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Valid reasons for absenteeism: why you won’t be fired.

The valid reasons for absence from work are not structured by law into a clear list.

Therefore, every worker is interested in the issue under consideration at least once in his life. Let's figure it out.

Missed time or was absent for a valid reason

You cannot show up for work without a compelling reason. Every worker knows about this.

Absenteeism for an employee may result in:

  • the need for an explanation with the employer and subsequent submission of a corresponding note - this is at a minimum;
  • Dismissal under an article for absenteeism is the highest penalty.

Absenteeism should be considered the actual absence of an employee from his workplace without permission. good reasons, lasting more than 4 hours (subparagraph “a” of part 1 of the 81st article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, if about a specific workplace in employment contract nothing is indicated, it is inappropriate to talk about absenteeism.

For example, when you are not where you usually work, but on the territory of the enterprise.

Absenteeism is preceded by a written explanation submitted by the employee to his employer and containing possible reasons for such absence. If the employer considers the stated reasons to be disrespectful, he may fire him.

If the employee does not agree with the dismissal, the issue will be resolved in court. Based on the supporting documents submitted by the plaintiff, the court will determine whether the reasons were valid and, accordingly, there was absenteeism or not.

The whole problem is that the law does not contain a specific list indicating the objective reasons for the employee’s absence from the workplace. However, after analyzing labor legislation, we can conclude that there are several groups of similar reasons.

Subjective reasons

Subjective reasons indicating the justification of an employee’s absence are directly related to the latter’s personality.

The following documents are used as evidence:

  • sick leave;
  • mark in outpatient card about an appointment with a doctor;
  • a certificate from a doctor indicating that the employee has applied for an appointment.

Among valid reasons, periodic medical examinations of certain categories of workers (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and illness of a child may also be considered. In the latter case, the justification will look the same as for the illness of an adult, with the difference that he will be given a certificate at the children's clinic.

They cannot dismiss an employee even if he is absent from the workplace due to participation in a court hearing as a plaintiff (witness, victim, juror, defendant in the case under consideration).

A similar procedure in relation to the employee will also be observed provided that he remains in the investigative authorities and participates in investigative actions. A subpoena (to the investigator, interrogating officer) is then used as a supporting document. In addition, calling the police and performing duties as a member of the election commission also fall into the category of valid reasons.

If there was a utility accident at the employee’s place of residence, it is considered an excuse.

However, scheduled inspections of housing and communal enterprises can no longer act as a sufficient reason for an employee’s absence from work.

Objective reasons

Force majeure circumstances act as objective reasons indicating the impossibility of an employee being at his workplace. These could be weather conditions, disasters, man-made accidents and those on the road, military operations.

If the employer disagrees with the objectivity of the reasons being considered due to insufficient justification by the employee, the latter has the right to go to court.

As judicial practice shows, in such cases the court can accommodate the employee halfway. Moreover, in accordance with the court decision, the worker can even be reinstated at work. The main thing is not to put off going to court until later. To submit statement of claim regarding reinstatement at work, the court sets a one-month period (Article 392 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

We justify the validity of the reasons for the application

There are a number of circumstances when an employee may not show up for work after notifying his or her employer. This is the provision of days off based on the submitted application.

According to Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if there is an employee’s application, the employer must provide about 5 unpaid days due to death loved one, weddings and the birth of a child in the employee’s family.

Four paid days off upon application are allocated per month to an employee who has a disabled child in their care (Article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

One day off per month without pay can be taken by an employee who carries out her work in rural areas. The basis for allocating a day off may be a statement submitted to the employer.

Working mothers with children under one and a half years old can take breaks to feed their children (Article 258 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Today we are going to find out valid reasons for absence from work. In fact, this question is extremely important. Especially if you work in one place or another for a short time, but for some reason you need to avoid visiting your place of work. Unfortunately, not everyone knows good reasons. And sometimes your rights may be violated. In addition, no conscientious employee wants to receive absenteeism. Therefore, let's try to understand what are the valid reasons for not showing up for work, and how to prove them.


The first step is to understand what truancy is. Maybe it's not so scary after all? Or your failure to appear cannot be regarded as absenteeism for one reason or another?

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, absenteeism is absence from work without good reason. But there is one small limitation that can save an employee from punishment. Which one exactly? The thing is that you have the right to be punished only when your failure to appear continues for more than 4 hours in a row. Then and only then will it be considered truancy. Otherwise, you don't have to be afraid.

