I emphasize - any, from the simplest, such as a condom, and ending with pills and coils. When someone asks, "So what do we have to give birth and give birth without end?", Then I say that there is a natural method of family planning, and we also explain this to the young. "

Who is being crowned

If the couple is "mixed", for example, one of the future spouses is Catholic and the other is Orthodox, then, according to Father Peter, in this case there are no big problems, since the religions are very close to each other.

"There is only one condition: the Catholic side must make a promise that it will baptize and raise children in the Catholic faith, and the Orthodox side must know that the Catholic has given such a promise."

In addition, permission from the bishop will be required to marry a "mixed" couple.

"This permission can almost always be obtained if there are no other problems," says Father Petr.

By the way, the priest, who trains the "young", is in charge of obtaining permission. There are special forms that the priest fills out in the presence of the future spouses, and they must sign the promise of raising children (Catholic side) and notification of such a promise (Orthodox side), then the priest sends the documents to the bishop.

“If we are talking about an unbaptized person (no matter who he is - a Muslim, Jew or atheist), everything is a little more complicated: here you need a special permission from the bishop and you need a serious approach. We always warn young people about the big difference in cultures. In general, such cases very little, practically never. "

Note that it is possible to get married only after the conclusion of an official marriage.

When they marry

Talking about when it is possible or not to get married, Father Peter noted that "there are no restrictions as such, because wedding is one of the sacraments and, like other sacraments, it can always be accepted."

According to Father Peter, people themselves usually do not get married during fasting, although there are exceptions.

"Even if the priest agrees to marry the" young "in Lent, for example, if people have lived without a wedding for several years and have decided to" legitimize "their relationship before God before Easter, then there is a very important point: in this case it is impossible to arrange a wedding, that is, to celebrate this event (dance, have fun, etc.), "says Father Peter. If this condition is met, then you can get married on any day.

Who is not crowned

Do not marry newlyweds who are in a family relationship (in a straight line), as well as those who are half-brothers and sisters. If cousins ​​and sisters are going to get married, then, according to Father Peter, "this can be done, but only in exceptional cases and for such a wedding a special permission from the bishop is required, which is practically never issued."

Also, the impotence of one of the spouses is a hindrance to the wedding. "Not the fact of infertility, but the inability to have sexual intercourse. Even if the" young "did not tell the priest about it, the wedding is considered invalid," says Father Peter. By the way, the answers to this and other questions that are asked to the "young" before the wedding (separately to a man and a woman, as well as jointly) are recorded in a special protocol.

Naturally, newlyweds are not married, one of whom is already in another marriage. Moreover, as Father Peter says, "there is no divorce (debunking) in the Catholic Church, even if a person, for example, previously got married in the Orthodox Church, then divorced and even got divorced, he will still not be able to get married in the Catholic Church." If the person was simply painted and then divorced, then you can get married, but you will need to provide a certificate of divorce.

Another hindrance to the wedding, which, according to Father Peter, "almost never occurs", is the murder by the husband of his wife (the husband's wife) in order to remarry.

How is the wedding going

As Father Peter says, "there is no one" scenario ": the ceremony depends on the priest and on the traditions adopted in the given locality (city, village). For example, somewhere the bride's father introduces her to a church, somewhere young come in together. "

The wedding itself begins as a liturgy, the priest greets the young, guests, then the first prayer is read, after which all those present listen to one or two fragments from the Bible and a short sermon, in which the “young” are once again reminded of the responsibilities of spouses.

1. Have you come here voluntarily and freely want to enter into a marriage union?

2. Are you ready to love and respect each other all your life?

3. Are you ready to accept children from God with love and raise them according to the teachings of Christ and the church? (This question is only asked to young couples.)

If at least one of the questions one of the "young" answers "no", then the wedding will not take place.

If the answer to all questions was "yes", the priest asks the Holy Spirit to descend on the spouses, the newlyweds shake hands with each other, and the priest ties them with a special ribbon, and they, facing each other, repeat (or say, if they know by heart) the words conjugal vows.