In addition, please note that absenteeism does not mean an employee’s absence from the workplace for some time, which is not his only time. Now it’s worth exploring valid reasons for absence from work. When can you not be afraid of punishment from management?


It is worth knowing exactly for what reasons you have the right not to show up for work. After all, very often it turns out that the boss considers what is happening to you to be an insignificant circumstance. But after a detailed investigation, it turns out that you had a really good reason for being absent from work. These are quite common cases.

To be on the safe side, try to warn management that you won’t come to work. And record it somehow. If they want to fire you for absenteeism, you can use evidence that you took measures to warn the employer about your absence. Moreover, if you have already been fired, file a complaint with the court. You will be reinstated (if you had a valid reason for being absent from work) and paid for that day. Nothing difficult, right? Only few people know under what circumstances absenteeism will not be considered as such.


Absence from work without a valid reason is grounds for your punishment. In fact, it is worth clearly understanding when the employer really has the right to regard your absence as absenteeism. It has already been said that often legal grounds and the management's opinion on this issue do not coincide.

The list of valid reasons for absence from work begins with adverse weather conditions. That is, if for this very reason you were unable to get to your workplace, then they have no right to impose any sanctions on you. Was there a hurricane? Biggest snowstorm? Blizzard? Traffic jams or thick fog? There is no punishment for all this. Just try to notify your employer of your absence in advance. Often, weather conditions are not, in the opinion of management, a really important reason why you are away from work for more than 4 hours in a row. So it’s worth knowing your rights.

From vacation

Next option developments do not occur very often. The thing is that sometimes an employee, for one reason or another, cannot return from vacation on time. Often the weather is to blame. This item is considered a valid reason for absence from work. So your superiors will have to take it into account.

Of course, as in the previous case, try to warn your manager about delays. If this cannot be done, just stock up on evidence that you really could not return home for reasons beyond your control and get to work. Otherwise, they may try to either punish you or fire you altogether. And then you will have to resort to judicial debate. And they bring little pleasure to anyone.


What other valid reason could there be for absence from work? We already know examples of some scenarios. But, as a rule, the conversation does not end there. In general, the Labor Code does not have a clearly defined list. So all responsibility for this question falls on the shoulders of the employer, not the employee. After all, it is he who will be punished and held accountable if a citizen is fired for absenteeism, which in fact is not absenteeism.

Among possible options development of events, one can also highlight the arrest. If you are arrested for one reason or another, or you were detained by law enforcement officers as a witness, no one has the right to give you absenteeism. And even more so punish to one degree or another. You can often easily alert your employer that you have been arrested or asked to testify as a witness.


The next scenario is a breakdown of public transport. If you get to work, for example, by bus, then its malfunction can be included in the valid reasons for absence from work. In fact, it is this point that requires special attention.

Why? It's one thing when we're talking about about public transport that moves outside the city. Or to the city directly, for example from a village or village. That is, long-distance. When it is impossible to get to the workplace in any other way or wait for the next transport in time so as not to be late. Urban public transport, which runs at regular intervals, is something completely different.

For a breakdown to be considered a valid reason, every effort must be made to arrive at the employer on time. Of course, try to warn your superiors about the incident. In such circumstances, no one will have the right to punish you or give you absenteeism. After all, you are dealing with a good reason that does not depend on you and your desire.


What else is worth paying attention to? Valid reasons for absence from work may vary. And few people know about them, because in fact in the Labor Code Russian Federation there is no clear list of them. Each case must be considered separately.

Thus, another valid reason for absence from work is caring for a needy/sick relative or child. If your help is urgently needed, no one has the right to count absence from work as absenteeism. After all, life circumstances can be different. So take note this factor. Often, employers try to impose certain punishments on him even when a citizen is caring for a sick and needy relative or child. It is illegal. Most likely, if you go to court, it will be on your side.

Emergency work

Life is something that cannot be foreseen and predicted with certainty. Various incidents and surprises can happen to everyone, no one is immune from this. So you have to constantly think about what could be good reasons for absenteeism. Why won't they fire an employee who doesn't show up? workplace?

We have already met some points. But as already mentioned, there is no exact list anywhere. Each case is considered individually, and responsibility for punishment falls on the shoulders of the employer. The next scenario is nothing more than carrying out emergency repair work in the employee’s house/apartment. If a repairman comes, he should be provided with access to the home. And at the same time, absence from work under such circumstances will not be considered absenteeism.

There is also one nuance here - all repairs emergency work should not be carried out at the request of the absentee employee. In other words, we are talking only about forced measures. But if you independently decide to call, say, a plumber to your home, instead of going to work, then your absence will be regarded as absenteeism.


It is also worth paying attention to the fact that accidents are valid reasons for absence from work. This is especially true for those who drive their own cars and also get to work in their own car.

Of course, if there is an accident, it is worth warning someone about your absence. But you don't have to do this. Then you will have to obtain evidence that you really did not miss work, but could not arrive at work on time. Now this is not so difficult to do. So try to be on the safe side once again. And if you have a realistic chance of arriving on time, do so. Otherwise, you may be afraid of some punishment.


What are valid reasons for absenteeism? There are a lot of them. But, as already mentioned, there is no clear list. And it is unlikely that he will appear. So you will have to figure this out on your own.

In addition to the scenarios already listed, our list of valid reasons includes undergoing treatment, rehabilitation, or visiting a doctor. Usually they take time off work for this. But if you have not done this, it will be enough to present a referral to a doctor or a sick leave/outpatient card to prove your innocence. Sometimes a doctor can simply write you a certificate stating that you actually visited him or underwent this or that treatment. In this case, no one has the right to fire you or punish you in any way. After all, this is illegal.

As you can see, there are many reasons. The issue of absenteeism and valid reasons for absence from work, as a rule, has always been very acute. Indeed, in the modern legislation of the Russian Federation there is no clearly defined list possible reasons, according to which an employee can remain unpunished if he is absent from work for more than 4 hours in a row.

Maria Soboleva

How to skip work without unpleasant consequences?

How to skip work - well, admit it, this question arises at least sometimes even for the most disciplined employee. We understand that this is not good, but we are not robots and we can afford to not show up to the workplace just once. You just have to come up with a valid and convincing reason.

How to skip work and not get fired

If you are lucky and have loyal management, then almost any excuse will do as an explanation for the reasons for missing a day of work.

In general, for absenteeism under strict management, any employee may well face dismissal. IN best case scenario- reprimand or fine. This means you will have to think in advance about how to skip work without consequences.

Absence from work the most valid reasons

You can ask your boss in advance for an additional day of rest, or time off, for working overtime or on weekends. It won’t be paid, but it’s relatively legal to skip the boat – it’s quite possible. You must notify your intention to take time off in writing.

Another option for not showing up to work for a valid reason is to donate blood. Do a good deed in the morning and the whole day is at your disposal. Of course, this is not suitable for everyone. Not everyone can become a donor due to health reasons, and many of us are afraid of the procedure.

If you still decide on this option, fill out a certificate at the donor point and an official explanation of your reluctance to work today will be provided.

An alibi will be provided by a certificate stating that you visited a doctor, an entry in the outpatient card. You might feel bad and decide to urgently visit a doctor. But you should notify your superiors of your intention to seek medical help on the day you fail to show up for work.

A certificate of illness of a child or relative who needs your help - escort to the hospital, care, supervision - will also save you from trouble.

How else to skip work and not be fired: in case of an urgent call for a repair team to eliminate an emergency situation - problems with gas supply, a burst pipe, a clogged sewer.

And here is the installation plastic windows or installation entrance doors Those who forced you to skip work will clearly anger your strict manager. If you can talk convincingly with your boss, you're in luck.

If you have the opportunity to obtain fake certificates, do not expect that you will get away with it. The number may work once or twice, but when you abuse it, management can check the authenticity of the documents.

Reason for no-show - what to say

Truancy, of course, is not good. But since this happens to almost everyone, let’s look at the most popular reasons for not showing up for work.

Most often, employees refer to poor health, and then there is a chance to take a day or two off from work.

For example, you caught a cold, and in order not to infect the team, you decided to get treatment at home. Look for the cause of a cold depending on the season - in winter - infection (infected from Yulia from the accounting department, picked up on a crowded trolleybus), in summer - air conditioning or draft.

Or you have a terrible migraine that will not give you the opportunity to work fully. Or you have a toothache - you will urgently need to visit the dentist.

The version of your food poisoning sounds convincing; this could easily happen to anyone. We ate something like this at a party or in a cafe - and this is the result. Just sit at home for a day.