After that, the priest blesses the "young". As Father Peter says, "marriage is the only sacrament that people give to themselves: the husband to his wife, and the wife to her husband, the priest only blesses them."

Then the rings are consecrated (if any), the prayers "Our Father", the Intercessory Prayer are read, and the ceremony ends with a blessing (usually the wedding takes no more than half an hour).

It is interesting that for a wedding wedding rings are not required at all... "In Catholicism there is a rite of consecration and putting on rings, but this is only an addition to the main rite - a mutual oath, that is, the words of receiving God's grace. The rings are a sign that the couple received this grace, "says Father Peter.

A prerequisite for a wedding is the presence of two witnesses, who must be baptized people, and it does not matter - Orthodox or Catholics. During the ceremony, they stand behind the "young" and should hear everything that the priest says, as well as everything that the bride and groom say.

The wedding can, if desired, be held in one of three languages ​​(Belarusian, Polish and Russian).

Newlyweds, according to the canons of the Catholic Church, prepare for such an important ceremony as a wedding in the Catholic Church in three months. During this time, 10 meetings must pass, at which they receive special preparation for the sacrament. The entire visitation process is recorded in a special book. A Catholic wedding can be held on any day except 40 days before Easter, and except for the period of time 4 weeks before Christmas. This refers to Catholic, not Orthodox Easter and Christmas.

What is a church wedding

Weddings may differ depending on the customs of a particular area. A common variant is when the bride is led into the church by her father. This can be a godfather or a respected relative from the bride's family. According to other customs, the bride and groom enter the church together, holding hands or arm.

Next comes the liturgy. This is a divine service, during which prayers are read, appropriate to the occasion - dedicated to the wedding, and extracts from the Bible. The priest delivers a sermon that instructs how spouses should behave and how to deal with each other in marriage.

Questions from the priest

The bride and groom answer the questions of the priest. Traditionally, there are two or three.

  1. Did the couple voluntarily come to the church and do they freely want to conclude this sacred union?
  2. Are the bride and groom ready to honor and respect each other throughout their life together?
  3. Is the couple ready to accept children given by God and raise them according to the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church?

The third question is only asked if the couple is still young and has no children. Elderly people are not asked this question. After all, the wedding is held at any age. If one of the couple answers no to any of the questions, the process is interrupted. Further, the wedding is not carried out. With the affirmative answers of both, the priest calls on the Holy Spirit to descend on the bride and groom.

How to get married in a church

The newlyweds, according to tradition, shake hands to each other. The priest ties them with a ribbon. The couple turns to face each other. Next, the conjugal vow is pronounced (preferably by heart). But, if they have not learned it, they repeat after the priest. He solemnly blesses the spouses.

Wedding rings

In a Catholic church, weddings are optional. This is an interesting feature that distinguishes such a rite from the Orthodox. If the couple wants the rings to be there, the spiritual father blesses them and, together with the young, reads the prayer “Our Father”, then the prayer of intercession, then blesses the newlyweds.

Witnesses at the wedding

Before the wedding takes place in the Catholic Church, the bride and groom pick up witnesses to the sacrament. There can be more than two of them - at will. It is imperative that the witnesses are baptized. They can be Orthodox, not just Catholics. The main thing is that the rite of baptism is passed.

They are assigned an important role at the wedding. During the ceremony, they stand behind the backs of the bride and groom so that they can see and hear everything. They sign the wedding document. This document is a wedding certificate. The rite must be recorded in the church book.

A wedding certificate is not a legal document and does not replace the marriage certificate issued by c. This is something to keep in mind.

Who has the right to hold a wedding

It can be not only a clergyman, but also a layman. He cannot refuse the wedding to the bride and groom if they have provided a marriage certificate. Catholic marriage, according to beliefs, rests on three important components: fidelity, unity and indissolubility.