You need to call with a complaint about your poor health early in the morning - this is more convincing, the voice of a sleepy person will sound more like a patient. In addition, you are very worried about your absence and warn about it in advance.

You can simulate a cold by sniffing water through your nose, which will create the illusion of a runny nose. When you return to work, continue to feign weakness and take some pills. Play the role until the end.

I missed work - what to do?

What to do if you missed work - write an explanatory note, and even before you are asked to present it. Describe more convincingly the reasons and circumstances of your absenteeism; it is better if the note is supported by some papers (certificates, telegrams, letters).

For example, a telegram about the urgent arrival of relatives, you must meet and accommodate them.

Those who work with clients can come up with a meeting with one of the respectable people as an excuse for their absenteeism: they played bowling (billiards, squash) and discussed the details of the future contract.

Sometimes a trivial fiction that your husband (child, mother) took both sets of keys and you couldn’t lock the apartment helps you get away with it.

Women have a completely natural reason for missing work - critical days.

Lack of transport, accident, natural disaster - these are completely valid reasons for not showing up at your place of residence. labor activity. In order not to be late for work as a result of such force majeure, you decided not to come at all and work this day fully at another time.

Each person may have a personal need to miss a day of work, but it is always better to negotiate with management and work out your hours later. Then there will be no need to rack your brains about how to skip work. A short break will help you work with more enthusiasm later.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Valid reasons for absence from workare not clearly defined by law. Therefore, the question posed in the title of the article is asked by every working person at least once in his life. Let's try to find the answer.

What is truancy

You cannot come to work without good reason. Every employee knows this. Absenteeism from work is fraught with: at a minimum, an explanation with your superiors, and at maximum, dismissal for absenteeism “under the article.” Truancy tells us Labor Code RF (Article 81, Part 1, Clause 6, Sub. “a”) is an absence from the workplace without good reason for more than 4 hours in a row. Moreover, if your employment contract does not stipulate a specific workplace, then it is impossible to assume that you are absent from work, being not where you usually work, but on the territory of the organization.

Dismissal for absenteeism must be preceded by a written explanation from the employee. If the employer considers the reasons for absence from work that the employee provides to be disrespectful, he may fire him. If the latter does not agree with such dismissal, he can go to court. The court will decide whether the reasons for absence from work were valid or not. This means whether there was absenteeism on the part of the employee or not.

The catch is that the law does not contain a clear list of valid reasons for absence from work. Analysis of labor legislation allows us to identify several groups of such reasons.

Subjective good reasons

Subjective reasons are inextricably linked with the personality of the employee.

First of all, it is a disease. In this case, evidence of justified absence from work will be:

  • a doctor's certificate confirming the visit;
  • entry in the outpatient card about the appointment;
  • sick leave.

Periodic medical examinations of certain categories of workers (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) are a valid reason. A valid reason is the child’s illness. Here everything is exactly the same as with an adult’s illness, only the sick leave will be issued not in an adult, but in a children’s clinic.

An employee cannot be fired for absence from work due to participation in a court hearing as a plaintiff, juror, witness, victim, or defendant in the case. The same applies to failure to appear for work due to being in the investigative authorities in order to participate in investigative actions. The supporting document in this case is a subpoena to the court or to the investigator (interrogator). Calls to the police and work as a member of the election commission also fall into this category of valid reasons.

Absence from work in connection with the elimination of any utility accident at the employee’s place of residence is justified. However, scheduled inspections of housing and communal services organizations are not a sufficient reason for absenteeism.

Objective good reasons

Objective reasons that make it impossible to appear at work are circumstances of various force majeure. These could be weather conditions, road emergencies, man-made accidents or catastrophes, and military operations.

If the employer in these cases does not agree that the absence from work occurred due to circumstances beyond the employee’s control, and it comes to dismissal, then, as the analysis shows, judicial practice in such cases, the case for reinstatement will most likely be considered in favor of the employee.

The main thing is not to delay going to court. Labor legislation allows a month to file a claim for reinstatement at work (Article 392 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Valid reasons for the application

There are a number of circumstances under which an employee has the right not to show up for work. But the employer must be warned about this. Therefore, the employee must write an application to be granted days off.

In accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, at the request of an employee, the employer is obliged to provide up to 5 unpaid days in the event of the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, or a wedding.